whats even the point of buying?
Battlefront 2 won't have the best jedi waifu
Cuck Wars was always shit tbh.
Why are you even considering buying EA shit?
It's for the best.
Ahsoka is not attractive at all. Her entire species is hideous. I don't want TFA bullshit in my Star Wars either but stop acting like the made-for-children cartoon shows are any better.
kys my man, whats it like to have such fucking normalfag tastes. ANYTHING that isn't human is automatically better than human based solely on exotic factor.
its time to consider suicide
so you gonna bang the sarlaac now or what
would if i could.
any alien species from any fiction that has a pussy, id fuck it.
id fuck alien plants that have some kind of inlet hole. ANYTHING is better than disgusting humans.
this is also why furries and feral animals are so fucking hot
Why are you making another thread about this ugly slut?
fuck you, kys
you're waifu is a peace of shit
My sexc ashokas are on my pc, but user trust me you are wrong.
monsterfags are just one level below furfags
If I gotta pick a alien waifu from Star Wars I'd chose a Twi'lek.
I think you are a deeply disturbed individual and I encourage you to seek psychiatric help
That thing on her head is fucking gross. There is nothing appealing about her at all.
If I was forced to choose an alien I'd probably do the same although I'd much, much rather have a qt Imperial waifu to remove Rebels with
>pure aryan imperial waifu to remove rebel scum with
I see you are a man of taste
it was fine until this thing appeared
i am far more degenerate than you can possibly imagine.
either is fine
.>That thing on her head is fucking gross.
whats it like being a fucking normalfag?
they act as HANDLE BARS
there is nothing hotter.
and tiny xeno (probably illegal) cunny
And if it isn't obvious, normalfags fucking love Star Wars, so that's who they're catering to. They don't give a shit about longtime fans or the Extended Universe since Episode 7 fucking retconned it anyway. Almost anything Star Wars related nowadays won't be for the purpose of telling an interesting story or expanding on the world and lore. It's solely designed to rake in that normalfag cash and anyone stupid enough to buy it because of association and name. Because appealing and marketing to a niche requires effort. After all, it's a lot easier to sell to teenage Stacy who loves anything popular and 12-year-old retards obsessed with laser swords than it is to your average basement dwelling virgin who's actually gives a shit about consistent quality and storytelling. Face it, it's fucking dead, Jim.
You're probably right although if it would've remained the final movie in series (including prequels) it would've been decent enough conclusion.
I'm going to have to diagnose you as having terminally shit taste
They want the teenage crowd.
Reminder there are people on this site who weren't even born in 1999.
The main cast of all star wars have always been shit, the least shit gets retcon'd into being generic shit.
The only good thing about the series was the extended universe, which will be gutted, homogenized and regurgitated to indoctrinate children, sell action figures to grown men, and Halloween costumes to teenage sluts.
The more you love it, the more it will hurt you. Distance yourself now because they are going to spend 2 more movies making kylo a hero, so the black guy can get cucked by Mary Sue, just to kill kylo off in the finale. Of course with bright ass lights because lol j.j. Abrams
this, anyone that has any interest in this piece of shit should just X out this tab now and head over to reddit where you can mingle with your own kind.
great post, by the way.
I think parts of the Extended Universe are safe due to being books and comics, as your average normalfag doesn't read or wouldn't bother unless it was popular. Most of it lacks certain mass market appeal too, but the ones that don't are more focused towards kids anyway. That and George Lucas considers it "non-canon", so I couldn't see any adaptations happening since all they care about is the "Nu-Universe."
Thanks user, I try.
user, I—
I haven't heard of that faggot since he had a meltdown over his shitty art. Did he finally an hero or go to get a real job he didn't suck act yet?
I thought Anakin wasn't going to be in this one?
To an illiterate like you, sure. But to the rest of us, it's been said a thousand times here and elsewhere.
The right attitude towards SJWars, like many other raped franchises, is indifference.
What's it like being retarded and blind? Must be hard for you to post on the internet.
Come and fight me, faggot.
Waifufaggotry belongs on /a/, /a/utist.
Really though, it seems like we already had this thread a few weeks ago. Is it shilling if the OP is trying to get you to not buy the game?
Yes, we've had several. These are thinly-veiled Ahsoka threads for people with objectively wrong opinions to post porn of her
Post more Bariss!
i mean you shouldn't even be buying EA games anyway.
You better not be remaking Return of the Jedi for the 9th movie Jew Jew Abraham!!
Speaking of Battlefront II, which mods are considered standard when playing the true game?
Mate, Star Wars is done for. I didn't think it was possible but Disney and the feminist bitch they put in charge have managed to thoroughly fuck shit up so bad the whole franchise is heading into a black hole.
The Han Solo movie is a trainwreck, having changed writers and directors and going from some sort of bizarre comedy to who knows what, on top of test screenings making it clear no one likes the actor they have chosen. Episodes VIII and IX are going through massive rewrites and directors seem to be changed almost weekly, this on top of Rogue One having to go through very expensive emergency reshoots before launch because the movie was a complete wreck.
The toys aren't selling, the cartoons aren't doing well, EA is fucking up games and doesn't seem to want to do anything with the IP other than releasing Battlefield reskins. I guarantee you by the time Episode IX rolls around people will be sick and tired of the shitshow they have turned Star Wars into, and this despite Disney wanting a Star Wars movie every year, and at least two more main trilogies.
My understanding with RO was not that it was a wreck, but that it had a dark and edgy tone that didn't fit with Disney's vision of what a Star Wars movie was "supposed to be." Some of the dialogue in the early trailers was complete shit but apparently the overall tone was supposed to be closer to a WW2 or Vietnam war movie than what we ended up with
Man have you played the new Battlefront? It's so bad it makes you WISH that EA was just making a Battlefield reskin
Apparently they had to send the new Solo to acting classes because he was bombing the performance so bad
It's both, actually. Not that Star Wars can't be dark and edgy, it's just that you have to handle it properly. RO didn't handle it properly, and the reshoots were in large part an attempt to make the female protagonist less on an unlikeable cunt (not that it worked all that well). To put it simply, it was a boring slog to sit through, full of unlikeable characters that do bad things for questionable reasons (in an attempt to inject some moral relativism into SW, and bungling it like everything else Disney does).
It was also a cheap nostalgia bait, missing the whole point of what made the OT special. The last battle takes place on a tropical planet with sandy beaches and beautiful seas, and it looks completely fucking retarded. The most pathetic part of the movie is that it is utterly pointless, it adds nothing to the franchise besides retconning alien rebels dying to secure the Death Star plans. Guess aliens are not diverse enough, so the job falls on 30 something Hollywood cunt and her merry band of diversity rejects no one in the audience could remember the name of.
The saddest part is that the only good bit of the movie was the one minute of Vader murdering the shit out of space communists. I wish we lived in a better timeline where we'd get a trilogy of Vader going around the galaxy and purging Jedi and Rebels.
I haven't. I just heard it was moribund a month after release. EA aren't even fucking trying to do anything, they have sole rights to the SW IP and even they know Disney has turned it into a dumpster fire no one likes or wants.
Just wait until they sacrifice a few newborns to Moloch to resurrect Carrie Fisher, because the next thing on their agenda is a Leia movie. God help us all. I'm just going to go back and replay TIE Fighter and pretend it's all a nightmare.
Ok those people who keep saying that EA's Battlefront was a reskin of Battlefield clearly have never played the game.
Infinite grenades, cards/perks, 3rd person camera, no vehicles, no weapon customization… you don't see this shit in a Battlefield game.
RO could've been closer to an OT movie if Disney's execs weren't control freaks.
Really? The acting coach that they hired for him wasn't enough?
Is she supposed to be a red twi'lek, or a twi'lek painted red?
The rebel aliens that died, stole the plans for the second Death Star, not the first. The plans for the first, were stolen by Kyle Katarn, in SW Dark Forces.
I think it's supposed to be the same species as Maul.
Were the Bothans the ones to steal the first Death Star plans? That quote from Mon Mothma about "many Bothans dying" is from Return of the Jedi and is referencing the plans for the second Death Star. I thought somebody else stole the first plans.
I actually liked the combat scenes from Scarif, even though they were pretty overdone. Like you said the biggest issues with RO were the forced diversity and the complete lack of character development. I don't remember the names for any of the characters who traveled with Jyn other than K2S0. The shoe-in Asian characters that were obviously aimed at the Chinese market were just terrible. I thought the Vader scene at the end of the movie was pure fan-wank, especially considering that it doesn't match at all with the beginning of Ep4.
Why would I play it?
I stand corrected. Still, it was a retarded retcon that made no fucking sense. Also, I like that the only way they could possibly get to the plans is for the Empire to do nothing for 10 solid minutes while the Rebel fleet keeps blowing them up.
I didn't. They were even worse than the fight in Return of the Jedi, coated in shitty melodrama trying really hard to make the audience feel sorry about the deaths of an unlikeable, bland cast that did nothing to win their affections except being the good guys (nominally).
That's why it was good. The only reason it exists is to please the old fans. Since Disney is working very hard to make the antagonist slapstick buffoons there to look stupid it was refreshing for audiences to be reminded that Vader and the Empire don't fuck around. The only good scenes in RO were the ones with Vader in them, so I wish Jews had gotten exterminated so we could enjoy a proper movie focused on the Empire being the force for good and order they truly are.
Vader wasn't supposed to be in the movie, that's why they did the reshoots.
To avoid saying things like "it's literally Battlefield" when it's not. You should've played the beta at the time, it was really bad.
But nuBattlefield is shit too. Why do I need to waste time and bandwidth on a game I know is bad?
I was referring more to the scenery and the aesthetics of the whole thing. I literally couldn't give two shits about the characters or how they died. Actually that's pretty much my impression of Rogue One as a whole - it had a good atmosphere and visual style but the characters and dialogue were just fucking awful. I watched it at a friend's place and half of them fell asleep before the Death Star even fired the first time.
No, it was put in there for the same reason that Evazan and Ponda Baba bumped into Erso in Jedha City - so people who think they're "old fans" can say "Ha! I get that reference! Vader is a badass!" I will agree with you that it's the least bad scene in the entire film but it was clearly put in there as a cynical marketing ploy.
Shes a red twelik
Maul is a Zabrak with face tattoos from a dark side cult
It was shit, top to bottom. Everything is grimy and grim and the colors muted. It reminded me of Zero Dark Thirty in that regard, a movie desperately trying to present itself as mature and realistic, while set in a universe that is anything but.
If only Disney could keep being cynical and feed me more footage of the Empire slaughtering filthy rebel scum with style and grace instead of feminist propaganda maybe the Jews wouldn't need to be pushed into ovens.
Someone's projecting.
bumping this, i too would like to know
at least star-wars games were better
Checked. Sadly there aren't too many good Star Trek games.
Isn't it sad that the only reason Star Wars was ever good is because Lucas had control over the beast (Despite some of the idiotic decisions he made)? Everything having to deal with SW was run by him.
Yeah, I miss George. He was at least trying to make something that had a legitimate story and wasn't just propaganda.
Mike, pls.
Bullshit. Unless you've been a noegaemz your entire life. Good/Great ones:
Recommended to me but not played by me:
you don't realize how good you had it until something worse comes along and shits all over everything
I would take Lucas's aimless mediocrity over Disney's aggressive anti-white virtue signalling any day
Lucas didn't make 99% of what made Star Wars great. He made one movie. The other two, all the vidya games, comics, books, etc were made by other people. Hell it's debatable he even made the one movie.
Don't mistake Lucas Era for Lucas Made.
But user, that was the best of the original trilogy.
The exact opposite is true. Lucas NOT having ANY free reign because no one believed in him or his vision is why the first movie was good. He has been given increasing amounts of control as time went on, which is why Jedi was the worst one until TPM and TPM until AotC and AotC until RotS. And since kikes now have full control, RotS was the worst until TFA, which will be the worst until TLJ.
Star Wars is dead. Has been for decades.
Yeah, he didn't make everything, but everyone still had to have his approval.
He approve the Star Wars Holiday Special and Fist of Vader, so I'm sure he wasn't paying to much attention.
Lucas Era was only possible because Lucas was in charge and was too lazy or unmotivated to stop people who were better than him from making good content. Now that Disney owns the franchise we will never have that again. Every piece of SW fiction you ever see from now on will have to be put past committee after committee to make sure it meets so many diversity quotas that even most HR managers would think it's excessive.
During most of original trilogy, Lucas was surrounded with competent people who managed to make him listen and agree to their feedback and critique. I presume these people eventually left and were replaced for sycophants (yes-men) during/before the prequel era.
I remember when I first saw that video and googled who the hell is Constable Zuvio, he turns out to be some character who was turned into action figure while the FA was still in production and ends up appearing for couple of frames during action scene in the final movie.
That was also the period when the best SW stuff was everything but the movies. Pod Racing? Shit in a movie, but a good game. Clone troopers? They were kind of shit in the movies, but we got three games with them that were pretty good and the original Clone Wars cartoon had some damn good, but exceptionally excessive, action scenes.
Exactly. For all their obviously paid fellation of The Force Awakens, RedLetterMedia’s review of Phantom Menace is spot on with what happened behind the scenes there.
post more of best jedi waifu
Ah yes, yes I am very excited to announce right now on this very chatboard an exciting new detail about our game series, Star Wars Battlefront. Are you ready?
Star Wars Battlefront 3 will be released in one year and will feature all of your favorite characters such as:
-The new characters of Durge and Blue Imperial man (who is yet to be named)
-Luke Skywalkers ancient ancester, Hilary Ski-Walkstein, a migrant jedi from the planet of Posha Kombo who seeks only a step-father for her son
-10 New DLC Packs featuring a Red Tails crossover and the woman from THX 1137 costing only a total of
-17 Different Pre-Order packages coming with such items as:
-An exclusive rebel LGBTQIAURSNY flag to celebrate your pride
-A high quality decal for your PS2 and Xbox
-Exclusive access to pre-order trailers
-Lastly, a statue of Leia's wookie dildo
Pre-order in the next week to reserve your copy of Battlefront 4 and the spinoff, Battlefrott
I don't think you realize how much normalfags eat this shit up
>best jedi waifu
Kill yourself normalfag
Wow, I didn't think normalfags were actually this pathetic. Every time I try to tell myself they can't go any lower, they do.
Let's make this whole thread about Ahsoka.
I don't think you understand what 'in charge' means. He owned it. He loved money. He was never in charge of it, he just signed things that made him more money.
Also he did interfere with good content a few times.
What content did he interfere with?
Gas yourself.
Kotor 2 off the top of my head. Pushed the release date up by six months.
Was that order directly from Lucas or just from some manager? I know they wanted to get KotOR 2 out in time for the holiday season.
Yes newfag that's all very droll.
There's a reason you don't see people trying to gas monsterfags unlike you furry degenerates.
From Lucas.
I know Lucas didn't like Kreia or the more morally ambiguous tone of KotOR 2. Funny considering it comes through pretty well in the movies, especially the prequels.
Kotor 1 is a good Star Wars game, Kotor 2 is a good Star Wars EU game. Lucas probably resonated with Kotor 1 a fair bit and never gave too much of a shit about the EU so he probably didn't like the shift in tone between the two games.
Trust me, first one has better weapons, better story and better MP.
Elite Force II has it's own charms. Both are listed however.
Multiplayer mods are server side so I don't really know.
It's true that KotOR 2 was darker, but so was TESB. Many people say that Lucas hated it because of its grey morality, and that seems plausible, but it might not be the only reason. Maybe Lucas didn't think it would be conducive to selling toys if more mature themes were allowed. Or maybe he was jealous that somebody else made a better story out of his property than he'd been able to make for more than 20 years.
I know who you actually meant, OP.
This thread is for people with patrician taste only.
So, how close whe was to be raped?
And who would that be, user?
Was worth a laugh, at least.
Star Wars used to be good though. Before the dark times. Before (Disney/2007/the prequels/Episode IV, choose one).
She did get raped, by Anakin's male gaze. What a misogynistic sithlord.
I meant to ask earlier if there are any games where you can play as Ahsoka. There are probably Jedi Academy skins of her, because if there's a mod for Kylo Faggot Ren then someone has to have made one for her.
Come on fgts, there has to be one. Hope it's not shit. Too bad they didn't create Ahsoka back during the best years of SW games. I'd have liked a Jedi Knight or KotOR-style game with the characters from the prequel or classic era.
Come on fgts, there has to be one. Hope it's not shit. Too bad they didn't create Ahsoka back during the best years of SW games. I'd have liked a Jedi Knight or KotOR-style game with the characters from the prequel or classic era.
im not constrained by the dogmatic views of the jedi, once girls start to go through puberty, they are fair game.
how long until the movies get cringy autistic SJW shit injected? how long until someone says the word patriarchy?
I'd say about -2 years.
Considering that Star Wars is now being run by tards who think the Empire was white supremacist despite hiring an entire legion of Maori troops and letting a blue guy advance to the rank of Grand Admiral, probably not long. I'm surprised it hasn't happened already.
she looks autistic, get this shit out of here
Why do normalfags name their children after pop culture and other retarded shit?
faggots lacking identity
Did you know that Arya was a more popular name than Mary in 2017?
Fucking normalfags. At least it's not Khaleesi I guess.
Yea. You'd think they'd realize how irrelevant the names would become once their children are actually adults.
they want to wear their kid like an accessory, like a poster of their favorite lord of the rings characters.
>wanted Maul and Talon to work together "They're friends!"
damn, George was a loon, but Disney is worse.
Not just normalfags, but the people who are feebly hoping some sense of good will come out of the shitshow and cherry pick little things out they like, focus on it, and then ignore the rest of the bad.
Could be worse. His name actually might be Tirion, after Tirion Fordring.
Post your rarest Ahsokas because I need brain bleach after reading that. Holy fucking God.
at least he wasn't named dohvakin or whatever after the skyrim protagonist
that poor kid
Just make this, but without the POZ
Probably all of the games centered around the CGI Clone Wars show.
That did happen in the original EU, just later. Thrawn is a good character, and although he certainly has been toned down; he's the only good thing Disney has.
But Battlefront 2 already did that mate…
Watch them bring back Admiral Daala to challenge the patriarchy. You know, the Admiral who slept her way to the top and couldn't beat 12 fucking people with an entire fleet including a Super Star Destroyer.
That's a good 80% of what made Rogue One so shit, though. The pozzing was just the icing on the cake. The only thing really realistic about Rogue One was that the female lead does nothing of value and is carried to her goal (if you can even call it her goal) by men infinitely more talented than her. Something goes horribly wrong when you try to inject gritty realism into what's essentially a modern fairy tale.
Closest we got was Republic Commando and Battlefront 2's story. RC being more of a better done action movie, and Battlefront 2 was a grim story going on in the backdrop of everything else.
I forgot that you fought droids and clones in the story. They really should have allowed that for campaigns.
What? Was that from a game or something?
Daala's from the Jedi Academy novel trilogy. It was widely panned for being gay as shit, but it gave us Exar Kun and thus the basis for KotOR.
Anyone got a list of Holla Forums's favorite battlefront 2 mods lying around?
All of this talk is just making me want to replay it again.
I've seen mods that give Republic Commandos to the Republic and add new Jedi and Sith. That and some custom maps are about all you really need. The game doesn't need much in the way of mods. Maybe there's a mod out there to make the regular BF Dark Troopers, retroactively dubbed Phase 0, into the nigh-unkillable Phase III Dark Troopers from Dark Forces.
I would like that but it wouldn't fit into Disney's Star Wars.
autism isn't always a bad thing user…
the niggers have been naming their spawn stupid ass shit for fucking years.
my uncle saw some nigger come in with her kids lemonjello and orangejello, phonetically lah-mon-jah-low, and or-an-ja-low
fucking niggers
Reminder people who post mlp are only looking for (You)s, don't reply to them and just filter them.
dont you talk bad about my waifu like that, you niggerfaggot. she is my autistic rock horse wife and i love her very much
Milfsoka ftw.
Don't do it user, they might become autistic if you do that.
That's not really what made it shit, what made it shit is that there was no clear goal with anything and that there was no character development in the slightest. The only character that even REMOTELY comes close is the main character and 90% of what she does is simply getting dragged by other people into doing something with no mind of her own. Then there's also the fact that the chink and the Mexican are there to pad the movie to distract you from the fact that you don't give a shit about anyone in the movie, their entire existance is simply there as a joke. And on the gritty aspect itself being shit, I would have to say that it was the extremely cheesy "and then everyone died lol" shit they pulled at the end, the other things with the characters are most likely simply because they already had 90% of the movie done by the time they decided to start all over again because Disney didn't like it, not the fact that it was gritty.
Thanks to that post I'll never be able to podrace again.
Funny that it was exactly Lucas' overarching influence and other people's fear and awe of him which made the prequel trilogy such dog shit,
To be fair, people already had so many things built up in their heads about what the prequels were going to be like that there was no way he could possibly have satisfied everyone.
So what would you do with it, then?
She died for your sins.
Dude I knew all about how Lucas' god-status among his team fucked the prequels years before RLM did the plinkett videos. Pull your head out of your ass.
Can't have problematic white dudes dating Asian girls. White Tumblrina landwhales will get mad and complain on the internet, and we can't have that.
Can't have problematic white dudes dating Asian girls. White Tumblrina landwhales will get mad and complain on the internet, and we can't have that.
Why not? It's not like the good stuff ceases to be good stuff because it wasn't made by Lucas personally. Do you actually only like Solar Skirmish because you thought Jowl Lucas personally made it all or something?
She couldn't even rest in peace, (((their))) mary sue took her name
This is our phantom pain, they sent us to the Corellian hells, but we're going even deeper, they expect one of us in the wreckage, etc.
What do you guys think of the rumors of 1313 becoming a thing again? Supposedly it would be developed by BioWare, but we all know BioWare isn't what it used to be.
They just should've made "Black U-Wing Down" or the Space equivalent of the battle of Grozny.
The only good thing Rogue One had was the Darth Vader scene at the end, but even that fucked up canon with A New Hope because Princess Leia has no excuse to pretend that they were on a diplomatic mission. Disney gives no fucks about what they were doing.
Did We Rise Force?
Digits of truth.
Yes, my brother, the dark force rises.
What if I wanted to name my children after video game characters?
backstroke of the west changed my life
This is the only Battlefront 2 I'll ever need.
How new to life do you have to be to post this and think nobody has ever heard this before.
Ahsoka is not attractive but
And I suppose vidya is any better?
Filoni may have been bi-polar when it came to writing, but hot damn the umbara arc was far better than TFA, rouge wan, or any stupid bullshit that disney shits out
Why the fuck do we even have a thread up about this at all? I'm all for making fun of retarded developers and bad game, but Nu Battlefront was so fucking awful I can't even bring myself to follow how retarded the sequel will be.
It's catharsis at this point
It helps but the pain will never go away entirely
But Lucas made the prequels, and that's pretty much 99% of what made Star Wars great
step it up
The Umbara arc was pretty dope. They didn't give us many instances when clones had to fight Force users by themselves. Then again, an arc made of four episodes consisting of nothing but Jar Jar's gay romance with Yoda's long-lost cousin Blerp would have been better than TFA or R1.
The only thing that looked good was Sheev's face again, was comforting that the old bastard was cocky enough to leave a scorched earth policy in the untimely event of his death. I'm not looking forward to this game.
heck yeah jedi lolis
There aren't enough Star Wars games where you get a jetpack. Is this nu-Battlefront garbage pile going to have them?
Bumping until post 300, or whatever the bump limit is here. You don't know how hard it is to find a decent Star Wars thread these days. I guess it's just because the new stuff is so damn shitty. I wonder how people will react when Not Battlefront 2 comes out and The Last Jedi inevitably fails. Will this double fail finally be the thing that makes people stand up en masse and say they'd rather have George Lucas in charge, or will they just roll over?
You know as well as I that its not going to fail.
Too bad they picked Sam Witwer to do Sheev's voice. He's a great voice actor but he does a bad Sheev impression.
They are literally space black people.
Go human, chiss, or go full ubermensch and go Sith
Twi'lek are more like the space gypsies. They're usually thieves and rogues and the women are often whores and shit. Also female Twi-lek's are usually curvy as hell and built for fucking.
Actually the women are considered incredibly alluring and enticing, so they were enslaved on a grand scale by the (((Hutts))) and sold across the galaxy as prized merchandise. This is why in many Star Wars stories they're portrayed as secret agents or roguish characters, because Twi'lek women are such common slaves it's easy for them to blend in and infiltrate almost every part of society in the galaxy. So if you want to draw political comparisons to our current world, the Twi'lek women would be the Aryan women everyone considers the height of beauty, whose high value entices the lust and desire of every race in the world/galaxy. Meanwhile the European/Twi'lek men let everyone abuse and use their women while doing nothing to stop it.
Most twilek men were portrayed as freedom fighters or agents working against their masters as well. iirc, that one twilek dude that worked for jabba was planning on killing him, but luke and solo beat him to the punch.
If these spoilers I've been hearing are true, it could at least be critically panned even if it makes Disney a lot of money. There's a limit to what even the biggest shill can defend. The same goes for Fake BF2.
It seems Battlefront 2 got multiplayer service restored along with Empire at War. There has to be some catch to this. There's no way anything good could happen to Star Wars these days without some kind of catch, right?
bump because reasons
These remakes really make me laugh. They put Dice in charge of these games, and literally all they had to do to make it fun was to make another Battlefield game. They somehow fucked that up.
I've heard all sorts of things as well, more about the Han movie, but if it makes money then even being panned won't mean much.
You mean how the guy they found to play young Han Solo needed to go back to acting school because he sucked so hard? The clusterfuck of reshoots that happened with Rogue One was sad enough.
Fucking wew
Did you expect anything else? Options are for shitlords.
Well, i just downloaded and installed an old gog version of this game. There's some way to play online in version other than gameranger?
just play the original. do you really expect for them to be faithful at all to the past titles?