Tooth and tail

The furry game is out. As most casual strategy games it has console support.
But is it really cancer ? Or just furry ?

Casual and strategy don't mix. Either you go all out with the depth or you go all out with the difficulty, no in betweens.

It aint furry unless they go all-out on the fanservice with it. Until then, it's just anthropomorphic a la Redwall, Watership Down, old Disney, and many other examples. There is nothing wrong with telling your story via beastman.

Though the game looks like pure shit, outside of the obviously NatSoc inspired faction. Those guys at least look /fa/ as fuck.

I can' tell what the factions are since the communists are distributing meat by voting, while the supposed nazis are secret police that have infiltrated the other rebels.
Looks like a clusterfuck as far as politics go.

The main thing I didn't like is that the factions are functionally just different colors, and I am not a fan of perfectly symmetrical factions in my strategy vidya.

Saw it on steam's frontpage and immediate saw the oh so subtle hints at communism. As if we didn't have enough political shitflinging in vidya now they gotta do it in the most blatant, unapologetic way possible. It's literally Commies vs NotNazis.

There's also the Jew faction :^)

Anything that has animals in it is furshit according to nu-Holla Forums

And on which side are you, comrade?

Even Deer Hunter?

Commies out

which one was 'the one' again?

This about free Tibet or you just playing dress up like Hoover?

The fuck you going on about commie? Go steal some food maybe you'll start making sense.



The fuck you on about? Wood rots, dumbass. But fuck it, have some nordic castles.



thank you, fat immunity dog.
the filthy commie almost got me

Even without the furfaggotry the game just looks braindead and unappealing. Furries have become so mentally and emotionally degenerative that they can't make anything even remotely good anymore like Swat Cats or Jazz Jackrabbit.

That's not wood.

I fail to see what the difference is supposed to be.

fucking commies.

Teebs recommends it

I thought he died?

whoa there, that would be anti-consumer.


Unlike spineless faggots like you he has the balls to fight the cancer.

It as 10 fucking years ago and he apologized for it.
You couldn't even read 10 years ago.

Not yet, the cancer moved to his brain


He posted on twitter that it was terminal, but he later posted that it had regressed and stopped growing. So either his doctor shouldn't be so quick to tell a guy that he has only a few years to live, or he was blowing it out of proportion.

Nope, apparently his ass cancer has stopped growing.

Your question is as absurd as your thread.

Ironic. He could save others, but not himself from diabeetus.


I never had cancer, and it really doesn't. If anything it takes more balls to accept it


omg this post, did you get right off the boat from reddit my dude?
no one "fights" cancer holy shit did you eat up that propaganda or what? you lie in a fucking hospital bed and DOCTORS fight cancer. you're no hero for surviving any illness.

Oh well, you wins some, you lose some.

I like how everyone gets in the ending.

games are too fast and maps too small



This is his second bought with Ass Cancer, I doubt he will live to see 30+.
It will probably come back and fuck him.

I can only help this is the same nig who defended Th4if

He's already over 30.

What the fuck, I don't like TB that much but he seemed to have decent taste in games if some shitty opinions, but Thi4f was a total abortion.


Normally I would agree with you but the problem these days is that turbo autists eventually figure out the best faction and then the meta becomes a lopsided shit show followed by constant patching that never quite fixes the balance.

Tooth and tale takes an approach where you basically "make" your own faction at the start of each match by picking which units you have available.

Time will tell if there is indeed one team composition that is generally better than the others but even in that case no one side is ever handicapped against the other.


watch yuri bezmenov

sound gud to me