What games best represent the Western game industry at it's finest?

One of the things I've come to notice about the video games is that the source with the best overall general and consistent quality of games is the East, regardless of the year. Whenever someone asks what are the "Best" games the Western has to offer, the answer is almost always the same dozen titles (With noticeable majority of them being shooters). Meanwhile, if someone were to ask about what are the "best" games the East has to offer, the response that is commonly said is "In which genre?"

Now, I'm not here to bash the Western game industry. However, I would like to know what other titles are out there that give it credit and show what Western devs are capable of. I'm sick of always hearing about Half-Life, or Deus Ex, or Doom, or LucasArts, what else is out there?

I'll apologize for Canada right now. Sorry for Ubisoft, Bioware, Phil Fish, and whatever else excuse for a dev crawled out of here

Canada still owes the world plenty for justin bieber.

I don't know these are some of my favorites

At this point I don't even know what my country has going for it anymore.

Pic related.

Save for Thief, all of those games are fucking irredeemable RPG trash.

Well alright but I really like RPGs

You shouldn't.

Stalker SoC is superb and well respected and liked by Japan and the West alike. Also New Vegas.


I hear what you're saying, but I will continue liking RPGs I think

I really do suggest you stop though. It's not good for you, there's no action.

The Witcher III is a decent modern RPG. Geralt is a bit of a Mary Sue but the antics that he gets himself into can range from humorous to grave and everywhere in between, and there are at least a few different endings per major quest that can later tie into other quests or events that change the course of your playthrough. It's not perfect, but fuck you I like it. The music's pretty great, too.

Think of all the mods or fixes that don't exist or were crippled because publishers or shitty devs don't bother releasing their source after maybe ~5 years.

They don't do it because if they did then we'd have the source code for every game they'll make for the next 20 years.

Just because it has action doesn't mean it's good

Heres a few:

Tomb Raider
Medal of Honor/Call of Duty
Wing Commander
Raregames in general
SWAT/Rainbow Six
System Shock
Need for Speed
Command & Conquer
Age of Empires
World in Conflict
X series
Victoria 2
Europa Universalis 3
Neverwinter Nights
Call of Cthulhu
Siege Star/Tribes
Elder Scrolls
Masters of Orion

Stop being a fucking weeaboo

Ukraine is still Europe you fucking burger.

Back to >>>/cuckchan/

I've been playing games since 1979. The last 5 years seem like a funeral. I only pay attention to the industry like I would a massive fire on the side of the highway as I drive on. God help you all if you live to 40 and there is still no memeteor summoned.

Theif: The Dark Project

Here's a not shit version of that list:
Banjo Kazooie
Command & Conquer
XCOM, kinda
Europa Universalis 3

Gas yourself if you think any of the ones I didn't list were the pinnacle of western games

Pics like this make me glad arcades are dead here. I had enough of the walletchain/cargo pants faggots in high school.


muh party member

Seems like you're a retard who hasn't played even half the games I listed.
Your list is Reddit tier shit
I also forgot to mention Total Annihilation and Supreme Commander.

What's wrong with cargos? More comfortable and lighter than jeans and looks better too and keeping your wallet or keys in a chain makes them harder to lose.

made me think, now go back to wherever you came from and don't come back

Skyrim 2: Climb of the Year Edition

Really? Where are the best japanese RTS or CRPGs? Which japanese RPG is the least similar to DQ and the most similar to Fallout or Wizardry 8?
It depends on each region, really. Indie games, PC Gaming and it's genres are almost inexistant in Japan outside VNs and some popular shooters, but they're beyond any doubt the gods of console gaming and the inventors of all of its genres too, and said genres are so many to list that it is no wonder people would ask "Which genre?" if you asked them for the best japanese games. They also still have AA companies so they probably won't be needing Indies or PC Gaming in general for a long time. most japs are filthy mobile casuals though
Meanwhile, Americans mastered PC in the mid-days of DOS with genres like RTS, oldschool shooters and simulators. They also made some decent western games for consoles back then too, but i think EA, the entire 7th console gen and everything they spawned is a clear example of what happens when you give burgers full control over videogames, which funnily enough also casualized western gaming on the PC side.
And i think slavs and other uncucked europeans are trying to fix what the west made to the PC side with CD Projekt (poland) pushing for DRM Free games and other slavs sticking to complex genres like Milsims, Grand Strategies and RTS.

I don't know what non-mobileshit/mmo Taiwanese and Korean games would be like, and they definitely would be shittier compared to japanese games, but i think they could still be a preferable alternative to modern western games and Tencent.

Sure smells like Cuckchanner Reddit in here

Also Total War goes in the list and so does Dook and FarCry/Crysis.

when did I say this

Most games in the series are poorly designed unfinished shallow mess
Literally unfinished
Devs got fucked over by their publishers.

I guess technically this is a representation of the western game industry.

These are your only two posts? I wouldn't call you a burger, you're clearly trying to D&C like a jew. Go back to your nintoddler containment threads.

pic related

God help you, you will spell that word correctly.

Tell me why they're mediocre or fuckoff.
World in Conflict is one of the best games to master while being so streamlined even a consolefag playing for the first time could pick up.

You just called Tribes mediocre you nigger


I love how Holla Forums is so divided yet united due to spergs like you two

>>>/reddit/ nigger

Stick to vidya and let Geography for the big boys.

How so?
All of them were good at their inception except for ES and Everquest, and the first had two great games after it.



you wish, dumb ukrop

To add to the list,
FEAR only the first one
Dune 2000
Descent 1&2
Tyrian 2000
Homeworld 1&2
Serious Sam TFE/TSE/BFE not a fan of 2, but the music is great
Baldur's Gate, Icewind Dale
Dungeon Keeper 1>2
Earth 2150
Divine Divinity
Rage of Mages 1&2
Act of War
Knights and Merchants

There's also a bunch of indie games like SPAZ and Risk of Rain but they don't count.

Forza was always mediocre compared to Gran Turismo, ES is mostly broken trash with horrendous combat and controls, EQ was the first normalfag MMO before WoW, MoH and CoD have always been linear cinematic FPS trash, Fallout was only good for the first game.

Fuck off and die nigger >>>/reddit/

You should look up Comiket sometime. They throw a bunch of games out twice a year. How many are worth playing though? Can't give you an honest answer. I don't play many besides some Touhou fan games like Labyrinth of Touhou 2.

As for anything similar to Fallout or Ultima 8? I can't say. Japan doesn't really make RPGs like old CPRGs in the west. You barely actually play a role and make your own story. Your role and chain of events are already setup and the main focus is how you're going to tackle enemies in combat. Lately though Japan has been seeing more dungeon crawlers. Most likely because they're easier and cheaper to make than RPGs but I like them better this way since it focuses more on the gameplay instead of world building and trying to be a themepark.

That's not Donkey Kong Country 2 you dumb fuck

Diablo was a graphical Roguelike.
Thief is a role playing game because it is a game where you play the role of someone


The only good western games are indie passion projects

neck yourself

kc/int/, please stay



Maybe we should word filter this to "I am a huge Nintendo baby"

I didn't lay the low quality bait you so eagerly bit newfriend.

wasn't talking about you

real talk

This is the best the West can do, and it will never be able to do anything like this again.