Gamer Rage

Do you ever rage while playing videogames? Which videogames make you angriest?

I had a friend who used to bite his controllers to pieces in anger. I used to punch things too but I grew out of it.

I'm sincerely amazed when anything challenges me in the slightest. That level of challenge only seems to be offered by J-games, sadly. I'm always happy to meet a worthy competitor.

I only get angry when I'm doing some sort of really pointless grind and rant about what a retarded waste of flesh I am.

I used to get really physical on my controller but that's when I was 8-10y/o but that stopped once I had to pay for the controller myself
Then I just punched solid objects (namely the wall since it's pure brick no chance I'd actually do anything to it), which was fine until I broke something in one of my hands
Nowadays I barely even get angry at all, but when I do I just get very vocal about my lack of success, I generally stop when I'm at the animal incoherent grunting and insulting the game/ hardware directly stage.

dota 2

I've never broken controllers out of rage only SUBHUMAN LEFTY POL RETARDS THAT DON'T HAVE A JOB do that but DotA 2 can make me pretty salty.

For the past couple of months I've been more and more aggressive when playing vidya, especially online shit. Even this weeks Doom gamenight got me so angry I left a mark on the wall with my boot from kicking it so much. It wasn't just losing, it was more from me not being able to get used to these weapons and not being able to land a single shot. I'm a salty loser, I'll admit it, but it's never been this bad before. I've already broken a pen and a plastic bottle over lag issues and faulty hardware (which contributed to me losing progress and matches on top of my own ineptitude).
I've come close to throwing my mouse across the room and am damn glad I've lent my PSP to a friend for a while.
I used to be expressively angry and yelling back when I was angsty little teenaged shit, but I've calmed down since then. Which makes it so much more baffling to me why I've become so violent lately.
As for what makes me angriest: unresponsive controls. The dissonance between me pressing a sequence of buttons and the character not doing it's fucking told to is beyond infuriating. So any lag, sluggish control schemes and prolonged animations that result from the tiniest of mistakes are sure to bring my piss to a boil. Thus far I haven't broken anything valuable. The pen I put together with scotch tape and that pepsi bottle was already 80% empty.

Whenever I fuck something up in a game I always remain calm and recognoze my own mistakes, but I've broken furniture because of RNG bullshit before

oy vey I've revealed myself

I have low level rage. I just usually "okay fuck games then" and rage quit. Im prone quit. I died in DMC1 yesterday and just shut it off and walked away angrily,

Not even as a kid. If I do good I do good, if I do bad I enjoy being beaten in a video game for a change

For sure, i was just thinking about this cause i was playing bots in a game. And was wishing they would beat my ass in sometimes. Its what makes online more important. For me though, theres a time when you sit down and you just want to relax but a game kicks you in the ass instead.

One must be a massive fucking waste of human resources to get mad at vidya. The only justification is if the game is actively cheating to make your life miserable of if you get put through ridiculous battles and wave defense that makes you deplete all your hard-earned supplies. Anything other than that is pure autism and you should get put down.

However I do support making others angry. Do your absolute best to cause massive asshurt on the enemy team after you buttblast them yet again. Act smug, say it was all easy, call them losers and laugh at them. If you do not make them so mad that they go whine on the forums calling the community "toxic" then you're not doing a good enough job.

I've gotten better at recognizing when I'm having a bad day and should turn the game off, so I don't rage that much these days. It's more of a pervasive sense of unhappiness haunting me every time I play a competitive multiplayer game.

Damn that vids classic

I don't think I've ever raged much but my brother raged like a lunatic.

The only game that really made me throw my controller was super meat boy, back when i was 11 or 12. I would always get mad at games when I died, but that was the only one that really made me throw something. These days I don't get angry at all anymore. Especially not angry enough to break my own shit.

I feel your feels, 7cbd44.

I just stop playing when I fuck up. I haven't played a game in weeks for more than anything but demonstration purposes. I don't mean a display of skill, I mean just playing to show the game in motion for a few minutes. You tend to reserve your rage for things in the real world, when you get worn down enough.

too often usually it happens when I was angry before starting the game

when I'm in the rage mood, every fucking thing, maybe RNG unfairness is the worst

I got pretty mad when playing BDO just because of RNG bullshit. Put me into a serious funk until I stopped playing. I don't know what I expected though.

I get mad when some retard on my team starts sabotaging things out of sheer stupidity. At first, I try to explain how things work, but 9 cases out of 10, they still don't get it and continue fucking up

Fuck you, that's why I always switch to Symmetra, you can't deflect that you fucking shitty ninja

I'm one of those guys who ends up complimenting the other person in competitive gaming. It's both pleasant and gives them false confidence guaranteeing my win.

I don't really have any anger left in me after so many years of always being mad. The most I can really muster is a defeated shrug and going to do something else once I get tired of losing. I've never broken a controller but I've managed to go through 2 360 pads in the last few months. The A button stopped working on one and the Y button on the other. I'm not sure why.

I like to make other people mad to guarantee my win. I don't talk shit at them or anything, but I taunt here and there. Some people have hair triggers. In the last week I've been called a nigger for taunting, a twat for killing a guy, and a virgin loser for teabagging someone.
Whenever I'm badgered into actually playing that turd, it's pretty fun to teabag and Genji you kill as her. They always get pretty angry.

People only get mad when their ineptitude meets their ego.
They're typical children of teenage or lower, or they're adults who never properly matured.
They're the same kinds of people who will get angry when you explain something to them, or become agitated when you tell them to "calm down".

the last game i got angry at was either super mario 64 or mariokart.

mario64 just has a frustrating camera and the way mario turns around by walking in a circle is annoying but managable.

mariokart is such a piece of shit. literally nothing good about the game.

Demonstration to who, user? Sometimes I pretend I'm livestreaming on Twitch with loads of people watching me so I try to be as entertaining as possible.

Holy shit this video takes me back. Things were better 7 years ago.

or people who put effort into what theyre playing.
people who really get into what theyre playing get mad. if you dont understand getting mad at a game, then you probably dont get into vidya games. why are you here?

DRIV3R on playstation. That game was awful, I never finished it because of the bugs and the invisible walls.

I mostly get angry at myself for doing something stupid.


When I was younger, I invited my neighbour to play Tekken with me. He lost three times in a row even with Eddie and suddenly raged and pulled the controller, throwing my PS1 crashing onto the floor. He bolted as I went to check if it was okay, not broken but the faggot was obviously never invited again.

Another Tekken rage but this time I was invited to a classmate's house. He couldn't beat me with anything (he even demanded he can choose MY character) and in the end he started cry-raging and I bolted while his mom said she's sorry and gave me some chocolate to go.

Fucking Tekken 3, man.

Sounds like my younger brother. That kid once got so angry at an N64 game that he ripped the cartridge out and poured chocolate milk in the cartridge slot.

After playing UMvC3 online for years nothing phases me anymore. Even Overwatch with friends.

that's what you get for playing a broken piece of shit game.

The most genuinely angry I've been was old TF2 pubs around when the game went free to play, and even then I just slammed my mouse a bit. When you invest time into an entertainment medium and come away with unsatisfactory results, anger is one of the few completely reasonable emotional responses. Usually nowadays I'm just disappointed or annoyed, but anyone who says you shouldn't be angry at video games is a faggot of the highest degree.

The original video was posted in 2009 and got taken down because he *mutilated* himself by beating the piss out of his wall. 2010 is noticeably better than today.

Rarely if ever, if I do I punch the desk, I'm a desk puncher. I punch the desk even when I'm happy at stuff and go "YEAH" too.

I think that's more an argument against multiplayer games than anything.

If you unironically get mad at vidya then you're a faggot of the highest degree.

Did you know the violent vidya gaem rage is largely a white (and to a lesser extent: asian) phenomenon?

that feeling when a simple taunt makes someone scream inaudibly into their cheap headset

What did he mean by this?

Don't worry user, as our negro friends steal more consoles they will have games to rage about too.

As a hormonal prepubescent, yeah. Grew out of it when I was ~14, like every sane individual.

Let's completely ignore the kind, melanin-enriched teenagers that kill each other over the littlest things that even include video games too.

the vid is a bit quiet, you might want to turn your volume up

Not necessarily anger, but more of an intense feeling of disbelief.

any games from any of the corporations on this list.


responsible for xbox one/kinect/windows10, part of prism, ruining halo, taking over minecraft, xbox online shop overflowing with indishit games (last checked over a year ago)

helps the nsa backdoor everyone's computers along with microsoft

ask Holla Forums (unless they ban you instantly for no reason at all for talking about Holla Forumsnology just like /a/ for talking about /a/nime)

forcibly inserted into many different linux operating systems that would otherwise be 8/10 as some kind of linux coup.

responsible for iphones, part of prism

took over and discontinued countless video game companies, microtransactions, dlc, season passes, full of sjw's who claim sexism and muhsoggyknees because people don't buy the game when really the reason is because the game is broken and low quality and they don't want to take responsibility for that.

gives ea whatever they want. ruined knights of the old republic, ruined every mass effect after ME1

responsible for battlefield

does similar things to ea and activision

microtransactions, dlc, some of the first people to release the cancer of microtransactions and dlc into the video game world.

responsible for leaving microsoft because they didn't like what they were doing to halo, and then doing the same things as them by making destiny

really dumb customer support, not a whole lot of good games, added paid online to ps4, online shop overflowing with indishit games (last checked over a year ago)

very small amount of games worth playing not counting old eshop titles, added paid online to the switch, eshop is overflowing with indishit games (last checked over a year ago), eshop lacking some of the best old titles from n64, gamecube, and so on. infuriating artificial difficulty in some games.

responsible for gta5, microtransactions, dlc, shark cards

responsible for skyrim, fallout 4, (what else did they make? it's so shitty I can't remember)

microtransactions, dlc, digital rights management hell, always online, get banned and lose everything you paid for

responsible for borderlands2, microtransactions, dlc, season passes

He means it sounds like white static


Yeah there were a few times that I'd maybe yell some profanities but it's not often, but it's usually after I beat a particularly challenging or difficult part.

On the other hand I have a friend who throws controllers, bashes his keyboard against the ground causing the buttons to go flying everywhere, bashes his mouse against the arm rest, curses at the game and says its cheating and unfair (but really he just sucks), will actually get up and unplug the console/pc if he is losing in a game, and if you play an older game together multiplayer he will also unplug your controller if you are beating him so that he gets an advnatage - and 99% of the time still loses. Now it's gotten to the point that he doesn't even want to play multiplayer games anymore "because if i'm going to lose it's not fun" - which I always say " G…"

Why is someone like that your friend, let alone someone you know the name of? Convince him to throw himself off the highest building nearby, I'm sure he'll do it if you tell him that if he kills himself he'll win the suicide game.

my high score was a nice 150 before it was removed from the app store

Grow up my dude.

Niggers play lots of vidya (fighting/sportsball/racing), and they're far more prone to violent outbursts elsewhere else, but why is it that they rarely are driven into a violent rage while playing vidya? Because the reason you get really engrossed into certain types of vidya (shooters, for example) is largely hormonal. Traditionally, what did you get when you survived and came back from a war? Pussy. Lots and lots of pussy. This is why we're programmed to love combat, because our ancestors did battle, came back, and then were reproductively successful. Or they conquered the other tribe's women, and were again, reproductively successful. Repeat for ~200,000 years. So we get the dopamine hit of "surviving battle" from vidya, but no spoils of war in the form of pussy, so you get frustrated and lash out in a fit of rage. This is also why the rage shit slows down beyond 18 after you've reached your sexual peak. You're far less hormonal.

But that doesn't explain why niggers don't do it, right? Well, it sort of does. See, urban blacks are hypersexualized from a young age, often becoming sexually active as early as 11. Did you know that girls actually start puberty earlier if there isn't a father present? Now are the STD rates and illegitimate births among blacks making sense? Anyway, the tl;dr is that blacks are often rolling in pussy while they're still very young children, so they aren't drawn to simulated war games in the same way sexually frustrated that white teens are. They'll still happily murder each other over "resource conflicts" (yes, that includes sneakers), but you'll almost never see them smashing their controllers in a fit of impotent, hormone driven rage.

Also czech'd

I just make short videos for (((YouTube))), in which I do not appear, and do not speak. All you see is what's displayed on the TV (not that I have a TV plugged in). I mainly make videos of beating a specific boss, playing through the first level, using exploits to sequence break in stuff like Metroid, and examples of Everdrives and Open PS2 Loader and whatnot.

My capture card is dicking off and introducing random amounts of desync into everything I record, so I can't really compensate for it, which is killing my motivation to do more.

stop telling people what to do. if they want to buy shit let them. if they don't well, let them do that as well. i had to hit page down three times to skip over your waste of a post, it's literally "I DONT LIKE THEM SO LETS BLACKLIST THEM" which is the same shit that whiny mellennium sjws do when something offends their senses

I don't judge my friends solely on video games unlike you losers - he is an all around good guy and most of the things we do as friends do not involve video games.

I once beat the shit out of a kid for throwing one of my controllers.

I may be autistic.

For the love of jesus mary and joseph, the guy looks like pizza the hut from space balls.

Actually, I'm pretty sure it's intelligence based, but I don't have the autism to write out two paragraphs and actually counter your argument

Seems completely justified to me.

Intelligence is definitely a factor in why little black girls are fucking everything that moves at 11-12, while little white girls aren't. R vs K, etc.

People with sloped foreheads tend to be borderline retarded, due to the decreased size of their frontal lobe. Interesting how it controls both one's sexual behavior and cognitive abilities. But don't point this out in public. The slope-skulls will come at you in hordes.

It also helps to immerse yourself in the game, to actually care whether you win or die.

Once threw my controller up in the air in furstration but I knew it would land on the bed. Sometimes bullshit rubberband AI really chaffs my ass.

Yes, we all know that IQ is the best predictor of violence, and race is the best predictor of IQ. But if that was all there was to the equation, you'd see blacks smashing their controllers far more than whites, while it's the opposite. Meanwhile sexual frustration does an excellent job of explaining the disparity. This is an interesting trend to pay attention to, because now among whites we're starting to see more girls partaking in adolescent sex, while less boys are losing their virginity. What does this mean? Girls are becoming more sexually active, while boys are becoming less sexually active. So you've got a small percent of boys having sex with the majority of girls. Good old Female Hypergamy.

As this plays out, I think we're going to see even more vidya rage as white males become increasingly sexually frustrated, dissatisfied, and are drawn to vidya. Or maybe they'll go the way of Japan, where testosterone levels plummet and they go full herbivore, adopting a 2d waifu with anger and frustration being replaced with general malaise/depression.

You don't need a high IQ to be immersed in visual media, as there is no need for imagination. Books, of course, but not vidya/tv/movies.

Stop playing shit games.

You're not fooling anyone. These transparent attempts to make Holla Forums look retarded just make you look even more pathetic.

I get mildly frustrated by griefers and cunts in online games but I don't see how breaking shit up would ease my frustration in any way.

Tell that to Holla Forums. They are the ones who convinced me to try Maryo Cart.
Sorry to tell you, but your favorite game is shit m8.

If you put effort into what you're playing, then you care about the outcome.
If you care about the outcome, then you reflect on your failures and correct your behavior to improve yourself.

Getting angry serves no benefit, and only serves to worsen both your gameplay and your character as a person. Getting angry is thus not for people who care, but for people who do not care.

Getting mad is nothing new but it never escalates beyond alt F4'ing and trying it again after an hour.

I'm just not buying it. Besides, who says blacks smash their controllers less?

This is the dumbest thing I've ever heard

You're trying a little too hard, m80

He's felix posting. That's already redundant

Listen, fag, we all know niggers can't afford consoles. Therefore, they have no controllers to smash to begin with.

You're just stating the obvious; like nigger crime statistics.

Back in high school I was part of a group that played Smash Bros competitively. Yes, it sounds like autism and it was autism and we had plenty of niggers in the group. They used to get omega-pissed when they lost, like monkey rage dancing around throwing controllers and shit. The white and asian guys would get pissed off sometimes sure, but not to the extent the black dudes would fucking rage. Look at videos of Smash tournaments and you'll get what I mean.

Yet I still play this piece of shit because I don't know what else to play.


seriously, how are you still playing that terrible 6 year old game?


Spoken like a true chimp.
Go ahead, user. Go break things when you get angry. Never improve yourself. You're no better than a common hood rat.

Except that's exactly what I do.

I don't know why, but sometimes I get this nagging feeling that I should play this piece of shit again. It happens once or twice a year, and it ends in a crushing feel of disappointment every time. Like repeatedly having a big guy crash your plane before you can make it to your destination. I can't control it. It's an itch that has to be scratched.

Sometimes, when I'm all alone in a dark room and everything's quiet, I think I can hear someone faintly whisper "Buy Fallout 4".

I agree that anyone who has to break things to relieve their anger is an idiot, but controlled anger can be a motivator, and isn't a bad thing.

Don't give in to the voices, user. We both know they only wish to harm you.

Your average white man knows enough restraint to not break things when he's angry.
Anger is good. Anger is pure energy flowing through your veins. You can burn it to propel yourself to victory.



Top tier.

I thought he looked pretty girly too…

i have a scar on my knuckle from punching a ps2 controller. never really had rage problems but trying to ace every battle in pic related drove me nuts.

forgot pic


I broke my first Nintendo DS while playing Super Mario 64 DS. I shut the screen hard and it cracked. That's when I learned to control my anger.

Its a shitty port with broken controls.

I can't even imagine how many traps you've accidentally fapped to if that dude required even more than a second's glance. Shit, statistically speaking, you're probably even gayer than most actual faggots.

My rage is video game related, but not quite the game itself.
Flipped over my couch, smashed a computer tower I had sitting around, put a hole in my wall.

He reminded me of a tomboy I had a crush on

If you haven't flown into an autistic fit of rage, cursing and explicitly covering what you'd do to the developers if you met, then you don't belong here.


Ever get it playing? what was it?

i'll pm you the fix

Dude, it's right here [REGISTER TO UNHIDE LINK]

It was FEAR, something to do with my file pathing that I finally figured out myself. I got it back when I got one of my first jobs and tried for like a month to get it to work.

I'll kick you in every genital you own.

Holla Forums has fallen so far that people here actually play Overwatch. Let that sink in for everyone.

Oh man, that reminds me
>Common response on forums and the dedicated subreddit is "dude there's something wrong with your computer bro XD check for viruses brah update your drivers bruh"

Another example

What if the 4gb patch fixed the memory leak and the guy was too big of an autist to convey it?

I even tried it. As I suspected, it did jack shit.

Shit like this man, fuck forums and their god damn autistic retards who have nothing to offer other than shit. I fucking hate trying to find a solution for hours on end that ends up being simple as fuck in the end.

Its been like that for a while, man.

Fair enough. I know there are some fixes that call themselves stupid shit like that. PC games are a gamble now considering back in the day, PC games were really made only one way and it was up to the user to tailor their computer to work with the game.



You don't deserve help, but have you tried running it on DX9? I haven't had a single crash since like 3.0.0d (after a week or two of instability, it's common for their large patches to behave this way), and almost no graphic-related bugs since using the lower, more stable DX version

Also if you framerate sucks, consider dropping target framerate to like 5, giving it dedicated fullscreen, and disabling vsync.

Fucking brilliant mate

An unclean desktop is a terrible thing to see

Oh no, did I write reddit in my post? It's almost as if GGG mainly listened to reddit. It's almost as if most of the discussion goes on at reddit. It's almost as if some discussions on the forums link to reddit, so if you want to read someone's post, you need to visit that shitassed website.
Control your autism, user.
I have tried waiting for a patch, this has helped quite often. And I'm not going to play PoE at minimum settings because the devs decided to have the game shit out billions of particles and to have every particle produce a sound, hogging the sound channels.

How embarassing for you.

Once I threw my HALO xbox controller at my stepdad because he was being a dick to my brother. It broke on his head. It was worth the beating.

are you frustrated user?

I still play tf2 and nothing makes me angrier than getting insta killed by some gibus cunt getting lucky with a crit

The only time i've raged at anything isn't when I lose or someshit but when i fucking lag. Even if I win a fight i still leave salty over the lag.

The only thing that gets under my skin is my mouse&keyboard/controller malfunctioning. Even if the framerate is tanking or whatever I'm playing crashes I look for a fix. If the fix doesn't work I go play something else. But when my mouse drags or my controller thumbsticks only work 95% of the time, I lose it. I can't play VR because of this because the controls are constantly fucking up and it makes me lose my shit

Lasers getting fucking stuck in Talos Principle

As someone who is very, very good at this game, it's basically Rage: The Game. In fact it'll probably make you more angry by being good at it.

Felix posting is guaranteed the best bait.

Sounds like you enjoy being a cuck too faggot.

Avatarfag, be honest, were you bullied as a child?

I don't think I've ever really felt genuine anger from anything else except for inconsistent/bad internet. If I get my ass handed to me and get shitter shattered for two seconds, it will subside pretty quickly. If I'm stuck on a boss and getting frustrated, I'll recognize that, turn the game off and come back later (usually beating it first or second try at that point). But if I'm in the middle of a game and my internet starts acting up, I get this genuine stress that boils in my veins and makes me want to throttle something, pun not intended. Everything else can be explained by you being a shitty scrub or playing a garbage broken game, but four digit lag spikes are a 100% uncontrollable middle finger from the universe.


I never rage, just get a little bit mad. I usually find a different server or stop playing once I start tasting those emotions.


I draw anger out of people more than them out of me. In TF2 I'm a twitchy demoman with no sense of self preservation. Often times when you get matched against teams that can actually aim, you'll find that they can't defend or push worth a shit. Even if I'm being quad-dominated by their best players they end up losing because they resort to turtling. I throw myself at people no matter what specifically for that reason. Make them retreat first, if they don't, get in their faces so they blown themselves up. When they call me trash I tell them they lost to trash and leave the server before the next round starts. Usually results in pic related.

Lag isn't something that's 100% uncontrollable you hyperbolous faggot. In the same way that you can just "get good" you can just buy better hardware, get a better ISP, move to the city where whatever game you're playing is hosted.

I only rage when i spend time playing shitty games and i don't like them at the end. Having a little anger over a good placed challenge only produces happiness in me, meaning that game is that good it makes me want to overcome it. But that's almost never happens nowadays. Games are a fuck.

I think only in games that require teamwork with pubs.

having to help people like russians is usually a terrible time, they are like the niggers of white people. Kinda like the Irish only they are way more plentiful on the internet.

I'm generally a nice guy and actually like to help folks in MMORPGs with gear and try to give them advice since its nice to be social. But with people like these russians I just get so salty just by helping them that I'd rather fuck them over just to atleast have some fun of my own.

I bit my computer once like 7 years ago playing some platformer, I threw a controller 12 years ago playing a racing game, and I hit my brother while playing super smash brothers maybe 15 years ago. Recently I just delete the game if I think there's some bullshit.

Are you a dog?

Are you too a manchild who gets assblasted when playing vidya?

I have large, hard calcium deposits on my left knuckles from punching bricks and metal objects out of autistic fury from MOBA games. It's like Muay Thai legends kicking palm trees to forge their shin bones but with violent video game fueled autism


not before I kill you first, kid…

Life of a casual



Controlled anger stops being anger the moment it's controlled.
I'm glad we worked this out, as I was worried that you guys were actually lunatics who couldn't control your emotions.

Feeling anger, or sadness or anything but pure focus really isn't useful in any sense, so it's best to choose not to feel them and instead channel all of your attention on carefully considered action.

I get really pissed when I lag hard and I can't do anything about it and loose. I only hammer the table with my fist though. Never something serious.

I don't think that's how it works.

is everyone a same fag, you filthy casual gamer?


you faggots are pathetic.
"gaymer" fucking kill yourselves cringeworthy autists

I self identify as a video-game enthusiast or rather, how should I say, a gaming hobbyist.
*clinks wine glass*

I never empathize with people who break shit. Anger problems run in my family, and I have gotten quite mad at video games before, but I've never broken anything or even tried to slam my controller. Why would I ever break the thing allowing me to play video games in the first place? Barbaric. Mostly I'd just bitch and moan.

Funnily enough my tendency to get mad at games shifted but didn't quite diminish as I became more educated about game design. The things that really piss me off nowadays are bad user interfaces. Sometimes the 3d world map in Total War games makes me mad as fuck because the "hit detection" on you being able to click shit on that map is fucking horrendous and the angled bird's eye view does not help either. I have made fatally erroneous moves thanks to clicking on the wrong pixel-tiny piece of terrain and having no pathing preview at all. The entire campaign map should just be a more detailed version of the diplomacy map (Strategic Overview or whatever) which is a 2d atlas with icons. Seriously, fuck the 3d world map. It's also a performance hog for no fucking reason. What is culling off camera objects from the render stage?

I never got extremely pissed angry at vidya. at most I'd get annoyed and just groan or sigh.
I'll never get people who get extremly angry and cuss when playing vidya, ehich is what my frinds do. it kinda scares me since it's just a game. It's why I don't recommend them to play Harzadous course+


Only fighting games. I've never completely broken a controller, but I shelled out for a Panzer Fightstick 3 and despite stress testing it against my desk, there isn't a dent in the thing. However there is quite a dent in my desk.

he's just like me grandfather its incredible.

Playing late stage mini games from DK64 when I was 8 was enough to send me into a spastic fit.


Occasionally, when something extremely frustrating happens, I say "fuck" out loud. I consider such outbursts to be unacceptable and do my best to keep my temper under control, but sometimes I just can't help it.

To clarify, the issue is not the swearing itself, but the emotion behind it. Only animals are controlled by their emotions.

This annoys me also:
Where do these people get off?

You are an animal, torposter. Just accept it.

Is that mrrepzion?

Indeed, we are all animals. I was not using the word in its literal sense here. Instead, I meant it as a pejorative for humans who lack self-control.

Funniest rage story


I used to rage hard with vidya, but now I just feel annoyed or disappointed. When I raged I usually started with swearing audibly, then when that didn't work I started crushing my controller between my legs. If I was really in a bad mood I started biting myself, the controller and overall silently flailed around trying to comprehend the crazy amount of anal anguish. Around friends, I stifle myself to loud swearing and silent anger. Revealing anything else to them would be even more autistic.

But the maddest I have ever gotten was at motherfucking XCOM: Enemy Within on Classic Ironman. I have withstood unbearable amounts of bullshit, but XCOM tested my fucking patience. I had only one psychic guy and I got him near an elder alien to test if I could hit him with an ability, don't remember what. I am already on the final stretch of the game, doing a crashed UFO mission and he was the last guy left.

I of course completely forget that these faggots explode upon death, and my guy was already low on HP. I kill the guy with another teammate, watch in horror as the elder takes my psychic guy with him as he explodes and I just saw red. I took my controller and crushed it between my hands with almost no effort. The kind of rage you go into where you don't remember the exact details afterwards. I beat the game eventually but fuck that noise.

I didn't learn from last time and now I want to beat it on Impossible Ironman. I didn't think it possible, but I am meeting even more unbearable bullshit in the early game. I use all the dirty tricks I can and I still get "outwitted" by the obviously cheating AI. My overwatches don't activate, because the AI abuses the fuck out of line-of-sight and how unbelievably vague it is to gauge. Over 90% shots miss way too often and I seriously doubt the percentage displayed. It goes without saying but fuck the free move the aliens get after being discovered. Aliens just tank overwatches in the most suicidal tactics ever and crit my rookies, sending everyone into panic. My support that missed 2 90% shots gets panicked and he one-shots another one of my rookies. I know not to get angry at dying so much, but I am smoldering with rage at the thought of this game being designed for casuals, only to get a harder difficulty tacked on with nothing to support it.

What a great post.


Literally nothing wrong with that, its fucking turn based.

i dont get mad i just smoke weed and laugh

I get pretty pissed when I die in Project 1999. Not when I die a deserved death, but when I fuck up an easy area. Soon I"m gonna hit level 30 and get feign death though. I can't fucking wait.

haha dude

haha weed

I agree with this user, although I've never actually had a fit of rage there have certainly been a lot of games where would alt f4, shut down and go to bed instead of continue..


Playing Dragon Age: Inquisition. I got up to the first big boss fight, the attack on Haven and almost got through it. Died right at the end.

So I played another 8 hours, leveled up my characters, improved my equipment, and then went back to it. And died right at the beginning of it. At this point I rage quit. That was an hour ago.


Were you the guy that said bg every game on Doom gamenight? I used to get angry at games when i was doing badly, but what helped me was watching griefing videos and realising what i sounded like. Now i laugh when people rage and when i perform badly i shrug it off and try harder the next time. If i continue to do badly i play something in a different genre and come back later. No sense in stressing over vidya When im already a lonely fat fuck with no life

You sound like nothing but an obnoxious faggot transparently false flagging with Vivian. Fuck off.

i like to think that i'm a pretty mellow guy but i legitimately punched a hole in my wall thanks to mario kart 8 and have never loaded it up since

When I've gotten fed up with legitimate bullshit long enough in a game with action to get well and truly pissed off, (I'm unhealthily stubborn by nature to the point of executing outrageous, but only possibly bad for me solutions to problems I passionately refuse to accept), I literally use my rage to forcibly hone my senses and skills to max for the sake of logically relievingly destroying what made me so aggressive in the first place no differently than an actual threat triggering the fight-or-flight response.

Always works, but unsurprisingly I literally have to catch my breath and basically cool down when I've finally exited the mental state. Don't be this hotheaded faggot, it's not nearly as cathartic as you think. Yes, I know anger's the most powerful and most dangerous emotion if you harness it too negatively. I'm working on it, but there's something so satisfying about just thinking "Fuck this shit. Attack." But, holy shit, there's too much of it of all kinds in the world for anyone to deal with like this, normalfag or user.

How the fuck do any of you resist taking that anger and lashing out wildly at shit that deserves it? I want to cause more suffering than redemption of anyone at this point out of pure spite and that even transfers to video games. I hate and want to painfully kill my enemies, not save them when they don't deserve it.

Gee, I wonder what color their skin is.

I used to full on break stuff if any game made me angry enough, but I grew out of it years ago.

Battlefield 3 makes me rage to the high heavens. Problem is your team always sucks, and if your team sucks, it's hopeless. Because no matter what you do you will just get killed by whatever vehicle is on the higher food chain than you.



I used to punch and scratch walls, but now i keep filling myself with oat porridge. Thank G'd i pirated all those games, otherwise i'd be in rage-induced coma right now.

More like upset, not outright anger, i know the game can be won or at least mastered to some degree and outright anger might impede my progress. Its normal to be angry but don't let your feelings overcome you.

to be honest it is frustrating when a game mechanic is shit or teammates are not coordinated

I have no idea what's going on in that picture.

What do you hit to relieve your anger?

on the joint 420 bro

yeah fam, over the last like 10 years, i have destoyed tons of controllers, 2 monitors, a keyboard, and put a bunch of holes in the wall.

I almost fucked the joystick from my gamepad for trying the firehopping assburgers.

When I was 8 I played Megaman with my Aunt's NES, when I got to the yellow devil I got 7 gameovers. Snapped that shitty 3rd party controller in two

Punching things to satisfyingly inflict violence.

the only people who rage at video games are actual children

Reading this makes me fucking ANGRY

>play TF2 inb4 beaten housewife syndrome

Mainly just when shit happens that is outside of my control. Like getting disconnected from online servers, getting a particularly annoying troll on your team, or a game save gets corrupted somehow. Just stuff that fucks everything up, and there is nothing I can do about it but curse God or whatever.

dude i hate you so much i am laughing

no, never, not even when I was a kid.

nice get

Used to have a problem with this. Punched a screen and broke it.

Have never raged since. Not even after permadeaths in games with dozens of hours invested.

Those rocket jumping queers and scunts had something to do about it.

No, not anymore. But I feel deeply sad when my village in Banished dies

Newfag detected

Oh shit look at this oldfag here. A get is a get, even if it's as low as dubs, nigger.

Not as much as I used. At one point, I smashed 4 PS3 controllers in a year.

Nothing angers me more than a competitive multiplayer game, where my team consists of useless retards and the opponents are all decent.

I end up having to carry my team, but still lose because it's a team game and I can't be everywhere at once or attack and defend at the same time.

It's frustrating, because it's practically 1 vs 5.

seriously dude get something else besides a windows phone

that guy in the video would make a really cute trap