Fucking japshit games

Fucking japshit games

I didnt touch the girl boobs

Then they went and started a war saying i did

So i went and raped two of their territoies at once

So this fucker shows out of nowhere and has unlimited troops

I fought those fucking pandas like 8 times consecutively and still lost because ran out of troops to keep fighting

Then he get the girl and cucks me, what te fuck

Fucking cuck japs, fuck you

here is where you went wrong


what happens if you do? fuck this game im not replaying a second of it

But you're the one who got cucked by a deformed Japanese hermit and his army of infinite pandas.

I actually rarely replay games, but I replayed Sengoku Rance since it does have multiple routes, and because you can conquer Japan in multiple ways. Try starting over, but this time, with the knowledge of the game you have now. Challenge yourself to conquer everything Without being given ownership of all of Japan when you take too long fighting the demon army

You cucked yourself when you didn't touch her boobs

What a time to be alive

Really now

whats the fucking logic? fucking jap cucks

She wasn't even good anyway. The panda hermit served his purpose for showing you how unworthy she is of being in your harem.

wew lad


Why didn't you touch the boobs? Are you fucking gay?
The game assumed you were a degenerate and cucked you.


That's pretty much why I stopped playing too. The infinite pandas. That kind of "Well, you should have just read a guide in order not fall into these traps" shit is unbearable. No pun intended. I was enjoying it up until that, but then it had to go and remind me it was a bad VN and not a real game. Having to read a guide in order to not get fucked is absolutely retarded and asinine and It seems you either have to do that or play the game 99 times and play it wrong 98, which isn't fun.


t. the gay community

They were offering me her, whyy the fuck would i antagonize them? This is Biogayware level of "choices"

If it at least it made sense, or the fucker didnt have unlimited troops and could be beaten

What the hell, i would fuck the developers in they asspussies right now for making me this mad

I'd say cuckch is that-a-way but even they'll probably laugh at you.

Full translation when?

Rance thread anyone?

It all makes sense.



Do you really want it?

I don't know what you're referring to by wordshit and ex tripfag sellouts, but I am just going to pirate it regardless.

I don't know where you came from or why do you think you're better than lurking or using google/whatever but nice digits. I mean it.

i would do it just to break them, would take a bottle of viagra and wear like 5 condoms

>the biggest piece of shit in the game by far, seriously, fuck her, you will see what a fucking cunt she is on your second playthrough

Even if you decided to fight the pandas with all your troops, it would still not lose you all that much - just one turn's worth and a few soldiers. What the fuck do you need a guide for? This is also one of the very few (in fact, isn't this the ONLY one?) circumstances where you get a forced loss.

Go tell it to r/cuckoldry.

Try bartering with some shota slaves.

How is assfucking women gay? I mean, OP is still a fag and a cuck, but women's asses are not gay.



TADA's male.


but he didnt use that term, user

You fool. Tokugawa and the Demon Army can blitz your ass any moment, you don't have time to worry about this shit.


Only gay men have anal sex, user. If you fuck a woman in the ass, you're still gay.

it wouldnt be sex faggot, what are you gay?

oh HE used that term, not


So like can you actually fuck your daughter and have daughter/grand daughter with here?
Can you keep doing it?

yeah but by the second or third time you do it you're going to get retards.

I mean does game actually allow that?
Who the fuck cares, it's not like I'm going to appoint them ministers of commerce or some shit.

have you ever seen a retard or you don't leave your room you neet fuck? protip: gene degradation after generations of incest is not just mental but also physical. just look at the british. at some point you won't even be able to stomach being near your own kids let alone fuck them.

Can you stop Rance from getting cucked in this game? I want to stop Kou from getting gang raped.

You can't save her

How did you not see the pattern there? I quit after the third time because it just wasn't worth commiting all my remaining troops toi fight fucking pandas.
The girl wasn't even yours yet you fag. You sound like a goddamned woman acting like shit in your mind is real.

This is what you get for not playing like Rance would, and savescumming the everloving fuck to get the absolute most points. Hell, I bet you didn't even get more action fans you pleb.

Nope, i downloaded cheat engine and played through from the start to finish in an hour(mostly because you can only take one territory per turn, and fapping) You cant change shit.
Also the dificulty gets extremely retarded in the end, do not play this shit without cheats, its not worth it.

Every girl is mine, you fucking beta

i had 3 at the time, and i fought the pandas with just two units each time. Also why am i replying to a savescum casual piece of shit?

Nice fedora collection, faget.

Wat. By the end you should have a crap ton of good commanders. It only gets harder if you try to compensate by jacking up troop counts since the enemy scales with those. Just raid dungeons and shit.

Jesus christ how stupid are you?
Sengoku Rance isn't even a difficult game.

Big bang age > SenCucku Rance

Did you perchance mean Takeda?

Suppose I want to play a Rance game because I heard that they are good strategy games but I don't care much for the H-Scenes would there be anything for me to try?

how should I get out of this one? blitz the weakest of them and ride it out?

Rance games are actually RPG games, only Sengoku Rance is a strategy game iirc.

Sengoku Rance, most of the others are RPG.

I am sick as a fucking dog right now, good a time as any to get into Rance. I feel like shit but if there is one thing I can always count on it's my powerful erection. What games should I play it I've only done a bit of Sengoku Rance?

Doesn't the game just punish you for not fucking girls?

Definitely the tenshu sect since you'll be bleeding soldiers from all your armies while at war with them.

Kichikuo is also strategy.

Save Rance himself for attacks by Uesugi, he instawins if the opposing unit has Kenshin in it.

Finish Sengoku Rance. Rance IV and Rance V are shitty grindy dungeon crawlers. Only reason I got through it all was because of the promise of an H-Scene is I pulled out a sufficient amount of hair off of my beautiful head.

redditspacing newfag leave and don't come back


Really makes you think.

you can just disable irrelevant information from the options bro

you, my dear friends, should look into the wonderful world of Crusader Kings 2

But the game has replayability. You don't have to know everything the first time. Do it differently on another route.