#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: The King of Strong Style Edition




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Bonegolem is back and updating Deepfreeze: twitter.com/icejournalism/status/906948110789877761
>Jed Whitaker booted from DToid: archive.is/r5rrW
>Mike Diver fired from Waypoint: archive.fo/wwwrc


youtube.com/watch?v=wy9bisUIP3w - #GamerGate - If It's Not About Ethics;
youtube.com/watch?v=5fnRSL3d_xU - #GamerGate in 60 Seconds;
archive.is/23Fde - GamerGate: A State of the Union Address.

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• The #GamerGate Dossier: archive.is/nv1Fb
• #GamerGate Wiki: thisisvideogames.com/gamergatewiki/index.php
• History of #GamerGate: historyofgamergate.com/
• View the timeline links in the Current Happenings section!

• All Operations: gitgud.io/gamergate/gamergateop/tree/master/Operations
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She's working this benis like a champ.

Fuck off.

Did Acid die? He is inactive on twitter lately

No commies allowed.

Actually, I take that back. This is probably acid trying to attention whore so he can respond to himself.

Make me, faggot.

I've started getting porn ads on Holla Forums a lot recently. I browse in the office so I'll have to start using adblock there. Shit's fucked.

Benis war?


Do you not want a promotion user?

I do too, so shit is kind of getting potentially more risky

I'm not that commie fag in the last thread. Nor am I acid.

Why would you guys do that? Unless you work at a shit job like WalMart or some shit, that's a bad idea.

I'd have to browse on my smartphone and Holla Forums's mobile site is kinda clunky. Once in a bluemoon I'll lurk but never post from work.

Shitposting takes you all the way to the top user.



Browse on your phone

At least have some sort of dignity.

Christ, are we being raided?


Reminder that Hillary "Ban Dangerous Vidya" Clinton is a sore loser.


It's a comfy office game dev job. I share my office with 2 other people for now, worst thing that can happen is they poke fun at me, but it's still inconvenient.

Derail the thread even more and you people will get to taste my BoMaYe!

So you're doing nothing but rake in patreon and kickstarter shekels?

Summon Memeteor with all your heart and Soul

What kind of games do you work on user? What do you do specifically? Are you helping to push out the cancer?

I don't want to derail so I'll spoiler this but I'm hyped for Nakamura wining the WWE Championship at Hell in a Cell. I'd go discuss this on /wooo/ but I hurt the BO's fee-fees so he banned me for 89 years.

Why does that retarded manlet Destiny keep going? Its almost like he wants to be proven to be a massive hypocrite.

He just recently called a black woman an uncle tom and more people are finding evidence of him calling Koreans niggers from his esports days.

Nah, it's the kind of job where I actually have to do shit to get paid. I'm too white and too cis for gib shekels.

We're a slav studio, you haven't yet heard of us, but we're not indieshit, we're making an actual non-retrobait game.

Sage for blogpost.

That's the secret, user. We're always being raided.

I have to know, these pics of him are real aren't they? I keep seeing pics of him looking really tiny but most look photo shopped. Those look legit though. He really is a tiny manlet, holy shit.

Repostan encyclopediadramatica.rs/Steven_Bonnell_II

I work in a laboratory, with my workstation in a corner facing the door.

Mainly look at Holla Forums and /a/ while waiting on samples to be finished running.

my subordinate is cool with it too since she reads manga online and watches anime during these breaks.

Why does gamergate always waste all the posts before autosage on shitposting and forced memes?


Meth lab?




Also, there was an user who was compiling all the 100+ hit pieces of PDP to a pastebin. Was it posted?

Cancer research.

ironically enough that can be used to describe my time on imageboards.



People should really find whoever did this to the statues and hang them.


Columbus was a dick that enslaved ancient south american natives. But c'mon. No logical person should think it's okay to destroy or deface a statue like this.

Is this what they teach people in school nowadays?

Its true though, spanish monks talked about it and complained to the queen of spain, read up on it.

No they teach Columbus was a peace loving hippy that was the only guy that thought the world was round. But in reality Columbus did do horrible things. He enslaved and killed people but is remembered today as a hero. Regardless, you do not deface a statue like this. It's incredibly childish.

A lot of historical figures were morally grey. Grown adults can handle that.

old bread: archive.is/vDNf6

That didn't happen because we KNOW the people who told you it did are liars.

They never tell you that 70% of your work is comprised of just waiting.


So the spanish missionaries are liars and so was the queen of space?
Read a book nigger.

*queen of spain

Obviously they cannot when the common belief is that Hitler was a baby eating monster that made lamps out of kikes skins. People are idiots and would rather look at things in black and white over actually believing a person is more complicated than that.

"So the spanish missionaries are liars and so was the queen of space?"
"Read a book nigger."

t. Holla Forums

I know about him killing people but the slavery part is new to me.

Will do

That's pretty neat, dude. I plan on going to school to try and do Transfusion medicine, Cancer research is something to be proud of m8 I still believe they are taking funds and pocketing it while withholding a cure to keep the gravy train running

When people prioritize themselves over others when not in a life threatening situation, tells you everything you need to know about their character.

Some Anonymous Coward / Broke-Ass Stuart - "How Charlottesville and Gamergate are Completely Related" (also James Damore)



Also where's the archive of the old bread?

My electricity still hasn't come back

Not likely before highly sophisticated nanomachines, son

Alien Queen? Sign me the fuck up.

People still think the civil war was just about slavery.

how is #gg still alive? are some of you fags still writing to advertisers? the last time I posted in a gg thread was in '14

Yeah, this shocked the queen isabel so much she made a decreed that the natives should be baptized and not to be harmed in any way unless they turned violent or refused conversion.

I've wood have rolled my eyes in disappointment years ago, but now I'm happy to know that eastern Europeans are now making quality games.

If it's not a progressive identity checklist, it's a goddamn "monsters & hategroups" checklist. This is journalism now?

No idea where it is in the thread but someone had archived it 8 minutes before I tried to after seeing your post:


More defaced statues.



This shits hilarious.

It's about White People, so of course it's racist. If Black People aren't front and center, it's racist.

He owned slaves, therefore racist. So did a bunch of Founding Fathers.

That makes me mad on several levels. What level of societal degeneracy would this be? Late Roman Empire, or Weimar Republic?

Not only that but a lawyer who represented slaves in court for their freedom pro-bono

These fucking retards.

This reminds me of the "WE WUZ YUROPEANS" Webm


The world needs more quality Ashido art though all the Hero Academia girls are superb.


Eh, judge the game when we release the first wave of info. We're around 40 people and we'll hopefully have presentable stuff around next summer.

What about Mohammed should we destroy all the stuff he has done as well?

Slavs are the only western countries that are not completely cucked right now. I hope this changes though.

Reminds me of someone decrying that all of Italy and historical about it is bad because the Roman Empire did some awful things.

First I was reminded of the Life of Brain "Aqueduct" bit, but also how if you went by life where you can only be in places where no bad things occurred, prepare to bunk with penguins.

Slavs are the only western countries that are not completely cucked right now. I hope this changes though.

It's fucking infuriating seeing them say American history is nothing but slavery, and then they have the fucking gall to change the date when racism died as a mainstream and acceptable belief.

You're right, it's both.

Are you arguing ironically or are seriously arguing that the civil war was about slavery?
The civil war was about how long the 10th amendment stretched, Lincoln never gave a single fuck about slaves, all he cared about was keeping the country together, otherwise, he feared, America would become like Europe, split up and constantly fighting itself.
t. yankee, the right side won.

Cant even get (you)s on any of my posts these last few days and it somehow still got worse. I thought they were done with the server shit

pic sauce?

Be careful what you wish for, especially with the way you worded that. I thought you meant you wanted slav games to be cucked until I reread your post.

Be careful what you wish for, especially with the way you worded that. I thought you meant you wanted slav games to be cucked until I reread your post.


Fuck that's confusing.


It's 2 artists' moe characters. They each have doujins and they tend to be BFFs

Have one of mine user.

Nice try, Holla Forums, but I'll copy and post exactly what I said a few weeks back:

And in process completed the monstrosity that is the US Federal Government.
Enjoy the fruits of you victory, such as they are, for the remaining time left for America.

Yes, we know he's a tyrant, why reiterate it?


Well, I'm a proresu fan and a Holla Forumsirgin. I've been baking proresu breads for a while now.


Todd Howard is taller then this manlet

I have a gut feeling he's a SA goon.

Thanks user.

Were you taught by those Spanish missionaries?
No you fucking were not; your "herstory" lessons were filtered through your braindead leftist-indoctrinated teachers.
Thay why…
…is something I make fun of, as it intellectually lazy, as book authors can lie just like anyone else (and they have to for the narrative you been fed to even work).

Southern states sure thought it was about slavery.




South Carolina

Georgia's letter is ten paragraphs of fretting over the inevitability of slavery being outlawed due to the federal government's ban on slavery in the territories and complaints that northern states were not doing their constitutional duty under the fourth amendment to return runaway slaves, Florida's (drafted but unpublished) is the same. Virginia's is just perfunctory legalism and none of the other states bothered with such an official formalization of their grievances.

Lincoln was fine with slavery continuing if it meant keeping the union together. Southerners didn't trust his word, they saw him as the conclusion of a decades-long program of creeping abolitionism. As Union armies began to push into the south and direct, unfiltered contact with slavery spread home through letters, abolitionist sentiment spread from the fringes into the mainstream of northern politics, and Lincoln followed.

Weren't there a few states allied with the Union (During the war) that allowed for slavery to continue?



What are their names? I poked around but all I found was an artist's name that doesn't return any doujinshi anywhere.

Only because reddit is populated pretty much entirely by bootlicking normalfags. Even when they think their president is literally going to form death squads to murder all minorities, the most they do is add "#resist" to their fucking tweets.

Missouri, Maryland, Kentucky, and Delaware some of them passed state laws banning slavery before the 13th amendment.

Sasetsu and Morihito


So the 15th will be the 3rd anniversary of this: archive.is/ssM63 And the day after or the 18th is when the mods began cracking down with Sept 20 being when Poole comes back from his 'vacation' wnd gives the go ahead to ban GG outright.

Iirc, Columbus mentioned something about how easy it would be to conquer the natives:


His motives behind it was either premeditated for the glory of Spain, Christianity, and resources, or in retaliation from Amerindian attack, although I'm unsure if the latter was initiated by one of the tribes or his men. He also supposedly had a jewish crewmate with him.

Are those the character names or the artist names? I just wanted the character names to find doujinshi of them. The artist names aren't giving me anything, because I would assume they're not doing the porn themselves.

This is beyond retard.

Is anyone else having problems posting?

I can't believe that not only did she missed the point of the whole fucking book, but got the exact opposite of what it was supposed to tell people.

You tell me

Chibikko-chan / ちびっこちゃん (bushy eyebrows fluffy haired petite girl)
Dekomegane-chan / でこメガネちゃん (blonde with forehead and glasses)


Jesus fuck. Who takes the message that we should follow the press blindly from 1984? Other than someone who just wants that control, of course.


Much like how you suicided those people who betrayed you, right hillary?

How many editors worked on this? Because I feel if there was more than a few the original draft would be pretty crazy.

Guessing the ghostwriter hadn't slept for days when he wrote that part.


And see:

Genuinely surprising. Thanks for feeding me, though. I'm real dumb and I'm having more trouble than normal thinking today.

Yeah those bans worked so well you have Nazis marching in the streets the person you deem is everything evil in the world now runs your country it worked like a fucking charm. Just like when 4chan banned talking about GG it made the shit spill out fucking everywhere and pretty much killed twitter and is causing google and facebook to try and ban everything to try and stop their opposition. Banning speech just gives that speech power and causes the banned speakers to rise up and become more vocal and violent.



I have scans of morihito's doujins, but uncertain if I should upload. They're some on his BOOTH though.



And I still didn't searched for today's batch and I won't since I've lost enough time already on it

Are the Doujin porn if they're just stories involving those characters they will not be on sadpanda. I've ran into that issue before.

Sadpanda does have non-h stuff as well.


So how butthurt will they be when they notice their attack on pewdiepie hasnt done jack shit

Oh, it's SFW stuff? I'm never sure because a lot of people think doujin exclusively means porn. I've gotten artbooks and stuff off sadpanda, though. They have great scans of the 7th Dragon 3 artbook.

Literally says she uses it as an instruction manual

Is this yuri?

Well, he did apologize.

Yeah but significantly less of it, definitely not a definitive source.

No idea it is just something that has happened to me with a different doujin. From the art though it seems possible artists may just want to make some stories with 2 cute girls. Just like any healthy person would want to do.

Like that is what they care about, he did so right after saying it. They want to take him down, remove his platform.

Does anyone of you have the screencap and archive in which CultOfVivian attacked Mark Kern for misgendering Nick Nyberg the day after? I'm going to use it on something.

Twitter was a mistake

Any special reason? Only revoltards obsess over her, she isn't relevant since mid 2015

#TorrentialDownpour and Nip news:
In the process of organizing and adding more info
Make sure to inform normalfags about websites free of Socjus Influence

Useful Links:


Localization watch: Not solely from shit companies (need to add more)
>Sekai Project: Teaching Feeling ( >>>/hgg/116640 )

pantsu.cat is a nyaa replacement after it was taken down. It's better than the competition. Use this instead of the cartel run cancer.


They've put up downloads to paywalled fakku doujins.

Fakku 0001-1000: files.catbox.moe/129di9.torrent
Fakku 1001-1100: files.catbox.moe/h3l457.torrent
Fakku 1101-1200: files.catbox.moe/47batv.torrent
Fakku 1201-1300: files.catbox.moe/c9ntlr.torrent
Fakku 1301-1400: files.catbox.moe/rkuheo.txt
Fakku 1401-1500: files.catbox.moe/ce8oor.txt
Fakku 1501-1600: files.catbox.moe/nmqh3d.txt
Fakku 1601-1700: files.catbox.moe/60v3p6.txt
Fakku 1701-1800: files.catbox.moe/3ii6j8.txt
Fakku 1801-1900: files.catbox.moe/m37bm7.txt

Info & feedback welcome

I want to see stories with 2 cute girls, so that's fine. I just want them to fuck in those stories. It's even better when there's an age difference.

Just want to show how much of a hypocrite she is as she grandstands on Destiny calling blacks who doesn't kowtow his feminist ideology as "Uncle Toms".

Why are leftists so fucking racist? I was listening to Larry Elder's podcast and some lefty guy who sounded white called in and just told Larry he should stare into a mirror for an hour and just repeat to himself "I'm a coon" over and over. How can anyone do something like that while believing that words like that physically hurt people and with a straight face talk about standing against racism.

Unless one of the girls has a penis I just cannot get into yuri there have definitely been some exceptions but usually I find it pretty meh. Got any recommendations to get me into it?


And I STILL hear people throwing shitfits about how "she should've been president"

Like how much goddamn proof do you need that this person literally doesn't give a shit about you or your nation

Fucking women and their toxicity in online games.


Someone needs to fucking reedit this with the bloody non censored as fuck version
what the shit why would they use the censored version like utter fucking dick heads, I cant masturbate to this crap

What the fuck? Do people really think Blizzard has their devs pull double-duty as community managers?

Oh. It's fucking nothing. Just hollow virtue signalling.

You're gay.

Well, the one I posted pictures from is pretty good. It's not on sadpanda but here's a mirror. panda.chaika.moe/archive/20021/
This one's good. It's tagged with NTR which is misleading. It's twin sisters making love, and eventually letting their brother join in.
yuri loli
Not pure yuri, but one has a dick
loli yuri again
i really like this one. twin sisters, with the implication at the end that they only fuck because the domme is a narcissist

This is just from searching yuri in my favourites, which is basically useless because idiots tag everything with it.

She tried to hold back most of it during her campaigning. The fact that she had to struggle with her tee-ball bases loaded setup for the presidency and still botched it goes to show how little a huge group of blue voters didn't want her (outside of California, apparently)

Wait holy shit is he actually holding Blizzard to task?

Sure, that the reason, and not that blizzard's incompetence is just that bad.

Even a broken clock…

by doujins you mean "doujins"? or "high impact sexual violence"?

Stopping toxic behavior in online games is so fucking easy just let players run their own servers again. That way the edgelords will stay in their own servers and do what they want then get immediately kicked and banned off any normal servers. That is impossible though devs need absolute control for "reasons".

Actually read summer vacation before on one of my streaks of looking for brown girls it was great.

Sadly, I don't have any remorse for this because they knew what they were getting into since their sister company publishes a new CoD title every year (With a new generation of screaming 12 year olds to join), and given how low the amount of effort was actually put into the game in the first place (Pics related).

Have an archive of that article, Satan?

I love its art style.

From the amount, some are cute stories, some are sketches/art selections with a bit of bikini/underwear poses in it, with at least one or two light hentai elements

See that? That's how the lost the election, after they lost they got pissy at their allies, their VOTERS.

They have no respect for anyone, they see people as tools, they don't actually care about people aside from their usefulness to themselves.

This is one of the myriad reasons as to why they lost, they didn't care.

Why bother with that? Her conviction is so shallow I wouldn't even consider hypocrisy, considering the number of plain false or wrong things she retweets every day without verifying. Its like scolding a child for being a child.

I can't really find the tweet of Nicole Sund a. k. a. CultOfVivian got livid over Mark Kern misgendering Nick Nyberg the day after he mocked the pedophile on archive.is. Can someone help me here?

>Trump negotiating with democrats to get the wall and tax plan in exchange for DACA amnesty possibly, multiple conflicting reports.
>(((Pro-Trump E-celebs))) chimp out, saying he's compromised
I mean I don't want DACA amnesty either but if that's the way to get his tax plan and wall then so be it.


NowThis does a typical shilly puff piece on ZQ. Candace Owens, a true victim of online harassment (ZQ's, no less) calls their bullshit.



the problem is democraps wont keep to their word on the wall if thats the agreement.

If you can't find it on their own twitter, chances are it was Blammed.


RedPillBlack is that one lady who tried to start the Digital Autopsy service, right? I had a feeling back when that shit kicked off that she was just a misinformed fool who thought she had a good idea. If you listened to the way she actually talked about it, she did have some legitimately good intentions. Knowing that dealing with Quinn and her goonsquad completely turned her against them is just amazing.

That one was rape though. Rape isn't cute.


Miranda is cute

No furries allowed.



human as can be my man.

It's a furry. Worshipping the merchant god turns you into a werefurry and the only cure it to stop. You cannot debate this.




Yes, you are a fedora tier autist with your constant reeeeeing about how you believe Miranda is not furry. We know.


This makes no fucking sense. Do they have their artists and engineers doing moderation?


Chelsea really fucked up trying to go after Candace. Especially when she had Methwhale try to use KiA as a personal army.

Just admit it, life get a lot more fun if you just admit your degeneracy.

Fucking animals is disgusting and wrong.

wrong link

Goddamn it, I wasn't talking bout the dog, that's just a reaction pic.

but she's not an animal, she's human.

Would you honestly call any of them an animal?

What are you? A pride parade faggot?

why does that spider woman have hairy sausages for legs?

I bet the GMs and whoever else keeps track of "toxicity" must answer to some "diversity and safety" council which keeps pestering the higher ups to do something about it who in turn put pressure on devs to stop whatever they are doing and fix that shit

Unfortunately Candace went cuckoo and started saying some weird shit right after LW attacked her. Candance's only "proof" it was LW who started sending shit to her is the fact she only gives her email address to specific people hence there was no way the threatening mails being just a coincidence

Nah, just a regular faggot.

If you don't want to fuck Chesh full of kittens while she smugly calls you her darling you're a faggot tbh

Then keep it in the fucking closet.

Well the first three are just humans with things on their heads. The fourth borders on furry. The last has a lower half that is literally a spider. You are fucking a spider, thats even more degenerate than furry.

don't try to lump them together

because Miranda is human changed by god
monster girls are just creatures of magic

if he tried to post miranda on /monster/ he's get hit with reality fast. No snouts

Those aren't mutually exclusive. Medusa is a human changed by a god.

Changed into what?

A gorgon

They made Marina a bit too sexy. The belly scratch image is cute. And vanillaware stuill has the best art for a long while.

Alamo Drafthouse Receives Harsh Criticisms For Rehiring Anti-#GamerGate Critic Devin Faraci

Fantastic Fest Programmer Quits Over Rehiring of Controversial Blogger Devin Faraci

Devin "I don't remember" Faraci

Seriously, go away retard

He's lying too since Acid has been active on twitter. Also why did random torfags start shitting up this thread again? I thought we were done with this shit.

This was it as of last night. I'm sure there's been more.

People are still doing this?


Wow how about a little respect? Don't call your mom "this"

So does anyone want to count how many this is?


I thought it was NiggerGate?

Let's see, the article count starts at line 5, there's a new article every three lines, there's a title of 516 lines before the apology, so…170 article before the apology. Then, the after apology articles start on line 524, and end at line 782, so… 86 articles after the apology. Adding those two together, we have a grand total of…
256 articles ALL about PDP saying "Nigger".

Exactly 258 I just counted

people frown upon the gate sufix

It is still missing today's batch and like 5 articles I can't archive in any way. Not counting non english articles and sites that simply repost stuff (like AOL's piece which was from Variety I think)

People frown upon niggers. It's a perfect fit.

The Negro community frowns upon Gamergate's shenanigans



But I'm jewish.

This is hard r we're talking here. The Black Council can't let this go unanswered.

It's too early.

I hear either the Daily Mail or the Guardian actually said that Devin wasn't so much "re-hired" as it was that he was silently put in the background by Alamo Drafthouse after resigning from Birth, Movies, Death.

This is the fakest news I have ever seen unironically peddled as news.


And you're going in the gas chamber.

It beat "Gamers Are Dead" hitpieces that they launched on #GamerGate by 1500%, an eye-popping number just for a single nigger bomb. There are no words to describe how petty the situation is.

The media revving up the shill machine again.

Damn. Have you noticed how quick they were to jump on this? They barely cared before, but ever since he went shitlord they were ready to blow this up.

Yeah the SJWs won't let them get away with this, they don't believe in second chances and accusations of sexual assault have you branded forever.


why is galko wearing black? She's pure.



We're off a good start on Fire Emblem Warriors, people.



It's going to be worse for the Drafthouse, in my opinion, since said rag also said that he was still on their payroll the whole time.

It's not an artsy game, so journos can't pretend it's somehow more deep or intelligent than it actually is. In fact, being nothing more than a half-assed wanna-be FMV game written by that one-note faggot Chuck Tingle will ensure that most people won't even look at it, let alone waste time watching someone else play it. Most e-celebs will probably steer clear of this game entirely, simply because they don't want to be involved with the most infamous turbo-cunt that's been hovering around 'the industry' for the past few years.

The only reason she's even getting coverage is because she likes to dangle her little personal army over the heads of people who snub her. Look what she did to Candace Owens. She turned an average nigger into a redpill dispensing shitposter by being such an aggressive bitch to her.


Love how this faggot was crushed by a fucking twitter allegation. Oh the fucking irony of it makes smirk like a retard

GG might as well take responsibility for this.
Listanon, you there?


whats censored? comparison to jap version would help idiot

Especially after that shitshow of a game jam that she ruined simply because she wanted to ruin it.

For better explanation, here's Lyndis in Fire Emblem: Blazing Sword. No cycling shorts.



She's burned bridges with pretty much every e-celeb with an audience over 100k. Any that side with her don't want to get involved in the drama she's still selling. Any against her know she's not worth the trouble. The few who might give a fuck about her stupid FMV game don't have any kind of following or means to really influence anyone to care about a retarded game where men in horse masks say gay shit to each other.

There's no market for this game. There's no market for Van Valkenburg because she's so cancerous that no one wants to risk dealing with her.. It's going to be a spectacular failure.

Of course, we all know what the truth behind the Kickstarter was: it's a cash-out. Get all the cucks that still Listen and Believe to make a bulk payment and give them fuck all while trying to figure out another scam.



I can't see emojis anymore

Welcome to Tammany Hall, CURRENT YEAR+2 edition.

How ridiculous this situation is aside, anyone else find it funny that a game that's heavy on Tumblr SJW-types playing it is suffering from having a highly toxic fanbase?

Some faggots on Holla Forums realized that spamming hundreds of emojis per post would fuck up the connection of anyone trying to view a thread, so emojis are disable, but unicode characters are still an option, I believe. 🍆🍆🍆🍆🍆

How shocking and unexpected.

So now the japanese are trying to look like wakfu?

Welp, this is a rare one.


It's satisfying to see people claim holiness, then behave in a way that is utterly detrimental to what they're defending.


Stop raping me.

How hard is it to make 52 low quality images. You don't even have to print it out, just release the .png files. They can't even rip people off the right way

These people really are cucks.

Look up financial domination on tumblr.

It gets even worse, she literally smoked away all the budget by making "smoking marijuana" videos on YouTube.


From a speech by our 30th and greatest President.

These same people want to kill whites non-blacks. Why don't you own a gun user?

I'm well aware of what it is. FinDom at least gives those sad pathetic losers some feedback from the person who took their money. They collectively threw thousands of dollars at some low-tier tumblr artist and then when she gave up part-way through, they went crying back to her saying PLEASE KEEP MY MONEY! YOU NEED IT SO BADLY!

Supposedly most of the original deck was done, it was just printing "paying" the subjects as models, and then the Kikestarter bonuses, which generally have a hard time limit of the sun burning out to be completed. This shit failed so bad that an hour's worth of time on a 28.8k modem was too much to ask

I don't own a gun because I own 9.

mombot's shitposting about her fertile hips

ara ara

Are people gonna sexualize mombot again like several breads ago?

Seriously, this some cry of begging to be shut down. I'd like that but still, my porn…

That's not how The List(TM) works. GG has to be accused by the anti-fun brigade first. Niggers are busy lynching white kids to frown on GG.

Marche, you know better than that.


Too late, already frantically masturbating.

Don't remind me…


I don't own a gun because I live in a socialist dictatorship.


A bit more north-east.
You can still get a gun, but it a hell of a process to do so.


Yea boy.

I suggest moving, user.

Oh and



I finished my second playthrough for P5 and I really enjoyed it again.

I have the Platinum, but I can't enjoy P5 anymore since my ex-buddy and I shared a lot of fun with that game.

I'm not going to run from a perfectly good race war.
Besides, we (as in proponents of nationalistic ideas) are growing stronger and stronger every day.

feels good mang


*Sorry to hear that user. I missed out on bookworm (because I didn't know you could get books from the school library until too late) and the hostage negotiation one because even after two full playthroughs I've never had it happen…**

Man, I just made myself sad with that first picture. I posted it because I think it's funny but then it hit me that the Canadian culture shown in that picture is pretty much dead now. I still dress that way and talk that way but not a lot of people do anymore compared to all the immigrants who just pretend they're still in the old country.


Is she talking about how her mom gave her book two stars and said it was full of lies?

Candace was adorable and of reasonably good moral fibre. I'd colonize that.

Double-dubs for good luck then.

Before I get into TD stuff why is Holla Forums so fucking retarded? I mean they like clockwork went "it wasn't true socialism"

They're communitsts. I dont know what you expect from them.

I know but they are so cartoonishly lacking in self awareness that it shocks me that they walked into that.

You have to understand user, their kind of Socialism is a pyramid scheme. It's never the one true Socialism unless it's the one they're trying to sell which is going to magically fix everybody's problems for the low, low price of $19.95 every month. They bought into the scam hook line and sinker so they try to get others to buy it from them so they feel less guilty.

The rant Jordan Peterson does about revolutionaries is very apt.

They did go to college.

Even as they dig their own graves for the massacre happening around them, their last words will be.

"This isnt true socialism."

That man is one of few sane professes in
Canadian university left next to Saad.
So what TD stuff is happening lately? I've been away for nearly a month and would like to help on TD stuff more.

Read and good luck.

It literally was not socialism. The majority of capital in the country was privately owned. Real socialism would have fucked the country way harder. Socialism and Communism are failed ideas.

Well I see we much work for this fall and the new year.

It was socialism.

The tor commie said it! The absolute madman.

Excuse me user, I'd like to ask, how new are you (To Infinity, that is)?

I'm human, thank you very much.

Since GirlGulag began.

I forgot how fucking hilarious these threads are.

Personally, I find the moephobia autist threads funnier.

Zero. Self. Awareness.

Not sure what you mean. I'm human, not a commie.

Did I miss something, or is this from before this year because I have no idea what that is?

Come user? You're not a GirlGulagger? A GoofyGoober? A GobberGabber? What are you even doing in these threads?

I don't have enough laughing anime girls/shipgirls pics for this…

fucking didn't embed

Hey, TD, you heard about the latest shenanigans Cygames' localization department is up to today? See the /gbfg/ thread for the lowdown:

Also, in Shadowverse, cosmetic upgrades that used to be microtransactions are now RNG. It's like they've already forgotten Monkiigate, that one scandal that got so bad the Japanese government had to intervene.
> predictably the reddit SV community is already defending this shit


Do you lack reading comprehension too? I just said commies aren't humans. You fags keep having the same kneejerk reaction. It's almost like this is an echochamber. Almost.


why is Holla Forums so driven to shill in these threads? What do they gain?

We really should look into Cygames especially since their big PS4 Grandblue game is next year.

Sorry, torposter.
We had few torposter from Holla Forums recently and now majority of anons think that all torposters are commies.

Absolutely nothing, just like with marxism.

I want to hold hands with mombot.

That's because I've literally never heard GG called that (Even ironically).

Realize how quiet Antifa has been recently, and you'll get your reason why. That's why this post was such a surprise:

It's not like we had a Holla Forums commie commie come into the previous thread and switched to torposting last night or anything…

Cygames will holding their own separate con event near the end of this year. Might be a good time to look into their company profile before then.


Same person, still not a commie and I said last time that you can blame codemonkey for not making the site immediately kick me to the tor version.

It's fucking gold. And there's at least two threads.

I watched the Nintendo Direct today and they haven't changed the outfit of the Xenblade girl, so that's something. It comes out the 1st of December.

Aren't they one of the biggest game/anime studios in Japan right now in terms of money and growth?
Biggest things are people who will be attending (if any west wise) or the nips in charge of said con. They might be pals will western sjweebs.

Their partnership with Scamco (the Idolmaster franchise) ensured that. On the upside, at least it's guaranteed Granblue Fantasy Re:Link is happening, though it might be pushed out of TGS this year so they'll unveil it in their own event.

And noone calls her out on the news?

Pick one and only one.

They have a sub dvision called CyDesign pixivision.net/en/a/2680
This brings up just how much fucking resources they have.

Not in their interest at all

toppu kekku

WTF happened when I was asleep?
Details are scarce, but it sounds like little to nothing is being offered in return. These two groups he met with represent moderate groups within the House. It isn't legislation yet.

This "amnesty" better not include ANY citizenship, see:

Someone needs to resume sending breitbart articles to Trump's desk.


Pretty big deal here. Alamo Drafthouse CEO Tim League apparently told one of Devin Faraci's victims to keep quiet about the abuse she received.


Can somebody spread this on Twitter/Reddit?

He's a pretty cool guy.

His response to her, from 2016


Holy shit she went all in.

I bought the book.

Not that I plan on reading it. I've been here since day one. I just want to support GG content creators.

Not trying to start shit but I wish /a/ understood that sjwism is a threat to weeb shit a bit more.

Apparently it's not bad at all from the feedback I've had.

>waiting for race war
>not owning funs
Sven vad fan.

They don't really care because commies/SocJus have very little power in Nipland.
Also apparently posting this gif on Holla Forums is an instant ban :^)

I never said anything about not owning a rifle :^)

>The Great Cornholio
Patience… Swede user.
Gather funs (talk with finns) and wait.

In time, the pozzed will fear the terror of your bunghole

>rifles are not guns
Well, I'm glad you have some.

I guess it's a lost on translation, gun in swedish can mean pistol/handgun.
The biggest problem with buying rifles is that it has to be "made for hunting". So the police can decide out of the blue that the weapon you are getting a license for might be "too military".

damn, I never noticed her "exterior thong strap" her shorts have going on.

I though they were suspender hooked onto her shorts? Like a short one around her waist and the longer ones hanging off the sides

I'm a swefag too. Gun just means handeldvapen.
Is there any fucking party around here that isn't pro- more retarded regulations on legal owners? Getting into a pistol or IPSC club is hard enough as it is.

The only political party that I know of that has at least one pro-fun point in their party program is NMR, they say that everyone that has completed their military service will keep their rifle at home, kind of like switzerland.
I have no idea about their stance on civilian ownership though, but every other party is no fun allowed.


On an unrelated note, some janitor in Holla Forums loves Mabel a lot.

Good evening faggots!

Holla Forums, W, WO, fah LAYF!


When I get my electricity back I am going to masterbate SO MUCH


When will your electricity be back, FL user?! I hope you're getting by with all the humidity and I know how hot it is on a blackout.

t. Filipino

Dunno. Got banned for saying Mabel was shit in a Gravity Falls thread for 'offtopic', but I almost didn't notice it because I barely post there.

That's kinda retarded I guess.

Yeah, I'm not even upset, just surprised.

Anyway, anything new about gaming, journalism corruption or salt harvest?

That reminds me the new WWE is coming soon. Any good features in that game? Especially to make your own league.


Not interested in WWE games, to be honest. I'd rather watch some NJPW PPVs, they're more exciting.

The thing is that WWE games have great character creators.

That also reminds me if there had been more Holla Forumsidya rumbles.

21st apparently. Of course those rich cocksuckers in their beach mansions have power already while im sitting out here sweating my balls off. Whatever.

Wait, at 21st?! That's 7 days away! What the fuck! SERIOUSLY?!

Yyyyup. Believe you me, We're all pretty pissed off about it.

If you folks have some gensets, use it for now…. It's better than nothing. Here, we don't have that luxury.

That's the only reason I'm able to post right now is that we've formed a tribal society around the generators. We sacrifice gas to our god so that we may charge our cell phones and cook food in microwaves.

My halfchanner friend exclusively uses crunchyroll for his anime, and I try telling him I have a better alternative that isn't run by SJWs. I tell him the problems crucnhyroll has, how it's ran by SJWs that want to gate keep anime, have ties to shoddy localisations, only have censored content with no titties. His response is

How is halfchan so completely cucked? How?

Well, Reddit and Tumblr happened, user.

What the fuck


Another unrelated question, but can I expect a Dragon Quest Builders sequel? bought the game so my nephews had something to play and found it surprisingly fun.

Even Buzzfeed is calling out Silicon Valley. What is going on?


This is reason why exodus was necessary.
Normalfag infestation.
Hiroshima didn't helped it either.
Wasn't there somewhere guide for redditors how to use cuckchan?

Can't normalfags turn into regular shitposters? I don't really mind normalfags if they don't try to shit on the hobby they are joining.

Also, a guide to get into cuckchan? I guess these kind of people are fans of walking simulators?

There must've been because he claims he was using Reddit up until just a few months ago. And before that he followed a bunch of 4chan facebook groups. Now that he's on 4chan all he uses is Holla Forums and /x/ and Holla Forums. Oh, and he's real big into the kekistani shit. He has the fucking flag. I honestly think he's the average halfchanner.

It all upsets me so much. Everything 4chan was fucking died. Holla Forums is dying, nobody comes here. That whole era of the internet is coming to a close, to be replaced by anonymous 2.0 and reddit. I've always said that during the exodus the cancer is all that stayed behind. Everyone else left. Now we see the outcome of that.

John kelly supposedly isolates trump to prevent people from giving him bad ideas.

If true he could isolating trump from his base.

The hard part is with Trump you never know. lying is part of trumps negotiation strategy.

But that's the point. We can do the shit we do because NOBODY comes here and always blame 4chan.

I know I talked about normalfags being able to turn into regular shitposters, but also having a slow income of users we maintain our style.

Also, there is nothing wrong with the Kekistan stuff. For now at least.


Owen S. Good / Polygon - "There is no 'heat of the moment' in video games" (TL;DR - "I hate KiA like Pewdiepie hates black people" or "entitled is the new nigger")



You know what I do notice though? Most of the videos on YouTube featuring imageboard posts and threads, or at least the political stuff, feature threads from Holla Forums. And many of the screen caps he shares are also from Holla Forums, but he finds them on 4chan.

Another reason Polygon has no idea about gaming and you shouldn't listen to them.

This is the model/design that they're using for FE Warriors.

The person in the tweet is using the old art that was used for old FE and Smash. Is it censorship if they redesigned her slightly for this game?

Because 8/pol/ actually writes long post explaining thing and aren't just shitposting about niggers. cuck/pol/ is just political shitposting

What was the old design? She looks the same to me in that pic


Yes, but it takes time and can't be too much of them at once unless someone wants for site go to hell.
I found that guide: archive.fo/Q503H

After (((MSM))) named 4chan it was already done for, even if moot didn't become traitor.

Probably some of them lurk here.

I don't think so, but there is only one reason for doing that in this case.
No upskirt.

They gave her shorts.


Ooh… some musician discovered RPG maker!

This is news!

I know it's some people's fetish, but this is s sacrilege.

That said, I guess this is why they added them

You know in "Animal Farm" how the lofty ambitions of how the outcome of throwing out their owners was going to be before reality and corruption set in? That's the dragon they chase.

I heard the trumpinator is coming to my town today. Is that true? I'd look it up myself but it takes like 20 minutes for every web page to load.

Yeah, I get that's why they did it. But if the devs design it with that in mind, is it still censorship? Self-censorship?

I'm not a huge fan of it myself. I like her round, bare butt peeking out from under her clothes.


Something tells me this person wrote this only so they could write about "killing nazis". Repeatedly

If he is, expect some "peaceful protesters" to arrive to fuck shit up like post-Harvey

Is tomorrow Gildas birthday?

They probably did it to not get AO on that game.

Yup, it's tomorrow. And as usual, it's us, not Kotaku in Action that will throw a celebratory thread for her.

Tell him that watching at crunchyshit only supports crunchyshit.
The studios probably don't get a dime from them.

I wonder how long will it be until it becomes a currency game in kikebook sales groups.

It is very much an excuse since I watch most of my anime on my phone (Mainly because I don't want to hassle with my laptop, and my phone has a louder volume), and 9anime works fine for me.

Hello, I'm nobody, have we met?


The hour and a half I spent on the final boss in XIII says otherwise. Speaking if which, I need to find a way to release the hour long video because the file was just "Too big" on it's own.

>All the pro-Trump folk I follow outside of Styxhexenhammer are going full "TRUMP IS CUCKED"
wew laddie

I wasn't aware Gamergate had Albanian mafia styled hit squads.

I doubt it'd be AO, but it would probably be M or T instead of E

Lel ive got this goons account locked out twice now
Ive just been reporting out of context shit he says and its working

So, why no normalfag say anything about how any "woman's institute" are just man hating institutions recieving public funds to constantly complain?

I need my country saved. Please.

I know, but it's Nintendo with theirs Family Friendly image created by NoA, which need go to trash.

They don't know or just don't care.
Stock on funs, user.
If you can't get normal, get white ones.


Oh fuck, he actually did. How powerful was the sea god compared to apostles and the four big apostles that turned Griffith into the white falcon?

that's one of LW's henchmen


That reminds me, what happened to the "nods respectfully towards you" beta? Is he still alive? Or what?

He locked up his account shortly after and never undid it. It's pretty much the same as sealing yourself in a cave out of shame.

They probably don't know, and if they do know they probably don't care because "it doesn't effect me" and "I have my own problems".
Normalfags tends to focus on their own lives first and foremost.

Interestingly enough, when normalfags get fed up with something you will hear the most hateful remarks you could possibly think of.

If it's a seven gorillion episode shonen shit animu I always stream it.

how badly would this hurt?


No more than touching a hot car roof or standing too close to a fire place

Have you never played with a magnifying glass? It would be extremely painful

He claims they're partnered with anime studios and something called MAL. I don't know much about it though.

Shes a big girl

It was called Social Autopsy.

Crunchyroll working with myanimelist? That fucking squares the amount of cancer.

I didn't watch Jim's video as to not give clicks. How much of a hypocrite was he? I assume he at least still said that DMCAs were wrong.

In comparison to Fire Emblem 7, Smash trophies and Heroes, it's "censored", as that's an obvious change to her usual design and the reason seems obvious. However in Fire Emblem Warriors that's just her design and most will write it off as a mere design change. You're not going to get much headway there since nothing was actually changed from the base game.

4U. But seriously, she wasn't expecting that which makes the burn worse since she took longer to react as opposed to when you do it on your own hand and then immediately removes it before burning



That's the normalfagst meme ever imagined.

Someone should remind him that no one likes a killjoy.

really gases my kikes

Fucking fag.

Razorfist made a video about Gamesbeat and GamerGate.




Shaun Prescott / PC Gamer - "Overwatch's Jeff Kaplan on toxic behavior: 'the community needs to take a deep look inwards'" (IOW, they're spending time and effort on meaningless trolls than developing new features)


Cliff Bleszinski On LawBreakers: "I Have To Keep This Game Alive"



I love it!


Devin "funny fingers" Faraci


I've never listened to him before. I feel like some of his ranting is going over my head while I simultaneously think "he's kind of a wordsmith!".

Is LawBreakers Cliff Bazooper's Daikatana?


He used to be a sperg with shit opinions but chilled out now.
Right now he's going full "muh Trump's a cuck" over DACA

Its retarded.

if the victims don't come forward and report him to the the police then never

His former friend Asalieri was right about the faggot. He throws a bunch of words and loud enough in hope it sticks to the unwashed plebs in thinking that he's intelligent when his "smarts" is as equal to TotalShitBrit being a "consumer advocate".

Yeah, and everyone already knows that if he makes a deal, they will back out on the wall. Hence the salt. Its pretty obvious that Democrats hate the American people and will do everything they can to destroy them.


Hes a comedian with a well worked routine you moron and thats what he does. His opinions on vidya are mostly shit but denying that his shit is funny is just you being a contrarian faggot.

Hi Razorfag. Now, fuck off Razorfag!

I'd be okay with it too if Democrats didn't fuck up Reagan
Remember the old adage of giving an inch to SJWs user…

remove yourself from the gene pool

Razorfist is pretty gay but why would you ever trust an Argie nigger whose father was a spy for the Soviets and flip flops harder than Boogie? :^)


Kek, if you know someone is an idiot why would you care about his content? And my friend, razorfag is a fucking idiot.


Y'know, birds of the same feather and all that shenanigans.


because hes funny you moron

Yeah, I know, but I have faith in Trump. He's been doing this negotiating shit since he's been an adult, so I think he's able to not get fucked by the democraps.

Found this while mining Cliffy B's twitter for salt, some guy writing an "inspirational" twitter tale about how he got hired by Naughty Dog because he broke down crying about gay representation during his interview. It's pretty fucking par for the course for modern Naughty Dog, but basically straight out admitting that having an emotional breakdown about gay videogame characters gets you in where Amy Henning apparently wasn't good enough is a new low.


Your standards are pretty fucking low, mate. He is like some rick and morty style shit of talking fast with complex words trying to string and intelligent comment.

Ok, Imma be mad for the rest of the day now. People who use "plea to emotions" deserve the first bullet, even before traitors.

I can understand that. He's a skilled negotiator. Its just hard for me not to worry. If they fucked up Reagan, they can fuck up Trump. He doesn't even have his own party on his side ffs


But user, if they die first you spare them the horror of watching their cronies die one by one and knowing they will be next.
Do you even bully?

Just finished watching Twin Peaks (S1 S2) Whose bright idea was it to cancel the show after a cliff hanger like that.
Sorry for OT shit about 25 years out of date, but fricking heck.

I feel like the easiest way to explain to the normalfags why the electoral college exists is so that the country isn't controlled by a vast minority of the states (New York, Michigan, Florida, Texas, California). But, at the same time, the reason why they set it up with the idea of "electorates" instead of "each state counts as one vote" is to prevent the election from ending in a tie, as much as possible, because then Congress decides who the winner shall be (IIRC).

E-celebs called him a cuck when he OK'd selling near-expired ammo to Saudi Arabia and the bombing of that one place in Syria, which was thoroughly retarded idea because why would you bomb a supposed chemical weapons plant? That's like seeing a suicide bomber going into a mall and then trying to save everyone by throwing a grenade into it before he could detonate. The problem with politics that people don't seem to understand is that you need to look at the bigger picture, you can get some serious butterfly effect going on if you don't conduct yourself and try to plan things well.

As long as you dont use the seat system, its basically a popular vote system posing as an electoral system.

it was an experimental show on network tv.
they prolly didnt renew it after the ratings shitshow that was season 2.

Here's the story. The first season also ended with a ton of cliffhangers because Lynch and Frost weren't sure whether they were getting a second season or not. So they packed it with cliffhangers in hopes that people would demand more. And they did.

And then during the second season, the network pressured them to reveal the murderer (they were going to keep it a secret for a lot longer). When they did, the ratings and viewership started to drop off the subsequent week because people kept watching for the mystery. The show lost its way for a while (becoming a slow soap opera), until Windom Earle is introduced, then it get back on track. But it had less views than before, and they hoped to repeat the success that cliffhangers had on getting another season.

It didn't work, but the "See you in 25 years" line has more of an impact now, with the 3rd season. Which is so far into /x/ stuff it's mindboggling. It's far removed from the tone of the original seasons, going from supernatural mystery to just plain supernatural.

Just keep posting Japanese or 2D aras, mombot or not.

Oh, and if you're planning to get into Season 3, watch Fire Walk With Me, first. It starts off the crazy stuff and Season 3 references it a lot.

Not really a fan of how anime is getting so popular in the west. If enough people flock over, jap creators will become more financially dependent on the western dollar which will lead to catering to western (read: normalfag, loud SJW's, other cancer) tastes. Now, this is currently mostly happening in the 2nd hand (translation, publishing, (((localization))) ), but if this trend continues, we might see further infection of the source.

Yeah, but I don't think Reagan had as much experience as Trump did with negotiations. I understand the worry though, but he managed to win with both his own party, Democrats, and the entire media against him, so I think he can do this.

And this is why it's very important to react strongly to any censorship, no matter how small the changes might be. Japanese creators need to understand the message: We don't want anything to be changed from the source material.


Gamesindustry.biz: "Valve's dominance in the PC gaming space is made more harmful by its tolerance for toxic users." Also includes the line "See also: People actually concerned with ethics in games journalism who provided willing cover for virulent misogynists and harassers during GamerGate."



So the Jews ruined everything for everyone once again.I thought so.

Thanks.I'm going to play Deadly Premonition first since thats the reason I watched Twin Peaks in the first place.


I haven't stepped in here in two years but you guys are so important that you now have university masters theses being written on you.


the absolute state of higher education

I assume keveching of the highest degree. I cannot add to my anger quota today user.

I'm a big fan of this Chad meme.

Has the gamesbeat fag caused another anal Ragnarok in the hearts of SJWs?

It's just to contrast 9volt's "barren and childless" point. mombot is not lewd.


We could make a rock band named like this. Or a song.

Who in their right mind actually wears a shirt when sleeping?
I can kind of get why a female would do it, but they are also a bit strange.


cuteGamrGrll is clearly an ironic me-me name

can you imagine not only spending time writing this, (barely) researching your insane, unfalsifiable points, and submitting it for the approval of the midnight society but also being the low-energy advisors that have to go through and make sense of this post-modernist jargon? To actually have not only the responsibility to defend this in front of your department, but also have to have tenured (((profs))) sit there and have to criticise your Sokal-esque word salad?

It's a paper that literally no one cares about, not even the people writing it. No one wants to take credit for something as insane and navel-gazing as this.

The advisors helped invent the jargon.Read the names again and repeat '\pol\ is always right"

Oh Christ, not (((them))) again.

Shitface is shilling to get more confidence in fig


that intro has not one true sentence



More powerful than probably 80% of Apostles, but any of the generals could have likely taken it. That is, Zodd, Grunbeld, Locus, that Robin Hood lookin motherfucker, maybe a few others. It was only a god to the local poeple. To anyone else, it's just a very large sea monster. Each of the Godhand alone is likely leagues more powerful, and the Godhand aren't even gods.

Subconscious or maybe not :^) is 70-30

I don't really know much about her since I'm not American, but skimming through her track record, she might deserve this title more than Trump, friom my pointof view.

This is only tangentially related to anything, but Dick Masterson got involved in the Destiny shit after Metokour posted about it.

He went on Destiny's stream and shit on him for about an hour.

I'm not a burger but Holla Forums is going apeshit because Trump apparently cancelled the wall and is going to let in shitloads of illegals or something, what's going on?

He canceled the dreamers program but has since promised to reinstate it, and rather than use it as leverage to fund his wall he's just letting the dems have it.

As I understand it Trump is playing with the idea of letting the dream act continue or passing it into law in exchange for funding the WALL

lol it just keeps getting worse and worse for him. Does he have any fans outside of underage SCII rejects or has he burned though mostly all that good will at this point

That's not too bad, but I would prefer both
and no DACA.

I really love how Destiny just keeps getting BTFO every time he shows his face.

Mystery Meat Manlet really is a retard

That's not too bad, but I would prefer both
and no DACA.
plz let me post codemonkey

I am shocked.

No, what happened was that Trump rescinded the DACA program, leaving the issue up to congress to find a legal solution (should've just fucking trashed the whole fucking thing but whatever). Congress starts talking amnesty, and rumor went around Trump was thinking the same thing, though he insists he's talking about helping these people, not amnesty. Whatever that means to him.

Now it seems Congress is settling on giving an amnesty-like solution to DACA in exchange for support for the tax cut plan and funding for the Wall. I assuming Cuckservatives and Dems in congress have been blockading these things in their moral shock fueled virtue signaling for DACA. You should be reasonably upset if the 800,000 illegals are still allowed to stay here, depress wages, and compete against American citizens for the same positions while corporations get tax cuts that were SUPPOSED to encourage them to hire respectable, educated, legal labor. Now they've got both their bones.

However, the wall is at least getting funded, which should help circumvent easy movement across the border, forcing would be illegals to find more extravagant and time consuming ways to get across, increasing their chances of getting caught (Though liberals would tell you "WALLS DON'T WORK BECAUSE YOU CAN CLIMB THEM AND SHIT").

You ask me, I'd say he half cucked on this, but I understand the delicateness of his situation. Most of the "Conservatives" in congress who were staunchly anti-immigration before they got into office all chimped out when Trump rescinded DACA. Killing it through the might of Executive force probably would've tanked whatever support he has in congress, because we all know Congress is a giant group of crying manchildren who will strangle the breath of progress because they didn't get their way on a particular fucking issue. Congress was bound to cuck on the issue because their corporate campaign donors don't want their illegal, foreign labor and breathing tax loopholes to get deported.

TL;DR: Politics and Trump is surrounded by cucks and yids

I didn't even know this guy until he sperged about PewdiePie. Shows how irrelevant he is.


Yeah, naturally, Pelosi and Schumer thought that they could just go up onto a podium and tell lies.

when does it get bad. I just want to see the sperg out.

Strange, I can't post gifs anymore.

And now it works after 3 posts, what the fuck?

Let me try.

And I just noticed you wrote "gifs" rather than "pdfs". Billy me.


I have no problems with him trying to help them, but they need to go back and if they really want to be americans go through proper channels. But I'd rather send them back and tell them to make mexico great.


Mistakes happen. Now drop those pants.

Are things broken?

For a while now, more broken since yesterday.

Weren't they migrating to another server?

Dick Masterson is an american hero



VIDEO: About A Copyright Strike - Pewdiepie addressing Firewatch dev's tweets.







I saw pence's motorcade today so that's cool.

that theory sounds like something that is ripe for abuse…

Yeah, that's what I'm thinking. Don't like someone? Go onto their YouTube videos and spam vid related.

has anyone at google read youtube comments,they are always cancer

Oh, old anime, you make me laugh.

Well, Pewdiepie sure is a normalfag, but I guess it is clever for him to play safe as the developers of Firewatch already made fools of themselves.

I wished Pewdiepie could just crash them with a huge team of lawyers.

he already started a giant fire and forced control-alt left to make choice between saying whether it's cool or not to abuse DMCAs to take down content you personally disagree with. A lot of them are going to regret siding with the firewatch devs on this.

Even fucking LW2 knew that letting retards arbitrarily yank their consent for using their game in streaming was a terrible precedent to set but dummies still fell into line virtue jerking themselves off.

firewatch was, is, and will always be, a shitty walking simulator unknown to the vast majority of gamers and appealing only to navel-gazing retards that can't beat tutorials

Yeah, seriously, as much as they like sucking up to her when she expresses an opinion that's completely wrong, that's what they'll disagree with her on? That DMCAs shouldn't be abused just because you don't like someone?

All this is telling me is that majority of Holla Forums falls for the easiest shit in the book.

That would actually help out the state of world afairs much more than people constantly asking for handouts ever would. In fact, I've heard from and read about numerous people who've succeeded in some of the damn near poorest countries in the world because they saw and read what people in America were doing to succeed (As in actually succeed, not lie and cheat their way to the top like a greedy Jew) and proceeded to emulate that.

Holla Forums throwing someone under the bus? Color me shocked

It's sad when the fucking video game board on Holla Forums is more aware of political games then the political board.



Well, when some of the most popular games revolve around political intrigue, yeah, people would be aware of how shit works. That's the thing that gets me about these game journalists, when they talk about "politics in games," they think about things like gender-neutral bathrooms or having a token black person in the cast. When gamers think "politics in games," and they think about the Military-Industrial Complex, offshore tax havens, and subversion of language.



First games I think of when I think of "political games" are Dude Sex and Metal Gear.



Normally I wouldn't care, but their definition of "toxic" is so wide it would probably hit me too, even though I only play alone and never even set myself to online.

I kinda hope valve pulls a google and starts banning users. That will spark a massive uprising that could save the internet.

I hope so too, they are definitely going with the "its not good enough" angle with the banning on reddit. They have so little foresight they think that if they make the entire internet their safe space these "evil" people will go away.

I imagine alot of people only have vidya left, and when they get banned for being toxic which would be the entirety of the dota and csgo communities you are gonna have a alot of people with no reason to live anymore.

what a fucking idiot, jesus christ

I used to hope there would be a mass exodus, but some major personality with influence would have to start a new place to go to and leech their subscribers over by putting on the new place first.
Then again, cuckchan still has a Holla Forums board. Too many sheep.

Masses will never leave Valve, because Valve has the most games.

That's because commies and many progressives are pure social constructionists. They basically believe preventing people from saying things and pushing a specific narrative will just magically shape society, everyone will stop having racist/sexist thoughts, crime will disappear and plenty of other horseshit.

That's the best joke out of all of this.
None of them have any idea how the underlying architecture of the internet functions.
None of them are even remotely interested in the slightest about how anything works.
And they have the audacity to say that they're the ones who deserve to stay in it?
The internet could fall apart and if anons had any advance notice, there would be a site patched together to work despite the calamity within a matter of days at most, with infographs on how to get on it.
The entire world would be losing its shit over
or some other garbage, we're still online shitposting with each other on 56kchan.

So what you're saying is liberals believe that if they control language, they can control thoughts? Lifted directly from 1984's Newspeak?


no lewd aras allowed

This is why you didn't win, Hillary.

Well she is right that the people not voting are retards but then again people who dont bother to vote probably know jack shit about politics anyway.

Hillary is such a hate filled woman.

The best thing about this article. The guy reported the 'hate groups' he found and Valve shut them down. So this whole article about Valve not caring is full of shit.

Updated version of the Star Citizen article.

Update: Cloud Imperium spokesperson Dave Swofford tells Ars that "a lot of the information was fabricated" in the Reddit post discussed the below. Swofford says the account in question was issued an individual refund of $330, not the $45,000 claimed in posted screenshots and videos which Swofford says do not reflect actual complaints requests logged by the company. What's more, Swofford says the refund was handled "in a timely fashion" with "no extended debate over whether we should."

It's how it looks like in the 1984 book. If you can change the meaning of words, you can change the sharing thoughts, and if you can suppress them, you can suppress the sharing of thoughts.
The thing is that liberals, due to their enormous fuckups every time I hear about them, it does thee opposite for my own thoughts and language. I start to use words that triggers them even more now, especially the nigger word actually, I use it all the time to mention everyone now.

How about yes?

What a cunt

1984 is just a theory, it's not like Orwell tested manipulating people's language and then documented the results. He basically just came up with something that made sense to him and turned it into a fictional story.

But liberals don't know that, they have an extremely difficult time telling the difference between reality and fiction.

Oh, so he's a fucking liar on top of it.

Exactly, It's why I said it was like this "in the book", the thing, just like you say, "if it's from a book, it must be real". After all, they quote Harry Potter almost like if it was real. And now we got libshits actually trying to see is they can change thoughts through language.


North Korea's like the shithead little brother who keeps doing the "I'm not touching you" shit. Except instead of having a finger within an inch of someone's face, they fire ICBMs within ten miles of a country's shoreline.

I don't have Twitter, someone please ask Mom a status report NOW.


Fricking Drumpf no of this would've happened if we stood with her and broke that glass ceiling.

Well, if it does hit cali, can they atleast be curteous and hit SF?

It's real.

Wut animu?

Are a mongolian meme forum again

Does nipon get the 3rd nuke again?



The norks warned they would nuke japan earlier, F.

Do you have the other 2 I forgot to download them.

I didnt doubt it was real I just hate it when people go through the effort of making a pic and posting it and then dont even leave a source. Anyway, what the fuck is the reason why north korea is firing all these missiles? All the media reporting on it just makes it seem like pointless dickwaving but I doubt thats the reason why they so badly want to provoke other countries.

There is more

Chicken and posturization to intimidate every (((un))) nation.


I never fucking tire how their interpretation of a halfchan fag is some blue-hued faggot with a topknot of all things.




Fake news, it is still Thursday

Thank you as well. nyone got the one where they talk about Rachael Madcow?


what a fitting leader this board has


I hope they're OK.
The one advantage is if N.Korea twitches first, China won't side with them (claiming they'll be against whoever shoots first). However, I'd define launching missiles into their naval territory or over their airspace is as good as an act of war- failure or not.

The other thing that worries me is since Japan is doing everything to show you don't need to be globalist (closed borders, getting their central bank to buy up debt to make it null and void, etc) that (((they))) will make N.Korea shoot first (either by making them, or sending false data/false flag to their army to make them "retaliate"). Kim might rattle a sabre- but depending on how much be buys his own hype he might or might not go to war.
If he doesn't want to, then it's because he acts like a mad dog to get nations to stay away, then enjoys his dictatorship. If war does break out- he flees to god knows where (probably China) with whatever fortune he has and lets his army take the Samson option.
Or, if he is that mad then he honestly believes he can defend his spit of land from- at minimum- the US naval & military forces, and beat them back. Not saying it's easy to assault an island- but Trump probably won't fight a war like that until it drains resources to the point the US people feel it. He's more likely to say "fuck it" and carpet bomb the fuckers as a mercy killing to the civilians, and a nail in the coffin for Kim/N.Korea.


Racial Justice Rap Video Depicts White Child Being Hanged
Black Lives Matter-themed production stokes outrage
There are more "acceptable" places & people covering it. But this take was the most interesting:
So, we have proof that Youtube enforces it's "advertiser friendly" policy purely based on politics & their own belief. Or as the normalfag considers- inconsistently.
IMO- there are several paths to take.
1. Mass reporting of the video (may not be taken down).
2. Share & spread- tag youtube in it and Google's stock code ($GOOG, IIRC).
3. Write to those who advertise on Google/Youtube, and tell them if their advert was seen on the video. DO NOT LIE. If their ad was not on the video- don't like or photoshop. Otherwise, tell others it has the potential to appear on that video (and others of awful content- as clearly YouTube does not make sure "advertiser friendly" vids are actually appropriate).
IMO- 2 & 3. Along with OP Goolag & AdNauseum (as well as the other stuff they advise).
>>>Holla Forums777548


One of these days…

I would fugg Mark, but only if I'm the bottom and he lost a few pounds.

What's the context in the video? I don't want to believe they simply condone this act of violence to a kid.

Is the new episode on tonight, or did it air already?

what are you gay or something?

Sekai Seifuku - Bouryaku no Zvezda
Season 2 has been announced



I thought the point of the video was the guy going "Hey this is wrong no matter how you spin it. 'White on black' or 'Black on White'. Stop making it about race, it's still wrong regardless."

That sounds much more reasonable. infowars tends to go full retard on plenty of shit, but you can't tell with this current craze of SJWs what they mean with this.

On Topic
Please repost some in next bread

< She called me right before and told me to take down my Kickstarter or else anonymous white men were going to attack me. It was a threat.
So while evidence those accounts were her are sketchy- the timing is odd, especially coupled with what she said just before (if true). Could be Literally Who, could be cucks white knighting for her.

(dig into evidence of collusion)

(good summery if people ask)



You tell me:

Webm related. Fuck it all.
Archive everything, download everything. Get fit. Get armed. See you on the other side.

That RedPillBlack guy seems sketchy, if he can provide proof that would be great but I am not trusting until such proof is provided.

It's not important but alright.

Also, never post http or https with Twitter links. Twitter (and IIRC, Imgur and Reddit) have some link tracking bullshit where they know where you clicked from. So if "lots" of clicks come from one place, they may suspect an OP or vote-brigading. In other words- they get enough ammo to make an excuse to cull likes/retweets/upvotes/whatever, or ban the person who made the content as if they told us to support them illicitly.

That's absolutely fine. Trust but verify is our bread and butter.
If she makes a claim- ask for proof (nicely).
Until then, the proof can be dismissed. And like WIP infographs and OPs, we don't do shit until we know we're working with legitimate proof.

How very "skeptical' of you…
it's a woman, and a black woman to boot; who at the time had the "correct" politics which means "it's a woman harassed" narrative SJWs love so much doesn't mean shit when someone is edging onto some LW's charity scam.

Just by principle, I don't trust anyone who takes pictures of their monitors instead of actually taking a fucking screenshot. LW lied this exact same way

(self-replying to clarify)
There's being genuinely skeptical, which is good, but there's also being a revoltard "muh ecelebs" D&C shill; who attack nominal GG supporters, allies, and neutrals; which I am sick to death of.

I just noticed the Trumpjugend guy is watching Fox news while the SJW family is watching MSNBC.Who ever wrote this piece of satire is bretty gud.

Good morning, faggots!

Send this man links

Again, if it isn't important then use archive.org. Archive.is is having some issues the past days, be mindful and don't waste their bandwidth

YouTube accepts Campo Santo’s copyright strike against PewDiePie, could lead to bigger issues


What's all this about a new zoe quinn video? WHY WON'T SHE JUST GO AWAY????


PDP cucked out suing them

Wait- so what the fuck is the difference between the various archive. places?

This was kind of covered by CheshireCat Studios or some podcast thing. During the last big controversy (youtube heroes) Pewdiepie could have- in theory- become a king-maker for a youtube rival (if not from his influence of his channel, then the bad PR that the biggest youtuber walked off). But, he decided to stay with Youtube despite having enough money to not worry about making money again.
He has influence and could fix the shit he's complained about, but is instead sticking to being the dumb kid shrieking like he's still at 500k subs.

I was present on /GGHQ/ when the Social Autopsy thing redpilledblack first dropped, but I'm too lazy to find the threads digging on her.

Based on those digger's findings she was legit.

Acidman can probably also vouch, but she was a legit Center-Left normalfag who wanted to help make a site to "combat online harassment" but stepped on LW1's nuts as she never heard of Zoe or her CON scam, which SA would be a competitor to.

She was attacked by Zoe's beta army on social media and there were a bunch of shills attacking her on /GGHQ/ and here on Holla Forums.

As far as I'm aware, she's still holding onto her 300 harassing private emails calling her a nigger, as some kind of trump card, so there's no verifying that, but the social media attacks and shilling were real.

All the attacks on her from her "friends" on the Left Red-pilled her HARD, thus her non de plume "redpilledblack"

I think I know who you are talking about


Oh shit I remember that, I know who you're talking about now. If I remember correctly people like Sargon and harmful opinions even made videos about the whole affair. Zoe Quinn even called her on the phone and basically threatened her and ended up fake crying on the phone or some shit, made comments like "Don't you KNOW who I AM???"

This shit with pewdiepie is really pissing me off. It seems everyday we watch as the internet slips a little closer to a totalitarian hellhole and nobody seems to care.



She just release her book, she won't go away any time soon and when her "popularity" starts to fizz out again she will come up with something about her movie and the circus starts all over again

- "archive.is" and "archive.fo" are the same and the best one around. They only delete stuff if illegal or DMCA'ed

- archive.org is a completely different company and they delete stuff if you request them to (as long it is your site obviously). Also they respect the robots.txt, so it doesn't work on every site

- megalodon.jp is similar to archive.org and also respects robots.txt

- Freezepage deletes stuff on request too

tl;dr - if you think something is important and you want to prevent it from being memory holed then use "archive.is" (or .fo). For anything else use any of the others so we lessen the load over "archive.is" servers (it goes tits up every now and then due to overload)

Yeah, there's no hiding the fact that Methwhale showed up on KiA to try and Personal Army them with a shitload of fearmongering buzzwords against Social Autopsy.

Instead of just asking for proof, more people should be asking her if she needs help proving her claims such as IP address discovery for emails as an example. LW is known to use a Hawaiian VPN for starters.

It seems so long ago I can't remember, but it seems to me like social autopsy would've basically outed Zoe and CON as, well, cons. I also remember harmful opinions and people here warning against supporting social autopsy because what it planned to do was bad, but I can't remember what that was. She was going to make a list or dox people or some such shit.

I have a feeling this is one of those things where everything is extremely suspicious and all signs point to something, but there's no proof.

Chelsea has never really gotten her own hands dirty. She always gets her cuck army to do her dirty work, which is probably what she was referring to when she said "anonymous white army".

I have a really good feeling there's going to be a lot more success if you are looking for people connected to LW, instead of trying to prove LW did it. LW has a lot of experience with abuse, she knows how to not be held responsible when she's abusing someone.

Which ironically was exactly what CON did.

Yea, because they aren't doing it in good faith, so to speak. Instead of bringing their concerns forward, they assume they are in the right right away and go on the offensive right away, and bitch when people disagree with their assessment and actions.

Oh, now I know who she is.

Like a drug kingpin using hoppers to sell their product.

Watch the Stephan M. video to refresh yourself. One of the few issues I have with Candice's revision of her dealings with LW is that whe mentions getting attacked by "Trump supporters". Wasn't this before Trump even announces his candidacy?

That's an extremely good analogy, exactly what I was trying to get at. Thanks user.

Dig through everything. SJWs and goons had no problem being pieces of shit and pretending to be gamergate, there's zero reason to suspect they wouldn't pretend to be a Trump supporter and then act like horrible people.

Yeah, this was way before Trump.


If you find anything, forward it to twitter.com/TylerPreston20/status/908337048154771458

The fact the LW and Methwhale stopped attacking Candice right away signals to me that LW and her fellow trolls at CON don't have the personal army that Anita has. They just use a lot of sock accounts. If LW was like a kingpin, she would not have got others to stop harassing her due to a feeling of invulnerability.

Oh yeah, Candace noted that the attacks stopped the very moment Chelsea was called out directly on Twitter. You don't get white knights to stop attacking that quickly, even if you can manage to do so.

In 2015, SPLC spent $20 million on salaries, but only $61,000 on legal services


“Is Robert Spencer’s Jihad Watch a Hate Group? The SPLC says yes, but fails to make its case.”


Hell, even trolls wouldn't stop that quickly if that was their intention.

That's suspicious as fuck, I think maybe I give LW too much credit. I just don't like to under-estimate opponents.

Do we have a baker ready or I'll bake again?! It's Gilda's birthday.

Well, considering that CON was mostly staffed by actual harassment victims (outside the Usual Suspects that ended up getting caught being creeps), I don't think she would be able to make that kind of order without raising a few eyebrows regardless.

>tfw when this post reminded i had a torrent of WCZP from nyaa

Could someone remind her of this please? I don't do twitter.

Remember that it is always projection with these people. They are the 10 people with hundreds of sock accounts.

Again? Wasn't it like just a few days ago?


I would but twitter was slowly breaking my mind, so I logged out. I figured it was better than deleting it, and would make logging in enough of an inconvenience to keep me away. So far it's worked. I kinda miss shitposting with marche though.

Bonjour, famalam.

I thought it was in a few more days.


Reddit is shitting on h3br3w productions right now.


did Holla Forums shit itself?

So we should expect l-l-lewds~?

are we back

I knew what was going to happen but I still sensibly chuckled.

Slightly offtopic, but…

Apparently we're back. For a while there I thought things went down because Norkland decided to pull something.

These are the same fucks that bitched that Notch "only" gave $10k at GDQ, when any more would require the FBI to get involved.


If it was an amount they wouldnt consider cheap they would be crying about him showing off or pulling a PR stunt.

It's not the fucking fifties any more you dumb niggers. This shit doesn't happen in the states anymore and hasn't for a long time.

I've noticed that happens a lot, actually. Kind of gives new perspective to people claiming that the SocJus crowd wish they lived in the 1940's.

I decided to make some OC. If my shooping skills were better, I would have changed the orange text to say overlied instead of simply crossing it out.

It's because they desperately want it to be the 1950s with stepford wives and women who take their viriginity seriously.
Why else does so much of their "art" feature 1950s style but all fucked up with rainbow hair, fat chicks and a lack of self-reflection?

Fly it in the sky, Brother.

What does SPLC even do besides make shit up?

the 50s are also right before the campus leftists fucked the American universities.

Money Laundering.

I guess server shit fucked us up?

Can confirm. Her idea was to create a Wiki-like site where you could put other people's information, along with proof you had that this person was a (real) harasser or troll. And it would have a search engine, so people could look up someone's name and see if they had an online history of being a shitbag. Sort of a Deepfreeze for trolls.

Obviously an idea horribly ripe for mass abuse, which people rightly pointed out. However Zoe fucked up. She contacted Candice and got up in her grill about it, and when Candice told her to fuck off she started getting mountains of hate mail.

Mail that was sent to a private email address that she had only given to a tiny, tiny group of people. One, and the most recent of whom was a journo connected to Zoe.

Candice quickly put it together that the harassment started after Zoe had warned her off, and most importantly, right after she had talked to this journo using the address in question. She assumed the journo gave the email to Zoe, who then somehow got dozens of people with really fake-as-fuck sounding names like "gamergat0rbr01989" Goons in her old IRC clique to all try and harass her into dropping her idea. Apparently Candice found evidence of all this, most of which she has never made public, but the takeaway is that she went fucking nuclear. She called out Zoe as a fraud and harasser and went public with the story. Her harassment site idea was dropped, but she's been fighting alongside #GG ever since.

Also I'm getting fucking fed up with Twitter. I was shit-talking some idiot journalist last night and when I saw no RTs on my timeline this morning at work, I checked. And sure enough, my main account was shadowbanned again.

So I check my alt and its good to go. I log onto it and make one tweet, bitching about being shadowbanned on my main. Nobody said anything, so I went and checked again. In that two minute span my alt had also been shadowbanned. So I spent all afternoon just retweeting porn.

Now I'm curious. I don't think Twitter is smart enough to set a wordfilter to catch people bitching about shadowbans, and I already know they fuck with you based on your IP address and/or cookies to fuck you out of making new accounts. I'll bet that Twitter now checks to see if you log out of a shadowbanned account and then log into a different one from the same computer, and automatically shadowbans the new account too. Its simple, mindless, and retarded - exactly what Twitter would think up.

I was reading the LOL thread but I think it got deleted. And now I tried to reload it so it's gone, can't even read the thumbnails now.


Yea Pewter deleted it, that faggot is really incompetent at his job. He also fucked the UAB thread yesterday with bumplocking it instead of doing something about the goons.

Hahahahahahahaha How The Fuck Are Death Threats Scary Hahahaha Nigga Just Walk Away From The Screen Like Nigga Close Your Eyes Haha

>One, and the most recent of whom was a journo connected to Zoe.
That Jesse Singal guy, right? I think that was around the time he was starting to get vocal in the "online activism" crowd.

Couple of articles from then:
New York Magazine reporter Jesse Singal scams Candace Owens into an interview -
How A Torpedoed KS Unintentionally Revealed An Unlikely Unit Of Cyber-Terrorists -


Literally nazi propaganda

Please don't tell me this is new. If it is I think I need chemo.

I recognize that shitty artstyle, collegehumor.


Do we have a baker? If no one's baking, I'll do it. Anything you people want to add before we proceed to the next bread?

Bruce Straley Leaves Naughty Dog


What does this mean for their games?

They will become even worse, who cares at this point though.


eh, I am too numb.

Share me a decent Gilda picture and I'll put it on the next bread.

Is there a baker?




Where's the bread?


how the fuck is this spic song viewed by almost half of the fucking world population

Probably the same method as Chocolate Rain?

I remember listening to it in the gym once. One of the guys there went the fuck in there and changed it once everyone realized it was that song playing. It's popular because it is repetitive; basically an earworm song.

I call bullshit

Artificial trending and song of the day shit, it's like that, add in twitter and facebook e-celebs to post that shit and it gets shared a million times.


Gilda, this bread is for you.