Okay, it's Call of Duty, but there's no way they can fuck up worse than they already ha-
Okay, it's Call of Duty, but there's no way they can fuck up worse than they already ha-
what's wrong with it? you seem like a sensational retard.
Are you fucking blind?
end yourself by the way
Jesus christ, the fact that scope isn't even tilted to the left triggers the ever loving shit out of me. The clip would literally just go through the fucking scope.
Notice the size of the scope.
They didn't make them like that by then, this is the only one i can find that is close to the size
It looks like a WWI thing
We wuz nazis n' shiet mofo
I would be completely okay with the nazis looking like this, but the fact they're black irks the ever loving shit out of me.
Hitler wuz black
Hail black Jezus
Nazis were always very diverse
no one here was going to play this fucking game here anyway.
although i'm waiting for confirmation about whether or not you can make a black nazi woman character
So how can they justify making the nazis black?
Like, what kind of mental gymnastics can they use?
That one is an american paratrooper though, get your shit together.
Pic related.
That's the beautiful thing, they can't. Game journalists were stunned into silence, because they got the diversity they wanted, but now the minorities they desperately defended were now nazis.
Diversity >>> Historical accuracy
They've been screaming that dumb shit for years.
writes itself
We live in a post-truth world. Get with the times grandpa.
Yeah but, how can they justify this kind of diversity?
Arent nazis supposed to be like the absolute evil for SJWs?
Then how can the innocent, black people ever be nazis when they be good bois?
CoD was always like that though wasn't it? It's the older Battlefield games that had it different.
No, it fucking wasn't. Call of Duty 2 restricted your guns based on what side you were on. The fact they allowed it in WaW was retarded.
Are you a racist user? Only racists think diversity needs to be justified. What a disgusting pissbaby manchild dudebro bigot. You're probably a bible thumping christian radical living in the rust belt. This is a HATE FREE ZONE!! kill yourself.
Kill yourself lefty
COD hasn't done faction specific weapons in multiplayer since 3.
Pure laziness. Don't have to properly balance guns when anyone can use anything.
3 had god tier multiplayer.
Right, you had a list of weapons to directly choose from.
Is there any point in trying to appease gun fags in games?
They're going to get triggered either way
I don't even know why the fuck OP is mad at this point.
you're moreso retarded for thinking they would go back to the old method after allowing players to use whatever guns for the last several years. Whoever expected this game to be historically accurate in the first place, especially in its multiplayer, is/was fucking delusional.
I'm baffled to even see a thread about COD at all here which makes me think its some kind of fucked up false flag
fuck off faggot.
sad but true
Isn't the usual method about doing that is it being purely cosmetic? Like the guns have the same stats with minor differences yet are their respective type for each army?
MP-40 had a slower rate of fire than the Thompson, but did a bit more damage, if I remember right. CoD2's MP-40 was a fucking cannon.
Or wh-
you fuck off
The fuck are you smoking user, we're talking about CoD, not League.
Hey man what the fuck, I'm the King Slayer.
Why do people smoke cigars?
Context matters though.
The Germans allied themselves with the Free Arabian League who aided them on the North African and Middle Eastern fronts, hence why there were black, south asian, sikh and muslim Nazi soldiers.
There were some Chinese Nazi soldiers and the Japanese were also allies of the Germans but they were imperialists rather than fascists.
I can hardly contain my surprise.
You're forgetting "Nazi" comes from the jews mispronouncing "NatSoc", and basically it's like saying if America had a war, and recruited Mexican soldiers, suddenly they too would be American soldiers. Doesn't work that way.
Historical revisionism is ok if it's for diversity's sake.
You have to remember that most of 8 Holla Forums has been subverted by kamfy and Jim and are nothing but libertarian larpers. Holla Forums oldfags scattered to endchan, meguca, and ironmarch while only the dumbshit redditors remain here. But on the other side of the coin, you using the term Holla Forumsack in a negative connotation rather than specifing that its modern 4ch/8ch Holla Forums thats the problem and not Holla Forums seems suspicious.
>>>Holla Forums
How about you pathetic vermin stop larping? There is a massive influx of normalfaggots like you lately and we are doing our best to whip out the cancer that 4chan made them believe and here you are making things worse than they already are. If you hate the ebil pol natzees so much then fuck off to a board that cares, because Holla Forums sure doesn't.
Who said anything about loving jews and blacks? And even then I criticized the user for using Holla Forums in a negative context. You need to learn how to read before you start a rebutal retard. I didn't advocate for multiculturalism or miscegination But rather ethnic nationalism for all. Keep everyone separate and let us all unite against the common enemy that is the jew. There are no based jews. But why am I arguing when the kike mods will delete my post?
Why would they need to justify it? Are you fucking retarded?
How can they justify the Axis powers winning?
No multiplayer match will in any way resemble an actual battle that took place during WWII. How can they justify that?
This fake kotaku article actually came true.
The gay mods will delete a thread because of some sperg like this
no wonder they lost
Quality thread
no wonder the jews gave up on helping the beasts, they were just inferior to them in every way
They're jews but dumber, exact same aspirations without the inherent stuff to get it.
This was never a laughing matter. I always knew that this turn of events would be inevitable. We haven't seen anything yet. Oh trust me, you cannot even begin to imagine what else they are going to make. The industry will reach levels of staleness and political correctness that you couldn't even see in your worst of nightmares. But it will all end sooner than we think. The industry crash is coming, and it will hit hard
The crash is never coming. Things are only going to get worse and everyone's standards are going to plummet as the years continue. 20 years from now Holla Forums will probably praise this piece of shit for at least still having some white people in it.
This shit never ends. During BF1's release I was struck by how the left's rhetoric will constantly contradict itself. I wrote this then but will post again.
I understand your distrust, but the industry crash will come. That is because things will change in this world. The gaming industry will be affected by those changes. That is inevitable and a good thing.
See I'm buddies with a redpilled black guy who recognized that the jews were the ones who enslaved the blacks, funded each side of every war since the french revolution, etc etc. Yet he still has this hate whitey bias, because of slavery and the modern plight of the african american. Believe that plight or not, it is very real for black people. I'm under the position that it is impossible to be a nationalist and also find common ground with another nationalist who is black.
You spend 99% of the game with a gun, it's worth making them behave correctly. Also surely you've been impressed when some form of media actually cares to depict something you care about faithfully.
Unless you are an injun, there is no nations for you American mongrels, pale or brown.
Hello salt-left.
You mongrels should be classified as at least partially brain-dead to spare everyone the embarassement.
I'm not even an American nor do I live in America, you kike.
I'm more the opposite, I'd be more fine with there being Black Nazis as long as they were male even though they were just limited to the african theater they were a thinhg
The Injuns lost get over it
Taking in the colonial mongrel rhetoric is even worse than being a colonial mongrel. At least they can't help it.
Wew laddie and please don't imply your ancestors didn't
Don't spew nonsense which you know nothing about. Nazi comes from a hebrew word meaning moron.
You need to fuck off back to /wooo/, wrasslefag.
Also cringe.
lol die cuckchanner
Which comes from NatSoc
Also pretty sure Nazi isn't the hebrew word for Moron because that would mean Ashkenazi are Idiots of Turkey
I hope for a crash so i can finally do some progress with my backlog.
The word for moron wasnt Nazi, it was something similar which evolved into Nazi.
Native americans somehow weren't capable of inventing a concept of borders, or private property, not to mention actually making technological progress.
Evil whitey once again oppresses poor dindus with his superior intellect allowing to traverse oceans and then shoot savages who weren't capable of negotiating either.
Can you imagine the absolute shitstorm if normalfags started targeting black nazis and not shooting normal ones online?
What would the management media say?
I hate jews as much as the next guy but that's just silly, user.
I hate jews too.
What kind of image would have made you not reply like a butthurt pussy?
They were happily talking about how historically accurate BF1 was last E3. There is definitely historical revisionism at work here, it just starts at the "not important" parts.
As a leftist I completely agree. Your country is cucked beyond repair by your liberals.
This kind of virtue signaling PC shit is fucking stupid.
They're trying to rewrite fucking history by destroying historical monuments and perverting all forms of media.
That is not real leftism, that is anti-humanity and needs to stop.
Is that a magfed Mauser k98?
Is God dead?
Nazi was basically German urbanite (read: jewish) slang for hick/redneck, short for Ignaz, a common name in rural Bavaria.
So yes it was a jewish insult but it predated NatSoc and when they started using it against nazis, the nazis took it as a badge of pride much like Trump supporters calling themselves deplorable.
Good to know that al pre-columbian civilizations were just a meme then, just like dinosaurs.
You are anti-humanity in general.
Your entire rhetoric of human entitlement is leading to enslavement with North Korean Juche being your golden standard of what human life should be.
Don't forget about other leftists using cuck as a badge of pride too!
But that is real leftism. You ARE anti-humanity, or to be more precise you take the orders of soulless jewish anti-humans who masquerade as people. I've been on Holla Forums and seen what your kind think.
You think families are bad and children should be raised by the government.
You believe we MUST flood white countries with nonwhites.
You support insane transgenderism.
You hate the working class. Though claiming to support workers you support the immigrant scabs who drive down the price of our labour.
You hate the 1%, a 1% that is 50% jewish (and the other 50% are in bed with them), but clutch your pearls in horror if anyone speaks ill of jews, even though 1 out of every 4 jews is part of the 1%.
You cry about racism, but when you learn that injuns oppose mass immigration and their youth are embracing Fascism, you let free your racial hate against them.
You think yourselves enemies of big business but never stop and wonder why big business vocally and fiercely supports the same causes as you: mass immigration, feminism, diversity, censorship, faggotry, and so on.
You cheer for Islam despite Islam being ultra-reactionary.
Maybe you say you're a more moderate leftist? If so be warned that you are only aiding the far left and in time, if they eliminate everyone to your right, you'll be their next victim. They will come for the Fascists first. Then for the traditionalist conservatives. Then for the centrist moderates. Then they will come for the moderate leftists like you, screaming "far-right! Nazi! Die!" and you'll look for allies and find no one.
There is no coexisting with the left or with its jewish puppeteers. They desire nothing less than a jewish shoe stamping on the face of a brown mongrel humanity forever.
To an extent but I haven't seen it widely embraced. It seems to really strike a nerve with them, they almost always complain about it. Obviously they don't come right out and say it upsets them, but they say things like "it's so boring why won't the right stop using it" which is basic butthurt troll victim speak for "this insult really upset me and I have no comeback".
Finally Holla Forums can properly self insert into the game!
I used to consider myself left, a somewhat sane 70s english variant that spoke truth to power, wanted decent conditions for workers, a culling of corruption and less corporate boot in face but over the last 15 years I've seen the insane far left co-opt and completely twist what identifying as left used to mean into a contrived nightmare of ignorant self destruction.
Ultimately it's the ethos of a child who owns nothing, has no family, is a hedonist, is self destructive and hates his own kind. The end game as you say is the complete ruin of everything that the sane and cultured hold dear. A modern idiot lefty woman will call herself a feminist and yet sing the praises of the most patriarchal, savage, right-wing cunts on the face of this earth and suck their cock while they're at it, never once seeing the absolute hypocrisy of her vile, ruinous actions.
The left will 'muh inflated 6 gorillion' like *they're* jews, totally ignoring the 16 million Russian dead (and other groups who took hits), they'll also cannily ignore the fact that every Jew is openly racist as fuck even against even them. See also: ignoring that blacks and every far eastern country is awash in dyed-in racism.
Discrimination is not a dirty word it keeps useless shitty people the fuck out of your life and people he world over practise it, correctly, against people and groups from as close as a town away to as far as the other side of the globe simply because they 'do not want'. Tribalism and culturalism exist for good reasons, you cannot trust outsider groups to act in your best interests and if you work to further theirs you are a traitor to your own people. If you don't discriminate you ignore the killer, the savage, the blade at your own throat.
Trannies are just fucking stupid bullshit that anyone with a working set of eyes can see through, mentally ill people got their asylums shut down and now flood the streets and vomit so much mind-sickness into the net that it bleeds into reality and pollutes sane dialogue with impossible nonsense about changing gender when there's no path or process in the world that can achieve that and it's not something we should ever be aiming towards anyway. Kids who cut themself get sectioned for their own safety but obviously mad people (and bullshitters) who want to mutilate their genitalia claiming they *feel* like something they have no concept of get a state funded chop and re-sectioning job and free drugs forever cos fuck common sense yeah?
Truth is impossible for the left to deal with, it jars with their skewed interpretation of reality, whatever they don't like hearing is a lie and whatever their falsely adopted guilty conscience tells them to like is 'their truth'. It's childish, it's people who've not grown up and seen their hastily cobbled together received opinion bullshit for what it is, it's people who think their ideals are ever going to fly in the face of reality while it smashes them down like King Kong taking out by-planes again and again.
It'd be great if we could all get along, if religions and cultures and corporate shit wasn't so divisive and ruthless and adept at making people ruthless too, but they are, so we can't
I find myself smiling more and more broadly as virtual environments get ruined with leftist sentiment while reality gets repaired by more conservative ideas.
I know one of the environmental artists working on this game. I have let him know how fucked these details are. I will have a response in the next 48 hours.
Die now, imkikey. No one is falling for your shit.
And you guys expect to be taken seriously.
the magazine for the k98 is accurate, the Germans had trench mags for the G98 which were compatible with the K98
Just like how holographic sights were "real" in the 1940's, it does not mean that they were implemented in a wider scale past a few units being hand-crafted for testing. According to Wikipedia, it never went past the 'experimental' phase.
Trench mags are a fucking cunt to deal with because they aren't detachable. You have to load it with clips and going prone is as about as fun as going prone with a Kp-31 with the casket mag.
op is not a faggot tod-