Think of a terrible/almost good game, try to improve it with as small an adjustment as possible

Think of a terrible/almost good game, try to improve it with as small an adjustment as possible.
Looking for mod challenges/ideas
That was three but the game is just that bad, you get the idea.


How did Sakamoto make such a shit game after being Super Metroid's director?

He was given control of things he wasn't good at.
It's the problem of most corporations, if you're good at your job you'll keep getting promoted until you land at a job you're bad at.

already 10 times better.

Code of Princess

So he's basically George Lucas?

Welcome to common knowledge.

because Sakamoto was left unchecked with the development of Other M. Theres an image floating around of a developer at Team Ninja who was animating Samus in her Gravity Suit and Sakamoto walked over and said "nah fuck that just put in purple squiggles around her"
On top of that the original directors, Makoto Kano and Gunpei Yokoi, were not involved in development at all.
ON FUCKING TOP OF THAT, Kensuke Tanabe, the man who oversaw Metroid Prime development, and was the director for Federation Force and told Retro to remove all the sequence breaking in the Trilogy, is directing Metroid Prime 4.

Basically no matter what Metroid is going to be mediocre from here on out.

Paper Mario: Color Splash
Now you don't have to backtrack because you used the Balloons before the boss that required it, and money is actually useful
It was introduced as this horrifying abomination, complete with eerie music and doing a ridiculous amount of damage. Then it's completely ignored until the end. It only appears properly in Roy's fight, and even then it's only a nuisance for 1 turn.
They're shit. Bring back TTYD's arena thing, or make them the equivalent to TTYD's pit of 100 trials.


Gunpei Yokoi is around to tell him "no" to his shitty ideas.

I could go on and say more on how to fix this train wreck of a game but the more i speak of it the angrier i get and i don't feel like writing a text wall of it.

As small an adjustment as possible?
Okay, I'll limit it to a single thing.
Actually using the nunchuk.


Honestly the combat was a pretty okay from what I remember, it was mostly the story and maybe some platforming that had issues. Boss fights were the only combat that needed some help but I'm not autistic enough to start designing mock bosses.

No the combat was shit

Feel free to fix the combat user. That is the thread theme.

We already have two "let's shit on Metroid" threads:

Even Prime is shit now.

I'd say people were baiting/trolling but Half Life 2 is shit compared to Halo now in Holla Forums's mind.

This isn't a shit on Other M this is a fix a bad game with Other M being a good example of a train wreck.

Half Life was always shit, it was a tech demo at best. Halo started good and became shit.

If it's going to get "fixed" by those who hate the whole series and thought none of the games were ever good the ideas will be horrible.

Here we go

Well this game was a massive cluster fuck of failure and this is a small i can get to not go on and on and on with it's problems.

its impossible to not bitch about Other M, the game is unfixable

Other M was always shit and should be shit on at every chance. Anyone who said that game is okay/good should be disregarded entirely. The OP fucked up by choosing a game with so many problems a few fixes are not enough

Shouldnt you be in school? This ebin "Half Life was always bad" meme needs to fucking stop.

Anyway, because i should contribute

Middle Earf, Shadow of Mordor

kangzfield 1

War Thunder

Dark Souls 2

read and dispair

There are no geniuses who singlehandedly create magnificent things. Everything you have ever loved was literally a mistake that just happened to occur in the way it did, and when you try to replicate it you will fail.

Example: the time machine in Back to the Future was originally supposed to be a refrigerator and they changed it to the Delorean on a whim because Spielberg didn't want the legal risk of kids climbing into their fridges and getting trapped because they saw it in the movie, and the car came out around that time and looked futuristic. They were also gonna use a nuclear explosion as the power source instead of plutonium/a lightning strike, but filming the blast scene would have been too expensive. They literally would have nuked the fridge, but because of financial concerns we got the movie as it currently is.
It's the peak of irony that Spielberg nuked a fridge in Crystal Skull later and got shit on for it.

happens time and again.

False, Miyazaki is infamous for being a gigantic hard ass for what is animators do on his films and not taking any shit. If they fuck up too many times he told themto fuck off and did the inbetweens himself if they were that stupid. The most demeaning and soul crushing part of animating. Miyazaki was so anal retentive about this it took his body starting to break down and his friend dying of a heart attack for him to relax a little and alleviate the burden using CGI for Princess Mononoke where he started to calm down and let other people have a little more leeway. Until then, no matter how much his team bitched he forced them to do it in water color and did it himself if no one else could.

For video games specifically, this is certainly less true but then you get games like Cave Story where he built a great game single-handedly, with Keroroblaster it was also a great game that was well-designed and the only help he had on that was one other person. Granted they split up the work, but to say that one person can not be competent is dishonest.

I'm not gonna argue with the animation quality of Miyazaki movies, but they all contain heavy handed liberal tones about respecting the environment and shit instead of just being good character stories. They're almost exclusively eye candy unless Ferngully and Captain Planet is your favorite western cartoon of all time and james cameron's Avatar spoke deeply to you. Therein lies the fault of Miyazaki having total control.

Cave Story is good and doesn't really have any technical or storytelling failings, but it's very niche and not appreciated by as many people as something like Star Wars, BTTF, Super Mario World, Super Metroid, etc. that was designed by a team.


what do you expect, this is the guy slightly up the thread said Half-Life was always shit.
I want both Holla Forums and Holla Forums to fuck off

are you five years old?

My favorite part of 8ch/v/ is how IDs allow people to link totally unrelated posts and use character defamation as an argument instead of addressing the points like a proper debate! Thanks Mark!

Miyazaki is liberal and has liberal tones, that's not the problem here. The problem is that for all the bitching Holla Forums does about art being degenerate nowadays a guy who makes great fucking watercolor animations work is hand-waived because it hurts his feels.

is fundamentally different from

I'll just give a few fundamental design ideas that would have altered the direction of the entire game for the better.

The game could be fixed by adding a block button and fixing the camera to be 2/3rds overhead perspective. Fucking serious about the block button. Most of the bullshit cheese enemies do to you could have been avoidable with a just block to deflect attacks instead of spam dodging and praying you're not in an enemy's attack line. Blocks wouldn't be unlimited. You'd have a counter of how many deflects you can wall before guard breaks. And some attacks would still bypass guard or drop the guard counter quickly.

This doesn't mean shit without a good camera. If the game stayed in an overhead perspective and had levels based on rooms like Zelda or the original game instead of relying on "cinematic" camera angles then combat would have been tolerable. Hell the fixed camera angle would have allowed co-op multiplayer if it could zoom out. And with a plot that focuses on teamwork multiplayer or even AI party members that gave a shit would have been a fun addition.

I digress. Plot is Camp Corncheese. So was the original game's plot. If the gameplay was good I could overlook bad plot like I did with Lufia II. And I'm not against turn-based RPGs trying out the ARPG formula as a spin-off/alt series.

But alas. I'll have to make my own good fun multiplayer ActionRPG brawler.

This guy said what i was typing you absolute fucking retard.
Saying Miyazaki is just eye candy because you dont agree with the story is like saying the music in Ace Combat is bad because i dont like the gameplay. Its two things that are entirely disconnected from each other. Saying Half Life was always shit is either a personal hate against the series, which is almost always bullshit with bullshit points when anons actually explain themselves, or you are just parroting what some other user said to try and fit in because he got a bunch of (You)s. Fuck off back to cuckchan and never come back.

Metroid is so boring, I honestly fail at seeing the appeal of that series. Just dull corridors and backtracking.

Saying Half Life is shit and saying Miyazaki movies have liberal bullshit stories are totally disconnected and one should not be used in an argument about the other. If we didn't have IDs, you wouldn't be able to link the two posts to use against me. What you're doing right now is saying "LOOK, HE HATES HALF LIFE, NOBODY HATES HALF LIFE SO HE MUST BE A TROLL!"

You ask to debate, then when i call you out on it you pull a fucking strawman. Give reason why something is shit without saying its shit. You did this for this post, but when this guy calls you out on your stupid fucking logic, you go into "WAAAAAHHHH IDs ARE BAD"

Give reason why something is shit without JUST saying its shit**
fuck me

It sounded to me here that you can't seem to divorce.
For god sake calling animation in a fucking ANIMATED FILM eye candy is fucking beyond me. It's like saying

Wind Waker

all valid gripes user, roshambo is the worst


play the HD version on Wii U, half the shards are found in chests instead of finding maps. ON top of that the swift sail makes finding the remaining ones in the ocean easier because of faster sailing

Games are interactive. Anime is not. In fact, in practically every animated movie there is, the animation is a way to tell the story. It isn't just random shit being animated for the hell of it; it's there to present the story.

The fact that you're equating gameplay with animation makes you a fucking moron, because gameplay is interactive while animation is just a medium. You don't watch movies just because there are colors that move around on the screen, you watch them to see the story unfold.

Sakamoto is a man filled with ideas. Everywhere, all the time, he's pushing new boundaries and trying things that haven't been done before.
Gunpei Yokoi was a man that could distinguish between stupid fucking ideas and really good ones, who would prevent Sakamoto from implementing awful ideas, leading to Super Metroid.
It's essentially the same situation as John Romero and… Was it Sandy Peterson? I think it was Peterson, from ID software. It's why Romero went on to make Daikatana, a game full of new gameplay ideas, most of them retarded.

Where are you pulling this interactive out of your ass from I never made that comparison. I'm comparing the two because user is stating here that the animation of Miyazaki films is just eye candy. Which is equivalent to saying that good gameplay is just window dressing if the story is bad. You have to divorce what the art is conveying vs how well it conveys it. To say the animation in a Miyazaki film is "eye-candy" because he doesn't like what he's telling him is bullshit. Miyazaki films are well-animated whether or not you fucking like what he's telling. You can not like a Miyazaki film that doesn't make him a shit animator.

Unless you want to start arguing that the animation in an animated film isn't the main factor to judge an animated film on. And you're also one of those people that think that gameplay isn't the most important part of games.

Equip less shit, dumbass.
tbqh if the op was willing to attempt this i'd give him a hand and a half, adjusting enemy placements is one of two last things I need to figure out before I can finish a DS2 complete overhaul/problem fixer mod


You're comparing two things, but the comparison is retarded because they're completely different. A game can be great because of the gameplay even if the story is stupid shit, while the main point of a movie is watching the story unfold and animation is just the medium. Hell, you got the fucking comparison backwards; animation in movies can be compared to story in games, because even if they aren't great the product can be good overall, but if they are good the product can be much better. To be fair, animation is more important in a movie than story is in a game, but it's still just the medium used for telling what is happening.

If pure animation is the main point of movies, why the hell do they always include sound and a plot? Shouldn't there be movies of random shit being well animated but having zero meaning? After all, there are plenty of games where there is no story and that live entirely on gameplay.

You must be barely literate at best, because my fucking point was that gameplay is the most important part of games while animation in movies is much less important in comparison. If a movie is well animated but the story is boring shit, the reaction it gets is "eh, it looked good but it was boring overall". It's definitely not unimportant, but the story is just as important as the animation in a movie.

Let's not forget the whole "nah, make it work with only whe wiimote or I will take my franchise away" from Sakamoto to TN.

Dark Souls 2

I think Warren Spector said something like that.
Specially in Japan where "we can't go against Miyamoto/Sakamoto-sensei, that would be shamefuru" is common.

Fantasia would like a word with you.

This is what you sound like. No one's arguing that sound and story aren't nice but to imply that the most important factor in an animated movie isn't how well-animated it is, I just can't seem to understand such a mind set.

Keywords here, you admit it looks good, but you didn't like it. Which doesn't mean it's bad, it means you didn't like it.


Modern conservatives are so cucked that they actually believe respecting the environment makes you a liberal.

There. It's now a good game.

No points of no return/missable items

You know, I was thinking about this the other day, and since it'd be retarded to make a new thread for my autism, I'm just going to dump it here because, fuck it, we're already heading down that road. Obviously, the biggest grievance with Other M is its story. Assuming that it has to exist, and that the central theme of a "Mother"-based identity crisis melodrama has to be intact, there are plenty of other ways to make a story about Samus's connection with the THE BABY that aren't completely shit. Here's an alternative basis for the story that alters Samus's character logically through an arc, rather than essentially replacing her with someone else, like Other M did. I'm not saying it's right, just that it might work better:

Metroid games are most enjoyable when you feel alone and are exploring an alien death planet. Characters popping up to chit-chat are an immediate tone-killer. If there has to be a story, it'd be best for it to be in lore, similar to the Prime series. If must be voice acting, then it would be an option to play it or not while reading the logs. I'm sure Samus's helmet has a great speech-to-text feature. This would be similar to the cassette tapes in MGS:PW/MGSV.
Samus's core motivation is the murder of her human family at the hands of Ridley, and may have been reinforced by the loss of the Chozo as her foster family. No matter how you slice it, she chose her job largely for revenge. She's a Christmas Cake who's spent her entire adult life working the only job that will create a federation-approved path to vengeance. At first glance, she's a career-driven woman, but the choices she makes are done primarily because she valued her family. The fact that she spontaneously experienced maternal attachment to something isn't surprising at all, from a biological standpoint, but it would likely come as a major surprise to her. This, and the subsequent loss.jpg of the baby could cause her to reflect on herself, values, and methods, and realize that her little revenge parade doesn't lead to restoring the only thing that she actually cared about, her family.
Samus's attachment to the baby is never explained prior to Other M. The baby imprinted on her, but she's never given a reason to reciprocate. Spontaneous maternal attachment/child replacement does happen, which is why Dog Moms exist, but for narrative purposes, there should be some reasoning behind why she cares about a babby bioweapon at all. Her thinking about the fact that she just killed the family and race of the baby, the same as her own, would easily do it. There's also some kind of sad irony in the similarity of their utility. It will grow into a creature whose primary utility is death, just like her, but right now, it's a scared and alone child, just like she was. It's not wholly logical, given that it's unclear how emotionally complex metroids are, but it's more than enough to cause empathy.

It's made clear that Samus generally isn't a happy camper. Even if you don't count Prime's lore, she's either autistic or very lonely. She has no friends or family, nobody cares about her, she lives alone, she's obsessed with past trauma, and by the end of Fusion, she's also a war criminal that destroyed a black project, who's either on the lamb, or about to be court-martialed to death. The only people who pretend to care about her, the Federation, have shown themselves to be sociopaths who only see her as a tool. They're probably not going to play nice with her anymore after Fusion. I haven't played Prime 3, which I understand features a lot of the Federation, so I may have an incomplete view of them. Personality-wise, you would expect her to be something along the lines of MGS1 Snake. A recluse who doesn't give any more shits because he's been betrayed by or lost everyone he cared about. Likewise, the experience of The Baby saving Samus could be her equivalent to Gray Fox's death, which jars her into reevaluating her life. Realizing and coming to terms with her character flaws, and riding off into the sunset with the promise that she'll find something else to live for, could be a great addition to Samus as a character. But in her ship, rather than on a snowmobile.
Rather than have her just think about finding something, you could actually show her finding something worth caring for, but it'd be tricky, since most things you could give her could cause significant alteration to her character. Following the previous train of thought, a good option would probably be something which lets her adopt a maternal role, and become a Mother Wolf type of character, somewhat like The Boss. Seeing Samus in full baby-is-threatened rage mode could be interesting. However, if it's anything that actually physically exists, like a galaxy, planet, animal, or species, in order for the idea to be complete, she also has to protect it, equip it, and then set it free. How that would work is nebulous without knowing what it is, and I wouldn't say it's worth the risk, even if it could be interesting, since you'd likely permanently alter her character too drastically.

I don't think melodrama is what the series should do at all. But I do think that this premise would at least yield a story that's more interesting than the one we got, not that the bar is set very high. Every time Samus has appeared since Other M, she's just been vaguely sad, instead of a the badass she used to be, because every subsequent appearance has been an iteration of Other M's character. This is roughly the same as Cloud being stuck in Advent Children mode. It's been seven fucking years of this shit, and at this point, anything's better than Other M being the status quo.

Also, requesting a drawfag to draw a 40-year-old Samus in her gunship, with a Dog Mom bumper sticker on it, but the dog silhouettes are Etecoons instead.

One of those "Who saved whom?" stickers could also work quite well.

Yeah, I can certainly understand a game trying to have a throwback vibe incorporating elements of classic games, but at the same time, one should learn from the faults of those prior games as well. Encounter rates being too high or low being one of them. If not going the "on-screen" encounter style, a good middle ground between not annoyingly frequent but also not feeling you have to hunt for shit to fight is probably the best.

Fucking patrician tastes, my only complaint with the game is that it's sometimes hard to tell where you're going to land when you fall down higher places because of the terrible octagonal camera and having to circle the analog stick so much is terrible, whoever complained about Mario Party has never played this fucking game.
Also the stages were very unforgiving in rewarding you with the medals, but I seriously have not found a single other game (other than MAYBE Mario 64) that lets you complete any stage in different ways to gain different medals WITHOUT FORCING YOU TO CHOOSE WHICH and that lets you beat bosses in multiple ways as well.


>Remove all oxygen from Bioware's offices

You never played PSO1 with friends, did you?

I mean't with optional co-op, but yeah I did not have internet and played all by myself in offline mode.

That makes a lot more sense. When I first heard of it, I never would have guessed that a couch co-op MMO could be good, but it's my preferred way to play it. However, single player weapon grinding facilitates that.

Speaking of fucked multiplayer options, pic related:
Crystal Chronicles
I'm not saying that FF:CC was a bad game, but the reliance on GBAs led to a lot of frustration, and kept a lot of people from playing it as it was intended.
Maybe I'm not understanding the purpose of removing the moogle in multiplayer, but fuck me it was annoying as hell having to carry the chalice all the time. I don't understand what Chalice-carrying as a mechanic even added to the game. Keeping the party from separating? The miasma means that's already basically not an option. Preventing sequence breaking? Maybe. I wish I knew.

Griefing. Being the designated chalice carrier for the map allowed you to slap your (now) immensely girthy penis all over your friends willy-nilly. They went where you went, did what you did, and for this favor they allowed you first pick of all the good loot. Or they died in miasma agony.

That's the true purpose behind the chalice carrying mechanic.

Wrong, bucko. If you're the chalice-bearer, you don't have time to do any of the bonus point tasks that allow you to get any of the actually fucking good loot, which means that your long-term progress is cucked by your score the second the map is over. It's true that there are negative bonuses, which means that carrying the chalice is going to let you score the highest points for that task, since you won't have the chance to fail at them, but the maximum amount of points you can get for following negative bonus tasks is ALWAYS lower than the maximum you can accrue by pursuing a positive bonus task exceptionally well. It might not be immediately obvious, but whether he knows it or not, someone who takes up the chalice just to be "the leader" is only destroying himself.

It's best to discuss a plan for the map, identify which gear of importance can be obtained there and who needs it, and have everyone take turns carrying the chalice in accordance with which skills are needed for the map, weighed against their bonus objectives. This means that some benefits will be lost by some people on some runs, but it's the best way to yield maximum benefit to the party as a whole for every run, since the most important gear for each map is prioritized for each run, and you work downwards in importance in subsequent runs on subsequent years. The sacrifices made should to be calculated, discussed, and agreed upon based on party composition. Griefing is doable at lower levels, but at higher levels, the bosses are sink or swim, and if anybody constantly sinks, nobody swims. Its in your best interest to keep everyone powerful and alive. Voluntary, small-scale Communism where everyone is on the same page philosophically, and has the good of the whole in mind, such as wilderness survival, is the only situation in which Communism can work, which is exactly why it never fucking ever works in real life.

Half-Life is a good FPS with nice, simple puzzles that stimulate you but don't confuse you, and engaging enemy encounters throughout because of the variety and setup of the combat encounters. You're a plebbit-tier shitposter if you think otherwise. Halo is good, everything 343 made is not Halo. Bungie, the original creator's stated that Halo 3 is the end of the series when they were making it. They made the fucking thing so their word is law.

There's nothing outrageously wrong with Halo, but it was always a drastically simplified, even dumbed-down, iteration of the FPS genre. There's a reason this image exists. In particular, it's too slow, and the two weapon limit drastically reduces player options without sensibly making it part of the game design. It got the amount of hate that it did back in the day largely because it was a 6-7/10 game getting 11/10 praise by casuals whose first console was an Xbox, and had obviously never played any PC FPS before, who had bought into marketing hype.

Sonic Riders: Zero Gravity.

Even just one of these changes would make the game enjoyable. Making Gravity Dive usable in more than just the designated boosting street would restore a level of strategy they lost to the gravity-gimmick. The music skipping is almost as annoying as Werehog battle music. Plus, the party game items are just plain unfitting.

And Free Race is just plain ruined for me by the AI rubber-banding to the maximum and taking the best possible rout flawlessly. How am I supposed to enjoy my freshly-bought Extreme Gear when the AI is a Goddamn TASbot? I had to intentionally avoid unlocking Angel/Devil on my second playthrough just because the max-speed boost coupled with the rubber-banding made the all other gear pointless, because the CPU would dominate with Angel/Devil every time.

halo had creative systems that changed the rules of combat and great ai. bungie only hit the ball in the games' designs a few times but when they did it was great.

Before you jump up my ass, I still think that as is it's a great game, but it has some GLARING flaws.

There, perfect game.

Oh, and one more thing:

Double the game's speed, make X playable from the start because his name is in the fucking title, and raise the number of enemies dramatically until it ends up being bullet hell.

How about you make it a fucking RPG and not diablo clone from first person perspective?
I love its setting and story and aesthetics, but dear god gameplay killed it.
It's a bizarro earth Deus Ex.

If EYE had a decent way to mod it, it would have a fuckton more replayability. Right now the best we have are custom maps, and the only notable one I can think of is Sermons.
Custom weapons, hacking minigames and more custom maps would have helped it out immensely in the long term.

are you kidding? The gameplay is the best part! Tricking yourself out into a cyber-demigod and slaughtering entire armies with some amazing weapons and ridiculous powers was the entire appeal of that game!

That's not correct.
As unbelievable as it might be today John Romero was the sane guy with the masterplan that kept shit together under the Doom/Quake1 era. He only became a complete idiot after he let fame go to his head and joined the merry ship of fools that was Ion Storm.

John Carmack was the tech guy who only really cared that his game ran fast and smooth. Carmack was so obsessed with stable framerates that he tried to dumb down the level designs into mainly square concrete corridors. John and Tom liked their level designs too much and stuck to their guns which prompted Carmack to go for a technical fix by implementing a Binary Space Partitioning system to make complex levels less demanding so everyone could have their cake.
Tom Hall was the impractical ideas guy which is why he was eventually told to either shut up or leave (he ended up leaving). He wanted to some big plot and all sorts of advanced technical features. One thing he was successful in was bugging the team to include flying monsters.
Sandy Petersen was largely a chill guy who made levels. A lot of levels.
Adrian Carmack as well was largely a chill guy who did graphics. He is probably a bit bitter now as he was pressured out of the company shortly before it got sold meaning he got none of the windfall from that.

The Iron keep is the only area that feels worse, the other areas feel either improved or pretty much the same.

Au contraire

Borderlands 2: Use BL1-style linear gun damage scaling instead of exponential gun damage scaling, and remove all level-difference-based damage multipliers. Same thing with BL1; remove all level-difference-based damage multipliers.

Metroid Samus Returns:
Pressing a D-pad button instantly activates that aeon power and A morphs instead.

Super Mario 64
Make it so that the camera rotates slowly rather than in increments.