
WFTO comes out and the RTS/esports meme has gotten to it. It never got a chance, it was dead on arrival.

Its a shit uninspiring blasphemic genre. Good riddance its dead. We need more games like dwarf fortress instead.

I like the idea of god games, but I haven't played a single one I enjoyed, except tabletop RPGs.

But Dwarf Fortress takes a lot of things from God Games.

please kys


Thanks for the extra spacing it made your post "readable".

Kiss my balls

Put them in your mouth

and suck on them

What's so weird about tabletop RPG where you play a god doing god things?

That is not what God Games are.

Have you ever played Popolous? Dungeon Keeper? Black and White?

You have a limited conception of tabletop RPGs if you think those games have gameplay fundamentally out of their reach.


But user, this is like calling isometric RPGs Strategy Games.

What RPGs do you think should be considered God Games?

I am going to fill out your cheeks and make them bulge with my balls.

sauce me big boy

I wholeheartedly agree with my black and white twin

I don't care about the source I just want to point a gun at you

Looks nasty, why would you want it? Put down your automatic want for anything pornographic.

Dwarf Fortress is interesting, but it is hardly can be seen as god game and more as !fun! strategy. Or more like indirect god game, if you wish.
Black and White II, on other hand, is quite a god game. You can use powers, toss people around (or play bowling with their houses) (my favorite evil activity) and just influence shit directly. At least around your borders, that's it.

GM/DM = God, you mean? Well, i can't argue with that! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I kinda want to see tabletop action, but i'll never get into one because i'm dummy who prefers single-player games for specific reason.

although your dubs say otherwise, I don't believe you're in the position to negotiate, hand over the merchandise, senpai

Pretty much. Though I'd ask now whether you consider something like Magic Carpet a god game, given the ridiculously powerful spells you get.

Don't have it, doesn't look like I'll care for it either. Where is the sweet happy sex?

Are there any other games that play similarly to the simulation portion of Actraiser?

Is that unholy fat fuck cat going to be okay?

Look at it. It extends its paws towards you and wants you to hug him.

What the hell are you talking about?

I mean a literal non anthromorphic fucking cat.

Do you know what WFTO is?

War For The Overworld?


And they ruined it by balancing it for multiplayer. It sucked the comfy and the soul out of it.

For example there is no reason at all to build defences or traps, because they lock part of your mana and there is much better ways to spend it.

I've put 50 hours into the game and I just found it to be a completely updated DK with more mechanics. I used defenses and traps all of the time, they were almost needed in the last few levels. I felt that the mana system was completely fine and it added the need for more consideration on what defenses you wanted to place. I'd basically just build death rooms with a Garrison right next to them separated by a wall because normal defenses were a little too weak without the Garrison. You had to put a lot more effort into making traps that can do well in WTFO as opposed to just placing 10 boulders down a small long hallway that would kill anything literally anything instantly separated by 10 magic doors like in DK.


No. You need the money to spend on Imps and Ember Rifts, because Ember Demons > any other defences (I really only see value in defending your dungeon core with some sentry traps)

No, it was complete shit. The devs thought they could balance a game, where really all you do is make a deathball with your creature and target the enemy dungeon core.

They wanted to make things interesting and added these squads or whatever they are called. So that you could maybe attack from multiple angles. But you can't defend multiple exists of your dungeon with some traps. It would be a waste of mana.

Where is that sad cat face from? I can't find the original source

From the common bond we all share.



huh, I can't find the video

poor catto ;__;