Has any other game had a camo system like Metal Gear Solid 3? It was a good system ruined by unlimited storage and not needing time to change (so it was just a wall of menus). Peace Walker had it to some degree (and made it per-mission which was good, but mission separation in PW was almost always arbitrary), but it was so toned down (fewer serious outfits and environmental compatibility was way more straight forward )
Has any other game had a camo system like Metal Gear Solid 3...
Other urls found in this thread:
Naked camo runs were the best
MGSV perhaps?
Do you ever think it's kinda weird how, because of the way AI in videogames work, enemy soldiers are actually perfectly aware of you hiding in a bush or some grass, but because they think your camo matches so well they just choose to ignore you?
Yes. I'm glad I'm not the only one who always has this thought creeping in the back of their mind when playing a stealth game.
I honestly hated it and every other "system" in MGS3.
Going into menus just to play dressup always pissed me off, especially since in MGS3 you get the sneaking suit a while into the game and rarely have to bother with it again. Coupled with that it's another thing in a stealth game that gets between me and the sneaking. To me it should be purely your actions, light and sounds that gets you caught or not in stealth games(I guess disguises apply under actions for Hitman/D2Spies) and any time I had to go into a menu to change camo, change inventory, eat or treat wounds it pissed me off and got me one step closer to quitting.
does V even take your camo into account?
Limited storage is fucking cancer.
No exceptions.
I wish more games had bush hiding, I remember one of those Cabela's Wii hunting games having a nice system. I think you were penalized for rustling noise but you'd also be pretty much invisible.
Yes but it doesn't show the rating on screen. You're just going to have to eyeball it if you turn off the "AI SEES YOU" indicator. Same with the camo of the boxes.
oh, that's pleasantly surprising. I thought it wouldn't cause they removed the index.
There are a lot of amazing things about MGSV. It's too bad it's weighed down by all the baggage.
That makes it all the more tragic. I can't bring myself to play it and just sloss around with GZ.
I actually went to go replay it again, and I just wish there were more missions. I just don't want to replay any of them when I look at the mission log.
I've heard the whole Africa section is nearly empty. I bet it didn't even touch on apartheid.
It definitely didn't feel as fleshed out as Afghanistan.
I think what hurts the most for me, aside from the obvious no ending, was that it never really felt like you were infiltrating compared to the other MGS games. The closest feeling I got to that was the Russian afghan base and the old afghan castle. The problem with the Russian base was it had an incredible lead up, and you see bunker entrances off in the distance built into a mountainside. I'm thinking "Fuck yeah, I'll sneak through all of these structures on the tarmac and past the warehouses then get into the base proper, finally do some proper deep infil!"
Then you just go into the second warehouse to complete your objective.
The same problem is when you were invading the afghan castle by the cliffside. It's really tense, there are fucking elite XOF troops everywhere, cameras, boobytraps, all kinds of shit. Then you finally get to the back of the castle and you bump into Mr Bones and get taken on a wild ride.
YOU'RE FUCKING OUTSIDE THE ENTIRE GAME! It was an AMAZING mercenary objective based combat game, which is what Big Boss was all about I suppose, but it's supposed to be TACTICAL ESPIONAGE OPERATIONS. I have my tactics, I have my operations, but where is the god damn ESPIONAGE Kojima!
Just needed to get that off my chest.
It'll never stop hurting.
The hype and speculation for the game was better than the game itself.
I hear you can play as Ocelot now.
But yeah, the trailers essentially telling the entire story except framed into a different and much more compelling one fucked the whole thing. I actually really want to know if the whole malarkey about muh innocent children was planned or was imposed late into development and required sanitizing the whole story.
I recall Kojima mentioning in an interview leading to release that he was going to break a taboo and that if he didn't pull it off right that he could possibly leave the game industry. If true, it sounds a lot like Konami got cold feet and didn't want to risk the negative press and possibly tarnishing their very expensive brand that's ~30 years old now.
I'm glad I held back. I know I would have played it through just because I can't help but do such things no matter how bad a thing is I have to see it through. Endurance is a hell of a drug.
That right there. Top job making your way through it to inform others.
This along with other user is just perplexing. They are taking too many notes from lazy western design. I'll fulton admit it, even though I'm a proponent of earlier western games. This is very sad making.
Why would they be giving a fuck about their brand at that point? They were dumping everything overboard to go into the Pachinko mines.
Do you remember when those pachinko shills showed up not long ago? What a strange happening that was. Possibly just full on shitposting but who knows truly.
We had people shilling for pachinko here?
Do you believe everything people post on anonymous imageboards?
I was actually shocked when I finished it and realised how little missions there were. I think I spent more time with side missions which the majority become locked after you finish them.
Only when they say something really outrageous and hard to believe
The game would be so much better if, instead of an open world, it gave you 10 to 20 big maps like the ones available in Ground Zeroes. I love the gameplay of MGSV, and the general premise of running your own mercenary company, but what hurts most about the whole thing is not all the wasted potential, but that nobody in the industry will pick up the torch and try to make a worthwhile spiritual successor to MGSV. That and the fact you can't go around in your mecha tank.
>Cut because of gameplay balance in a fucking single player game
The story spent so much time hyping it up too. I would've loved to use it just for fucking around even if it was pretty bad like D-Walker
Really, all of that could have been solved by giving the player different kinds of missions, some where you are forced to fight battles with your vehicles, with you in command of the mecha-tank or your own Metal Gear. Then you could have those away missions with your mercenaries play out like XCOM or Valkyria Chronicles, but alas, none of that will come to pass because the industry has no one as crazy as Kojima left.
Why would they do this?
Come on, his "taboo" was Chico = Quiet.
It was a ridiculous idea from the start, tbh.
I wanted to go on missions with Kaz. He would walk around with a sniper rifle instead of his cane.
Sure, carrying around thirty different suits and changing them in a second lel you wish browsing through the menus were that fast is the finest example of stealth gameplay.
Every other MGS game did camo better. In the mission based games, you can only equip one during the mission preparation. And in MGS4 you have octocamo, which is actually a plausible version of 3's system.
I wasn't sure if it was shitposting or for real yakuza. It was a bit much like toddposting to have been for real. I never underestimate actual life invading boards anymore though.
If it was shitposting, it was pretty subtle. There was like a week where some user or anons got triggered when someone brought up pachinko. I'd really have to dig to find screencaps. Someone else must remember this.
It hurts to live.
Maybe in a decade or two user, when the industry has been purged of (((greedy publishers))) and (((game journalists))
Many of us will be dead by then
I'm cursed to see the whole ride. And to outlive my children. When you find out your exact makeup, it becomes ponderous. Glad my GG still has a sense of humor, that's a bit reassuring.
This website and us die a little bit every day. We must make sure that the strongest parts survive to see good videogames again.
That's because the enemy soldier isn't an enemy soldier, it's a puppet driven by a simple state machine that's aware of every variable it needs to drive its function. Your character's visibility to the AI is some function of alertness, distance, occlusion, background texture, lighting value, angle relative to center of vision and other modifiers (is currently yawning, reading a magazine…) that is constantly being calculated. The camo index just raises the threshold of detection.
>good to the point of being anything more than a 7/10
Get out
None of these are better than MGSV faggot
Why are realismfags so cancerous? The beautiful things about videogames is that you can do and see things that are just impossible in real life. Realism goes against the spirit of the videogame itself, if i want realism i don't play videogames, i go outside.
Once again, OP is a humongous, cum guzzling twinklord.
I don't even care about the base building, I just want more stealth focused open worlds. An open world game with maybe a main city, some towns and villages, with camps and caves dotted around for your own little base of operations and safety would be fantastic.
To me, that was the best part of MGSV and its true goal; giving you a big playground and lots of tools to do things. Massive amount of freedom, even if the world was pretty barren and lackluster.
None of those is AAA game.
They all are.
DS3 is but is shit
You are shit. Don't even deserve a (you).
That Chico/Paz sex part in the ground zeroes tapes were kinda taboo so I suspect he was going to go even beyond that in MGSV but yeah, I guess Konami put a stop to that.
Install Infinite Heaven to get all the tweaks that can make the game start to be fun again, and then install this on top of it: nexusmods.com
50 new side ops, and not the fucking rehashes of rehashes of rehashes from the original; they’re genuinely different and different from each other.
1. No, because it doesn’t take place in that part of the continent.
2. No, because apartheid is good.
3. Fuck your politicking.
Every MGS thread which then goes to MGSV always talks about the same disappointment about the things we were hyped about but ultimately did not get. Everytime, for 2 years now. Always dampens my mood. MGSV essentially marked an end for me in following games, I only occasionally hear about some stuff here and there and post her too but overall, it really did feel like a big part of me died 2 years ago.
The Phantom Pain still remains.
Oh, speaking of apartheid, this mod is good for that.
Were these shown off at E3 or other venues or something? Or were they simply speculated?
What do you mean?
You can do that.
Yeah, the entire story shit the bed pretty well.
I hear you can play as Ocelot now.
With mods. No change has ever been made to the gameplay.
I want to say that the player originally had the option to just slaughter all the niggers in Africa, but it was changed to “muh bait and switch” of Venom firing the gun BEHIND them without user input.
South Africa did that (and was the source of Israeli nuclear tech, in fact) but was betrayed by the kikes and embargoed by the rest of the world until they had to give it up. You can’t win except by slaughtering the jews outright.
that what now
iirc skullface rapes paz then gets his men to rape paz then forces chico to rape paz too.
The "taboo" Kojima was talking about was obviously murdering the fuck out of the child soldiers. The game's story derails super fucking hard at that part and the silly twist reveal that shows BB just shot the wall instead of the kids feels like a hamfisted blooper reel edited in last second.
The you can't kill kids instant mission fail perameter is completely arbitrary and poorly balanced, and the characters still have leftover lines for when you do it anyway if you mod out that penalty.
It was one and only time MGS went full grimdark, probably the darkest part of the entire main stream games history.
And TPP was the biggest backpedalling in the entire main stream games history.
20m away with any camo AI won't detect you.
When laying low it's 10m
This doesn't change based on camo, only noise and armor does.
I would know, I no trace ran the whole game, and you people are spewing crap from an ass, the gold reflective camo is just as noisy as the animal camo is.
Disclaimer: I didn't make the fucking video, but I still did no trace run the whole game.
Camo doesn't do dick outside of noise dampening compared to MGS 3 with ridiculously high variety.
I wanted to kill those filthy little niglets so badly.
Even from the first trailer with Venom "shooting" the kids, I called it out as a fake. No way a AAA game would ever ship with graphic child murder, even if its presented as a negative.
Bullshit, the A.I does see you. I have over 140 hours in the game and the A.I can spot you from 20m away even in the middle of the night. I don't know whhich game you are playing. In mine - they spot you easily.
I remember full customization was talked about during the dev talks for MGSV. While riding around in a chopper over motherbase they talked about how you'd be able to customize motherbase however you want and online no two bases would ever be the same due to all the different layouts and placements of cams, mines, patrols and other shit, all which you could customize.
Anons are good people, the best people. They wouldn't lie. Except for shills, and jews, and niggers.
Better questions: if you worked for Big Boss, what would your codename be?
This +
I did everything I could to ignore the """""story""""" in that section. I still haven't completely finished the game, gotten to where Sahelanthropus was kill etc. etc.
Tbh I would choose something like Screaming Raven or something Intel-related, but roll on this chart I made.
Rolling. Wish I could do Monty Mole for this
Too bad they are talking about legalizing gambling in Japan.
No it fucking wasn't. There's absolutely no complexity to it. Sure, some of them had abilities, but nothing seriously game-changing. Hitman does a much better job at this, allowing for you to not only blend in, but making certain behaviors and actions acceptable.
The game just sort of peters out after that. Other than not playing it at all, your stopping point is probably the best place.
I'm upset that you're limited in the number and placement of cameras and mines on your FOBs. I'm furious about the 12 day development requirements for upgrades. I'm livid about the "only four things at once" limitation.
Are level 15 items even in the game yet? I can only see up to 11 in some cases but can't get any of them yet because I have to wait for free MB coins to be doled out to get more FOBs to get enough soldiers to even get UP to the base levels required to develop them.
Not that I've noticed, no.
I remember when I first started playing it and saw that you could research stuff up to level 15 and got excited for all the neat things I could get.
Then it stopped at level 9 or something.
Everything past act 1 was pure disappointment.
Fuck it.
Something Coyote
It's not in the similar vein of MGS however DayZ and the Arma series do have ghille suits and wearing green clothing is obviously beneficial because you are harder to see.
The African soldiers can chitchat with each other and complain about racism from their white leaders
Even though the soldier complaining is white, saying he's being discriminated against by whites for being white, while the black soldier listens. This is probably the only mention about apartheid.
Reporting in!
let's go
tricky bear, I'm ok with that.
What he said is true, and not even that hard to understand, go be a brainlet somewhere else.
Are you kidding? Almost every new game has tall grass shit that you can hide in now.
It sounds like you have no fucking idea how the AI works.
lol, what a retard
The AI first checks to see if you're even in their cone of vision and line of sight, then it checks to see if you're detectable based on a value derived from various factors such as camo index, alert status, difficulty modifier etc. If you're in the AI's cone of vision it knows you're there, it's just ignoring you based on how well you blend in so, yes, enemy soldiers are in fact aware of your presence.
Feel free to take what I've said and argue semantics as if it somehow changes the spirit of what I was getting at, though.
Check my zeroes.
Nah. Screaming Cat the special ops agent though.
Pic related
MGS4, but better.
Sonic Mania is the first new game I've played since TPP. It might be the end for me as well, and I wasn't even a huge MGS fan but you just feel that the industry isn't capable of captivating you anymore
to be honest it matters… barely. at most you get some negative penalties with goofy outfits (you'll get spotted easier with the tuxedo) and things like the sneaking suit in the day but camo index is definitely a thing. Check out vid related
I don't think you can argue code routines as "awareness" or "perception."
The enemy is made to be aware or not of it's surroundings based on it's given "perceptual data."
As in, the enemy active state doesn't change to a combat state unless it is "aware" that you are present.
"Reality" is aware that you are present. The "AI" just acts as a bug would. It does not perceive.
The awareness you are talking about does not exist in the individual object, but the action of the code itself.
If you're going to be that much of a pedantic faggot then there is no awareness period it's just 1's and 0's making other 1's and 0's turn into 0's and 1's.
video games arent real lief??????????????
Finite state machines user FEAR popularized the damn thing for fucks sakes, although they're losing popularity now because of the limitations getting in the way. Shit nigger did you know the Arkham series used a finite state machine, none of those NPCs or Bots are actually AI they're Expert Systems and the "true" AI is the game itself.
I mean all I did really was explain this, but to someone who has no idea what a "state machine" is. I'm sorry your understanding of the world is so shitty you have to be reductive.
What I'm really hinting at is that the way things function in code could be life imitating itself in that we are attempting to codify… ah fuck it, explaining this to you is a waste of time.
pretty sure it was a side story or secondary theme and when it turned out they weren't going to finish the fucking game they played it up big
No you're being a pretentious faggot because you took programming and philosophy courses at community college. A program is never aware of anything so your explanation is already bullshit, but someone who is not autistic would easily be able to understand what someone means contextually by "the enemy soldiers are aware of you." Nobody actually thinks there are tiny men running around inside the screen with fully functional consciousnesses.
I'm playing the Metal Gear series in order and I just finished 3.
Is Peace Walker even worth playing?
I'm interested in Big Boss' story and I like the cutscenes, but the game plays like shit.
I have the Legacy collection so I'll play it eventually. Should I play it before 4 or 5 though?
The game is "aware" of where you are at all times even when it appears that it does not because the game is running on your computer and all variables involving the coordinates of your PC, and all UI information is stored in the fucking game itself, you plebe. Without coding the right way in how bots or AI opponents should interact in the environment then they will make a beeline straight for the exact coordinates of you. The simplest proof for this would be to make a simple function that renders you invisible to other players, like say making the PC's skin disappear, and you can plainly see the bots will be unaffected by those changes.
I mean fuck mang, have you ever played an RTS or other strategy games? This is a huge problem with those games because any stealth element will pretty much fall flat against the computer since it already knows where everything is. It never needs to find you or scout the map, it simply reveals your exact location when it needs to then does what it was going to do if the abilities it needs to use do not have arbitrary ranges it'll simply use them exactly when it's optimal to do so pretty much whenever.
Sounds like I've gotten away with dicking to many unconscious patients.
Does MGSV even have a camo mechanic? I mean you can select different outfits, but there's no camo index, so how do you even know when it's working? If it even does work.
I liked the MGS4 camo, but it felt a little OP.
Try Splinter Cell (pre Splinter Cell: Conviction) basically exactly what you describe.
I mean, you can just ignore the video and my 140 hours.
Your call dude, you might be talking about night vision soldiers or modded settings, or maybe even FOB's most people don't actually play, but 95% of the time soldiers in this game have no sight past 20m unless they're higher than you in terrain.