
Do you guys like making/using batch files for easy loading? Cause I sure do. Share yours.

ECHO OFFCLSCOLOR F:MENUECHO .,o' `o,.ECHO ,o8' `8o.ECHO o8' `8oECHO o8: ;8oECHO .88 88. 88 ECHO :88. ,88: 88 ECHO `888 888' 88 ECHO 888o `8888888' o888 ,adPPYb,d8 88 88 ,adPPYYba, 88 ,d8 ,adPPYba, ECHO `888o,. `88888' .,o888' a8" `Y88 88 88 "" `Y8 88 ,a8" a8P_____88 ECHO `8888888888888888888' 8b 88 88 88 ,adPPPPP88 8888[ 8PP""""""" ECHO `888888888888888' "8a ,d88 "8a, ,a88 88, ,88 88`"Yba, "8b, ,aa ECHO `::88888;:' `"YbbdP'88 `"YbbdP'Y8 `"8bbdP"Y8 88 `Y8a `"Ybbd8"' ECHO 88888 88 ECHO 88888 88 ECHO `888'ECHO `8' ECHO.ECHO ...............................................ECHO PRESS 1, 2 OR 3 to select your game, 4 to start the mod loader or 5 to EXIT.ECHO ...............................................ECHO.ECHO 1 - Play QuakeECHO 2 - Play Quake Mission Pack 1: Scourge of ArmagonECHO 3 - Play Quake Mission Pack 2: Dissolution of EternityECHO 4 - Mod LoaderECHO 5 - EXITECHO.choice /c 12345 /n /m "Select Your game"IF %errorlevel%==1 GOTO QUAKIF %errorlevel%==2 GOTO QUAKM1IF %errorlevel%==3 GOTO QUAKM2IF %errorlevel%==4 GOTO QUAKMODIF %errorlevel%==5 GOTO LEAVE:QUAKquakespasm.exeEXIT:QUAKM1quakespasm.exe -hipnotic -game hipnoticEXIT:QUAKM2quakespasm.exe -rogue -game rogueEXIT:QUAKMODCOLOR Aclsset /P mod=Type the name of the mod or "exit" to go back: IF /I %mod%==exit (clsCOLOR FGOTO :MENU) IF /I %mod%==Docs (clsECHO That's the Docs folder, not a mod.PAUSECLSGOTO :QUAKMOD)IF /I %mod%==hipnotic (clsECHO That's Quake Mission Pack 1. Select it from the menu!PAUSECOLOR FCLSGOTO :MENU)IF /I %mod%==rogue (clsECHO That's Quake Mission Pack 2. Select it from the menu!PAUSECOLOR FCLSGOTO :MENU)IF /I %mod%==id1 (clsECHO That's vanilla Quake. Select it from the menu!PAUSECOLOR FCLSGOTO :MENU)IF /I %mod%==qw (clsECHO That's Quake World. Don't load it from here.PAUSECOLOR FCLSGOTO :MENU)IF EXIST %mod% (quakespasm.exe -game %mod%EXIT)ELSE (cls echo Mod does not exist!PAUSEGOTO QUAKMOD):LEAVEEXIT

When I can, I like to make batch files to launch a specific ROM in an emulator. Then make a shortcut on my desktop to that batch file.

I did this for Daytona USA 2, I even made a cutsom icon for the shortcut.

What is this, 1990? Just use shortcuts.

The only time I've ever made a batch file is for games that require very specific loading setups in DOSBox or some bullshit like that.

And I don't do any of that fancy shit like ASCII art. I make one or two line batch files and call it a day.


It's fun.

Only ones I use. Pretty basic bitch.

o shit, i havent thought of that, i do have a problem with many shortcuts for different quake fan maps.
but im a total bitch when it comes to programming.
i dont even know what echo is.

Feel free to copy my code. Just paste on a text file and change the extension to .bat. It doesn't have a +map loader yet though.

Another thing you can do is add an autoexec.cfg inside your map folder and add the commands in there, then use the mod loader. i.e

heapsize 64000map backstein

I prefer shell scripts.

I set up quick shortcuts like this for my games on Loonix, I have the terminal bound to the Windows key so I can launch anything quickly without going through the file manager or cluttering my desktop with shortcuts.

I actually do
#!/usr/bin/fishfunction zandro_wads set list "list/"$argv[1]".list" echo -iwad head -n 1 $list for wad in (tail -n +2 $list) echo '-file' echo $wad endendfunction zandro_record echo -record echo ./demo/(date +%d-%m-%y_%H:%M:%S_$argv[1]).cldendset wads (zandro_wads $argv[2])set record (zandro_record $argv[2])switch $argv[1] case host ./zandronum-server -port 27015 +exec server.cfg $wads case join ./zandronum -connect $argv[3] $record $wads case local ./zandronum -connect $record $wads case demo ./zandronum -playdemo $argv[3] $wads case play ./zandronum $record $wadsend

The list files are just files with the name of the wads in it, starting with the iwad. Then you do something like ./zandro.fish host plutonia

haven't bothered making shell scripts for videogames maybe i'll make one for the game i'm creating, so its le 90s xd

Do you play as a pair of skateboarding cargo shorts saving the world from Nerf guns?

I would play this

I am now seriously thinking about this.

sounds rad

Sorry OP but that batch file is terrible. A couple of suggestions:
Why? Just put that commandline on the same command where you put the GOTO. Same with QUAKM2

Why type it? That defeats the whole purpose of a batch file, you might as well just type out the entire command to run the mod.
Make a function that looks for all the mods automatically, list them and make them selectable through numbers or something. While you're at it, put them on the same category as QUAKM1 and QUAKM2.
Doing that will also prevent these useless shitty file checks that don't even cover every use case anyway.
Just make it so typing anything that isn't a number (I guess it could be a 2 digits number if you're really autistic with mods) returns and error and shows the options again.

To add to this, requiring the user to type the name of the mod in a batch file is actually more work than just typing "quakespasm.exe -game " in CMD because you can use tab to autocomplete the quakespasm command and the name of the mod, so it's less keystrokes.
It's just a really bad idea altogether.

I just have simple one-liners for my Doom mods. It's easier to double click a batch file than it is to drag the correct mods onto the launcher.
About a decade ago I got heavily into shell scripting and had a launcher for all my GBA roms. It was impractical, but I had a blast making it. It's a great way to get into programming as a hobby.
Try making a script that randomly picks a game to play. It's great for when you don't know what to go for


Your suggestions are pretty good. I thought about a couple myself as well but didn't bother because I was being lazy. Maybe tonight I'll work on that.

I just use shortcuts

My friend would get mad at me for typing cd wolf3d wolf3d instead of making one of these. I thought he was retarded. Then he got into Linux.