French "cinema"
French "cinema"
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>>133731059how do you even find this shit
>>133731059this is not ok...
>>133731059why are french so degenerate?
what are some french kinos I should watch?
>>133731240Because they're white
>>133731059and yet if a lg did that to me it would be "sexual abuse". absolute clown world
>>133731434> if a lg did that to me it would be "sexual abuse"not if you didn't report it
>>133731240why are burgers so uptight?
What movie?
>>133731059meh, at least the horse is white
>>133731240it's art when they do it
I don't see anything wrong with realistic portrayals of pubescent girl sexual curiosity
>>133732111forgot webm haha
french """"cinema"""""
>>133732657whats the problem here
>>133732150I want a daughter one day but this actually gives me pause.
>>133731059Does it ever get fully hard or does it just tease those slutty imps?
>>133732213That kid will be traumatized forever
>>133732959so traumatized that he'll be fapping to the memory every night before sleep during his adulthood, haha
>>133732213What's the title of this Kino?
>>133732925Because its true
>>133731059europe needs Islam
what movie op?
>>133732150Still think I'd rather have a daughter than son, I'm afraid a son would be a weak beta with mental issues like me
>>133732213>want to download this to post on other boards for ez (You)s>afraid of getting v&
>>133733610If you're beta enough, he'll be repulsed by you and become the opposite of you.
>>133733808based. they saw the dark future that was coming
>>133733771Imagine being bullied by your own fucking son.Sorta like Flats and his dad in Spongebob
>>133731240at least they're not
>>133731375>Because they're whiteWut!
>>133731128by being based
>>133735415incredibly based
>>133736491To be fair, floor press is annoying to setup and he is an asian manlet twink
>>133732657this is not fucking french, you imbecile, this is swiss
>mogs all contemporary french kino
>>133731059I bet they tied his dick on a string and was yanking it to get it to swing wildy like that
>>133736728gotta love it when you see chinks getting BTFO
>>133731059You quite simply KNOW
>>133732657very very based
>>133737016fuck off whiteboi your country will soon belong to us
>>133731240Jewish subversion
>>133737017>>133731059virgin pony vs elechad
>>133731240All eastern europe jews flooded france and usa during ww2.
>>1337330159 that's exactly what will happen>t.will sell my story to a doujin artist
>>133731375white aka. the eternal jew
>>133737274What is happening inside elephont brains, bros? Is it true that they never forget, and never forgive?
>>133735415Shit gives me so much faith also I want all drugs legal especially dissociates so non believers can literally meet god like entities for themselves
>>133731059Ehm, is there more?For reasons, you know
>>133737406you dont wanna know
the jew owns this world deal with it loser
>>133732083t. Jew
>>133731059Why is the no source yet?
>>133732150>>133732925I cannot think or comprehend of anything more fulfilling than having a daughter. Honestly, think about it rationally. You are feeding, clothing, raising and rearing a girl for at least 18 years so that the world might experience a radiant bundle of happiness and love. All the hard work you put into your beautiful little girl - reading her stories at bedtime, making her go to sports practice, making sure she had a healthy diet, educating her, playing with her. All of it amplifies the joy everyone she meets shall experience when she greets them and takes precious time from her day to make theirs a little better.Raised the perfect girl? Great. Who benefits? Everyone. Strangers on the street get a friendly bystander that will wish them well, the homeless will get a wealthy and intelligent girl that runs shelters to feed them and find them honest work to get off the streets. The lucky man who marries her will get the perfect partner, and you'll benefit from gaining a second child in her spouse, one who will be a dear friend that thanks their lucky stars you raised such an astounding woman.As a man who has a daughter, you are LITERALLY dedicating at least 20 years of your life simply to grant your wondrous, miraculous daughter and all the people around her a better life. It is the ULTIMATE AND FINAL reward. Think about it logically.
>>133731059YOU JUST KNOW
>>133732213god I wish that was me
>>133733724jesus christ why is 4chan filled with such sissies these days? it's from a literal MOVIE and there's not even any nudity
>>133733808>a woman signed it>france could've had legalized /ss/fucking jews ruining all the fun in the world
>>133738398impressive, you actually made me flip sides. based and daughterpilled.
>>133731059Je suis français, demandez-moi ce que vous voulez sur notre cinéma.
>>133731351Notre Jour Viendra, best recent french movie.>t. frenchie
>>133737017that the director is a jew yes
>>133740550Pourquoi les acteurs français ont toujours un jeu d'acteur artificiel, en comparaison au films américains ?
>>133731059I know one 14yo girl who works with horses, she things their dicks are utterly disgusting.
>>133738398And then someone rapes her.
>>133732213did she fart?
>>133731059>amerigolems think white women fucking black men on screen is okay but a girl looking at a horse dick is bad
>>133738398she'll be the first to welcome poor little migrants with open heart and legs.
>>133740677the older sister tells her to "sit on his face" and then threatens him to "apologize or she'll fart"so, pretty close. patrician coomer kino either way especially in the audio version
>>133740631Il y a deux explications. La première c'est qu'ils viennent du théâtre pour la plupart. C'est évident que jouer du Molière demandent pas tout à fait les mêmes qualités que celles qu'il faudrait pour jouer "vrai" dans des films naturalistes et contemporains. La seconde explication c'est simplement que les subventions du CNC ont créé une caste de mauvais acteurs qui peuvent contribuer à des échecs commerciaux sans craindre les conséquences, tandis qu'aux USA, un acteur ayant joué dans deux-trois bides se retrouve blacklisté. C'est un peu comme le Goose après Blade Runner 2049, l'échec commercial du film l'a empêché de jouer dans des grandes productions depuis.
>>133740694but french people love black men boning white women....
>>133740966>french people love black men boning white womenI don't.
>>133731059Got any more artistic titles like theDon't Deliver Us from EvilMaladolescenzaPretty BabyL'immoralitàs'il vous plaît?
I wish the cunny had never come to me
>>133738796delete this
>>133740885whats the film called
>>133740994Careful with your posts, Pierre. We don't want you getting arrested for nazi racism.
>>133741033So do all who live to see such times, but that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the cunny that is given to us.
>>133741100I've always admired Léon Degrelle.
>>133738796Read Sérotonine (another Houellebecq book). It's peak coomer kino.He fixes the car of two spanish hotties and then goes right home to coom.
>>133737693God I wish. They have a global support system ready to help you out just for being Jewish
>>133732102>>133733072>>133733547>>133738313>>133741095Angela (1995)fuckin hell that took me some advanced coomer searching, but I was in your guys' position a few years back when this was posted on 8ch. god I miss that place
>>133732213name of this movie?
>>133741440I just spent 10 minutes looking for it and found it and as soon as i open this thread back up someone says it, thanks anyway user.
>>133741440this film was made only 25 years ago
>>133731059Black bois BTFO by the BHC
I don't want to coom to coon anymore bros I'm not a bad person
>>133741667>wanting to coom to coons in the first place
>>133741667if you believe that cooming to fantasies makes you a bad person then most of humanity is awfulor you think of acting any of it out in real life, in which case yea, stop (switch to other degenerate porn) or get some help
>>133740928bonne explication merci
Do white women really...
>>133731059fucking french man
>>133731059Any good loli x horse doujinshi?
>>133741667stop watching porn full stop, start limiting your masturbation as much as you can. these sick fetishes eventually can go away. trust me bro.
>>133735415I can't wait till these dumb fucks realize kids are always going to not do what adults tell them to do, it's gonna be fun watching zoomers getting redpilled en masse and laughing at millennials until they all shrivel up and die just like boomers and every generation before that.
>>133742046i'm on day 8 nofap. how long will these mental demons last?
>>133738796Imagine getting blackpilled this late, I pray for any poor bastard who doesn't realize this before they're in their mid 20s, let alone their fucking 30s and 40s..
>>133740365You are very gullible
>>133742128its gonna take months, and avoiding porn is more important than nofap, but you're doing great if you're more than a week into nofap.keep nofap going for, say, a month? and when you eventually masturbate, lean back onto your imagination. try and be vanilla, but if you have to imagine some of your old fantasies thats okay too, just try and limit it. nofap isn't as important as limiting porn intake and socializing around 'normal' people, but you're on the right path bro. just stick at it.
>>133740734>>133740662And guess who's fault that's gonna be, faggots? Having a daughter isn't the ultimate cuck move, having a daughter and failing to protect her from migrant cock is truly the ultimate cuck move.
>>133742254only my son will be allowed to breed my daughter.
>>133740646Ah, but she does think about them.>believing the bullshit out of a woman's mouth
>>133742255>>133742275>>133742307i also read the book it's still makes me depressed reading it here
>>133738796>>133742255>>133742275>>133742307i'm afraid to watch this
>>133743192read the book it's based on and abandon women forever
>>133733808>>133733899>>133739854>Based>Hasn't done a few quick searches on who were those who signed the petition nor what ideological reasons motivated them to sign it.These people aren't your allies, dear cunnyposter, quite the opposite actually.The "woman" who signed it was a raging feminist and several of the guys are considered as the fathers of modern day turbo leftism and cultural Marxism .
>>133742318this man is based
>>133731059>>133732213nice haha
why are the french so fucking horny?
>>133732150Wtf bros I can't refute this heckin midget!
>>133741440> god I miss that place
Yes. To every incel in here who is afraid to become a wizard: start with the ugly chicks and work your way up. try to learn as much about relationships as you can do. even if you would automatically turn into a 10/10 when you hit your 40th birthday, you wont get happy in a relationship. see >>133738796getting in a relationship is always give and take, but if you never experienced it, the first relationships you gonna have, will be very short
>>133743766Something something in the water turns us frogs gay.
>cute and funny thread>holes and male feminists from tranny discord posting their favourite word in every second post>???
>>133743766Back in the day, it was common knowledge that French women were basically the whores of Europe.All the way back to the Napoleonic campaigns, you would have foreign armies on French soil, with horny men carrying coin.As French women are naturally inclined to fuck anything that doesn't speak French as a first language, the coin was just a bonus.This tradition went all the way to WW1 and later WW2, when after being liberated by the allies, some say that 60% of the French female population immediately got pregnant with foreign seed.French men are basically the same as their women, just with testicles and a penis.
>>133740928> C'est un peu comme le Goose après Blade Runner 2049, l'échec commercial du film l'a empêché de jouer dans des grandes productions depuisMerde...
>>133731240It's literally part of their culture. In the french revolution they got rid of both monarchies and the ecclesial structures. Libertines were an important part of the revolution.
>>133732213Some guys are just born under a lucky star
>>133738796Take the final redpill and learn to despise women. You don't need them in your life.
>>133731059That girl is cute, what other kino does she appear in?
>>133741440>The director is a jewcolour me shocked
France is decadent because the people face no adversity. The weather is perfect, the land is fertile, there are no natural disasters, no predatory and poisonous creatures, no foreign invasions (Germany is not foreign in this context, it's a sibling nation). Since its inception, France has been one of and at times the main power in Europe and the world. France succeeds in spite of itself and its people. It's no wonder why their art is sleazy, degenerate, and gluttonous.
>>133744485>no predatory and poisonous creaturesWhat about arabs?