Rhythm Game Thread

I'm looking to get into/good at rhythm games, but don't have the shekels to give to the local arcade to do so.

Would Osu!Mania and KShootMania be good places to start for free? And on the topic of Osu!Mania, should I start out with 4K first or jump straight into 7K?

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play Lunatic Rave 2 for 7k+1 scratch lane, lern all about it at rggrepo.pbworks.com/w/page/114894091/Main

What's that game int he lower left? "Cat box."

Looks super cute.

imo everything past stepmania is firmly in gimmick territory. kshootmania style maps have to slow down so the fidgety slides work and that just takes away from the essential pattern gameplay. osu! is written in a goddamned garbage collected language and stutters (why would anyone do this?) but that doesn't matter because the scoring is super loose, again detracting from core gameplay. 'Drum game' is just a different UI on a much more limited version of existing games.

I think it's Beatstream

which one furries the musical?

Pop'n Music


does anyone actually still use a usb dance pad at home or is everyone playing stepmania with a keyboard now

yes, and it's called etterna now.

Thanks for the new information. Is the only difference a revamped scoring system? flashflashrevolution.com/vbz/showthread.php?t=145215

do this OP you won't regret it

if you want 4k play etterna and if you want 7k play lunatic rave 2

lunatic rave 2 here rggrepo.pbworks.com/w/page/114894091/Main
and etterna here etternaonline.com/downloads

osu is a steaming pile of garbage

is there a game that uses the mechanics of OSU but is more soundly programmed? i remember playing elite beat agents on the DS years ago, and that had similar gameplay, but i don't have a proper stylus touchpad for OSU, and playing with a mouse is shit

BMS bois where you at

Op if you haven't played anything before then osu!mania/stepmania is a good starting point. 4k and 7k are pretty much different games so there is no better option it just depends on what you want to play. K-Shoot is orite but only bother if you actually have a controller.

Usually im the one making these threads and we have a discord server where we post scores talk ridim games when theres no thread amongst other shitposting so ill just leave it here I guess,

Anyone got any questions most people will be happy to help either in the thread or in the discord.


Osu isnt the worst in that aspect but its retarded in a few other fields. Aka the ranking system and the scoring system mostly. The scoring is absolutely combo based which just undermines the whole point of being accurate and trying to play to the rhythm while the ranking system is corrupt as fuck and its not good songs that get ranked but its a friends of a friends song that gets speedranked because they suck each others dicks. This applies to osu std as well as other gamemodes.

osumania's scoring system is entirely accuracy based though

no it's not, combo matters a little bit. osu.ppy.sh/help/wiki/Game_Modes/osu!mania/#scoring

Every stepfile is automatically difficulty graded and given a difficulty number so that you can easylier find more stuff to play. There is an online thing that goes with that, etternaonline.com/ . It also has tons of performance increases due to removing unused, shitty features. No reason not to use it.

There's a lot of EBA/Osu-like games on mobile.

the "looks cute but would actually kill you" is pretty true, since despite all the fluffy designs and animal/anthros, Konami puts stuff like this in the song selections. Konami's even pulled the "let's bring over this hardcore techno/gabba track from SOUND VOLTEX and put it in this cutesy game instead of the DJ one" at least twice now.




I bet you use windows 10, chrome, google and utorrent as well
Yes discord is a piece of shit but its the best piece of shit atm, its only a matter of time before it goes to shit completely and everyone is going to move to the next client/platform. Its just whats currently handy to use,

I never got into rhythm games until I found embed related. Link if embed js still broken: youtu.be/3OLJ5aC83Iw

Why do people still say this? Score system will change to a more accuracy based one capping at 1m score for every map when new osu!lazer client drops probably next year.
Even then score doesn't mean anything, pp is separate from score and is the one that shows your skill and global rank, a lower score higher pp play will give you the pp while the higher score play stays on the map leaderboard.

Only problem osu! has is basically endless skill ceiling since it's aiming based, also genetics play a bigger role as I'm sure osu! must have the highest rates of RSI out of all rhythm games.
And there's so many maps and songs you won't have to care about speedranking mappers and the like if you don't want to

pp is literally based off your score user.

It literally isn't, ppv1 was based on your placement on scoreboard and how many scores the map has. ppv1 was made by peppy and it was imperfect. You're shitting on the game with information 4 years too late.

ppv2 is the current system since around the start of 2014 developed by someone else than peppy, ppv2 doesn't look at score and calculates from things like accuracy, amount of objects and distance and difficulty of jumps and streams in the map etc.
Of course the ppv2 isn't perfect because there's no pattern recognition or anything, the game sees a complicated jump pattern same as a straight one, this makes the technical maps undervalued but it's not that much of a problem.

There are also things like pp+ developed by some people in the community that improve on ppv2, but in the end none of these matter. Are you playing to rise on global rankings or to have fun? From what I see people who only farm pp never really become good, and any other rhythm game people here play don't have global leaderboards like osu! anyways. If you're good it'll show no matter what system is used anyways.

Guitar Hero is enough for me.

All this Jap dancing shit is kinda gay.

Is there a good GH simulator available? I'm jealous of the 360 Rock Band community and their fancy free songs.

I don't play std I was referring to mania, but its nice to see something is happening