Vidya Creepypasta V2 - Read the fucking archive edition

Last thread:

Nobody gives a flying fuck if we already have a horror thread. The horror thread is shit, so let's have another vidya creepypasta thread!

What are your favorites?
Playable versions of creepypasta vidya?
Best gaming creepypasta reading videos on Youtube?
Have any personal creepypasta tier experiences you want to share?

Other urls found in this thread:

I mentioned this on another thread but… I once saw a ghost with the Eyetoy camers for the PS2 while playing the Theremin mode, I don't know if it has happened to anyone else.

in another*

what are some good videogames based off a creepypasta?

That PacMan one is pretty fucking good. I got legit spooked while playing it.

Name a single video game that is scary without relying on jumpscares, or loud noises.

Protip: You can't. This is more proof that video games can't be art.

Videogames don't need to be art, art is for fags.

The description on that site ruined it for me. Good game though.

First, name a single piece of art that is scary without relying on jumpscares or loud noises

Jacob's Ladder is a very spooky movie despite little to no shock imagery. I have a few books in mind but I can't remember the names.

Most modern non-Hollywood production horror films

Also a lot of Hollywood horror films made before 2005

Epin bait, Microcuck.

Can we not encourage the b8rs? We had a nice thread last time.

I just found out The Suffering is on GOG, anyone else played it?

Impressive dubs+trips, but the latest thread was mostly spergs who didn't post no pastas at all.



Nigger pls go.

Fuck off goon, stop trying to divide the board

quality cars

shitposting instead of posting spooks

It's an okay shooter with a nice spooky atmosphere. You probably won't be scared by it but it's still fun. There's a sequel, but it's not as interesting as the first one, especially because it has a really stupid twist in the ending.

Yeah last thread was really good. Let's talk about some spooks, god damn it.

Except Jacob's Ladder has at least two full on jumpscares

Something actually original came out of the Sonic.exe pasta. It's a romhack that plays like the original Sonic, but every now and again the game goes fucky and you need to fix it by hitting a TV. You can't beat the level if it's glitching out, and if you stay in that mode too long you get jumped by evil sanic.
Ages ago there were a few projects to try and make Creepy Black into a real game. One was a romhack, the other used an RPG engine. Both ended up dormant, unfortunately.

Are these just going to be the new Friday-night horror threads?

That looks pretty sweet actually

Wait a minute, why does that girl look like a gender-bent Donald Trump?
Yes, I know it was made much before the election. But still.

Typical Jersey tan, nothing to do with Trump.

Watched that whole video.

If order to be any good at that mod you have to know the sonic 1 levels like the back of your hand. Notice how the guy never got hit once and seemed to know where all the boxes were? Hell, he knew about the secret areas in Marble zone.

Because this was made during the Jersey Shore/Duckface meme era

wow that is pretty dam impressive

I don't think there's anything inherently wrong with the jump scares or loud noises, but when it comes to games you have very limited options at scaring people. Take this scene from Stalker. You're taken to the edge of a cliff and you walk along it, knowing at any moment you could fall over with just the slightest misstep or gust of wind. It's excruciating to watch because it's ten minutes and there's nothing else for you to focus on besides the tension. What's even more incredible about this scene is that nothing happens. You can't have this level of tension in games because when you're walking that edge, there's a safety net right there to catch you if you fuck up.

Now, with jump scares and loud noises, you are not consciously aware of that safety net because you are not at the edge of the cliff. The jump scare pushes you over before you can process the situation.

Is there anyone alive who doesn't have every level of Sonic 1 memorized better then their own native language?
Shit, I must have played that game two thousand times through when it came out.

b u m b