Why are Japanese games trying to be so Western now?

What's Animeland's goal here?

Other urls found in this thread:


Making money, that's the only thing that japs care about

Japs don't play consoles anymore, westerners do.

Japs have been westaboos since getting railed by the americlap's fat man and little boy. This is not news.

They've been doing that since forever.
How do you think jrpgs started out, original OC genre? lmoa

RE has always been very western b-movie tier, OP. It doesn't change that RE7 is abysmal and should have been a different IP.

Because it's the natural order of the current economic system that demands that whenever there's a gap in the market that someone fills it. Since western devs have forgotten how to make to make good western games it's only natural that someone else will attempt to fill that void personally i was rooting for the slavs but i guess japs will have to do

They aren't westaboos. If they were, Westerners wouldn't be traumatized 24/7 by how different and wrong everything Japanese is.

Pretty much this; JRPGs have been western since their inception. Best you'd get in terms of japanese is one town that's meant to represent greater asia in general. Hell, Zelda 1 is about a dude in a tunic and leather boots, which gives suggestion of vaguely-roman more than anything.

You're forgetting a lot. Kojima for starters.

Because the western civilization is the superior one, and japan has been fascinated by it for a long time now (just watch Miyazaki goods too for example, or the influences of that jap making the MGS serie). Deal with it self-loathing weeb.

They would be decent people if they were.

*Miyazaki goods

*Miyazaki K.I.N.O.S.

It's more medieval than classical, Romans are more pictured with their sandals than boots. I don't know if they even had boots.

They were initially based on Western games but they became their own genre. That's why we call them JRPGs. And even if a JRPG has a Western-like setting it's still very different from a Western game.

This is what westaboos actually believe.

Maybe you should learn a bit about the history of jrpgs before opening your whore mouth.

The weeaboo is strong with this one.

The history of JRPGs doesn't do anything to disprove what I said.

I said nothing that would indicate I am one, and weeaboos no longer exist.

Too bad it does because the similarities don't end at "Western-like settings", you fucking retard.


I have no idea what you're talking about, retard. I said it's a different genre and I said that even if a JRPG has a Western-like setting it's still not the same thing as a Western game.

Seconding this entire post

Don't the similarities begin and end with both genres being a spin-off of the old tabletop RPGs. JRPGs focus more on the story and the characters while WRPGs focus more on the individual PC and exploring the world.

No, they don't. Jrpgs were rip-off of Ultimas and Wizardries, dumbed down for the gook audience.
And man, they couldn't get enough of that meaty Wizardry dick.

Early JRPGs like Dragon Quest were literally dumbed down Wizardry/Ultima.

They weren't rip-offs or dumbed down, nor were they made for the Korean market.

Oh ok, guess that settles it.

Oh ok, guess that settles it.

Definition of gook
:a nonwhite or non-American person; specifically :asian

Guess it do

Gook is specifically used for Koreans. Nip is the Japanese one.

The point ———————-→
You —-→

Be on the lookout, we have an ID Hopper.

Check the fucking dictionary mongoloid

Are you drunk?

He's mark-level retarded, he feels no need for trivialities such as reality.

Learn what words fucking mean mongoloid.

No, you are retarded.

Following the trends of what make more sales, that's it. Video games are becoming so expensive to make, most games float towards what's trending to make sure they sell. The western market is bigger, so naturally it sells more.

Personally I thought open world games were kind of a rip off of the original Zelda game. Nowadays, there's just a lot of crossover & borrowing.

You're right, people should not be allowed to make anything that doesn't emerge 100% from their own mind without any external influence whatsoever.

Yeah, I admit, I made the post in error. However, considering how both of you are just going "No you're wrong" back and forth, one could be forgiven in thinking that it's some samefag arguing with themselves.

No, never.

I don't care if gook once meant only koreans, nowadays it's used to refer to any and all slant eyed yellow monkeys as clearly stated by the fucking merriam webster dictionary.

Because nowadays the popular meme is that arguments on the internet have ceased to exist and it's all just one person samefagging. I've yet to see anyone explain why anyone should believe this meme.

Learn what words mean.

Special kind of retard.

The definition you quoted is completely detached from reality, retard.

Of course, you have all the true definitions. Aren't you just SPECIAL.


I'm not a retard like you who blindly believes everything a real or imagined authority says.

Because the west is superior, deal with it weebshit
your gook scribbles will never be art

The reality is that only you out of 16 UIDs have a problem with using "gook" on japs.

You know deep down that Japan is superior and that's why you're lashing out in such an insecure manner.

This is just an appeal to the majority. Try again.



anime will never be art, the entire world laughs at your pedo cartoons

Anime is art. It isn't the same thing as cartoons and has nothing to do with pedophilia. You are just insecure and butthurt because you know it's better than Western animation.


This is the only thing businesses care about*
It's not just the japs, m8.

Stop replying to this guy, he is just baiting.

Where is the art?

But japs are the jews of azns.

Ancient history and completely irrelevant to what we're talking about. You know Japan is superior.

No he isn't.

Where isn't the art? Anime combines filmmaking with painting and drawing. If that isn't art then nothing is art and your argument is moot.

user, I…

Art is transfer of the soul to canvas you insect creature, something asians are incapable of, meaningless gook scribbles are not art.

The only bitch around here is America with big daddy Israel keeping tabs on it.

Yes you are.

They don't.

Art does not mean just painting or "transfer of the soul to canvas." If you don't know what art is then maybe you should stop posting. Anime is art and there's nothing you can do about it.

I'm what?

where the hell did you get that from what I said? Zelda being an influence for open world games is nowhere near "don't use any external influence".

I mean Zelda itself ripped off a ton of things.
Peter Pan and Tinkerbell obviously influenced Link's visual look & the use of fairies.
Groundhog Day's concept of reliving the same events was the basis for Majora's Mask time mechanic.
Even the Triforce symbol is probably derived from the Japanese Hojo clan.

Sure, it is.

From you accusing people of "ripping off" Zelda. Also, Ultima predates Zelda.

Baiting, have another (You)

I know exactly what art is and only european western society has managed to achieve it
Except you won't find a single respected artist or art critic in the world who thinks that, everyone shit's on anime because it's lazily drawn, soulless gook scribbles for basement dwelling pedos like you and everyone knows it at this point.

There was no bait. Nice attempt at damage control though.

JRPGs trace their routes back to games like Ultima and Wizardry and apart from higher production values haven't strayed from them.

Inb4 muh Western produced jayrpgs.

So you are legitimately retarded?

If anime is not art then nothing is art.

Well sure. If any respected artist or critic is cited as an example, you'll just claim they aren't respected. Also this is an appeal to authority.

"Everyone" doesn't shit on anime (see for example the RT reviews for Your Name), and it has significantly higher quality drawings than Western animation.

Meaningless buzzword.

Anime is not Korean, and it looks far better than Western animation.


JRPGs are not the same thing.

No, you are.



Holy shit this is some weeaboo fuckery.
I wanted to discuss why Japanese games were changing. I never expected some butthurt weeb to come along and shit all over the place.

You Japcucks are really, seriously annoying. Japan has good shit, the west has good shit.

Good luck living in Japan, since you seem to love it so much. Let's see how the locals feel about you.

I'm not a weeaboo and weeaboos don't even exist anymore.

You are projecting your butthurt onto me and blaming me for something I am not responsible for.

I never said or implied anything about living there.


An underaged maid in suggestive clothing is the deepest form of expression there is, you uncultured fuck.

zelda and resident evil are more popular in the west than japan, also you're cherrypicking, there's still a ton of animu games getting made

Wasn't the triforce a sierpinski triangle?

I wish

Your wish has come true.

get a life

You are still posting too, so take your own advice.

granted i will give you that the color choices of stuff like k-on fucking suck dick. grab a still from even cheap older stuff you'll find more respectable color choices

that's a stretch, shit tons of anime are barely animated especially more modern ones that cater to those no-taste fucking slanteyes who's lack of standards prevent anything interesting from being made. I would bank that you could boot up a random episode from any anime this season and you'd get like a solid 10 minutes of still frames with just mouths moving, or the back of a characters head. An episode of spongebob would bring more to the table than that in the animation department

Of course this is majorly due to budget as well, and the aforementioned tasteless zipperheads who don't care about the quality of the product so long as you shove one or two waifus into it

It isn't a stretch, it's a plainly obvious fact to anyone who is honest and has an adequate sense of aesthetics.

I wasn't talking about the amount of animation, and it's a myth that anime is "barely animated."

This is not real. Those people don't exist and this is not happening.

Then you are very bad at banking and have obviously never actually watched anime.

It is false that the quality of animation or the overall visual quality of a work of animation is determined by the number of animation frames, but this false belief is one of the reasons why Western animation is so inferior to anime.

This is not real, and a character cannot intrinsically be a waifu.

Literally every post you have made

Jesus christ. It's the anime autist.

This is literally a lie, and you are blaming me for something someone else said.

His /cow/ thread for anyone wondering how someone so autistic can exist. >>>/cow/264309

Ah so this person is a known lolcow who enjoys moeshit, that explains everything. Also anime isn't an artform :^)

And here comes Holla Forums again.

The real story is that months ago someone on Holla Forums criticized an anime (Kobayashi-san), and when I defended it the thread exploded in rage and an outbreak of mass hysteria occured that eventually spanned four or so threads. Holla Forums went to /cow/ for help and lied about what happened to gain their support. They've been hunting me ever since across different boards, and even brought the fight to 4chan a few times. They have some kind of batshit crazy opposition to Kobayashi-san and consider it unforgivable for anyone to say anything in its defense, so even today they are patrolling boards for any signs of me so they can continue the struggle. It's not "autistic" when you have a mob of people on your side.

I'm not a lolcow. It's the Holla Forums crusaders who are actually worthy of that title.

Moeshit doesn't exist and anime isn't art then nothing is.

Oi, anime autist I missed you.

that was all me tbqh

Autist doesn't mean anything.

Oh anime autist what do you mean by this? It's like you have forgotten your old friends at Holla Forums. I feel hurt.

If you are innocent then how come people are so easily able to spot your writing style and make you sperg at their will? Could it be…that your autistic brain is unable to not engage with trolls?

do go on.

Maybe you should stop outing yourself with that obvious writing style and stop falling for the lowest hanging bait like a retard, probably too much for you.



Western platform-holders and publishers have been butthurt at Japan for over a decade, but especially after Japan closed ranks on the Xbawks One after its hardware issues caused Japanese retailers considerable embarrassment with their customers, and after Japanese audiences refused to respond to "muh AAA" movie-style marketing and did not fall for the more budget = better game meme. These platform holders are some of the original viral marketers, who developed many of the shilling tactics we now see today.

Systematic denigration of anything relating to Japanese games and related popular culture is pursued by these Hollywood knockoffs because it reduces the need to compete with Japanese product. This new line is merely a new variation on an old theme, and you will see new variations tried as they experiment with each one to see if it can gain any traction. The meme has lost potency in recent years and they are trying to get it back as Japan resurges.

This has happened before, it is happening now, and it will happen again.


Autist doesn't mean anything.

lol anime autist

The west is not going to exist in 10 to 20 years.

"Respected artists" make cans full of shit and the "respected critics" write glowing reviews of such "art".

This thread says otherwise

The west is not going to exist in 10 to 20 years.

"Respected artists" make cans full of shit and the "respected critics" write glowing reviews of such "art".

This thread says otherwise.

anons taking the bait, bravo.

I enjoyed the dragon maid anime a lot. One of the few shows where I'd watch the OP every time, too. What were the points they were making against it?

Yeah, I remember. Anime doesn't exist and autism is a feeling, right?
Anime=Cartoons though.


you wish.

we all wish

I thought those were the Chinese?

Autist doesn't mean anything.

How does the fact that Holla Forums monitors every board so they can attack me for no valid reason mean that I have done something wrong?

Autistic doesn't mean anything, and they aren't trolls. This is damage control.

I am not "outing" myself, you are the ones who monitor boards and analyze posts and then start talking about this.

It does not.

I don't remember anymore.

Anime and cartoons are two different things.

Like some of their executives. knaamean? knaamean? :^)

Chinese actually invented shit, japs only buy and sell

that's unfortunate
but the opening track is a banger no doubt

Explain the difference.



I don't think anyone has to. I read one of your posts and immediately know it's you. Your autistic posting style is one of a kind.

That's wrong.

Obviously untrue.

Explain what isn't the difference. Aside from some barebones technical features like both being hand-drawn animation, there is nothing they have in common.

Autistic doesn't mean anything.

It isn't.

burden of proof is on you. They are both drawn media with many frames that are put together to create the illusion of motion, and there is no difference

Also when will posting be unfucked?

I did not make the initial claim, so the burden of proof is not on me.

So you are saying that things like character design, animation technique, cinematography, editing, background art, sound design, voice acting and music and many other things don't exist or are somehow not relevant? What do you base this on?

Japanese people call spongebob anime.

Explain how all those things are in any way different from how western cartoons operate.

Ah this is the vintage anime autist that I missed. He won't play with us at Holla Forums anymore. Not even his autism could defeat the spergs of Holla Forums.

Because the literal meaning of anime is animation. So they are saying it's animation, which is of course what it is. When is this argument going to go away?

Explain how they're not. Explain for example how a Mickey Mouse short is no different from Your Name or Cowboy Bebop or Madoka or Akira.

that's unfortunate
but the opening track is a banger no doubt


Not an argument and never was, and it's because of you people that this is happening.

The person you arguing with is either an autist of the highest caliber or a dedicated "merely pretending" shitposter, but what you just said holds no water when respected artists and art critics smear period blood on walls and call it art.

I have a Japanese friend. He's told me that while they have lefties in Japan too, the majority of the younger generations are right wing and can't stand lefties feminists etc. And 2ch has been far right for its entire existence AFAIK, far longer than Holla Forums has dominated chan culture. So while there certainly are commies in Japan trying to secure a foothold, I don't think Japan will succumb any time soon.

The thing holding Japan together IMHO is that the postwar generation (their boomers), the people most likely to benefit from immigration today (cheap foreign elderly care), are even more right wing than the younger generations, and so would never agree to open the floodgates. They get angry about chinks and gooks for fuck's sake, let alone jungle asians and ooga boogas. Eventually they'll die and who knows what will happen when the younger generations take control, but they really bought Japan several generations of time, compared to our boomer cucks that sold us to the jews in a heartbeat.

Autist doesn't mean anything and I have not shitposted anywhere, unlike you.

So you're saying cartoon=anime? Why are we even arguing then?
I knew we'd get along great, anime autist.

Holy shit, this dude is still posting?
Please go back to reddit

I did not say anywhere that cartoon=anime, I said the opposite. Cartoons and anime are not the same thing.

Autist doesn't mean anything.

I am still posting because you are still posting, and why should I go to reddit?

You think the autism is your ally, you merely adopted the (110) here. Anime autist was born in it, molded by it. You didn’t see the (521) until it was already 404d; by then, (110) was nothing to me but normalfaggotry! The autism betrays you, because it belongs to him.

This is not an argument and never will be an argument, and it is because of you that this is still going.

Autism doesn't mean anything.


A cartoon is a subset of animation. Anime is another, different subset of animation.

substantiate your claim.

What is there to substantiate? It's self-evident, unless you are pushing an agenda or your brain is not working right. The differences between cartoons and anime are extremely pronounced.

What agenda would we be pushing?
It's self-evident that anime and cartoons are the same. Everyone here besides you seems to agree.


Filter+ him and stop giving him attention.

Ask him about the dictionary definition.


An anti-anime agenda.

It is not, unless again you are pushing an agenda or your brain doesn't work right.

Appeal to majority. Something is not true just because many people say it is.

This is not an argument and this will never be an argument and this is still your fault.

I am not baiting and I did not start this.

I don't agree.


There is no bait.

There is no spoon :^)

I got that reference.

how is calling anime cartoons anti anime?


How? That doesn't even make sense.

Let's look at the definition wikipedia gives:
Anime (Japanese: アニメ, [aɲime], plural: anime)[a] is a Japanese term for hand-drawn or computer animation.

Now cartoon:
A film using animation techniques to photograph a sequence of drawings rather than real people or objects.

well congrats you're as autistic as anime autist

Cartoons are a low form of animation. Trivial, simple, childish, repetitive. That's why the anti-anime movement is desperate to label anime as cartoons.

The foreign usage of anime is different from the Japanese one.

This definition is wrong.

Autistic doesn't mean anything.

In what way? Everyone I know loves disney and sings the praises of their animated films all day. Everyone seems to like them.

Anime is a convenient way to say "cartoon from japan". They're not interchangeable because the word cartoon cannot be used in the same way without saying "Japanese cartoon".

I just explained in what way.

I wasn't talking about Disney films.

Anime does not mean cartoons from Japan.

But Disney makes tons of cartoons, and everyone loves them. People don't see them as low.

I'm fucking dying. Send help.

But you yourself said they call spongebob anime


if I were to google autism I'd probably find your posts

Something is not a cartoon just because it was made by Disney or in America.

Are you saying disney films are not cartoons?

Damage control. Obviously there exists a huge movement against anime.

Because by anime they mean animation. You are mystifying the matter because it's a foreign language. All they are saying is that Spongebob is animation.

Because it's equivalent to defining a car as a motor vehicle with wheels. That's wrong because it's incomplete and also implicates motorcycles, trucks and ATVs.

Autism doesn't mean anything.


If they aren't cartoons then what are they? What is a cartoon by your definition?

No, he is saying that the fact that Disney and America made them is not what makes them cartoons. Reading comprehension nigga. Disney owns Star Wars. Are all new Star Wars movies now cartoons?

Joy, another fucking West vs. Japan thread.

They are animation movies.

A Mickey Mouse or Popeye short is a representative example of a cartoon.


my favorite comic is berserk

This definition is wrong.

That's wrong.

It isn't.

But Disney does make cartoons, and those cartoons are held in high esteem. Who doesn't love shit like cinderella and lion king?

So what makes mickey mouse and lion king different?

So wait you are telling me that your definition of cartoon is more valid than the dictionary?

Pirates of the Carribean is a cartoon.

It is.

Unless you are pushing an agenda or have brain problems, you should be able to deduce easily that Disney's feature films are not the same thing as their cartoon shorts.


Nigger it's a feature length cartoon.

It isn't.

Where's the proof? I have something to back up what I'm saying. You don't.
Stop resisting so we of the anti anime movement can finally destroy all anime.

Do you trust this definition of gender?

I've provided the proof many times in the past and it's a waste of time. People either lack the intelligence to understand or are pushing an agenda that contradicts what I'm saying.

Now you're just acting dumb on purpose if you think anyone doesn't know how common it is for words to change meaning when other languages borrow them. In Japan, the word "Viking" means "Buffet", for example.

You'd be surprised by how many somewhat refutable arguments on these threads never get any replies and get buried under namecalling.
These threads along with console wars, story vs gameplay and "are games art" threads truly bring a lot of cuckchanners.

Cartoons have to be a specific length now?

You've posted this many times. Yet there's never any proof

nobody gives a shit. this is all just to bait him. he'll still respond even after I post this


Because the west is doing it wrong and the Japs are putting them in their place.
"Oh, you made this open-world fantasy adventure game? Sit back and watch how a real game developer does it"

Are you telling me that there is academic agenda to change the definition of cartoon. Just regular ass cartoon?


I never said it means the same thing in both languages, I said the opposite.

Maybe not in principle, but they are short.

There has been proof, but again:

This is damage control. You are not baiting.

So the spongebob movie is not a cartoon?

I find that highly unlikely. No actually I just flat out don't believe you. Social sexual bullshit yes but not cartoon.

Fuck, i meant to respond to this guy:>>13407707

Cartoons are art while anime is just moeblob, waifubaiting low effort garbage anyways.

It's oviously all the anti anime movement.

Are you implying the jews don't control nearly all western cartoons, most modern dictionaries, and aren't trying to actively take over and corrupt anime?

Moeblobs and waifubait don't exist.

Can you show me where the definition of cartoon has been changed in the dictionary in the the last few decades?

Doesn't he get his shit bashed in by a yandere high school girl with a baseball bat?

Autism doesn't mean anything.


Moeblobs don't exist and neither does waifubait. Anime is very high effort, and if anime is garbage then logically everything else is too.







Whether you think anime is good or not, lmao @ those who watch western cartoons.

The true definition no longer exists. It's not my fault you weren't paying attention.

Ah I see your game. Carry on.

That seems like quite the leap. How is that at all logical?
I think I broke him

Stop baiting you fucker. You had me until you quoted him.

Since anime is a very diverse medium with varying levels of quality, you can't say it's garbage. If you do say it, why should it not apply to everything? There is logically no reason why it shouldn't.

I think you are not very bright.

This is no game.

There is no bait.

No, it's all garbage.

rude :(

Skimming through that /cow/ thread posted earlier I'd say this one came off the shelf broken.


Pretending to be someone else and shitting up the thread even more by causing chaos is a popular tactic, yes, but consider: we have IDs here, and unlike me you sage every post (which is visible here, unlike on 4chan).

Then so is everything else.

I'd say you are projecting. Because you are.

I am not pretending to be anyone, and I forgot sage was on.

Did you forget which thread you're posting in or do you just not care?

Again, we have IDs here.

This is wrong. The entirety of anime is garbage. Which means your entire argument is void.


Pretending doesn't exist.

He'll get more broken once he starts spamming the same thing over and over again. I thought the dots indicated something like that.

Yes, that's why it is obvious that I can't possibly be pretending to be anyone.

I love you.


No, your argument is void. If anime is garbage then everything is garbage, and if everything is garbage then there is no point in trying to single out anime.

Does that mean you're planning to spam the same thing over and over again, which I will respond to in kind because there's no reason to alter my response?

They didn't.

Please come back to Holla Forums. It's nothing but half assed political bait posting now. It's all dross and unworthy of breaking on the wheel of shitposting. We need that old magic back. The anime autism.

That's pretty badass.

So it was just a spontaneous autism attack?

Autism doens't mean anything.

You can return to Holla Forums if you care so much about it that you are bringing it up on Holla Forums for no reason.

Autism doesn't mean anything.

Autism doesn't mean anything.

My posts were not going through but trying to re-submit them without changes triggered the flood filter. Waiting for the post to go through does not work, it has to be forced through by posting again.

Meaning doesn't mean anything.

Come on it will be just like one of you nip cart- I mean animes. You know the retired autist comes back to fight one last battle with the forces of anti anime shitposting. It will be great. The kids, anime autist, the young shitposters need a true autiste to look up to and emulate. Do it for the kids autist rider.

Anything doesn't mean anything.

All this forced crossboard drama might make some sliver of sense on 4chan, but Holla Forums boards are user-created and standalone. If you expect this site to work like 4chan then maybe you should just go to 4chan. Or r/subredditdrama.

Drama doesn't mean anything.

Doesn't does not mean anything.

I don't just randomly say that something doesn't mean anything. There are reasons. You clearly don't understand that.



Tough talk for someone who still posts on 4chan. I get it you can't agree to return in the first episode. It disrupts the narrative flow. Still you surely can't sleep at night knowing enemies of justice and animes lurk on a board you used to frequent, what kind of hot blooded anime autist would ignore the cries of oppressed anime fans on a board?

I said nothing indicative of leftism.

This is not an argument. This will not become an argument no matter how many times you repeat it. And you are, as always, at fault for this situation.

I didn't say I post on 4chan.

If you are so obsessed with Holla Forums then go back to Holla Forums. This is Holla Forums.

I've provided the proof many times in the past and it's a waste of time.

Mean does anything not.

I did not say that randomly either. You just think I'm saying random things and you think it's funny to imitate me.

Please. Half the screen caps of your mighty autism on /cow/ are from 4chan. There is no point in denying it. Of course a anime defender such as yourself must go to any imageboard where the forces of anti anime might plot their nefarious plans.

Holla Forums is contained within Holla Forums. Thus, this is Holla Forums, thus you should have no problem going there.


Why won't you come back to /cow/ and defend yourself?

There is no such thing as imitation.

Randomly is a feeling.

Because they are trying to imitate the superior culture, I wish their crappy pedo cartoons would follow suit.

I also didn't say I've never posted on 4chan.

Autism doesn't mean anything.

Why is it wrong for me to defend anime, but absolutely fine for you to attack it?

"Back" implies I've been there. I have not. And I clearly have no need to go there since you have people monitoring every board day and night and attacking me on sight.

Anime (which is completely distinct from cartoons) is far superior to Western animation and has nothing to do with pedophilia.

Pedophilia and imitation don't exist and anime is not cartoons.

We still have IDs and you are still saging. This shit may work on 4chan but we are not on 4chan.

Except you did back when your thread was first created.

My ID does not matter, what matters is my plan.
Holla Forums is just 4+4chan. We are actually twice as on 4chan than we would be by being on 4chan.


I also did not say anything about the timeframe of my 4chan posts. Are you trying to go somewhere with this? And did you ever check the creation date on that thread and consider why you are still posting about this?

Explain what?

Because we are the bad guys, silly. It's in the name, anti-anime. We are supposed to be mean and unfair. That's why you have to do battle with us whereever we might lurk. Do it for the dragongirl.

IDs and saging don't exist. If IDs and saging exist then logically everything else does too.

You are the ones who are battling me. It's been months and you are still monitoring boards and attacking me and derailing threads.


As in what? At least try to explain yourself.

No, I want you to explain yourself.

That is a girl wearing a pink shirt, white panties, and white bows in her pink hair. Are you blind?

It looks like PEDOPHILIA to me

What does this have to do with me? Are you trying to change the subject because you can't explain what anime has to do with pedophilia?

Pedophilia doesn't real.

Anime is a codeword for pedophilia and you claim to like it therefore that makes you a paedo.

Anime has nothing to do with pedophilia.

This is a canadian imageboard, get out.

Pedophilia is only real in your head. You are the one seeing a child in a sexual way. I hope you will some day get the psychiatric care you need. In a padded cell.

Hey, autist, you said that steam boat mickey was a cartoon right?

Autism doesn't mean anything, and thus you are addressing no one.

Okay, ID 99727b, would you say that steam boat mickey is a cartoon?

Except everything

Why do you even bother responding? Do you really believe anyone here isn't just fucking with you?
Your next line is: Damage control hurr durr

Steam Boat Mickey doesn't exist.

Yes. Though if you look at my ID, you will realize this is the first time I have addressed any Mickey cartoons and that you are probably looking for an user in short range of (72) to address your concerns to.

Dragongirlwould be sad to see her hero talk like this. I have faith you will not leave your people to suffer under the bootheels of evil 3d live action loving normalfags who intentionally misuse weeb and shit on innocent animus girls. Why you can't even post smug without getting shit on there. You will deliver your people into the land of ranma doujin and honey or die trying. We will be waiting.

Except nothing.

Damage control.

Because that's what you're doing.

I know you and (72) are the same, you have the same mannerisms. Any way are you familiar with a man by the name of osamu tezuka?

You are one sick twisted individual.

He is specifically imitating me.

No, you are.

I'm not real

I am not him, and I am not imitating him. If I am he, then so would be . I am vaguely familiar with the man who has been memed as the godfather of all anime.

Reality doesn't mean anything.

Imitation is not real.

You don't mean anything, loser.

I mean no offense.

I don't exist and therefore couldn't be immitating anyone. I have provided evidence to back my arguments. You have not.

Then I will redirect my questions to you is steam boat mickey a cartoon?

You mean Steamboat Willie, and yes it should be a cartoon. What about it?

You don't exist and therefore can not have provided evidence to back your arguments. Thus you must be wrong and you are imitating someone, which would make sense, since neither you nor imitation exists.

Do you know osamu tezuka?

What about him?

He is often hailed as the father of anime, and produced many works. Would you call his works anime?

Astro Boy started anime. What about it?

Your definition of existing is wrong. You at least made some attempt at making coherent arguments even though you lost in the end.

Oh boy, here we go.

You cannot not know my defintion of existing or existence because you do not exist and cannot know anything. Furthermore, you don't exist and thus no one can lose and argument with you or even have one. Thus, I have not lost any arguments.

Are you aware he himself said he was influenced by cartoons by Walt Disney, including Uncle scrooge, Dumbo, and Bambi?

Yes, he was a Disney fan. What about it? Just get to the point already.

meant for

Anime is gay btw

He made anime, and his style was influenced by cartoons. I think my point is pretty clear, anime is japanese cartoons.

No it isn't.

I've seen some very gay anime like Meganobu

The Matrix was heavily influenced by Ghost in the Shell. My point is pretty clear. The Matrix is an American manga.

Boku no pico

If it was animated, then yeah it would be.

Animatrix :^)

Boku no pico isn't anime, it's hentai.

It was probably a delusion of your wild homosexual imagination.

Manga are not animated.

I kind of figured you were going for this argument, which I've heard a hundred times by now.

Tezuka was influenced by many things, and American animation was the least of them. His character designs were reminiscent of American cartoons but otherwise he took little if any influence from them. And he simply got the ball rolling, many other people started producing anime after that.

There is no such thing as arguments. I find it sad but unsuprising that you are reduced to defining my existence just to continue a losing debate.

Stop impersonating me. We have IDs here (which is visible here, unlike 4chan). Also K-On is the worst anime to ever exist, as I have proven time and time again.

No, it was pretty prominent. He said he saw bambi more than 80 times.

This is perhaps the worst attempt at shitposting I've ever seen.

Yes, he did. What about it? I am talking about what he made, not what he watched.

You have voided all statements. You are just arguing for argument's sake. I've seen this tactic before. You'll just say whatever it takes to keep the thread going for as long as possible.
Impossible. Moeshit does not exist.

Bet you haven't seen astro boy 80 times pleb


Not an argument, and it's your fault that this is still going on.

So you maintain that he was not influenced by american cartoons very much? Even though he said "I first followed the comics of Tagawa Suihō and Yokoyama Ryūichi. But suddenly, once I became devoted to Disney, I set out to copy and master that stuffed-animal style, eventually ending up with how I now draw."

Disney doesn't exist

The guy took almost ¼ of the posts of this thread for himself.

¼ one-fucking-quarter.

Shitposting does not mean anything and this post can therefore not be the worst attempt at it you've ever seen. You don't even have any evidence that it is, That is simply a label you have attached in order to try to belittle me since you can't actually refute my points.

Aside from character designs I don't see much American animation influence.

And it's your fault.


Post count is a social construct. archive.fo/TB7Ww#selection-62651.0-62651.5

And it's your fault.

You're to blame user.

Are you aware you're talking to a n00b who denies that jrpgs started off as crpg rip-offs?

It doesn't matter what you see, he himself said he took large influence from cartoons. Anime is japanese cartoons.

its past 300 now you can stop saging

It wasn't intentional. You can see from my post history that I have a habit of forgetting it's on.


I never said JRPGs aren't based on CRPGs.

As I said, his character designs were influenced by American cartoons. That does not mean everything else was.

They aren't, and even if supposed for argument's sake that Tezuka's anime in the 60s were carbon copies of American cartoons, the argument doesn't extend beyond his works. It doesn't mean anything for Gundam or Aim for the Ace.

What would it take for you to stop arguing?

It's your fault he's (84). It would take you stopping your incorrect posts.

You started this, not me.

Not just his character designs, his whole style and the scope of his writing. And his style is what set the bar for the rest of the industry. The cartoon influence is deeply embedded in anime. They are equivocal.

His style came from Donald Duck. The scope of Astro boy is not the same.

Yes, I know. But what would it take? You gave up posting on /cow/ Holla Forums and Holla Forums. Why did you stop?

No, his overall style is clearly not like cartoons, and anime is completely different from cartoons on every level. You are either delusional or pushing an agenda.


The scope of astro boy is the same as things like bambi and snow white. Tezuka admitted this, why won't you?

Quote him.

You started this, not me.

I never gave up posting on /cow/ because I have never made a single post there. I left Holla Forums after the entire board had a cataclysmic meltdown and declared war on me and then I was banned. I left Holla Forums due to a lack of interest.

Maybe you should leave Holla Forums, because reddit seems more your style.

ive barely been paying attention to this trainwreck; i checked out when the /cow/ autist couldn't say "the difference between cartoons and anime is the difference between hamburger and filet mignon"

and then he kept fucking going

But that already happened here on Holla Forums, and yet you're still here.

Autist doesn't mean anything and I have no affiliation or association with /cow/. I "keep going" because you keep going. You started this, not me.

Just go to reddit already.

Japan never produced anything worthwhile.

I would like to go on record and say this has been the funniest thread on Holla Forums in recent memory.

Then neither did anyone else.

You told a different user to go to reddit. This Holla Forums and we have IDs here. This not 4chan, this is double 4chan.

I'm not the one still lurking cuckchan :^)

Answer this.

But no one has posted any jokes or is joking?

Which is true.

That's what I said.

Neither am I.

Then how did you know they don't have IDs?

And yet I'm still laughing.

Are you really this stupid?


Can't answer the question? Are you really this stupid?

You probably have a mental disorder.

The fact that you can't make coherent points combined with the fact that you keep going is A, a prime example of why you deserve a /cow/ thread, and B, a fine showing of your blistering autism. And this is coming from the mother fucker who, several times, went into a Rabbit thread and made concise points as to why it shouldn't be on Holla Forums. And i, like you, replied to them as long as they replied to me, because that's how a conversation works, but jesus, either you're being baited hard or this was high-functioning dickhead competition between two or more people pretending super fucking hard and i'm just blundering in like a jovial drunk.

I'm impressed, bump limit being reached hasn't slowed down anyone.


It is true, and I don't lurk 4chan.

I wish this quote+reaction image meme would just disappear already.

It's your question that's stupid.

My points are more coherent than anyone else's, and I keep going because you keep going. You started this, not me.

I don't, and that's a fact. It's you people who should have one.

Autism doesn't mean anything.


And your answer is even less intellectual. Stop lowering the bar for conversation and answer the stupid question properly so that the bar may be raised again.

Literally the intellectual prowess of a six year in a sandbox fight.

If you are so insistent that I must be lying, then let's some proof.

I am more intellectual than anyone else here, and I'm not the one lowering the bar. That would be you.

Literally how most justice systems work.

be a new meme?


It's not a meme, it's a statement of fact. Instead of acknowledging this fact or at least putting up a futile fight against it, you are trying to spin it as a "meme." Incredible.

Not applicable.

Most justice systems are literally wrong. Like dictionaries.
I've provided the proof many times in the past and it's a waste of time. You either lack the intelligence to understand or are pushing an agenda that contradicts what I'm saying.
The intellectual prowess of six year old and and ego.

You have autism
confirmed for meme

The fact that dictionaries are wrong about some things does not mean that justice systems are wrong for taking into account who started a fight. This does not make any sense.

This is a copy-paste of something I said. So you have no proof, by your own admission.

Stating a fact does not make someone like a six year old.

It's not a meme, it's a statement of fact. Instead of acknowledging this fact or at least putting up a futile fight against it, you are trying to spin it as a "meme." Incredible.

Autism doesn't mean anything and facts aren't memes. Memes are the fetal stage of facts before they are fully embedded in the shared human unconscious as truth.


Yes it does.

No it isn't. It's a common general statement often made by people when they state facts repeatedly which are disregarded.

What you stated was not fact.

I said it's not applicable because it isn't. It does not apply. Maybe you are just projecting.

It doesn't. You are incapable of logical thinking.

It's my post and you copied it.

It was.


It does, and ad hominem is not an argument.

You can't own words and ideas.

It was not.

Yes. That's what I said.

It does not.

I said nothing about owning words and ideas. I said it was my post and you copy-pasted it.

It was.

no u

Not in your warped perspective.

And I said I did not. Not only is it different, it's a common response to your level of fact denial.

Repeating it enough won't make it true.

Not an argument.

There is nothing wrong with my perspective. You are just not capable of logical reasoning.

You cannot hide copy-pasting someone else's post. It's an absolute clear-cut matter.

I am not in denial of any facts.

I never argued that it becomes true by virtue of repetition.

Well it was fun shitposting with you my anti-anime-movement brethren but it is time for me to go and do something less autistic. Someone archive the thread again before it dies please.

You wouldn't be able to recognize logical reasoning from your warped perspective.

Correct. I can't, and did not.

You are.

You implied it with your impotent flailing at argument that was your repetition of a falsehood.

I just saw the last few posts on the /cow/ thread, and there is this gem:
These people have had a thread going since 2017.04.20 with 258 replies and are always patrolling boards and even other sites in case they spot me and can attack me, but I'm the one who can't let go. I didn't know it was even possible for people to be so badly lacking in self-awareness, and I say that as someone who is familiar with SJWs.

Nobody here is shitposting.

Your blatant misuse and corruption of language leads me to believe you may be an SJW yourself, trying too hard to fit in.

There is, again, nothing wrong with my perspective. You are just not capable of logical reasoning.

I said:
To which you said:

List these facts and explain how I'm in denial of them.

I implied no such thing, and at no point did I engage in any "impotent flailing," or post any falsehoods.

I have not misused or corrupted language, nor have I expressed in any way that I'm an SJW. You are just grasping at straws to create a red herring to draw attention away from your hypocrisy.

If I am not, then it stands that you are less capable.

Then we are in agreement. I did not copy past anything.

List these facts and explain how I'm in denial of them.
I will list one: You have the intellectual prowess of a six year old. I believe both this fact and your denial of it should be self-evident, except maybe to you, who are not capable of logical reasoning.

You have misused and corrupted the term moeshit, and then refused to define it as it would reveal how much you've tampered with it's meaning. These are clear SJW tactics. When you refused to, you insulted the question itself as a red herring to draw attention away from your hypocrisy.

I'm not.

You did.

This is false.


Quote where this happened and explain how I misused or corrupted the term.

I never refused to define it.

The sole reason you are saying this is because I happened to mention SJWs in one post. You are desperately grasping at straws.

You are just mindlessly copying something I said without understanding what it is.

Sounds like something a SJW would say.

So here's something from the board's rules:
Mods: given that this thread (and the other one) are clearly violating these rules, and given that you have chosen to take no action against anyone or anything (except temp banning me for making a report), are you admitting that the rules don't apply and nobody has to follow them? Then how is this board different from Holla Forums? Seems like we can do whatever we want.

Sounds like grasping at straws just because I happened to mention SJWs.


Autism doesn't mean anything.

Factually incorrect my spergy friend

Then it stand that I am capable.

Stop lying.

You have the intellectual prowess of a six year old. This is truth, truth beauty

You have ignored and denied facts presented you clearly yet again.

It does. And you refuse to define it. Because if you did, then people would point to it's existence based on it's definition you gave and your argument would fall to pieces.

You did. You insulted the very question of defining it as irrelevant.

It is not. You are merely deflecting from the point as an SJW would.

I copied nothing. I type everything letter by letter and my thoughts and speech are my own.

It is.

It is not.

More clear misuse of language.

Autism means nothing.

If I had to guess I would say that the vols (not mods here halfcuck) find you a hilarious sperg and enjoy laughing at you.

It is factually correct.

You aren't.

I didn't lie.

This is false.

I did not ignore or deny any facts.

It doesn't.

I never refused to define it.

Quote where this happened.

The sole reason you are saying this is because I happened to mention SJWs in one post.

You did.

The sole reason you are saying this is because I happened to mention SJWs in one post.

The sole reason you are saying this is because I happened to mention SJWs in one post.

How did I misuse language in that post?

How does me using the old and universally used term "mod" mean I'm a "halfcuck"?

If the mods aren't taking any action then by their own admission Holla Forums has no rules and they have no grounds for taking action against anyone for any reason.

The law in the real world is applied unfairly, you think a single person (other than spergs like you) give a shit about the rules of an imageboard for pedo weebs?

They are vols here. Only tourists from halfchan use mod. Betrayed out of your own mouth, halfcuck.

4chan did not invent the term and virtually everyone here came from 4chan. You are trying too hard.

Autism doesn't mean anything, and why even declare rules if they are actually null and void and you don't care about them?

Japan IS a western country. It's basically an american colony.

No weaseling out of this one, halfcuck. You use mod because you are used to posting of halfchan. No other reason.


It isn't either of those things.

I am not weaseling out of anything and I just explained why you have no grounds for calling me a halfcuck.

You can post this as many times as you want to. It still won't turn it into an argument. And you are still the ones responsible for this. No matter how much you post this, your own culpability will not change.

I just explained why you are a halfcuck, halfcuck. Everyone else has had years to acclimate to this imageboards terminology. You are a tourist and still have the posting habits of halfchan.

And I just explained why you're wrong, and you have no answer to that.

I have explained why you are and you have no answer to it because it is the truth. Now return from whence you came, halfcuck.

You are wrong. I explained why. You have no answer in response. You lost.


The dictionary is wrong and sperg doesn't mean anything.

Sperg doesn't mean anything.

I am.

You did.

You lied again.

You have again.

Then would you please define it?

You said as above to an user who agreed with your false statement that moeshit does not exist.

I have not copied nothing.

Impotently repeating something does not make it true.

You intentionally misinterpreted the rules.

It is not universally used. Here on Holla Forums, twice the 4chan, we say vols. Anons who continue to use the antiquated "mod" are halfcucks.

Autism does not mean a thing.

No one ever said that and it does not negate his point.

Their high ethnic purity suggests otherwise.

Post count is literally a social construct.

He has fair grounds to call you a half cuck.

Incorrect. You are reduced to vainly saying "no" with nothing to argue against my accurate accusation. You only embarrass yourself by continuing to flail impotently.

You aren't.

I didn't.

I didn't.

I haven't.

It doesn't exist.

It wasn't a false statement, and what is your point?

You did.

I have not "impotently" repeated myself, nor have I argued that something must be true because it's repeated.

I did not.

It is.

There are and have been many, many, many more communities on the internet than just 4chan and Holla Forums.

This has been disproven.

It does negate his point.

He does not.

Your accusation was not accurate and was already disproven. You lost.

Ethnic purity matters jackshit. They lost their original culture, subsituted with "muh west". They also lost their army, and they lost their honor. It's a goddamn western country.

Your only defense is that other places say mod. All well and good but here on Holla Forums we say vol. Not mod. You have no defense except to admit you use a term we do not use here ergo you are a tourist almost certainly from halfchan, halfcuck

They didn't.

They have a military, and it's up to them whether they want to lift its remaining restrictions.

And yet Westerners are crying a river of tears day and night because Japan is too different from the West.

You have been proven wrong. You lost.

Your only defense is that other places say mod. All well and good but here on Holla Forums we say vol. Not mod. You have no defense except to admit you use a term we do not use here ergo you are a tourist almost certainly from halfchan, halfcuck

You have been proven wrong. You lost.

You have been proven retarded. You lost.

Your only defense is that other places say mod. All well and good but here on Holla Forums we say vol. Not mod. You have no defense except to admit you use a term we do not use here ergo you are a tourist almost certainly from halfchan, halfcuck

This never happened.

You have been proven wrong. You lost.

Your only defense is that other places say mod. All well and good but here on Holla Forums we say vol. Not mod. You have no defense except to admit you use a term we do not use here ergo you are a tourist almost certainly from halfchan, halfcuck

You have been proven wrong. You lost.

Your only defense is that other places say mod. All well and good but here on Holla Forums we say vol. Not mod. You have no defense except to admit you use a term we do not use here ergo you are a tourist almost certainly from halfchan, halfcuck

You have been proven wrong. You lost.

You aren't.
These are not arguement. you are merely state your diagreement with lies sprinkled in.

You did not define it. You stated your denial of it's existence. Define what it is that you believe does not exist.

That you're avoiding defining, and you pretend not comprehend that in order to dodge the question like you did with the non-definition you gave.

How so?

It is alive and well. The Jews and their puppets fear it and foreigners love it.
The few times they take inspiration from the west are markedly different and quickly increase in their deviation into something alien to the west.
The secret SDF would like to have a word with you.
They will take it back with vengeance in due time.

You are impotently flailing again.

Your only defense is that other places say mod. All well and good but here on Holla Forums we say vol. Not mod. You have no defense except to admit you use a term we do not use here ergo you are a tourist almost certainly from halfchan, halfcuck

Stop impotently flailing.

And your posts are?

This is itself a lie.

Because it has no definition. It doesn't exist.

English, please.

Why are you trying to get involved in an argument when you didn't even read the relevant posts?

Stop lying.

You have been proven wrong. You lost.

They are, unlike yours.


Then what do people mean whne they use the term?

Are you illiterate?

Baseless accusation, a non-argument, and dodging the question. I read the posts.

It's what you were doing and continue to do, when you repeat yourself verbatim as if that makes your statements more true.

They aren't.

No it isn't.


Are you?

You clearly didn't since you asked "how so?"

Stop lying.


If they meant nothing, why do they say they did not?


Accusing me of the same thing, again, a non-argument, again, and dodging the question, again.

Did you, or did you not repeat yourself verbatim various times in the thread in futility?

No they aren't.

Did not what?

It's not a non-argument to point out that you're trying to insert yourself into an argument without reading the relevant posts.

Doesn't matter, you're lying.

Sure buddy. Whatever you say.

Ah, I see you are illiterate. Let me clarify. If they meant nothing, why do they say they did not mean nothing, and contest the existence of moeshit with you?

There's that baseless accusation again.

It does, because you did, and that means I am not lying.

This must be a rare weeb hybrid, a cross between massive autism and an obsessive compulsive disorder.
The hybrid vigor must give him extra strength to keep shitposting for far longer times than any normal autist.

It is not, as post count is purely a social construct.

Fuck off goon.

You mean you are.

Go ask them.

It isn't baseless, as already explained.

You are lying.

Post count is not an argument and never will be, and you started this and you are keeping this going.

I'm not a weeb. Weebs don't exist anymore. Autism doesn't mean anything. I don't have OCD. I have not shitposted.

Are you denying you have autism?

Autism doesn't mean anything.


It doesn't, and post count is still not an argument. You started this and you are keeping this going.

Its fine if you believe that. Did anybody ever diagnose you with autism IRL?

It's not a matter of belief, it's a matter of fact.

Did anybody ever diagnose you with autism IRL?

Autism doesn't mean anything.


Literal projection.

Moeshit doesn't exist and doesn't mean anything.

Stop lying.

It wasn't slander. You are lying.

Projection, newfag.

I am talking about you people as a collective. You are all on the same side, pushing the same agenda.

what exactly is the litmus for great art?
to impress others with the effort that went in?
to influence and affect others?

if we are going by the latter, then anime is definitely more influential than oil paintings.

Whatever you say bucko.

It has the meaning it is given by it's general use. More poeple use it than you, and their use of it is what defines it's meaning.

Stop slandering me.

Stop misusing the word projection. You made a claim that 93a292

Which is verifiably false based on his ID.

You used the singular form of the word you. Not you people.
That is your paranoia. Would you care to elaborate on what this ficticious agenda is?

It doesn't exist and means nothing.

It wasn't slander. You are lying.

Stop projecting your newfagness on me.

I am talking about you people as a collective. You are all on the same side, pushing the same agenda.

You is both singular and plural.

It's fact.

Attacking me because I defended Kobayashi-san close to half a year ago on Holla Forums.

If it doesn't, then you can tell us if they did.

Autism doesn't mean anything.

What drives a being to break the autism barrier and become a turboautist like the (bignumber)s in this thread?

Autism doesn't mean anything, and you are blaming me for something I didn't start.

i think it's something like when you were in 2nd grade and you started one of those "i know you are but what am i" arguments. The winner is the one who gets the last word (or post in this case)

This your use of the word, but not the general populace's

Verifably and empirically false.

You were not.
Only plural when followed by "all" or "people" or othersuch descriptors.

It's moot as to whether they did or not because autism means nothing.

Autism has no meaning, so I do not know whom you refer to.

The word has no use.

It's not.

Stop lying.

Stop lying.


People are using it, so that must be your subjective belief.

It is.

This slander is getting old.

It is the truth.

hello anime autist. i'm new to the saga that is your eternal struggle against the naysayers of anime. I understand that you will not waver in your fight to do what is right.. but are you aware that this could take all night?

Moeshit doesn't exist and means nothing.

It isn't.

Your lying is getting old.

You are not very good at English.

Autist doesn't mean anything, and I'm not the one who started this war.

Autism is meaningless.

It does, as people are using the word with meaning.

Sure squiddo.

Not an argument.

Says the illiterate.

Pretty funny watching a faggot sperg out this bad over how anime isn't art. Great thread, you guys. Japan BTFO yet again.

But it is.

Moeshit doesn't exist and means nothing.

If you don't like it then just stop lying.

Projection. Again.

The "is anime art" debate ended hours ago, and once again I was not the one who started it.

user i..


Impotently repeating things does not make them true. We've been over this.

I'm not

You really are trying to convince me you're an SJW, aren't you?

We've also been over the fact that I never argued that repetition makes something true.

You are.

Lying again.

Once again you are grasping at straws just because you saw me use the word.

And yet you keep behaving as if it does. Baffling.

Is slandering my integrity all you have?

If you say so, oh wise one.

Lying again.

Is lying all you have?

I am saying so because it's true.

Why must you lie about me lying?

It's false.

I'm not.

Complete nonsense. As soon as I said it, you started parrotting it back at me.


You are.

You recall wrong.


I'm not.

Stop lying.

Not you you faggot

Sure you are.

There you go lying about my lying again.


I'm not.

I'm not.

There you go impotently repeating yourself again.

Stop lying.

could i have a small peek into you're life user?
how did it all go so wrong?

Stop being a faggot.

Stop lying.

I've never witnessed such autism before, truly fascinating.

Come join us at >>>/blog/200!

I am not.

You are.


Am not.

You've never witnessed autism, because autism doesn't mean anything.

You are.


Sure thing friendo.




Kill yourself dude.

Who are you quoting? This is not English.

Why are you doing to yourself?
I really want to know.

I'm not sure I understand the question. Can you pose it more autistically?


Shouldn't you direct that to >(146)?

I'm telling you to kill yourself.

holy shit I think i'm going to do this everyday

You'll be disappointed. She calls her self a legal loli because during every one of the two sex scenes she's in, she transforms back to her true age.

Post count is nothing but a social construct.


That doesn't sound disappointing at all.

A meaningless term.

Okay, fine. But she's not even the focus. Straight Otokonoko is. exhentai.org/g/670998/fb3a55b442/

This thread is the best case I've seen for Best Korea turning that whole fucking island into a crater.

That's mean.

it was "mean" when those yellow savages killed my grandpa faggot

Your grandpa was a zogbot and he deserved to die.

That's also mean.

Why is everyone being so mean?


Countries aren't people.

You aren't people.

neither are japs

Why must you both be so hurtful?

i never get a chance to use this

That's cause very few people deny the heinous war crimes of the Japanese.

War crimes were literally just a bullshit excuse to execute the nazis. Every single one of the allies was guilty of the same things the axis was.
Also, forcing sons to rape their mothers doesn't sound wrong at all, they just introduced the uncultured chinese to good taste.

I thought Holla Forums was against degeneracy?

Your grandpa deserved to rot in Nippon.

aw, those poor japs dindu nuffin. just culturally enriching nanking, right?

It cures homosexuality.


Google nigger cave japan.



Yeah he ran away like a bitch.




Degeneracy is a meme.

Autism doesn't mean anything.

Take a giant step back and literally go fuck your own face


ITT: Weebs, Leftypol, and Goons chimpingout

Hey there Achmed/Leftypol/Pajeet/Pablo/Jamal.
Still sore about colonialism?

Reminder that not only do Gooks copy the West when it comes to vidya, but they also wish they looked White.

The Based Japan/Animu meme needs to fade away already. Japshieet having so much stronk womyn shoved into it and how feral Jap women are puts the lie to that.

If he's serious then he's one of those fags who pretends all Japshieet is Evangelion instead of vehicles to sell merchandise and adaptions.

Keep LARPing Mao.

Take this video with a grain of salt.

This was fun.