
people on twitch are streaming mordhau pre alpha and so far it looks pretty decent.
One big improvement over chivalry is that you can pick up weapons.

Other urls found in this thread:

Oh boy, more Denuvo!

aww fuck, it really has Denuvo

Where do you people get that it has Denuvo? Nobody in that thread is a dev.

Dropped without ever picking it up.


I guess I fall for fakenews then. I just assumed the other user said the truth.

So it's chivalry but you can pick up weapons? You have to pay $60 for something that could be in a patch?

And that’s all I need to know.

basically but not entirely true. You can do these three kind of attacks like in chivalry, but they also added a new attack system where you use your mouse to attack.
It's not the same dev, this isn't something you can patch in.

creating some webm's for those that don't want to watch the stream


Mouse as in you move your mouse in the direction of the attack? If so, then it's time for me to fucking mourn because it's the system I'm working on in my own game.


I don't know, they handed out that game to a few streamers. I never played it but in the "Transition to Mordhau.webm" clip that guy talks about the combat system. It sounds like he is saying press lmb and then flick your mouse into the desired direction.

Fucking rip. I just watched a video with a UI showing the direction and I'm absolutely fucking devastated dude. Fuck. It's almost 100% on point with what I'm doing.

I know the mechanic existing in another game won't make it any less good, but I'm really fucking bummed out. The only thing I can hope for now is that this game won't do the concept justice.


I can already fucking imagine people checking it out and being like "oh like in Mordhau?"

I feel like I just got punched in the fucking gut.

lel, you are out of luck. Even chivalry was very popular even thought it had it's flaws. I bet a lot of people will play Mordhau.

You're a fucking autist and it's an idea that had already been done almost 20 years ago. Maybe do some research before sperging out next time, faggot.

that kill at 0:30 was sweet. I like throwing weapons, used to do that stuff in DW too with Vikings. Since you can just pick up weapons you can constantly throw them.

I've been fucking emotionally stunted and depressed for the past several years and the first emotion I'm clearly feeling after all this time is the emotion of being fucking cut down.

You know how you feel when you go down on a fucking rollercoaster and drop like a rock? This is what it feels like, plus feeling like a drenched fucking cat.

Suicide incoming

Fuck you niggy I'm gonna stab your nan

I got it, it's fun

Why are you shilling this again?

Lel. You fit right in with other modern game developers don't worry I still don't know why you thought you were the first person to think about doing this. You seriously did no research beforehand? Christ.

how? did you pre order it you jew?

My research consisted of playing a little bit of Mount and Blade and being like "oh what if it wasn't constrained to 90 degree angles and was an FPS instead"

duh :^)

I bet OP is the streamer.

And when did you first think that nobody had ever done this idea before?

a lot of people on Holla Forums are interested in chivalry and mordhau and this is the first time people are allowed to talk about mordhau.

and how exactly would I be streaming, replying here and creating webm's at the same time?

I couldn't think of a game that did.

I imagine this has been a life long problem for you.

What the fuck is the matter with you, mr nigger? Did you not get lashed today or some shit?

There is not spaghetti in that picture. He made his decision what he wanted to see.

Fuck that

Just like, make an actual game around it then, instead of another PVP fucking thing.

damn that shit game even has customization


Who thinks shit like that is a good idea?




There's a lot more crazy shit done in history than grabbing the blade of your sword and smashing the handle into your enemy's face.

German (and other) practical fencing masters. Beside poking at vulnerable joints- which became increasingly less so as plate became more all-coveringly sophisticated through the high medieval & renaissance eras, up until arquebi started leaning things back out and focusing all armor on the essential vital areas- swords aren't very good at dealing with plate armor. You take a wedge of metal and hit a curved or flat bit of metal plate with it, neither is really going to budge, you'll just scratch the armor & dull the sword a little. Sword-on-sword plate combat, if people are just using the edges, is going to be largely a matter of battering the other man off his feet so you can stab him in the eyes and/or neck with a thrusting dagger while occasionally getting the very half-inch point of your sword (if that) to stick into the crook of his elbow. But, on the other hand, if you flip a sword upside down and grasp by the blade, perfectly safe with a good gauntlet, chain mitt or probably even good hard leather gloves, you get an impromptu warpick/hammer that fucks people in plate up royal, denting it so they can't breathe and breaking bones with a far more concentrated blunt impact. See for visual reference.

everyone know thats just a meme stop with this bullshit it makes no sense

Are you just baiting or are you really that confident in your ignorance?

this guy is showing off customization

did u had to clean the cheese puffs out of you fingers and hang u fedora to type that user?

turns out you can customize weapons too

So the game is just Chivalry but with slower, floatier combat and throwing?

you can do that in the actual game too.

hard to say without testing it first, but from what they said so far blocking is harder. And stabbing also looks harder. It also looks slower to me, that backswing when the attack animation ends is long as fuck. But I really love the fact that you can throw shit, pick up weapons and rocks. Also the customization looks very sweet. In chivalry people are walking around like clowns.



Anyone archived the previous chivalry or mirage threads? I remember lots of people saying that chiv is bad for it's exploits and that we should wait for mordhau instead. Turns out mordhau has similar exploits.


I hope they work those out. I really don't want to see more ballerinas prancing around. Shit looks ridiculous.

the reverse overhead is not working. Apparently the enemy has to be on your screen for your weapon to hit them.

Of Kings and Men (OKAM), a failed game from a year ago in alpha is a game from designers of a mod in M&B. They implemented an 8 way attack system, doubling the 4 way in M&B, from 90 deg to 45 deg. If you want to see how it works watch a few vids on youtube. The combat was fun and interesting, but the game died because of failed promises. Shield blocking has direction too.

Did you have to be 5 to type that? "u"? "you" instead of "your"? Not capitalizing the first word? "had"? Not using "have" instead? If its your second language, decent grammar though.
Interesting game, definitely a top 4 in the medieval list of upcoming games.

do not respond to bait

Will not do next time, I get tempted by grammar on occasion.

That's where the name of the fucking game comes from you pleb.


I am going to crash your stream you fucking cuck

you're a pretty big guy

meh, feel free to crash it if you can. I don't like that guy anymore. He just called the mordhau devs sexist and racists for not giving the players the option to play as a black guy or a woman.


Do you think they learned their mistakes from Mirage?

It's not the same devs, Chiv was made by Torn Banner, mordhau is made by someone else. Idk what the team is called, they don't say shit on their website. But while I was searching their names I found something else:

This guy:

Is actually somewhat right. The upside down use of the sword was relatively rare and limited to specific regions.
You guys should't just to a historical rarity as the norm for sword combat.

The 'upside down use of the sword' is also known as Mordhau, which happens to be the title of their game, so it would be a bit silly not to have it in there. Not to mention the game featuring arms and armaments from the regions where the technique was prevalent.

We've had enough.

You're a retard.

lol get fucked agdg faggot lmao

you should turn your game into a porn game then. Just look how much other people earn thanks to patreon. And those games aren'T even good.

Amazing how the bar for being called sexist or racist has gone from advocating murder and rape and fallen all the way down to "you didn't kiss the asses of other people on whose half I'm offended."

citation needed

Yeah, I was going to turn that part into a webm, but twitch only allows me to make a 1 min clip of scenes that recently happened. And I needed like two minutes to figure out if they were serious or just making fun of sjw's. If I want to turn it into a webm now I would have to download the 10 hour stream and find it and I have no idea when he said that shit. I assume it was at the 8 hour mark.

What's even the fucking point? It's a multiplayer game, isn't it? They're going to depend on mod support to have something by which the community is going to keep the game alive and selling copies, aren't they?

It's not even close to being in every treatise. There are hundreds of those manuals and the mordhau appears like three times. Only in places that discuss armored combat with the longsword.

Jesus Christ.



what's wrong with that? Every game is in pre alpha stage at some point. You are confusing this with early access, this game is not in early access you can't buy into it. Only kickstarted people and certain other people got free copies of it.

denuvo is not confirmed yet, and multiplayer only is best.


That's why I always ask in Holla Forums before starting.


It has third person view too.

doesn't mean it works well with it. likely just uses a pointer orientation. no easier way to make your game shit.

Third person view is for fags.

hmm, I wonder how third person affects the "the enemy has to be on your screen to take damage" rule.

This looks like yet another melee spin fest with literally no tactics but run around and find ways to abuse meta.

Sorry, I only play Arma and games that require thinking these days.

Combat looks very fun in third person. I love that knockback.

Let me guess, you get owned and raped every round. Instead of admitting that you suck you blame it on the enemy "abusing exploits".

Im not interested in casual games that charade as some "hardcore" shit when they are just shit made for idiots who want to feel hardcore.

Running around like a bunch of goobers swinging around like retards might be fun for you but I would rather play a game where I have to think before I do something instead of just do things really fast without thinking much at all.

I don't even own the game. I played Chivalry some and it was rather boring with to much emphasis on meta game and with no real interest in real world appreciation of tactics or weapons.

The only good melee game is mount and blade, all others are uninteresting rubbish.


Okay, but what if you were in a duel in this game and you lost 99% of the time to someone for 100 duels? What if you practiced to the best of your ability and you could still only win 20% of the time in, say, Mordhau? Does that imply that there is some skill to learn from others?

What about dueling when people actually dueled with swords and small shields? There are tactics and strategy to learn, whether you choose to admit there are is irrelevant. Battles can last for 1 second, but a seasoned player can effectively make the battle last longer, depending on his play style he chooses.

You can choose to play with retards that flail the weapon and movement everywhere, or you can try to face a real enemy in an ideal environment.



Time to harass womyn


is this some copypasta shitpost I'm unaware of? and whats with that spacing, are you autistic or something?


Most people didn't wear full plate, and most people who fought against it used a weapon designed for the job, and mostly it boiled down to tackling the other guy anyway. Which is why 90% of the European treatises don't give a shit about it you quintuple mongoloid.

good to know this is just another neat idea marred by shit decisions. This seems to be a common story for most games made in the past 10 years.

You are one of those "singleplayer or coop only" guys right? Your tears are delicious. Let me guess, "pvp kills the gaming industry"? I am glad all the budget goes to multiplayer games and singleplayer games are basically dying. No idea how you can spend hours in front of your computer playing alone.

Top kek. Enjoy your inferior weapon faggot.

Your daily reminder Holla Forums and 4chan are full of marketers for subpar games.

good taste in music but that cunt is unbearable. obnoxious screechers truly are the worst type of streamer. this is some happy wheels pewdiepie shit, it makes me furious just listening to him. he's the kind of cunt you kinda wanna see off himself. i just can't help but feel insulted listening to his screeching. it feels like he's raping my ears and it gets to me to the point where i take it personally and i can't help but not to. he's like a really spoiled child that won't stop screeching and throwing tantrums at the mall and his parents keep trying to calm him down by being really "nice and understanding" but it obviously doesn't work and he just gets more and more obnoxious until they FINALLY (way too late) throw him over the shoulder and physically carry him out while he thrashes around on their backs.



What did hammerfag mean by this??

idk why you're bitching about bitches when level progression is the shittier news

so what is in your opinion the worst about this? For me it's the fact that it has this shitty progression system (hated it in chiv too) and the fact that we get niggers and female playable characters.

I'm not in the alpha and I'm not watching any streams so I can't really say, although judging by post

I'd say that there doesn't appear to be any bixes or ho's

mount and blade did it years ago you fucking clown

that he is retarded. swords are much more expensive

The important thing is them fixing the "let me just use a macro to max out my mouse sensitivity so i can do an instant 180 while swinging this 2-handed sword into your face" problem of Chivalry.

Mordhau is not the only game that does literally exactly that. I even remember some dev coming on here years ago and showing the same shit. Actually, was that Mordhau? Because it looks EXACTLY the same. It was so long ago, I don't even remember if it was on 8/v/ or not.

I don't think you understand. I just want to clobber some female "knights".

lel, how the fuck are they going to fix that? This is a hardware issue. I can use the extra buttons on my mouse in increase and decrease my mouse speed. Also Unreal Engine is highly customizable regarding this.



Looks like casualized sword fighting. Apparently armor doesnt work.

Might have been Slasher, which was an early prototype of Mordhau.

Because that's it's primary use, DUH!

Obviously, you wont use it if you already have a blunt weapon (hammer, mace, real common) or your enemy doesn't have thick armor.

10/10, Game of the Year for that alone!

You know what I hate in modern games? You are almost always limited to 2 weapons. I am not sure if I saw it correctly, but I think Mordhau allows 3 weapons. Still, I would love to see games that allow you to carry more weapons, like maybe 4 or even 5. And not just melee weapons, shooters too.

end my/your life.

the fuck you talking about? I am OP, I created this thread back then when the NDA got lifted because this was the first time we got to see Mordhau gameplay. This is still the same thread. You are either confusing this with a thread someone else made, because this is the first mordhau thread I made. Or, and I think this is more likely, a mod deleted your post because it was trash.

By putting a cap on how fast a player can turn?

That's fucking gay, you needlessly slow down the game. What if someone is behind you? You need to make a 180 turn as fast as possible. Instead of just getting better at the game you want the devs to nerf everyone else.

wasnt there something about a "enemy has to be onscreen to be damaged" rule?

They did say that in the stream, but it sounds like a pretty shit rule to be honest. Also how is this going to work in third person? I think rules like this will make the game inaccurate.

It doesn't slow the game down, though? No one ever said anything about making turning slow. It just prevents people from turning into tornadoes of death spinning at the speed of light.

That's…the problem…Making a 180 while sprinting away form someone and swinging a two handed sword INSTANTLY, is not okay.

why? what kind of games do you play? Because instantly turning around is a pretty common thing in first person games.

Now, I'm not a historian, nor is my knowledge of history that great, but I don't think people dragged more than three weapons with them into battle all that often, ignoring small daggers and throwing weapons and such.

Ignoring all the balance aspects of it, because in real life you do not turn around "instantly". I think you're misunderstanding what kind of game Mordhau tries to be.
But really, it's because they want to stop ballerinas from twirling around like a bunch of fags like they do in Chiv. I'm glad they found a decent way to stop them. It's not like you're some fat slug trying to turn around either.

You got flanked, tough shit.

Because it's broken.

Are you seriously trying to treat anything that's first person as being valid in this argument?

the whole point of mordhau is to make chivalry but not shit
ballerina dancing has been disabled, you can't hit people behind you with overhead swings
there's also chambering, which i don't think was in chivalry

games are not supposed to be realistic, they should be fun. I am okay with 2-3 weapons at start, but I should be allowed to pick up like 2 more weapons from the ground.

or maybe you guys misunderstand it. Who said that Mordhaus is chivalry but more realistic? That's what you want it to be, but even in it's current state dragging is allowed.

dragging isn't a problem, spinning like a retard and still hitting people is

which is also possible. Why you want to ruin this game for everyone else?

did you not read ?

since when are reverse overheads in anyway relate to spinning?

have you seen how people spin while doing overheads?
why do you think it's called ballerina fighting

It's what it is, though. Sounds to me like you're the one who wants the game to be something else. If you want to spin around like a madman and hit people while swinging your sword over your shoulder go play Chivalry.

Are you just dense or have you never actually played Chivalry?

I have never seen people spinning while doing a overhead, what even is the point of that? Also, your turnspeed is already limited while you are doing attacks. These overheads aren't even good moves to begin with, they are only ever good to kill noobs who are new to the game.

you talked to the devs or something? How do you know what this game is supposed to be?



bhopping is a exploit too, but it without it certain games are not fun at all

This place really can't get worse can it?

how is it worse than chivalry? It's basically chivalry but with better customization and the ability to throw weapons and pick up weapons.

don't forget throwing pommels to end him rightly

Mordhau's game mechanics are executed better than Chivalry's in almost every way. From being able to attack from any angle, to simultaneous hits being very unlikely (weapons clash), to most weapons having an alternative use mode, to fucking horseback riding. I haven't looked at the twitch streams (because twitch is fucking cancer at the best of times), but from the dev blogs it looks fantastic.

It was funny at first but like every good thing fags like you can't help but parrot it until it's annoying.

I fucking hate this Skallagrim faggot for making this shit into a meme. It used to be a small funny thing that only people knew that were interested in sword fighting and know every normalfaggot on tumblr makes this cancerous joke every time sword fighting get's mentioned.


I'm not a huge fan of this game, never played chivalry for any meaningful time though. but I am into HEMA, hoping that this game would be better. where actions are faster, more responsive, and realistic compared to chivalry. but I hate it, people can drag, they can do a weird fucking breaking back pose to dodge (try that against a real stab and you are getting one in the chest), the swings are slow as fuck and the reach of the weapons are very short. like they are swinging with their dominant hand instead of using the pommel like a lever to turn it fast and get the longer reach. Also, I'm not sure if it's the game or my inexperience with this type of game, but the response feels shit. I can block an attack and if I am not spamming to queue the next move my character will just stand there, sometimes it does nothing even when I spam. it feels so inconsistent and not fluid at all. It's like each swing is someone charging up a hit like in baseball, where they have to commit fully and if you miss you do the silly movie shit where you lose balance (doesn't actually happen in the game but its clunky asf). but I hope since mods are going to be introduced at some point, someone who has the same gripes will fix it.