There's a Mario Odyssey stream going with Charles Martinet and I can't quite tell if his opinions are legitimate or if...

There's a Mario Odyssey stream going with Charles Martinet and I can't quite tell if his opinions are legitimate or if he's been payed a lot of money to say them
Pretty cringey either way though

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Does Charles Martinet even play video games besides Mario and Zelda? He said he played a lot of Zelda in one of his interviews but do you suppose he ever plays non-Nintendo games?

Why would someone involved in the development of a game need to be paid a lot of money to shill it ? It kinda comes with the territory.

Probably not, he admits himself finds 3d mario games difficult to play and favors 2d mario games.

Odyssey looks better and better each time.

This. The man's the voice of Mario. Even if his opinions are completely legit, it'd be pretty ridiculous to expect him not to shill the game.

Charles Martinet is a shithead communist that used mario's voice to cold call people to join antifa, but he's also a whore, so yeah, these opinions probably aren't his.

>Its a-me! Mario! Join-a antifa today and-a punch-a da nazis! So long gay Trump!

Charles is a whore and Captain Lou Albano deserved better

He wasn't even a decent wrestler and you know it

He may have not been a decent wrestler, but he was a stellar plumber.

Caring about Celebrity politics is like caring about a whores or a clowns politics.

Why the fuck nintendrones like this guy so much, he literally records 5 cringey lines for every game

You gotto admit it's fucking impressive how his job has been essentially recording the same 5 lines for the same characters for the same company for the past 20 years and he hasn't gotten sick of it. It's interesting to see this mans opinions on gaming and Nintendo itself given how fucking long he's been there

Probably the part where it's a new gameplay video of Super Mario Odyssey.

Xenoblade 2 is up next.

It's an easy paycheck.

Charles Martinet is pretty cringey. I find interviews with him hard to watch.

How, how is the "Cringey"
Maybe you're a socially stunted fuckwit.

He most likely knows he's the voice of a bunch of widely beloved characters from an E-Rated videogame so he constantly acts like he's talking to children. He knows people know him as 'the voice of Mario' and little more, even though he's done voice work for other games, and he'd never hear the end of it if he ever managed to tarnish that image in public.
That or he's a manchild himself and he gets paid insane amounts of money to squeak the same funny lines in front of a microphone every couple years.



Do you dare?

Not sure what I expected.

hey Charles, hows it going

Kinda hard to not imagine your mascot's voice shilling the games you hand him/her out, or at the very least not talking shit about them. They're the ones paying you, and a very handsome pay, at that, while also enjoying a reputation as MUHRIO'S VOICE XD

You can bet that if he ever squeaked and talked shit about NoA, or how much he hated the games or doing Mario's voice, he'd be blacklisted everywhere his reputation forever tarnished by cucks and cynical businessmen.

Welp, he's a cuck.

They don't them Cucktendo for nothing.

Yeah it's not like he is Mario's voice or anything and Nintendo doesn't want any sort of negative PR regarding their biggest IP

I don't know if this is me being retarded and not into twitter but it just seems like every recognised normalfag. Nothing offensive and nothing to really put himself out there barring the videos.

One thing I did notice though is that he's into PR which might explain a lot when it comes to streaming and he knows that he's gotta keep that shit up. I don't know if he's apart of the Nintendo PR team or just a part of company PR teams in general but I do find it rather interesting.

Charles Martinet vs Jon St. John in a fist fight, who would win?

The driver of whatever truck puts them both out of our misery? Clint from Lazy Game Reviews does a pretty damn decent Duke, and everybody and their second cousin can do a decent Mario.

Probably not. With all the travelling he does as part of his job I don't think he gets much time to himself.

Quit shitting on Martinet you asshole. He's just a folksy uncle type. I don't have any reason to doubt his opinions are genuine, he seems like the type of person to believe this stuff. He's kind and imaginative..

Going pretty good you shut-in.

What the fuck is a decent wrestler? It's all pretend

Honestly, I can't get mad. The idea of Mario telling people to join antifa is just too hilarious to be angry about

I now want to see Wario see Mario try and get people to join antifa and react by starting a shitty blog that gets shekels and accidentally makes the West NatSoc

Hulk Hogan slammed down Gawker pretty well



Calling someone a cuck is not an argument

Being a cuck is not an argument, cuck. Enjoy your nigger dick.


(((Worked))) hard.
Yeah. Being a fucking thief is hard work all right. Fucking kike.


Yeah nah he's a thief he doesn't work hard :^)

I'm pretty everything he did was a failure for being so cheap and his only saving grace was the unlimited shake sack from wario land shake it.

Does anyone else feel like Odyssey looks awful? There clearly a lot of soul in the art direction, but level design is weak and meaningful utilization of gameplay has been completely disregarded from what I've seen. Jesus Christ, even Mario + Rabbids looks better.


Reichsmarks aren't based on nothing

Such a valuable currency that was well backed enough not to kill people caught with unexchanged money.

Yeah, your point is?

Oh I think you know what I am saying best buddy.


That hitler did nothing wrong?

Oh most certainly.

I'm quite glad that he doesn't play Skyrim, even given his position in it.

When was this supposed to have happened?