Did a videogame character ever inspire you to lift?
Did a videogame character ever inspire you to lift?
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I remember this thread, incoming shoah.
Yes actually, it was this faggot.
I thought to myself "if he can be fat and buff why can't i?"
I'm disgusted by myself in saying this but I'm glad there was enough body diversity in the cast to give hope to fat little me.
Realizing that an autist like Akihiko could get gains gave me the inspiration to lift again.
Dunno why I didn't fall back into it, don't know what's keeping me from going back. Just sucks to have to start all over again.
Probably because kikes aren't known for their weightlifting ability.
Good, i don't want them opening the oven door :^)
Mark is a great example. How does he look at himself in the mirror?
Fatties have it easy, they can turn all that fat into gains easily. They are already in bulk mode and don't have to worry about eating a shit load of food when weightlifting.
They just 404'd that "Good Game" movie thread as well. Is this place getting cucked by a shitty mod or something? Only reason you'd 404 that would be to protect a Jew and his pet.
How long would it take to look like Azura?
Depends on a lot of factors.
I know that feel. I just got back into it. Here is some good news. Even after you stop going to the gym your body "remembers" what it's like to be fit. You gain muscle twice as fast as when you first started. When I went back I was literally adding 10 pounds to my bench and squat each week.
But we do have to worry about eating less.
There really is no easy way, there must always be a bargain.
You are already a fat fuck so you have a strength gaining advantage.
Honestly, I wish I could just pack on 30 pounds right now so I could cut it later but gain muscle mass easier.
No but my hated of niggers did.
Meh, i guess it's all in my mind, but I'm obsessed with losing weight rather than gaining bulk.
I guess i should stop being a faggot and hit the gym so i can become full bearmode (I'm already close since i always lifted heavy shit as a kid).
December of last year was the last time I properly worked out, but that does give me some confidence. I definitely don't like the shape I'm in now. About to go to sleep but I'm going to get back into it tomorrow and try falling back into my diet.
It has been on my mind for a while but this thread makes me realize I don't have any excuse not to start up again.
Fat fucks know that eating too much can make you fat, skinny fucks don't know that eating too little can make you a skeleton and will refuse to eat adequately whereas fat fucks will fail to eat the right amount but know they should have.
Have fun with your X2 starter gains.
Fuck that was for
I want to see the day where we make a lan party and all of us are freaky muscle mountains clamping hard on tiny controllers.
You gotta play relaxing and/or testosterone building games after a workout, you can't squeeze your controller like a chimp, gonna get tennis elbow or tendinitis.
Blogpost thread?
No, not video game character, but video games in general.
I just turned 28 and a couple of years ago I noticed steady decline in health.
I'm what you call skinnyfat, and have a desk job. So I sit 80% of my day.
Needless to say it took heavy toll on me, as my lower back started to hurt, I had trouble falling asleep and never had any energy for anything. You know when you wake up in the morning and you wish you were dead.
Now I don't give a fuck about how I look, what people think of me etc. I'm anti-social and thankfully it doesn't interfere with my work.
But the problem is when you come back home you just don't have energy to play video games! And even if you force yourself to not only it's not very fun, but also you are constantly distracted by aching back, yawning and feeling like shit in general.
I asked for the solution somewhere in there and the short answer was "start lifting".
So I did.
Now after several months I barely look different, maybe slightly thinner, but what's important is now I have energy and my back doesn't hurt. I enjoy my work, and what's the most important
I play old and new games alike, emulate shit, have tons of fun in general.
3 hours a week spend on lifting totally is worth being able to fully immerse into games and not think or feel anything other than gameplay.
So yeah, video games encouraged me to start caring about my health, because when you feel like shit you can't fully enjoy your hobby.
Not persay lift, but metal slug helped me with my eating disorder, even if I developed a milk addiction and am now too tall to function in society.
I want to get fucking RIPPED, but I fucked up my right shoulder by wrestling. It snaps if I do certain movements and feeling it snap kills my motivation. I need a surgery but I don't have neither the money nor the time to afford it right now.
Assuming we don't get nuked I'll contribute.
I need to learn to stop clicking on spoilered images/webms when i'm not alone.
Seriously though, children not on the other end of puberty. Be careful with the fucking calcium.
its not a movie, it's actually a youtube red "show" kind of similar to video game high school.
Bros don't fuck man, that's gay.
You support each other in order to find girlfriends, instead.
I identified too well with Garrosh, to the point where I dropped around 60lbs of fat and decided to make them muscle. I listen to this everytime I'm lifting myself in those bars, more push ups, more push ups, more suqats squat those fucking lifts for the goddamn pleasure of seeing everyone around you in awe in your progress.
I need to start getting those Ork gains.
now Blizzard definitely dropped the hugest fucking ball ever in him, anyways, I am making those gains, bro, as long as you don't give up we're all gonna make it, now some of you might want to meet Zyzz, others maybe go for Pianoman aas his patron saint of gains, but for me it's Garrosh, I'm motivated by pure fucking hatred,
These guys right here. Though the second pic made me want to learn to fight/punch properly moreso than lift. I've been doing self-defense classes for two months now and it's been great. As a side note, I also lift/train to both games' soundtracks. Both are really, really good for getting mentally prepped.
is hitler a video game character
not really
No, the opposite.
Fat boiz in the house.
Vid related might help you in the meantime. My shoulder was totally fucked when I hurt it doing dumbbell presses, and after six months it still wasn't getting better. It turned out that was because I wasn't doing anything to actively fix it. A year later, it still clicks and pops a little, but it's mostly fine and still gradually improving.
not really, for me games are just entertainment
Started playing sf games on mame in the early 00s(was never really a big fan of sf back in the day, more of a mk kid), got interested in fighting and then found out about pridefc, found a mma gym and got fit kickboxing/grappling.
For im it was the pillar men.
i wanna be coo like terry bogard so bad
I'm routinely chucking bookcases and exercise bikes and heavy bags no one is gonna use past the first punch into trucks. This is what 2 years of loading trucks for a hardware store did to me. You're fucking fat, get over it and diet already you sack of shit
There are some characters I think would be nice to be able to lift.
Your muscles won't deflect a bullet, user
I've seen kinds of gym rats enter my job only to quit within 1-3 months in (I seen 3-5 gym rats leave from March to August).
They can't aim so it's not like the bullets will ever hit him
Dahak from Solatorobo
If I ever get in a fight with some nigger or punkass I've always wanted to finish them by swinging them around and throwing them. To do that you have to be large.
Mandatory reading for /fight/fags
The figure to the right is the strongman physique and strongmen generally lift more than books and heavy bags. They generally don't have that much more fat than bodybuilders though, no more than 15% body fat percentage. That's because bodybuilders are usually at borderline unhealthy %s. Strongmen only look fat because of the muscle mass around their midsection.
But you're right that you should lose weight first. Too much fat can hinder muscle growth since fat absorbs testosterone and facilitates estrogen production.
happens at mine too. point im making is if you're fat then you're fat, its not any easier to bulk up if you're fat but it sure is a lot easier to injure yourself with the extra weight you have to carry just to move yourself not to mention picking up heavy shit
I forget another reason why strongmen aren't really fat is because if they're competing extra weight from fat might push them up a weight class.
Don't worry about trying to lose weight. Just count your calories and try to burn more than you consume, and switch to a protein heavy diet.
I run 3 miles a day nearly every single day, and do a full workout every other day whenever my work schedule permits. This includes 15min of jumprope as a warmup.
Your body will replace your fat with muscles slowly over the course of time. Cutting weight is depressing and makes you want to kill yourself or other people. Getting stronger is what men love to do and you'll feel better about yourself with each personal record you break. You should be able to bump up whatever weight you life by 5lbs each session for at least 5-7 sessions before you plateau out for a bit and then it starts to get harder.
Fuck cutting first. Kills your energy and motivation. You know what really helps? Stop masturbating, you're literally wasting testosterone and becoming a bitch.
Why are you using weights as a boxer?
Every trainer should tell you that they'll make you too slow and a waste of time that could be used on technique
Don't fap too much, keep it to 2-3 times a week max.
MGS made me want guns. Shooting made me want to get fit.
You say that like it's easy. I live alone and don't have many social things to do currently, plus my gym doesn't open everyday to keep me tired. The more alone I am the more I risk having the urge.
Testosterone doesn't drop that much from fapping. On the other hand having a gf has been shown to raise testosterone. You'll want to refrain from fapping then since it lowers the dopamine and serotonin in your cum and makes it less addictive. Not sure if any of this applies to gays tho.
You can lift for endurance. Grapplers often do this.
Why yes.
You are only partly right. Any newbie should focus on building muscle, simply because newbies can get half of their potential muscle gains quickly and easily. But if he is a fat fuck, he's going to have to cut most of the fat eventually. Body fat produces aromatase which turns DHT into estrogens. The more body fat you have, the more aromatase is floating around turning DHT into estrogen instead of testosterone.
Of course this will only matter to autists like me who want to optimize everything to get the most gains possible, untrained anons won't need to worry about this, at least not from the start.
Same situation here. I'm recovering from it now. Don't give up. Your body cries out for fitness and you can answer.
far more useful to spar for endurance
I don't lift like a body builder. I do all my lifts as explosively (instead of slowly for maximum size)as possible. You build muscles differently that way. At least that's what I've read.
That's way too many. You need that juice to lift. I try not to fap for at least two days before lifting. I also think fapping fucks with your joints somehow because I take more knee damage running if i've been fapping.
Not if your gf is a succubus. Never again.
Running is for endurance. Sparring is for learning distances and what does and doesn't work. Maybe lats. My lats are always sore after sparring.
That's just broscience
what the fuck? you are running with wrong technique if your joints hurt when running
and i've ran 10k's even after fapping 2-3 times a day.
Running is easy because you can control the pace, if you don't get winded as fuck when sparring then idk, that's just weird.
and it`s the only thing I am good at
Too bad the manga is stale this days and I still didn`t start Ashita no Joe
That helps mostly with cardiovascular endurance. But for muscle endurance weights can push your muscles more and the added strength helps too.
let's rock
Anal og stick
**This guy looks so roided up holy shit.==
Have read it, will concur.
Dempsey was a real hardass fighter.
I'm not surprised at all though. I'm just stating the obvious.
CJ from San Andreas.
If some nigger can go from eating 10 pizzas in 5 minutes to running the triathlon, then shit I can at least make myself a bit more presentable.
Funny, I joined a fighting gym due to Street Fighter as well. Actually learned what Sambo was as now train in it.
I just need to get rid of my gut, then from their I can work on making everything else better. I'm a labourer so I do plenty of physical work during the day. As far as vidya goes I'd say either Biggu Bossu or Geralt. Not massive bulk but enough to look powerful in a way.
I'm 6ft I lost 50 pounds in the last 3 months as i was at 260lbs
eating less and pushing carts all day in a warehouse help
I never felt so much better and more confident in myself in my life.
No wonder he is buddys with E.Honda
most definitely, best character in Persona 2
Anons, i really don't think fapping changes much, or at least not as much as doing some cardio on a daily schedule.
Anyways, I've been improving my deadlift. I hope to break 400lbs soon, but I have to work more on my back and glutes.
That's what happens. But if you resist the Jewish population control machine that is pornography, you'll become as potent as a bull.
Nigger I've done nofap for 2 months and I still was getting erections, in fact the erections only got worse. I was constantly hiding boners everywhere for the slightest shit. If I don't fap my dick starts protesting like mad.
Working at some warehouses will add a little more manliess to you than a white-collar job, and it also makes you feel like you're working out like Rocky in 4 if you know how to eat and use your energy properly. Too bad Most warehouse jobs suck ass (there are good ones, but they don't hire anyone). Yoga helps your survive warehouses too.
What kind of labor? Laborers are usually moving around.
Depression does that too (I was doing great until it hit me hard 2 years ago).
Krauser from resi 4.
this is a datamining thread. if anyone answers yes, expect the globalists that control all the publishing companies to suddenly stop making fit characters in video games because it promotes some sort of percieved good image of health and the globalists do not want you to be healthy.
Nofap is legitimately a Jewish scam. They spread it around hives like reddit to further corrupt and feminize nu-males. You're not being a strong upstanding Ayran man who don't need no sexual release. You're being a nu-male cuck participating in chastity fetish. You might as well buy yourself a dick cage and start watching sissyhypno.
You normalfag leaning shitposter, you expect me to sit here and read your useless drivel?
nofap is designed to get you all pent up until you can't think clearly so that you take a shitty female (they are all shit) on a date, get married/get her pregnant so she can divorce cuck you and steal all your money and your house and your dog and make you pay child support and ruin your life.
notice how women are so against sex robots and artificial wombs? women are fucking retards who love the globalists and their corrupt system. they are mad jelly that you don't need their vagina.
just fap in moderation, eat healthy, exercise, and make smart choices.
I think every man should watch sissyhypno in order to prove his own masculinity. Resisting hypnotism and subversive thoughts will be needed in the fight against the jews.
and here is a good example of women and cuck globalists.
Wait a second
You're trying to trick me into being a faggot aren't you?
It's more Gene's athleticism and style that inspire me than his muscle definition, but that as well.
Well I'm already healthy so they can't stop me now.
make sure you teach your kids how to be healthy.
It's baffling how any of you retards think that this "make her love you" shit works. Even if it wasn't pretentious bullshit you wouldn't find any woman that isn't uncorrupted by essentially the whole of society. Getting muscles doesn't mean shit; you're expected to be a subservient wallet and always put her wishes above anything you want, and to do it while maintaining the lie that they're equal in every way. What the fuck makes you think that you could find a woman that is
1. Not in any way brainwashed by modern society
2. Intelligent enough that you don't want to kill yourself by just being being in the room when they open their mouth
3. Visually desirable
Are you so full of yourself that you think that gaining muscle will make women love you when they can just find some other gym resident that will treat them like princesses and at the same time do the whole "both sexes are equal" song and dance? Plenty of other reasons to improve your body, but you've got some serious hubris if you think it'll make women genuinely love you. That's implying they can do it in the first place, of course.
I just need a rival who gets me. I found a reason to fight, buddy.
Skinnyfat manlet detected: opinion discarded.
BigAl2k6 is on 8/v/ now?
ffs, small world. Glad to see you're trying to take care of yourself. I know it's obvious to say but it's generally a good practice.
Weak, weak and pathetic.
According to your image I should've been Gandalf. Why was I not fucking Gandalf?
Because the core driving force behind nofap, the idea that ejaculation is bad, is a lie.
I can't believe people actually fall for this crap.
Did a real life demigod ever inspire you to lift?
The reason I wanted to get /fit/ are both Zyzz and Rich Piana.
RIP lads.
you're right theyre both bad
i read a book called cupids poisoned arrow and i am utterly convinced by its arguments which are undeniable
avoid orgasm unless procreation is desired
He looks like Lanky Kong.
Wait Rich Piana is dead?
What the fuck, i guess he finally realized his dream and left humanity behind
But user, look at this huge ass wall of links linking to studies from completely unbiased sites like nofap.com and pornisbad.net! I haven't actually read any of this and most of the links are dead, but look the title of that one says "Porn destroys you sex drive and makes you more feminine"! Stop masturbating!
He couldn't stand the coma.
At least he did whatever it took.
Masturbation is only bad if you do it in a "feminine" way. The feminine way is doing it by just stroking the cock. If you thrust your hand with your dick like an autist, it feels better and is manlier.
Are you 5?
Because you kept muh dicking around with no self control and you eventually gave up and nutted in front of your monitor like a fool.
We're getting raided, right?
There is no other explenation for so much idiocity.
Keep wasting sperm looking at the pixels on your monitor, fool.
At least have the decency to wank with your imagination if you must, like any decent human being as done for millennia.
>You stopped masturbating the wrong way!
I think not jerking off is making you retarded, brother
Nice strawman, but seriously, learn to control yourself, you have a huge lack of self control if you get hard at every bitch you see, stop wanking at the fancy pixels for starters.
Well this thread went in a shitty direction.
It's like I'm really on /fit/.
That's not how hypnotism works.
t. hypnoanon
Each time you masturbate to completion you lose part of your brain. Fluids and matter from your cranium get sent off and are lost. However, thanks to this fact, masturbation constitutes a simple, non-invasive alternative to self-trepanation, which as indicated and described by Dr. Bart Huges in his masterpieces Trepanation. The cure for psychosis and The mechanism of brainbloodvolume reestablishes correct intra-cranial pressure, amongst other benefits. The rate of healthy ejaculation varies from person to person. Once to three times a week is a safe bet, or whenever you get a headache.
There need to be more fit women.
It's just an excuse women make to not have to exercise.
I need that.
What in tarnation
Have you actually read his shit?
This. Every man should be fucked in the ass repeatedly. This way they build a resistance to it and they will have to learn to resist cumming with a nice fat dick up their ass. It's truly really masculine.
I wish I could do that nofap shit.
Ashita No Joe is worth picking up. You'll get over the goofy art style real fast. It's a serious manga. You gonna cry like a bitch
Go be a powerlifter you huge faggot. You got the genes. And probably the sexual frustration
You could always to just wait to fap until after your workout is over. reward yourself for a job well done instead of just for waking up in the morning.
im more interested in that fat iguana in the first pic
why is he there
why is he so fat
I'm seriously considering it.
Girls love me so idk about that.
I think improving yourself should be done despite your mental or hormonal state, or else it makes you grow bad habits like never bringing shit done.
Big Boss inspired my /k/ tendencies and to be fit.
Does anyone here buy peds online? I was thinking about getting them off a gym rat but wondering if I can get them cheaper elsewhere.
Plus I get the feeling that whichever gym I'll go to I'll only find nothing but machines.
No, therefore I am probably going to remain on manlet twink mode for a while.
All Snakes have inspiring bodies. The slightly autistic tendency makes they even more attractive
Do you even lift?
I figure that would be more appropriate measure, use pleasure systems as a reasonable reward system rather than some crazy self-punishing nonsense out of some desperate belief it will turn you into some sort of sorcerer. If you're weak enough to let something as basic and universal as orgasm or even porn have complete control over you, you would probably be the one looking to eradicate it completely.
This is what fat people actually believe.
Lol Arnold is weak.
Only fat ppl r strong.
Fat is fat, is fucking disgusting.
If you can't achieve definition, it means you are unhealthy.
You confuse powerlifters with absolute strength.
The triangle is the universal sign of male strength, all women instinctively see it and turn to molten butter in their vaginas.
Lardarse workmen who eat like shit and never exercise properly, have no idea about anatomy or physics, are generally built like Chloe Moretz.
Anyone actually athletic is built in the beautiful and functional form of a Greek god.
Whether they are absolutely cut or not, having a fat fucking midriff that makes you look like a middle aged housewife is not the goal, nor desirable by any sane person.
You sound like the depressed obese beyond-the-wall cunts complaining about how "real women have curves".
Stupid, pathetic cunts.
Aspire to be something unreachable, instead of limiting yourself to a sad blob.
no (you)s from me today faggot.
of course
I'm not gay but goddamn is Snake a sexy ass man. I want to be him.
Of course if you eat like a fat slob that bulky body means jack shit if you can't life a 50 lb. object (like a gym rat body means jack shit if you can't handle heavy cardio tasks and lift any lifting). It's not rocket science.
I'm jealous, one of my biggest regrets is not taking up something like boxing. granted nothing really offers in my area and my big-boy tendencies prevent me from signing up to anything with other people around me. so i ghetto-lift with whatever i got at home
I've wanted to get fit, but I'm too lazy and can't find the time to do it anymore.
Same. I wanted to try Judo at my local gym or keep going to the boxing gym I was going before, but they're full of kids and I don't feel like I can socialise there.
Lemme see user, give me a drive
yeah most of my local places are kid orientated, and i'm in my mid 20s (lost cause anyway) but i don't like socializing. theres a place that teaches BJJ near me and i hear its good quality but i don't wanna have to be the new guy and all that shit. I can harden my muscles all day but embarrassment cuts through me like a bullet
I was much like you. I highly recommend that you start building muscle now. You're likely still in adolescent hormone mode, so you likely won't lose much twinkiness on account of still having a cute face and good skin, but you should at least work towards getting babby musculature at miniumum, which is still cute, and people love. Once you reach adult hormone mode in your mid 20s, twink mode is essentially off the table, and you'll be glad that you have the muscular basis to work towards Big Boss/JoJo mode, which is essentially the status quo of hotness for fully adult men.
tbh akihiko's autism is based on lifting and getting in shape
Not when it's upside down you fucking retard.
Whats there to be embarrassed about? Jujitsu is the touchy feely nice guy martial art. You literally just hug people until they tap you.
Who cares about getting tapped?
Also it's really a shame that martial arts places have turned into glorified day care centers.
It's like people have no respect for fighting anymore. Imagine Ryu trying to find a good gym. The guy would have to give up shoto and go fight mma guys or end up stuck training next to 6 year olds.
Did you even read it? It's saying people with large core muscles in the belly (which often makes you look fat) have practical strength. Most bodybuildiers, especially the ones that lift primarily with machine, ignore their core and stabilizer muscles. While that makes the individual muscles strong their strength isn't practical because of underdeveloped core and stabilizer muscles. You'll occasionally see that one gym rat who has only lifted via machines and these are the types who'll have trouble with doing the same exercises with free weights at even at half capacity.
the kind of shit that wigs me out is i'd have to introduce myself and shit and what if i slow down their training cuz i gotta learn the ropes and what if i rip a fart while grappling or some shit. despite having a pretty labor intensive job and a tough guy persona, stuff like that would make me walk into fucking traffic
What I've heard second-hand is that the explosion of shit dojos came after the original Karate Kid movie came out. Apparently, there are no real certifications for martial arts in the US, so any retard can declare himself Sensei and open a McDojo. Naturally, it's big money since kids who "need to build self-esteem" will be sent there by moms with more expendable income than sense. I wonder what the dojos before then were like.
Fucking kill me.
But what if you didn't rip a fart that you could have ripped on someone who totally deserved it? Life isn't just about the things you do, it's about the possibilities man.
You sound neurotic as fuck. go watch some jordan peterson and sort yourself out
Damn shame.
Watch IP Man and/or find a competitive mma gym or boxing gym.
fuck doctors, do what you want. When your spine snaps in half you can say you died doing what you love, which is more than most people can say. Especially doctors.
your dubs don't lie. I know what I think just sounds fucking insane to most people
There are hundreds of hours of JBP on YouTube. At least point him to the relevant ones.
Luckily there are exercises that can help you strengthen your core and the stabilizer muscles used in squats without compressing your spine, but it'll be something extra you have to do during your routine.
They're all pretty good tbf
If you have ones you recommend, I'm all ears.
Definitely true, I just don't think it's sensible to tell someone to watch that much content to find the answer to a question that they need right now. But I would recommend watching it anyway.
stuff in this video i already know for the most part. not that i'm dismissing it or anything. I'm quite good at putting up an act if i get the foot in the door but i hate myself for it. Then i'm just putting up a fake personality right? now anyone who likes me just likes me for an act which is even more fucking depressing. It works in short term but if i had to sign up for a gym and then i had to put up an act every day to keep a guise of confidence up i'd probably end up dropping out the first time i break the facade. Its tough enough to keep it up with friends/roommats
Can you post some exercises? I'm interested in building my core also.
Most people are idiots. You probably had to deal with some fucked up shit early on in life and it permanently set your nerves on edge. That's how that shit works.
Most people don't get it because they have better lives than you. The fuckers.
Any video is a good starting point because they all really link well into eachother.
Try figuring out who the person you WANT to be is. The person you are right now doesn't really matter. Cultivate an ideal and move towards it.
Becoming your ideal self is a noble goal. It might be the only true goal.
I get what this thought process is trying to say but it just doesn't click in my brain correctly. I can't get my head around the idea that just trying to be another person is the right thing, cuz i'll probably always know thats not me its just what i'm trying to be. Even if i succeed it feels like a lie i have to constantly maintain and lie to myself and others. I already do this shit to a certain degree as it is and I honestly hate myself for it because i just feel like i am constantly lying 24/7
Off the top of my head, there's cable crunches, dumbbell leg lifts, and maybe a one leg stiff deadlift if the weight isn't too much for your spine. These are the ones I can think of that involve weights. There are various crunches you can do as well. Most free weight exercises use your core in some way to stabilize as well.
It's probably not what you really want then.
It's been pretty easy for me since I started boxing. If you're trying to create a persona its going to be fake. Just work towards goals and be who you are openly and without apology. Not only that but happy about it.
You gotta work toward not giving a fuck
Reading things isn't your thing, is it?
>These competitions stress definition more than usefulness. In fact, when you see these guys in competition they're at their weakest. That saran wrap skin look comes from starving and dehydrating themselves. This look stresses upper body bulk and a trim waist.
Just did some searching and apparently cable crunches are apparently bad for your spine, so you should probably avoid them.
Watching Hitlers speeches inspired me to lift. Maybe MGS or Tekken 3 too, hard to tell.
Looks tasty. What's that disc thing under the chives?
Yes but I can't remember what it was that did it.
I don't lift as much as I could and my eating habits are bad as well.
No, but Dragon Ball Z did
The guy's also creating a database of Marxist professors in universities so students can avoid them like the plague they are. Dude is not messing around.
It's really not that impressive anyways. I'm nearly 7ft tall and over 300lbs. I've been taking it slow because I injured my ankle a while back. Still, my arms and shoulders are pretty buff now and muscles I didn't even know I had on my back are now defined. I look like Bane, but more defined in the shoulders.
Here are a couple of strongmen, two modern and one old. The first two are the strongest men in the world at the moment. When you are a power lifter, you eat upwards of 10,000 calories per day because you're using so much energy. There's a point where they just have to get calories into their system and will eat absolute shit like pizza, milkshakes, and so on. Also keep in mind that the first two are over two meters tall, so that's a lot of fat. You will never see any bodybuilders outperform actual athletes because bodybuilders exercise for physique and aesthetic, not competition.
damn i'm jealous.
probably, but it goes back to believing my life is an act
Looks like an egg.
i can appreciate that. some one just needs to start dragging those on the list into the streets to be strung up
Not being a fuckwit isn't your thing is it, sweety.
Olympic rowers starve themselves before competitions.
Yet they. Still. Win.
You just proved my point.
Does being hideously fat automatically make you utterly dense too, because it seems to be working.
And? I already gave you the solution. Play the part you want to play at least.
Do you really want to just be the faggot that scoffs at everyone else and doesn't say anything?
If it's all a play, choose your role. Before life chooses for you
it's such childish bait but people just don't get tired of using it.
Yeah brah, some people just love visiting Snap City. I get what you're trying to say, but I really hope no one ever takes advice like yours seriously. There's searching your limits and breaking through them and then there's just straight up being a retard because you read too much 'motivational quotes'.
If you're going to cripple yourself you may as well just kill yourself straight away and spare yourself the suffering.
A more nuanced bit of advice would be to do what you want but just don't push it too hard.
I don't know, something is better than nothing at all. I box so I'm probably going to end up with some kind of damage.
Life is risk and reward. Be smart enough to measure the risks and come out on top.
I'm pretty sure lifting 45s isn't out of the question so why stop all together? Go for high reps instead of high weight and do things bodybuilder style instead to the point where bumping up the weight is a matter of course instead of always pushing at the edges of what is possible for you.
That took alot more effort to type out than just do it man.
I'm not a physician and if that user thinks my brotivational advice carries more weight than his doctor he deserves a trip to snap city.
It's literally epigenetic. You don't remember your childhood but it effects your gene expression.
I take issue with
This is not true. Athletes have different body types based on what it adapts to. If you're competing in who looks most like Adonis, which is a competition of physique and definition, bodybuilders win hands down. In a trial of strength, though, powerlifters will always beat out bodybuilders. Athleticism is defined by physical metrics, whether it be strength, endurance, flexibility, etc. Bodybuilders simply don't compete for that. They build muscle, but they do it for the aesthetic and not the function. I'm not insulting bodybuilders, but calling them athletes or defining athleticism by appearance is wrong.
Strongmen usually have quite a bit of fat on them because their focus isn't on definition, but there are strongmen with low body fat percentages.
I'll also mention that bodybuilders starve themselves before competing because their body fat percentage is unsustainable in day-to-day life.
This is part of it. See vid related at 14:11. With the way things went, it's more accurate to say that he started the preliminary work and is now assisting a programmer who's using that work as a basis to do things more efficiently. There are interviews which go into more detail, but I don't see them at the moment.
i never damn anyone elses forward momentum, that's just rude. It's just some fucked up self internalization i gotta get the fuck over i guess
It's called a tendency towards honest expression.
It is honest to move towards the person you want to be. Pretending you are already the person you want to be is dishonest. We can always be better.
You're ignoring the actionable item and focusing on unimportant bits.
no but they inspire me to exercise.
If I can grind in a video game I can do the same irl with irl results.
Functionally speaking, both those bodies are trash.
Roids were a mistake.
Biceps can only get so big, but lats are forever.
Strong men are a meme.
Back in the day DMC3 Dante motivated me as far as guys go, mostly it's the female characters since I think to myself that If they're so perfect than anything less than perfect for a guy wouldn't be up to snuff. Also this is a bit weird but IRL Aly Raisman motivated me as well, I want to look that trim. I like being a guy and want to be /fit/ but I also really like crossdressing and being a trap so I aim for lithe.
Look up "bracing", for squats and deadlifts. It's hard to do at first but its great for protecting your spine and moving heavier weights.
You can get a lot of mileage with lighter weights if you have back issues, just make your reps slightly slower and at a steady, controlled pace.
Only good part of your post. Be the change you want to see in the world.
There is no such thing as being you or being another person.
Pretending to be Chad isn't wrong because it's not being yourself, it's wrong because you're most likely not comfortable acting that way.
Unless you really hate the idea of being super buff there's no reason not to get super buff.
its not about the physical aspect cuz i'll keep working out, its just no i know underneath the muscle will be a lethargic dork. Working on the body is the easy part, the social part not so much
SFV ryu is the least japanese ryu has ever looked
Yes, and it was one of the best decisions I've ever made.
They should bring it back.
The world really lost their manly men in the 1950s. What a depressing state.
What inspired me were RPGs, grinding can be fun if you've got enough external motivation.
If you're almost 7 foot you need to look like Sagat.
But you have no point, it was all beta rambling
I've been dating my current girlfriend for 3 years. Originally she was an idiot, and kinda still is. But in a lot of cases she just regurgitates what I say so she comes off as being "redpilled" as opposed to actually coming to the sane conclusions herself. In other words I've done all the thinking for her and after having 10 1-sided arguments with her, she'll get "redpilled" even though If it weren't for me she'd just be an aimless girl like all the rest. And that's what I'm getting at, they're not at all independent. I've only ever met one women who is actually able to think independently and that chick is a die hard feminist who got an angsty emo boyfriend and then dumped him when she was done being "raped" by him (her words). Yet this girl was actually smart and was able to think independently, I wanted to hate fuck the feminism out of her so bad, cause I knew there was wife material under that feminism. But thats the only 1 I've ever met and she's still a feminist, more often they constantly need to be told what to think and do because they always look to others to tell them what to do, If they don't they make careless decisions that they end up regretting, like college majors, boyfriends, jobs, ect or have panic attacks. Behind every successful women, is someone telling them what to do.
My relationship with my girlfriend didn't start all rosey like you all want yours to be. We almost broke up several times because of how much of an idiot she was when we first started dating along with how I wasn't making money out of college and actually had to borrow money from her (not to mention I called her an idiot several hundred times). Now that I finally found a good job and she enjoys regurgitating everything I say, It kinda works out. This is all to my benefit though, she gets nothing unique out of me, she could find a liberal douche that makes more money than me and be told she's a special snowflake but that would require her to go back into the dating pool which is unsightly to women since they're so competitive about having boyfriends. And I already know this relationship isn't gonna last, there is no way I'd propose to her if she stays the way she is. I also hate how every time I'm with her she just painfully reminds me of how airheaded women are, but I still get horny from time to time and that's why I keep her around. I'd break up with her the second I find a girl like the smart feminist I was talking about only without the feminist part.
No joke, I was an undefeated badass at fighting irl after discovering Tekken Tag and maining Bryan Fury
was undefeated until I got in a fight with a much older guy 100 lbs heavier than me
That figure is fucking amazing. And using best alt-color too. Sagat has one of the best character arcs in the whole franchise.
I'm only 6'5" but I have no interest in getting big, I was to get lean and springy.
You're the one who posted pics of her fat face in the anniversary thread, aren't you?
He's much taller than me, though. Depending on how compressed my spine is, I only hover between 6'9" and 6'11"
what is this from??
reminds me of my roommate and his gf. pretty sure she's cheating on him on the side but won't break up because it would be social suicide for her. He's sticking it out too cuz he's losing hair in his mid 20s and has been dating her since highschool so going back into the dating pool for him would be a horrific uphill battle
Already off to a great start.
I am mentally incapable of forcing myself to do anything that isn't immediately pleasurable.
You'll stay a dork, and all the better but you won't be lethargic. Its hard to be lethargic when your physically well. Unless you meant shy or anxious, that is a harder fix but its doable, especially if you've proven dedication to fitness already.
to lose weight and get fit yes, but not to lift. Lost 150 pounds
Why am I literally not surprised.
Christ how fat are you before?
As opposed to going around being figuratively surprised at things?
It took me a year to get courage to start in a local gym and a month to properly greet everyone I trained with, now this many years later I can say with certainty everyone that first starts a martial art with no past experience is scared as fuck about it, nobody going to judge you for that because they too had to the same feeling once. Just do one class you can probably ask for a trial, if you don`t like it don`t come back there`s no shame about it no pressure.
I did BJJ too and they are the most chill people there is and it`s never late to start, I trained with an old guy that started on his 40s and got a black belt on his 50s
I'm a Manlet bear. I'm sad that Mario doesn't have chest hair in super Mario odyssey. I can't be a twink due to loose muscle (I used to be 200lbs+) so my option is to lift and become a muscular lil stud muffin. If I lift, do boxing, sleep on time for the remainder of my younger life then I'm confident I can get a growth spurt.
I had a lot of estrogen when I was younger see? I also capped a LOT.
I still do sometimes now that I eat healthier and practice boxing. I'm a WIP, I've gained/lost weight like 3/4 times now. It's a battle alright.
I've damn near completely destroyed my anxiety though, even if I don't look like a superchad, my teeth are a little crooked on the bottom and my forehead bump is a little bigger than I'd like it to be, but I can fix most things. I have good skin care so I look very youthful when I shave/wax.
Nah, but people are such fucking prudes about it. Diddling the dino once in a whole isn't gonna fucking end your test and kill your sex drive forever.
This post kills me inside every time I read it.
Hey man you got any more, I love gaming sessions! It's nice quality time with my bros.
Out of ALL the things he could have inspired you to do, you chose this.
God damn it user.
I don't know why people like orks so much, I can be confident that I'll be able to cosplay and orc or an onii demon easily with my facial structure.
The majority of them are, yes. There is nothing wrong with that, they're taking raw power over looks.
I used to crush on a guy who looked a bit like snake and Adam from deus ex, he lead me on but nothing came out of it.
He told me he had bladder infections, he had a damn hot bod but with how much he fucked cougars in rock concerts, I didn't wanna risk it.
I'd be lying if I said I didn't melt when he hugged me though, tall strong /fit/ Italian men make me weak to my knees. His voice was deep and masculine so that didn't help. Fuck we had so much in common. I tried talking to him recently but he didn't reply.
I want to feel protected by him. He's sweet but kind of immature, I remember at worked he pointed at an kids oatmeal mascot and said the dinosaur looked like a green dick.
Dude, you should dress up as Luigi and I should dress up as Mario and we could fuck around, not like that, but as friends.
You'll become effeminate instead due to dropping test, or you'll have mood swings. Don't risk chemical imbalance unless you had god tier recuperation, I'm talking about being able to gap 10+ times without getting tired and NOT needing supplements. I'm envious of fuckers like that, seeing as I'm sexually frustrated.
Fuck, brother! Your post got me hyped as fuck, video and all. I'm definitely going to do this after boxing and some krav maga, though, I've seen a video of a BJJ guy BEATING a krav user, AND holding BACK to top it off!!
Got any stories to tell, advice, experience, do's and dont's, etc? I've always had some insecurities against people who are guards, served in the military, fought, security guards, etc, so knowing what to do in the worst situation possible, in case of fighting some pushy pompous jerk or people with PTSD episodes is always welcome in my book.
I'm strange, I know, but if I have the opportunity to prepare myself then that's always a plus.
310 pounds. I'm down to 160 now
Well there is always Semmy Schilt
Same with Chun, she barely looks Asian in sf5.
wise words, hopefully i can get over myself soon then
Juicy asians are the best
MAXIMISE them gluteus
And now I'm sitting in my chair having to study and work like a dog. Fuck this gay Earth.
Your body remembers the muscle it used to have, recovering lost gains is easier than building them in the first place.
welcome to japan, being bing bok Asian is a state of mind for them along with the rest of the east especially Korea.
There's a reason why literally all Japanese/Korean/Chinese celebrities get shit loads of plastic surgery.
forgot link of pop stars post surgery.
They go from
even the male pop idols are plastic
and the spooks do the same thing niggers do for skin lightning, It's just a lot easier for them since they probably have dermatologists do it for them
There`s no secret, training extensively is the only way to get accustomed to these situations.
No, but I almost got into parkour. Then I realized that I have bad knees.
No one ever inspired me to lift. But one that inspires me to do it on the days I feel too tired is this dude. sage and spoiler for my choice being not vidya
sometimes bad knees don't have to do with fat.
Has any videogame character every inspired you to look cute or pretty?
Didn't see this until now, that is a very simple message but it is nonetheless true! Training = Results.
Thanks again user.
If Terry motherfucking Bogard ever taught me anything, it's that freedom is the greatest thing in the world to have, and in order to be free, you have to be strong.
vidya sort of did. I liked trunks more in the games then show cause he's a bitch in the show
Dragon Ball Z