Gex is the first result if you search for 3D platformers on google

All these years and Gex is still king


I don't think this is a good indicator m8.



Only if you use pozzed search engines.

So exactly like the one OP is using?

they always know mate

Exactly like everything OP is and represents.

You guys don't know how Cookies work do you

I though you were just pretending to be retarded.

Not him, but potentially retarded. Explain yourself.

meant for

the search has little to do with cookies. Jewgle keeps the records of your behavior with themselves.

yosho is the best ed platformer haha?

Based on IP or tracking browser data across sessions?

its time to kill yourself.

Okay, for real though. Did anyone ever actually play Gex? Has anyone ever played Gex?

I played them all, including n64 version for gex 2.
They're average, nothing special or offensively bad, if you have some sorta nostalgia for 90s TV and pop references out of context, you may enjoy it than for just the average game play. 3 is the best.

Western games were never good.

Western games were good like twice.

doom and doom 64?

Yeah, pretty much.

quake is good too, but really this is like a 4 year period with 3 games to show for it.

That's right user, you tell these baka nippon-chans (that means stupid white people, YES I do know Japanese) the truth! Western games are trash desu!!! By the way did you see the new trailer for Super Taikyo Moshi Roller 6? SO original and sugoi xD!!! Do you think Hana-chan will get her DLC outfit? I bet they are gonna be pantsu with the little stripes I would be so :0!!!! ←- like this face lol so RANDUM!! I can't wait for the deep story and heart breaking romance that comes from ALL superior Japanese games! I hope there is a mechanic where you can sniff Hana-chan's used socks…^///^

go back to your stalker/fallout/mount & blade thread

IP and location

I don't know what you're talking about user, I love Nihon games-dani! I'm mad that "Lets Go Beachballs!!!" was localized too, did you even SEE how bad they ruined it? The park in the Koybashi and Sendo yuri scene clearly had elms in it, and everyone knows that they would never grow in Japan's perfectly temperate climate! The game is TOTES unplayable and I literally blasted it everywhere on my Tumblr. I was so mad I almost didn't notice the little rabbit ribbons on Sendo's bikini armor! I'm glad they at least got ONE thing right. UGH! Real Japanese fan problems, am I right???

>using (((Google)))
>trusting (((Google)))

Who shat in your cornflakes, autist?

I don't know guys this list seems pretty solid CoD and Overwatch aside





You don't shoot portals. You throw portals, with a gun. And it's not a real gun either, it's a portal thrower, because it throws portals.
