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How about "redditspaced OP"? :^)


Welp. Time to commit sudoku.

Deep into building a dungeon crawler in C++ with GLFW, Portaudio, opengl4. Right now it plays like Dungeon Master with grid movement, first person camera, and real-time battle system. The battle system can run in turn-based mode as well. Camera can be pulled back and movement could be free-movement if I added some minor collision code. I'm having a crisis moment in the design. I don't know which way to go. I love Dungeon Master and similar games but I haven't been able to make the combat very fun. I've put off game design by dicking around and integrating LuaJIT including an in-game console.

I guess I'd like building in a 3D targeting system and a bunch of AoE powers - denial of terrain, movement modifiers, fog clouds. Also lots of summoning powers and rudimentary "pet" AI control. Fun? Bad idea? Seems difficult to make fun in a confined space.

Friendly Reminder

Just do it from the command line or use a third-party program.

Haha, time to frameworkdev


Oh boy, motivation.

gitgud.io is just git. You can use any git frontend for retards, or just take a day to learn git proper (not in your own project's repo, do some git tutorials and break some shit somewhere safe and learn how to use it).
Honestly, a GUI can be alright for getting started, but if you're going to use git, you want to understand git properly. If you're going to use any GUI, SourceTree is probably the most stable and established you'll find. GitKraken is a new one that's apparently pretty good.

There are other SCM systems out there, and tons of people swear by Mercurial. BitBucket lets you have unlimited private repos (as long as your team is 5 or fewer), supports Git and Mercurial, and has its own GUI client if you are so inclined.

Happy with how this turned out, even though I hated every moment modeling it.

so demoday is planned?
i thought it was going to be around late september, i guess i could put in that rhythm game i wanted after the first demo version

We are planning to be seasonal.


is that the skeletons pirate space ship?

i fucked up bad
the animation im trying to use to look up seems to fuck my character in unforseable ways when i try to layer that animation on top. is there a way to limit the deformation of bones in unity? i just want the spine to be stacked together for the look animation to work.

post the god damn video Holla Forums

Looks good, if maybe a bit slow for an attack in gameplay terms.

More like a pirate space ship if the pirates were into torture and bondage. It's a commission for Table Top Simulator and the buyer requested a Dark Eldar Tantalus from Warhammer 40k.

Pretty good. Excellent work on making the force generation visually obvious; it starts from the hips and feet(and you can see his feet turning with him!) and ends with the sword being cast forward, like a fishing lure. Real nice kinesthetically. With but if you want things to polish:

Looks neat and fun to make.
Why did you hate modeling it?

Most of the model is portrayed as one entire piece, which wouldn't be too much of a problem for me had the model not have such intricate curvature throughout. I had to retopologize the damn thing three times before I got it to be acceptable. I also didn't have that great of reference to go off of.

why did you retopo if its not animated? did you need to for polcount or another reason?
Looks pretty neat btw.

Why did handmade hero use Windows specific functions for loading/saving files, instead of fopen()? He didn't even mention fopen, just went straight to the windows functions.

I changed the flyer a little.

Who cares, just use fopen().

I'm just wondering if there's a reason not to, since he wanted to make it platform independent but used a windows alternative anyway.

fopen manages a buffer for you, he may have not wanted to use something so high level. He's probably able to get some kind of speed benefit or something from stepping down a level of abstraction.

code me someone who cares

I can actually make stuff in my editor, sort of. It still has a long way to go but its a start.

Yeah, it's the heavy attack for the sword moveset. The standard attacks are significantly quicker.

Thanks, I'll see about fixing it up. It's difficult to strike a good balance if I want to make the animation work with and without a shield; I was considering making seperate versions for no-shield/with-shield but that would obviously create a lot more overhead for a 1MA project.

I really like the whole-body motion in this animation.

You can disable fopen's buffer.

I needed to retopo because I figured the easiest way to make it was in separate pieces and combine them, and to get a smooth look I needed adjust the topology.

I think I'll just make 8 or so levels, build some assets. Maybe one new creature every level or so. Some basic props. Throw it out there and maybe learn something from it.

Any good resources for modeling in 3D via 2D pictures as base-reference?

is called learn to draw
also this guy youtube.com/watch?v=YvEPwLeHdWs&list=PLvgIVNDU-DxhGiBF31-0o2e6QxI8T3Mxs is a 40 part series where most of the videos are 20 minutes long, some of the videos are hard to watch but you will learn lots from him

I've decided to rework my flight model from the ground up, though right now I'm just working on getting basic controller input to map to the correct control surfaces. I know ailerons are not meant to pitch the aircraft, but it was just a test to see how best to convert mouse input to changing angles of subcomponents on the craft. After trial and error, I found a sorta simple method that works exactly as I wanted.

I've also gone from treating the entire aircraft as one model, to one actor made from multiple parts that each contribute to its flight. The idea is that if any part gets damaged/destroyed individually, it'll have a semi-realistic effect on the craft. I'm sure I'm over-complicating things, that's why I'm prototyping with basic primitives to see how badly it'll all turn out after all is said and done.

On a separate note, I know it's far too early in development to care at this point, but how good/bad is having a game run at ~50 game ticks per second? I found that if I run a simple for loop for a given number of iterations every game tick, I'd have to loop in excess of 2000 times before I drop to around 40 tps.

I believe the windup is a bit too slow even for a heavy attack, at least for an 1-handed weapon. You should at least look at how the animation looks when you speed up the windup to half a second or so.

No you don't need to learn how to draw. You just need to learn how anatomy works and be good with topology. You can always use someone else's 2D images. If you want to draw your own reference then you would have a point.

Anyone got any advice on picking a style? So far I've been randomly making models but I'm worried about how it will come together. I was thinking of doing low poly semi-realistic textures, although I'm worried about that trap a lot of "HD Texture modders make". Where the textures they add look super nice and realistic, but in game they're ugly and jarring.

Keep a consistent texture resolution and style for all geometry you can. If one texture has some retarded 4096^2 scale while the others are low-res it's obviously going to be jarring and look like shit. Consistency is one of the most important things in graphical design. You probably won't run into the problem you're worrying about, because HD Texture Mods are typically shittily done jobs that only retexture a quarter of the game's actual textures and liberally fudge detail– not actually making use of the increased pixel-density, just smudging shit around so it's smoother and no longer pixelated, but not actually any more detailed.

pick a texture resolution and stick to it like said. Research some of your favourite games that feature this style and learn what they poly & memory allowance was, then stick as closely as you can to it. That's what I plan to do with my project.


wtf the autistic shills promoting developing for linux when is only 3% of share market, or shill developing their own game engine, fuck that shit, invest time in making gameplay, art, music, not on programming a fucking game engine

if you want disgust, imagine yourself puking and eating that, if you want warm feelings imagine yourself hugging a panda, if you want violence imagine you are in the middle of a pozzed city

Is there any reason why I should use voxels for my destructible terrain instead of storing vertex data for a procedural mesh and do all deformations by modifying said vertex data? My main concern is graphical fidelity. I don't like blobs much.

Of course, with control for unnecessarily high LoD and stuff like that.

My idea was to use shapes for the player's tools in interaction with the world and simply add "negative space" to the mesh when the player uses the tool on it, in accordance with the "shape" of the tool by modifying the vertex data of the mesh.

Any reason why this could be a bad idea?

I don't know much about the technical side of things, but performing boolean operations on geometry is typically very messy and requires a lot of manual cleanup. It sounds like an utter nightmare to try to make a system that automatically cuts into geometry while maintaining clean topology.

Anyone have a SWF Decompiler they trust?

JPEXS, it's FOSS and all-around decent.

Just deforming a mesh is easy to do, though it has a lot of issues and it's quite limited compared to a voxel approach like marching cubes/squares.
If you want to just deform a predefined mesh (deform = only moving vertices), in simple + limited ways, and that's all you need; then don't go down the rabbit hole of voxels.
Otherwise, if you need dynamic LoD, dynamic detail/subdivisions for editing, deforming/subtracting/adding to/from the mesh, and the other jazz that goes along with voxels; then go for voxels (marching squares or dual methods is what I'm referring to, dual methods are best for getting all the above features).

Each method has its issues concerning approaching a high level of fidelity, and each has similar solutions; which apply to non-deformed/voxel terrain too.
Tessellation, parallax, AO, quality albedo/normal/height maps… etc etc.

That's what isosurface contouring algorithms are for (like marching cubes is the most popular/easiest, but certainly not the best), and it utilizes voxels in the process of doing so.

I need to perform mesh slicing, subtraction, and everything else that goes along with it, but that's just geometry, isn't it?

Unreal Engine has a procedural mesh component that can generate a mesh from an array of vertices, triangles and normals pretty fast and cheap, and there's a runtime mesh component plugin on the market for free, that can do the same more than twice as efficiently.

I can imagine that writing an algorithm that performs such operations shouldn't be difficult, I'd just have to read up on coordinate geometry. The reason I'd like to avoid voxels is because it feels incredibly unnecessary. If I can achieve my goals by simply modifying a few vertexes in a buffer, why wouldn't I do it? It can hardly be more computationally heavy than voxel-based solutions, right?

I'd split the terrain into chunks, and store all the data as individual mesh sections - "surfaces". Then, I can write an algorithm to generate LOD's at runtime using the general outline of the mesh.

Tell me why I'm an idiot and this isn't possible, before I find out for myself please.

Voxel solutions are capped in complexity, there's only so many voxels and that's it. Mesh deformation can do anything but it's very difficult to keep things looking good. It's not impossible, it will look great if you get it working. Here's some resources cs.cmu.edu/~kmcrane Look at his thesis for some applications, the tools will let you deform meshes while keeping the textures looking nice.

Thank you! I really appreciate it.

Good luck man. If you're using those primitives a suggested workflow is modify -> curvature analysis pass, where you remove vertices in flat areas and add them in sharp areas. Depending on what kind of deformations you want, this will keep the mesh from exploding in complexity. I think it would suffice for pit-mine style digging but not for tunneling, basically your memory requirements are going to depend on surface area.

More info? What is "demoday dubsday" beyond the obvious "a day to show off your own personal AGDG project"?

Looks good, mate.

This is brilliant.

How are you handling the animation? Using a blend tree?

Looking good.

If you've got any 2D skills at all, you can start with the end in mind and draw over something like attached (a 2D screen cap of the rigify rig from Blender which I'll use to rig to Unity later, already lined up with a grid), to end up with a front/side reference like the other attachments.

Thank you for that link.

Pls don't fuck this up :^) old school flight sims get me hard

Demoday is a day where everyone releases a demo. Surprising, I know.

It's basically a jam with a deadline to get people motivated and just like make game. You don't have to show off your current project, it can be something completely different or just a single feature (hence: demo). I imagine discussion of possible gameplay evolution and critique to be of great potential value.

If everyone who submitted the project also played other submitted games, a lot of possible feedback can be gathered, not to mention other anons getting to see what is brewing in these threads and possibly get hype.

you said you record yourself to make these. Do you do any swordfighting or is it just talent?

expecting awesome shit from SII

the first red faction guerrilla did it. i'm sure there are technical limitations that could be a cluster fuck but the voxel meme is built more off of how your are able to play with it via mine craft/df style. and how it is saved.

yeah probably what I should be doing. I'm not building a game engine though. I don't really understand why people think you need to build a game engine to build a simple dungeon crawler? Load some textures, upload some linked GLSL code, literally EVERYTHING else is handled by a few simple libraries.

I'm talking about building 3d targeting, AoE effects, and deciding what type of camera and movement system to do. All things I would do if I was using Unreal or Unity or some other cancerous general-purpose shitpile of code.

Anyone know of any resourceful videos on modeling characters in Zbrush? I know there's a lot out there, but some might be better than others. A dude wants to commission me for a dnd character and I don't have too much experience in that field.

Take inspiration but what they did for the first three Silent Hill games. Make sure the textures imply more than what they show. I.E. in the one you posted, there's no need to show the whole skeleton for that undead guy, just his ribcage and the appropriate shadows.
Also, it immensely helps if you put some limitations to your work (i.e. "I can't use more than x colors on my palette and it has to stick for 90% of the in-game textures", or "I can only use these tools to draw details").

I'm trying to create an Unreal actor that will take the existing, textured static mesh and convert it to the deformable object using the runtime mesh component. Similar methods with the terrain, but I reckon I should use voxels to actually generate it, first - but only generate it, not actually continue using it. This isn't only for terrain. I want to let the player interact with everything in that manner. Basically imagine a sandbox game like Minecraft, but objects behave in a realistic fashion, allowing all sorts of autistic fuckery to be done, not the mention the sheer amount of building freedom.

I want to take destructible environments, and instead of making it a gimmick, really show just what it can bring to the table. This sandbox game was my dream way before Minecraft was even a thing. It was partly what caused my Minecraft-obsession when it first came out - I was like I took a glimpse into the potential that a game of this sort could have.

I don't really want to get too philosophical here but what really differentiates amateur game development from non-amateur game development? It's really have been bugging me

having a company?

Unless you're an established business, you're an amateur. The business can be a one-man thing, but until you do it professionally, you're an amateur.


look judging by how your are talking about this and the other posts you made i would just suggest that you use a plugin of some type. shitloads of guys just make shit like this for unreal and unity and sell it on the marketplace. mix and match until you get your massive voxel procedural ecosystem world.

at the end of the day all you will be left with is a wasteland with no game play in it.

So does that mean that anybody who publishes their game in digital distribution stores is not technically a /agdg/eek anymore? I mean who of our best posters published a game on steam, and he's like the opposite of unwelcome around here.

a person who engages in a pursuit, especially a sport, on an unpaid basis.
So the answer to your question of differentiation is…money.


This is the future of gayming. Step aside fellow gaymers, an MMO"RPG" in VR where you literally teleport to tiles to move. This is how games are supposed to be played.

Why does this teleportation in VR exist? Why the hell can't they just use wasd or a joystick to move? Is this what catering to the widest audience means? If 1% will get motion sick via strafing, then games must be designed to not move, rather they should teleport? Someone tell me the future will have at LEAST one promising VR mmorpg game? VR is made so we can interact with the environment - doors, chairs, objects, walls, items; not so we can market a "new" type of way to play a game just to make money.

It's just people trying to cater to "muh motion sickness" fags. I don't really know, VR seems like it would be ok with WASD but the motion controls and teleporting just makes it AIDS

I get motion sickness from VR, but this didn't fucking help.

How hard you shitpost.

I usually define amateur as the opposite of professional, which is someone who does something as a profession AKA for a living. If you have a normal job or are a student and make games on the side, even if you get paid for them you are still an amateur.

40% of people get motionsick from moving around in VR. Instead of letting those people get used to it (which they do after a while) people went with teleportation. Only game I know off the top of my head that has free movement with the touchpad is Windlands, which is also the only game I've played that I actually liked haven't played a lot of them, pretty sure there's a few more with free movement too.
I've had people fuck around with keyboard controls and the mouse while I was in VR and I still didn't give a shit, motionsickfags need to git gud.

Supposedly most people build up a tolerance to VR sickness after a while, the teleport system is mostly there for pandering to newfags.

The VR ports of Serious Sam:TFE and TSE support free movement too. They also give players dual-wielding support to balance things out a little, since the game was designed for the keyboard and mouse and you can't whip around as quickly in VR.

If I remember correctly, the line between indie and professional is whether you've got a publisher. So amateur isn't too far displaced from that.

I don't care about ecosystems, and I don't care about the "massive world" - I care about localized, interactive environments where players can do fun sandbox shit, autistic resource management and FTB-tier automation. I have very particular gameplay goals in mind, and most of them revolve around successful and enjoyable sandbox-centered mechanics that I personally enjoy in games. – This isn't meant to be another fucking No Man's Sky - I want to create a game that I can get lost in the way I got lost in Minecraft when it first came out. It doesn't take many game mechanics to create such a game. From a game design perspective, escaping the voxel is the next step in creating sandbox that can really provide something new, that other games have not yet done.

I'm not an expert at coding, art or music, and I don't have a doctorate in esoteric fields of computer graphics. Hell, I've learned C# for the first time just a little over 6 months ago. I do, however, have a pretty autistic love for math, an unlimited amount of time, and passion for the concept that I'm trying to give life to.

I want to chop a tree down, see the result of every impact of my axe, and I want to see the tree fall down when it no longer has support. I want to be able to hit a rock with a hammer and see it split in two, and I want to hack another player's head off and keep it as a trophy.

I want to blow up hard earth with explosives to get to the goodies below, and I want to have a real, tangible threat of the cave collapsing on top of my fucking head. I want to collapse caves on other people's heads. I want to fucking play a game that's not just a collection of soulless static props without real worth.

Long story short, rich sandbox with depth gets my rocks off. I got the taste of it with a few games before, but none of them go all the way. I wanna go all the way.

Are you guys ready for this?

What's so exciting about Godot? What's so special about it?

it's free

So is UE4. You just gotta do revshare when the game is out, and their share is laughably small.

The node-scene system

look go create your game world but tessellated voxels are the way to do it. putting some money down for some framework code and wiring it together sounds like the best path for you. honestly best of luck in your endeavor.

but why do you hate voxels so fucking much?

It's an up-and-coming FOSS engine that's quickly achieving parity with big-name proprietary engines. 3.0 in particular will bring it fairly close to Unity in terms of parity and introduce C#. So it will not only achieve parity, but I see devs who want to jump ship from Unity to Godot everywhere online. Taking money away from the kikes that make Unity makes me happy.

Godot doesn't cost you anything ever, though. Completely free.

Get back to work on that Teagan game, you autist.

I got all the control surfaces done on my test me262 aircraft. Now I'm working on the systems to add up all forces acting on the plane, for both force and torque (separately, of course). I think I'm gunna have to do this stuff manually (i.e. kinematic) instead of using the built in physics; if at least for the Player's aircraft; I'll worry about the AI later. I really just want an early-jet era flying game, with all the fun that comes from having parts of your plane shot off in combat or ripped off from going too fast and not giving a fuck, as well as a bunch of other shit I have planned and sorta have ideas on how to implement.

Well, I don't know how well I'll be able to get it done, but I don't intend it to be overly realistic. I would like to get joystick support working at a later time, which I think would be easier than what I'm doing now (mouse+keyboard), but it's not my immediate priority, gotta get the flight model working first.

hue monkeys will defend their shitty donut steel scripting language that performs worse than every alternative

Needs a secret 9-11 mode

The what? I think you got the wrong user, user.

I don't like shit being tied to a grid. Also I want physics bodies to be destructible in the same manner as the terrain. Using voxels also inherently brings a fixed LOD.

i have to use layers because i am using a blend tree for the base walk animation so i can strafe forward/backward. but if there is a way to use a 3d blend tree or stack them that i am missing as the main issue i have now is that i cant seem to limit the influence of the look up/down animation to the spine/head bones and so the un-animated arms are being averaged now. with the walk animation. i'm fucking around with avatar masks and the like but it just seems fucky. is there a way to remove bones from animations?

I do.

Pretty new to Unity, so I don't know.

That's an exciting project though, no matter what.

New to Unity-fag here, I like the FOSS idea of GODOT. More info on why Unity is poz?


multiple "grids" similar to space engineers ships "work" but if you are talking about destructible mesh based objects your going to need to change
and release after quantum computers become common in the homes of your customers. unless you want a hot jittery mess that is not even an accurate model for collisons.

General tech diversity BS:

Heard. Any info on the GODOT team, then? I'm just seeing another "leave twitter for gab" moment here and I don't want to bother jumping ship at this point unless it is really worth it.
Honestly, I think I might stay with Unity and go for a full-on anti-poz pro-Trump game just for the shits 'n' gig's.

What said as well as the fact that them fixing their engine just doesn't happen. there are common bugs in the engine that go unfixed for months and sometimes even years because the developers are more focused on cramming as many features as possible into the engine than making sure the thing actually functions as it's supposed to.
So many devs end up having to use painful work-arounds that hurt their game's performance to get around a lot of these bugs. Poorly optimized Unity games is 80% the fault of shit game devs and 20% Unity having so many unfixed and common bugs that hinder development.

its better than throwing 5% of your game to chinks.
not like they make money off of anything other than attracting dumb fucks into buying a premium account with their trust fund and sitting around fucking with it as they slowly forget to cancel it and just keep paying the premium fee even if they don't need it to licence their flop of a fucking "game". that they are "working" on.

using free unity to make game and then buying the lowest level licence to publish on seems like the way to fucking go compared to the 5% of fucking everything that unreal gets. (that then gets sent to some chink motherfuckers)

pls add game to wiki

Yeah, I've already left Unreal for Unity for this reason. Fucking making China money.

>b-b-but you have to pay 5% of your profit to use Unreal
Is this what brain damage looks like?

Drawing was awful but folks said they liked the core design idea. So I put effort into drawing it this time instead of doing a haphazard scribble.
Initial response seems to be good, so might go with this for the protagonist design.
you vs the kid she told you not to worry about

It's missing a donut steel character description.

Tencent also funded the John Wick movies and Kong Skill Island. They are a definitive megacorp.


Another user already did the best one. I can't improve on perfection.


You're lucky.
My progress got interrupted by 6-8 months of bullshit.

At least when I'll be done modders will have one thing less to worry about.

Another question: how do I avoid getting my sounds completely wrong and annoying? To better make it clear what I mean, how do I make sure that:
1) My sounds are coherent with each other both for menus and for assorted jumping talking etc.
2) That I get a result as far away as possible from the likes of Skullgirls, meaning that any voice acting or sound effect isn't annoyingly repeated by the characters over and over again but still conveys the states of being hit, being healed etc?

Addition/Subtraction could easily be done with just deformations.
To prevent stretching you can use something like dynamic mesh tessellation CPU side (like delaunay triangulation, voronoi, or hopefully that UE package has a solution already; though remember u will need the refined mesh data cpu side so shader side only tessellation would be a bandaid).
For slicing it's a bit more of an issue, as you're editing the mesh's verts, triangles, and you need to account for the entire 3D space.
So say you want to say slice a pillar in half or something, and that's new verts, and triangles per surface which is treading into voxel territory; so naively operating on mesh data isn't suited for this (u can just use the apex solution in UE though).
You could use something like a 3D-arized delaunay/voronoi algorithm if you want to slice you mesh, "3D-arized" bcs it's generally 2D, to rebuild the mesh based on the duplicated + displaced points.
It should be mentioned though that this is just a "contouring algorithm" without the isosurface as it's point cloud based (sets of points = vertices) instead of "voxel" based (isosurface, densities).

As i mentioned if you can avoid the rabbit hole of voxels/isosurface contouring algorithms; then go right on ahead.

Deformation of the mesh has the same cost for certain things, like rebuilding the colliders per approach.
However, for simply "displacing" a mesh the voxels approach would have more steps, as instead of just displacing specific verts in an area (easy enough to quickly get these), you're rebuilding the mesh from the new voxels (in a naive approach).
Although, for slicing, the voxel solution would be the same speed as displacing, but the above naive 3D voronoi solution it would definitely be slower.

No, it's fine, and it could certainly work well.
Each approach will have its limitations, and you'll just have to decide which set of limitations you prefer.
For me voxels are a familiar subject to me, and are one of my fields of expertise; while meeting my game mechanic's needs rather robustly.

Both have the same limitations, and that's memory + computational budget.
It's easy enough to dynamically refine a mesh for both voxels, or a point-cloud type of solution (vertex only mesh, procedurally building up from there).
However, isosurface contouring algorithms (voxel based surface building algorithms) are function built specifically for this, and are used academically, professionally, and in many fields for this; it is the de-facto best solution that provides the most utility.
While having a plethora of intrinsic capabilities that are simply unfeasible or jury rigged algorithms in a point-cloud approach.

F.e. this is intrinsically included with voxel based solutions, and has a wide range of approaches.

Maybe in a rudely naive approach, but anyone with half a brain would eliminate this limitation.
For isosurface contouring algorithms you don't need to keep all the voxels all the time, and can dynamically build voxels when you need them; then discard them so all you have left is a procedural mesh.
Personally, I dynamically build my voxels in a compute shader (on a rather oldish gpu), and can generate a massive set of data in less than a ms.
Thus utilizing chunks, and breaking it down into bite sized sets of voxels; which can work in layers for refining + smaller sets of data for dynamically editing/generating.
F.e. you have 3 layers of voxel data, the top + middle are finished, you need to build the bottom layer, so you discard the top layer, keeping middle, building the bottom layer re-using any redundant middle data, then rinse repeat… so u only ever have "2 layers" in this example. the real hard limits are vertices + triangles [memory] plus your computational budget.

For menu sounds, make sure all the sounds are short and relatively low-pitched, so that they're basically just blips and bips.
To stay away from the likes of Skullgirls, either space it out or make it foreign. The constant babbling works in things like Guilty Gear X and such because the characters are speaking in a language we don't understand, so all of the phrases repeating and blending together isn't really a problem–for Skullgirls, they're constantly repeating stuff we know and are cutting their phrases off, so it's annoying.

I record myself when I can, but for that animation I didn't actually have enough space to record it my phone has very low field of view, so I just kept going between acting it and animating it. Though I don't have any skill in sword-fighting outside when I was a kid playing with wooden sticks with my brothers. According to vid related I'm doing it the wrong way to begin with; I might try making my animations more in line with how he describes them.

I am being super autistic about a tooltip.
I have a Camera variable that is used to decide the distance to objects to determine the level of detail to draw them. The current tooltip is "This camera is the point where the LoD is decided upon", but that sounds strange. Can someone suggest me something better?

Good sound design isn't something with an easy, one-size-fits-all solution. Every professional sound designer will tell you to play around with sounds until you find something that works for you.
Record/synthesize a sound, add effects, put it into your world, then play around in your game with the sound. If you don't like it, try something new. The creation of the punch and kick sounds in Street Fighter 2 went something like this
"Here are your punch and kick sounds"
"These won't work make some new ones"
"Here are your revised punch and kick sounds"
"These won't work make some new ones"
and so on until they got what they wanted.

Look up how sound designers create sounds and see what you can replicate with the tools you have at hand. Here's something to get you started
Look up tutorials on sound design to see how to best use your tools and what people do to get certain effects.

"LoD is determined from the location of this camera"

nice, gonna use that

you NEED to know to draw, SPECIALLY if you are working with 2d images.
you will need to align them first and to complete the parts hidden from the camera, in some cases you will have to redraw the parts that can't simply exist in 3d space
lets take for example, the left lower cheek lacks shading and makes it look like a quasi flat surface, the only indication that it is not is in the jawline, if you don't know how different lines represent different shapes you could have dismissed that as human error, on the right side the cheek gives us a round shape that we can interpolate from but that wouldn't exist in a standard 0º/90º reference, the same goes from the eyebrows, next is the white space in the under boob, if you don't know what sheen is you could easily mistake it as the fabric stretching between a rounder boob and the nipple
unless you know how to do something better than the original artist you will always be limited to what the other person did, some example are hands, ears and feet, due to time or otherwise those are parts that 2d artist often neglect, the good thing is that you only need to make it good once, after that is just copy&paste

It's on the wiki.
The enginedev is a bit of a cunt and things have gotten sticky, however. It's still being worked on, though.

Publicity guaranteed.

Yeah, the idea of a mounted Trump riding around knocking the heads off of SJWs sounds appealing too, a la Dynasty Warriors.

The absolute state of Un(install)ity drones.

story time

The motion sickness argument is bullshit. No one complains that rollercoasters are doomed because not 100% of the population can use them.

Good post. I was really into isosurfaces for a while, I think because I wanted to use them for a totally CSG procgen game. I ended wasting a bunch of time on them and fancy barycentric coordinates and never even got a road generator working. My concern though is modification, although I realize you could discretize your world and throw away the settings for an area once you've baked it into a mesh. I care about this for constant volume mining, I want a game where you need huge tailings pits.

Perfect answer, now I feel relieved.

Is there a good way to share code between the server and client? I know with scripting the server will send a client-version of the lua to the client, but I don't know the practical way it works with on the engine level (c++) without rewriting the copyable parts.

code be my love back

Added my project to the wiki, never edited one before.

I think I know what to do after I compile all the forces and torques together, and what I need in place before, but the actual combining and calculating part is kind of hurting my brain. It's been several years since I took physics at university, hence I've forgotten most of it. Search engines help, but it still leaves me having to re-learn and re-conceptualize vector math (which was something I used to be rather fond of).

It also doesn't help that I'm letting feature-creep set in for the very algorithms I'm prototyping. I don't really need to make systems to automate the process yet, when I really ought to be getting a basic prototype model up and running.

There's also the subject of what to test my initial flight model on. I think I should keep things simple to start, which means putting my current over-complicated mess of blueprints aside and getting the basics working first.

will the mothgirl be featured or was that another project?

I thought that mothgirl was just non-game artwork by a friend of the guy who makes On Cosmic Tides, where said friend also does character art for the game. But I might be completely wrong.

how detailed do you want your flight simulation to be?
I also dont think it would be easier if you only apply force at one point like in your second pic, because you then cant use your thrusters to steer ( wich may make your prototyping a lot easier)

another reason for me to paruse through the thread archive

It was made for the game

Its worse than Unity at 3d and therefore by the logic of the internet it must be better than unity at 2d even though its not.

funny thing
internet here's been dead for hours and i've been trying to find something to occupy myself with, and poof, hitler boxing project is in my old hard drive
apparently the files haven't been lost, i just never bothered to search hard enough for them
controls suck and it's pointless to play it, but for the sake of nostalgia, here's the game and project assets below it if anyone wants to continue the project

thanks, bro! Have you found any other gems on the drive?

nothing interesting, or at least nothing that i didn't already know i still have
my only good shit is uploaded on drive, links here

in jewnity is there any way i can get two rigidbody objects to ignore collisions with each other without using layers?

not made ind agdg but I have one from the gamergate days
the guy was virtual signaling about one of the whos and of course we had a poetry slam in his steam page, then he took his game down

If you aren't going to use layers for this, what are you going to use layers for?

This guy still here or have a place he talks about development?
I've waited 2 years to find out more on this but I never did.

He spreged out about near a tomato supposedly copying his game. He still works on it but left imageboards for his own health. There is at least one user who is in contact with him in these threads.

Wish him the best of luck with his project while praying one day he actually gets to finishing it.

code for me the depression to go away

thanks for posting those .webms. I didn't have any saved myself.

Tetra's development blog:

his patreon:

I'm applying more than just Thrust as a force, the plane as a whole will have the forces of Thrust, Drag, Lift, and Weight summed together to determine the net force. From there I'm manually updating position and velocity. That also goes for rotational forces like Torque, for which each of the control surfaces has an effect (i.e. ailerons, elevators, rudders).

It'd be easier to start with a V1 precisely because there's only one engine, separate from the rest of the body, which will help me test out the damage model later as well. I very much want the ability to have parts of the plane get destroyed and still be able to fly, but with a noticeable effect on the flight.

I'm not aiming for something overly realistic, but I do want to be able to pull off most maneuvers, and have flight affected by loss of plane pieces. I have an idea for how to attain both, but it's requiring me to relearn all the physics and vector math I've long forgotten.


Fuck this gay bullshit. Here's the last archive before tumblr changed their robots.txt: web.archive.org/web/20170222004907/https://nogamesdev.tumblr.com/

yea, but with layers i'm stuck with a limited number

Thanks a lot for these.

Hello rottenredditor

I don't have much time to work on it right now, so there is very little work being done. I don't expect to be able to spend a lot of time on it over the next month or two.

I see that, you've still got nothing to show 8 months later

I hate to be no fun, but I look at this and my response is to not post any progress.
If you post any character designs before you're actually trying to advertise and release your game, there's a risk of getting ripped off and beaten to the punch.
In theory you have copyright and could sue, in practice it's doubtful any of us have enough money to burn on a lawyer.
Same thing can be done to you on the game mechanics front, except this time you can't even delude yourself into thinking you could sue anyone who copies your game mechanics (no copyright).
The prospect of a demo day is very tempting, though…

On a completely different subject. Anyone here know a good algorithm for a moving sphere-swept-volume (SSV) line segment (AKA capsule) vs. triangle collision detection? (Note that a moving SSV line segment makes a sphere-swept rectangle, or lozenge.)
Otherwise, anyone know a good collision shape (and collision detection algorithm for it) for having characters collide with environment?
There's so little documentation for this sort of thing you would think no one in the world has ever developed a 3D game before.
I can find good collision detection algorithms for all sorts of stuff, but moving cylinder vs. triangle? Moving capsule vs. triangle? Nothing.
Closest thing I've found is a ~30 page document describing moving ellipsoid vs. triangle, I guess maybe that could do the trick…

oh i remember this thread good fun
Rust user is literally so far up his on ideaguy as he is disgusted by a doom clone cause it's not ambitious enough or something. even though he made his own fucking engine and rust user will never accomplish anything nearly as impressive

It's worse than that. The poster you're replying to was outed as a redditor recently in this thread His reddit account can be viewed at reddit . com / user / rottenhuman. Here's some screencaps of the event, I'll also include his design document which I found on his pastebin of the same name:

pastebin . com / fdz7rCPN

At this point that would be ika, if anyone. I exchanged a few mails with Tetrachromedev just a week ago and I either hit a nerve or his landlord turned off his Internet again because he didn't respond to the last one. There is a lot more to his story than just Nier, but I'm not willing to talk about it for two reasons.
1. Speaking about people behind their backs isn't something I want to do
2. I don't know nearly enough about it to really give you an accurate story. We never got to the bottom of it (and I don't think we ever will, judging by his lack of response.)

The only reason I'm even posting this is because posted his patreon link. To keep it short: donate to his patreon if you want to help the guy; he lives in pretty shitty conditions after all. Don't donate to it if you want the game. The only way his patreon account is going to fix the situation regarding Tetrachrome is if he got enough to not have to care anymore; and that's not going to happen. He would need the sort of dosh that only furry-porn-artists get. He flat-out told me that he doesn't need that money, because it's not nearly enough.

Bit of a typo: reddit username is "rottenhuman_"

I'm not shocked at all.

Was it this guy? I was away for a while and see mentions of him periodically.


Item name generator seems to work relatively well, outside of a few hicccups.

Keep in mind those are breddy high level items, of quality between Glorious (drop chance of 1 per 125) and Ludicrous (1 per 2000), so seeing a rainbow puke like that would be extremely rare.

I am hoping that the colouring and length of the item name length make will make the item rarity recognizable at a glance.

Any suggestions are welcome, as always.

Ludicrous color seems close to mediocre/low quality

are these hard to distinguish from one another?
What colour should I use?
Perhaps the reds are too similar to each other and I should use them as top tier?

and yeah I know its silly that currently all items called maces

leave it good items should be for people who bother looking thew the shit.

wow. I fucked up that sentence good.

I am hoping that the colouring and length of the item name will make the item rarity recognizable at a glance.

interesting point.

Perhaps keep the color scheme as is, but provide an extra visual (divine?) effect that helps it stand out more. Perhaps alter the glow outline color of the item?
Any plan to add "forbidden" items with black font color?

Is there more to this than just those two caps?
I wonder how those kind of faggots even found this place.

Keep in mind you can do additional things to separate really rare items if you want. Things like text size, opacity of the backing behind the name, giving the item model a particle effect or sound effects. Obviously with the way you're going some of those wouldn't work well (since you're already using long names as an additional indication, you wouldn't want huge fonts for them too).

I wouldn't fret over it too long for now and instead come back to it when you have a better feeling of how frequent drops will be in actuality and what level of attention you want to draw to higher rarity items.


Good idea. Hell, the items in the prototype had subtle lighting. The way Diablo 3 does it is way too excessive for me but an understated glimmer or point light will most likely work.

wow, sounds pretty cool. I was thinking of creating a quality ladder for holy and demonic items but currently the plan is to have common items be named after sins of the monsters that dropped them (that could be considered a "tainted" item as you see, it's not implemented yet) and quality items to have names of saints/kings/knights.

I will be definitely giving a priority to the rare items when it comes to what is displayed on top. I don't know about sound but as stated above, the particle/lighting effect will be definitely something I'll try. Most likely very soon.

Yeah, I may have the drop rates imagined now but depending on monster density, difficulty and player investment, I might have to tweak this. There's the question of assets that will populate the levels and how much the items will have to stand out from them as well.

I think the colors between 'cracked' and 'ludicrous' are distinguishable enough.
You might want to consider changing saturation of that 'glorious' pink/magenta here or you could reserve it for something very special like a quest item because it just doesn't fit with the rest.

Plus I would propose to change the order of colors. Purples should be better than yellows/oranges I think, because purple and it's variants are much more rare in nature than yellows. There's a fuck ton of yellow and orange animals and plants, fire is yellow, a lot of commonly used alloys have a yellowish sheen but you don't see purple all that much aside from flowers and few venomous animals which makes it even more eyecatching plus it's a color of kangz and bishops n shieeet.

damn, that actually blew my mind. A great idea, I'll experiment with gradients to see how it works out.

The current colour gradient is loosely based off the MMO/RPG colouring system that is so ubiquitous these days but what you suggest would bring it closer to the classic colour wheel.

I'll have to ponder whether to keep the gold colour for ludicrous items then

You could have some sort of visual and sound effect when the item itself is dropped, like in vid related.

If you go for something more classical rather than conventional then red, blue, and purple should be near the top

I don't see the point in even having this many colors. All it does is is add clutter and confusion to the player. Everyone is going to ignore the gray/white except for some reason Ludicrous is egg-white so haha fuck you player you missed out on one of the most powerful items because you were too stupid to see a slight difference in color. On top of that the player is going to be spending time trying to differentiate and remember/refer to a chart to go, "Fuck was the teal better than skyblue? I have this royal purple, is that worse than this darker purple?"

So let's say I want to do some parsing in C#. Say I have some code like the following:

public class Entity{ public int ID; public EntityController Controller; public void Entity_OnPerformAction() { log.Output ("This object has an ID of [ID]") }}

I know the basics of parsing, and it even has a String.Replace function. Great! What I want to do is replace the [ID] bit with the actual value of ID. How can I check that the variable exists in scope, get that value, and replace it?

Would this involve reflection?

I don't really know the syntax of C# but I can assure you that it would not involve reflection. Just check that the variable exists and concatenate the value to the end of the string you pass the log function. Am I misunderstanding the question because it seems very straightforward

yeah, basing this on wavelength/energy might do the trick. Then, I might even experiment with writing code to generate the intened colour instead of using a predefined table.
It would be
grey - blue - green - yellow - orange - red -purple. How does that sound?

As said earlier, it would have to be more subtle but the idea isn't bad. Making the graphics has potential to be more fun than coding the generator itself.

I feel the current system adds flavour/originality to the game. Maybe designers tried it and decided it doesn't work. Maybe more people will share your opinion. Then I'll consider changing the colouring/rarity tiers. I still want to try this scheme.

Definitely in the screenshot I made. I hope this won't be the case in-game, though. Especially if the drop rates will remain what you see in the graph I attached. The logic should be simple for the player: Oh, the item that just dropped has a fucklong name and a colour I haven't seen in a while, or at all? I'll pick it up and see what it is.

It was supposed to be gold, I'll try to make it stand out more.
although the long-as-everloving-fuck name should be a giveaway that it isn't a trash item.
is a compelling argument

you may be right, this makes using a natural gradient of wavelengths look more and more appealing to me. And if people don't know/can't learn that, well, let them either judge the quality by the name length or just pick the item up and see what it is. I would actually love the lower tier items to still be viable - we'll see if my ideas of achieving that will work

Its taking a string and replacing markers im the text with variable names that may or may not exist.

Compare with Console.WriteLine(text, object[]) which takes a string and replaces it with supplied variable values which are given to the function

Why does this design document read like a pitch to investors? I know you're in here, user.

because he only ever uses buzzwords, duh

Ya, look at: "Physics.IgnoreCollision"

Use a formatstring. The substitution syntax is different from the C/Java format, it's {n} instead of %whatever.
public class Entity{ public int ID; public EntityController Controller; public void Entity_OnPerformAction() { log.Output (String.Format("This object has an ID of [{0}]", ID)); //I don't know if you wanted the square brackets in the output or not so I left them in }}

But the variable exists according the code you gave, just check whether it's an acceptable value before using it?


A parser exists to parse things that you cannot give at compile time. Your compiler has a parser, which is part of what turns your code into bytecode. You also need a parser for for instance a commandline simulation like in those hacking games.
Why are people replying to a question about parsing when they don't even know what it is?

>proceed to then post about question on Holla Forums instead of posting the fucking question
10/10 blogpost.

Almost as bad as getting the useless stock answer from resident attention whore instructing you to redo what you just did 30 times as if posting for help wasn't a last fucking resort and you're there for spoonfeeding hold the insight. Mother fuckers.

I got this unity addon. It makes shaders that are just black and white noise. assetstore.unity3d.com/en/#!/content/3957

I want to use the noise to generate textures, but I don't know how to get the actual value of a point on the noise. Is there a way that I can do that, or a way to convert noise shader to a bitmap so that I can get the values that way?

I think you can use blit to write to a texture file
probably the Blit(Texture source, RenderTexture dest, Material mat, int pass = -1); one
and if you want to save it you then use a solution like this:

That's just a few minutes of searchengine-fu though, I don't have Unity installed to see if it works.

Good luck phrasing your questions better in the future

It's either that, or the infamous "Have you tried re-installing Windows?" shit you always see.

Might this help? It explains how to use/implement noise, and given that it generates noise through an array I should think accessing any particular point should be pretty straight forward (if I'm understanding your question right).

IDs, user. Ever heard of them?

those are some long fucking names, user

No but that's not what I want.
String.Format and Console.Write both take parameters supplied by the code. I want it to be completely embedded in the code. Using {0} makes it look for additional parameters. The only thing that is being passed and used is a string (which is loaded from a file)

hell yeah. It still needs a lot of tweaking but it's coming along nicely.

Meh I wrote a article about Spring Engine, is it bad when it has a wiki: on the link? I might do one later for ZDoom, Zandronum and GZDoom.

Idea guy here,
a mix of commandos and hitman retaining the isometric style


So basically just commandos?

Ideas are cheap it's all about execution.

tell that to tetradev

Either create a redirtect or copy the article content to here

I think you mislinked, bro.

Thanks, I just copied the whole article over here.

dude angles lmao

That's fucking hilarious. I guess it goes to show to never trust devs that out themselves as insufferable cunts. People really don't change.
The whole Yanderecuck debacle should've been a wakeup call for most people. Then again, probably everyone's a newfag now and doesn't remember Notch.

Jesus fucking Christ

You were teaching yourself how to instruct others, which is a very important industry skill.

This. Also, someone else may have seen it and you now know how to explain it better and quicker.
And at least your advice wasn't completely disregarded.

Post it again for the wiki, it could be useful to someone else.

This is why I use Hydrus to organize my shit.

Friend drew the kid.
This has nothing to do with dev but it's cool and I am flattered.

Well, he looks less like a donut steel now, and more like a generic "14 year old whose sister got stabbed by the big bad who conveniently is also trying to blow up the world and you are the only one who can stop him because the plot demands it so you must collect the seven macguffins and then face big bad who is invincible but you can overcome him with the power of friendship and defeating him somehow magically brings your sister back because fuck you roll credits"

In any case, nice digits.

Okay so will EVERY type of quadtree ALWAYS have a region associated with it by definition, or can you just have a binary tree extended to have 4 child nodes and call it a quadtree?

Don't worry, I think I'm figuring out how the region things work now. Maybe.

what is a good resource for learning rigging? Where can I learn the fundamentals without wasting your time

Don't be silly, he doesn't have the oversized sword for that.

did he draw nudes?

Well, he's a modern kid for a modern audience. So it'd only be fitting that he use a proper, modern weapon.

any word from mexicanon? apparently there was a huge ass earthquake with lots of dead people

it feels weird

Do you play a ghost?

Not yet, sorry.

I'm afraid I haven't been in touch with mexicanon.

The techniques I demonstrated were all done on his model so it wouldn't be right to upload that. I'll have to make tutorial videos + wiki article in the future. It can be a very complex topic though.

I really like the screen shake. Is that the shotgun sound from Duke Nukem Forever?

All my knowledge is either from my college time or self-taught, so I can't really recommend any tutorials.

>decide to actually read up on music theory
Why the fuck do I do these things backwards?
I'm scared that once I learn shit, I'll start hating all the songs I think are good now.

Oh, I didn't make the damage system yet.

It's from soundbible, where you can find well-worn SFX possible, so it's quite possible

Fug, now I want to make an FPS with sprites rendered from 3D models.


You might want to check out Ion Maiden, that's what they're doing. Good stuff.

Things are coming along slowly. How do you guys stay motivated? Caffeine isn't helping. I know what I want to get done, and some general ideas on how, it's just sitting down and doing them that needs motivation.

Welcome to AGDG, are you new here? welcome to my life also, your shit is looking good mate, don't give up on me

decide to try out godot as people cant seem to stop sucking its dick.

get to trying to import my shit form blender to godot. it doesn't take blend, fine. fbx, no? obj, sometimes. you know what we should build our game engine around dae files.

Isn't Godot 2D only?

no its 3d now

well its a foss engine and fbx is owned by autodesk.

2d is much better than 3d right now, but 3d is getting a big update. but even after that it will probably still be worse than the competition, if you dont need it to be foss or really want to take advantage of the lower requirements.

I have, admittedly, the worst system imaginable, but it works, so I can't complain much.
I'm antisocial and don't really think highly of myself, so since I can't get anyone else to cheer me up, I need to accomplish something worthwhile every day to feel better. I only really have two hobbies - gamedev and cooking, and since I don't eat all that much, I try to get at least something done every single day. Shame that most of my progress is not stuff that can easily be shown off. The most rudimentary of code is done, and the rest is story shit and art.
Sage for autistic blog post.

you have to stick a plugin into blender and then you can actually import stuff, after all that it's fine.
don't use gdscript

It always was 2D and 3D.

Nope on both accounts, my project is Hell Divers on the wiki. There's so much I want to get to working on, but the core game mechanic (flying) is requiring the most of my time and motivation.

I changed the test model from an Me 262 to a Fi 103 pilotable V1-bomb. Less engines to worry about, and its a fun design to make with basic primitives. I'm copying over the means to rotate the control surfaces (rudder, ailerons, etc.) with the mouse from the other actor. After that I think I'll start work on simulating rotational (Torque) forces on the plane. Translational movement is much easier and will come last.

I don't

Install 7zip and unzip it, then compile and ignore all warnings, it uses pre-ANSI function declarations.

Keep it up, mate. Aside from the lighthearted banter, vid embedded is the only cure for ADD I've found. distract yourself from project A with project B you might need help if it gets as far as project N

It's the Professional's Dilemma. You end up being extremely creative when you don't know shit about the subject matter but have passion for it because no one in the literature told you that you can't do that. It's why amateurs can beat pros at psychology-based games like poker, since they know nothing of the meta of the game they might do dumb shit and the pros can't see through them.

I find keeping to a planner helps, as does writing things down medication is amazing if you can get it, but it's expensive as FUCK and hard to acquire even with the right insurance, but it only works for a couple hours and your ADD will skyrocket for several hours afterward. Problem is sticking to what you plan and not getting distracted at the very beginning of the day.

On topic, have you had any black triangle moments yet?
How can you be a good cook and antisocial at the same time? People love good food.

You can't just walk up to people, shove food in their faces, and ask them to be friends.

Clearly you've never been to a church pot luck. I'm being absolutely serious.
sage for off topic


On a related topic, is GOAP a meme?

Recipes are straightforward, easy to understand, and there's little consequence to messing up a dish other than your lunch being mediocre.

That's a pretty shit explanation for how to setup a genetic algorithm, and ANN's aren't the be-all end-all of computational intelligence-based algorithms either.

If you're actually interested in the topic, though, Springer publishes a lot of good books on that. You could probably find Introduction to Genetic Algorithms at your local library. It covers most of what they are, how they work, and different means to implement them.

You'd be surprised. It took a long time for me to make tea right.

This will be a good learning experience. Don't give up.

agree with this. church in general wasn't what I expected and was a nice change. meeting many nice people who actively try not to be shitheads day-to-day.

I changed my camera controls to first person free look, movement to free movement, added minor collision code for walls (all at 90 degrees, square grid layout - easy). I think I'm going to be building a poor Arx Fatalis knock-off. copy-pasting someones GLSL skinning code now. Losing will to finish this.

Quad trees come in a few implementations, and terminology can differ.
Though, the main point being that it's structured like a tree (parent to children relations, thus you can recursively loop from parent to child), and for each parent node, it has four children nodes.
That's all you need to define it as a quadtree.

Generally you have implementations like insert child, find child, and other various methods that pertain to the reason you'd use a spatial data structure in the first place.
Though as mentioned implementations can vary wildly depending on your specific needs.

I generally take at least short breaks periodically to play inspiring games, and watch relating vids to what I'm working on.
Also I tend to work on what I feel like at the moment (be it coding, modeling, texturing, animation, worldbuilding, etc), and I've noticed that I get a lot more done.
Though when I start something I always finish it to at least an acceptable level/to a level where I can easily start doing it again, but this follows what I feel like doing (personality trait, i hate leaving important things unfinished).

For games neural networks are, at this point, essentially a meme.
Reason being is that they're far too generic, and require massive effort to get it working at the same basic level as say a behavior tree.
Which is far more suited to a game's environment, and require substantially less effort to get to a "believable/fun" level of competence.
F.e. with less effort you can make a branching behavior tree with race/gear/psychological branches to sets of behaviors w/triggers that would be way more "believable" and "fun" than a generic neural network you took the same amount of time training.
Although, I'm sure in the case of someone with massive experience with ANN's could pull it off, but that's like having a master carpenter build a house vs. an inexperienced car salesman.

So, in summation, if you're willing to put in the time you could get some really neat results. However, an AI function built/better suited for games, such as behavior trees, utility systems, or a GOAP system would very likely be a better end result for the same time invested.

There's pretty good material for why FEAR's GOAP implementation is so highly renown (attached is a pdf), and you can also easily find their AI code online to learn more.
Basically though the obsession with this derives from the point that they have "emergent" complex behaviors (emergence = buzzword for AI).
How they manage "emergence" of said behavior is a combination of a few factors.
First, it's competent single AI actors (utilizing a STRIPS implementation of GOAP, and a perception system), then it's synchronizing the AI actors into "squads" via a squad AI, and lastly it's smart level design.
From this emerges complex behaviors, from a rather simple subset of behaviors taken per actor, and provides said illusion rather well.

When enginefagging, how do you stop yourself from trying to apply interfaces and stuff so it "complies" with say, C#'s best practices?

>It could implement IComparable and a bunch of other shit

This is not the place to use OOP.

Actually it makes sense in context. Plus it's a struct so there's almost no overhead in their creation


I need to actually start getting my ideas and gameplay mechanics down on paper, but every time I start writing, I end up losing steam after a few minutes. Does anyone else here gets like that? What do you do to get around it?

please, pick one

Considering C# is a language and not an engine or a framework, I can in fact pick both.

Yes, you can, but does that mean you should?

The kind of managed C#/Java languages, with their "best OOP practices" should be left at the door when trying to program a real-time simulation, like a game engine. You'll at best deliver something that requires better hardware than it should, and at worst deliver something that becomes notorious for eating up resources and GC Hangs. This is why there are no significant engines written in C#/Java except for Minecraft's engine, which is notorious for wasting about as much RAM as your web browser; that's why Microsoft rewrote it in C++.

I will maintain that there are no bad languages, only bad programmers. Minecraft was a poorly-planned spaghetti fest that pretty much died under its own weight, and the hundreds of mods with no common resources only made it worse.

It's true a lightweight language like C++ or Lua can perform better, but these are only going to be marginally faster. If you write shitty code, you'll get a shitty game. Look at all the games made in Unity that aren't AAA but manage to run more or less okay.

Always keep pen and paper on hand, mostly. I really ought to organize what I have written, though, since many of my ideas are spread around in various notebooks and even a few .txt's on my computer and thumb drives.

By that logic, neither is LISP or R, why not make an engine in those?


With Unity, the underlying engine code is written in C++. That's how it gets the performance. I think that ignoring the capabilities and use cases and usefulness in general of different languages and trying to pretend it's all the same (or that it can be) is just an excuse to keep trying to hammer a square peg into a round hole…

Also, C++ and Lua are by no means "lightweight", what are you talking about? It's not marginally faster, it's a huge difference that can be made by using the right technology.

That is patently false. Some languages are inherently inferior for certain tasks than other languages.
Oh but I'm sure Malbolge is perfectly viable for writing stable server OSs, we just haven't figured that out yet because only bad programmers have worked with the language.

I'll just go back to being irrelevant at my job, hobbies, and life now

Oh. a fractional representation. That makes a lot more sense in context thanks.

Yeah it's some kind of midpoint circle shit for LOS. I implemented it once, but looking at my and their code, I'm kinda lost and needed to relearn it.

Medikits are in.
Took longer than I wanted, but that's because there was a glitch where you could pick up health items and use them endlessly without even needing to–even if your health was full, you'd just gobble down pills.
That was a pain to fix.

Next, to add ammo usage for the guns.

What's raincoat boy going to be shooting?

I legitimately thought the video thumb was a Persona 5 meme

Learning through practice is natural path of progression if you're not in school or some course. Time for learning theory is after your own talent is not enough anymore and can't satisfy your needs.

Unfortunate name choice but looks neat.

I've got a few ideas for critters that I'm constantly bouncing back and forth between, it really depends on what will be more interesting.
Might be spider-like biting things that scoot back and forth incredibly quickly and try to overwhelm you in numbers. Small and difficult to hit would force the player to either get good, run away, or die.
Might be typical J-horror/K-horror style ghost girls that flit in and out of existence. Constantly poofing around the place, forcing the player to be aware of what's around them constantly and keep an eye on the environment and an ear out for odd noises.
Maybe it'll be the environment, doors locking themselves and needing to be shot open, floors growing teeth and trying to eat you, windows slamming shut on you, the roof lowering down.
Might be something else entirely.

Either way, I want something that makes combat hectic and panicky. Something that's uncomfortable, but not because of poor controls, shitty weapons, or lack of any defensive ability.

I don't.

If you go with spider things you can have them crawling on the walls and ceiling, which is already more than other enemies do.
If you want stuff that's hard to aim and hit you could go with erratically flying insects. Take a sound recording of a hummingbird in flight, but give it a large insect sprite which also means you'll have to look into granular synthesis because just using a sound clip as is won't work. Take advantage of granular synthesis. Big bugs make people feel uncomfortable, especially if they're flying next to their head.

I was thinking about making a srpg/tbs like Fire Emblem or Brigandine, and I want to start with the battle sprites. I keep bouncing back and forth between making them 2d or 3d. I am equally shit at both. Which do you anons think is better? Any specific advantages to either?

Even if you have a shitty animation in 3D, you have to make a model, texture it, rig it, and animate it, as well as a bunch of other shit.

If it's 2D you can keep it simple, work on GAMEPLAY, and get away with a simpler static sprite worst case

Putting the cart before the horse, user. Do a simple 2D prototype with core gameplay first.

this helped me
I thought all this frustration I was having was just me and not a natural thing.

anyway I'm gonna try this practicing again since I learned a bit during my short break.


I need white noise. I have a TV behind my computer that I usually have shit running in. Actual cable doesn't do it though. One thing I did is use this website called earthcam and just have traffic in certain cities playing. Another thing I did is go afk in gmod (TV is hooked up to a computer) and do DarkRP. I probably spend 90% of my time doing shit, 8% interacting with whatever I'm afk'ing on in DarkRP, 2% fending off people trying to steal my shit.

I need more games to go AFK in (multiplayer works best for some reason)

I find that the feeling of having people around helps a lot with staying motivated and preventing endless distractions. For example it's very hard for me to draw, but as soon as I find a comfy livestream or an active thread in Holla Forums or something that I can have on the side, it suddenly becomes a lot easier.

This is nungamedev. What kind of base resolution should I choose for my pixelshit game? I'm torn between three options and now is a good time to decide because I'm changing the entire movement system, so changing some extra values won't be more work. The reason I'm hunting for clean upscaling factors is that nearest neighbour upscaling works cleanly on those, and fuck using filters unless I can't avoid that.

640x360 (currently used)

A lot of arcade games had even less than 640x360 screen resolution, so I don't know what you're talking about tiny playfield. There's also another option. don't use pixelart

My first instinct was 1280x720 when I started making games, but the sprites had to be twice the size, and, by definition, way more detailed. I'm using 640x360 right now for the same reason. You could make the sprites smaller according to the viewport, I think. Mine are roughly 64px tall, depending on height and such, but then again, my game's not really "action packed" or anything.

Finally done refactoring and adding triangulated sectors that contain floor/ceiling information. Frustrating to spend a few days getting back to where I was but should make life easier.

It's LITTERALLY python with some engine native types.

480x270 (which is 1080p/4) is used by Hyper Light Drifter and Enter the Gungeon.

Which actual resolution you want to use depends on two things:

Some games benefit from higher (more shit on the screen), whilst other benefit from lower (less shitty sprites). It depends per game.

You don't need a perfect scaling factor. HLD and EtG both actually use a slightly-larger internal resolution and allow the camera to have sub-pixel movement. This makes camera movement significantly smoother and gives you significantly more flexibility in handling off-by-1 bullshit resolutions (like 1366x768).
That said, Hyper Light Drifter then proceeds to fuck with this by letting backgrounds have their own subpixel movement. It's not that bad since all backgrounds are rather blurry, but when you notice it it looks rather silly. Pic related, the big robot body is background and isn't nicely aligned.


units change the alpha value on a texture of a crak when they get damaged, rather than changing the alpha of the unit itself
camera controls
multiplayer UI (top input is IP (localhost if playing lan/against yourself), bottom is port)
kind of looks retarded since i'm playing against myself, although i have no idea if this would even work outside of lan

i should note, some of the textures can be changed. infantry/artillery/cavalry/damaged can be changed in the unit textures folder, and in the formation folder every formation has its own texture
also checkerboard formation is fucked, unit scaling is ruining it when the number of units is odd (or even, can't remember)


Are you remaking doom engine from zero?

Made some comparison screenshots. The last one looks best to me, maybe with a slightly taller character scale.

I'm inspired by fighting games, so I want to use moderately high-res pixel art. though probably at ~1/4 of screen height instead of ~1/2, which is the standard for PS3-era sprite-based fightan. I want a proper amount of lookahead, and several enemies on screen at once. 1v1 fightan can afford to be huge since you only need to pay attention to one enemy at all times.

I want sprites to be detailed enough to show facial expressions without having to use disproportionally large heads. For an amateur like me that might be doable at 90~100px tall sprites or so.

Thanks for the techniques, noting them. I'm working in a somewhat closer view than HLD though.

Something comparable hopefully. The plan is for something like a blend of Hexen-ish gameplay and Diablo loot/item system.

I'm considering taking a break from learning _ C _ and instead work on my old shitty abandoned project even though I don't plan to finish it. At least that way I might have something meaningful for demo day.

Should I do it?


This fucking program.
It reels you in with an easy workflow and then sucker-punches you daily with the next bullshit problem. I hate fighting tooling.
It's twelve fucking years old. It should do what it says on the can by now.

I'd use Unreal but I need programmatically generated meshes and that's a nightmare with Unreal.

God damn it.

How so? Did you have a look a the procedural mesh component?

Since you don't plan to ever finish it, could you modify your project in such a way that instead of making a demo you would have a smaller, perhaps shitty but complete game? Just a suggestion, I like the idea of saving things that'd be thrown into the trash otherwise

First seems the best. If the game is not too fast then there's plenty of space to see what's incoming plus we'll have a better look on hand drawn characters and animation.

It's in such an early state that I don't think I want to spend time on that, but if I can come up with something simple I'll do it.

Just use the win32 functions to check what resolutions the monitor supports. That way you ALWAYS have a list of good resolutions no matter what. Also, don't ever make assumptions about "common" resolutions.

This is some example code from Sigma II that checks this information:
void sys_getdisplaymodes(sys_t *sys){#define compare_DEVMODE_to_vidmode( prev_mode, dm )( \ (prev_mode.width != dm.dmPelsWidth || \ prev_mode.height != dm.dmPelsHeight || \ prev_mode.bpp != dm.dmBitsPerPel || \ prev_mode.refresh != dm.dmDisplayFrequency) && \ dm.dmBitsPerPel == SYS_DESIRED_BPP && \ dm.dmDisplayFrequency >= SYS_DESIRED_REFRESH)#define convert_DEVMODE_to_vidmode( dm,mode )( (vidmode_t){ dm.dmPelsWidth, dm.dmPelsHeight, dm.dmBitsPerPel, dm.dmDisplayFrequency, mode, } ) DEVMODE dm = { .dmSize = sizeof(DEVMODE), }; sys->vidmode_count = 0; vidmode_t prev_mode = {0}; for(uint32_t i = 0; EnumDisplaySettings(NULL,i,&dm); i++){ if(compare_DEVMODE_to_vidmode(prev_mode,dm)){ sys->vidmode_count++; prev_mode = convert_DEVMODE_to_vidmode( dm, 0 ); } } sys->vidmode_list = calloc(1, sys->vidmode_count * sizeof(vidmode_t)); uint32_t vmlist_place = 0; prev_mode = (vidmode_t){0}; for(uint32_t i = 0; EnumDisplaySettings(NULL,i,&dm); i++){ if(compare_DEVMODE_to_vidmode(prev_mode,dm)){ prev_mode = convert_DEVMODE_to_vidmode( dm, i ); memcpy(sys->vidmode_list + vmlist_place++,&prev_mode,sizeof(vidmode_t)); } }}

Because of this, I never have to make an assumption about someone's resolution. On Linux I believe Xrandr mirrors this functionality.

I think user is asking about the base resolution so he can determine the amount of pixel detail on his sprites.

I'm not looking to make a list of supported resolutions, I want to figure which game resolution (& at which size) I want to make sprite art and write move scripts for so it looks best . The one statistic I know for monitor resolution spread is a survey quoted on >Wikipedia that says that 1920x1080 is the most used resolution by Steam users at about 50% usage (

I get it now- I think that, 320x200 or 640x480 are the best. sticking with the VGA standard resolutions can't go wrong.

Do what suits your game, not what suits some monitors.

>Just a suggestion, I like the idea of saving things that'd be thrown into the trash otherwise
I have a old Spring RTS project that I absolutely don't plan at all working on it again in the foresee able future since the pathfinding in that engine sucks. I can offer my source files and the project file itself. It is in a state that can be still loaded in the engine thou and building a few units. I can upload it on mega.nz

Haven't posted here in a while but I got my inventory and weapons/reloading system working in VR

I meant it in a way that you save something that you have a connection to, a piece of one's history, sort of. It doesn't work for me if I don't see myself in a project.

Oh nevermind then, I understood it as you wanted to collect files from old unused projects or so.

My vote would be the last one at 2x scale, yeah.

FINALLY got the collision to work right
you would not believe how much shit had to be fixed in order to change two layers between client and server
so now friendly units can walk around each other(circle collider), but enemy units will block their path (box collider)

Good read, thanks for sharing that.

I wanted to wait until this thread hit bumplimit since there is less front page shitposters but I finished my loli wedding simulator and I thought since you guys have been with me as I posted progress, you should be invited as well. I am expecting lots of viewers.

I had given this a thought as well. Even if it's a shitty PC, don't most people have widescreen monitors now? That is, I'd rather do a 16:9 rather than 4:3 resolution.

My ideal would be to have a 15x15 field of view with a 32x32 tile size, upscaled 2x, but this puts it at 960, whereas 720, 768 vertical is the most "common" one now, so I'm not sure what to do.

fuck off, you autistic weeb
get psychiatric help

Their posts are legitimate and they posted a demo last thread.


sage is a downboat :^)

No need to be so angry.

ur stupid

Your comment was gold.
Reddit gold.

Godspeed to you, user. May you too have many babies together.
I hope I was early enough to get my waifu in there.

Any reason you need to have this specific FOV, tile size or scaling? Might just want to reduce scaling for less tall monitors or rework your stuff so it fits in 720 as a baseline.

I'll try to wake up early for this. Godspeed, you faggot.

Well 32x32 tiles is pretty much a standard. The 2x scaling would be nice, but I guess with careful camera controls I could make do with anything.

Won't be able to attend but best of luck to the happy new couple. mazel tov! :^)

Will try to be there, you are living the dream user.

Shit, might as well. I'll be there.

first time I'm seeing this project, tell me more about it

Shit, that's 4am here CEST.

It'll be 6am here, but user needs us. It's his big day, mate.

Isn't this the "you can't learn japanese" chick?

You are right and i really want to see this. I'll be there.

Guys, I have a problem. I made this blood spilling effect when you shoot enemies, and as result the blood spilled stays in the ground like it's supposed to, BUT in gamemaker (and maybe anywhere) making too much draw calls fucks with the performance, I'm drawing a texture for each "drop" of it and painting on the ground constantly. I know that I can do some tricks like frustum culling and not drawcalling when there's something blocking the player's vision of it (don't know what is the formal name to this), but I'm considering that there'll be times that the player will be facing lots of corpses like pic related, and that will fuck performance anyway. To be honest, I'm considering giving up this effect altogether, but if anyone has an idea, I'm all ears. Maybe I should change engines? Does GODOT have good resources to created wolf3D-likes?

i will trade metaphorical head pats for coding my game.

If you're making a Wolfenstein 3D clone, why aren't you using a modern source port like ECWolf?

Can you combine the decals together? Honestly it doesn't look like there's enough there to slow a modern graphics card

hey man I can't make it please accept best wishes from me and my wife.

Crank that bitch up on the cheapest hardware you've got. See what it takes to brake a solid 60 fps. Maybe this is a non-issue, y'know? Maybe you've got the next gore-fest game on your hands.

I didn't know there was such a thing bully me all you want, and I didn't experiment with doom sourceports because I didn't want the whole height variation thing, but I just checked Brutal Wolfenstein and realized nothing really forces me to use that, also goddamnit that blood splatter makes my game look like chex quest in terms of violence.

Well, there's something similar, but the thing wouldn't render no matter what, my conclusion is that this logic only works in 2D, and barely.

That's gamemaker to you.

Neat, maybe I'll attend.

If you're curious about Doom modding and what all it entails, I can give you a quick crash course on things and how to get started. Now that GZDoom is GPL3.0, it can be used for full game non-Doom things, too.
You have anywhere I can contact you?

Well, I can always create a quick account anywhere you like, but if you are talking about e-mails, here it is: [email protected]

rip email field

Little actually zero progress on the programming, but I did some more character sprites and started on a shitty tileset. I'm not entirely sold on the sprite for the girl at the top right.

What's this effect called when you see pic related on a water's surface? How do you replicate it nicely?

Caustic. Dunno how to replicate, sorry.

Try looking for caustics. I don't know how it's done but it's a really old effect so it must be pretty straightforward these days.

I'm pretty sure that's actually on the bottom of the water, created by light that's refracted from the surface.

That's okay, it gave me enough to go on.

I didn't realize it was a reflection from the bottom. Path of Exile has decently comfy water effects. What I noticed was that the texture for the waves crashing on the shoreline are actually identical each time it happens, so they're basically just stretching and fading an otherwise static image.

Anyways since the caustics are on the bottom, does that mean you only really notice them on shallow water?

are you going to have airborne enemies that you can uppercut and flykick everywhere? you can always cheat by having a cropping the top and bottom for the hud.

You don't normally see it in nature very often because you need sufficient distortion on the surface of the water while keeping the water clear. The faster water runs, the cloudier it gets in rivers and such. You see it more often in the ocean, but it needs to be in a situation where its both shallow, clear and distorted. In pools or other artificial bodies of water you hit all three. Assuming of course you're talking about seeing it from outside the body of water.
You can however use the same pattern for water if you're not going for realism. Windwaker comes to mind for artistic extrapolation of reality.

I don't need to calculate it exactly, basically I just need to make a few images ahead of time in PS, and then use some world data to figure out "where" and "how much". It's going to be with 32x32 tiles, though, so

If you like how wind waker did it.

Those are water caustics. You can replicate it by essentially treating it as a spotlight that projects a seamless animated texture on a surface. The lines are caused by light refracting off the water surface and focusing light on the same spot. Light can also reflect off the surface and shine above like pic related.

Does anyone here know how to use RPG Maker?
My friends needs help and could use some resources; he's already checked out some beginner stuff but more could always help

Almost done with documentation for the game.
Still need to document the level editor.


Have you ever tried a program called Wikidpad? It's basically if you take Notepad and give it wiki-like links and page management. You can output the whole bugger to HTML as well.

I was thinking of doing my game docs with this, but I dunno, yours seems pretty flashy already.

There's some pretty good games made in RPG Maker.

I agree, some pretty solid games in RPG Maker, all of which could have been way better made in anything else. Tell your friend to have a bit more respect for himself and AT LEAST use Game Maker or something.

Getting an email protection link there, unfortunately.

Only a little bit. If it's in terms of resources and where to get them, though, I've got nothing–I've only made things myself.

Just refresh the page? Cloudflare a shit.
user's address was [vamoose .. Holla Forums.co]

Also, in terms of actually useful code, how often do you guys use delegates in your stuff, or do you just shove code into it and make it work?

Would it be normal to have an object with data, and when it's created, generate a new delegate pointing to this specific data? I have some code that requires a function taking (x,y) returning a bool, and it has no knowledge of my data setup, so I have to kind of do it this way

I'm using Jekylls with this theme:

It isn't full blown wiki system, but it generates static HTML so I can host it for free with GitHub Pages :^)

Also it uses Markdown so it looks pretty good out of the box and easy to write.

I was talking less about how you would go about implementing it and more about where you would see it if realism was what you were going for.

The green areas is where I edited it, but they should not be visible

Still need to gut and redo it, but I tidied it up a bite

Hokay, so I managed to get randomly generated textures working. I'm not using Unity shaders to make noise at all, so I'm slightly worried that I'm using CPU computation unnecessarily…but I suppose that's something to worry about when I'm more than a script kiddie.

I was told that the sense of scale is hard to see. Granted, I am using very basic perlin noise, which might be the problem. I don't know how to do "continent generation" kinds of noise, I was linked to thebookofshaders.com/13/ but I haven't looked into it yet. Here's a few variants I've tried.

I haven't actually used delegates in anything other than some custom events, but I've imagined some cases where they could be useful.

looking better and better! Did you put this project on the wiki? What do you call it?

Nope, not yet. I only just now realized that there's a wiki. Working title is Divine Right of Kings (DRoK), I will probably get convinced to change the title.

I added a section about memory management to the wiki. Feel free to edit if it's retarded somehow.


at least gdnative is shaping up


I HIGHLY doubt that, I use Unity mostly because of mecanim and nav meshes, does it have equivalents too?
inb4: you can make those yourself, it's easy. If I was planning on doing shit that someone else already did myself I would make my own engine


Seriously I don't even know where to start, a crash course would be REALLY convenient right now.

added a lobby rather than needing an ip/port
at this point multiplayer officially works as it should

Wait, they is a discord?… Anyone have a link?

No. kys.

Get that crap out of here.

just because some monkeys will program shittily anyway is not an excuse to ignore performance

All features of Speebot are complete. All that's left is a final test run, marketing and release. Second demo is coming this weekend, maybe tonight if I don't pass out.

Why would we need a Discord? Just post in the thread.

What a deal! Good luck on your next demo.


Please tell me that message is real.

Some user was talking about it another thread, so I was wondering If I was missing out of stuff by not being in it. That seems to not be the case?

I guess I won't be sleeping too long this night.

Even if there was a group, which there sure as hell shouldn't be, do you really think you'd be missing out on much by not being in a bloody Discord of all things? Only thing that's good for is getting put on a watchlist and involving yourself in drama with cuckolds and trannies.

It has both a 2D and a 3D equivalent to navmeshes yeah, don't think it has an equivalent to mecanim yet. That's why user said it will achieve parity, instead of saying it already had.

Well, guess I'll do my best to be there. If I fall asleep and miss it give your waifu a headpat for me.

Second Speebot demo is out, thread:
Blog post: kircode.com/post/second-speebot-demo

It is.

Cool, I've got it now. Thanks. Even refreshing the page didn't help much.
I'll send you a message later today, once I'm off work.


If I were to guess the problem it's that the square is considered visible even if it is 0.000001 line on the square. Consider changing your rounding.

Check your mail.

Who the fuck would fall for this?

it's a foolproof plan, i don't see how it will fail

Don't make me do the work, mates, seriously.