Dishonored: Death of the Racis Ass White Folk

This game is going to sell like shit isn't it?

We all know the diversity brigade doesn't actually play games

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It'll probably be like the last few diversity games, forgotten, mediocre reception, and poor reception among consumers. We all remember Mafia 3, I'm sure, but did anyone actually play? That's what I think about.

Every time I see the cover for this I think it's an advertisement for Prey.

they will blame the sales on white men not wanting to play as a black woman.

Which, is probably true tbf.

The more you watch this webm the worse it becomes.

I am more surprised by the act that this became a series seeing how the first game was dogshit.

Is this a Holla Forums thread?

Assuming it isn't, how did Dishonored 2 perform? I heard it had a shitty reception because of bad ports for steam. I don't really get the buzz around the nigress, it's not like she's a shoved character she's been present since the first dishonored, but don't trust me really I have a thing for background characters getting a day in the limelight thing. The idea of killing outsider is really dumb though, I heard they removed the mystery from him in D2, so at the same time, I'm really not surprised.

Assuming it is, pic related.

At least Mafia III made the setting support the protagonist rather than Dishonored II. It's supposed to take place in an 18th/19th century England and there are minorities everywhere doing everything. Fucking Bioshock Infinite treated race much more realistically and sensibly.

no, but even normal people hate obvious forced diversity and can spot it a mile away.


Dishonored is pretty much so-so in both reception and overall game quality from the start except for the Daud expansion that has sick level designs paralleling Thief and abilities that is not as OP as the main dude Corvo, so that makes it challenging.

Biggest gripes with Dishonored is that that the power gave too much leeway for murdering everything within the immediate vicinity. Daud story works because while he can go combat route, he has to be careful because of his power set is tame and the enemies are strong and numerous (witches) which makes charging in a suicide at any difficulty levels and it plays like Dark Messiah to a degree.

They need to nerf down power and 'diversity'. Because they have a good setting, now the sheboon is killing it with Outsider committing character suicide in 2. So, we will see a husk of an IP with potential killed by cancer which is DIVERSITY soon.

What the fuck?

I bet they are going to make it so the negress becomes the new outsider.

Good analysis. Well, I guess the franchise is sinking them.

Fuck, this is completely possible at this rate.


Dirty nigger.

Another year or two and he'll go full Holla Forums.

Is the sheboon daud's second in comand? They retconned her death for diversity? Wow.

Is the game out already? The only things I know about that game is equating the KKK with nazis, the right protesters with nazis, has a crack whore as a strong independent leader of the revolution who needs no man, has a comunist priest and, basically, is shit.

Despite its faults I found the first Disgendered reasonably fun, especially the DLC, so I might be willing to give Disgendered 2 a pirate eventually, but I keep hearing horror stories about performance, like it doesn't run at stable 60fps on a 1080, has this improved at all?

The worst thing is that the nigress curses some whale for being a nazi, even after everybody says she didn't do anything wrong, the whale is the whitest person in the room, maybe the only white one
Why I'm even watching this…

I heard she actually survived and became bisexual in the process, I'm not joking.

You forgot the jew, and no, it's out in next month, I think.

I missed the jew. Should I know more about it or am I better in ignorance?

2nd one already sold awful. It surprised me they went for the 3rd, propaganda-pushing knows no bounds

He was in a concentration camp in the yew order, and basically fucked up concrete recipe so instead of it being strong it gave cancer to people using buildings made from it, including women and children (^:
Everything was also made by jews the nazis stole somehow (^:

Compare that to RtCW, where Nazis are a backround, they make weird research into occult, rockets and super weapons and your only targets are XI century zombies, mutants and soldiers.
I hope in the sequel to New Colossus the caricature of a man known as Bj blazkowitz will go and break schoolchildren in half for attending a boyscouts group.
Compare Blazkowicz's design from pre-bethesda games to the fucking caricature he is now.

Better in ignorance, really. I mean there's LSD for lolsorandum effects and a mentally retarded dude involved. What the fuck have they done with wolfie?

No you didn't. :^)

She'll probably do it easily as well

No, really, there's another one.

nu wolfenstein is so bad it makes 209 look good in comparison.

Don't forget that they didn't share any of that technology with anyone because they're all filthy goyim. Thousands of years of human suffering could have been avoided but no one calls the Jews out on this, or for the fact they refused to give the Allies their technology so they could use it against the Germans.

The new Wolfenstein was a steaming pile of shit.

And the sad part the new musclebrain is played completely straight. The plot of the first Bethesda game is never humorous.

Oh shit, I had already forgotten about that, didn't even know that had been released already.

It got released and it was glorious. They needed eight million copies sold, at full price, to break even, didn't even manage to get to a million. Within a month the game was on sale constantly, everywhere. Guess pandering to leftists that don't play games and niggers that don't have money doesn't put food on the table.

Well of course there is, though that doesn't make much sense because the Jews all got gassed. Blazkowicz only passes because he looks like an Aryan. The first part of the first game wasn't nearly as awful as I thought. It started to get stupid with the ayylmaos, but I supposed that feeds into the conspiracy that the Nazis used alien technology.

I know a jew that could play him in a movie

Playing through 2 right now, they certainly amped up the stealth difficulty. Enemies are way more perceptive, and while their vision still cannot go up above a certain height, they see much further and have a wider cone of sight. What's more, they can finally see you when you lean out from behind a corner. Blink has been nerfed, is no longer instantaneous (and enemies can see you mid-blink) and has a shorter range, with no range upgrade available. All in all, the stealth aspect is improved upon. The story leaves MUCH to be desired, however. Emily talks way too much, and talks to herself like an autist. Corvo got a voice actor, a shitty one at that. The start of the game is pulled straight out a writer's ass. Niggers and female guards everywhere in Serkonos.

My main problem with the new Dishonored is the new aesthetic. Dishonored 1 felt like it was in an oil painting, which matched the theme of all those Sokolov oil paintings everywhere. Dishonored 2 feels like a photograph, which makes since considering they've innovated their own version, the silvergraph. Dishonored 2 does this not for artistic reasons but because its actually a showcase for the Void Engine, hence the first level taking place in the familiar setting of Dunwall to show off the improved graphics.

You clearly picked Emily, if you pick Corvo Blink is substantially more powerful than the first game, if you can believe it, since it inherits Daud's pause time feature.

Don't worry, user. It was as awful as people expected it to be.

Why is his face so small for his head? It looks weird.

Why tho

I also hate the fact that both games punish the players that go for combat route. They can have fun blasting everything into orbit, but they will get bad endings for it. Then why the hell all these fine-tuned power designed for murder?

Stealth difficulty that does not make guards braindead retards is good, I like it. But overall I felt disappointed with how it all played out because level design is pretty terrible in 2. You get corridors with no alternate way with guards, and you get 'open' area with obvious alternate ways, and not many guards do patrols. Which make scouting moot, in a 'stealth' game.

I truly wish that some anons get fed up with this crap and set out to make their own good stealth game like Thief 1&2 like those guys that made Age of Decadence.

You will regret saying that.

I just want to point out emily's blink equivalent can be upgraded to grab guards an pull them to you, and further upgraded with a bonecharm so that this makes no noise. Basically you just go above everyone, yank them up to you and choke them out while nobody even notices. She doesn't have time stop, but mesmerize disables up to 4 guards in a huge radius for a very long time so she doesn't really need it.

Although not made by Holla Forums, The Dark Mod is an option if you want something similar to Thief.

Well, that's fucking stupid. I hated Daud's time stop bullshit, blink is strong enough without it.

I don't care who he is or who he voiced. He sounds awful on corvo.

Don't worry, user.

I don't see how that's punishment. You go full genocidal, and the game gives you the genocidal ending. Seems appropriate.


God damn why are cumskins so thin-skinned these days? It's like they go off every single day. Is there any group more easily triggered than whites? You can tell they have it easy, they can sit around & complain about meaningless shit all day.

Horizon sold like hot cakes though.


Look who's talking


any reliable numbers?

I'd actually really like to play this, as it seems to have some cool new powers and I really like the gameplay of the dishonored series. However the second game ran like hot ass on my computer when I pirated it, so assuming they stick to their track record I'll have to skip this one too.

inb4 the only way to kill the outsider is to destroy some magical mcguffin which is the source of his power, just like granny rags and the main villain of D2.

Because normalfags can't into stealth.

You lose

It's not some big secret, he wouldn't even have to play through any of the games dumbass.

Fucking flag aids, why won't you die?

Pity Mafia 3 was so shit. I could give a shit if the hero is a nignog, but feeding voodoo thugs to gators innawoods while Hendrix drones on in the distance sounds comfy.

i just want an adventure game with Laquisha riding space bikes and solving crimes being sassy in zero G with her robot butler Wasabert

The only games the Kangz community actually plays are basketball, football, and Street Fighter. On that note, I don't understand why all these companies are pandering to blacks when beaners are a larger and better minority demographic, and they actually do play games.

It was the same studio that made the previous Mafia games, too bad they had a shitty director and writer (a "comic book" writer), both suffer from hwite guilt.

It wasn't the same studio.

2K Czesch had no involvement with Mafia 3

yes, but not because of it having a black lady on the cover, because its one of those 'inbetweens". not quite a sequel and not quite an expansion, and not quite enough to get attention from most consumers

They're with Hangar 13 now.

Hey, atleast you didn't get bruce willis as an voice actor. The english one is definetly better than the german one.

I also don't understand why they didn't mute corvo and let emily talk. This would have given people two experiences and they could've played it safe with that. It's also ridiculous that they both say almost the same lines in all situations.

I'm definetly not going to buy the nigger dlc and - seeing how they niggerfied the second one, be done with the series.
they fucked up the mask also for muh coolness, but atleast it's explained why


But Vavra had nothing to do with Mafia 3.

I didn't say that he did. I know he has his own studio (Warhorse Studio). I only said that the studio (2K Czech) who made the previous game worked on that one too.

Manfred Lehmann is still doing VA jobs for games?
I thought he had switched to TV car adverts when he isnt voicing Bruce in movies
I never played Dishonored in german so tell me how well was it synchronised into german?

Mexicans and South Americans are quite literally the worst demographic. What the fuck are you on?

I think the only game i've ever heard him, besides dishonored, could be Splinter Cell but im not sure though.

He rather gives an haughty or uppish attitude as corvo. Of course, his voice sounds pleaseant but for me it altered corvos personality

sorry for the pic duplicate

His voice is rather pleasant I agree but I think his voice doesnt fit for a sneaky assassin type
I remember him voicing Duke Nukem in Duke Nukem Forever and the Gladiator from Sacred 1 and the protagonist of the game Outcast
Goddamn it
Every time I hear his voice I only hear J.D. from the TV series Scrubs and instantly cant take his character serious
got anymore german webms of Dishonored?

I stopped caring after first Dishonored. Expected more of Arkane. Who cares, if you have many options to take out enemies or approach a situation - you can easily solo a game with single power

I always have to think of james franco, since he voices him all the time.
Where are you from, user? you seem to know quite alot of german vas

To me if it was by a competent designer each level would be built around a particular new mechanic you are introduced to at the start of each level.
You make the level based around that and not a mish-mash of several mechanics at once.
It makes each new level seem fresh.

Instead you crap out points into powers that are practically just cheats because you gotta appeal to the casual market.
It was exactly the same problem I had with DE:HR which eventually became even worse for Mankind Divided as it aped Dishonored.

For Dishonored 2 I saw they were doing the tried and true western developer virtue signalling of
Which was so popular at last years E3.
Could also tell they didn't fix the games casual garbage problem.
Didn't buy it.

Now they have some $30 yas queen stand-alone DLC because this years E3 virtue signaling was black women.
Not buying it, but it makes me go

If this guy just making fun of that faggot D&C or is he actually copying that awful format where you just ramble and drone for 15-20 minutes while shaky-camming a comic book?

Nothing matches this, though. In english, german and maybe the other languages too.

Despite raziel having a more younger sounding voice, it's still top notch.

Blink completely destroyed the first game.


For 2 they also added tranny virtue signalling as well. Honestly it looks like 3 will go overboard

I just tend to play games in english nowadays since the german synch is either completely missing (like in Total War Warhammer) or is just lacking to me

Sounds pretty good
IMO Gothic 1 and 2 still have the best intos for me thanks to the voice of Bodo Henkel

so pretty much BGE2 but with a monkey instead?

Oh Mann, habe Gothic 1 und 2 nur einmal durch gespielt gehabt. Die Synchros waren verdammt gut und waren nicht extravagant, 'muss die unbedingt wieder suchten.
*Habe das dritte Teil nie gezockt. Ist es gut?**

Worse than niggers?
Please, tyrone.

From some journalist site, I'm too lazy to link and archive

you can now kill everything and get the good ending, hooray
I miss Michael Madsen, black female Sergeant Rex Power Colt is an utter bore

That just sounds like casualization to me. I'd rather it doesn't recharge than put a cool down on it. The I'm glad the chaos system is gone. Still not buying it.

I imagine the MC will be darksteel edgy

what a shit show. this is going to backfire so hard, you won't be able to do any "combos" past like 3 moves because of cooldowns. They've taken a fairly easy game to start and made it even more casual on top of that.

JO, am besten such dir noch n mod wie X in 1 oder Varrus Biker Edition und du hast n ordentliches erlebnis
jetzt muss ich auch wieder meine alte G2 CD rauskramen
Geht so hatte bloß beschissenes canon ende
Weiß zwar nicht welche version die bei GOG haben aber würd dir empfehlen dir den inoffiziellen 1.75 community patch und wenn du es einmal durch hast dann empfehle ich noch den LCTM mod das Questpaket 4 for extra bugfixes und mehr zeug
außerdem hier noch der fanfilm falls du den G1 fanfilm falls du den noch nicht kennst

Let's remove stars from GTA when playing as black characters because he dindu nuffins
still, in V there should be crimes you can do without stars because of nobody to see you.

Personally I never liked the old system, because if I were to use my powers and refill my mana bar for about ten times with the ten mana potions I have on hand I'd feel like I'm breaking the game (especially with OP powers like Time Stop and Blink), there's no real boundary and mana potion placement used to be too plentiful.
So I'm more grateful with being told that I can be at least this much OP with my magic powers, hopefully the base amount of mana in DotO is higher than in Dish 1 and 2 to compensate for not being able to infinitely refill it, but it's not mentioned.

But this guy is still able to pull off cool shit in DotO despite your overpoweredness being limited, which is still a good thing

Danke, user, werde mir den Morgen Abend anschauen.
Muss nun in die Heia
Gut' Nächtle.

Kein problem
Nur noch was zu Gothic 3: speicher oft und werd kein nahkämpfer

You 'imagine'? I'd start placing bets on it if I could

This is an American board, Muhammad.

hey you should vote NPD


Your fault for having any hope in the industry. They put a cunt in charge, and cunts being cunts, the predictable happens.

im 99% certain it's because Steve Harvey wanted to get his dick wet

You mean Harvey Smith? I remember reading an article a while back that one of the lead writers on Death of the Outsider was literally some fangirl who posted a bunch of dumb fan theories about the Outsider on Twatter and got hired by him to write on DotO because of it.

Although watching the developer interviews with him on the original and new Dishonored, I always got the sense he was an SJW faggot. He's probably also the reason why Dishonored has vastly shittier gameplay than Arkane's previous offerings.

Either way, Arkane is dead. Raphael Colantonio left them, so there's basically no one of value left there.

Yeah, it puzzles the hell out of me too. Dishonored is neither a good melee action game (straight-up, non-powered combat a shitty swing 'n slash and is way too fucking easy) or a good stealth game. Hell, in terms of stealth, it's actually WORSE than Dark Messiah, which was a combat game first and foremost, yet still implemented sound detection and camouflaging in darkness much better than Dishonored (in fact, I don't think either Dishonored game even HAS light level affecting your visibility) and much more perceptive enemies. So the fact that it somehow managed to get so many people hooked on it is either a testament on gamer stupidity or to the abysmal state of the industry. Probably both.

On the bright side, I found that most fans of older Arkane games (Arx Fatalis and Dark Messiah) tend to loathe the Dishonored franchise and consider it a step down for the company.

As predicted, the game sucks ass.

We had this conversation constantly in the early GG days. All the empirical evidence points to the conclusion that people do not "identify" as the player character (though this might be different if it's a custom created character), and treat it as a mere avatar. This is also common sense; Kirby would have flopped otherwise.

No, he was just sabotaging it to make it structurally weaker.

what the fug

I get the feeling Daud and the Outsiders' voice actors want out of the series

The mold in the concrete was definitely making people sick. There were multiple conversations and new articles about it throughout the game.

I don't remember that at all, but I'll take your word for it.

That doesn't mean they don't have a preference on the character though. And yes, most people won't wanna play as someone they don't like, regardless of whether or not they identify with the character.

I was hoping for a dishonored game where you play as a completely new character, or someone only mentioned in a book in game to have the power

I doesn't. All you have to do is hide behind physical object and you're in stealth mode. It also doesn't have gear shifting, different sound making floor or sound detection in general, you just crawl and that's it.

Motifa got her own game?

Aaaaand there's a playthrough.
One hour and 15 minutes worth of gameplay…



I fucking hated the second game because it was so sunny and had zero atmosphere as a result. Dunwall and the grey atmosphere of Dunwall WAS Dishonored.

Dishonored 1 was great no matter what anyone says. It was cohesive, solid and fun. It felt whole and like it was a self-contained, complete and wholesome game. Dishonored 2 is a fucking gimmicky showcase.

That's why you're a cuckold. Give them an inch, they'll take a mile.

More like Discolored, huh?

Dishonored was never good.

I found a shitty video with a better angle to see those physics.

Oh thank god, that video almost triggered me.

*smacks lips*
So you be sayin we were azzazzins and sheet?



Okay, it's obvious how she got the job, but how the fuck did she even get the degree in creative writing? I'm pretty sure you need to produce original works to pass a creative writing class. That shit isn't like literary analysis where you just regurgitate the teacher's opinion of a work of literature. The video game industry is full of examples of people with zero experience in the field getting a job in a game company and making magic through sheer creativity (see: Shigeru Miyamoto). This is NOT of those stories.

It's evidence that Bethesda has a stronger advertisement department than any other publisher more than anything.

I only played the first one and it wasn't very good. There were so many abilities that made stealth unnecessary, but the combat was vastly simplified and unfulfilling compared to Dark Messiah. In the end it was neither a good stealth game nor a good action game.

I think the point of the game was to allow both stealth and action. Stealth was a choice in that game, not a necessity.

I think John Cena would be a better choice.


How was the mask explained?

Didn't you know? Not letting Niggers pass your class is racist.

What's wrong with Bruce Willis as a voice actor?


I think she's the captain of the ship you stay on in Dishonored 2. Not a very interesting character, but not right out of the blue either. Would be better if there was an option to play as Daud instead. Though considering the low quality that was Dishonored 2s plot and worldbuilding, probably shouldn't get it either way.

The funniest part is if they really just wanted diversity they could go for chinese or nips as protagonists, as most whites, chinese and nips are the biggest vidya fans, but it's not actually about diversity of races, it's about shoehorning in their favored racial class, which are either blacks, mexicans or muslims, none of which the majority of the gaming audience want to play, especially when it's an in your face social signal bullshit.

The artstyle is alright, but I miss the steampunk feel of the first game. On top of that i'm not sure if it's poor level design or abilities for Evalyn, but I find myself getting bored of the gameplay rather quickly and can only play it in short bursts. It's definitely no thief, and doesn't even hold up to Dishonored 1, which was a fairly average game.

The game implies it's more nuanced than the first game. But thus far, the game doesn't make much of a distinction between killing combatants or innocents, despite the post level stats.

Did you know the creative lead for F:NV was the lead writer for Horizon?

Leave Hans alone

Problem is, neither action nor stealth is good in Dishonored. The combat is dull as fuck for the most part unless you spend lots of time setting everything up like StealthGamerBR or Volound or Clockner to make it look cool (and even then, your options are severely limited to shooting everything and throwing bombs everywhere if you don't abuse magic) and stealth in Dishonored is probably the worst designed in any modern game I've seen, aside from perhaps Nu-Thief. Even the Styx series does stealth better.

I actually don't see many Latinos or Muslims as protagonists either. Blacks dominate the minority game market by a long shot compared to literally everyone else.

The chaos system was always retarded. There's no reason why Corvo killing assassins or criminals should turn Emily into a bloodthirsty bitch or how his body count would even slightly affect the number of Weepers and rats in any meaningful manner considering that Dunwall is already a shithole and last I checked, dead people can't get infected with the rat plague.

They tried to make it work slightly better in Dishonored 2, but the internal logic still breaks down when you realize that there is even LESS justification this time round for your actions influencing the endings you get. No wonder they did away with it in Death of the Outsider, they probably realized that the whole thing was fundamentally broken from the start.

They all learned the backlash of the SJW media brigade when you take a strong black woman and turn her into a megalomaniac villain in Bioshock Infinite

Those endless fucking articles man

Who beats the nog on being more worthless? Can't be Hispanics, since I see them work. If I had to guess I would say Indians? Not the dot kind either. Is your data up to date? Since Indian's are rolling in casino monies now. The reservations around here all have casinos, and them indians went from drinking cheap beer all day to drinking cheap beer while driving brand new trucks, cars, wrecking them and going back out and getting one off the lot, thanks to them all getting a share of that sweet, sweet casino monies.

The pic makes no sense. Bitch should or replied, and you have never experienced the fear of men wanting to rape, since you're black

Oh and I forgot, the backlash was so severe that in the DLC they retconned Daisy into a hero because she had to pretend like she was going to kill the boy so Elizabeth would kill her or else Elizabeth wouldn't kill Booker at the end

You mean like the the shit they did with Uncharted? Where the black bitch is the villain all game, but at the end the final fight is against the rich kid? Can't have you beat the shit out of, or kill her, but go for the rich white dude.

that's because Latinos and Muslims can both theoretically be genetically White.

I thought the second game's setting was more based on European/African colonies. Many of the guards in the promo footage were wearing khaki shorts and light clothing, presumably due to the heat.

It's Holla Forums, all threads are Holla Forums threads, faggot

Since the DLC for the first game and there have only been 2 games, you're reaching. Oh and you have the option to kill her. This is a diversity retcon and Harvey Smith is now a cuck Shame because the faggot can still design a level and I'll be pirating this

You retard. They're both Caucasoid.


the most red pilled reviewer