Why aren't there any good modern consoles wiht an ergonomic/not fucking hand-raping design? I know they want the "slate" design because that fits well into shit like pockets and bags but that can easily be solved by getting a hardshell carrying case (why did they even do this with the switch? you're not going to be comfortably fitting that into your back or front pocket)
I get cramps just fucking thinking about it.
although it guess they're made for japanese handlets
Why aren't there any good modern consoles wiht an ergonomic/not fucking hand-raping design...
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You already have the answer. That, and aftermarket companies are going to make something for people whose hands are getting raped, so they don't consider it a big deal when the number 1 priority is portability, and the consumer is likely to modify the handheld in whatever way to make it comfortable for them at the expense of portability.
But the problem is I've tried those and the fucking suck. The accesory can't change the actual flat structure of the buttons, just look at the picture, it looks uncomfy as fuck
step aside, best controller coming through
Who the fuck thought a keypad was a good idea?
The Switch tries to solve this with the joycon grip, but that's another thing you need to carry on the go. Handheld mode works well enough, and you can actually support it with your palms as you play.
The Vita's problem is the fucking touchpad in the back. You're supposed to fingertip grip it, which means you're more likely to drop it and you can't support it with your palms. There are third party plastic grips like that add Dualshock-style handlebars, and they make it much more comfortable.
The 3DS is somewhere in between. You can't palm it, but at least you can wrap your fingers around the back and bottom to support it.
One positive for handhelds is how clicky the buttons are. The Vita, n3DS and Switch have really tactile buttons, and the Vita's dpad feels great.
I wish i could get the buttons from the vita or 3ds on an actual controller. The buttons on both are amazing as well as the dpad.
Looks like a toy but feels great
Looks like a toy
Feels like a toy
Inferior to DS3
Atari were years ahead of their time. The Jaguar was the only console with enough buttons to order a pizza over the phone. If only it had a modem
I actually own that specific grip, and it's very comfortable but ridiculously impractical given that it basically quadruples the thickness of the 3DS. If you want some kind of deal where buttons are placed on a curved surface ala ergonomic keyboards you'd either a) Increase the thickness of the handheld as the buttons get hollowed inwards so it still forms a clamshell, or b) Curve the handheld creating all new and interesting fracture points for the handheld to break in the hands of its intended audience (children.)
So how the fuck are you expected to bring a switch with you on the go anyway? Unless you're one of those welfare queen negresses with a fucking trash bag of a giant ass purse or an amerifat with quadruple sized pants with pockets, I don't see how this could be considered portable.
Backpack maybe? I dunno, I've never seen a switch in public
Yes user, Sony made a "Hole in one" design and it never needed any significant change whatsoever in layout, this is totally believable.
Yeah I never saw a switch in public either but I assume it's because in my area it's dominated by spics and niggers who play madden, fifa, and whatever TV commercial trash game is out.
I don't bring my switch out with me, because if I'm out, I'm not going to have time for vidya anyway (I'd probably bring it if I had to take a train or bus anywhere and had more than 30 minutes to kill), but it would fit comfortably in any messenger bag, and I'm always on call for work, so I have to lug my laptop in a messenger bag everywhere anyway.
Do people really carry bags everywhere they go? I always assumed that was a hipster city thing.
I put the controllers in one pocket and the switch in the other
I don't get why people buy bags for it, unless you are a womyn with tiny ass pockets
I do, I fucking hate having anything other than a wallet in my pockets.
I've only brought it out once, and that was with a small messenger bag. I'd use my pockets but I've seen horror stories of idiots with massive tablets in their trouser pockets and I don't want the same happening to my Switch.
I have a messenger bag, that I'll throw it in if I know I'll have downtime.
I mean, I'm also broke, so I only really play Sonic Mania and Cave Story on it, but it's admittedly kind of cool, being able to be playing Mania, slotting in the controllers, and then taking where I left off, with me.
for sure, i have to carry either a chromebook or a keyboard for my phone around because i'm always on call (thank god for juicessh), i also keep my chargers and headphones on me at basically all times as well, and since i can i keep my ebook reader handy as well.
the Vita needed either 4 buttons on tha back in lieu of the touchpad, or extra face buttons, the touchpad is ass.
I sometimes brace my DSiXL with my pinky on the front instead of the back for some counter pressure. Tends to hurt after a while. If I play laying down, I put a small book on my stomach to use as a platform.
Is the Vita grip adapter good? Does it provide L2 and R2?
And my jean pockets aren't even that big.
I usually take one with me if I'm going out anywhere for longer than ten minutes. Always bring an umbrella and a coat with me in case it gets cold and starts raining. Also a water bottle.
Carrying a portable system on your person is just marketing bullshit, just like commercials for notebooks with people balancing them on a knee.
The truth is that you just need the system to be as small as possible, to carry it along the rest that you already have in your backpack or suitcase. Portable consoles are a must for parents with little kids, who will mostly use them during travel or in areas of rest.
Without the grips it fits into my inner jacket pocket. I put the joycons into my other pocket and that's it. For bus trips and the like I got pic related.
You lucky fuckers, that you have never known the tribulations of puking up your guts the second you step into a car and focus on a book or handheld.
Just get them a GBA with every game on it. It's infinitely better and much cheaper.
I have to admit I do get that, but it has almost completely subsided in the past few years. That being said, I tried playing Thumper on the Switch on my recent bus trip and fuck, that's an experience I don't want to have again.
That's just mobileshit. All mobileshit since the Game & Watch aren't comfortable. It has nothing to do with modern consoles. That being said, I fucking hate the joycons. They're small enough to fit within the palms of my hands and I could easily break it if I squeezed it too hard.
Also going to add to what this user is saying.
While the Switch certainly isn't pocket sized, it's honestly surprisingly small, considering it's a device more powerful than the Wii U.
It's barely bigger than the 3DS XL, and with the joycons attached it's still smaller than the gamepad.
Not to mention that even if it has width comparable to the gamepad, it's leagues thinner than even the OG 3DS.
It really is, for all intents and purposes, just a tablet.
Do you supposed that it could be carried around if you had some form of clasp to cover the screen for protection and kept the joycon in other pockets?
Asking because stores in my area are finally not sold out of them 24/7
Use a tempered glass screen protector. You'd honestly have to be retarded not to, even if you never take your Switch out; they're like $10 and the screen is just plastic. You don't want to risk scratches, given the price of the system.
I've carried it with the switch on one pocket and joy cons in another, but it does essentially fill two pockets and not comfortably at that. Like the 3DS XL, you pretty much need a bag or cargo pants to comfortably carry it around.
It probably won't be as much of an issue for me, I wear considerably baggy pants.
I generally have no issue carring my Phones, GBA 3DS XL Vita wallet and pencils and sketchpad around.
Here's what I use:
Upside is that it's cheap and covers the Switch completely. Downside is that playing it in handheld mode is a bit fiddly.
Do it and record it, someone has to show how flimsy these damn things are.
I had the luck that my inner jacket pocket was just the right size for it to fit in without joycons and have 0 wiggle room, so it was a perfect way to carry it. But honestly this is pretty neat. Just get a screen protection in case of scratches. Funny enough, I had it for a few months prior to getting screen protection, the screen was pristine clean. After getting the scratch protection, that shit scratched within days.
Sage for doublepost
Embed related, shit ain't flimsy at all. They look flimsy but honestly they feel much better than my Dual Shock 4, that shit makes some fucked up noises when I squeeze it.
Just tried squeezing them. Aside from the sticks, they're Gameboy-tier durable, and I have a Gameboy to compare it to.
I'm more concerned about the connection between the Joycons and the Switch itself. There's a bit of wiggle room, and I have a feeling that if I held it by the joycons and pushed the screen in hard enough I'd break it.
It fits in your pocket if you take out the controllers
The only time I saw someone use a Switch in public was at the airport, so in that case he could have fit it in his backpack or suitcase. It's about as portable as a laptop.
I just assumed it was for playing on the shitter and getting piles
Watch the video here
That connection point is actually absurdly durable. He really had to wrench on it to break them.
Two words: Messenger bag.
It's become more prevalent for even men to bring bags with them to carry around all their electronic items, like tablets and laptops.
You're putting more imagination into envisioning ghetto trash and white trash people than to actually envision an easy solution.
Laughable jokes for controllers. Absolutely pathetic.
Why do indie faggots put "PLAY WITH A CONTROLLER" screens in the beginning of their games? A keyboard is far superior for platformers.
Well, it's superior for platforms designed around 8directional movement.
Save for a few Dpads.
It's a shame the buttons on the vita are so small and bunched together. I wish they were at least close to the size the psp's buttons were.
What kind of midget are you?
Yes, it's much easier and comfier to use four fingers on four keys for movement instead of one thumb. What if you needed to press opposite directions at once? Fucking retard controllerfags
I did a thing, makes it much easier to carry than the standard grip. Don't understand how someone could possibly tolerate using the two joycons separately, frankly.
I don't mind it, it's like wii-motes, most people still hold their hands in standard "controller grip" while they're separate instead of just relaxing their hands on your lap.
How did you do that? Looks like it would be easier to pack than the grip with handles.
The loose joycons work best in BotW. You use the right one to aim arrows, and it works really well.
I imagine he just ripped off the grips… or perhaps they can be unscrewed, I haven't used the thing for a while so I can't recall.
Not a problem in any of these scenarios.