Webm Thread: Re-hashed brown Edition

Last webm thread is on page 14
Post your webms/mp4s and have fun

Other urls found in this thread:



How's Cosmo doing these days?















Have some video games



There is one TMNT song and this shit isn't it.


Haven't seen this shit in a while

why is the animation this so stiffy-shit



he's a tranny

Tried out the -speed 0 after I realized 1 was default and re-did this. Any more commands an apprentice webm wizard ought to know?



Not enough manservice/10









at 2:00 it got deeeeeep


He slipped off the bus of reality into the river of crazy, claims he is now a women while he spends all day getting paid donations to stare into a webcam with his eyes wide open like somebody tweaking on PCP and breathing heavily



That anime looks atrocious, and I need it in my life.

Upotte, most well known for its Finnish Rape Elves.

Upotte!, an anime about cute guns doing cute gun things, complete with a Finish rape elf as said and a jewish dog-girl.

Its in the same sort of realm as Girls Und Panzer in that its a fun to watch military themed series.

This makes zero sense, I have no god damn idea what is going on in the slightest

You just have to accept the crazy premise at face value and not think about how any of it works.

Here are my commands for VBR (-maxrate and -b:v should be equal):
ffmpeg -hwaccel auto -threads 1 -i ... -map 0:v:0 -c libvpx-vp9 -pass 1 -threads ... -deadline best -cpu-used 0 -aq-mode 0 -auto-alt-ref 1 -frame-parallel 0 -g 9999 -lag-in-frames 25 -tile-columns 0 -maxrate ... -minrate 0 -b:v ... -f webm /dev/null;ffmpeg -hwaccel auto -threads 1 -i ... -map 0:v:0 -map_chapters -1 -map_metadata -1 -c libvpx-vp9 -pass 2 -threads ... -deadline best -cpu-used 0 -aq-mode 0 -auto-alt-ref 1 -frame-parallel 0 -g 9999 -lag-in-frames 25 -tile-columns 0 -maxrate ... -minrate 0 -b:v ... out.webm

And here are my commands for CQ:
ffmpeg -hwaccel auto -threads 1 -i ... -map 0:v:0 -c libvpx-vp9 -pass 1 -threads ... -deadline best -cpu-used 0 -aq-mode 0 -auto-alt-ref 1 -frame-parallel 0 -g 9999 -lag-in-frames 25 -tile-columns 0 -crf ... -b:v 0 -f webm /dev/null;ffmpeg -hwaccel auto -threads 1 -i ... -map 0:v:0 -map_chapters -1 -map_metadata -1 -c libvpx-vp9 -pass 2 -threads ... -deadline best -cpu-used 0 -aq-mode 0 -auto-alt-ref 1 -frame-parallel 0 -g 9999 -lag-in-frames 25 -tile-columns 0 -crf ... -b:v 0 ... out.webm

For -threads it is recommended to use the number of your real CPU cores minus one (e.g. if you have four cores set it to "3").

VBR allows you more accurately target the output file size but, from my experience, CQ will give you much better quality and smaller file size but only if you guess the right CRF vaule. CRF can be set between 0 and 63, where lower value gives you better quality. 31 is recommended for 1080p videos.

For VBR I first encode the audio with Opus:
ffmpeg -i ... -map 0:a:0 -c libopus -compression_level 10 -frame_duration 60 -vbr on -b:a ... out.ogg
Bit rate can be set between 6 and 510 kb/s where 96-128 will generally give you transparent results and 24-32 is where you might start hearing noticable artifacts. Also, it is generally faster to encode the video separately from audio even if you're copying the audio stream without re-encoding it. After that I use this formula to calculate the video bit rate:

The rule of thumb: less motion and details – less bit rate. As an example see the attached video I made. I used the CRF value of 48 and, as you can see, all the still and slightly-moving images look perfectly fine while the real-life footage looks like shit.

Just don't think about it and enjoy it for what it is.

Thanks, will probably be trying out some of this stuff and seeing what happens.

Staxrip is far simpler and just requires this

The same stuff but with GUI. Just a matter of preference.

That's my intention. I'm already laughing at the utter lack of recoil 00:00:49 and amazing aiming throughout.





There is only so much man service Jojo can supply.

speed 1 was default? I don't think it is, but speed 0 seems to have the biggest impact for me. Aside from double pass "high quality mode" and "lag in frame",

he IS pretty good.

Which movie is that?

Looks like the Rock if I recall correctly.


previous thread
archive.is/0MOPG by the way, you can create a new one as soon as the old one reaches 13, you don't have to wait for it to reach page 14.















Requesting the CSGO webm where the player looks behind a door and sees 4 enemies standing on each others' heads

I know what webm you mean. Would post it, but I don't have it.



























What the fuck is this and why do I keep seeing it everywhere?



Why is it so satisfying to see the bullet or they target completely evaporate upon contact.

How come gun videos never say the damn price of the guns? Its always "you could buy a car for this one", or some other analogy. Is there a law against stating prices online or something?

I guess stating how much a bullet cost isn't an issue.


meh my first webm, just a test



There's being friendzoned and then there's being lobotomized. Never followed the story myself, but the rage on that day still makes me smile.

Cosmo is dead, user

I will never not be upset that camwhoring is profitable and just yet another way the weak gets around natural selection.

Tough talk coming from a water filter salesman.


elaborate for me, all i know about the series is jerking off to it

>so to keep things from going to hell in a handbasket, they literally lock down his libido so that he won't try to do anything to Belldandy, explaining how for the ten years or so the manga ran, the MC had never done anything to Belldandy and she knew about it all along
>MC finally founds out and accepts it like a full cuck
And the funny thing is, the demon who was trying to tempt K1 was the good one all along. So in large parts of the fandom, the degrading group rape and abuse doujins of Belldandy went from "fuck no, Belldandy is pure!" to "FUCK THAT WHORE".

Of course, the anime has none of this and is pretty decent from what I hear.

Why did he want to become a she? He seemed so normal and was well-liked.


thats fucking retarded

Allow me to elaborate.

Think of it from the point of view of the writer; long running story, where despite numerous lucky encounters no real progress ever happened; he wants a dramatic finish where the MC can really show off his true feelings in a climax where emotions are running high.

Makes a degree of sense, but for most who had been reading the comfy manga about an awkward pair of lovers, it was a real slap to the face.

Is there a single non autistic tranny out there?


He's an early victim of the planned total emasculation of men

romance anime/manga on principal gets stuck in into these traps of millions of chapters/episodes where the characters can't even hold hands because they don't know what the fuck to write after characters bang. the one you described is especially retarded though

So by that picture's logic, porn bans are acceptable?

Or should it be that while those things are allowed for the truly desperate- the majority avoid it because they don't desire it? A culture that can do anything, but still chooses carefully what it does because it is well educated?

It is, but it's not really a principle, more of a side-effect of nips being herbivores with no real experience in romance for the most part. Especially mangaka, as that shit eats away your time like you would not believe.

No, it'd have the same effect as when a christian family bans Harry Potter, or in my case everything under the sun, including Pokemon. It just makes the desire even bigger. What would be much more effect is a strategy designed to, over time, create a new man basically. Not to sound like a total Holla Forumslack I think while the welfare system Hitler created worked for Germany back then, to do it now would be retarded and stay the fuck away from my guns but he really did have the right idea on a few things, including the youth. JFK also did something similar, a scholarship program rewarding men for being fit and active.



It's just what passes for a meme when you're a sonygger.

thank you, saving that

back to halfchan retard

You're preaching to the choir- even though I'm too far gone to save.

Not saying others shouldn't try- far from it- but
in my individual case I feel I don't have enough time on this earth and too much stress to make myself into a healthy man before I reach an age where my body & mind would not be at it's peak (40+). However my rate of progress is not the same of others, and others do not have the same stresses I do.

Ironically, 8ch is the ideal place to work on it. We have porn boards, but they're slow as dicks. And work-safe boards are usually under rules to use spoilers. You wouldn't have been able to enjoy halfchan AND ween yourself off porn.

While I know it will not be immediate- preaching the truth like that should be done more often to create memes over generations. Just don't force it down the throats of those who don't want to better themselves. Just because I want to create a world I'd fail in (sort of like what the US was like before the Cold War or even as far back as the 1910s - 1920s minus the shit that triggered cultural decline and economic crash) doesn't mean I'd stop that world becoming reality.

Anyway, have some Webms. That is the topic of this bread.


No problem


What a well thought out, articulated response, user!

If you squint, you can pretend this is a webm.

Got a source on that? Looking up ww2 Dutch films isn't bringing up anything similar to the vid.

Blaire White.

Its in the webm metadata title - April 9th



My bad, I should've downloaded before asking but thanks anyway.



Nice argument.

If you REALLY have a problem, at least do amatuer solo shit. That's the furthest thing from cuckery. NoFap is a joke, but NoPorn is godly.



Besides, it's not Dutch, it's Danish.

Wait, the Danish made a WW2 movie? The Danish resistance against the German invasion literally only lasted 6 hours and was an overwhelming victory for the Germans, are they still feeling butthurt about it?

Whoops; the dangers of saving all your webm in one folder and randomly choosing something to post, I suppose.





Fucking Finns.


That's pretty much what the pic said. Men have been jacking it since time immormorium in fact there's some deep jungle tribe who believes the afterlife is the opposite of the real world. So they sculpt statues of their fertility gods jacking it, since the opposite of that is pregnancy. This is of course not including the myriad of lewd and crude human scratched into various places in ancient times & places, even from places of great feats. However, it recommends using your imagination, or at the very most amateur hetero m/f or m/f/f/recurring (with the focus of the man satisfying the women) vanilla, or the guy being dominant. Maybe even swimsuit magazines. (Make a softcore folder and save it. Try to use that instead).

However- much like anything you can't jump to 11 overnight. You can't deadlift 400lbs if you've not even done running yet. I'm sure there's a complex plan to "ween off" porn, but cold turkey is also a good if you can endure it.
Likewise, when you do pull it off, you might be tempted let your dick dictate what you do. Alpha men are in command of their instincts and emotions. Don't be so desperate to be bedded that you put up with a bad woman, or do something you wouldn't do if you didn't want to have sex.
And on top of that, you then need to work on improving social skills and get fit. However, both are MUCH easier once your mind is more focused thanks to it being more alpha like it's supposed to be. Yes there is a slim (and I mean fucking slim) proportion of men who can't be alpha. Don't assume it's you until you've tried it. Learn from mistakes and improve.

Anyway, back to Webms.


Go on, user, you can start weening off tomorrow. There's no hurry, one more fap won't hurt…

I think someone uploaded a translation of the song on Jewtube.

The chorus is something like "the kids go to school". Then as the lyrics paint a bleaker picture (no school, turning to crime, etc) the chrous becomes "the kids go to die."

Real lyrical dissonance shit.

Begone from my dick, upside-down satan!
You didn't even post anything good!

Holy shit that was brutal and likely very illegal.

More lewds? More lewds.

Man I hope this lets me post two Webms at once.


Reimu is not a slut!



I don't care if she a crazy demon bitch, she can fit her whole hand in her mouth like it's a fuckin grape. bitch gonna swallow deez nutz

Dude sounds like r2d2


That's the spirit.

Reimu is love.

do it right

He also brought his dog when he met Angela Merkel, who is afraid of them.


I usually don't buy into alpha body language or any of that stuff (walk softly & logically, but carry a big stick is more my speed. Though humans are beings of emotion) but he did it with aplomb.

Not only talking to them in the tone they deserved to be spoken in, but making it clear to them "Do this or you're fucked." Even when one of them tried to avoid signing it- making him sign it. He didn't threaten- he didn't need to as he laid out his threat already- but telling him to sign it now. Then, speaking to him much like a parent to a child. It is expected of him to be submissive, and him acting out is unthinkable. In theory if the guy had folded his arms and refused, or even walked off with the pen- Putin would have lost face since it showed no respect. But because of the sword of Damocles hanging over the guys head, he'd have had to dance like a ballerina if he was told to.

tl;dr, when you've got the means to be alpha, be alpha. Of course, getting there is difficult; but rewarding.

The guys got the right attitude. Crying shame he's spying on his own people (if that's true). Rooservelt was supposed to be hyper /fit/ and alpha (kicked the shit out an attempted assassin to the point his own bodyguards had to pull him off, and finished his speech since "it feels like the bullet has hit no vital organs". Not to mention the trust busting- something that should be brought back in force IMO).


1. It's Roosevelt
2. There was two of them, you have to specifiy which one you mean - FDR or Theodore a.k.a. Teddy Roosevelt
3. Neither of them did this. You're thinking of Andrew Jackson


Now see- that comes across as more petty. Funny don't get me wrong. And yes it does show a weakness (she has an irrational fear- a sign of a weak mind). But it feels a little underhanded.
Almost like he needs to rattle her before negotiation.

A more alpha thing would be to just hardball negotiations, then the first time she says no, have her escorted back onto the plane (but taking a deliberate long time until she changes her mind)- but again, that assumes he has all the cards.

I still can't decide if that sudden-handshake-yank Trump does works for everyone. I mean it clearly works for him, but what the hell does he do if the other guy yanks first or pulls back harder?




Ah shit.
And yeah I meant (and mistook) Teddy.

However, Teddy did take a French diplomat on a hike, and waded across a river. Leaving the diplomat to write in his report "For the honor of France, I removed my trousers".

Teddy was the trust-buster guy though right?

What's the anime? Is it any good?

You beautiful bastard



Hey I remember the manga to this. God this is animated poorly, Then again- even with all the shakey cam- anything by the Taimanin Asagi/Kangoku Senkan director/animator looks leagues above.

Especially that third one. I think I can even see motion tweening for god's sake.

We need more minus8.




holy shit where's the full thing?


The egg one is the only that I think is funny, but holy hell is it good.


here fam>>13300140

What do you mean, it's right there. Like noted, it's an animated short with a tiny budget. There's no more, man.

you can't just post a 34 minute webm like that without pointing out the relevant parts.

I literally have no idea what it actually contains, I'm mostly choosing random webms from my folder, just making sure to come under the file limit.






I just realized that I have that video of a 17yo girl demonstrating why she wants a breast reduction.

Oh, for those of you who like making Webms, Disney XD (that's the actual channel name) uploaded the first episode or two of the new Ducktales cartoon on jewtube.

Holla Forums also has a thread with a good quality download of it if that's easier to convert. It's bretty gud.

fbi pls go


yes i also am definitely not interested in that video

all so have this

Yeah this is pretty cool because you didint see what happened in russian and how FSB kill Journalists, opposition leaders and common people in opposition, allowed raider engagement of private business? destroing any national movements, allowed chechen's (russian muslims) kill anyone without any punishment (no joke) and drain all Stabilization and Pension Fund in Panama offshore… but yeah BASED Putin savior of white race.

Too old; don't care.

Holla Forums plz

holy shite that second webm - my sides were obliterated


It's not so much that he's trying to wave his dick, but his tone and demeanor gives the impression that he's pissed off. Even if he doesn't give a single shit about the people, which he likely doesn't, he does a very good job conveying that he does.

The reason as to why Merkel is afraid isn't because of appearance, but because she was attacked by one. Putin said it was unintentional, though I find that rather difficult to believe. There are more subtle ways at asserting your authority.

Trump does not have that alpha-ness after everything that happened during his campaign and tenure so far. Sure, he's one of the taller POTUSs, but he's thought of as insecure and even unstable by his own White House. Shillary described him as a "creep" during the second debate who was breathing down her neck. Probably the most alpha POTUS in recent history was LBJ. He's the tallest POTUS along with Lincoln, and he made everyone know it by looming over whoever he was conversing with and would get so close to their face that it's like he was about to kiss them.

In the 70s, there was a planned two-week long experiment at Stanford University where two groups of people would act as prisoners and guards at a faux prison. During the designing of the experiment, the head doctor planned on "feminizing" all the prisoners, forcing them to strip naked when they entered and were only given oversized shirts and a hairnet as their only articles of clothing. The experiment got so out of control that it was stopped after only six days. In conclusion, the best way to intimidate someone is to put them in a position where you're presented as the authoritative figure. In most cases, the best way to do this with men is to make them submissive, or "feminize," them. LBJ and Putin in , do this. With most women, who still for the most part aren't as used to power and influence, is to give them control over something they cannot contain. People become stressed out and uncomfortable in unfamiliar situations. The problem with is that it the dog is the authoritative figure, not Putin, and the problem with the Trump administration is that people don't think of Trump as POTUS, but as Trump. The only time he was near-universally praised and perceived to be presidential, even by CNN and MSNBC, was the missile strike against Assad in Syria

Why is it always Stanford that does the crazy shit?


I swear, Putinfags are closet homosexuals. Some of this shit can be considered worship.



I did say I didn't like the spying shit he did. And I can't be sure how much is fakenews, and how much is genuine.

If he was killing off people linked to Soros/Marxist idelology, you can almost understand it. But the other stuff (if genuine) is abhorrent.
And yeah, no fucking clue why he did nothing about Chechnya. You'd have figured after shit like that he'd have rolled in just like in Jordan.

They're split on it. And TBF, Disney is a fucking awful company that should be blighted.

There was some drama my folks had on in the background, and one of the characters is off his nut. He gives out wordly wisdom, but likes to go down alleyways in rough neighborhoods to tempt a mugging then beat the shit out of them.
He did say something that stuck with me.
So pretty much, be alpha and let the other guy let you live rent-free in his head. And that applies to more than a fight.
Of course that character also had him suggest everyone should be homeless for one month, and the shows about a psychiatrist who might be getting his life sabotaged by the abusive ex of the schizophrenic patient he's treating & screwing- and the doc might be insane and we can't tell what's real.

Also- very good analysis, especially on the dog being top-dog. Trump is certainly acting like he wants a fair fight and to dominate his foes mentally. Except, while that does make his foe look weaker, it's better for him to dominate and (mentally) curbstomp them. Some right's do this in debates and when discussing people on the left (feminizing them like you said or bludgeoning their ideology into the dirt). Yet, Trump hasn't gone hardball since his "we're gonna make Mexico pay for it" and "They're rapists, murders, and thieves" comments. Sure he called CNN out on being fake news, but he needs to hammer people with evidence until CNN beg him to stop. He has a huge audience and could go "Look, here's how they lied! You can't trust 'em folks." but it seems he doesn't want to rock the boat. Same with when he was reading form a script after Charlottesville. He won because he spoke like a person, so he came across as even more wooden when following a script not in his own words.
I can only assume as a businessman he can't piss on people too harshly, as he would need favors & resources from them in the future- not to mention who secretly supports who. In international politics, he kinda needs to do this. But for his own country- he needs to go full alpha. If you can't help, GTFO of politics, or go to jail for what you did. Even if he has to play it slow & steady, him trying to sort his own staff out has badly hurt his PR. People wanted the foundation laid on the wall by now.

It's rare to see an alphamale these days. So when does turn up, it's hard not to be impressed. Even if he is fucking shit up like


It's because it was funded by the military. They always do crazy shit. Ken Kesey, the author of One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest, wrote the book based on his experience with LSD at, coincidentally, Standford University, which was part of his participation in a sub-project of the military experiment known as MKULTRA. They, among other things like setting up brothels and kidnapping Canadians, gave out a bunch of LSD to universities for the sole purpose of determining the feasibility LSD as a truth serum and form of mind control. The military also poisoned the water supply of a city and sprayed San Francisco (I think) with a bacterial agent from planes.

are you gay or something?


He kills both Right and Left movement and keep Marxists as Strawman and loyal opposition who never harm his regime. So yes - he keep loyal communists to divide opposition and nationalists.

He lose Chechnya war in 1999 and instead leaving war and judge chechen's for war crimes he give rule over Chechnia to terrorist Kadirov (who kills russians in 1996-1999) and give him fuckhuge allot of money to keep chechnia out of another war, Also Checnia is a "Black hole" from where people never return or found dead. Even today Kadirov arranges mass executions to "not enough loyal chechen's and russian's".

How can you fucking defend such a globalist because "ebin putin' memes?

Fucking US government, man.

Fucking Rus government, man.

Patlabor 2

so much for muh mechs

Agreed. On Trump, I feel, and I know that many others around me, that his desire for a border wall isn't necessarily fueled by illegal immigration, but that he will have a permanent testament to his presidency for his own validation. The part of where Mexico actually pays for it doesn't seem all that important to him and only makes them look like the victim rather than the perpetrator or consenting bystander. I'd much rather have a coalition agreement to reduce illegal immigration and with all that wall money going to something more meaningful like a new transcontinental railway for the purpose of moving goods across the country en masse, cheaply, and in less than 12 hours from coast to coast.

>"You see this, user? Hillary clearly violated the NAP!"
It just looks like she's responding to the person's question by walking over to them. I was merely conveying why many people don't consider Trump to be authoritative.

Oh wow. I thought Kaczynski just had the 'tism.

Maduro is truly the Marie Antoinette of our times.

I should read the manifesto again; never finished it despite reading the first half a couple of times. It's quite poignant, when it comes to "leftists".


See I figured that was because it played into the hands of their warmongering special interests. The media and (((public opinion))) that they control tried to give him positive reinforcement by treating him like a president when he did something they liked. They haven't figured him out yet and he seems immune to their attacks so their punishments for not doing what they want. Those being things like saying mean things about him and trying to discredit him in the news. In fact it's playing against them somewhat because it makes them look incompetent and impotent being unable to really hurt him. Still, he could always fall for the carrot even without the stick. Just depends on how much he enjoys it and how much they give him. I don't think the media are able to drop their pride and really complement him enough to get him to start chasing the affection though.

The thing about a border wall is that it clearly helps deal with illegal immigration in that it will severely limit options for those trying to cross the border and make it easier for the border patrol to do their job. But that's not even the best part of it. Imagine when the wall gets built and is a massive art piece and an aesthetic masterpiece. As the years go by he'd not be known as a president who tore things apart, but as the guy who built a world wonder.

today i will remind them


They're Canucks, ya yank.

I don't think it's warmongering. Why would the media so critical to the idea of military intervention in North Korea then? And while the media hasn't really damaged Trump, his behavior and the leaks make it look like he's imploding. Approval rating has a significant influence on domestic policy, because now lawmakers are concerned with working with Trump on any issue because it will damage their own credibility.

I'm not against a border wall as I'm sure it'll limit immigration, I'm against paying for one. As long as it's more difficult for illegal immigrants to live here than Mexico and South America, which can be achieved through regulating employment opportunities and protections, then they have no reason to come. As for lightening the load on border patrol, this could be done through coordinating with the Mexican government or adapting with modern technologies. Coordinating with the Mexican government is crucial to our success at border protection because Mexico currently doesn't allow the US government to deport the many undocumented immigrants from South America through their country.

Unfortunately, that is the problem with scum, no one wants them. And the wall is a obstacle that is harder for the liberals in big cities to fuck with. Remember they are still fighting for sanctuary cities, despite the fact that the entire premise is blatantly illegal.

What type of star is that in the Elite Dangerous webm?

what anime is this?

Thunderbolt Fantasy
a literal taiwanese doll production
it's done better than the manga

Still, Trump should take the steps necessary to curb illegal immigration on an international level. When dealing with sanctuary cities, I think the best way to deal with it is to give all illegal aliens with no criminal background five years to get steady employment and learn English or be deported without the protection of marriage or anchor babies. That way, you keep people who actually contribute to the economy and get rid of the useless ones without controversially deporting everyone.

With liberals, you have to remember that they don't actively want to destroy the country. Most liberal ideas are just too grand to be accomplished economically and some put the country at a serious disadvantage. A wall is hard to fuck with, but so is some legislation. Take the ACA for example. The GOP promised to repeal it for seven years, but it's so intrinsic to the of the healthcare sector, 1/6 of the economy, that they were unable to remove it. Sanctuary cities will lose sovereignty over decisions concerning their populous in exchange for a pat on the back by their least favorite person. They have to have incentives and some guarantees before they'll let Trump in. Larger cities or states will be more difficult to deal with because they operate like their own micro-nation, and in those situations you need to be more diplomatic rather than authoritative.

Prices can vary hugely from dealer to dealer and state to state due to taxes and fees and other shit. Bullet prices rarely have any extra tax or large price differences from state to state outside like New York, Illinois, and Commiefornia

Can I get a sauce on that anime?

Thank you.

Ok, no fuck off back to plebbit!



whats this guys name? and who is holding the camera


It’s cute that you think you know Russia’s laws.

It's pretty much a given that the Unabomber is a product of MKultra as well. The guy was a 16 year old genius basically, but they made him and others write essays about their hopes and dreams. In turn they had people verbally tear them apart, video taped it, and forced them to watch the very video of them being ripped apart.


I think it's kind of funny how Wikipedia downplays all of this when it was arguably the most defining moment in his life.


Oney made a dank meme and it went farther than he wanted it to.

I thought Chris was a fat slob with tiddies, wtf


Christ, what did you do yo yourself, Cosmo? It`s not funny anymore





Too bad they totally cucked the show in season2

Care to explain?

Season 1 is god tier. Season 2 is awful.



Triage X

Thunderbolt Fantasy, written by the Urobutcher and made by a veteran Taiwanese puppetry studio. It's pretty good and since Uro is a fuckhueg martial arts fag, it's got a lot of interesting shit going on.

I doubt you're the guy that took that screencap, but in case you or anyone else reading this think of doing it in the future, for the love of christ shrink your browser window horizontally before you cap. Blocks of text that wide are fucking painful to read.

I was trying to fuck with him; why'd you handfeed the name when I even had it in the title?

Damn, that's a fine gurl, does she stream or livecam?

Yes, plays games too, all good fun.


does anyone have all the coach .webms?










When youtube dies this should be the only thing posted as a memorial.

Still think the original version was better done.

it's 2017. what do you win by fucking with a total stranger? what? it's fun for 2 seconds? cmon man. enough tedium in the world already.

Fuck you.

But I derive petty pleasure from it; it's my raison d'être.

god i wish that was me

I loved the media's reaction to this

"Pollsters miss Trumps silent majority"

Of course they're silent, they don't want to be called racist/sexist/biggot as soon as they talk anything pro-Trump, so they keep their mouths shut

As soon as they get into that voting booth though, they pull that lever


No, the whole silent republican is conformation bias in effect. Retards don't want to admit, even with "hacked" email proof, that there are purposeful over samples to benefit the DNC. It is so much better to create elaborate sociological hand waves than admit that you weren't being accurate. For fucks sake, Quinnipiac had it leak that they were specifically rigging their results against Trump and the drooling morons will still quote their polling on popularity and otherwise. It's like people believe that organizations that take in millions of dollars from politically charged sources are bastions of objectivity.

You just confirmed exactly what I said, that they don't want to admit their side was losing so they start pulling shit out of their ass why they lost

That made me laugh more than the webm.

I wanted to do the crazy lady car scenes but forgot

what would be recommended for converting a looping swf to webm? I've got swivel and shotcut but haven't had good results so far

MPC-HC, play SWF full screen, use screen capture software like OBS to record video, then edit it and post



this guy is a comedic genius, I would upvote him on reddit a couple of them were good

you have to go back


Come on now, that "tolerant" pan or whatever that shit is, was clearly the best one.




Was it a gay virus, because that explains a lot!

jokes aside this is pretty fucked up and even if 1 percent of it is true it's unforgivable. And pretty much 100 percent of it is true.

You can turn a man into a monster in a month given the right enviroment and methods.

The process of MKULTRA isn't exactly new, the methods within are diluted and used in US universities and colleges. This process is called demoralization.

As a person who survived a cult this shit is par for the course, and yet more sophisticated in operation. It'd be admirable if it wasn't so fucking disgusting. Actually strike that first bit, it's just disgusting.

The webm you posted is an excerpt from a pilot episode of a show directed at very young kids.

The topics included gay sex education, aimed at kids around age 5. And that's literally it.

Shouldn't there be sound for this? What happened?



Fuck off nigger, where do you think you are right now?




ayo hol up


Is there a way to download YouTube playlists?

