4 am Thread

Losing control?

Was there ever a game you were mad that it actually received a positive reaction?

When I woke up today my dick was purple. What do I do?

Nu-doom. I fucking hate when people name games the same as the original. Its like they think people are stupid they are

you turned gay

Paint the head green and post pics.

Go to a doctor. It sounds like its not getting bloodflow or the blood is stagnating.

Mornign or night, whichever you feel.

Replacement here, how're you doing?

Go to the fucking doctor.

Same thing happened to Battlefront, I fucking hate that shit.


I sorta celebrated by birthday today. Its a week early but it was a combo party with my mom's.

Press F to pay respects.

I haven't read a view that I really trust to be unbiased (as in not paid off or given a perfect score because of politics) recently, so I really can't say anything.

On a postitive note, I finally got to play a Yakuza game, 4 that is, and holy shit what the fuck was I missing this shit is awesome. I just smoked weed all day and played it. Just finished the second part and it's seriously the best shit I've played in a long time.

You should at least try.

Hope it wasn't too crowded at the party.

Hey guys.
I find myself getting into fights with family recently about how I sleep in on my days off. I have monday off, so I'll probably sleep in today. Besides that, not much has happened this week. Although I've realized that I have an obsession with cutting my fingernails really short, which is why they never end up growing back.

Forgot to add that I think it was caused when I left a hairband tied around my balls and dick one night and thats when I woke up one morning.

despite still feeling weird about last nights events, i was able to chill out today. ALMOST fucking bought cigarettes again, just grabbed an e-cig refill to huff on a bit and play some siege. I'm realizing I really need new friends or something so i flipped through tinder and bumble a bit but of course thats not helpful, much like my existing friends who i'm starting to feel like i'm just a fuckin' novelty to them

how mad we talking? cuz i'm always disappointed when dull AAA titles get good reviews

Why does your family care about that? Also, wtf dude?

The 2nd story with saejima? You're in for a fucking wild ride. I still need to play 5 but its digital only so i need to buy a hard drive for my ps3. Yakuza is great.

It was just family, nothing too crowded.

And you needed to ask us for advice?

I told ya so.

most folks will give you shit for sleeping in, I know my folks did when i still lived with them AND payed them rent. that was fucking lame

Hey there, I'm doing fine lately, which is quite an achievement in itself. Whatcha been up to replacement?

Not my fault man. If you're really purple down there though it's probably some sort of internal hemorrhaging or maybe an allergic reaction, eitherway if you ain't got money for a doctor brace yourself user.

Omg like just ran away! Come live with me bro :)

I honestly have no clue why my family cares so much about me sleeping in so much.

oh did people like FFXV? When it finally came out and I saw some people streaming it at various points I was glad I didn't have a ps4 to play it on it looked rather uninspired.

yeah i just finished it. gonna take a break and go to bed soon. im probably gonna get 5 once i clear this one. seriously cant believe i passed up these games before, gotta see if i can get the PS3 HD collection on here. probably will have to buy another JP PSN card

You should've started with 1 but whatever.

Ah, that's good.

Uh laying down watching dumb vids, gonna finish P3 again and Deus Ex soon I'll bet. Also, feel a bit sad idk why. Guess, I just miss old times.

Yeah, you have a job don't ya?

Hey guys. How's it going tonight?

My japanese is coming along pretty slowly. I think I almost got all the hiragana down. I know how to do numbers pretty well now. Need to work on my vocabulary though.

I hope you know jap and know jap trivia. Getting 100% requires a jap trivia game.

no but I just found out that I missed doom weekend so I'm semi pissed
pay to win shit mostly

Ah see? Practice makes perfect.

true. Only once I was late for work, and it was by 5 minutes in a 9 hour shift.

i used to live in japan for 3 years and i speak japanese and keep up with most japanese culture, stuff from the 40s to now; obviously don't know everything but i already noticed a few pop culture references



sleep snug, smug

Forgot to add that I am to embarrassed cause my dick has a crap ton of that cum build up cause not a cut fag. I was never taught how to wash it. So I dont want doctors and nurses to look at me in disgust.

So why the fuck do they care?



sleep snug, smug

Thats good. Have fun with the games. They are some of my most favorites. I need to pick up kiwami at some point.

I haven't been watching namasensei which would probably help with grammar and all that.

It's pretty tough but I'll keep chugging along. Thursday I have a hiragana test so I better prepare for that more than anything for now.

why do they care user?

move out

Fell asleep two hours ago, got woken up and I can't get back to sleep.
I've stopped caring.

Dude, im cut and ive read enough hentai to know how to wash an uncut dick. Thats fucking gross. You deserve to lose your dick.

Nice fuck up.

There ya go!

I don't know what you just said but progress is progress!

By what? An asshole? You can try drinking a glass of milk or something.

I hope you understand how sensitive it is to touch it. Its to sensitive.

shit i need to get a ps4 that shit looks amazing too. still not surprised that sega made this game though

Just peel it back. It shouldnt be that hard.

Kiwami is the one that has fighting style changing ala dmc 4, so that sounds like a fun time. Im kinda broke at the moment so yakuza is gonna have to wait.

I guess I'm just typing out my thoughts. And you're right, I've proven to myself I can do this. Just going to take practice.

Friend, timezone differences are a cunt.
Don't feel like mixing up the dried stuff. Probably going to crack a bottle of hard stuff soon, I can sleep at work if need be.

Anyone i've brought my issues to online has told me so but I don't know how to make new friends and since my current friendships are almost mostly built upon me bullshitting them into thinking i'm an okay guy i don't think i can ever really have "true" friends in real life cuz i'm so fucking wound up

also recent cases of friends i know praising my friendship but never seemingly going out of their way to contact me or anything just makes me feel even more fucking useless in that department

hey cunt

Just become a hermit like me and enjoy the isolation.

I actually have Kiwami but haven't had much time to play it. My first impressions are that it's trying to copy Zero's battle style, without the fluidity of Zero. Combat seems pretty clunky and they make you do pointless shit to pad out the game.

I guess we have to remember that the original game was made in 2005 so they are trying to stay somewhat faithful while also updating some parts of it. It's just weird cause it feels like a frankenstien monster with all the mixed parts.

All post 2007 games normalfags love.

Should i get 0 instead?

How so?

You oughta go through the katakana too, it's piss easy if you've already learned hiragana.

It ain't rocket science man, unless you've got some serious phimosis you should be able to pull the skin back and clean yourself properly.

Night in the Woods, everywhere except here, this shit was praised… a lot.

But did it sell well?

I haven't heard much about it. How bad is it?

I'm a hermit most of the time but i get the urge to be around people enough to go do it and end up feeling like shit

if you a real nigga you start at yakuza 1 ps2. zero is a fantatic game though

I would suggest it honestly. Zero is a really good game. Have you played any other Yakuza games?

Is yakuza 1 expensive. I remember 2 being expensive and i dont feel like paying 60 bucks for a ps2 game. i should just get a freemcboot memcard and download the games

I played 4 alot. I think i had a total of 60% completion. I tried for 100%.

it could just be the longer than usual work week but I'm starting to feel like I lost control

I only have 2 friends user, 1 of them is out at camp and tries to keep in contact but I'm shit at writing letters

the other one drops by at my night work like the last 2 nights just to hang, and we shoot the shit a little cuz I have that time, also we do DND every other monday before my shift

I get what you mean when you say you're looking for friendship

I've gotten around to riding my bike on the regular like 3 times a week, except for this last work week, I feel more like I'm not being productive enough with my time since I rarely go out to see people on my days off

I found an ad on Kijiji a few days ago selling Yakuza 1 for $35 complete and Yakuza 2 for $70 with everything but the manual. If I ever get a PS2, I should check to see if that offer is still there.

Keep doing it, my brudda.

I wouldn't recommend hard stuff tbh. At least I don't think it's good for a sleep.

You'll get there, it just takes practice dude.

Yakuza 1 is easier to find than 2. Also, Kiwami is basically the same game as 1 but a few upgrades like the shit from 0.

I just miss being actually useful and not just having friends on the internet I guess.

Hmm I guess in that case you could do either one first. But my suggestion is to play Zero then Kiwami.

Its just cheaper to get the memcard and a usb stick for it. It would be nice to have the games physically, i just dont have the money.

can you do d and d with two people? I mean, I know you can I guess, but a dm and one player seems like it wouldn't be as interesting.

oh no man, I mean he runs a game and I'm one of the players, I dont consider any of the other players friends though, and I only really like 1 of them
one of them is a dyed half shaved feminist that grinds my gears often

i have a circle of friends, 3 which i interact with on the daily but i place no trust in them and a few more outside that. You're buddy who drops by work sounds legit cuz my friends don't even knock on my door in our apartment to ask whats up or shit.

and the people outside that like the girl who i got bent out of shape the other night. she praises my friendship and makes it weird in front of her boyfriend but getting her to hang out is like pulling teeth and never just texts me to shoot the shit or something

Is his character a fag too?

Im heading to bed. Night.

half shaved as in like, the shaved on the sides and long on top or what?

good night, see you tomorrow.

pls stop

no u

no it's a feminist that kept getting killed so she unbalanced the party by remaking her character as a fighter instead of the healer she had
her female characters name is "Rebel"

night fam


Yeah, she's just weird or a normal woman. Can't tell which.


Owners on steam: 119,709 ± 10,245, considering that only 7k were kickstarter prize, I guess that as huge yes.

It's basically a walking simulator with platforming features, you basically explore your town until you do some activity that exhausts the rest of your day. It could be a comfy game even if autists cried about the nongame stuff, but the writing is horrible, I mean the whole plot makes no sense and it's generally boring, every character sound weird and they literally ignore the mystery/conflict of the game for hours for no reason, something like "Oh shit we just found this suspicious thing, but ok, let's ignore it for two entire acts before deciding doing something about it". Also, the ending makes no sense at all.

I guess people like this game for similar reasons NEETs like NHK ni youkoso, the protagonist is literally a mentally ill millennial and uni student who quits the said uni comes back to her hometown to be useless until scooby doo shit happens, lots of people identify with her and muh feels happen.

I feel like I'm losing control as well friend. I guess that's why we are here.

short on the top but yes, and dyed pink or blue or some shit I forget

The original half life. It was ok for its time but stupid today.
I'm late.


At least you've still got the latter, I went from having both plus irl friends to having none in a matter of five years. It's all about keeping yourself busy in the meantime.

In what way did you consider yourself useful before and what's stopping you now though?

I liked her old design a lot more

she bonkers and if i was fucking smart i'd stop trying to hang out with her, but 9 times out of 10 if we just hang out its actually nice and not so fucking stressful and i don't care about things like wanting to shag her or anything, and then the 10th time is a fucking nightmare

right on

I like both Baiken designs.

Not being a NEET

She definitely bonkers, go find a Baiken like grill and motorboat her.

we met when we were teenagers, he's not a normalfag but he's not an user and is still into loli I think, but he also bangs sluts these days
I can talk a lot of shit with him so for a lot of reasons I value his friendship
the guy at basic is an /a/non and we like to talk animation and shit, but again he is at basic

sounds like bitch is using you to fuck with him

we're here because the world is a shit place and Holla Forums is safe harbor
with good company

Doubt that a woman like Baiken would like some one dull like myself

I'm going to bed. good night, guys.

night bud


Actually I really liked the ale the number 1 hostess mini game. Used to go to those places a lot both as a customer, taking care of business clients and I worked part time off the book for my friend in a snack bar. I was always fascinated by that kind of job, had a friend that owned one, nice guy but nowhere as cool as akiyama




Is it me you're looking for?



How are you doing


Oh come on, Lionel is good. At least, gets it.

That's not a very accurate parameter though. You can be just as useless while employed or in education, provided that you're not committed to the task.

Anyhow, you oughta start by finding out why you feel you're less capable of accomplishing things now than before. In my case my lack of initiative stems from the overall emotional exhaustion of creating an overly critical fatherly figure in my subconscious.

I'm doing ok man, tryign to dredge up the motivation to do some work before my shift ends and I go home
looking forward to my days off in a dew days

you may have gotten dubs but you're the one thats not getting it


That shitty nigger is going to sing in my shitty city tbh

What work do you do


He good tho.

Wew that's funny.

Basically every proactive idea that pops up in my noggin gets bombarded with a barrage of counter-argument and reasons why said idea is destined to failure. I got by up until high and then went downhill from there cause the constant interference got way outta hand. Don't really know how else to put it.

I got up until I graduated and now I'm stuck in a rut.

Shitty ass gook neighbour is talking shit about my pretending I can't hear

why is that?

What's he talking shit about?

Same, meant to say up until high school, It's the filter age for useless pieces of shit.

I should've mentioned graduating HS. Also, I think I saw this coming too. Probably why I didn't want to graduate.

Well It is actually my room mate and is basically complaining I come home at varying hours, ignoring that I'm a chef and complaining about how I don't clean even though I did and I missed like two spots

lol what a cunt

tell him when he cleans he can do it his way

Looking back I didn't want to graduate either, albeit subconsciously, which would explain why I spent the last two puffing and snorting in the parking lot and failing every possible class (except for PE, philosophy and english despite my best efforts).

Mine wasn't subconcious. I was wondering if I was ready or not. Clearly wasn't.

*two years

Did you at least have any interests back then you could've made into careers?

Well She's good with the landlord who when I do talk to I can't even really reason with
Also when I asked that if I could pay a slight bit less to buy a new microwave that I didn't even get told had broke so I could pay back next time she was saying "Muh Morgage" despite the fact she probably earns much more than me, meaning now I can't get my tire swapped out for another 2 weeks, which is already bald and I've had incidents because of it already
Technically the microwave that they're "forced" to throw out is much less of a safety hazard than my car is


I did, but I was too stupid to get there or so filled with doubt to not take advantage.

I would but the issue is that I'd need to find a place and that I'd need my family to drive up and move my shit

You currently live with a bitch roommate that you dont get along with and probably takes advantage of you.
You also have a landlord you cannot talk to

this is a bad time user, you should move

That's tough man, I actually managed to pursue my interest in animation for a while but got stopped in my tracks by the usual internal murmur and the added negative reinforcement of the shitty disney reject of a teacher i had. What were your interests if you don't me asking?


That's nice, what sort of literature do you enjoy?

Epic fantasy shit, but I really gotta go.

out too, night anons

Was just about to hit the sack myself. See ya around.

The issue is how would I be able to move into another place, wouldn't they ask for the word of someone who lives here

It's always 4 AM somewhere.
Thanks for making the best threads on Holla Forums OwO