Other urls found in this thread:
I think I started showing up in this community on Holla Forums in like 2008, shit's horrifying.
Sounds super productive, I'm just being a lazy shit. Might play some terrible single player games later like Bioshock2
literally just baking
mr Casper
bring me a dream
make him the qtest
that i ever sseen
like that guy from that story from that night from when u nearly died?
Wanna leeg?
oh I'll activate your almonds~
Yeah but it's like 21:00 in our superior military style hours, i woke up at 11 had pizza, sleept until like 16:00 then i made a sponge cake sort of thing, and then i slept some more, Now it's a pizza and some speed later, and i feel the productivity jitter through me.
I don't remember cute guys being with me when i nearly died.
I barely remember nearly dying!
if you love yourself, others will be able to love you.
then what I said etc.
oook fine with me Ican do like 1 or 2
euw right
Ah I getcha, got a weird sleep schedule or something?
Also yeah, 24 hour time is masterrace.
Yeah yeah
how do you not mention the speed
Nah, but i don't work at the moment and yesterday my friend moved to spain. He gifted me this amphetamine because he didnt feel like not getting through customs and whatnot. We also had to smoke up his hash stash before he boarded, and he had alot of hash left.
Usually it would not be a problem for me, but since i've been without income for like a while i haven't smoked as much as i used to, shit hit pretty hard. Then i slept like a babby. Now i stay up like the parents of a babby.
you could use that amphetamine for good
or evil
it makes every act more engaging in the right doses
be wise, young caspa
I know how to use amphetamine lol, obviously imma do good, did you not see the midnight house cleaning thing?
It hurts to be baka
I may have a cure. It's just been aproved for human trials, i can not guarantee sucess but it is the best chance you have!
Pff, jeez. Shit'll fuck you up.
*drunken powers intensfies*
Damn, she stopped your Donus..
nah, it's cool
i'm cool
I meme'd a meme.
of memes gone by
When (you) were high
and posts worth posting
i cry ever tim ;;
When (You) were
A young meme
Your poster
Took you into the cancer
To see chemotherapy
He said "Meme when
you're viral
would you be
the saviour of the animus,
the ponies, and the furs."
He said "Will you defeat them,
the mod staff, and all the janitors,
the rules that they have made."
Found this old picture of a filter i used in a spliff
and it says SD
MCR is life.
I knew you'd comment on that exact part.
Color me amazed.
OHHHHH recall
You know me huh ^^
It was similar to doughnut.
You're watching a stream currently.
Playing leagu with neru and echo
Oh well, it was a 50-50 anyhow.
I thought I never had to see that show again
fuck my ears
That's a fetish too.
I want to know what the russian is
It's what Zarya yells when ulting so "Fire at will!"
You're a fetish.
I don't follow at all.
Its not just Shillary about to kick the bucket lads
Another godless cur might throw in the towel too
God exists, and his rays of love shine upon us all.
God doesn't exist because Harambe is dead.
This is stupid.
God needed Harambe at his side, tries to make up for it by slaying the worst humans in existence tho
At least he is trying
good god
That guy looks a lot like Rupert Murdoch
Sure is. You up to much?
If God is willing but unable to bring back Harambe, then he his not omnipotent.
If God is able but unwilling the bring back Harambe, then he is malevolent.
If God is both unable and unwilling?
Then why call him God?
In all seriousness God is a cunt but at least we can witness these curs dying moments
He visited Hungary one time and in front of all kinds of press just said "By the way, I am buying this land its people."
Fuck jews.
Harambe meme is shit and you should feel shit
silverback gorillas > humans
Watching some csgo qualifiers out of boredom, so pretty much nothing.
No problem Emily.
it's only downhill from here
I wanted to show off my platinum to you but noooo you have to do this shit again fucking hell subtle I hate you
Pirated Binary Domain, gonna give it a try.
That game was free somewhere a few months ago.
Subtle you doing good fam
If Harambe didn't die, you'd have nothing to meme about. So honestly I'm doing you a favor.
i'm mad hung the fuck over
dn i dont have a phone so i had to bike do work to tell them i coulnt come in today
felt bad having to say that to their face that i let them down like that today
It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll,
I am the master of my fate,
I am the captain of my soul.
you might be the first person to rank higher than me, subtle
try not to get higher than 2908 or i might have to kms
Scanner. You are a mess.
Did this thread die for rills?
I bet you nerds are all playing in damn pre-mades
No fair
remember when he was a mess on skype with us?
And wrote down an epic tale?
no u
And told us that amazing real life story that we are not allowed to share. My god, as if Scanner is real, how can he be real?
Its like he is a character from Coronation Street.
I did mine with cupcake which is more of a burden than solo queue :^)
I'm not even sure if that story is real or not, all i know is i'm not allowed to share
oh my literal gosh
Wow damn
Okay you are good.
You know, you're reaching out for a group of people you wish to be accepted.
It is no use to use such deprecating words towards such cunts.
Like, I mean, we all have our little niches and quirks... Scanner with his uncontrollable urge to be a mess, you being a vacuum grafitti rebel and me being a meme-addict.
Shit son.
Is that a trademark .com company?
nah, not really man
my MMR has fucking tanked since I placed
I'm a one trick roadhog/hanzo player and I'm basically useless if forced into any other role, lol
I solo queued to diamond
git gud
Scoots, I fucked up, I lost my job.
I fucked up, that's why I've gotten so bloody meaty mad. ;-;
Do you really want a comeback?
I actually detest playing with company. I always overstress to be good so I don't drag anyone down and thanks to that my performance drops a considerable magnitude
Ask Echo
Merely trying to be witty and pretty and gay, fam.
I saw you drop the lost job thing. But you haven't said to me how.
I dunno.
But its as good a reason to get messy as ever. I am a little hamstrung in my vices nowadays. Sucks.
Wow, it is like Jack plays games to be Good.
What a nerd.
I couldn't get 5 ectasty tablets, so I had ti make do with vas t amounts of drink. I talked to the offspring of my regulars, I saw behind the counter, and I saw in between and behind it.
And I was let go, I have such forbidden knowledge.
Do you really want to go against me?
My shit outedgelords what you ever could produce.
Good pick thar if not the best
Eeeeh, no comment
Well, fuck, I'll just go ahead and label myself avarage after seeing this
Ya know me
I take all the wrong stuff seriously
Calm those tits scanner. I am not beefing at all.
You can call me a faggot for playing Hanzo, it's to be expected
All I've got going for me is aim and Widowmaker is boring as fuck so
McCree and Hanzo are my only real choices
The :^) meant I was kidding, homo
be nice to me
Cruising for a bruising;
unaware of the unknown.
I should of kept my mouth shut.
Hello Scoots, I'm SCANNER.
How are you today?
Oh, and good luck.
Music tax, dudes. Let's see em.
Oh god how I detest one-shot McCrees
Hanzo is pretty fucked up now, I don't think any Hanzo main would miss out on that sweet hitbox and fire rate
At least you don't Mei
I am good. Just mingling. Might go soon.
Where next for scanner? realignment?
I deranked down a ton to like 2550, ELO hell exists.
My games currently have only people trying to win, even if you get the occasional torb or symmetra main that refuses to switch the whole game.
My games below ~2800 I had maybe 50%+ with trolls and griefers.
Had I think 6 games in a row with griefers/leavers when I went down to 2550
good luck mate
I'd play Mei in ranked if her kit didn't feel fuckin' useless in a competitive situation
The wall is rarely as useful as most average long cooldown abilities and the self block is suicide 99% of the time unless you're just dodging and ult with it
Drinking then looking for cigs, the working in a toystoe.
I'm literally always nice to you.
That sounds like realy try-hard fagetry
I think I'll stay in cozy plat and end-gold
This makes me want to see bronze level tho, I wonder what kind of picks and attitude those guys have. Must be fun
Hah, guess thats true. Most Meis end up blocking their own team more than the enemy tho
At least they fixed her ult
Good luck with all that fam.
I am sure you'll find your path, you always do.
Don't lose your way.
You reminded me what got me through uni, and this shit will get me through now.
Oh god, I'm really sad aren't ?
bronze sounds like hell
I could probably 1v6 at that rank, makes me want to smurf to see
except that's bad so I won't do it
I HAD one potentially and then they got swallowed by other video game
-pets the cute-
say something genuine and nice to me right now
Wait, you're Jack?
bronze to low gold is all trolling.
even if youre on a team its random on who wins.
you're a wonderful person and I genuinely enjoy spending time with you.
yeah I don't recommend doing placement solo queue even though mine wasn't TOO bad, I could have done better if I had played in a group for sure
It isnt sad. Trigger isnt sad. Kill la kill definitley isnt sad. Stiff upper lip.
unless you have a carry that doesn't belong in that rank ye
-squeaks nervously and looks around for not-mes. Holds a can of SonatAway brand anti-blue spray. Is the only me.- >.
Yoiu are here by circumstance
oh no not the SonatAway, my one weakness!
see ya going to dinner
Yeahm but couple that with H.P Loveccraft and the idea of 'we are here by circumstance'
That is something new.
at least you can play at all
Yeah. Not many other hungarians around these parts
Oh boi, I'll do it the next season
Did you get the top 500 stuff in season 1?
I've had enough for one day.
Night night guys.
I guess. Something to mull over I guess.
I am off, work early tomorrow.
A parting gift.
wow that is super gay
i'll be nicer to you
yeah, true. I've never seen you post anything that wasn't edgy shitposting though lol
-sprays it at you and bravely hides under the blue blanket-
bye scoots.
just kidding fag go choke on dicks.
I am content with solo queue QP for the time being
Yeah, probably
But I cant play ranked! alone
Since my old ways and tools are useless I'm practicing kawaiiposting here so I can get undercover in a group I have in my sight and bring death and destruction from within
sad face i know you're on the internet using snail mail and AOL floppy disks but these are problems in the FIRST WORLD
You are the most adorable poster here. So I will provide for you for the horrors that will dare taint your innocence.
(Gives you 2 books, An Idiot Abroad and Don't Shit in the toilet, furthermore, SCANNER provides you more mixed blessings; Dehydrated Red Date Tea, A shovel, 5 lengths of rope, 10 potatoes, a lighter, a hookshot, more food, and the Necronomicon - Kawaii edition)
sadly I know*
Jesus having three conversations at the same time is hard
Most likely, of all the sperm, you are the fastest.
I hope you wasn't shared with the information of your conception.
I've listened to this more times than I'd like to admit.
Pretty good, thanks.
It's usually a hit/miss with these dudes for me. But that was pretty good.
Peace, yo.
Thanks, me. How was my/your day?
This was way better than I expected it to be, have you decided on marrying me yet?
Thanks. I'll give these a listen in a sec. Did you fall asleep in class, Test?
Why can't you play?
I should post a giant filesized image right now
Get that modem CRANKING
my 100kb/s internet gives me like 1500 ping
I usually can't even connect to servers
you'll melt it
Well shit, could count on one hand how many times I seen this the past decade
I feel you, dude. But 100kps should be enough to play, yeah? I got the same connection.
To what, the music?
i wanna save more hikages
but i'm way too lazy to come up with a filename for all of them
just do what the traps here do, post anime girls and flirt with every single person until someone stupid enough sends you nudes
and then blackmail them
yeah, tim follin has done some serious impressive shit with the terribly underpowered NES and SNES sound chips
also depends
are you a cute chubby 2d grill
I'm the michael phelps of sperm
Just listen to that baby purr
just call them all "something" snake like you already do. post them here and I'll name them
Apparently not, I've yet to be able to play a game.
No problem.
Yeah, these threads are old and common, usually end up as a "Everyone posts and nobody checks" thread 99% of the time.
Sounds like a flawless plan but I don't think I could flirt if my life would depend on it
Gotta find another way
I hope you spread your seed soon.
And I don't mean this sarcasstically or any devious intent..
But I got a comeback for you, if you're micheal phelps, I was the Edward Moses.
With enough alcohol, I can be.
You can't spring for a better connection?
You been good, dude? I liked that song.
This was really fucking good, not-dude.
It'd be a little rude to ask for music and not listen to it though. You got anything I can listen to?
This is gold
Also >comeback
Nope, this is it until I move. God knows when that'll be
i'm so lazy though;;
i'm just gonna name them all cool snake and then a number and you can name em or some shit
shouldn't be that hard man
a small portion of the people who post on circlejerks are extremely dense and you can wreak havoc even if you're a socially inept retard when it comes to flirting
Seems legit.
Try upgrading to carrier pigeon
Fucking shit, spit out my drink at the end.
This one already sounds good.
Woah, you live way outta the way or something?
yeah, basically in the country
i could always try fucking dying
it's funny because the drive-thru screen has a faster connection
Its a way to make "successful" threads and get your ego boosted. Rude and inane so people do it.
Also, any kind of metal.
Yeah but I can't bring myself to do it, even if its for destructions sake, gotta be around more to get used to the enviroment I guess
Its hard to take 180 degree turns
maybe ill get a laptop and play OW on mcdonalds wifi
hi ana
wow don't k me
we just agreed to stop being rude to eachother
The man is a genius.
I can't do it either but I don't really have a motivation to
If you really want to cause some issues in a community that'd be the way is all i'm sayin
take the plunge
become a huge faggot
Close :P
big guy 4 u snake.png
For that price you might as well get a data plan on your phone and just tether your PC to 4G, at that point
Just tired per the usual.
I tried to find the original video where I got that from, but apparently it's not available to the public anymore.
That's a damn shame
nezi already climbed above me ;;
time for sudoku
at least i still "placed" the highest
this calls for making an actual folder and not just having them scattered in my downloads
Guess there is no getting around that
Gotta find some pro slut to lay the basics down for me tho
No shortage of that around here
yeah probably do that.
What's stopping you from moving? Money?
Sounds like a pretty lame thing to do, yo.
But like, I listen to metal stuff too. I want to see what kinda shit you specifically listen to, you know?
Hey hey, doing decent?
Gotta stay up for a while so I can head down to tripoli because I fucked up yesterday and stayed on here too long.
What's got you tired?
eh. not great. don't want to get into it here though. I'm online if you want to know.
you ok dude
Dude what the actual fuck are you doing please make a folder.
Yo. Thanks for the music.
my pleasure
how u doin
Yeah, long story short.
Jesus H. Christ, Guero.
How comes?
Probably the fact that it's 2 am.
Monday night
to the club
Tuesday night
to the club
Wednesday night, what a headache
but i went, to the club
Thursday night
To the club
Friday night, didn't wanna go
But my friend michelle called me on the phone
And so i went, to the club
what the heck? u dont even have filename extensions...
but whos the snake girl tho
Reminds me of my random/chan folder with around 6k files and everything named like this.
"I know I have this fitting reaction picture somewhere here."
post "mimi"
Spoiler, greentext, disregard I am back.
Also I'm pretty sure your 2hu cosplay snake is just normal Yuuka Kazami.
Any and all metal, even without a favorite genre or songs, guess at least I can show off a hungarian band
It had to be saved, also not sure if you saw this earlier when I posted it.
steam went offline, fortune. not sure why.
Tuesday's Steam checkups.
Hello, you sparked my interest.
I can show you some shit, if you wish.
seen it before. it's pretty funny.
This just reminds me of a woman at work who talk literally only about God and conspiracy theories. I had to have her slowly explain to me why she believed vaccines cause autism. She couldn't.
no one who can only regurgitate what their chosen media outlet tells them can ever explain why anything they so strongly and vehemently believe is reasonable in any way.
If its metal, any time
Always looking for new bands to listen to
also, hikage
I was looking for that owo whats this picture for like two fucking weeks
The booru I'd saved it from had the source and the artist was trying to go for that but you're pretty much right
guess so. just making sure you didn't think I just up and vanished on you.
ha. nice.
I know, but I wanted to crush her beliefs and possibly drive her to quit.
shout out to the picture of my license that i didn't notice in that screenshot
doxx me pls
anyone else having steam issues?
her belief in God, or in autism vaccines?
It is not metal, it is something deeper.
All guitars come from the sitar.
I'm used to it, though I never see it coming.
It says "Your state is set to offline" when it happens, so it's rather clear.
Whichever came first. Her belief in religion is skewed as well.
suicide solution p good bedroom black metal
dont even worry about it tho if it works for u
Tuesday's Steam checkups.
lasts anywhere between 5 minutes and an hour.
A fellow showed me the ways of the past and the future.
Metal is not dead, it took different forms.
Steam is down shortly for routine maintenance every Tuesday, guys.
It's way too accurate too.
I always try not to make them mad and just agree with them whilst subconsciously disagreeing, it's for the best when talking to delusional people.
I really hate that, and then I find the image on 3rd try.
Usually they leave small details like the color of the eyes normal, that just got me wondering if it was legit Yuuka.
hmm. I'll assume your intentions were good enough. I dislike people who try to cause people to lose their faith for no reason other than a desire to see them lose it. but attempting to help people see errors in their thinking is usually fine. the problem is the fine line because religious belief is not logical, and while some of them won't admit that, it's how it is. so it's hard to try and converse about it without it seeming like you're just being an ass.
well I didn't know if it was just me or not.
yeah no kidding
Nah, happens every week around this time, to everyone.
I have no idea, man. I only just found this character like a week ago :s
learn something new every day.
Has it not happened to you before?
oh it has, I just never really knew there was a specific reason and time blurs for me so much I didn't realize it was happening at a specific time and day every time.
Well if I have the chance to change stupid I should take it upon myself to correct it.
Next step down would be just covering my ears and going "LALALA I DON'T CARE NOT LISTENING LALALA" Until the point drives home.
It's illogical, that's why faith is such an important aspect.
But she's been saying the world is going to end for a good year and a half now. Asking me if I'm ready, if I know where I'm going when the rapture comes, that it'll be happening this year "For sure". The worst is when I rarely meet her at a lunch spot and loudly asks complete strangers about their faith. Something which is very rude in my eyes.
That and she talks to me when I'm eating. I don't like talking when I'm eating.
Figured. Welp, there ya go.
It doesn't stop games, it's really just the chat and stuff.
Kind of wish I'd have the motivation to do my placement matches, but that'll just go straight to hell.
Most likely just mis-categorized considering all of the other pictures from that artist are just 2hus.
And I actually have his Remilia picture, who whould've thunk?
Can't be bothered to step down to their level, bad for the mental health.
I don't pursue them and ask them details about their life to pick it down, they throw that shit at me without my asking.
I just want to know their reasoning behind it, THEN I can pick away at their ill-informed logic.
This fellow told me that I was the new moshers, the new rock n' roll.
His name was Zeb, he say the state of metal and saw it wanting.
He saw better. he saw the past. He was stuck in the same town I was.
We was stuck, as metal was; unless, a man grown above time and space.
We are broken pieces from a fractured god.
This is my piece.
That takes way too much energy and effort, easier to just agree to disagree with them.
But for the mteal head, I got this for him.
Then they'll keep talking to you about it.
yeah. in that case go nuts. people that crazy without enough sense to keep it to themselves deserve what they get.
yeah, the online stuff. got myself a drink while it was down.
yeah it's kind of rough. don't have anyone to play with?
If I could teach common sense, I would've shoved a foot-full up her ass by now.
Whatcha drinking?
Top lel
Honestly, I expected worse because title but this is pretty legit, bookmarked
Ozzy & Black Sabbath is always good
Yeah, pretty much, its not only power and speed and heavy metal like back then
Classic. This is the kind of stuff you listen to at every party and yell out loud with the lads
vodka and lemonade. the stuff of champions.
a shame that one vital human skill is something so impossible to teach.
If you don't reply they won't go on with it, quite simple.
Nah, and nowadays I only ever really play the non-competitive when I'm drunk.
it's so much more fun drunk it's not even funny.
no theres a black metal band called suicide solution
also try harvey milk's album my love is higher than your assessment of what my love could be and david townsend's ziltoid the omniscient
those are weird and cool
Shame Darwins theory on evolution didn't account that we wouldn't be getting rid of such stupidity.
Did that for over a month man.
I've noticed that I manage fairly good with S76 or D.Va when drunk, considering the amount of PotGs that I recall getting without even understanding why I got them.
But then again both are just RMB/LMB heroes.
i mean devin
Then the lady you dealt with must be somehow autistic to not notice the fact that you're ignoring them.
yeah seriously. that was a big unfortunate flaw in the whole premise.
yeah but they are fun to play at least.
Wouldn't doubt it.
I don't want to live on this planet anymore.
Oh well, that was pre-D.Va nerf, or at least I assume they nerfed her shield already with the second interval between the off and on mode.
Yes Flan?
Otherwise I can't explain that behaviour since it should be quite clear for everyone to pick up the hints of "Please, fuck off."
you never ____ me on steam anymore
I'll excuse the non-verbal communications and just say it outright the next time she tries then.
Oh shit I didn't know that
How did you even find those bands
This is weird indeed, sounds just perfect for shrooms tho
Gonna fuck off for now sleep and shit
I got more, if you intersted, a sage taught me the true way.
Blood, sweat, meat means nothing.
Anger, irony depression and the understanding of chance rains supreme.
Fuck the old ones. We are here by circumstance. They are following losses The reason why they haven't arrived is because we are hot shit.
hope u enjoy
take me with you when you leave please.
yeah but honestly you won't even notice it. I sure haven't.
Once I find out a way to harness fuel from gay people, sure.
Do what again now?
Probably for the best, I dealt with a similar situation where it turned out they actually had a case of autism going on and they couldn't pick-up the signs when I even put on my headphones to avoid a conversation few times.
I'll have to try it the next time I decide to play OW then.
apparently getting in right now is hard. I tried and got a message I'd never seen before about 2000 people being in queue ahead of me. the hell.
I try.
why are blizzard servers full on tuesday
this is the only slow clap I have. I just got it from test not even a week ago.
I assume they're updating some other servers and yours is under heavy load currently.
Yeah, felt a bit bad for the kid but I couldn't bother listening to all the same things for the 10th time with the same outcome of the conversation which one could foresee coming a mile away.
kiss :3
Simply unacceptable.
Reminds me too much of Highscool and last two jobs.
I assume you've got me mixed up with someone else, Flan.
yeah must be
damn, i wish flan yearned for my love
Got to dislike situations like those a lot.
Or either everyone just feels like playing OW today, which is highly unlikely.
you really don't
Just got to weigh the options of having people to talk to and them not fucking you over in the future, or just wanting to be left alone.
why the hell not?
he makes you seem tolerable
i can handle it
Yeah yeah, wait until I disprove if gay people can't fuel a rocket before you do.
You'd have enough to get me to Uranus at least.
True, but there are also the people who are just intolerable from the get go.
Those are pretty rare, though.
i am sorry to see that
well someone is in a clever boy mood today, aren't they?
I guess that's true enough, but the problem still exists.
Half a week already down Teeps.
hi cato.
Depends on how drunk you are too. The more drunk you are, the faster one could get a giant red rocked to Uranus.
Go away.
Shame there isn't a vaccine.
How's it going?
you must be pretty drunk to think these are good, tracer.
not great. but whatever. how's it going with you?
They wouldn't take it as they'd blame it for causing autism.
About 16 shots down.
Aye, there's the rub.
it was 3 now it's 13! I only have one hour to play until maintainencce pls
Quite a bit better than yesterday
what's going on?
Nothing lost, nothing gained.
I guess?
Come with me!
Oh please I'm not that good
Save for time.
You in one direction, I the other.
don't feel like discussing it here. or much at all. but if you ping me on steam I'll let you know.
that's just a lot. I am constantly reminded when people say they are so many shots in how lucky I am that I can get drunk so easily, even after so much drinking.
And then we go around the circle and meet up on the other side?
I'm actually down a lot from what I used to drink. I've lost my touch, my liver's gone soft on me.
if this is "down a lot" it's easy to see why. but your liver is a bitch anyway and deserves to be punished.
goodnight dearest
Not like we'd like to live forever.
Maybe it is a triangle, not a circle
I'm correcting a lot of spelling errors, and I'm talking a bit more than I prefer. Just don;t tell Smiles so I can keep drinking.
I'd enjoy going longer than 80 years.
Unless I'm crippled in any way.
Go away.
Go away.
your secret is safe with me.
G'night Sci.
If you'd live longer by some magic I'm pretty sure that wouldn't stop the decay of your body.
You gotta come too!
oh okay, bye
If I get a text telling me to stop I'm blaming you.
I'm thinking cybernetics, but yeah.
Be as compliant as Nezi.
but I'm not going to tell her! she did say she's on her way home though so who knows if she'll look at the thread or not.
But I'm a Cato
I doubt she'll be on due to the drama that one autistic guy started.
And Nezi is better than you.
Probably, yeah
true. can't wait for that bullshit to blow over.
It won't.
everything blows over eventually. this isn't even the biggest drama shitstorm I've seen in my life. not even close, really. although it was definitely not small. it's already died down considerably though. let's hope that retard ends up killing himself so it can die with him.
That would be neat, but the amount of Adam Jensen memes.
hope smiles comes back soon so i can proposition her for sex and it won't be that far-fetched
I would no joke buy everyone here a scotch.
It's worth the risk.
well this only makes me hope all the more.
Wonder if I can get his info to pester him daily to off himself.
I would assume that could be found on ponychan if anywhere. I don't even know the fucker, but he sure didn't make a good first impression.
He's posting as an user now, after his "I'm totally leaving 5 ever from all this" post he made on ponychan.
Enjoy the link I sent.
Who the fuck puts Aerial Ace on Mega Kangaskhan? What tie fuck is wrong with you?
that was all I had. sorry.
what a despicable piece of human garbage.
He went on to asking people as an user to find out where she frequents. I wouldn't doubt he lurks here off and on to just start shit with her again.
Anyway, talking about that autistic cuck leaves a bad taste in my rum.
I'm struggling at 17 shots. Poor me.
I admit that I'd keep saying "I never asked for this" or whatever that was.
I would counterpoint by saying "I asked for this"
Just dropping by to check on you guys.
I miss a few of you. A lot. Ended up quitting drinking after that last tc, moving up in life is pretty cool. Being busy is a pain, though.
No, email notifications don't work, sorry Rin. Erin couldn't afford to host, so the notifs went down with the server.
I like your trip/avatar set. Looking forward to that final ep.
See you whenever.
Later mang
Play Pokemon with me for once you FUCK
grimu ;;
Where is Guero when you need him?
What do you guys think?
Also, what should I do for 900gp of equipment?
I tried to look into that.
Then I realized that I have no idea what I'm looking at other than it's a character of some kind.
you have way too much time on your hands
To be blunt, what else is he going to do?
DnD 3.5
Ardent Monk.
It's another psionic character, but it's really neat, so I have no doubts I'll enjoy it as much as the current one.
I have another campaign coming up.
Figured I might as well be ready.
I would try to make a challenge with your dungeon master; with your character.
Give up worldly needs, for strength, for challenge.
Pay to the Dungeon Master needs, and best him, as I did.
Oh okay
I don't really understand anything of that, never played DnD.
There's a feat for that.
And I considered taking it, except for the fact that I'm already going to take any decent Exhalted feat, and magical equipment can do me better anyway.
hi grim. bye grim. glad you're doing well.
i don't even remember grim drinking last tc. he needs to grow a pair
Not really all that common here.
Anyhow it's pretty late already so I'm calling it a day, g'night.
bye sweetie
Nini, Sans Disk.
Gee I wonder who wins this one
No alcohol.
certainly not you for knowing what that is
Just go ferment some maple syrup.
You're in Canada...
Like, open a tree and fermented sugar is there.
can't log in to anime tf2
Do you fancy rolling with me?
I'm sorry?
Is.. that a thing?
I forgot to post board, I want to make a board in Holla Forums, is that ok?
inb5 autism links
Murder x Murder OTP
All sugar has the ability to become alcohol.
Maple syrup becomes rum when fermented
That's sugar cane.
Look it up "The dark, strong syrup is sometimes compared to molasses, which is fermented then distilled (or not) nto rum, and is often used in baking, as in molasses cookies. "
Except it doesn't.
Molasses is from sugar cane.
Okay so you're both not too bright
Yeah but, sugar from a tree?
Isn't that wood alcohol?
My mistake was posting here, back to better things
K, should I make a new thread?
You can just say you went full retard instead of just crying and leaving.
It is time to.
hi and bye spoilers.
That's rum with maple syrup added.
Rum as its base is sugarcane.
Like tequila is only made from blue agave.
That's like saying whiskey is made from cinnamon because Fireball adds cinnamon to it.
Oh you're actually still here
I was playing overwatch but it was bad so I stopped. how's it going?
It's in the first two sentences man. Sugarcane, with maple syrup added later.
It's good enough, how's it hangin for you?
It can't even be sold as rum if its sugar content isn't a majority from sugarcane or its derivatives, which is why shit like Morgan is 51% sugarcane then the rest is filler.
been a pretty bad day, but I don't want to get into it here in the thread.
Yeah, has to be classified as something else, which definition eludes me. But it would essentially be a maple syrup wine.
Only girls drink flavored drinks. I want mine sting enough to strip varnish.
kyle i found some porn for you on youtube. check it out before it's deleted
what a fool.
Want me to get on steam then?
Gotta go with moonshime, man
I can't. I'm at work. Describe in vivid detail.
Thank you for killing the conversation.
Not strong enough
if you'd like to hear about it, yes.
the conversation that was all jokes?
you're no fun
Logging on
I am a lot of fun. Just the other day I told quite the belly buster. I let myself laugh for 3 ha has.
new thread
new thread
new thread
new thread
new thread
new thread
new thread
new thread
new thread
new thread
new thread
new thread
new thread
new thread
new thread
new thread
new thread
new thread
new thread
Since it's legally sold as rum then it's over 50% sugarcane.
Since it just says a second distillation, I assume it's 10-30% in total sugar origin.
It's kind of sketchy, though. Since that's how cheap whiskeys and tequilas get around it: it's all added in later distillations because weird loophole bullshit that means it's way less of what it's supposed to be but it's weighted weirdly.
get fuk'n rekt tsuchi