This game looks like such a fucking piece of shit in so many ways. Too bad you can't criticize it at all on any other site without drones calling you a Nintendo fanboy.
Biggest Monster Hunter fan in the world here, but fuck this shit.
This game looks like such a fucking piece of shit in so many ways. Too bad you can't criticize it at all on any other site without drones calling you a Nintendo fanboy.
Biggest Monster Hunter fan in the world here, but fuck this shit.
Looks fine to me
Those animations in the webm look fine to you?
Well, you look fucking retarded to me.
You can't see me dummy
Can you please keep the endless shitposting and argument cycling in the containment thread? There's enough of it already without fags spilling it out elsewhere because they're salty
Wowee gud thread OH PEE.
Settle down John, there are no horns to doot here.
There's a containment thread? Is Monster Hunter World out already?
Looked fine in everyother bit of gameplay also kys.
there's a whole general for monhun salt posting. the problem is that this topic has been discussed to death there, so OP wants to make an independent thread where his bitching will go unchallenged
No, it looks always fucking awful when Barroth wals and the way the animations merge.
I already said the animations are ass when the very first trailer was shown. Everything looks jittery, jumpy, messy, unpredictable.
Literally like in a Bethesda RPG, btw.
can we just wait until it comes out before we have these spergout threads
you clearly sound like a mad nintendo fan who doesn't get to play a proper mh game.
of course breaking away from their old engine and methods is going to be janky, it'll probably take 3 more versions of world before it gets the same level of polish that traditional MH has
Holy shit I haven't even played MH but even I can see that this shit has abhorrent animations.
Nigger when was the last time a game improved after E3? Answer: Never ever. The "not finished yet" argument is irrelevant nowadays.
Yes, that's how Holla Forums works. We never criticize a game until they are out. And I'm sure you never do this. And I'm sure they will totally fix everything until release.
Yeah, because I don't have a PC, right?
They're obviously CINEMATIC animations, OP. It's like you don't even know anything about modern game design.
It's to be expected OP. We are all desperate for at least one half-decent game. It's been decades since anyone here had real fun. MH World is to many anons here the light at the end of the dark tunnel. They want it to be great and will shit on anyone who believes otherwise.
Be patient. After the initial release you will see many anons agreeing with you. Until then, you will mostly encounter autists like the ones above.
Monster Hunter was always casual, so what is the problem?
But it has been called out, a hundred fucking times in the monhun general. The difference is that you got so salty that you retreated from it just so you could post this thread to get contextless faggots like to give you closure.
I just ask that you be patient like >>13422408, and just keep unnecessary shitpost threads to a minimum.
Nice argument
I was reading it after posting and felt like something was missing. Deleted and uploaded again with a pic. Is that a problem user?
because you're getting no more heroes, shut up and be happy with the exclusives you got nintoddler cunt.
Nice nice argument
Yeah, because I tried to quote you. just leave it next time faggot.
Are you retarded user? This is a thread about criticizing the clearly unprofessional animations. I don't need to play any of the previous games in the series to be able to criticize something visuals.
Monster Hunter is a shit game series designed for the worst kind of autist, the one who loves to execute repetitive tasks for no fucking reason and to no productive end.
MH is Destiny for weebs. The gameplay isn't even fun to justify the endless grind for better equipment that is the only reason for playing. And yet you fags never stop playing it, the game doesn't have an "end." You just eventually get bored after hundreds of hours of slaying the same motherfucker to build your perfect armor set, finally realizing once you got it there was nothing to do. Or before you reach that point, a new one comes out NOW WITH NEW HAT! and you throw your money at them and then do it all over again.
I can say this in earnest too because I bought and attempted to play one and abandoned it when I realized all my effort was for no reward. And if I tell you which one, five faggots will jump up and say THAT'S A SHIT ONE, YOU SHOULD HAVE GOTTEN THE BETTER VERSION no matter which game I'm talking about, because all they've done is remake the same game for over a decade and keep adding a handful of monsters or a new sword.
Monster Hunter is a fidget spinner for people who never grew out of their preschool dinosaur phase, and if it's pissing you off so much, this World game might be the first good one that the rest of us will like.
Get cucked, I'm not even trolling.
I've never played mon hun, where should I start
So, does that mean you don't like the animations? That long paragraph of yours has nothing to do with the OP
Literally any one, they're all the same.
You're not fooling anyone, cocksucker.
Go back to your fucking containment thread and stay there.
I already posted my opinion on the animations before that one. I just thought I'd trigger OP, but I am telling my genuine feelings on it.
you can say that about any game though, what were you expecting a physical prize?
Instead, the OP made this thread to kneejerk random anons into outrage because he couldn't handle being disagreed with by people who are actually keeping track of the game stuff. You're not a fag, but the OP sure is.
wew lad accidental greentext
What a fucking casual.
Is you objective in any game you play to reach max level?
I think that the game looks fine and you are all just complaining for the sake of complaining.
I dont see the problem with the animations, maybe I just dont understand some context because I have not played a monster hunter game yet
can you like… explain whats wrong with the animations?
I believe you about the other stuff except maybe verticality, but I just dont see whats wrong with the movement in the vid
But it's not though. Read the OP. It's a list of grievances that OP had from the monhun general that he's spilling out to get random anons on his side no questions asked.
Haven't really been paying much attention but care to explain?
You are focusing on the human characters. Their animations are fine. But look at the monster chasing them.
Now that I read it again, you're right. I just focused on the animation part because the others did so too. Sorry for the misunderstanding lad.
i played the 3DS one for about 40 hours, and im playing the original PS2 MH right now (yes i know the PSP one is the same but better) and i can't entirely disagree with
its a meaningless grindfest with good gameplay, the things that differentiate it from say, let it die, warframe, or any MMO, is the difficulty and that you can't pay to not-grind. the heavy emphasis on gameplay puts a skill requirement on it which filters out "undesirables", keeping the franchise clean for the most part.
im like 35 hours into MH1 (counting resets) and im honestly bored already. i dont have much to do but keep farming, most likely playing with friends would make it more fun, but thats a null point in terms of game quality, anything is fun with friends.
that bit honestly looks like shit
negative armor effects are gone.
Skills now give benefits at 1 point.
Max potions are now floating around the map for you to take.
Gunner armor is flat out gone.
You can move while shooting as any weapon.
Weapon damage pales in comparison to having the monsters hit eachother.
Infinite free farcasters
Games typically have a reason in there somewhere for you to progress, to give you motivation. Save the princess. Save your home town. Exterminate the Metroids. Beat the other players. Uncover the rest of the intrigue surrounding characters you like. If they don't have a reason for you to keep playing then the gameplay itself had better be fucking fun enough to be the reason on its own, like good multiplayer games.
Monhun has neither a plot-related reason for progression NOR fun gameplay. It's that kind of precise japanese bullshit mechanics where hitboxes and stats are all that matters and you practically have to clip into the monster to deal damage to it in the places you want, and the way to win fights quickly is having the wiki memorized rather than following an all-encompassing game logic.
Those are all quality of life improvements.
no I watched it like 4 times paying attention to different shit because I was wondering what gopt you so upset, but I couldnt find anything
the monster is fine
How do you know that animation wasn't deliberately crafted for some kind of effect? For example, the golems in Dragon's Dogma have stiff and compartmentalized movements, and this animation was done to give the impression that the monsters are being controlled by some magic spell.
welp, sorry for your loss monhun fans.
it will sell 20 gorillion units and kill monhun for good. kill it for you, mind you, not kill it as a marketable product.
Looks like the same shit as any other Monster Hunter game.
Daily reminder that MH games had built in frameskipping and they don't skip frames only on emulators.
changing the optimal way to play the game into luring monsters into each other is a quality of life improvement?
Really makes you think.
Well, I was sure crapcom would fuck this up somehow. I figured it'd be denuvo, but that'll fucking do.
The grinding itself is meaningless, if the gameplay is good. Just focus on having fun killing things and the good drops will come eventually.
Well not that one but the others, I will finally be able to play this without being bored to death and with a decent framerate may I add
It doesn't, though. Why don't you give me specific timestamp on the video in question and point out in detail what you don't like about what's going on?
Had I not played it myself to see, you shit-eaters would only go "WELL HOW DO YOU KNOW IT'S SHIT IF YOU'VE NEVER PLAYED IT?"
Looks awesome. Cant wait for the release, stay mad nintendofags
That fucking Barroth has Parkinson's. World is looking more and more like shit with every new video.
Well clearly that didn't go as planned then, since you're here.
Looks fine to me, but then I like F:NV and VTM:B's animations too.
Then your problem is that you don't like the gameplay, not that the game is grindy. Any game is boring if you have to do stuff you don't like or want to do in order to get rewards.
I just talked to my friend who actually plays monster hunter, apparently monsters barely moved at all before and thats what this user is upset about (animation wise at least)
but he also had something to say about the footage, that monster is supposed to have mud around him or something and shake it off like a big dog and there is no mud
I like those game but pretending the animations are not dogshit is embarrassing
Your friend is fucking retarded.
Ok thanks for the insight
I didn't say they were perfect, I said I LIKED them.
You didn't like his opinion, I can smell the butthurt in this post.
Stay in your salt containment general, faggot.
Is this acceptable now? Is this the standard?
the village questlines don't count? I can understand disliking having to fight with the RNG monster to complete sets, but complaining about having to learn enemy patterns and hitboxes to kill them faster is pretty silly.
Life imitates memes.
To be fair, the village plots are very weak and almost non existent.
But I think that's intentional and good, in a game where the gameplay is as solid and fun, it takes the spotlight as it should.
When are you guys gonna come up with the next 'artificial difficulty' meme? I know you've got the shitposting potential, let's see it bear fruit.
Honestly if world comes out and MH shitposting memes aren't the dark souls PC release shitstorm of 2018 I'm going to be very disappointed.
Monster Hunter is the Dark Souls of Soulslikes
I have no clue what the fuck you're talking about.
MH:W is shaping up to be the best MonHun to date.
I'm going to pirate it and have fun and there's nothing you can do about it.
The fact that it's on PC alone puts it above all th others.
He's right.
'Shaping up' doesn't have enough staying power
That's the spirit! But it needs to be more concise otherwise it just overlaps with yahtzee's PC Master Race™ meme
are you fucking retarded? the game is far from release, of course it's going to look unpolished.
All the village monsters are just gimped versions of real ones. They lack certain moves and generally have a smaller health bar. Its a glorified tutorial
Don't start at all and play games that aren't grindfests.
Is this whole thread in a nutshell.
I'm sure once pc players who never played an MH before are going to get rocked like in dark souls cuz half of the master race is casual as shit. then damage control it in the same way cuz they can't accept some one on a console might be better at games then them
Monhun on pc will be fun if the port is good though don't get me wrong
Your sarcasm is unamusing and slightly threatening.
Just stay on reddit if that's what you want.
Seriously you faggots need to stop coming here.
The "like" softens the "literally" and basically allows for endless sovereignty over the interpretation.
I never even browsed the "general". And I don't know what they're talking about or what they "call out", and I hardly give a shit. The animations are horrible and the game is in development for a long time now. The animations were never horrible or weird in any Monser Hunter Tri-4 trailer or gameplay.
Get real, you fucking retard.
I hate fanboys so much. And there is a 500% chance I'm a much bigger fan of this series than everyone in this thread combined.
Real true fans (tm) eat and purchase the collectors edition of any shit that has the branding of the item I like. I've bought every star wars toy and spent over 90000$ on Star Citizen, this is what it means to be a true fan (tm).
because you're blowing hot air?
No, it wasn't. It's the exact opposite of that. Well, it was. Especially back then and doubly especially if you like to hunt solo.
And I think you are literally mentally retarded if you don't see how the animations are shit, especially in that webm.
Especially with Hammer you want to snipe for the monster's head all the time and be as precise as possible to actually knock the monster out since people rely on you. It's just annoying and harder than it should be with shit animations and also monsters worthing through the environments all the time due to forced verticality and cliffs everywhere.
Not to mention it looks like shit.
True Fan (tm) thank you very much.
MH isn't hard anymore, though.
It's mindless grinden user.
Yeah it is, japs love that because it reminds them of their empty lives with shitty jobs. Same reason why Musou is so popular there.
Yeah wow those console guys sure must be Hardcore Gamers™.
Why do you, someone who apparently knows absolutely nothing about the games, try to lecture me, someone who spent ~6,000 hours on them?
Just leave the thread and be retarded somewhere else.
Console warrior go back to cuckchan
Its endgame is harder than ever before, though. And the enggame is all that matters in MH. 136+ GQs can be very hard, so hard that it's almost impossible to even beat them with /mhg/ people. Take Apex Zinogre for example.
Not sure how this sin't hard compared to other video games. It makes almost every other comparable game look like kiddy shit, especially Souls. Every Souls boss is braindead after three attempts, especially if you summon another player. Literally easier than Wind Waker if yuo summon someone. I'm not exaggerating. Easier than Wind Waker.
Reported, enjoy your ban
You have yet to prove that it isn't mindless grinden.
i'm an idort. suck my giant penis.
Nice reddit comic.
would you prefer animations like these?
because whats wrong in that webm is not the animations, its the fucking ground and how the model reacts to it.
UI isn't too bad, but those tutorial prompts are fucking needlessly huge.
Why are you posting that
Just how i like it.
that can be inferred without being told because only the so called super fans, consistently manage to call every single change a casualization. people who consider themselves very close to anything seem to have very negative reactions to any change regardless of intent or direction.
what is casualized about the armor?
how is healing over time at a walking pace with a slow sip animation while out in the open more casual then healing instantly followed by a standing flex behind a loading screen?
how are effects like mega dash juice less egregious then cloaks? do cloaks replace bullshit buff items or do they work in tandem?
mounting was a lame mechanic, but expanding it at least allows for some skill expression now.
even if we completely accept the premise that each of these changes stack up to make the player far more powerful than before, are you then absolutely certain this player empowerment hasnt been accounted for in monster design and AI behavior?
your only real point is the environmental incapacitates, but before i get pissed off about these i just need to know 2 things, do they replace pitfall traps? can monsters use them against players?
No gunner sets, and no negative penalties to armor meaning you don't actually need to even think about what set anymore
A true fan would have completed this, have you?
You only need a single point to trigger skills, because retards are too stupid to count to 10.
You move at a fairly fast speed. It's fast enough to walk out of the way of a Diablos's burrow->charge combo, as was shown in one of the IGN videos, so that's kind of a big deal.
prepare to be bullied
They stack. Dash juice does replace some skills, but the mantles are replacing arguably more useful skills. Rock Steady has traditionally been a fairly rare skill, as it combines a handful of other useful skills together, sometimes even being exclusive to elder dragon sets. Its main downside is its rarity making it unfeasible to activate without giving up on a lot of very important skills. One of the mantles takes that, and then buffs it to be even more effective, and then adds a defense boost on top of that. Meanwhile dash juice only gives a workaround to a few common low tier skills of minimal to moderate usefulness. The other mantles don't seem too bad, though, aside from ghillie's instant aggro loss.
Based on the demo build, it appears that monsters are actually much weaker, as people have had little trouble killing even the Rathalos. But that is also the demo build, and iirc one of the developers mentioned monster HP and other stats being toned down for it. This is one of the few cases where "it's a demo" is a potentially valid argument, because the demos for MH tend to have the odds stacked in the player's favor.
A lot of people have been complaining that monsters seem less aggressive, but they're comparing Barroth to his Tri glory days, and he's seen major nerfs since then. And, they're even sometimes comparing low rank to g-rank, or low-tier monsters to high-tier monsters, so these aren't very good comparisons to be making.
You still have traps, just like before. I think Rathalos was shown to be able to break that dam, otherwise monsters seem unable to trigger the effects. The only ones shown to be able to effect the players are the water flow from the dam breaking, and the frogs that function like shock traps triggering paralysis.
Weak argument faggot, get fucked
P3rdHD on PPSSPP. Online play through
If it ever gets playable, MH3U on citra
3rd gen best gen
How in the name of fuck can you expect released trailers to look worse than the final release in current year +2? Mental gymnastics?
OP is absolutely right.
If you get a sort of comedy value out of the animations then it's okay I guess.
Who gives a shit about a grindfest for weeaboo faggots?
My wife plays monhun. You aren't good.
op is butthurt because this awesome game is not on his switch
The animations always look like a mess. I say this since the first trailer. And it always looks like shit when Barroth walks. It's just when it's the most obvious so even retards like you can see it. People who know nothing about animations or games.
Hello retards who know nothing about the game and could NEVER, NEVER, NEVER in their lives kill a level 140 Apex Zinogre solo because they are too SHIT at video games, leave my thread. Your cluelessness could be infectious.
Not true. And now?
It literally looks like how they animated monsters in older movies. Except Capcom isn't doing it on purpose, they do it because they suck.
And fighting the monsters like this will be horrible, especially if you try to hit specific body parts. 3U already had those jittery shit animations sometimes, especially with Brachydios.
The Barroth webm actually looks worse, I have to correct myself.
You can't stop me OP, I'm going to have fun
Yeah, same.
I can still criticize it.
I remember the barroth moving much smoother in the past games, where the battlefield was always completely flat. I blame the jagged uneven terrain for doing that to the poor guy. Although that desert is kinda pretty it shits the bed with some of the actual combat, like getting accurate hits and jagged movement like in OPs vid. Too much verticallity is dont going so well MH at the moment, especially the jungle map, that shit is just downright dizzying.
You can't stop me from pirating it. You'll never get my sheckles.
Capcom doesn't deserve any money anyway
fucking hell, they started 2016 so well and then SFV brought people back to reality a mere month later.
You're right. I would never sink that many hours in some shitty korean jobsimulator
Listen up you fucking sperg. I took 4 years of animation in high school. I know how the fuck an animation works you presumptuous faggot. And did it ever occur to you that the animations are a bit "unpolished" as you put it in your OP, because, maybe, it's a fucking unfinished and unpolished game that doesn't even come out this year?
Did that thought ever occur to you, you giant fucking retard
The animations are really bad but they're miraculously good compared to the vast majority of japanese games. Not saying much.
I bet you get hyped like a normalfag for upcoming games
Ladies and gents, I refer you back to
Bungie/Halo figured out how to adjust walking animations and foot/knee placement for inclines back in 2007
NuDoom and Mario Odyssey did it. So do plenty of other games. But people rarely ever notice it because they're too busy circlejerking the latest Ubisoft downgrade to pay attention to the games that do look better than their first presentation.
Its not just its foot and knee, its its entire fucking body. Look at the rest of the damn game and how well made it is, this issue should be easy for capcom to resolve shouldnt it? Especially 10 years after that tech in halo existed.
He meant world is shit, user.
The games retained the core whenever they added something.
Pay attention.
No. Animations in the webm look like shit and if they will improve, then because of people like me who complain about them, not because of retards like you.
Retards like you are the reason they WON'T be improved.
And they won't be.
Never cared
i want my monster hunter on handhelds however
world is making me very uneasy as a fan and annoyed as someone whonprefers handheld gaming
who knows it might be great, sometimes it looks like a normal monster hunter then other times it looks like a shitty clone that wont be that good for anyone but game journalists
Im also really not fond of the more realistic look
You're gettin XX what's the problem.
damn remember when games were ok
I can barely tell what's going on in that picture, and apparently that's DS resolution.
"Handheld gaming" not even once.
X wasnt that great
If they localizr xx ill play it and possibly get a wii u but nothing from X makes me care about XX enough for playing it in jap
The thumbnail made me think Horizon Zero Dawn.
bad animations are a deal breaker? you should probably stick to polished games like gears of war, mass effect 2, the witcher, or shadow of mordor. maybe assassins creed is more your style? that nice level of polish is usually synonymous with casual games since polished mocap animations usually have to be paired with imprecise controls and hitboxes for the game to not be unplayable.
being able to suddenly cancel animations and attacks is the mark of a game where you control the character. for example a "polished animation" game will force you to watch a character turn around if you tell them to move in the opposite direction theyre facing. in a 3d platformer this will lead to the character walking off a platform when you tried to turn directly around. a game with a lower level of polish would instead have the character snap around when you do the same. doesnt look as good, but the game plays better.
im not buying this game at launch. it could very well be shit bc of the casualization, but complaining about the level of smoothness in the animations is a casual's complaint comparable to complaining about lack of tutorials or waypoints
By your logic DMC3 and 4 are some of the most casual game though.
Monster Hunter was never good until the third generation, most monsters have terrible hitboxes and most weapons have nothing more than just a simple combo to them, It's pretty unsatisfying.
Start with one from the 3rd gen, like tri if you're okay with dealing with underwater sections, if not just play P3RD, it's pretty much tri but with underwater sections filtered out, it's also the easiest MH game so take that as you may. You can emulate these 2 pretty easily.
The only reason I would recommend FU to starters is because FU will chew on you and spit you out until you learn the fundamentals but after you learn it there really is no reason to struggle with it.
If you can just get 4u, it's the best one.
Oh, you guys think Holla Forums is going overboard with threads calling World casual? Do you think it's a matter of telling shitposters to fuck off and pointing the nintentoddler?
Well just you wait till youtubers start streaming this shit nonstop
Just you wait to see casuals and normalfags wearing MonHun tshirts
Just you wait till they find you. Because you will have to deal with one of these nu-monhun fans eventually. You just will. And when you do, and when you complain that you had it better with "past game", your opinion will promptly be dismissed, you will be called names, "gamer" will be thrown as a derogatory therm, you will be old
Buckle up, the ride never ends
yeah, classic stop motion looks a lot better.
imagine having such shit taste in games, that horizon is the best game you played all year. why even play video games?
im not saying all polished games are casual. im just saying its the hallmark of them. infact its the cause of many since they want the game to look like a cutscene and this is the easiest way to accomplish it. there are plenty of great games with choppy animations and transitions. i just see it as a shitty metric to judge a game on, and if you use that as a metric you probably limit yourself to casual games.
dark souls also has polished animations, but they got around it by making attacks instant and giving it an accurate "mesh" instead of a big hitbox.
dmc gets around it by making the combat about combos and speed. and tbh dmc doesnt have the smoothest animations… theres alot of jagged transitions between animations.
The only reason anyone cares about that game is because it is a PS4 exclusive. I'm just commenting on the generic look.
wasnt there a pc begging petition about that shitty game?
i remember somebody posting about that.
I left during Summer after e3 to avoid the filth. I wouldn't mind hearing some valid criticism of the new game.
How? It's a discussion on animations.
Again how? And name some of those elements that have anything to do with discussion of shitty animations that anyone could see.
Git gud you hyperbolic faggot.
Were you not paying attention? Curb your ADHD for a moment lad. This kind of shit effects the gameplay and being able to hit parts of the monster precisely, particularlly hammers if you read the post further up.
If it were Ass Creed compared to DMC maybe, but you're comparing it to Monster Hunter in which you're expected to commit to your attacks. Ass Creed locks you into contextual animations that require the pressing of like one button (Syndicate was pretty abhorrent for this.) Monster Hunter doesn't immediately let you dodge mid swing of a great sword and suddenly it's the same thing?
i dont think you understand my argument… like at all. i'd respond but i dont even know where to begin with that…
im not arguing that you should be able to cancel mid-attacks, im talking about sudden/jerky animation not always being a red flag because its a hallmark of casual games like ass creed. yet op's concern was in its animation quality, is if thats even territory to nitpick.
the monster's animations look laggy as fuck and honestly could easily be netcode issues since the game is online. but we dont really have enough info about it from that 15 second clip.
its like how nier has a major problem with not having a comfortable difficulty and how dodging is OP making how you play harder difficulties not fun, yet people start nitpicking about how they dont do enough to teach you how to double/triple jump.
So we shouldn't criticize a flaw in a product because some other product handles that aspect "well" in some way?
Ass Creed has wank animations all over the whole series, it's not as polished as some people make it out to be.
As you acknowledged yourself,
and as op pointed out it could mess with the gameplay.
All of this shit is at the bottom of the complaints list anyway.
there's one for every game pretty much. Those niggas are desperate.
exactly my point.
its like theyre literally begging for feces.
So netcode effects the game even though he's playing by himself? They decided that this was ok to show during during a presentation? You know, if this were anything other than video games, someone would have gotten fired on the spot.
git gud
The game's probably going to be always online because "drop in drop out multiplayer".
Just in case you have brain damage and thought it looked good.