what's he doing right now?
Phil fish
Other urls found in this thread:
Being utterly redundant, of course.
Inspecting children's toys for small parts that can be accidentally swallowed
Making threads on 8/v/
I wonder about this too. I'm sure he got a pretty decent chunk of change from the various awards he won and the indie hype blitz that made him famous, but these people are notoriously bad with money. They usually live in San Francisco, meaning they are burning away money for a shitty apartment that costs ten times as much as it should. They take forever to get motivated and give up easily. He's not writing articles for Polygon or Buzzfeed to scrape together some shekels. He doesn't have a patreon. He hasn't done a kickstarter. He wasn't even an especially talented programmer, so it's not like he can get an IT job somewhere.
What does happened to "indie superstars" after their 15 minutes of infamy are over?
To my knowledge he wasn't a programmer at all. He was an artist and "ideas guy."
An indieshit version of Tetris for PS4.
That's right user, he hired the programmers to work on it. Probably because nobody in their right mind would work with such a cunt for free/profit share.
I know he spent a lot of time putting autistic secret codes in the sprites that most people never figured out or didn't care about. He may have done some of the work himself, but considering it took him 5 years to go from tech demo to playable game, including a lengthy battle with the guy who actually did most of the programming.. followed by also doing a documentary where his shitty game apparently froze constantly and went unplayable for most of the convention, I can't imagine anyone would hire him for anything even remotely related to games.
Wasnt he working on vr knock off 3d tetris or something and selling it as a trance like experience?
no, Phil, I don't care enough to discuss it
He's gathered a team of other dried up cunts to make 3D Tetris: Trippy Purple Background - VR Edition.
It's even worse than that user. He didn't even come up with the idea for the core mechanic, his original partner did.
So Phil stole his idea and dumbed it down for the masses. Then he hired others to do all the actual work on the game.
Rotting in John Podesta's basement after being completely used up
Choking someone with his humunguous dick.
This is loss.
whats the time difference between those pictures?
One is a loser at day and the other is a loser at night.
Every. Time.
Ripping off Paper Mario doesn't count as an idea.
Afaik he got those prizes because he promised the judges to give them money under the table in the form of a percentage of fez sales that were more than the cash value of those prizes
Point is he probably didn't break even after that and iirc nobody bought his shitty studio polytron either
Sucking dick for profits but not for fun I wish, anyone knows if fishcuck has rich parents to bail him out?
He's Canadian, so he's just on welfare or something.
Probably prepping some angry muslim cocks to culturally enrich his wife.
he's married? I highly doubt that
I have no idea. But remember Anthony Burch was married for a while, so a women having low enough standards to be with Phil Fish isn't completely unreasonable.
Checking these dubs
You can't live in frisco off welfare, you can't even live there if you're middle class anymore
I think there's a difference. Burch is the epitome of "nice guy pushover", and his weakness is something that women would find easy to take advantage of (as his wife later did).
But Phil? Phil is just fucking crazy. He's unhinged. That makes him seem dangerous to potential mates, and I'm not talking about the exciting kind of dangerous either. The meltdowns he's had on Twitter are not just for show.
I think he lives outside of Memphis or some shit like that.
go ask your friends at NeoGAF
You're thinking that south park game.
Checked, well done.
Don't you have to be in cucknada to get their gibsmedats? pretty sure that even if you are a fucking leaf once you leave the caliphate you can't get any poorfag buxs anymore