How did this game ever see a sequel (Let alone a ~~rerelease~~, "remaster")?

>Graphics looks worse than a game from 5 years prior (And, they're even more terrible in the DX release)
>Using the same three to five animations for ALL of the NPCs
I'm currently in Shanghai, and I'm just wondering how this game ever became a "hit".

Its just as bad as original Deus Ex. Its paying respect to classics.

muh meme catchphrase


Dude sex hype as well as being marginally better than IW


Eat thirty smegma encrusted dicks you uneducated nigger

Also, the no lethal/stealth approach is fucked up if you like to explore everything. Knocking down the to chinks in the apartment messes up a quest you get later.

It says right there. The director lacks a foreskin

Consoles and a Wii U port, that's why.

if you are playing the director's cut, you should turn on the commentary. they talk a lot about how consoles and executive decisions held them back. the mirror in adam's apartment is non-reflective because consoles at the time couldn't handle it


Not even reflective, they were all broken as a cheap excuse to cover up that the engine couldn't do reflections.

excuse my autism but I though the mirror was busted b/c jensen punched a fast ass hole in it and it was in peices; wasn't there a sticky note in its place?

I have to call bullshit on that one because other FPS games like The Darkness II (Released a year later) and fucking Doom 3 (Released 6 years earlier, on the original Xbox) had working mirrors.

Its busted because the game has no working mirrors because modern devs are lazy fucks who work with increasingle outdated potatoes.

I was talking about the in-game explanation for absence but you knew that already, my negro friend.

the fuck are you on about, it most definitely has one
if you play on hardest difficulty it just turns off the reticle, you can turn it right back on with no penalty

Play the game again, because it's not just Adam's mirror. None of the mirrors in DXHR are reflective and are usually conveniently "broken".

Hence why it's all the more embarrassing HR has no reflections. There are games from around the original DX's release that had reflective mirrors. Fucking Duke Nukem 3D had them, in a roundabout way.

Now that's a hot load of bullshit if I ever saw one, pop in a copy of MGS4 into a ps3 to see that. And that game was made 3 years earlier.

every mirror in the game is the same, its kinda weird

You're all transhuman vampires who live in a shitty fanfiction of a game.

It's more likely a problem with the engine than consoles themselves.

What's more embarrassing are the physics and how they interact with the environment. I remember how in Invisible War you could burn bodies by throwing them over burning barrels. HR had none of that.

ur stupid.

No, you can't. I just loaded up the game to verify, and there is nothing in the options menu that allows you to turn on the reticle. The closest thing to is only changing the difficulty.

You want to hear something funnier. In HRDX, I managed to get an enemy's body to clip through the ground. He's stuck in the upper district of Shanghai near the manhole. Every single time I load up the area, he's still' stuck in the ground

Wow, I screwed up the formatting on that one.

pretty sure it's under 'gameplay options' submenu which for some reason also has the FOV option in there IIRC

Okay, yeah, they removed both of those from the console versions of DX (And, to explain why I'm playing the console version, I received it as a gift).

I liked the Hengsha level.

Ever been to Shenzhen? Small vilage with fifty thousand people in 1980. Mega city with 20 million people today making every mobile phone on the planet. Insane place.

Glory to comrade Deng Xiaoping. When commies beat you at capitalism…

Anyway sorry for this interlude. Back to another episode of "every game is shit".

hype and the games that came before it are almost all of why it got as popular as it had

if blizzard ended then rebooted WoW and said it was gonna be as good as vanilla WoW, while also acknowledging some of their past mistakes, and then it turns out that its worse than WoD, they'd probably still have a few million players, even if most of them are chinese

but if some company nobody ever heard of made a game thats exactly like, say, kirby airride in terms of game mechanics, except better and with a level editor, barely anyone would buy it and they wouldn't even get close to breaking even

but if for the same game they also paid some popular streamers to shill the game for them, and paid "video game journalism" websites to shill for them, then suddenly they'd make a very large profit off of the gameeven without dlc or microtransactions, even if they decide to scrap 80% of the finished game and put it behind on-disk DLC and then add microtransactions for even more profit, THEN add denuvo to appease the unqualified stockholders

imagine microtransactions in a racing game

the reason that deus ex HR got a director's cut is because the games that came before it did good, and basically were ALREADY shilled, mostly for free, via the best manner; word of mouth

They all did it in basically the same way: the room with the mirror was copied and mirrored on the normal, so everything that was reflected was rendered twice. If you were pushing the poly budget already, mirrors were a detail that couldn't be afforded.

The solution to that is to simply not make bathrooms super complex and not to put them in every single combat section imaginable so that you wouldn't have to render 50 enemies using the mirror. Having broken mirrors in areas with combat segments is understandable but not in a place like Jensen's apartment where there will never be any enemies.

Because look at the other games released the same year.

nice digits
Wrong, glacier can do reflections, shitman abortion had it, it's judt that devs are incompetent
body draging was unchanged so you magically grab either leg or either arm instead of more intuitively carrying corpses

Aww, is this thread hurting your feelings? You know there's other sites you can go to if it gets too mean for you, right?

Let me tell you why that's bullshit…

That faggots been shitting up every thread complaining about Holla Forums. He'll threaten to leave "after posting on Holla Forums for 10 years" but will stay just to bitch more.

I don't know whether you people are retarded but there's a difference between rendering a duplicate of an empty room made of 8 polygons and duplicating a room made of 30 million or so, It's no problem for a PC game to have a scene suddenly double the number of rendered polygons when the player opens a door to a room with a mirror, since if the player gets frame drops the poor faggot can just buy a new GPU. But on console if the game developer has a cap of only 10 million polygons rendered in a scene in order to maintain that silky smooth 30 fps, then they have to decide if a room should be made up of 10 million polygons and no mirror, or 5 million polygons and a mirror

God I love how incompetent these developers are nowadays.

You're forgetting that NPCs have by far the highest polygon count with the player having the most and bathrooms are some of the least detailed type of room. If you are capable of rendering five different NPCs in the same room then there is no way you can't render an extra copy of the player model in an area where no NPCs can get in.


Better example:

Story was complete ass, gameplay at least kinda felt like Dude Sex.

A prequel to Deus Ex can be done, but I doubt it'll ever be done by a AAA dev because of how the game is going to need to delve into real sensitive topics. HR and MD never had any real conspiracy elements to it like the original, most it ever did was reference the Illuminati but that's all.

If a prequel to Deus Ex is gonna be made it needs to distance itself as far away as possible from Denton's story line so as to rid itself of a lot of sequel baggage, and then from there it's a free for all story wise. There are tons of conspiracy theories they could work with so long as they are reasonably grounded in reality as to not be comedic but also to get you to actually think about shit. They could do a story where private companies manipulate scientific data to push political agendas, the government putting drugs in the water supply to make the populace more docile, how the media controls a lot of what the mainstream thinks, how banks control and manipulate the money supply, etc. It's really a free for all here, the only problem is the devs need to be willing to delve into these topics which AAA obviously isn't willing to.

But there's also the issue of political bias. Unfortunately, I think whoever ends up making a true successor to Deus Ex might have a liberal bias and the game might come off as
Or something like that, which is pretty much what happened with MD to a degree with the whole "AUG LIVES MATTER" shit.

HR and MD shifted their focus to post-modern "social issues", as opposed to largely political, ethical and financial ones – like those in the original Deus Ex. In the first game, poverty and class struggle were a focal point of the setting, but they ultimately were just that; a part of the setting. The story, on the other hand, concerned itself more with century-spanning political conspiracies, grey morality, and the dangers of unrestricted scientific advancement and government surveillance.

To put it neatly; HR and MD felt lackluster because they – much like everything else under the fucking sun, now-a-days, wanted to tackle "complex social issues" like racism, sexism, classim, and whatever other Marxist buzzwords we as a society have been hearing about since the 1950's.
The original, on the other hand, wanted to talk about FEMA, HAARP, pharmaceutical fuckery, press censorship, false-flagging nationalists as terrorists, one world government, secret societies, and the possibility of a post-scarcity world.

It was ahead of its time, and to be honest? It still is.

It came out in 2011 AKA "2007: Part Two".

It mentions mudslimes and isn't saying that they're objectively guilty for every crime ever? Clearly they must be sucking sand nigger dick.


Agreed, the original was somewhat prophetic because they dug into a lot of weird shit, the recent ones are written like fucking day in date sitcoms.

The irony of the screencap is believing extremists to follow the rules of their own ideology - which is supposedly peaceful to begin with - thereby automatically eliminating them as a suspect.

I bet you think ISIS aren't real muslims too, because the Quran has some verses of peace, right?

tfw the only person in the world who genuinely loves Invisible War.

The only thing I can remember from HR was
I'm guessing that the augs were a stand-in for niggers being oppressed if that was the "social issues" they were addressing. Even at trying to focus on social issues they fucked up massively.

Honestly, I'd just like to see a Deus Ex game where you walk into the Federal Reserve and everyone is a cartoonish depiction of a Jew and they all have nasally voices and constantly let goy or goyim slip by accident. It would be a hilarious shit show of backlash if it ever happened.

I remember liking a lot back then but If I tried to play it now I'd probably hate it.

it's been like 11 years since I last played. I wonder if I will still like it?

It wasn't an awful game, but from the perspective of it being a "Deus Ex" game it's shit.

You don't even need it to be very heavily grounded in reality, just have shit that is interesting to think about like the shit about nukes not being real. But even for real ones the list is massive, and this is including ones that even most conspiracy nuts aren't aware of.

Jensen's argument is blatantly wrong and is based on a myth that regularly gets spread around by normalfags. Suicide is also wrong for anyone that believes in the Quran but the thing is that jihad is essentially a get-out-of-jail-free card. That is why the guys that flew the planes on 9/11 were snorting coke before they did the attack, because their martyrdom allows them to make up for it. It is also why Omar Mateen shot up that gay bar in Orlando despite being gay himself, because it was him redeeming himself.

To be fair, shooting a bar full of faggots benefited Western society immensely. He's an unsung hero.

Oh man he gets parts right and then gets so much oh so wrong
Does he seriously think a Multi-cultural multi-national EU like thing world wide can get us into space when the development of space technologies has been going down hill ever since the 1969 Immigration bill in America, We don't even have the tech to do manned moon missions any more, when at the very least we could have had a man on mars in the 80s Possibly the 70s and possibly have at least the basis of warp travel by now

An interplanetary, or interstellar, civilization would be a completely fascist one. I can't imagine how a civilization could effectively go interstellar unless they had the full support of the nation and a nationalist motive behind it, they really couldn't afford to have a bunch of uppity xeno-niggers constantly begging for gibs.

Had Hitler won we at the very least would have a Moon colony by now, maybe even one on Mars. It's not a secret Hitler wanted Germany to excel in everything from physical fitness, as demonstrated in the Olympics, to science and technology as well. If he won he probably would've given Wernher Von Braun what he wanted, to work on civilian rocketry and a blank check complementary of the Reich.

Too bad we live in the shitty timeline where he lost and now we are expected to give billions of gibs to niggers rather than billions towards NASA, and as a result we are trapped on this planet.

>thinking (((Hitler))) the (((SOCIALIST))) should've won
Fuck off Holla Forums

I don't want to derail the thread, but all I'll say is that you need to brush up on your knowledge of the German economy during the NSDAP

We've had this thread on /k/ when you faggots were talking trash about BASED Gun Jesus when he was censoring the nazi flag and you got BTFO.

IW may be a shit sequel to DX, but even it managed to have little details (such as physics and environmental interaction) that HR and MD gloss over. That's honestly why the new games feel so hollow compared to what Ion Storm made; they're Deus Ex games in the broadest sense, but they skimp over the small details.

I had the opposite effect; I played it at release and never cared for it, then I finally played it in 2012 and wound up enjoying it despite how short it was and how it was obvious the game was rushed out the door, like the anticlimactic revelation that the Order and the WTO are working together being an obvious sign of that.

Woah dude I once talked to someone else somewhere and I completely BTFO them XD thats why I start crying about a board when someone makes an argument. you will continue crying and try to derail the thread further with low effort shitposting

We're talking about how shitty of a game DE: HR is. Fuck off with your derailment.

user please I'm on Holla Forums BECAUSE I don't care about people. Being an anti social faggot who doesn't want to belong is my mental illness. Why do you think I'm here and not on reddit down voting folks?

Which is why I can say that I liked Deus Ex HR and not for one second be bothered about the group think narrative (observe by the way how every forum naturally coalesces into a community, humans are social animals and I don't care for it). Now time for morning coffee.


He gets nothing right, all he is doing is making up categories and then acting like that did anything. It's like creating a new category for black-holes called "super ultra giga mega blackhole" and then acting like you did some immense breakthrough when you find a super ultra gige mega blackhole. And the other shit he says is shit he made up on the spot like the thing about a one world language, for which he has no guarantee whatsoever that will actually happen, or that you can somehow magically calculate how long it will take to reach Type 1 despite that being speculation on technologies that haven't been invented yet. And he gets even the most basic shit wrong, like how the EU was supposedly made to oppose NAFTA despite NAFTA being made 50 years after the EU.
The technology has existed for decades or at least people claim it does, the issue is that it requires as much power as the entirety of the US uses up within a month. As a result there has been no way of testing it because there is no way in a million years you are going to find that kind of energy source.

If you're as non-caring about the "group think narrative" as you claim to be, why don't you actually contribute something to the conversation instead of looking like a jackass "(1) and done" who says something different just to be different (Not because you actually believe it)?

I'll take nuclear fusion for 500.

I didn't say "that can beat out the US power grid", I said that you aren't going to find an energy source that can deliver on that much CONSUMPTION. Not how much the US produces. And on top of that it has to be extremely energy-dense because the object in question is supposed to fit within the confinement of a spacecraft, not the size of a continent.


Dude Sex: Humor Retribution was a good game.

I see no problems here. I always turn that shit off when I can.

But they are capitalists in every sense of the word. The best commies are never commies to begin with. It is funny how you dipshits get so pissy about nothing.




Mirrors generally have another player model as a reflection.
This doubles the expense on engines and platform so a AAA character at let's say 10,000 polygons becomes 20,000 with the addition of 1 mirror.
However, a player model with only 200 polygons like earlier games, only is 400.

The more advanced, higher detail/poly games get, the less efficient this method of reflection becomes and the less you'll see of it.

Out of curiosity, what other methods do developers have when it comes to making in-game mirrors?

'00s called, they want to talk to you about viewportals.

It was possible to do it at the time and it's possible to do now. The argument of "muh polygons" doesn't apply for a multitude of reasons and it also conveniently ignores that older games had to work with less powerful hardware, for which the game needed to be optimised to ensure it wouldn't exhaust the limited resources available. It's done less due to more rushed release schedules and often times mere laziness, not due to resource limitations, as polygon count has gone up so has the power of hardware alongside it.

Hello have you heard of consoles?

If by viewportals you mean another camera acting as the mirror, that still doubles the render load for the engine and platform.

I wouldn't know too much about alternate tech details, I'm just an artist.

Say whatever you want about this game, it still had one of the best dialogue systems imo


And you think consoles used to be in a different state to what they are now? Today they are weaker than desktop computers and back then they were weaker than desktop computers. It doesn't excuse anyone in the slightest.

computing requirements for games scales up in a more quadratic sense than the linear scaling of the hardware available. Though that's more to say that modern developers are bad at optimizing and are aiming for ultra-HD realism graphics rather than a workable standard that makes the most out of what can be shown than just the quality of the textures and having a polycount, like having reflections.

this was one of my best posts ever


I'm glad someone saved it, I never laughed at my own humor so much

And when publishers are focused on GRAFIX GRAFIX GRAFIX, do you think they'd allow for room in a scene that'd allow another player level of detail character to be rendered?

Another reason for a lack of mirrors is that a lot of FPS games do not have whole character bodies, but a set of hands and the weapons.

Everything in this post is wrong, except maybe for the RPG mechanics to some extent


The excuse that Jensen broke his mirror is even dumber considering that broken mirrors would still reflect to some degree. I'd like to see a game that utilizes reflective broken mirrors.

The new hitman

All this talk of mirrors reminds me that you dont see moving platforms anymore either
No conveyor belts, elevators, or just parts of the environment you can ride around on


If I didn't get back from just playing a bit of the original Doom, I wouldn't have realized just how correct you are. The only elevator's recent games have are ones "in between" levels.

In many cases they don't even go up or down, instead simply dropping you in a new level.

it was better than old deus exes you nostalgiafags

Was real disappointed it didn't take on gubernment conspiracies like the first did. Instead it was some shit about augmentation. Can't imagine how bad mankind didvided is.


I played HR before trying out the original, it's vastly different in terms of how it plays. And although HR improved in some aspects, like making hacking into a small minigame rather than having it as a simple timer, the original was still a better game because it was faster and gave much more freedom in how you can tackle things: both in how many different types of tools are available to you and how many different ways you can complete your objective.

but their not wrong.