*single-handedly destroys the most beloved film franchise in history in only 152 minutes in your path*

*single-handedly destroys the most beloved film franchise in history in only 152 minutes in your path*

Attached: RianJohnson-FeatureArt-887401414.jpg (1599x1599, 134.3K)

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>>133738316That's not a picture of JJ or Kathleen.

>>133738342He killed Luke Skywalker aka the epitome of star wars..

>>133738316He did it on purpose, no one can make a movie as bad as TLJ without actively trying to do so


I've only ever watched the first 3 star wars movies. Can someone explain to a brainlet why Rian is so hated here?

>>133738448JJ did twice

>>133738316He seems like a nice guy. I just wish the movie he made wasn't so fucking horrible.

>>133738485He made a movie so bad it killed a franchise known for having all bad movies except the first two. It was like a supernova of shit

>Crashing the consoomers with no survivorsBased

>>133738316I fucking HATE you Star Wars faggots. You little nerdy CUNTS. Your childish little franchise has always been garbage. Every single movie has had its weaknesses, with Empire heaving the least weaknesses. The prequels destroyed anything this saga had going for it. The Disney sequel trilogy is all trash, yet, it’s still better than all 3 prequels. Return of the Jedi sucks and A New Hope is a hammy cringe fest. Your overrated franchise is over hyped by media manipulation and marketing programming.

>>133738316White people destroy every single thing they create.

>>133738724The star wars threads here are easily the most insightful in terms of discussion. People actually care about the films and what makes them good or bad. There's actually analysis and thought about them

hes based


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Maybe now Star Wars manchildren can move in with their lives. He did you a favour.

>>133738893It's the same film, only one is full of important dramatic consequences and the other is not

>>133738448I don’t like TLJ. But I honestly felt like ROS was way worse.

>>133738908This. After seeing this movie I cancelled my preorder of a movie costume replica. Saved me a few grand.

>>133738316>152 minutesI keep forgetting that this shit is 2 and half fucking hours long even though nothing of importance changes from the end the TFA to end of this film.

>>133738316TLJ is unironically the best one from the sequelsit feels like an actual movie, it's not a chaotic mess filled with memberberries, there is an actualy story, very shitty but there is

Attached: Star Wars- The Last Jedi.webm (640x360, 730.93K)

>>133738426There's an alternate universe where Jon Favreau directs the trilogy.

>>133738316Blow his fucking brains out with a .45

>>133739029I still think the plotting, structure, and arcs are so tremendously weak that it's pretty much as bad as the others. TROS is the best and TFA is the worst, but they're all more or less the same

Yeah, he killed it so hard that mediocre Mandalore was enough to heal TLJ damage.


>>133739029>TLJ is unironically the best one from the sequelsagreed. it was almost watchable at times, unlike ROS or TFA. ROS takes the shit cake, genuinely one of the worst things I have ever seen

TFA already killed it by making the sequels a blatant rehash of the OT. Rian was just pissing on its grave

>>133738316The absolute worst part of TLJ is something I never even remember seeing people bitch about in the 2 solid years of daily hate threads here. Remove this gag and it's a much better movie.

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>>133739094But who's gonna write it, kid? (You)?

>>133738342Yeah, how does JJ escape all criticism? His movies were awful.

>>133738316Single-handedly? No, the destruction of Star Wars was a group effort.

I liked TFA up until Finn meets Rey. She knocks him over and for the rest of the movie he becomes the butt end of a joke.

>>133738316>>133738426>>133738448I'll give you the keys. You are writing episode 8. Now answer these questions JJ didn't answer in ep. 7Who is Rey? Why was she abandoned? Why is she force sensitive? If shes related to Luke why did he leave her? Why cant Anakin reason with Kylo? Why did Luke go into hiding? Why did he leave a map to himself if hes hiding? Why did Leia hug Rey after Han died and not Chewie? Why can Rey talk to droids? Who is Snoke? How did the first order come to power? All these shitty questions are why the series was trash, it was doomed from the start but you fucking retards were to excited to watch a ep. 4 remake and shit all over prequels.

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did you know haha benisio del toro was in these movies

>>133738893>Is this how I meme Mr. 4Chang?Shills are pathetic

>>133738316>NOOO MY BELOVED FRANCHISELiterally how pathetic you must be to ever conceive these two words together. Get Johnson'd.

>>133740152Rey is Luke's daughter. Kylo was her older cousin at Luke's academy (although they're both kids) and she was his one friend among all the other students. She was stronger in the Force than him though and it caused him to resent her and all the others. When Snoke turned him to the dark side he murdered all the students at the temple while Luke was off-planet, but he couldn't bring himself to kill his own cousin. This is the scene in the rain we see in Rey's force vision. He knows Snoke wants her dead, so he wipes her memory with the Force (which is set up through his force mind-reading powers in TFA) and leaves her on Jakku. Rey is essentially like Jedi Jason Bourne. She has training in piloting, the force, droid language, and other abilities, but they're hidden deep in her mind. She knows she had a family but can't remember anything beyond that.Luke returns and is completely heartbroken by it all. He believes is own daughter is dead. However through Leia and the new republic, he knows where several other force sensitive children are. He recruits them and brings them to Ach-To to stay with him in hiding, knowing Kylo would kill them otherwise. He trains them in secret, waiting until they're ready to re-emerge in the galaxy and help Leia wipe out the First Order.Snoke is Darth Plageuis. Luke believed he was still alive and was hunting him through the galaxy (hence his absence from the Jedi Temple, and why Han and Leia know who Snoke is). He has been hiding in the unknown regions and rallying the remaining Empire commanders and fleets into the First Order after Palpatine's death. He is weak and scarred due to his supposed death at Palpatine's hand, but managed to save himself from death. He was weak though, which is why he remained hidden during the events of the OT and the Prequels. He is actively stopping the spirits of Anakin and the others spirits from reaching Kylo. Kylo's supposed communion with Darth Vader was really Anakin trying to reach him.

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>>133740510There's nothing wrong with actively engaging with the films you enjoy. In fact, I think it's far worse to refuse to let yourself care about art.

>'lol nothing matters bro, kill the past or whatever'>audiences lose interest, tanks the franchisewas he actually too smart for his own good?

>>133740394Your meds, give them a try some time. Nobody shills here you dumb newfag.

It was better than the other two movies in the trilogy. Unlike Abrams, at least he tried.

>>133738893TLJ is that bad, that even when some retard says its good, its obviously a trolling.

>>133740569>Rey is Luke's daughterNot true tho

>>133738316He's relentlessly handsome

The Rise of the Skywalker was a lot better than TFA or TLJ

>>133740606>the most beloved franchise in historyDoesn't sound like actively engaging with the films I enjoy to me. Sounds like traditionalism, consumerism and a misguided identitarian sense that's anatema to engaging with a subject in any meaningful way. You'd appreciate TLJ otherwise, anyway.

isn't it good most intellects are no longer bounder too pseudo science?

>>133740658>hostile response>"You're a CRAZY MORON!">attempt at using chan lingoConfirmed as shill

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>>133740658>>133740797You forgot>feverishly and desperately denies existence of any shilling on 4chan.

>>133738316>single-handedlyKennedy allowed his bullshit without ever stopping to say "what the fuck are you doing?" and then blamed evil white men for people not liking it. JJAbrams set the tone of this clusterfuck with a totally uninspired copy/paste of the original with lens flare and an androgynous mary sue. They're all equally shit.

>>133740569Luke's arc in 8 is about learning to let go. He's scared that his new generation of students will suffer the same fate as his last ones. He wants to protect them, but in doing so would effectively doom the rest of the galaxy. Grappling with the idea of the needs of the many vs the needs of the few.Rey's arc then becomes about whether or not she wants the burden of being the daughter of Luke Skywalker. She longs for the simplicity of her old life rather than the pressure and expectations of her new one. Ultimately though she rises to the challenge. The film would end with Luke, Rey, and the others venturing back out into the galaxy to join the fight.

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>>133740739read the comment he's replying to you fucking retard. It's an alternate take on episode 8

>>133740152Ok got it>no opening cinematic>Rey steps on screen and immediately gets hit by a speeder>from behind her a blurry figure comes into view>it's Luke, he says "miss me?">off camera snoke explodes for no reason>the opening crawl begins>at the top it says "the real episode 7"

>>133740569>Rey is Luke's daughter Trash

>>133738316TFA was a bad movieThe last Jedi wasn’t even a movie at all

>>133738316Most of the problems came from TFA but people like you love circle jerking JJ

>>133738426>epitome of star wars..It's Anakin/Vader you pleb

>>133741060It's called the Skywalker Saga. It's the story of their family.

>>133741253Kylo Ren is already the Skywalker of the trilogy

>>133741421No, he's a solo and an emo bitch

There was nowhere to go after TFA. TLJ was just, "Boy, that last movie sure was a shitfest that relied entirely on nostaliga, huh?" over and over again. Actually pretty based that he even attempted to do this while working for the mouse, even if his execution was complete shit.

>>133741548>He's a SoloOh right I guess the blood of the chosen one no longer flows in his veins because he's named Solo >and an emo bitchThe people who say this are always the whiny incels who also defend prequel Anakin lmao

>>133741208Only zoomer retards think this

>>133741592>incelopinion discarded.

>>133740569>>133740866This isn't bad. Wonky as fuck but it does tie together a lot of the questions and mysteries of TFA without just throwing them away.

>>133741625I see you weren't alive for watching the original saga and how everyone was rooting for Vader instead of >>133738426 the self insert for the younger audience

I'm not well-versed in Star wars fandom, but are there seriously people who think the prequels are better than TLJ? Eps 1 and 2 in particular are some of the worst mainstream blockbusters ever made.

>>133738724ok chad

>>133738316>the most beloved film franchise in historyTime to grow up OP

>>133739029captain Kennedy had 2 scenes worth of screen time but he is the best character in the new trilogy

>>133738316He based

>>133738943TFA is like some dumb middle school kid walking alongTLJ is a cement truck crushing his legs and cracking his skull on the pavementTROS is that kid in a hospital bed paraplegic and with permanent debilitating brain damageof course TROS is worse, TLJ completely demolished any potential it might've had to be anything. TROS is nonsensical incoherent crap because of TLJ. Probably wouldn't have been much better anyway if JJ had also been behind the middle chapter, but the way things played out is as stated above. There were plenty of ways to build off of the dumb bullshit that was TFA, and to come up with explanations for all the dumb bullshit that didn't make any sense, but there was nowhere left to go after TLJ. It chopped off all Star Wars limbs and cauterized the stumps.Star Wars always basically sucked anyway, though, it just had great special effects, music, and costumes

>>133738316TLJ was by far the best of the sequel trilogy and a good (Star Wars) movie. TLJ Luke is also the most interesting and well acted version of the character. You can't change my mind.

Attached: tlj-luke-skywalker4.jpg (740x502, 65.96K)

>>133740569I love thiscompletely explains her complete Mary Sue-dom, and ties itself into the prequels in a meaningful way, making it feel like a whole story again

for me, it's the abridged version of TROSyoutube.com/watch?v=l5l4eH_heks&t=600

>>133744230fuck off

>>133740152>the entire first act is back and forth between Rey's training and the fall of the Nu Republic>Luke's reason to go hiding is because he knows the nu rebellion can't be trusted, he tries to convice Leia to stay away too>second act the rebellion is chasing, not being chased, the nu empire but they're betrayed, suffer massive losses all seems lost>third act is rey going against the nu empire trying to save Leia and cia, Luke's plan is revealed, he uses this as a distraction to talk to Kylo. He says he sees good in him and it's never too late to come back, Kylo doubts>nu empire wins but rey saves Leia and the rest and the end of the movie is Kylo having doubts about his dark side shit, setting the third movie for his coming back to the light side, maybe his tragic death tooBoom that easy, took me like 2 minutes

That's not a picture of George Lucas