Why do Asian and Slav Devs love the Thompson sub machine guns so much...

Why do Asian and Slav Devs love the Thompson sub machine guns so much? It appears in nearly every free to play Korean FPS. And Russians love to put it in movies & games. Apart of me is surprise that the Thompson M1A1 didn't show up In original S.T.A.L.K.E.R.


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The US probably gave them shitloads of Thompsons to either kill the Norks or the good guys of WWII, respectively.

We used a bunch of leftover Thompsons and FALs to remove Serb in '91.
We even have a pretty popular nationalistic musician whose nickname is Thompson, or Croatian Rambo

It's a really cool gun, doesn't seem like such a pea-shooter like a lot of SMGs. Although I am surprised by stuff like all the Stalker games featuring way more western firearms than slav guns.

Stalker devs were westaboos.

It's probably the most popular gun in videogames besides various AK models and the M4A1, and is always the go to WW2 throwback gun in every game that does that sort of shit, nothing really to do with asian or slav devs, tons of western devs use it too.

I like how STALKER don't try to enforce the AR-15 jamming meme The news media and Hollywood enforced. Even though M-16 jamming in Vietnam werre rare and quickly fixed. But of course pro marxists journalists overblowned the issue.

That would make sense. Ukrainians are switching over to m-16 /M4 platforms. After the tavor keep gassing troops in the face.

Akshually, the 1911 is the WW2 throwback gun :^)
But, if you're seeing a WW2 themed DLC for a game, it's either the tommygun, the Garand, a nugget, an MP40 and Luger, and maybe an MG42 or a DP-28.


How did the Serbs got so many Thompsons? Shouldn't they be rarer in Eastern Europe than FN fals? I can't instand FALs.

There a reason why the IDF still uses M4. Even though they were suppose to phase out the m4 years ago.

They sent a lot of their obsolete shit to Yugoslavia, they also send obscene amounts of money. And when the money dried up, and Tito died, guess what happened?

Cause it's iconic, and because it's actually a pretty decent gun if kinda heavy for what it does.


It seems to me that the whole >m16-jamming meme comes from shitting magazines, any m16 or ar-15 that I've fired that has had a decent magazine has always fired just fine.

Thompsons look cool but are nowhere near the best subgun in WWII.

The best out of that time period goes to Finngolia's Suomi M31, kind of sad to rarely see them in vidya.

The M16 jamming meme came from dumb shits thinking the M16 was "self-cleaning" or some shit IIRC. Also, the ammo that got issued to GIs used a different powder than what the M16 was tested with, I think, and that possibly caused more fouling. It's hard to know what's fuddlore and what isn't anymore.

Also, something else: Direct impingement is dumb IMO

It was retards in the government ruining the gun

Nah it happened, just for really dumb reasons.

Some bean counter found a stockpile of old artillery powder somewhere and decided to save a penny by having it recycled into rifle rounds. Artillery powder has a different pressure curve and it's much filthier, the M-16 wasn't designed to handle it because what kind of moron would use artillery powder in a rifle. This was exacerbated by the fact that it was issued without cleaning kits because muh space age self-cleaning rifle, and by the fact that the early runs of the M-16 didn't have chromed barrels which led to greater wear and accumulation of filth..

They were exported a lot and used heavily in WW2. Also they were very popular in the 20s and 30s and media from that time/set at that time was less likely to be restricted in slavland during the Cold War. Finally the Thompson is a fucking sexy gun.


Different ammo, different materials for parts like receiver/magazines/springs, no field servicing/cleaning whatsoever, armorer maintenance only, "pencil barrels" before they understood the microscopic metallurgy stresses leading to people completely blowing out barrels and receivers after a few mags and yeah, there's probably more.

Plenty of great ideas done completely halfassed and with rushed R&D to save a few shekels.

It's cool.

Isn't PUBG adding the WW2 Thompson?

Slav devs love a wide variety of guns, thompson isn't an exclusive.

tfw I own one
tfw its stupid accurate

What about Asian devs from Japan and korea?

Fuck every single one of them.

They got shot with them / shot them.

Jesus f- Christ mods are you gonna ban that fucking shill for the same fucking shitty vidya gaem on all the fucking boards?
Or are you just gonna stand there and suck his dong?

Learn the fucking rules before crying someone breaking them

It was probably the best machine gun in RTCW. It also sounded really cool. Games don't allow cool sounding guns anymore, just realistic prrppprrrrttttt.

grease gun > ppsh 41 > drum mag tommygun > MP40 > 20 round tommygun > STEN

Prove me wrong.

I can definitely agree that the Sten is absolutely disgusting. I can't think of a single game featuring it where it isn't the most unsatisfying gun to use.

Silly user, there were no goog guys in that war.

its been used in koran war.
you must know mentality of koreans. the only reason over 50% of korean men, i think around 80% or something, is circumcised only because american soldiers were, and it just got popular, ignoring religious aspect.

Return to Castle Wolfenstein's sten is the best gun in the whole game. Inaccurate, but silent and powerful.

The biggest strength of sten is the compactness and simpleness, not it's handling. Also, it's the first silenced submachine gun in the world, and was pretty effective at that task.

This. WW2 was disgusting.

That's why I do the occasional playthrough with the code for 999 ammunition. It's one of the few games with a good flamethrower as well.

Strong at the expense of that "pew pew" sound.

The pew pew sound makes it distinct tbh. I love it.

I just tend to really dislike silenced weapons in most games I guess. Although the only Wolfenstein game I've ever played was a ton of Enemy Territory.

What engine is this?

I do too, but RTCW's sten is the best silenced gun ever in a video game.

Quake 3

I thought it looked familiar

Disgusting. The Sten was a piece of shit.

PS1 MoH STEN was breddy gud.

Because it's a full-auto gun that shoots pistol rounds and may come with a drum magazine :^).
Never heard of this.
Native rushBland citizen

Personally I would place the PPSH 41 and Drummag Tommy above the Grease Gun, no matter what game I play I always hate it's ironsight.

It's mostly the look and the fact that it fires a higher caliber than most SMGs. Add in the drum magazine it's famous for and most games treat it like the LMG of SMGs