Three Years

A lot has happened in the past year, and while it wasn't the complete mindfuck that was 2016. I'd say it was a pretty good year for us. There's probably too many things for me to list like Trump winning the election, the rise of Japanese games in the Industry, the Nintendo Switch giving us plenty to talk about, SEGA and Namco taking names and kicking ass, the /radcorp/ game nights, surprise game announcements like Hokuto Ga Gotoku and Dragonball FigherZ, and many many more things to list.

On behalf of the volunteer team, we would like to thank you all for using and enjoying Holla Forums, and for continuing to use this great image board.

Happy Third Anniversary Holla Forums!

Here's to (You).

Other urls found in this thread:!kyg2BajS!7fkXAFQGdqvqFFR7eKUsS6-Cmr-vQ0fUXkraPDRVLjM

That looks nasty and unhealthy.

it was alright, I put it in the freezer for later.


confirmed to taste good then?

Enjoy your heart attack


Oh boy a dance thread
how fitting that a cake is shaped as a (land)whale

Another cake? Did you not die from the last?

I had a few bites and put it away

It looks to me like he is eating himself to to death.

Be honest mark, do you have the beetus?

On a semi-related note: Null, I will never forgive you for the damage you did to this website. Hope you get eaten alive by your pack of rabid autists at KF.

(((Mark))) I love you

Please give me (You)s

Why is the cake so small Mark? Are you dieting?

This place isn't bad sometimes.

Here (You) go man.



I'm gonna give (You)s to this guy instead

we get worse and worse each passing day, cheers


Here you go.

you on a diet or just being cheap?

Someone give me a Pokemon to fap to


Delet this

fuck off mark you're a complete retarded kike and I sincerely, from the bottom of my heart hope you die falling into a pit of punji sticks you fat motherfucker, fucking kill yourself you asshat DIE YOU BITCH FUCK YOU

dubs thread

Checking that dank ID


Eat the cake mark

Are we ever going to have a board owner at a healthy weight?

Are we ever going to have a board user at a healthy weight?

Here's a (you) user


Its been fun Mark.

happy birthday to everyone


I dont believe you.

The only good is /radcorp/ being actually rad giving the nice opportunity letting me play some fun xonotic in /aus/ and doom at 400 billion ping of team deathmatch despite being a bit too fast but was most fun when everyone could pick respective characters from games like duke nukem, hexen, quake, etc. and that is not the touch of your hand, it is the touch of others who believe in videogames. Also, /ogc/ being the best general for obvious reasons.
I really hate this stupid fucking cake bullshit, this is the dumbest crap, it's not fucking funny, you just simply inserting a really boring meme like some kind of faker, which Mark is definitely a fucking poser. It will never be humorous and continue to be stale.

Here's to another year with you loveable buffoons


Do anything worthwhile since last time, anons?

I post here to vent my frustration.

Jirachi is for protecting smiles and making wishes

Never leave car user. May the dubs be ever in your favor.

I post here to project my defects onto others and not kill myself.

I post here because nothing else can hold my attention.

I post here to have fun

checked dubs of absolute truth

I post here to give myself a break between drinking sessions.

I post here to bully faggots like you


I want to be punished by an older woman for being a lewd boy

Post music to celebrate



Really? Why does it feel longer? Theads have been alright lately, besides the shit ones. I wish good games would come out.

I need to be able to barely function at my place of employment. I haven't actually done anything other than paperwork in the last forever and even then I forget about it to shitpost or get sleep.

I post here because it's the closest anyone will get on understanding me, and even then, the majority of the people here barely know what the fuck I ramble about and don't really chip into my conversations.

Summer has ended user so board quality is steadily going back up.



>you will never have Slut! Mark ride your cock as and crash it down on your cock as he pants like a pupper while he leaks precum like a faucet from his tiny throbbing circumcised cock

Tell me which IDs you have in other threads

good god user why?


I love you all just the way you are.

Now that's some high mileage.


I hope you get AIDS and die you fucking queer

y-you too

Here's to another year of hopes and dreams. Let us hope that the mods won't go full retard and let us dream of quality vidya in future.


Time sure flies, and thinking that reminds of all the things I'm working on that I could've accomplished already in that time if I weren't lazy as fuck.

either Mark has gotten better about fucking sperging out and deleting shit, or he's gotten better at hiding it. Whatever the case, things haven't always been this smooth.

I don't know who besides myself has been here since the first exodus, but we've been through a lot. The initial surge, the servers shitting themselves, the massive lizardfag DDoS attacks and war of attrition in 2014 and early 2015, the slow, depressing death of GG, the massive amounts of turmoil and uncertainty during new year's 2016 when Infinity Next was being pushed, and the site itself changing hands.

Along the way we had actual corporate shills, shitloads of technical issues, Holla Forums [remember them?] pushing D&C tactics, technical problems, successful plans to fuck shit up [boston salt party, countless others], avatarfags, tripfags, technical issues, and so much more that I can't even remember right now. This site is a lot more stable and easy than it was, and I'm just now realizing how much older I am than when I started coming here.

Here's to another year of stupid bullshit with you fucking retards. I wouldn't rather be anywhere else.

I post so I can ruin other people's fun.




fuck off race mixer

You learn to love the anguish.

O'Brien was tricked.

You're fucking blind. He sperged out about people making fun of him for Sonic Mania not too long ago.
He still deletes innocuous shit all the fucking time.
He's still a fucking faggot.

You don't love me. You don't even know who I am, please go away and stop trying to force yourself into places you aren't openly welcomed in. Jesus Christ, you expect us to treat this like a sitcom or something.

Oh my god.

Right now I was on the Sonic Forces one, making some Xolotl theory. I'll see if the other threads I posted in are still up.
Typically what I post takes a specific mindset to chime in to, I don't blame people for not caring or being overwhelmed.
This is the only place I can really call home you know, it still sucks that there aren't enough people constantly jogging their heads around and coming up with crazy ideas other than for the sake of some board culture thing or picture.
I tend to think a lot, so I really like making notes while playing a certain game. I tend to make more notes during bad games due to me almost always seeing the potential in certain projects.

A lot of people are Jaded I assume, and can't balance that inner creative child with the garbage that is the industry.
I always have ideas and jot them down, even if they'll never happen I just need to let myself know that something can always be improved or added to.
It's nice having a little bit of closure in a way, that I have to take it into my own hands. It's a long story really.

But he's OUR fucking faggot.

He ain't no son of mine

Cheers Holla Forums, here's to another year.

Does that even count? I was being more of a bitch than a sperg.

You're a bitch alright. You naughty fucking whore.

Too bad Namco still hasn't given us a proper Soulcalibur for this generation. Has the Project Soul team disbanded or something?

TAHT fucking movie, what a waste of my life, if only Chin didn't hook up with stair-chan instead

Japan sure loves putting SOUL to the names of their games.

Hey mark why aren't you eating this cake all at once
Also why did you forget to mention the 12 Game Overs

You're right. I don't love you. Neither does your parents.

I'm the gatekeeper of Holla Forums and I think you are gay

Because they don't have their own.

My point is that I was more arguing and bitching about the meme rather than sperging and abusing my mod powers or whatever.

I'm unsure if it counts.

I was going too, but I figured one could make the argument that the Mania leak brought in some shitposters for a few days.


Stair Chan is best waifu. Beta Kelso really made the terrible choice and he paid for it.

Why would you ever pick a girl that smells like fish? :^)

holy shit, the delusion

Seeing as a good portion of 8ch visits /cuteboys/, I'm not bothered by this assumption. If anything, I'm in good company.

I'ld trust this user, he seems like an authority on being a faggot.

ROB is a faggot

Yes, it's comparable to Dean Takahashi's social media crying, but reduced to Holla Forums. Whether you abuse your mod powers is a different story.

End yourself. Holla Forums should be in better hands than this attention whore fat New York ZOG kike.

So when are you going to eat that cake you fat faggot? I want to see you stuff your face


At least mark doesn't hide his retardation, Holla Forums's mods never try to explain themselves whatsoever.

Woah when did everyone start to hating rob?
like did I miss something?

DER JUDE is at the end of the day the ultimate reason for all that is evil in this world including this board, the reason why just this year post quality turned abysmal is due to this kike. If we banned anything that isn't videogames and generals this board would be twice as good.

Holla Forums mods are controlled opposition ZOG.

Then why is /games/ shit?

Well I'll try to play a game for the birthday, but I don't know if I'll get the time. Might as well ask, but what is your favorite small board Mark? And by that I mean less than 50 users.

While there are some people here who have shit taste and don't get called out for it, it's much better than talking about videogames with the people I play tabletop with.

Because no one goes to it you dumb nigger.

what's to explain, they're just kikes.

She's cute but I wish she were a little bit more assertive. She lets people walk all over her!

You know you're desperate when you try making it personal and try going for the jugular by mentioning "UR PARENTS!!1!1!" because I told you to piss off, then again, that's your deflection method because you take attention whoring very seriously.
Even a god damn middle schooler is able to come up with a better rebuttal than your sad ass. Not even going go into detail about how you only came to shit up this place because of you not even being welcome in the garbage dump of the internet, so you came and infested THIS place instead with Nickelodeon tier corporate worshipping.
God you're fucking pathetic.

3 years already, wow. Time goes quickly. May Holla Forums stick around for a while, I need places like these. To another happy year with you guys.

Despite the shitposting, the avatarfagging, and the shitty template threads, I wouldn't want to be anywhere else. Through all your faults and quirks, I love you guys.

Happy birthday, Holla Forums.

Are you referring to the cake or Sonic
Either Way you being the faggot who got Sonic Early was pretty fucking funny

And no one goes there because it's shit. Checkmate

Damn Shadow, stop being so harsh with the special needs kids

Yeah, she's not that hard to climb!


Is Mark going to eat an entire cake all by himself again?

Because it's also trying to be /tg/ when /tg/ actually has a good BO

No, fuck off.

I must've hit pretty close to home, didn't I?


Who missed it?



Some RPing faggot

Why the fuck would you want that.

He pussied out and only had a few bites

Or what, you'll stop posting here forever?

He Bought a Switch

what a gay


no i'll mostly just keep complaining


To be honest the reason there is no name field is 4am

video-game discussion on this website is dead due to this new york kike, if we had a proper white man take care of it then we wouldn't be in this damn mess

At least it's better than Holla Forums
At least with Mark I can laugh at him for failing at sonic

No man. You're just annoying, my mom loves me very much. Now you're deflecting again by ignoring the main point, which isn't very mature on your part, then again, I expect no better than someone who is manic and blinded by their lust for a creatively bankrupt shell.
Your lack of proper rebuttal also tells me you have zero self awareness and will keep using elementary style hair splitting tactics, or "Pilpul" for short, so arguing with you, OR LACK THEREOF, is a waste of time as much as you are a waste of space when stripping you of your consumerist bloat.

No idea how you don't look at yourself and feel completely disgusted with how you're a walking advertisement for an entity who's never had the people in charge bat an eye and thank you personally, or even ask for input, from you, the player.

Whatever makes you happy man, just don't be shocked when someone who refuses to comform to mediocrity and your empty appraisal tells you to scram like cockroach you are.

Holla Forums is equally bad, the only good boards left are /k/, /ck/ and Holla Forums.
read the wise words of this book my white brothers


/tg/ is good too

Real reason is because him and the splatoon general had quite a number of fights.

/brutux/ was the best board until it got shoahed.

I'm sure she can learn how not to be such a doormat. Just gotta go slowly… Step by step.


Well from what I understand him and the Splatoon general had a huge internet fight which leads those anons to shitting all over his threads because he sperged out in the splatoon generals.

So when are you going to eat some more cake, you might as well eat it all
ROB I know that's you


So pretty much he would be banned but he isn't right?

Ok now this confuses me like what did they fight about?

Well it wasn't really just because he bought a Switch
Really it was a case of him defending every single little thing Nintendo did like Paid online
And this is on a board who on majority are ex-Nintendrones who are now betrayed and pissed off at Nintendo

I think they had a huge argument over Nintendo Switch.

You do realize the D&C is what threw me off in the first place, right? Act like an adult.

Yeah, I think they got over a huge thing over the paid online thing. Like I can understand if he went with a "wait and see approach" but apparently they both sperged at each other. I don't get involved in this drama shit unless I have to, but from what it sounds like. ROB was nasty towards the Splatoon guys and now the Splatoon guys try to ruin his threads/reputation or whatever since he was a bit of a cunt to them. Either way I'm not taking sides on this shit. My stance is that if ROB fucks with the Splatoon generals and causes drama then he should be banned, same with the anons that cause drama in his threads.

Ahhh. Criticism is so fucking evil man. God damn I'm ruining the board with it, I should get back to just shit posting mindlessly like a drone maaaaaaan. Yeah, everyone suck up to each other or we're trying to divide and conquer.

Low effort sarcasm aside, you're a bad troll, but I will stop before other people start shitting on each other and this thread becomes even worse by how it began, snowballing into something unpalatable and cancerous.
If they didn't learn then, they won't learn now. That's a motto I won't soon forget, and avoid idiots like the plague instead of confronting them directly. There is nothing to gain personally.

fuck off /aus/faggot

it's a clear D&C. Don't even take it seriously.

If possible I'd like to move on from the meta since I don't want this thread to be entirely about that. So tell me Holla Forums, what was your favorite vidya related event from this year?

You know, Undertale is part of Holla Forumss history.

I'm not even joking

Phil Collins did nothing wrong

nothing is as bad as current year 8/pol/, you fucking take that back.

It is funny and sad how people became super political on 2016.

I know. I stopped already m8. I don't want this thread to become "Generic meta thread #8383939#”

When you leaked Mania. What a fucking ride that was.

Oh no, not again. Mark, eating an entire cake is so unbelievably beyond unhealthy for you. Spread it out over a long period of time, please.

Posting Ace Combat 7 trailer because video games.

Bless ya Mark
You might be a kike but you keep this board alive, even if you do fuck up from time to time. Your janitors do an okay job too, but sometimes they're pretty retarded as well.
I still think you do retarded shit like make a cyclical thread for this shit instead of just stickying multiple threads so nobody's posts are forgotten but… that's minor
I still think you should bring back the 700 post bump limit too
Anyways, minor griping aside, I'm happy to be here alongside you anons. Its been quite a fucking ride and I hope to continue it while we save the world and play video games.

How goes the progress on the cake, mark? Finish it yet?

no wonder moot made /vg/, generals and repeating threads always breed cancer and autists.

Fuck, not much this year that I can remember. I didn't come on Holla Forums as much as I wanted to.
Perhaps when we pulled back the curtain on that bullshit Far Cry 5 petition nonsense, or when the mario x rabbids stuff got leaked.
Oh, this year's E3 was especially fun as well. It was so horrible that it can't help but be entertaining to everyone.
With hope the industry crashes and in the flames we can start anew.
There was a ton of fun OC and good postings all around.
Oh, the Holla Forums shit on the new ass creed steam forums was good too. Very entertaining to see what happened.

Cum on her face and post results.


your gf is cute as fuck fam.

Sorry if I ever caused any distress. I love you fuckers.

give her head pats

Ass Effect: Asperger's release, it was glorious with the sheer amount of failure it produced. Also gave me an autism fetish.

What are the embedded songs? I like the ones I've heard so far.

She looks fat

this cake looks kinda depressing, like someone a poor family would buy for a kid.
anyway, happy birthday

She's a big guy.

No idea, but here's one

She looks a bit baby faced.
Ah, to be young again.

You shouldn't post pics of loved people in the internet son

That was about a year ago, first pic was more recent. I just don't have anything appropriate to post.
I've been helping her lose weight since, she's also useful at math, somewhere I'm fucking awful in.

Nice. I found the mp3s listed in the source code but couldn't figure out if they'd be on Holla Forums or just the main site or what. I guess now I can go through all of them to find the one I really liked.

For you.

That's true, and I don't want other anons to feel like shit. I've known those "tfw no gf" anons, and they always get heavy and instantly emotional when they see people talking about their partner because they need that love, they need that fulfillment so badly.

Is there any cake left this time? Could've invited some NY anons to share if you weren't feeling in the mood for a Five Guys meet up. Favorite gaming related event this year? Would've been Mania's release had it not been for Denuvo. 12 game overs was entertaining nonetheless, as was seeing Mass Effect, LawBreakers, Battleborn, and Yooka-Laylee crash and burn.

Happy 3rd anniversary. I'm sure we'll get through whatever is next that comes our way after numerous attempts to kill us outright have failed. Can't keep us down that easy and here's hoping that this Christmas will be another good one as payback for what happened on this day, 3 years ago:

Fingers crossed for another lawsuit victory like Hogan's.


Happy birthday from /xen/!
Even if we are a dead board.

Much better than this board indeed

Okay, I guess I'm specifically wondering about thes two. I should know the song name but I'm blanking. I know I've played what it's from because I recognize it.
I'm recognizing a lot of these, but not being able to name them. Need to get Mark to list them all somewhere.

As soon as this post went through, it hit me what the first one was. Still wondering on the second though

Happy birthday Holla Forums.

Congrats on keeping is pit of horrible and wonderful assholes alive. This place is not without its flaws but then it wouldn't be our janky as fuck home otherwise.
Hale Hortler!

The files' metadata have all the names, silly.
Not saying you did, but I'm not sure how anyone here can call Holla Forums shit when they consider this sub basic knowledge.

Grimoire, numerous steam forum raids and that however many hours long devolver fever dream.

The track is Ys VIII OST - Volitional Decision

Double Dragon Neon: Stage 1
Ys 8: Volitional Decision

still no name field
still no subject field
still no real email field
still no fun

You have a very horrible definition of fun.

There's fun user.
Its in your VIDEO GAMES heart.

The group of people here who call Holla Forums shit and the group of people here who don't know what metadata probably don't have much overlap


Mass Defect: Andromeda and Bioware Montreal crash


I didn't even save it yet to check for metadata. I'm a FLAC autist


here's for another 3 years you silly cunts


post it

I'm mashing the play button but it's not working help

you talking about me?

Today it was


How do I turn off the fucking cake song? I don't want that trash playing at all.

also dig dug and mr driller

jesus christ what am im doing with my life

click the cake

also rhythm heaven

I love you faggots

Fuck me I forgot the Infinity Next shit was that long ago. It doesn't feel like 3 years at all.

I just starts playing a few seconds later.

XCOM and Evolve really were the driving forces for the board.
I hope the BO's okay

if you're on firefox you can just mute the entire tab from your toolbar

It starts in every thread I open. I want to turn it off so that I don't have to keep muting every tab.

Well, I guess it's time for another 5 hour session of looking for that FFFFFFFFFFRIDAY NIGHT album half/v/ made years and years ago. I never have any luck.

That was a great time staying up for with anons getting progressively more sleep deprived.


Has it been a whole year again? Happy birthday infinity, here's to another year.

Has it really been that long? I look forward to another 3 years with you jerks as it has been a blast.

/radcorp/ if that counts.
I'm still butthurt about the disappointment that is Splatoon 2.

Ohhhh my fucking dick, give me the good shit user.

Mark, turn off the sound spam.


I'd draw right now but I'm fucking tired. It's like 1:58 AM.
Fawgh. Now I'm gonna sleep and wake up to completely new posts and sift through all the text because it can't go unread

I didn't really participate in most of the events. Feel like I should have but you know how it is maybe? Do you wageslave, mark? It's a bitch because no free time but it's a necessity. Just come home after work, eat, and sleep then pound it out until the weekend and sleep all day, do chores in the afternoon, then get dragged along to something on sunday which leaves me just enough time to get ready for work on monday. Good thing I enjoy my job because fuck I'd have take then quick route to hades by now if I didn't.

oh sheiiiiit.
>nothing on >>>/ani/


Eltonel's really been stepping up his game. It's a quick one, but very detailed.

I can't listen to the fucking music thread with shit Mark you kike autist.

so it's been 3 years… huh…

No nigga no.
It's /ani/'s work.
The picture says it clearly.

/ani/'s the guy making the animation.

Don't lie to him. Not on our birthday.


>>>/suicide/ is that way, filthy kike

Too much Doom.

Alright, since it's our birthday.

Sounds like someone's got two scoops of butthurt.

nice attempt but you can't fool me, user. I'm wise to your tricks now.

sure, let's dance for a bit.

It's ok man. Just measure out your 3.5 milligrams of ground turkey and broccoli and clear out every room you enter with your nuclear /fit/ farts.

Technically, it is an animation.

I love you faggots.

BASED TRUMP will give amnesty to illegal aliens!

Racist dems btfo. Praise the emperor!


Lets fight trump together comrade!


Happy Birthday Holla Forums



Godspeed you glorious bastards

Our golden jew.
Never change.

Feels like i've got diarrhea and constipation at the same time. My stomach is upset but i can't shit it out

This is why no one likes you, except the retarded reddit immigrants that you've made to feel at home.

Happy anniversary!

He must be a valued customer by now.

Where's the cake eating

Ara is superior, loli a shit.




Finally someone said it.

No shit.


Three Cheers for Three years! Is hotwheels still alive?

He moved to gab last I checked, yeah.

I hope for your sake as well as this board's that you are at least working out to be eating this much cake in your life.

Then again it looks like he's been postan on twatter after that. Typical tricks.

Here's to many more good years here.

At least this game finally had a redeem route.

Feels like just yesterday everyone was trying to figure out what to call Freddit. I don't even remember which stream chat that was in.

I love you faggots

It's the epitome of a gay uncle name.

What is he doing nowadays anyway?

We need more OC tbh. Also add Ren too. Despite the false promises he's part of us all.

Marc actually sounds a bit more faggy.

It's been a wild ride and I feel it's only going to get wilder.
Love you fagets.

He got hired on because of this. Much the same. He's doing alright it seems.

If anything, Ren deserves ridicule and humilition until he actually does it.

I was promised an animation.

Here's an animation just for you fam.


That condom better has some holes in it.

It seems longer than that. Or shorter, I can't tell. Either way I hope I have fun here because I know unless a fuck up of colossal magnitude occurs I'm not leaving. You're all assholes but we're stuck here together, so let's try to have a good time.

happy b day Holla Forums i hope i get a job this year or im fucked :(

what a strange universe i have stumbled upon

Don't despair you might enjoy it.


As a comet, a rolling fist of heaven, a thought strains in stratosphere, a cold and nebulous memory solidifies, warms, then free falls unto my heart, piercing deep the anus of my soul. I remember this, these things forgotten in light of new ages, my face lifted toward the blue of the board. There is only rain.

Maybe no one hires you because you can't fucking write

Three years already? Time flies. I hope after all the bullshit we can finally have some decent video games in the near future.
Happy birthday you faggots.
Mark, please. You're gonna die man.

I like Mark

Shit, I still remember the SJW board and the videos the board owner made made. Fun times


too bad hes going to overdose on cake soon

Mark, I need a pastebin link with all the songs pls

Post the song list Mark you dumb nigger
I'm loving these songs so far tho
also happy birthday you fags

Oh you naive fool.

Forgive me anons, I am almost done with the animation. Please permit me to take a break, I've been busting my ass on this throughout the entire night.


You're forgetting the best part, he had an anal vore fetish and decided to share it with his family.

no way they were the same person

God damn it.

It's got to happen eventually, right? Right?

Happy Holla Forumsday you assholes.
good assholes

That was the same guy? I remembered that he was trying to prove he wasn't gay. Assuming it wasn't a ruse.
I'd webm it if I knew how

Peak of industry was mastered in 1998, it has only been on decline since then.

Didn't he first started by making a video and demanding apology from gghq?



Some of them are a little iffy on the naming.
In any case, I'll just leave this here, I guess:

1. The Way You Move - Killer Instinct
2. Shadow Warrior Main Theme Remake - Shadow Warrior Classic Redux
3. Lightning Strikes Again - Thunder Force IV
4. Stroll around the Town - Custom Robo Battle Revolution
5. K.K. Good Day - Animal Crossing/Ice Cube / BotanicSage/Mesmonium
6. 迷子のエコー - [東方 Bossa Nova] ShibayanRecords
7. Snake Eater - Metal Gear Solid
8. The Beginning - Battle Chasers Nightwar
9. Live and Learn - Sonic Adventure 2
10. Something from the JJBA episode The Faraway Journey, Farewell Friends
11. The Unsung War - Ace Combat 5: The Unsung War
13. Kirisome No Amuneija - Koumajou Densetsu Scarlet Symphony
14. Rebirth the Edge - Sengoku Rance
15. Big Blast Sonic - Guilty Gear Xrd -SIGN-
16. Always - Erasure
17. Mute City Ver.3 - Super Smash Bros. Wii U
18. Song of the Ancients Devola - NieR
19. One-Up Girl - Pauline and the New Donk Players
20. Tears of Time (Bloody Tears) - Touhouvania
21. Devils Near Cry - Devil May Cry 3
22. ChRøNiClESeVeN feat. Annabel - 7th Dragon III code:VFD
23. One and Only One - Chic / Mega Man X
24. Credits (Rescue Girl) - Mighty Switch Force 2
25. All the Worlds Stage - Project X Zone 2: Brave New World
26. Last Battle (Ballos Mix) - Cave Story Arranged
27. Kimi no Kioku - Persona 3
28. Night Walker (Linnes Theme) - Under Night In
29. Ai wo Torimodose!! (Masaaki Endoh version) - Hokuto no Ken
30. Daytona USA Medley - Daytona USA Circuit Edition
31. Exceed! - Sen no Kiseki
32. Rules of Nature Extended - Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance
33. This is True Love Makin' - Capcom vs. SNK 2
34. Emiya (Kenji Kaway ver.2) - Fate/Stay Night
35. Funk Goes On - Ryu ga Gotoku
36. It's Kill or Be Killed ~ Destroy Restort - No More Heroes 2
37. Network Coast - Spark the Electrik Jester
38. Native Faith - Xi-On
39. Jenova Theme - Final Fantasy VII Advent Children
40. Into Free ~Dangan~ - Dragon's Dogma
41. To Live Is To Forget - Ethersens
42. City Streets 1 - Double Dragon Neon
43. Rivers in the Desert - Persona 5
44. Soy Sauce For Geese - King of Fighters XIV
45. Chrono Trigger Main Theme - Chrono Trigger Orchestral Selection
46. Concept of Love - Jet Set Radio Future
47. Unknown From M.E. - Sonic Adventure DX
48. You Will Know Our Names - Xenoblade Chronicles
49. Normal Battle - Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne
50. Volitional Decision - Ys VIII
51. Open Your Heart (New Mix) - Sonic Adventure

And by iffy on the naming I mean I downloaded them all some time before you posted, went through all the files and put this list together by hand, making adjustments as I saw fit.

Jesus christ where the fuck did the time go

legend, thanks user

I like you Holla Forums

Keep it in your pants, faggot

Eat a dozen dicks you weeaboo Nintentoddler kike


what is this, a batch file or something I use with greasemonkey?

Jesus Christ Mark.

I'm the boss of this gym, kiddo.



where's the download link?

its a Pokemon gym


The stuff in the code block is a bash script that downloads all the files and then renames them based on their metadata.
The files themselves are located at to

Sounds like you're on Windows. You need a real and totally illegal hacker OS to leverage for this complicated task of downloading files and renaming them, you know.

brb installing gentoo.


Always funny how we managed to create our own promised board. Free of cucks and SJW mods.

One day, rabbit user

Very true, you can look like a pile of expired yogurt and still go on with life if you're brave enough.

The reverberation of the room. The scream doesn't sound like she's in an outdoor environment, she's clearly indoors and you can hear it.



Is there any hope for me?

Keep the faggy rituals in /cringe/. Doesnt smiley like that sorta shit?

>normal 20 year old
Those social and accomplishment categories kill me.
I'm only fucking 20, how am I meant to have kids or own a degree yet? Being a virgin also automatically means you loose out on 20~ points, I'm from an autistically Christian village where having sex out of wedlock is looked down upon. It's common to be a virgin here up to 25.
This test is bullshit.

It's possible the audio being pulled from a boom mic which can pick all sort of extraneous sound. A lav mic would've worked better.


You fail to realize that experience is part of life.

Sounds like a nice place to live. If only more communities prevented sluts from being raised.

Another year and I still haven't killed myself…

Maybe next year… heh.

Uh no, a studio uses neither boom mics nor lav mics, both of those would be retarded. Most commonly they use cardioid condenser mics, the point here isn't a microphone issue but instead a studio issue, there isn't enough sound dampening on the room's wall to ensure it doesn't reflect back at the speaker and end up in the microphone.


This test is meant for normal adults, not kids who live in a commune.

Aren't they the cutest animal of all? Of course we will


I know, which is why I suggested those because I'm pretty sure that webm was filmed outside.

>might have been almost a borderline normalfag 5-7 years ago
>had multiple romantic partners
>but due to drug addiction eventually became a paranoid burned out shut-in

where did it go so wrong?

1) If it was recorded outside, there would be no reverberation off the walls that you can clearly hear in that webm.
2) NO ONE records voice acting/voice overs outdoors for any reason ever. It's all in a studio (or in a home setup). Only actual on-camera actors are ever filmed outdoors, which would then indeed potentially involve a boom mic.

Not if Mark deletes it every time I make it.

Such disappointment to celebrate this "birthday" by having Mark's shit taste in music in the guise of a cake.

Thank God that it isn't playing in my browser.

Did I do good?

How hard do you have to fuck up your life to score poorly on this?

So you where a geek who went to collage and screwed some drunk sluts for an easy 20 points. Just keep doing drugs and partying and you will quickly be one of us again soon™ er then latter.

one benis in vagina and you're in the normal fag category

But I graduated 2 years ago and haven't fucked anyone in years.

I seem to recall having gotten 60-something last time I went through this a year and a half ago, so I don't know what changed.

I got 104


Forty one(41).

I hate contacting anyone outside people I consider friends, even then, I feel mostly underappreciated in most cases.
My room looks like a neet-hole as it is tastefully decorated with various bionicle sets and littered with empty plastic bottles on the ground with my drawer tops being occupied with clean clothing.
How autistic am I from this description alone?

10/10, you should be shot on sight when leaving your house.

Post pic of room. Don't clean it up for the camera either.

fuck off mark

Okay, I don't feel that competent but I guess.

I answered, its easier then you might imagine. Just start shooting heroin. Take the blue pill fam!


on second thought, this chart is pretty retarded

he just linked it wrong, missing an l

Isn't it?

absolutely patrician

That's mostly due to physical and accomplishments, but not unexpected. Social being mostly about sex and girlfriends makes my score there pretty low.

the keyboard ate an l

I at most just clean the bottles once in a while.

it's mostly the reboot ones because when the cool ones were out I didn't have any way of earning disposable cash. But I have a few, including OG Tahu and Lewa.

8/10, would be more if those bottles were filled with piss.

It's not that unreasonable. Having kids already implies a huge number of points from other categories. And having been texted recently is something that you usually "should" be able to check if you have the slightest degree of normalness, while even most normalfags with a chance at seeing the chart won't have kids.
Think of the texting one as -2 if you haven't, rather than +2 if you have.

What does make the chart fairly retarded is its standards are too low. Typical normalfags like my university classmates could fairly easily reach >150.


that still doesn't bring the userbase to even double digits

Yeah, you're certainly gearing up for wizardry. I'll see you when you get there user.

I ate a cheeseburger outdoors, the patty having shreds of carrot and parsley for taste.

Do not say such names here.

there is hope for me i think

This thread is living proof that most of you weren't bullied enough

not as bad as expected/10

Well, good morning to you too, Holla Forums.
So what's that russian song?

Forgot to include this, it hangs above my bed.

Clean your damn room/10

I think you mean 1 digits

Speak for yourself faggot.

But yeah kids these could use a healthy dose of bullying.

Throw out those bottles and you have youself an okay room for a robot such as yourself/10

edgy as fuck

spooky, with a touch of brutal. Would use a cover for some death or doom metal /10

It's bad but you made it sound a lot worse. I like the painting though.

Did you eat the entire cake again Mark?

You're not autistic, you're just lazy as fuck.

t. normalfag

Five guys, burgers and fries.

What do I win

fuck off, faggot

A ticket to user's School of Wizardry :^)

77, but again not being a virgin bumps it up a shitton.

Worst disappointment of high school to be honest.

Post score sheet with check marks.

Eh, made it out of "pre"-tradeschool where I was just barely hanging on and now I am in college questioning my life decisions every other day, different paint at least.
Inadequacy is a terrible feel

Fuck, I wanted a gun

I seem to have stumbled down a bad road.

Luckily, I brought my fedora to the party for just such an occasion.
People who think they're nice, without fail, are unbearable. Thinking you're nice is default human position, and means that you've never tried any kind of self-examination. There's a difference between "knowing" you're a nice person, and working to understand your flaws and fix yourself to attain higher goods, which is what actually makes you a nice person.
Why would you be proud of material items rather than accomplishments? The best material items are means to accomplishments, like a house, car, computer, power tool, or instrument.
That's nearly meaningless. You can't just say "healthy" because nobody agrees on what's healthy. Even the normalfag definitions of healthy vary from "in the kitchen" to "girl power".

You don't have to fuck up anything specifically, you just have to not have anyone to teach you normalcy in the first place, which leads to fucking up everything through unawareness, inaction, and confusion.

I guess my time in high school was fun, even made a bunch of friends.

Kill yourself then clean up your room.

66 'cyborg', but i think in my social interactions i lean a bit closer to 'slightly strange'
i barely got any points on the mental and bonus categories

I knew if I started a fight bad shit would happen to me which is why I needed someone else to initiate but the school was almost entirely white with no conflict.

Looks like 7, firefox is fine. Steam is a bit gay, but not abhorrent.

People wonder why I advocate homeschooling.

you got one of the two things right, I use Win7 and the browser is Vivaldi. Custom themes are a thing my dude.

You're a far bigger faggot than I thought.

Well that could of gone worse >>13428367

I don't know whether or not I should be proud that I got the second lowest score on Holla Forums. And that's assuming my face is as attractive as I think it is; if not, then I get 12 and win the Fuckup Olympics.

christ user. Show us a breakdown of the list, I want to know where you are and are not a fuck up.

Then give me a better alternative, Please

66 'cyborg', but i think in my social interactions i lean a bit closer to 'slightly strange'
i barely got any points on the mental and bonus categories

It still amazes me to this day.

Mark is just fat you retard

Most of the classes I took over there were so I could actually graduate HS, making my degree almost worthless, but it at least the counselors at my college weren't fucking incompetent.

Wewlad, I don't think it's an achievement to be incarcerated or in a psych ward at one point in your life.

So niggers?

Ice cat
Iridium if you like jewgle
internet explorer

Missed a couple actually, 30.

>Was holding a mostly empty water bottle
>Hit the guy with the water bottle a few times before a security guard showed up to break up the "fight"
That was the closest thing to a fight I was ever in. I should've just taken the punch like a bitch, would have been much less embarrassing.


Seriously best decision ever.

It was in Utah so wiggers.

Did anyone treat you differently after the fight user?


One of those mysteries of life you can't help but wonder all the hows and whys.

My cousin in another state got expelled after breaking some nignog's jaw in school.
Urban schools fucking suck.

weird since im a psychopath but then again the only girls who gave me blowyjoeys were weebs/daddy issues types and I sure do love my oxycodone so weird.

Guess I'll go play more street fighter 3 and let my yellow fever take over.

For of you listening to your own music this evening, what have you been listening to?

I'm listening to Merriweather Post Pavilion atm.

Listening to some Adult swim bumps right now

The next school day was the most tense one of my entire life.


I got suspended for a week immediately afterwards, so they were probably laughing about it at least for a couple a days, but to answer your question, not really. I know one guy burst out laughing at me in class when he recognized me about a month later, but that was about it.
I couldn't look the guy who sucker punched me in the eye after that though. Every time I saw him it reminded me of what an ass I made of myself.

Preaching to the choir, the school I was at was shitskin city. I could count the number of other whites in the whole school on both hands. I remember one teacher almost fucking died from having a brick thrown at her head for some reason or another, shit was bad.

It's a slow board but i'd suggest you should give it a try if you want to be better.

That's fucked. What ever did you do to him?

Oh, I forgot to add.
The "No sexual attraction to under 15s" thing is just a technicality since -like most fags on this site- I do occasionally enjoy lolicon material. If that doesn't count then just add another 3 to my score.
The "little interest in anime" thing is not something I would consider a positive though, because it's less a matter of normalfaggotry and more a matter of being incapable of feeling joy at all. Shit sucks.

Oh, shit. I don't have a criminal record so make that 18. I overlooked that one. No psyche ward either.


Does having an attractive face really matter when you are out of shape, got bad teeth and are a alcoholic NEET?


does having sex count if you fucked another Holla Forums user?

when I was little I didn't know that being "retarded" was a thing, I just thought some people were dumb. Some literal retard was trying to mock me so we got in a fight and I ended up winning. Years later, like ten years later after we'd stopped being around one another he finds out I'm going to the same community college as him. Apparently retards can learn to weld. He finds me coming out of my class and says he wants to fight. I was doing well with my grades and now that I knew what retards were I couldn't beat up a literal fucking retard on school grounds. I went out to the cafeteria and baited him a bit until he socked me in the back of the head. Entire room saw him. He was expelled. The guys he hung out with later told me he was saying he planned to kill me.

Well. I'm waiting.

some shit I made to help me sleep

Those digits are backwards, right?

Mind you I'm adding three points since I have a modern smartphone.

Yeah, as gay sex.

I still didn't get invited anywhere and no one liked being with me but at teh same time no one dared to start shit with me

Kid was a major sperg. There was only one computer teacher so if you took any of the graphic design classes or things like that you were together with every one else. The teacher had mad bantz and I did too, made fun of him one too many times. Didn't help that he stuttered.

The teacher confiscated it right then and there, the next day he drilled us on the fact he does have a concealed carry permit and if he has to unload his gun into one of his students he will. The kid with the list got reported to the principal and I think he was suspended for a day.

A kid that does something like that doesn't sound very intimidating
61, mfw haven't even held hands romantically and have the same score as mark

it's not gay if the balls don't touch

Of course it does, why wouldn't it?
You better have cuddled afterwards faggot.

that is not what that saying is used for.

I thought you would ban me for the post. Thanks Mark. Out of curiosity could you post your check sheet for everyone?

have you never dp'd a trap, user?


Hey man, you could be on the shitlist of an entire group of feather indians.

We are all on a list anyway because of this site

mind sharing that list, friend

I was promised an /ani/mation and it still hasn't been posted yet.

Well let's count

no smoking +1
no weed +1
no booze addiction +1
no addiction to drugs + 2
good dental +1
shower regularly +2
visit the doctor every 3 months for a check up +1
Take meds +1
feel content +3
Feel love for family +2
Not anxious around friends or family +3
Comfortable around strangers +1
Don't feel anxious about going outside +1
Don't feel stared when outside + 1
clean conscience +2
Don't find joy in edgy shit +1
Get to sleep easily at night +1
Get up easily in the morning +1
No sexual attraction to lolis +3
good relationship with family +2
one friend in real life +2
several friends in real life +4
socialize once a day +4
leave the house on the regular +1
Enjoy being around others when possible +5
use social media regularly +2
Live a largely independent life +2
Took care of a pet +1
Attended higher education +3
Healthy view of the opposite sex +3
No criminal record +1
Been texted by a real person +2
Have a decent smartphone +3

So probably more like 64, but you get the idea.

Are you retarded?

First time I went there, someone posted a pdf of Hagakure. Basically the first thing I saw on that board was a dead jap telling me to kill myself.

The Robot Test asks what it asks, nigga.

Kek that's pretty good.

I guess you technically dont have one but you did try to shoplift overwatch right

feels bad man

You're alright.

Scored higher in social than I thought I would, but it's been 10 years since I held hands and kissed a cute girl
s-still counts though, right?

Nigga you thought about cucking your father,


Mark, why are you such a faggot?

I get bullied here all the time, and people even lie about me because I don't outright ban 4am. Hell they go as far to attack ROB because I said that I wouldn't remove the threads granted you can argue that the splatoon guys are justified, but some of the people who shit on it now are just trying to start shit and are unrelated to the Splatoon general. I don't do shit to them since everyone is entitled to their own opinion.

>12 game overs



You misread the story, I said he wanted me to come into the room while my mother was in the shower, and even then it was more an exaggeration of the truth for shits and giggles.

At least I'm a full wizard, not a simple apprentice.


should probably subtract 12 points for that really

How does it feel user-kun?

Ah well you know, don't give up.

I have no intention of giving up. I can take it, I'm a big guy.

This makes me slightly happy.

That was a good fucking thread

>Tfw lower score by 2 points

Wait how do I make it absolutely certain my weight is fine and I'm facially attractive?
I won't post my face but I weigh 76kgs and I'm 6'1''
Is wanking to the point my dickhead is deformed a minor physical abnormality?

There are a lot of good MarkMoments. Remember when he bought Overwatch Origins edition and started participating in the overwatch threads?

I don't remember this, but it sounds like something that would disappoint me.

im both proud and disgusted at same time the funnier part is people would assume i was higher in the robot scale then you

Proof Jews are constitutionally incapable of having a conscience or telling the truth. I will pray for you Cake Goblin

So as expected

Dont believe the asshurt handful, if those faggots had any once of truth in them then everyone would be able to noticed and would have abandoned ship easily as when moot banned gamergate. They're like fucking sjws, the loud minority.


I don't believe in you I bet you have a whole parking lot full of priuses.
It's okay, actual lolis are 3DPD anyway.

Search for a weight calculator it should tell if you're a hungry skeleton or not.


Pretty much, like I don't expect people to give thanks. however at the same time if the people who have issue with the board like say Skyline were in the majority then I'd think that most people would've gone back to 4chan or migrated to endchan. With that said I don't want people sucking my dick either. I like that people are willing to question me and that we're able to discuss things.

acording to the Body mass index your ideal is 63,32kg- 85,56kg

That's good, I don't think anyone would be able to find it.

Cool. Then I should be able to eat a whole cake.

Not true, I have a decent sized benis

Jews have cloacas im sure

Shit taste my man.

BMI is garbage. He needs bodyfat%
Or a mirror.


Welcome to my hell. Too mentally well adjusted to be a full robot, not stable enough to be a normalfag.

Here's the Gondola I promised you Mark.

But I want your big circumcised dick, Daddy.

That didn't happen you kike

Stop protecting Granblue and Fate Go general cancer echochambers you fucking kike.
Holy shit is it bad
Stop this fucking madness, its getting even worse than the CRAPCUNTS generals

Plebs the lot of you

Fearing the competition, ma'am?

Stop lying any day


waifufagging is literal mental illness.

I got 2 for social.

No, your waifu a shit.

How about no?
My waifu is non vidya related and so obscure I'm fairly certain no more than 10 people have picken her

Now tell us how you hate "cuckime" and how shitposting is free speech.


I only scored on physical and by nature.
I guess it takes talent to be a grand wizard.



Have you been to both for any meaningful period of time?

Where's the songlist?
Is there a yt playlist or something?

Has anyone compiled a .zip of all the songs playing today?

what is this russian song I'm hearing? is it even vidya?

Kill yourself

Mark posted it earlier in the thread.!kyg2BajS!7fkXAFQGdqvqFFR7eKUsS6-Cmr-vQ0fUXkraPDRVLjM

It's only that high because I have a 2 year degree..

Yes, it is.

corned beef & hash/carrots/cabbage with rice leftovers. it becomes pretty badass with black pepper.

For someone who hates those threads you spend a lot of time in them. Is there something you're not telling us user?

What's mark's waifu?


It's a cyclical thread, earlier posts get deleted stupid newfag.


Oh, fuck. I never actually beat CoP.

This place was only good in 2014.

He probably fell for the yellow jew and lost too many shekels and wants to save the rest of anons from suffering the same fate.


I had some eggplant so I breaded, and fried it because american. It's pretty good.

I just realized the post containing it (>>13426798) probably got cropped.
The Way You Move - Killer Instict Shadow Warrior Main Theme Remake - Shadow Warrior Main Theme Remake THUNDER FORCE IV『Lightning Strikes Again - Meta - Track 01 Stroll Around the Town - Custom Robo Battle Revolution OST K.K. Good Day - Animal Crossing x Ice Cube 迷子のエコー - [東方 Bossa Nova] ShibayanRecords SNAKE EATER - Metal Gear Solid The Beginning • Battle Chasers Nightwar Original Soundtrack - Live and Learn by Crush 40 (Main Theme of SA2) - Crush 40 The Faraway Journey, Farewell Friends - Jojos The Unsung War - 55 92 - Ace Combat 5 Original Soundtrack (Lyrics in the description) - Pepsi Man - Pepsi Kirisome No Amuneijia- - Koumajou Densetsu Scarlet Symphony OST Best VGM 121 Sengoku Rance - Rebirth the Edge - Guilty Gear Xrd -SIGN- Big Blast Sonic - Always - Erasure Mute City Ver.3; - Song of the Ancients Devola - NieR Soundtrack One-Up Girl (Let's Do The Odyssey) - Pauline and the New Donk Players Tears of Time (Bloody Tears) - Touhouvania Devils Never Cry - Devil May Cry 3 ChRøNiClESeVeN feat. Annabel - VFD One and Only One - Chic 15 Credits (Rescue Girl) - Mighty Switch Force 2 OST All the Worlds Stage (OP song - Full Versi - Brave New World Cave Story Arranged - Last Battle (Ballos Mix) - Kimi no Kioku Memories of You - Night Walker(Linnes Theme) - Under Night In Ai wo Torimodose!! (Masaaki Endoh version) - Hokuto no Ken Daytona USA Melody - Daytona Exceed! - Rules of Nature Extended - Revengeance OST Capcom vs. SNK 2 OST - This is true Love Makin' (London Stage) - Emiya -Kenji Kawai ver.2 - Funk Goes On - Ryu ga Gotoku OST No More Heroes 2 - It's Kill or Be Killed ~ Destroy Resort - Network Coast - Spark the Electric Jester Native Faith - Xi-On Jenova Theme [FFVII AC Version] - Final Fantasy VII Advent Children Soundtrack Into Free ~Dangan~ - Dragons Dogma To Live Is to Forget - Ethersens City Streets 1 - Double Dragon Neon Persona 5 OST 100 - Rivers In the Desert - Soy Sauce For Geese-KOF XIV Ver.-(Terry VS Geese Fateful Battle Theme)OST - Chrono Trigger Main Theme - Isami & 紅美音 Concept of Love - UNKNOWN FROM M.E. - UNKNOWN FROM M.E. You Will Know Our Names (Xenoblade Chronicles); - Shin Megami Tensei III Nocturne Music- Normal Battle - Ys VIII OST - Volitional Decision - Open Your Heart (new mix) - Crush 40

This place was only good in 2015.

Whats with all the newfags Sunday night?

I beat SoC, played CoP but ended up not finishing it. I'm guessing that song is in the credits because I got pretty far.

You were only good in 2015.

I guess this is what I get for having friends.

That's what she said.

This place was never good.

I dunno man, some of us are improving.

I did read you nigger, it's cyclical and posts get deleted.
That's why I asked.

Shitposting is free speech, you communist faggot!

Damn user, are you me?

Nigger theres literally a thread about the songs playing on the top of the catalog

Gee I wonder, surely intriguing don't you think?

Nailed it

I could had added at least 20 if I wasn't a kissless virgin

it's on page 3 famalam

Are you the faggot who tried to start a dubs thread and failed miserable? Truly your craft is an amazing one.

I-I can still turn it around, right guys? Right?


surely you jesting, post results

accept your fate, user

How. I don't believe you.

Wew laddeh

Checklist now.


You can do anything

nod really

That's not real clang!

What else is new you blogposting faggot?


Fucking hell.

I believe in you user, go get /fit/ doing that will help a lot of other problems

Lots of mental issues, dropped out of school at 16 and haven't left home since.

No smoking addiction +1
Shower regularly +2
Recreational screen-time +1
Have no interest in tabletop gaming +1
No criminal record +1
I didn't see no drug addiction at first so add +2
total 8

What's it like being a grand wizard?


Yeah you could free yourself from being a wizardly sort.

70… I spent more time staring at the first line than doing the rest of the damned test.

Btw, if any of u anons are thinking of, or are on, the full silence path, remember to make up for it by eating more chewy/crunchy foods. I spent a bit of time unintentionally isolating myself (had a job doing retail stock, was alone and in the basement for 100% of my shifts), and I didn't realize how weak/deteriorated my jaw muscles got until I bought some chewing gum on a whim. Talking to yourself or whatever is fine though.

The dick thing probably not. Generally, if small children or low IQs don't stare at you in public, it is only a minor feature.

So you're saying he should walk around in public with his mangled dick out to see if kids and idiots stare?

Physical abnormalities?
alcohol addictions? Other addiction?
No clean conscious?
joy in shock/gore?
attracted to kids?
Clean living space? Clean your room bucko

He's probably conflated loli with liking kids.

stop shilling bls

I ain't clicking that shit nigger

Did I miss the livestream cake eating?!? Did Mark smash that cake back?

I just like seeing it make people mad :^)

user I'm sorry to break it to you, but this time the cake smashed Mark. He's dead.

Why is her head so big?

because shadman is human trash

why does shad do that obnoxious filter that hurts your eyes over his drawings?

Goodnight Holla Forums

what the fuck

You'd think Shad would be able to draw the character that made him famous well and have respect for her.

No on both cases.

I agree I'd go Pride FC on his ass if I saw him IRL and make him learn some respect.

Read the comment above yours.

Lol what a poofter gaycunt. I just ate 1kg (2.2ibs) of chicken wings I could obliterate an iced cream cake with ease. Maybe he's getting soft and should be challenged for leadership soon?

what is that cake even supposed to be??
also fucking music cake I like some of the music, but they always changing is pretty annoying

Good night.


It's a whale user.



Happy Years Mack!

she deserved heaps of good porn, she never got it ;_;

Zone was not too bad.

it wasn't, but I prefer my porn without ugly male faces and voices

Hey user sometimes you have to take what you can get.

Some of you guys are okay, don't show up to America tomorrow.

Kim, is that you? If it is please do it, make sure you hit commiefornia


deleting the thread in 10 minutes

Ohh yeah that's it mayne.

fuggin shid :-ddddddddddddddd

just bumplock it you autist, there's people here discussing

Quick, everyone shitpost to the extreme!

Fucking jews man.



76. life is suffering

Before the clock strikes midnight, I'd like to say from the bottom of my heart that some if not most of you are some really cool dudes. We should play some videogames some time on the weekend anons.
Now here's what I've promised earlier today, I didn't have enough time to finish it for the birthday but here's what I have so far…

Niggers tongue my anus

What the fuck man


o shid





see you next year faggots


It was fun anons

I scored 132….
does this means I should stop posting here?
also where is the original or whatever?


I only got some of the extra points to be a normalfag as things have been turning for the better these past 3 years. Checked out halfchan just to see what had changed since 2009 just before the first exodus and came along for the ride. From there, floated between the boards of Holla Forums, /fit/, /tg/, /monster/ and Holla Forums.

Somehow I've managed to still employed, get closer to family and friends, was given a car and an old guy at the hobby shop plans to give a good portion of his firearms collection to me after having 5 hour chat about old guns.

Still a fat fuck but finding the passion in shooting and eventual happening has gotten myself to train in order to get better at 3 gun.

Always Remeber, just because you end up making it, doesn't mean you forget where you came from. You guys are the reason why I kept going. I won't ever forget this place. The ride may never end and we're stuck here forever but I think I wouldn't have it any other way. you wonderful faggots are the best

ok then, I'll just uncycle


I don't aprove but this is good work anyway user

checked and it was likely cycled out, you can take it with you on your way out success fag

Nice dubs
Nice WIP



Did you eat the cake in a single sitting?


thanks for checking
in truth, only Holla Forums can make me feel like chad
to put things in perspective, I still live with parent, but already had long term loving relationships (even just got back from a date today)
have been getting /fit/ for the past year and finally got my nutrition sorted out,
and last but not least, finally got finished my graduation course, still no job though

Here's to thirty more.

what does this mean

the furry girl in the thumbnail ain't too bad honestly

so Holla Forums is actually full of normalfags, maybe this explains the decline in quality

user why do you have these saved?

It means you're gay.


perhaps you would be better with more farting animu girls?

(thx satan)
I fuggin know that already, I'm a bifag
I'd usually never choose the guy in an image over the girl, though
I don't know why I feel that way about that image

Why don't you?


The gay in your bloodstream is getting stronger.


what is worst?
a normalfag, a bifag, or a fartfag?

Mentally ill nigger

Because you're a faggot, that's why


A Drumpfag

:^) :DDD

Then I think you just discovered a new fetish.
How do these make you feel?

These aren't even good.

This brapposter is a hundred times more annoying.

Well that goes without saying, but they both need to leave.


help me pence

Oh fug you're right
Is there a name for this?

You're all faggots yet I love you all. I hope we can shitpost like this for many years to come.

But it doesn't matter its looking great and giving it more time in the oven won't hurt it.
Take your time and thanks for your work
thanks for all the work drawfags have made, some shit they do really is grand


pic related

what I found weird though is that you felt more attracted to something that is literally just a faceless white blob

Wait so did Mark end up eating 3 cakes or not?

Mark has become the cake.

I dunno man faceless, featureless things are hot I guess

I'm kind of going to miss the songs, though its pretty annoying we don't a controller

click the cake user


fuck you stinky

A man in average shape and with no hair is still a pretty attractive dude.
There's weirder shit than having no facial features that people fap to so that part isn't surprising.
I dunno man besides being absolutely gay being attracted to a faceless white blob seems natural.

I want to nibble on Cake Kike's fat belly.


I'm sorry user, but as far as I know you're the first person I've ever seen who's wanted to bust a nut inside a reference drawing.

Tits drawing of Mark made it seem he will be a fine christmas cake.


I want to make great video games someday. Making the game you want to play is a great goal, but that alone isn't enough to make such an undertaking worth it, and carry you through it. Knowing that retards like the Anons that constitute Holla Forums are out there, somewhere, is reason enough. I've never met any of you, and probably never will, but knowing that autists similar to myself are out there and could get some small amount of joy out of what I make, and temporarily make the suffering of life bearable, is what makes it worth it. I'll never forget all of you, because you're the main reason I do anything in the first place.

t. /agdg/

What's really amazing me about these webms is how consistently poorly made they all are.

user, don't lie. You have a fart fetish and have no standards.

I farted as I watched this.
What does it mean?

I know, but it just stops and/or starts another song
knowing what is playing would be helpful

plus it hovers over the watchlist
am I the only one who uses this shitty feature?


Who doesn't?

You need to be gassed

No bully pls I just found this out a few minutes ago
Go bully the autist posting badly animated fart porn instead

No user you misunderstand, truly patrician.
Almost consensual mind-control tier

Nigger im not the one sucking dick and getting aids like you.

I don't think you realize that everybody in the thread thinks you're a bigger autist than he is.

I hope to one day play your game user

Get your faggot asses back to your shit taste for entertainment to bully you too hard to give your family tumors from the radioactive fallout.

I've never sucked a benis or gotten aids and I've also never fapped to girls letting hot air out of their butts so I'm on top

make a subreddit board, and let other anons know and take the brown pill share on your superior taste


poosting before thread is deleted


Hol' up, are there more of you like him or are you just admiring the sheer obscurity of his fetish?


I'm beginning to like this

wait, so you're gay and haven't even sucked benises?
man I got news for you, even I been sucking them lately and I'm not even gay

Take that back nigger face.

Posting instead Cucks on the Run as a break from fartism.


Fuckoff already

Thats pretty cute

Just filter him, that's what I did.



Thanks, user. I'll do my best to make that day come soon.

Dang, there are a lot of these

That last image is so fucking adorable goddamn it

Stay strong and focused lad
Bring your creation to life, as long as your pour your all onto it it will be worth playing

You better screencap your post and place it in the end credits as a message to any of us who get the pleasure of playing your game.

I recognize that futa!

good job user

Finish it.
Viv is really detailed, I'm really liking the waist animation.

Where are you gonna post the finished version?

Stream's over already?


Dubs of absolutely fantastic,


Thanks for finally getting rid of the background music kike. I felt like I got an ear fucking in addition to an ass fucking.

so apparently the video doesn't render properly in Chrome or Firefox, but I'm too lazy to re-encode it it works fine locally
at least it somewhat works in Chrome

see you later, space cowboy.

someday, somewhere….

Oh shit nigga

That's about as ginger as it gets. Pretty lood dood.

please end your life

I feel the same. Thanks user.

It's you.
You're the true MVP.