lazy cunt cupcake
Lazy cunt cupcake
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Holla Forums died for me for a bit there.
I have them named that so that they are at the very end of the folder.
and that's the side you like to be hit on, right? me too.
for me I just barely feel like eating much anymore. today I didn't even eat anything except for like a pickle spear until my dad came over with some taco bell. it's one of his excuses to check on me to make sure I haven't painted the walls with my brains yet. he's so thoughtful.
I can taste the fucking angst.
it's the side that makes me want to do like real date stuff like movies and going out to fancy places
I wouldn't be opposed to that.
i wasnt inviting you
Taylor guitars released indian rosewood as an option for the back on their 400 series guitars here recently
Great choice of materials on a lower priced guitar
an amazing brand with great customer service
starting to remember why I don't stay up this late usually.
Oh come on cupcake you know i didnt mean it
Don't bully the Cupcake.
He's already been through enough.
whatever moogs. I see how it is.
dont cry
too late.
dry your eyes
so you can cum in them? no thanks. not again.
im tired but can't sleep and don't know how to pass the time
reading and vidya out of the question, not having fun doing those while tired
that was just an experiment is all. i am satisfied with your boypussy
try staring at the cieling until you pass out
It's generally more effective to stare at the back of your eyelids.
just come fuck me until I'm paralyzed.
you're a cruel scientist, moogs.
better than staring at the shit surrounding us all
i am a magician too
i can make my cock disappear
but ill need a volunteer
this sounds dirty.
you hope it is
I can pull a rabbit out of a hat. I can pull it out, but I can't put it back. I can make love disappear. For my next trick I'll need a volunteer.
true. but you don't have to constantly tease me for that.
sick reference
i know but i am a bad bitch tho
That'd be quite a mean thing to do
and that's why I love ya
I don't hear you saying no
Yo, I love Warren Zevon.
How do you do the darker green?
yeah you would you nerd
I'm not a nerd, just an excitable boy.
do ho ho
oh my
You're on to me
That is quite considerate.
I hide my cyclical depression well so my family does not suspect it, or at least does not know it's depth.
I know the feeling I once went a bit over a week without eating because I was not feeling well emotionally it is rough.
Some people have the darker green in their greentext.
so get to it
it's a great way to stay in shape at least, so that's nice.
I have been this way since I was pretty young so it was hard to hide it, ya know? and with all the shit that's been going on for me lately it's no secret to my dad my state. at least partially.
oh well. whatcha gonna do?
I'm kind of surprised I'm not tired yet. I usually get sleepy like 2-3 hours earlier than this.
Oh cause bebop gave me mod powers
No, I wanna make you work for it
You have to run a mile first, and no breaks either
That sounds awful. I have had only one experience with something like that level of starvation, I ended up in the hospital with nearly failing kidneys because I also wasn't drinking much of anything.
I can't do that. and you know it.
Ahahahahahahahahahahah etc.
Man Im such a sadistic piece of shit sometimes I swear lmao
Post nudes already
They're not for you.
This brings up the realization that somebody probably has them.
save it for the bedroom.
wink wink
I am a boy, yes.
Nobody has anything. Although I had traded Darwin a few months ago.
just post it clockwork. its very freeing
Absolutely not.
I am starting to get tired, sleep will come soon. Tomorrow will include a moderate amount of work so that will be something I want to get out of the way early.
The only good thing to come of work tonight is that I wound up with a free sandwich for my trouble
i am feeling genuinely happy for you for reason
well then I wish you a lovely night and a restful sleep.
for some reason*
god bless
yeah it's a shit night
gonna be a shit season here soon too when fall hits
It was not so bad at a certain point I had a friend take me out for pizza and talked with her until she coaxed me into eating a bit.
Thank you, with that I think I will be signing off for now, maybe I'll come back tomorrow.
I'll retire as well, actually. goodnight, all.
nini i love you
Sleep well.
You're happy for me that work was shit or that I was compensated in food for putting up with shit?
Is it really that difficult to interpret which he is referring to?
i thought you were happy you got the sandwich
i was let down on a second reading of the post
Also I shouldn't have finished my own sandwich but it was either food or garbage at that point so I finished it
No, the free sandwich was the only good thing that happened
I'm happy to have the sandwich, I'm upset about what I went through for it
I suppose working around nothing but food would diminish its value
but food's a pretty precious thing
I'd like to think an actual cut sub with some real meats or however you top is is a lil more than just garbage
i am sorry you had a bad day however i am happy you got a sandwich
I have to go for the rest of the evening. Have a good morning or night to whoever reads this.
since my best friend got booted from his old house into his new one I havent seen him as much
I cant blame him it would be selfish of me to expect someone else to make a few mile journey
but I rather miss him
I hope things go back to normal before too long
have a great day goggles
Goodbye, Giggles.
This was the last 3 bites of sandwich and the bread was soggy and I was already full, but I hate wasting food in like a visceral way and this was the one I had to pay for that I just realized I never got around to paying for
Whatever, I work tomorrow I'll pay for it later
The point is I feel awful for eating too much
Thank you
Since the single person I love and respect moved to Connecticut for who knows how long with barely a chance to say goodbye, I've been depressed and lonely with no outlet for my physical or mental emotions and I feel like trying to kill myself again to make sure I'm still alive
No need to get violent, it won't help you
Glad to hear you feel the same
People who waste food are to me pretty uh
for lack of a better word distasteful I guess
still though not good to force yourself too ful to the point of sickness
Throughout my own personal life, I cant really speak for anyone but msyelf, but in my life I've had a few best friends
its the hardest thing in the fucking world to lose them
and so to you Ill exctend my most
heartfelt and deepest condolences
Im sorry revy, because in this life
the most important thing we have are our friends
and a best friend is worth more than all other friends put together
and I say although it is almost impossible
keep hope for the future
because although they will always be missed and
I dont really know if theres ever forgetting them you know... but
There will be another in the future
and that best friend may even end up becomign a better influence on your life than the previous one
i can remember all my best friends, everything about them how they looked, how they laughed, the way they acted, fuck
even the way they smelled
there's no forgetting those guys i guess but in my life they left a little bit of an impact on me
Changed my interests
How I spoke and the words I said and the tones of voice I use and
how I laugh and the things I laugh at
Without my best friends I cant imagine what I wuold have been like
and ultimately it was thanks to every one of them that I am able too still be standing here
sorry buddy
I'd rather just never wake up personally
I wish I wasnt so theoreticaly illiterate
It would be nice to learn how to play by the book from a trained proffessional
thred ded
Anyone awake at this point should really have no expectations of a lively thread.
this is kinda sad
I remember a time you could pop in at 4 or 5 a.m to something kinda liveley
then again a bunch of kids are all gonna be up late at night i suppose
I'm pretty sure it only TENDS towards lively during the summer, Bard.
It has finally happened.
I've signed up to the rehab place for my binge drinking.
Just gonna see if they can sort my shit out, along with reapplying for therapy.
He's not here right now.
But I offer my congratulations and good luck.
what kind of rehab place
good thesis
I couldn't say I never really took note of the seasons
I miss it though
i miss staying up til 5a.m then having to go to school and doing the same shit all over again with people who felt like family
like sitting with actual friends where you can laugh unbridled about the stupidedst shit without being judged except by anons and really who cares about them
4chan felt like our own swimming pool ut this
it feels like an ocean
Proud of you scanner
i hope it can help
Good luck man, addiction is a bitch and admitting you need help is a huge step. Proud of you.
This nigga posted his dick in a hamburger bun
holy fucking shit
I'm not addicted, I just make stupid, bad decisions and need a better outlet. I don't need rehab, I need a push into fixing my shit together.
The rehab is overkill but I was freaking out LOADS and thought that it'll slap my shit straight scared.
I have higher hopes for therapy.
Bad times are ahead, I'm probably going to lose neetbux for getting fired like that, plus my area probably thinks I'm a dangerous, drug addled pepdophilic psychopath so soon as I get home; I need to sow the seeds that I'm just a mess needing to be fixed..
does anyone know what institutionalization is like
They'll do an assessment, see if I am addicted; but I don't think I am, I think I'm just a regular fuck up.
I don't see alcohol as a solution, but as an outlet to replace healthier options since I'm a lazy fuck. Probably reason why I come here drunk so often because I don't go out.
I have plenty of second hand accounts from friends and acquaintances.
Do you want to know about jail or do you want to know about mental institutions?
the latter
my good friend who just moved back here recently nrolled himself in a place like that trying to kick his opiates and h and all those demons
how long has it been a habit for you my man?
You gotta stop me if anything sounds a bit too dark or unhinged, but I can tell you what I know.
My mum said it was a total drain, food was shit and you're under a chemical kosh most of the time till the doctors can fix your shit.
Then they ween you off the drugs till you calmed down. You can actually make friends in that sort of place.
Visits from family are a godsend and to know that your family are trying to sort shit out makes you wanna sort shit out more, I assume.
You learn to hate certain staff, people you don't get on with as well as you should.
Some people don't think they have the strength to leave and begin to rely on such places. Some people, as in Broadmoor, who have committed violent crimes, never leave, no matter how much they seem rehabilitated.
I know though that it can be depressing as fuck; you are allowed to leave the confines if you're stable enough, but need a minder as you do your shit or to be back sharpish when they tell you; or they'll get the koshers again or a stern warning.
From what I was told, when my mum was out, and with all the drugs she had to take, she was flattened. Mood and all. But she is better now. I imagine it is like getting your psyche ironed from creases. But instead with a hot iron, it is with paralysing drugs. It depends what you're in for, most have creative therapy too; my mum's friend does paintings and that and sends said crafts to her friends.
Since I was 21, I used to drink more when I lived with those crazy drug dealers. And whenever I felt I've gone too far I'd distance myself for a month from everything till I think everything is going great for me and I fuck up everything again.
Since I'm a big boy now, I need to put aside this childish habit and prove to everyone that I'm done with fucking around.
i will stick to therapy
If you get too much to handle, you get the kosh cocktail; they knock you out proper.
If you ever seen Bronson, it is a less extreme version of this.
But everything looks nicer. IT isn't what David Cage says with peeling walls and dilapidated shit. Institutions have upped their professional game, and everything is clean, maintained and decorated like a 3 star hotel.
You only get institutionalised if you become a danger to either yourself or others.
That's the main thing. And I mean a real danger. Fugue state traffic dodging. Jumping off your bedroom window. Getting lost. Fighting with people you ain't got no business with for irrational reasons.
That sort of thing.
That's admirable you admit that and are willing to take steps to fix it
I'm cheering for you scans
let me know what you think of it when you get started yeah?
my understanding is that in this country at least you can admit yourself if you believe you are a danger to yourself
You can believe you are a danger to yourself, and not be considered as a 'danger to society'.
Suicidal thoughts are therapy.
Suicidal plans and tenancies are institution.
good guideline
I like to believe you are institutionalised if you're on therapy.
Basically, my idea is that the institution, the government, is stepping in to help sort your shit out.
If there is one thing I can trust the government and have faith in wholeheartedly, is to fix up messes like you or I.
Because leaving us to our own devices can royally fuck up everything else and cost more money in the long run. They even try and help other country's problems, despite unable to do so.
They can do what religion promises. Redeem one's mind and soul. If you ever heard about the philosophical argument about true freedom vs. the social contract, you'll probably know what I'm talking about.
Sure it make take ages, and service is much to be desired, but if they can get the job done; they'll do it.
However, I don't think the police force is much to be desired, I find it wanting. I find a lot of things wanting in society. They aren't as bad as people say, but they've gotten complacent and wayward.
You'll be one of the first to know.
I ain't got much people to talk to anyway.
It is a great guideline, that way, you don't have to institutionalise people who can easily be fixed with a top up of weekly talks and shit to do.
Whoever came up with this shit is a legit genius.
Good luck on your quest.
Gonna play dota2, and it is only fair I find something to cheer you on with.
I'll promise to bring back relics and new, strange things to eat.
Its hard not to be in a good mood with weed tbh
Please do.
Are you on the square, are you on the level?
hahah Eriocore
i havent heard this before
They released that song just yesterday.
id chat, but swords on a train back and ive got to head out
rip scanner
Any good VN to play?
Good luck.
let me know how it goes
hello cock worshipers
I said be careful his bow tie is really a camera
I need to stop reading the last thread I was in after I wake up.
Also, you all need to stop being so fucking obsessed with my boyfriend. Fuck.
I'm feeling kinda sick
who is your bf and why are you trying so hard to make us care
I'm not.
More just commenting.
oh, your e-bf
I thought you meant someone you were dating irl
i thought they were dating someone irl and that they were quite prudish
ded thred
ded community
Hulla kit'n.
hi rinrin
back :3
second evolution rena is so kawaii
you did it perfectly for once. proud of you, rin.
also wow. ded thread.
ded community
thanks tokai
you can be ungrounded.
my dreams are realized
good good.
I feel like last friday crippled me, cause I only had one beer again but it feels like 8
that just means you have to drink way less beer. that's a good thing. saves money. how fast do you drink them, anyway? you gotta take it nice and slow. savor it, yeah?
that colour I want
last time I had like ~15
but I was super outta control
and I drink super fast.
but fiine ill slow now, I wont drink for some hours.
drinking 15 beers is definitely too much. especially if you go fast. I mean I frequently drink what would be considered "too much" but I pace myself really well and drink it slow. this morning I didn't even have a little headache. just woke up to my stomach trying to eat itself because I've barely been eating lately.
you don't have to stop or anything, but you should definitely take things slow if a single beer is getting you that heavy.
I don't even remember what I was thinking.
or doing.
or how I got home.
not wanting that again.
im stopping until tonight!
when I also ate a lot
that sounds like a good idea then.
I don't get the joy of drinking so much.
When I do have any these days, I have barely enough to get tipsy.
If even that.
I don't quite get the joy of playing tabletop games as much as you. we all have things we like and it's hard to understand why other people like things we don't like as much as they maybe do.
I'm dating subtle stop being obsessed with her
I can understand the enjoyment out of most things whether I like them or not.
I'm neither close-minded nor immutable, as you should well know.
I should also eat but I really don't want peanut butter
it blocks out a lot of thoughts and stress for me.
and just lets me feel what I feel and not push it away.
but thats just for me, others do it for other reasons
I know. but you did feel the need to mention how you don't understand the joy of drinking right in the middle of two people talking about drinking.
so eat something other than peanut butter? there's gotta be more options than that, right?
I see.
Not two people;
My boyfriend, and one of my closest friends.
Please respond to this urgent message
I found chocolate bars
and it gives me a warm feeling from my throat to my chest
oh. we don't count as people. ;_;
but anyway, because you commented on it, I decided to reply. that's the circle of life, baby.
love that picture.
what's up, desu?
I have a job interview soon and I'm bored !!
lucky. I love twix.
although that isn't really food. we've been over the difference between food and treats before, tokai.
that's horrible. something must be done to rectify this.
Be careful.
Stay safe.
A more accurate reading would've been "Not just two people."
Since I was correcting the notion that I'd've said anything were it not two people I'm close to.
I made a wallpaper earlier of patchy to kill the boredom, but it's finished !
ah, gotcha. well, it's like tokai said, different reasons for different people. but anyone who does it will have a reason. and there's plenty of people out there like you, who don't enjoy it as much, so you don't drink as much. it's a good system.
looks pretty good. maybe you should make some more of the other 2hoes.
I prefer snickers
I cant find anything
of couurse, ill behave super well
twix is better you weirdo.
find some real food to eat along with your candy, tokai.
Not enough time for now. If patchy is so smart how come she won't cure her asthma ?!
if chocolate bars have no nuts its a bad chocolate bar
This was my last wallpaper.
I cut her out from images and screencaps by hand, had to splice together two sections to get her full body, and found the backdrop.
I also have no clue why I put her on an autumnal backdrop when her favourite season is spring.
I guess.
Forget I said anything.
That was a poor piece of work, altogether.
is asthma even actually curable? I thought it was just treatable and sometimes goes away on its own as the person gets older.
nuts are very good in chocolate bars, that's true. I still like twix better than snickers.
yes! eat real food, not just candy!
*I suppose
how you doing, rin?
I'm obsessed with you
I have it but living in the south with the heavy humidity in the air helps a lot, when I lived in michigan it was awful though so there's that.
God I really just want to love you so hard
well alrighty, guess that's good.
well glad it's not too much of a problem down there in gatorville.
Objectively, no worse than usual.
nuts is best
but theres no food and I got no money
that's all one can hope for, really.
do ho ho
no food anywhere in the house? can't you ask a parent to get some?
Those are candy bars, you twix.
Is this thread still going?
I had a filling yesterday and my mouth is still numb they shot me up with novacane 3 times along with the cotton ball full of it
if a candy bar is made of primarily chocolate you can also call it a chocolate bar, silly.
would seem so.
should brush your teeth better so you don't get any more cavities.
they are!!
mom's gone
I mean, there's eggs
but thats no food
not everyone has access to exquisite canadian chocolate!
Not in Canada it isn't.
If a candy bar is made primarily of chocolate it is still a candy bar.
What we consider chocolate is apparently far stricter than anywhere else in the world.
Last time I checked, even Aero bars are considered candy bars, since they aren't solid chocolate.
But I just wanted to call you a twix, since we were talking about candy bars.
I only had 1 cavity and it was when I was in 3rd grade, it was the same tooth I just chipped the old filling so it was really susceptible to another one
See? Tokai gets it.
I tried taking a positive action to improve things. I don't know if it will pay off in the long run.
eggs absolutely are food. you just don't want to cook them. you should though. eggs are so easy even I sometimes make them these days. and they taste great with some salt and pepper.
oh, well I guess that's just down to semantics really. I would definitely consider a chocolate based candy bar to also be a chocolate bar. but actually I think plenty of people would agree with you on this.
wasn't aware this was a thing
ah, gotcha. well still, make sure you brush well, kiddo.
well at least you're trying something. what did you do?
i wish the thread was dead again
I brush and floss 3x a day ! My teeth are pearly and white !
you ole grump
that seems excessive. might even be bad for your teeth at that point.
fiiine I'll go cook
I am very anal about my hygiene, I shower 2x a day sometimes 3 and brush and floss when I wake up, after dinner and before bed
good girl. enjoy your food.
Evidently the Canadian Government agrees with me, even though it's a stupid point.
Anyone who actually talks about it, here, calls Mars, Twix, etc. "Chocolate bars."
It was just a funny anecdote I found while reading about these things at times.
It's all that maple, obv.
showering that much is definitely bad for your skin, but you do you, desu-chan.
WAKE ME UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i-i hydrate and use moisturizer
yeah it's an odd thing to have on the record like that, but canada is a weird place like that. for weirdos. :^)
ah I see. honestly I actually rarely hear anyone calling things by blanket terms like that. very rarely do I hear "gonna get a candy bar" or "gonna get me a chocolate bar" instead people seem to always have a specific one in mind.
then you're probably fine. but your skin has natural oils that you're washing away multiple times a day, which means they aren't doing their job to keep your skin as healthy as it can be. keep that in in mind. same goes for your hair, if you're washing it that many times a day. even washing more than once every two days isn't very good for your hair.
hey scoots. I told you to stop describing my life all the time, it bums me out.
It's not something I want to talk about here.
it takes time!
in what do you guys not put maple in?
um wow, rude.
fair enough. I'm on steam, but of course you don't have to talk about it at all if you don't want to.
to cook eggs? not really. like, five minutes maybe.
it will be okay
Idgaf punklyf lol
I didn't say that. I shower every day, but I only wash my hair every other day with shampoo and conditioner. and my hair is amazing.
and yeah, I only shower one time a day. it's better for your skin.
nothing will ever be okay, moogs.
you rebel, you
It's the opposite with people I talk to, normally.
Don't mix sticky sugars and sex.
well you are in what is basically opposite of normal people land.
I bet you take 5 minutes
I do like slimey liquids..
but yeah that does seem unpractical
Anywho. Back to work. Work to die.
Later cups
excuse me young lady?
bye scooters.
good luck.
I'm edging
edging is fun. how long have you been at it?
20 mintues
so barely any time at all. how long are you going for?
4 minutes
you're on thin ice, missy.
How long do you want me to master ?
It isn't slimy.
It's sticky,
Moreso before it's refined, IIRC.
at least two more hours. three if you're not a total pushover.
and then stop without finishing.
Woof !
in soviet russia, inaccurate joke make you!
ha ha ha ha ha!
that's a good dog.
that's good. you shouldn't speak anymore.
ohh I love ice
I bet thats amazing on pancakes though
you think you're sooooooooooo cute.
didn't you show me this one the other day?
yeah you did. this is a good one.
I slather my pancakes in syrup.
Like, you have no idea.
at least I have you though.
Back to your usual trip?
didnt i leave you again
yeah but we'll work it out, bby.
okay fine, you can speak. but only in dog.
I bet it'd drown in it
I mostly do it with sugar
some found it confusing
im doubtful
w-woof !
and lewd. wowowow tokai.
oh well then I guess forget it ;_;
good boy.
I'm not lewd!
that's pretty lewd, tokai.
the fuck
I see how it is. hmph.
don't pout at me, dog.
there is only hatred and insecurity
not compassion
but I want compassion. what happened to your sensitive side?
none of that either or I'll smack you.
I did as well.
im being edgy now
that's better.
I see. I guess I'll just go cry over here all quiet like then.
you're imagining things
what a cute trip!
i was done tho so...
nope. you're being lewd for sure. I just can't figure out why.
good. leaves me more time to cry.
dont cry
too late.
no reason
cause im not!
I came
stop it
I was already done geez
you're being lewd!
you made it lewd!
its a social construct
you sure have a lot of lewds of this girl. you must like her a lot.
she a basic hoe
but fine looking
She is pretty qt
bet you're thinking lewd thoughts about her a lot. like a pervo.
I don't do that much lewd on the anime gals
Oh no
Oh yes
Oh thank god it's friday.
yeah because I finally get my new glasses.
what's your reason?
I haven't done laundry, so I have no clean pants for the weekend.
but I still have a day to do laundry.
Don't let me forget.
thats a lewd pic
the full pic is, but I didn't want it because the two girls in the back are tig ole bitty monsters.
okay. of course you can just go without pants. it's good for ya.
whoever made it must be one cool dude.
flat chest best chest
so ura dreamer?
yes. very much so.
He's actually a real big fag boy.
I'm an opportunistic dreamer.
yeah that's what I meant
but big ones are like bouncy balls
just fun
whats that mean
I'm just not really a fan of big ones, personally. sometimes they look nice enough, but yeah.
What a scrub~
I try to find the shortcuts to reach my vision of the future.
Boobs looks best when they suit her body, regardless of how big or small that is.
Therefore, all boobs are nice.
Big ones, small ones, bouncy ones, flat ones.
Stop boob shaming.
I wish I could never sleep
they can all look nice!
but some turn on more than other
like the lottery?
my amazon must think im someone else
while I agree that boobs looks best when they suit the body, I still prefer much smaller ones in pretty much every case. they just looks delightful. as well as the body types they go with usually.
as for this notion that all boobs are nice. absolutely not. don't make me go find leslie jones' leaked nudes to prove it to you. there are absolutely horrible looking boobs out there, and generally the bigger they are the more chance for that to be the case.
also fish's boobs are fucking horrible. there's another one, and those ones are small.
no size is safe from potential terrible looking boobage.
I wish I could never wake up.
yeah, basically.
Go to bed.
why? what did your large, full figured strong independent woman say to you to make you think that?
I did go to bed. a while ago. I've only been up for like 2 hours.
Maybe if I found a way to rig the results.
Wanna trade?
would if I could.
How come?
takoi pls stop giving me a boner
I'd suspect that Leslie Jones' don't suit her body.
And I hope you aren't even beginning to suggest that Fish's do.
The primary criteria is always that they have to suit the girl whom they are on, if they don't they aren't going to look nice no matter anything.
not even horny
and I always wanna see
Depending on what it was they will want that back if it's incorrect.
mean and rude.
how could you possibly even think I meant anything other than exactly what I said there?
of course. I am even more picky than that though.
that's because you're a horny teen pervo.
It was my first pay check.
I didn't expect to make so much.
I am the nicest person here.
no. that seems right.
youre a fucking shit
you're going to look so pretty
And yet you still love me.
caffeine levels low alertness dropping. citical.must stay awalke
Why mention them to argue against my core point, if you don't feel they suit her body?
The statements I was making weren't meant to exclude each other.
thats a mean thing to say!
for the record
thats yogurt
For the record Tokai is a neeeeerd.
isn't it really late though? maybe you should just sleep.
but I was arguing a different point entirely. I think. I don't know. I don't use my brain a lot, rin. you know this.
not really. it's just accurate.
and a sissy
what record
ur mom's record lol
The point you were arguing was the exclusive point "all boobs are nice."
The point you should have been reading was "All boobs are nice, provided they suit the girl they are part of."
I kind of want to play or get a new game.
save it
I'll read your point alright, missy. that?
Clearly not, sissy.
bbut I suck at computing
accuracy hurts!
like bullets!
But I already paid off my 2 months of insurance.
George says to save it.
Guns don't kill people, accuracy, and precision kill people.
right and another pay check and we can cross my mic off the to do list
you take that back!
I told you that's a couple weeks worth of waiting.
not when it comes from someone who likes you.
oh, well then I guess you'd better do what he says since HE'S THE BOSS OF YOU ALL OF A SUDDEN
right but this would speed the process
isnt that ideal?
Is it accuracy if someone dies accidentally? :c
No. Because you would be moving when I order it, and I your sugar daddy only has one cube of sugar when you're asking for 7.
nah we'd ship it too massachusetts
subtle you like this character right
have a gift
but you shot stuff!
that still hurts!
I told you I would put a bit back each week.
you said you wanted me to shoot my stuff in your face though. as long as I didn't get any in your hair.
Hot x_x
im just saying im not going to be able to voice chat until then
You have a phone.
I assume that was a Dropkick Murphys reference.
I feel sad for those guys now.
like this
you expect me to use my phone for videogames?
if I shot in that kind of volume you'd absolutely get some in your hair.
Ah well, so close to "Shipping Up To Boston"
Just to talk at least.
Oh shit. Maybe I can save for a Sega and some of the good games.
but the milkshake straw can handle that
The fuck?
it's a pretty big straw. sure you can handle it?
why wouldn't I
No, use your words.
because from what I hear you're used to handling your straw, which is not quite as big.
its not my place to
Come on. What's up?
the mcdonalds straws are plenty big
otherwise you cant get the vanila
i said nothing