Psychonauts is free on humblebundle

Psychonauts is free on humblebundle

Other urls found in this thread:

Fucking cool, gonna take a few keys.

What is the game about? How does it go about combining the two elements of psychopathy, or psychosis and "-nauts", seafarers, voyagers, adventures or just travelers?

It already is free. ;^)

It was always free.

Pirates are filthy, not paying the developers for quality games


But you legally own this one

Hi Tim Shitface.

Still not worth it.


no idea what this is

i'm not sure what you mean by own, but i'll take the option without the sign up.

How much money did scam man scam again? Why did he embarass himself in front of a crowd with that sockpuppet? Why does he look so slimy?



Wow what a scam, the fucking email hasn't arrived yet.

the cocksucking page doesn't work anymore for me, even when I completely disable umatrix and ublock origin

fucking westcoast faggots and their shit website engineering

It's about exploring people's minds.

If you want I can give you the code. I already bought the game so I don't need it.


What minds am I exploring?

If you want I can give you the game. I already "bought" the game so I don't need it.

I'll pass, thanks anyway.

Someone name my new Steam account

Also, it's a single player game, just pirate it

I've only played a little bit of it, but you're at a summer camp for mind explorers so I'm assuming the counselors, and other students. It's mostly a PS2/Xbox/Gamecube era platformer with exploring minds as the theme. I think it explores some psychological concepts, but again I only played a little bit of it.


name it "I'm dumb enough to make a new steam account instead of just pirating it"

Brendan Fraser

Note: When I say "I", I do not mean the self applicable and individual term that refers to "me" or "myself", but "I" as in the 'all encompassing' player base that will play the game. And when I say all encompassing, I mean that in the group sense of the word "I", that is to refer to not "You" specifically, but "They" or "Them", and informally "You people".


Humble Bundle is run by SJW cunts who don't give two shits about respecting their audience anymore as every other game is some DRM-locked piece of garbage.


But they are having a bundle for porn games right now?

I'm of the opinion pirate bay is a very deliberate scheme by government agencies to act as a honeypot for innocent internet downloaders. They haven't updated their blog in a long time, and from time to time spoofed torrents appear under fake trusted user accounts, with even fake seeder and leecher information too. The site is dated, and I feel is not trustworthy at all.

If you could provide another link to posters in the thread, preferably in the format of a raw magnet link, that would be the most preferable thing.

What's wrong with it?

sound about right

its been a honeypot ever sense the original got shut down 4 or 5 years ago.

Sure thing, kike.

I've been getting my stuff from there since forever and nothing happened to me so far.

There's an "original" piratebay?

Why do you think that the new TPB has no forums?

Those digits must have been a sign
Need an avatar


The burden of proof is on you to prove that it's a honeypot. You do understand that it's the 87th most visited website in the world (54th in the US)? If it was a honeypot, it's literally the least effective honeypot in history.

I get it, you fell for the "tpb is a honeypot" meme spewed by retarded niggers here who never posted any proof, and now you're emotionally invested in that actually being the case, but it's time to stop.

Fredrik Neij was in prison and only served 10 mounts. You don't think he turned state's evidence like you know (((who)))?

I also share the same thoughts on any sites that are replicates or replacements of Kick Ass Torrents or Torrentz EU. I understand thought that KAT has introduced a new system where you are required to register and login to an account in order to download, but perhaps this is just another ploy to gather more information on internet users.

I'm of the opinion (and its guesswork from me to say such things) that authorities won't arrest you outright for illegally downloading things. Rather, if you slip up and purchase drugs or other illicit things online, or commit a crime in real life and your real identity can be linked to online accounts, personas or history, then they will charge you for the illegal downloading that you've been doing. Their time is spent much better doing other things apart from arresting people that download movies and post on imageboards all day. Downloading, while it can be argued makes a significant monetary dent in the wider media industry, actually does no greater harm than that. It is less harm than many other real life crimes.

Not to mention the very well known fact that apart from a handful of law enforcement agencies across the world, many simply do not have the capability and resources to track down and arrest people that illegally download things. Probably if you have illegally downloaded something without adequate protection, your name has been put down somewhere and left in a filing cabinet to be forgotten about until your name pops up again.

I'm still not seeing any proof. Right now there is more "evidence" of the earth being flat than TPB being a honeypot. That is how fucking schizo you sound.

We have IDs here FAGGOT, i wasn't the one arguing with you.

You got memed by a leech domain.


wanna fuck?

I will… naut download this lmfao

I laughed

And done. See you nigs next giveaway thread

Are you stupid? No one was "arguing with me" until you first replied you schizo nigger.

So where's the proof?

Why are you calling everyone a schizo… Gee I wonder.

There is no proof. There is only doubt.
And TPB is the most doubtful of all torrent websites right now, so only idiots use it. Prove me wrong.

I'm a buyfag but not a free shit nigger.

Take your meds.

Your feefees are not proof, and that embarrassing female logic isn't going to fly here.


You don't OWN shit. You're renting a license goy.

Make sure to join the v group :^)

Still using the same lines from the /n/ days I see.

you're a retard for using public trackers regardless


Crazy people

(((Government agents))) love plausible deniability

Boy what a shitshow of a thread

Every public torrent site is a potential honeypot, since anyone can download a torrent and see your IP.
That is correct

Usenet? Sounds like Usenet.


go datamine somewhere else, sanfrantard

don't worry "we" got your info from Equifax

It has some pretty decent levels. Too bad about the dev.

If you'd just stay on your anti-psychotics, I wouldn't have to keep telling you to take them.

You don't need to compromise the tracker itself to run a honeypot (see: sharkmp4).

Let's try that again:

Next you are gonna call me a cumskin

Graphics hold up pretty well

>mfw this


By checking those quints, of course.

(gazed upon)

I like how this thread pretty much isn't about the game because who really gives a fuck at this point?

Get real.

Why did the new incarnation of TPB removed the forums and the new owners have absolutely zero contact with its userbase? You ever question that? Get real.


Use your brain faggot.

What are you even talking about you sperg?

He was likely just as much of a loon back then as he is now. The difference is you didn't hear him over social media. Also the game is sitting in that "mediocre reviews but the fan base oversells how good it is" range of quality, so people need a stronger reason to bother with it.


We kill the level 66 elder succubus that has been haunting him, that's how we do it. The children might be corrupted too.

Shit's fucked.

good to know at least I've been downloading from the right places

a beautiful sight to behold,
and thanks for that bizarro webm too

According to this piece of shit I've downloaded 3DPD porn and actual CP what the fuck.
My recent download activity is all doujin vidya gaems and anime. Somehow I doubt this thing's accuracy.

Thanks for the tip. Be sure to make some tea when we get there.

The effbeeeayyy is on your trail, user, run.

sounds like you got a pedo in your house user

either someone on the same network than you is downloading those
or you're currently with the ip of someone who was downloading them>>13411267

The forum was used to notify about possible takedowns and the current stste of the servers, its removal was a big red flag.


I don't. In fact, I live alone. SEND HELP

inb4 someone is stealing your wifi connection.

I just skimmed my router's logs of the date when that shit's supposedly downloaded. Lo and Behold, a MAC that doesn't match any of ones of my whopping 6 wireless devices making a DHCP request.
Guess I'm gonna have to up my security now.

then you were the pedo all along


Ahh, those wacky wifi stealing Linux-fags and their shenanigans.


You'll legally own my dick in a minute you little faggot.


What the hell is this webm from?

Nah, I'll pass. It's not like I would have ever played that game anyway.

Cheers mate. Reminds me last time this happened with NWN and one user got 100 keys for some reason… I'll just have the one though.

Copyright infringement is practically legal in most countries, as long as it is for personal use and you do not distribute it yourself. Even still, you can go ahead and distribute it and get away with it most of the time.

Mr. Shitface needs to find different work tbh

If you don't own it already in some form and haven't already discovered that it's a fairly mediocre game with a slightly above average art style, I don't know where you've been for the last decade.


The writing is flat and it really banks on you liking the humor too much. The level design looks cool but doesn't play very well. Despite the infinite possibility of the human mind being the premise, the levels tend to fall into the category of obnoxious fetchquest constantly. When it's not fetchquesting, it's mediocre platforming and shallow combat. It's also remarkably ugly. Coming from the mind of tim schafer really has become a negative selling point just based on the game alone.

Psychonauts doesn't have especially deep or engaging gameplay. The bosses and challenges are all quite easy. Most of the levels aren't that big and you only really take the time to explore them if you're going for 100% completion, which doesn't get you anything anyways. It's got some charm and it has it's moments, but the game wasn't even innovative or mind-blowing for it's time.

yea I remember back during G4's heyday they kept raving about how great psychonauts and tim shafer is. Then I played it and I was like…"This exists in the same universe as games like Super Mario 64 and Devil may Cry3 and people actually give a shit about this game?"

Mr. Shitface didn't even have that much to do with the game. All of the artists and writers who made Psychonauts remotely memorable were fired and then they had that party where Phil Fish DJ'd.

This shit is why I stopped caring about their bundles years ago.


How much scam had a scam man scammed, had a scam man scammed a man?


Mr, Shitface is a hack. Reminder they still have properly unfucked Trenched/whatever the fuck they call the PC version.


i dont care

perhaps you saw CP from some CP spammer once on Holla Forums, who of course got permabanned, but its still on your cache from having scrolled past the thread
whats also likely is the feds want an excuse to put you in prison; disconnect your internet, then put your computer in a faraday cage, thoroughly search every single directory on your entire computer for the CP, move without copying it to a cheap empty flash drive, then delete it from the flash drive, then unplug the flash drive and whack it with a hammer until its a pile of dust, then put it the remains in saltwater, hide it, and leave them there for a month, then dump them into the ocean

kindly kill your desire to stop watching trash

Dammit this stuff is old.
Does anyone remember that stupid Harry Potter fanfic written by that troll a while back?

Which one of you niggers is it

Sorry op, i'm not a big fan of pretentious hipster bullshit.

Oh Jim, if that's what you're thinking, you're dead wrong.

l've bought three separate releases of Dragon's Dogma, my money is reserved for games that deserve it.

Be careful kid, you do not want me to have my way with your boypussy all night long.
Just walk away.

Are you legitimately retarded?

Doesn't have data on private trackers I guess. btw you should kill yourself if you don't have a private tracker account already

Is this Steam actually doing something for the players™ and shutting down Humble's jewish scheme or is there some other reason this happened?

oh cool they offer magnet links



I regret checking that shit out.

Welp, guess freezing your credit is pointless when these hacks are STILL in charge…

Just…Just keep an eye out, okay? Or something.
The next Amber Alert you see, this exact moment will come to your mind, and every Amber Alert after that

Is it for charity or did Mr. Shitface is worried that hype train for Psychonuts 2 is winding down?

Culture is dead.

i don't think this is accurate


A Noon Darkly

how many IPs did you collect from wayward anons clicking that link?

What if getting caught was part of my plan?

My Immortal?

Of course.

they expect some of us in the wreckage brother

Why are you americans so obsessed with porn?
Play some vidya instead.

Fuck you OP, I read that as Policenauts

Maybe you should ask Mr. Shitface to give you some glasses

Fuck you Afton.


No you don't. You don't own the game. You own the revocable right to run the game. That's all.
If I own a chair I can do whatever I want with it. Sit on it? No problem. Sell it? Paint it? Use it for firewood? All is permitted, it's my fucking chair.
But if I ""own"" a game it usually means that I have permission to play it, and not much else. That's not like owning a chair, that's like renting a chair.
The only way to actually own your software is if it's free as in freedom (aka open source). Then you have an irrevocable right to do whatever the fuck you want. And "pirated" software isn't that, but it sure is closer to it than anything you get through Steam is.

Does it work only with American citizens? I have nothing, but I'm not American and I did download some torrents posted in Holla Forums. I'm not well-versed in these things so I don't know.

I mean.. I just don't like the game.

Also, he was probably still a loon back then.

Well it ain't no more, I think that the Humble Bundle may not be all that humble after all. That sure sucks maaaaan
