What do you think Holla Forums
Okay, give an actual opinion instead of just blowing it off.
Sonic 2 HD?
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Not really needed, doesn't really change anything
Doesn't seem like it's needed
It looks nice, but what's the fucking point. all that effort for a remake, all that bullshit behind the scenes drama for something that didn't really need remaking in the first place. They should have just made a new game
didnt some of these fags worked on mania?
But it doesn't, and the original game graphic wise has aged fairly well. This changes nothing gameplay wise
Hey, at least you give an actual opinion
Calling it unneeded, is an actual opinion.
It's unneeded.
I don't like remastering a well-done pixel art game with those smooth mobile-tier visuals. Reminds me of Sonic 4.
Yeah but cant you tell that I already know that?
I just want to hear how well you think it's been developed.
I am sure it will work just fine, I mean it's just a texture replacement
Looks nice, but I wonder how accurate it is on a technical level (ie does a monitor kill you when it falls on you?
Also, didn't the first one have a keylogger in it due to some douche bag programmer? I'd really like to see the engine of this as Free and Open Source, so there can be continued development once the project is over. It's not like they're making money by making the engine proprietary.
I think that it looks worse than the original and seems unnecessary.
It's just a default answer for everyone on this board when regarding remakes.
While you're not wrong it is an opinion but an extremely lazy one.
These people are violently autistic about accuracy. It'll probably be perfect, unlike Mania with its magnetic slopes.
Shut the hell up dude
i wish there werent so many niggers, have they ever been to a fuckin ice cream store, you pick vanilla cause it tastes the best fuckin gays
What? Am I wrong? What would you say if IGN said that sonic mania was unneeded because of it's remixed levels?
I would say that I don't give a fuck because i'm not autistic.
Go back to >>>/nintendofarts/.
Please stop trying so hard to fit in
What is it with Sonic and autism?
I'd rather not make too many assumptions. I'll wait for the meat and potatoes. It's probably best just to assume the project is going to disappear, so I don't set my expectations too high.
I'm pretty skeptical after the whole keylogger problem on 1.0 alpha. I guess I don't mind physics that are ever-so-slightly off on fangames (Sonic Worlds is a bit floaty). However, I care more when it's considered a "remaster" of an existing game.
I'd be really interested if they made an SDK, and/or FOSS'd it - allowing for Sanic fangames to use an engine designed for high-res sprites.
Unwanted and stupid.
Sonic 2 is the best sonic game ever made, so I don't mind but why the fuck Sonic himself looks like one from Sonic 3 rather than Sonic 2? Or it's just me?
because it's Sonic 3 that's actually the best?
3 looks like he's going to punch someone so it's by default the best.
I personally liked 3&K more, but Sanic 2 is also fun.
I personally think it still looks like 2's sprite when you compare his chest, foot orientation, the shadows on his back quills, nose, and the proportions of his gloves.
Between smaller eyes, shorter limbs and fat belly Sonic 3 looks like an down's syndrome version of Sonic 2.
Probably not what is needed at this time.
Fuck off autist
I even explained why.
Do you have any arguments? Or just memes?
But muh Holla Forums culture! We're le epic cynics!
I disagree, the lighter highlight and hte slimmer body don't be confused by the glove's edges makes him look even slimer, the details that obscure most of his body is his rock hard fist might be hard to imagine what sonic actually looks like.
I personally prefer the level of detail in Sonic 3's sprite compared to 1 & 2. There were some other refinements I like, such as his more visible gloves & socks as well as his better-rounded shoes. Going back into detail, I do like how his eyes have a gradient (representing a pupil and iris). Also, sonic 1 & 2 don't have a mouth.
Looks pretty good, but why not remaster 3&K? I mean, 2 is great, but 3&K is the best of the original trilogy
Now that's just my humble opinion. It's not like 1 & 2 are nearly as bad a Sonic Spinball's sprite.
People with down's syndrome having smaller eyes than normal humans isn't fucking opinion.
You seem butthurt
Whoa its back?! Coolieo, lets hope its not shit.
Saying Sonic 3's sprite looks like Sonic 2's sprite with down's is an opinion. When you add "looks like", it becomes the viewer's job to make visual comparisons. see blue and black dress.
Also, if you're trying to express distaste for Sonic 3's sprite that's certainly an opinion.
If you're purely trying to make a comparison to down's syndrome, there are several other factors you're missing:
Ignoring the shitposters, it looks nice. I like the widescreen and the visuals look nice; the OST sounds pretty good as well. I can understand why people are saying it's "unneeded" but it seems fun. I'm looking forward to playing this; I hope we get Knuckles in it.
There is an alpha demo of the first level… but that was the old engine and the original programmer ran off with the source code
Tidal Tempest was a good song.
chemical plant looks amazing. The models look a bit ugly if I'm being honest, and they nerd better lighting maybe? Reflections on the model, darker shadows? I don't know I'm not a professional but they just look weird.
I'll play this though. Always hated Sonic 2, but this might just make me warm up to it.
weird US version sound more like its from Rayman Origins then a Sonic Game.
they are not 3D models, they are hand drawn sprites.
Then the sprites look ugly. Hand drawn or not.
user the maddowposter was Imkamphy you dumb nigger.
as for Sanic HD…
The real one doesn't state how many total images he has.
Are you suggesting Ikampfy/Learningcode isn't a goon?
But they look good, see
(you) doth protest too much methinks
Those look like shit
Whys is Tails such a drippy boy in this picture?
Is it just me or does it seem slower then the original one, even at full speed it didn't look like he was going that fast.
Seems like a neat project. It's, of course, unnecessary, but so is every other autistic fan experiment, and video games in general.
It should really be open source, though.
They look like a WIP is all. I'd want them to take a few liberties and fix up his model of something. Video related is something I'd like to see, but with more fluidity.
Is it bad that I think Sonic 2 is the least best of the classic games (and that includes CD)?
Some autists in the comments oft he video got really mad at me when I pointed out that it looks like a cheap mobile game.
Are you more into platforming or speed. Because I'd understand why you think Sonic 2 is flawed because it's more focused on speed. Especially if you compared to Emerald Hill and Green Hill. Emerald finishes to quickly and it doesn't have any interesting level design unlike Green Hill.
Honestly I never thought Sonic 2 was that much faster than Sonic 1. I mean sure, the game starts off quite fast with Emerald Hill and Chemical Plant but after that, the game kind of just becomes a standard platformer. I generally like a nice mix of speed and platforming when I play Sonic, which is why my favourite of the classic titles is probably S3&K (with Mania as a close second). My problem with Sonic 2 is mostly down to the level design and the cheap enemy placement.
Kinda looks like ugly vectorized sprites.
He drinks lots of water, and supplements on pygeum.
For bigger loads, he takes [soy] lecithin + a little zinc. He also takes L-arginine
right but… why not 3&k, that game would be gorgeous if done right. The whole "2 is best game" is just wrong imo
it's no good
Doesn't Mania fulfill this?
What we need is more Sonic 3 love. Sega shamefully neglects this game when its arguably the best in the series. Plus a ton of the OSTs were done by Michael Jackson
Its a real fucking shame too since the levels were fantastic as well.
Looks like a mobile game, its'not really needed
Not needed
Tails is a slut.
That's the issue man. Legal issues are a bitch.
great taste user
Since MJ was killed because he was against the shit the Jews controlled you could argue that Sonic 3 not getting love was the Jews fault
Fucking retards.
The dreamcast has shitty 3D graphics you poophead
whatever, fucking genesis cunt. Everyone but you knows what I meant.
don't forget about the skrillex tier soundtrack
Looks like the most painfully cookie-cutter, generic "HD" upgrade you could give to the game. Everything looks so clean and crisp that it looks artificial, like everything is made of vinyl. This looks like something I would expect SEGA to make as a cheap cash grab, not a dedicated fan effort. The effect is only a little better than a smoothing filter on the original game.
Maybe I don't know enough about the law, what could they use? What copyright law could they use for content that was refused to be credited?
Holla Forums
Everyone knows it was bait.
Copyright isn't about credit, it's about owning invisible permission for certain things. MJ could still have owned the rights to his own work, even if he went uncredited in the game.
Why does it take so long? I mean they already have sonic's and tails' sprites, the rest of the game is static as shit.
They are reaching half the time Owlboy took, and that that shit has animation in fucking everything.
They've had issues during development. Like their main programmer holding the code hostage unless the rest of the team agreed to his terms over the first demo. Then it turned out he was such a shitty programmer that anti-virus programs thought the demo was a keylogger, and he was promptly booted off the team, meaning they had to find a new guy to write up a new engine and everything.
Sounds like some furry drama tbh.
This really is unneeded, and the reason modern games are shit.
oh boy, here we go again
no harm, no foul, he worked on it, but left and the producers he worked on with it did work on the game and also worked with him in the past/future for his works. MJ wasn't happy with the genesis' god-tier sound chip (plebe move tbh), but his team continued to work on it and he did provide feedback and ideas.
oh shit someone saved my OC
that looks damn good.