the devil's apprentice he gave me some credit
he fed me a line and I'll probably regret it
The devil's apprentice he gave me some credit
Other urls found in this thread:
i'm always the same Revy
this is a good drake
i don't know what to say
i literally don't understand what you're saying
Neko I just read your steam message
Is it legit?
Like who even is that Usui guy lmao
Holy shit this is cringey
okay so you see my confusion here.
If I wanted to talk to you I would have linked you.
I don't think either of them are "crushing it", this campaign trail has been sloppy for both of them, even by campaign trail standards. And that's a pretty low bar. Not that I think it's currently a close race, Trump is polling well enough nationally, but not so well with electoral college projections.
revy i dont even know you why are you being a bitch for no reason wtf
It's not for no reason. Have you seen that dude's life?
true. honestly the whole thing has just been hilarious to watch from any side.
but I particularly don't like hilary. so it's especially fun to watch this right now.
what the fuck did i do
I can appreciate that. She's such a dead fish when she speaks, I wish there were a more interesting candidate. At least I agree with her policies for the most part.
Your first mistake was being yourself.
Most people switch back and forth like the flip of a coin, I wouldn't take it personally
it's a possibility that i may have said or implied some number of seemingly contradictory things
well aren't you just a puddle of sunshine
i'm always kinda bitchy i thought but was i being a particular bitch tonight?
everytime I see that fake fucking smile she wears 24 7 i want to slam my FIST repeatedly into her STUPID FUCKING NOSE!!!!
Yeah bruh
He's some creep from mlpchan who Smile cucked apparently
I can't really decide if I agree with anything she says or not because I can't trust a fucking word out of her filthy corrupt lying cunt mouth.
well as long as you own up to it.
That's because you're a violent psychopath, Bard.
The joke was obviously not for you.
you'd only get one hit in and then she'd collapse from "overheating"
Because im obviously not gay
well go fuck yourself thats not a desirable character trait,
Tsuchi when we funna effiel tower that shit and triple cuck that Usui guy?
my opinion of my life situation is known to rapidly change from disgust to complacency
it looked like you were talking about me
i'm working on it
what did i do wrong
it's been kind of a long time since we've talked much so you'll have to forgive me for not keeping up with your day to day affairs.
President of the United States was never a role that I expected any degree of honest out of. I just try to go with people who offer local level party support and have policies that I at least don't hate.
I've never seen you say no homo before.
seems reasonable.
really though no matter who you're rooting for in this one, it's been a total fucking shitshow on all fronts.
it's fine
Yet I was not talking TO you.
what do you think you did wrong
this is cupcake, by the way. we talked about the ds game "nostalgia" a few times because we're the only people in existence who have played it
this was like three years ago though.
This post is basically your biography.
You hear about all of the stupid things that have happened throughout history and think "Nah, something that crazy will never happen in my lifetime. Surely we're past that..."
it seemed insulting
i literally have no idea what i could have possibly done to piss you off
oh right
Considering you don't know the context or implications you would not be one to make that judgment.
this is going to be the event people look back on when america is controlled by like every other country and they will be like "yeah, this was where it just all went to shit"
good times
Its okay to be gay.
im not i was just bored and looked back at the furries episode post you made and went off that
wubba lubba dub dub
Personally I think it has a lot to do with furries, weeaboos, and gamers coming into the mainstream.
Shut up, faggot.
we should just gas them all.
i'd like to know the context and implications, if you were talking about me
or just go through the joke with me
they certainly were times
sorry ;-;
If I have to explain it then it stops being funny.
No it isn't
Panties = Soaked
I think they're gassy enough as a group that they don't need any outside help.
I won't forgive you that easily.
Its okay to me if you're gay.
that's a cute girl.
punish me then, daddy
I was joking anyway
but then i might not be insulted
this is why you just have to learn to take offense at all times no matter what.
No matter where I go, I can't get away from the furries.
I can't imagine why that is, honestly.
being insulted is useless
but you're so talented at it.
there is a difference between being insulted and being an insult
*I begin to use the soaked panties to hot dog your member between my vagina creases*
offense is taken freely without anyone having to give it
therefore it cannot have any commercial value
that's what the AnCaps tell me anyway
You're really horny huh?
I knew that.
Why would I care?
yeah but can you really trust those guys?
oh yeah, just totally soaked right now.
even more horny than neko is for squash.
So you're just normal then?
You okay?
take my normal level of lust and multiply it by like six and a half at least.
of course he's not he just said "I am in great pain, please help me" didn't you hear him?
And you have the best imagination in the whole universe. That's how you know it's a really big mystery.
you know what isn't a mystery? me either
He was making fun of Smiles as much as he was making fun of you. It's complicated.
Don't explain any more.
No I think my guess was 100% correct.
That's why I felt the need to ask, but you never know what level of irony people are operating on.
it's rude to make assumptions.
I'm on at least seven layers myself.
I had no intention to.
Well memed.
I wasn't even trying to meme. that's just how ironic I am, punk.
Oh no ! I might offend you !
its post irony
I prefer unposted irony.
why do you keep doing the desu space then exclamation point thing?
moogs gets it.
do you prefer it ironically?
get off my board
I was hoping it would annoy someone.
Squash is molesting me again
Stab him in the face
"I" "prefer" "it" "ironically".
But you've spent years trying to get me on your board. Why the change of heart?
it's not annoying to me, but I have been curious since I saw you start doing it a while ago.
oh thank goodness.
I haven't' even posted at you for like, 20 min, you thirsty whore.
If you can't even stab someone in the face yourself while they're molesting you, why do you think you deserve any help?
He's only so thirsty because urine is so salty.
ok watch this
well I know it really trigger Gayro
*stabs u in the face*
Someone call me so I can talk to someone until I pass out.
Get it? Because a board looks like a penis. Freud courses through my veins.
that's true but he went to bed over an hour ago.
*Your penis does nothing even when painted like a knife. I slowly become aroused as I move to take the bladed member inside my eager maw. I bob on it as you leak sweet pre into me*
that argument never works
we have a NAP
i... see?
speaking of NAPs, I need to sleep.
goodnight everyone.
I'm bored with this conversation so I'll be nice and tell you I'm going to just stop responding.
Hes just laying in bed not sleeping I bet.
*Wags tail in excitement*
Night. pic related.
nani nee
stop my boner wont take it anymore
it's getting pretty late here
birds have cloacas kaybe
*unsheathes the other nine inches of my bladed cock and rams it down your throat before you notice whats happening*
*your throat instantly splits in half and your head rolls onto the floor*
I'll have to help it release some of that excitement.
*As I roll around on the floor like a good dog I pant for more. My throat burns with the warm cummies I have just been blessed with.*
"More, master" I beg.
If Al can have a mangina, that bird can have a cock and anus.
Can we not
We can knot.
I'll see you on Maury
Good we are now in agreement, stop
*Laps up the cummies*
I'm going to keep doing it anyway.
*rubs my hand on the top of your head and runs your soft fur between my fingers*
"good boy"
*I coo gently as I am lulled to sleep. My leg kicks slightly as the last of my waking will leaves me*
Baebe pls
I deserve it cause I am special :D
You monster
I'm off to bed.
If anyone wants to call me and talk to me 'till I sleep that would be nice.
Are you happy now?
I was going to until you asked.
Lil bit
Someone just bought me a chocolate chip caramel apple
Night Revs
Someones got a new boyfriend.
A really, really old boyfriend? Is he like 60?
Rate this spooder.
I don't have a boyfriend
Now everybody in thread knows. Brace yourself for the PMs.
Apples are known signs of this.
Don't you like spooders?
What sort of a rating is ':/'?
its meh
Not that one.
Pls no
I just really love apples and i forgot my wallet so he bought it for me
I doubt he is gay
Don't make it gay
No straight dude is just going to buy you an apple treat. That guy might as well have hacked you off in the bathroom.
Like 90% of what I do is make things gay.
he bought you a caramel apple~
Okay. How about hoars?
Doesn't look good.
whats a hoar
He caramel appled inside of you.
How about hoars?
Not hoar, hoars.
I simply mentioned i forgot my wallet and that i wanted something and he told me to grab it and he'll pay for it
Pls stop.
No bad bard
Don't you start
I'm sorry.
What's hoars?
"He told me to grab it and he'll pay for it." Uh, yeah dude, he wasn't talking about a chocolate chip caramel apple there...
Buy me some stuff
haha its okay something gay happendd to me today too
my friend pat my head today ./// ,. lewd af
Are you asking for my caramel apple ?
You just have a perverted mind
Did you like it?
Suck my dick better first.
Maybe later
maybe o/////////////////o
It's quite a lovely feeling isn't it ^^
-yawns and crawls out of his cot. He folds the treasured blue blanket before wandering sleepily out into the thread in his mothra pajamas, headed for the kitchen.-
-is disappointed. His new trip was supposed to say tea time but cannot copy the weird characters for some reason v.v-
how adorable
-holds up his broken trip to you and pouts- ;_;
*applies a bandage and blows a kiss* sana sana colita de rana si no sanas hoy sanaras manana
are you going to moo?
-is not a frog- ;_;
ribbit ribbit haha
good to see you around tonight sonata
-brings you tea and tiny individual tarts with raspberry and blueberry filling-
Of course not.
why is everything NIS makes fucking god tier?
Insomnia is a bitch
A bowl of corn flakes to soothe the pain away
Nippon ichii software
folded over 1000 times
a bowl a day keeps the niggers at bay?
Glorious Nippon software
Coded over 1000 times
Hey there Goggles
entity man. nice
Talking about the vidya game company silly boy
i wonder wat they do...
she's cute
Hold me Holla Forums, I'm hungover and I've re-entered the Neet lyfe.
End me. Bash my head in with a rock. ;-;
what happened?
today was a sleepy day
I got fired.
And now I hate myself.
I did a lot of stupid things; I have made many mistakes, but I am not sorry.
sorry to hear it, scanner. are you going to be alright? got anything else to pursue?
Working in toystore again
Or working in cargo ship
Or suicide.
try the first two options and see how that goes before that third one. it'll be okay scanner, you'll get another job.
aha I should baeadtime and nap until tomorrow
*pets you gently into nana*
Cargo ship because I need to get far away from this accursed country.
Suddenly have an urge to listen to that on full volume
Cuppy's Butt
Is it thicc?
Sister just called. They're giving my father a sleeping drink today, right now. It doesn't kill him, but he'll not wake up. He'll die "naturally" in three days.
I don't get to see him. Not awake.
I've never felt so many different emotions. This is the most confusing thing ever.
there's always america.
you're going to be okay scanner. losing your job isn't the end of the world.
bad subtle. no.
holy shit.
I'll get on steam.
Shame, otherwise I'd have to deal with silly bullshit.
I couldn't do America, Canada is for me.
nanas to everyone
The Scottish are crazier than Americans.
I'm glad they don't have free access to guns.
What dafuq time do you call this neru
Fresh Nani for you
Sleep well.
I passed out drunk as shit and woke up drunk as shit to some fucking kid being here and had to walkk him to school because of my stupid ass brother
I'm so pissed right now
You heard of their new project?
Also this one because of Tom Morello.
I don't know what to say.
I'm glad that it is just grassland there, so glad they don't have access to rocks.
I'm just... astonished and frustrated.
Lots. And that's about it. Everything else is a bit less.
That's just odd considering they didn't even tell you beforehand about it.
have fun.
Had never heard of that but I'm very glad I have now
Enjoy gym
I knew it was coming, but we were thinking months.
Yesterday it became a month.
Not this
What will you do?
I dunno, Luka.
I want to call my mother, who is there right now. But I don't know if she'll pick up... and what would happen if she did.
I might not be able to speak with him, but I'm going there. Thanks guys.
Here's hoping you do get to, good luck
Good luck.
ded thread.
ded community
Grim pls
Damn forty thats some heavy shit
We're here for you
❤️ :(
Brb, vomiting
this is and always has been MY thing.
Sounding like a manchild curry-nigger?
Calling the police, because that was fucking savage.
I sound like me, and me alone. it is others who are imitating.
Okay Slim Cuppy.
tyty, likeD your rocks thing earlier, was funny.
I'm not here to impress you faggots.
still no sign of my fucking wallet anywhere
did you check the nearest black man's pocket?
Didn't Erin beat up a guy for shits n giggles?
I know, but you could do better than that, burn him.
Rightfully so, since you're a cumdumpster. :3
Neko is going off the fucking Grid holy shit
Yeah, Scotland is just a real life Rust server.
And Iraq is actually the corpse of a camel spider queen.
yeah. and don't you forget it.
what the hell was that from? that was hilarious.
If someone stole it they'd be fucking dead
I'm losing my god damn mind
yeah? what would you do, suck their cock to death?
she would never.
i've been posting around for weeks.
It is fucking awesome.
so it's a youtube thing?
Was a youtube thing, then became a tv seires for one season.
watching the youtube stuff. it's funny.
I'd rip off their cock and strangle them with it
the black guy big cock thing is just a myth you know. you could shove it down their throat to make them choke on it though.
What ever I have to do to ensure they die a slow, suffering death
Google'd healsluts, fucking kotaku article.
hope you find your wallet, neko.
yeah jack showed us that the other day. it's kind of hilarious that anyone would cover such a thing, but kotaku is such a fucking joke I'm not that surprised.
I checked every single nook and cranny in this fucking house 10 times
Healsluts bestsluts.
But damn, why the fuck is Kotaku still alive?
maybe you left it at work?
I honestly have no idea. I keep forgetting they exist.
I know, it isn't a really good business model either.
I mean, posting shit abut videogames?
the problem isn't the subject matter so much as how retarded everyone working there is.
If I had it at work I would have been able to use it at work which I didn't
well where were you the last time you saw it? I know it's obvious but the whole closing your eyes and trying to mentally retrace your steps thing always works for me.
sometimes the subject matter though.
I don't trust it, I don't trust Rock Paper Shotgun either, they're shit too
I don't really trust any major (or "major" on the internet) news outlet of any kind.
I set it on the ground right next to where I sleep
and when I woke up it was gone
so I dunno if some retard that I live with took it or if the stupid ass puppy fucked with it
probably the dog did. you should look in areas the puppy likes to play with things. and of course ask your roommates about it. if one of them took it that's going to be a big issue, unfortunately.
I hate the BBC on being wasteful of funds, but their radio4 is interesting.
there's nothing wrong with listening to or reading from these sources you just have to remember they are probably misleading you in some way or another.
Teen Titans Go is so great lol
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