4 AM

Losing control?

What was the first video game you ever played?

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Evenin' folks.


Super Mario World.

fuk u fgt

the "who can hide the worthless thread fastest" game.

Mario Tennis.

Test Drive 1 on DOS

Morning everyone, Ritsu here


Didn't really do anything today. Playing gta5. Not sure if I'm having fun. Need to find a new game.

My first game was the original super mario bros on NES

Oot. Played it when i was 1.

How goes user

Theres a mario tennis game?
Whats good user?

What'd you do today user?



Dunno. I dont even remember the first time i actually played it. i actually cant even remember playing it since i was so young

there's like 4-5 of them.

Did you beat it?

I'm fine, I suppose. Final night of work was tonight. It was an easy shift, but I hate the fact I'm leaving. I do suppose it is for the better, but still.

Mario tennis GBC is 10/10

had a really hard time staying focused on anything today. Had a really weak workout, spent way too long on simple drawing exercises constantly zoning out. posting todays homework anyway. winding down and playing some Siege now

sonic 3, remember it vividly, dunno how i had a genesis as a kid but i remember sonic, vectorman, and some shitty wheres waldo game

You know that one door in fire temple that is in the room that has the fire that chases you. It took me a year to find it. Its the one on the ledge. Once i found it i beat it.

I think it was Kid Icarus of Myths and Monsters

How do you even know you did this?
And whats the first game you remember then?

You had a virtual boy?

How long til you start school now? Get any kind of nice break?

Not 4am related, but certainly worth a laugh.

Still oot. I played that shit until i was like 7.

it was the N64 version at a Mcdonalds.

Two weeks, but I'm still not finished preparing. I don't know if it's a real break if that's the case.

I meant the entire game.

I was just in that thread, left after a minute, though.

Nice job on the leaves man, they look like they were kinda hard to draw like that.
One of those days?

I never liked kid icarus. Feels so crappy.
How goes user

Thats a lot of practice. Keep it up!

How goes user

OoT was so much fun back then. Loved getting to explore and find neat shit.
What'd you do today user?

When'd you get your own console at home?

No, i beat the game after that. I was just so stupid as a kid that i couldnt find the door.

Me too, to both.

a few years later. First vidya console I actually owned was a GBA To be honest, I don't like talking about my childhood much. I'm autistic and almost my entire childhood is filled with regrets and big mistakes.

Had to count every single peice of a board game called samurai swords. It has like 72 time 5 peices plus a bunch of other random peices. Took like an hour. no it wasnt all there help


I actually have no idea if I liked it or not didn't play it that much also that was ages ago. The reboot on the 3DS was really cool tough.

Okay I guess, how are you?

Not like you are going to prepare the entire 2 weeks. Going to get to relax a little. What you going to do for fun in your mini break?

Whats good in the hood monica

Whats your biggest regret?

nice dubs, yeah that was the point of the exercise just learning how to draw organic folds and lines, its strange cuz its still like 2 lines to make the body with fold


Fucking lucky. I'd love to get a security gig. What you guarding?

What'd you do today?
I'm good. A little bored tonight though. Nothing to play.


Not sure. Going to hang out with the people I leave, watch YouTube, grow a beard and start running.
I just can't bring myself to exercise, though. It feels like the last thing I do whenever I can do it and it's what I want to do the most when I can't.

The time honored 4am tradition. You gonna master the stealth fap fam?

I had to make sure everything was there. It wasnt.

Time to buy a new one goyim

Well it's good to see you're already starting to get it down then, pretty soon you'll be drawing hands, the artist's worst nightmare.

As of right now the trainer im with is assigned to a mall. but I'm told I'll be in a museum, Bank or Factory

I didn't even think of that, I should

Tried Persia in Victoria 2, gave up because Sandniggers refused any kind of westernization and ruined my country. I hate realism sometimes

Who knows? Not me.
Yoshi's Island

If he had any sense he wouldn't have tried spending $300 at once; I hope his toys break. Now my bank is gonna charge me overdraft fees, and they've decided to switch my savings to a checking account because of "too many withdrawals in a short time frame".

No, im selling it. So instead of selling it complete i have to piece it out.

either one of those Game & Watch portable things or Battle Toads for the NES.

I couldn't because of my job.

He needs to start drawing feet first

Dude push for the museum gig. Well only if its like a history one where you get to see cool ancient shit all the time.

Victoria 2? How is that? I want a strategy autism game of some kind but don't know what to play. Considering tropico

Just say its complete

Well, at least you know it isnt a black.

i find noses scarier than hands at the moment, i get the idea of shaping out a hand and there's good references for hands out there

also i bought this thing for a bit of fun, i know its not -idea- compared to life drawing but it looked like fun, should come in tomorrow


Be the hero they don't deserve, but the one they need.

I might be an autist but im not a liar. i think i'll make more money piecing it out anyway

Wait, they're not still charging you are they?

Are they really going to charge overdraft fees on a stolen card? Seems weird

Nice taste for a kid. How goes user?

My last job let me keep my beard if I started the job with it, just couldn't grow one once I was in. Was nice

Ohhh nice. How old and rare is this game?

Its from 95, and not too common, but not rare. It goes for 60 complete on ebay. i got it for 2 dollars

I think it's a war museum, which would be 10/10 but im really fine where ever, town is dead af

I will be Night Baiter, Guarding in the day, fapping by night

Fucking die.

I tried drawing a bouquet of flowers. couldn't finish it for the life of me. white roses and go suck a wheelbarrow carrying a ton of dicks. I also did a life drawing that I felt accomplished about since I worked on it for an hour and really focused on it.

becoming a socially awkward emotionally dull human being after being rejected by a girl I had a crush on in middle school. To this day I don't think I ever recovered from it. She started acting more slutty when high school came around, even going to school dances without her boyfriend and wanting me to slow dance with her. I can't dance.

gonna show your work? you don't have to if you don't wanna but i'm curious since you mentioned it

Dont worry. Im the same as you.

Noses are a bitch, but don't be one of those wusses that just makes a cartoonish nose instead of actually trying. You could do it right with enough practice.

That sounds cool. The only reason I'm getting one is because two former coworkers I really like agree that I'd look good in one.

Victoria 2 is probably the most patrician Paradox /gsg/ but definitely not the easiest. It's worth learning though and it has a great modding community. If you want to try a /gsg/ I'd recommend Europa Universalis 4, Tropico is not a /gsg/.

so now you're a socially awkward virgin who jerks it to pictures of anime girls on the internet? I remember my first crush in college. the whole experience was embarrassing and fucked me up emotionally for 2-3 years.

Nice. I really should start looking at thrift stores and shit. Plan a lot of my shopping in nippon around them actually now that I think about it.

You gonna get demolition man'd in another decade or two if you keep the job.


Did you draw those? If so those are really cute user

sure why not. I gotta take pictures with my shitty phone's camera, so give me a sec.

I can't tell you the answer to this, but I can tell you my oldest memory of playing video games is of me playing Pokemon Snap.

Currently working 3rd shift custodial job, and it's fucking awesome. School year's back in and I'm actually really happy to be back in class.

How's it goin, lads?

Hell naw I'm not that good.

At least you learned the lesson that 3D is always PD early I guess.

Do you know how yours grows in?

What makes this europa good?

What classes you have this year?

Im the same, except my Ex fucked my best friend and it pretty much made me just angry all the time

Not really sure what that means

Fuck dude, I did that for 4 years, I wanted to blow my brains out

I atleast had my crush be my girlfriend in 5th grade. That counts for something, right?

Thrift stores are amazing. Definitly check them out.

Kind of depressed, very fat, leave for school in 2 weeks, just left the only people who liked me, might have diabetes.

Our only salvation.

Nigga get on that shit

Oh well post your art user

I never really have money and now that I do I can't spend it so.

You can play any country you want, it's much easier than Victoria 2, it looks much better and the music is better. Also it has useful tool tips. So overall it's the perfect beginner /gsg/

Rip. Get another job so you can spend money.

Im kind of depressed, extremely skinny, and im going to college in winter. Am i doing better or worse than you?

of course, taking up this hobby is also a practice in self discipline.

How do you get over cleaning shitters?


No clue, kind of scared honestly.

I don't think either of us are doing too hot right now.

Today's shift ended up being worse than yesterday, but at least I got my paycheck.


Might watch it now, Im just re-downloading games, got nothing to do

Nigga I told you it's not that big of a deal, just watch what you eat.
Did you end up counting your calories for the day?

Is it fun though? What do you even do in these games? I honestly have no clue.
Also will it run on my craptop?

Maybe eventually

Thats gotta suck. I started growing mine out at like 15 and its always looked awesome. I'd hate to be a guy with one of those patchy pubey looking beards.

What was bad about it user?

Plus it's always fun, when you git gud enough all you need is a pen and you can keep yourself entertained anywhere.

Fucking do it. Its comfy as fuck and hits hard on political correct bullshit. Also makes you want to eat taco bell.

The final class I need to become a certified welder, some computer aided design classes and a SolidWorks class which is 3D modeling for mechanical shit. I'm actually hyped about all of it, it's all awesome so far.

I'm actually a night custodian at the community college I go to. So I work out, go to class, and work all at the same place. The campus is fucking huge, and I have a huge portion of it I'm responsible to clean. So at all times its dead silent and I'm all alone in this huge place. It's so comfy. Plenty of time for podcasts, music, audiobooks, quiet contemplation and prayer. Except when whoever my co-worker is who blasts the local super shitty radio station and it bleeds over into most of my area because they can't use headphones like a civilized person.

I'm sorry to hear that user. I hope things get better for you.

I wear gloves and a mask. It's part of the job, due to all other factors it's worth it. It's not even that bad, just get it over with. Yeah it's fucking gross so what. Worst part is emptying out the wastebaskets inside the stalls in the women's room- nothing horrible yet, but I fear the worst eventually.


Damn that does sound fun. Ganbatte fam

Thats the movie that has the scene where the guy gets fined every time he curses, right? I gotta watch that sometime.

Just this week the staff posted a new incentive where if your overall call time is less than it was last week, you can get paid more money by next payday. In my case for every call that lasted less than 10 minutes, I had another call that lasted 20 minutes or more. I even had one call last 50 minutes because the customer I was speaking to was bitching about everything I asked her to do.

Well, I went to play disc golf today with some friends so that burned some calories.
Had a large shake with brownie in it, 1000 calorie omelette, and maybe 700-800 calories in Chipotle food.

I hope it starts becoming a good size after 2 weeks but I know that isn't true. I don't want to show up on campus a neckbeard.

Thanks, user. I don't think they will, but who knows, maybe I'll get good enough.

how fucking big was the omelette dude

Do you get to bring your own mask? Can you wear a gasmask and be some post apocalyptic custodian?

Watching it right now, fucking stallone jumping out of a heli, I havent watched a stallone movie in years

That was the only good part, could listen to whatever, sleepycabin took up alot of my work hours

Here we are again, another day, another cheap bottle of red. First game? A Space invaders clone on a Kaypro somethingorather. Good times and now i want to kill myself.

I'm in trade school. Not one of my classes has been some stupid bullshit class. The only possibly irrelevant class I will have to take is to get my Associate's Degree, and it's just a communications class

Have you tried exercising, a martial art, or going to church?

No, it's just a basic paper mask that's made available to use if we need it. I'll also wear it when I use the cleaning chemicals that sometimes make me feel a little woozy/sick if I spray too much of it around when I'm supposed to be using it in a foam version specifically so I don't get sick from being around it.

Yee thats the one. Its one of my favorite movies for how perfectly cheesy it is while not being bad.

That really sucks. Maybe you sucked so bad last week that you still win though

My beard grows pretty fast compared to most people. And even in two weeks its not going to be all that long. Just hope it comes in even more than anything

I've always been more of an arnie fan, but this movie is tight

Does that include snacks and shit fam? That shake is probably what got you for that day.
Exercise is a shit way of losing weight compared to dieting, unless you're doing some seriously serious exercise for over an hour and running for at least 30 minutes. Several times a week.

why does coffee make me shit like immediately?

Whats got you down this time user?

Its probably really easy as far as bullshit classes go anyway at least.

Thats just how coffee do monica
How goes?

It's better when you do it infront of people

I like both, I dunno who I prefer

I feel the same way about Pepsi. I feel the need to take a piss shortly after drinking it.

Im going to college in cali for a welding degree and i am dreading it. They're gonna make me take fucking humanities. Why are humanites a thing?

Damn shame, would've been hilarious seeing a janitor walk into the ladies bathroom at 3 in the morning wearing a gasmask.

just waiting on some games to download. im in a strategy mood

With a full hazmat suit.

I've honestly never seen many stalone ones. But I prefer cheesy campy movies and arnie has so many good ones.
Stalone's cheese movies just look bad.

Which ones? I am too and am looking for shit to play

It had bacon, sausage, and gravy on it, that's why it had so much. Plus it came with hash browns and pancakes.

I did try exercising about 2 years ago. Honestly should have kept up with it.

I'm not going for Gandalf or anything, maybe pic related. Yes I know it's cringy to base hairstyles off of YouTubers but I think that length is going to be a good look for me. It's just an example, not the inspiration.

From what I can remember, that's all I ate.
Sounds about right. I was thinking just going for a run for a half hour with 5 minute warmup/cooldown of walking every day until I can actually get to a gym.

I think I'm gonna go to bed. Shift starts at 1:30 tomorrow. I might not be back tomorrow because my saturday and sunday shifts are early in the morning and I need sleep before work.

cuz some jew runs your college, just bullshit through it



your first mistake
I'm sorry dude. Are you going to a community college or a university or an actual trade school?

The only gas mask I have is for smoking weed

You should start working out, find a martial arts class to join, and start attending sunday services at your local orthodox christian parish. These are what helped me gain control of my life.

oy cunt dont talk shit about pepsi or I'll cut you open and fuck the wound

Most people end up changing their degrees within the first year or so, so they make everyone take pretty much the same gen-ed shit. Just be a clever shit about it. Over here there's a mandatory art course everyone has to take. But if you look around, they got a cowboy-movie appreciation class where you just sit around watching westerns all class and writing papers about it and it counts towards your mandatory art credit. Shit like that, just look around fam.

Jacobs Creek Shiraz Cabernet 2015.
I'm getting old.

Same, Arnie is better, Terminator 2 is great

Mines at like 5 inches right now I think. Its comfy.
That thing is barely stubble

Cya next time user. Good luck at work

I need to find a class like that. I should run a class like that but with kung fu movies. East Asian Cultural and Historical Studies 101.

disgaea 5 on the switch since ill be traveling soon and age of wonders shadow magic and 3 on the pc for old times sake.
im particularly looking forward to the frozen lords for aow3 as i read some anons say its the most fun they had as a necromancer in a long time.

In slow motion. With a body bag instead of a garbage bag.

Pencil doesn't show up that well and I keep getting weird reflections from my light.

been trying to style my hair backwards lately. sometimes it works well and is just a little bouncy and I look alright

sometimes i just look like a fat draco malfoy from the first movie and i want to die

I hope economics count as humanities so i'll at least learn something.

Community college that has both airfab and welding so if im not discriminated against because im a white male, i could net a really nice job making airplanes. Its where my grandpa worked.

Sounds fucking retarded. Im going to school to learn, not watch movies.

That sounds pretty girly user
How old?

T2, total recall, 6th day, junior. The list goes on

Where you traveling to?

Running is the best way to lose weight, in terms of time:calories Still though, running at 6 mph for an hour burns about 600 calories, whereas you could just cut out the 600 calories out of the diet by skipping on a few things.

Whats the 3rd pic?

I've been doing that with my hair since I wear it short. Looks pretty good on me with the beard I think. I wear a hat usually though anyway

Sleep tight nigga.

Nice one, I'm not liking the whole PC futuristic world of this movie, cant even swear

baikens best girl, shame i find no love in xrd especially with tekken 7 out

i know that feel but don't go burning money on a big scanner out the gate. that bouquet does look frustrating but don't forget you can revisit it at another time

Sakurai should do more projects other than Smash Bros. I want a Kirby Air Ride for Switch already, man.

It is fun, and the newer Paradox games are pretty well optimized, besides you don't need a high frame rate in these games.

You're living in it right now though.


I love how it stays relevant even after 20 years

Oy vey

2 opposite corners of the united states. its scary knowing how far away everyone i grew up around will be. at least its not too hard to keep in contact with people these days. i can still play some games with them if they can find the time.

They're bound to have something instead of ye ol' boring ass gender studies fam. They probably got a list of courses that count towards certain requirements online. I know for a fact they had east asian literature instead of women's lit. for the english credit over here.

Shit, you're not even wrong, canada is hell

I hope you let them know what happened. you should be able to get your money back since you didn't actually pay for any of those things.

I plan on exercising, but fuck martial arts and fuck church. Although I do need something more than myself, I just need to find someone who completes me to fulfill that purpose.

Maybe a bit more coverage of my face than that, I'm not sure what would look good on me though.
I'm thinking something like a well-trimmed beard/goatee, maybe a half inch to an inch long.

In a perfect world, I'd do both to double the weight loss.

Going to bed. Night.

Rip. I doubt you'll be able to survive WW3 when trudeau deploys his white privilige soldiers.

First time leaving home?

Have fun learning that shit. I've had a beard for over a decade and I still suck.

Cya next time user

I'm just going to try another one that's less busy and has better contrast. All the detail from rose petals makes my head spin.

You mean SJWs
Night user

You're missing the point fam, what I mean is just because you have to take a humanities course, doesn't mean you can't just replace it with something actually worthwhile. If you're a history buff you could take physical anthropology instead of women's studies, if you're doing business you could take a course about how to talk and write professionally in the business world instead of 19th century black literature. Shit like that. I only used cowboy movies as an example m8.

Nothing stopping you but you.

when i was really young i went to visit a few other countries but i never had anxiety over it because the world seems so small to a child in a plane.

do a few roses just on their own then tackle a large bouquet? that's what i would try but i'm not expert mind you

how did you find out? how the hell did your friend justify that to you?

Maybe it'll look bad, I don't know.

Yeah, and I hate myself.

That's definitely true. Honestly I think there's a stigma that humanities are all women's studies and shit like that, when it's just the soft sciences, I guess is the wording.

Where all did you go?

Buy a good pair of trimmers if you plan on keeping it all clean looking and shit. I just let mine go crazy because my beard hair is all straight and nice.

Called me on skype, after, if I wasnt drunk I'd be in jail,and he didnt

You probably won't if you get into shape. Don't stay stuck with something you don't like if you can fix it, even if it's yourself.

It's mostly just from people who never bothered to look more into what was available or never even went to college at all, tbh.

I've never had one so yes.

Did he at least feel bad?
Are you still friends with him?

No to both, he's scared of me, fucker is like 5'4 110 pounds

Manlets, when will they learn

At least you got two cancers out of your life at the same time.

yeah, couldn't care less, and if I see them where im guarding, I could just kick them out :^)

nice. i want to own my own custom fabrication business someday.

I mowed lawns for two weeks when I first started working. I started on days as a groundskeeper. I would just ride around on a riding mower all day listening to music. It was fucking awesome.

I'll have to keep my eyes out if I ever go to university.

never gonna make it with that attitude. "my life will get better if I have gf." not how it works.

little nemo

I'm legit super jelly of your job. Hope you get to crack some nigger skulls

What would you fabricate?

You are an hour late
How goes user

If you're talking to an advisor at college just ask them for a list of courses that count towards your humanities/literary/whatever requirements. They'll probably tell you how to find a list of eligible classes online, and from there all you have to do is check for a cool professor by googling their name and see how previous students rate them on some "ratemyprofessor.com" type shit. ezpz. Word of advice, always sign up early, the cool courses and professors always get taken first.

It's the box that had my drawing pencils inside it. I had a feeling it wouldn't read well as the object since I left out details on the box.

My house-mates fiancée wanted to fuck while he was out of town. I was in charge of taking care of her, making sure she wasnt lonely and such, like Pulp Fiction. I never told him about this, but i did tell him not to marry her in no uncertain terms. It probably came across as the drunken ramblings of idiot and i doubt he listened to me.
PROTIP: Dont marry above your age.
PROTIP: Dont get married

Ahhh. The first pic is really good by the way. Very classical

Should have told him brah

feeling blank ritsu


how dumb does a girl have to be? too lazy to go out and do it without anyone knowing. american girls are even lazy at cheating. fuckin' broads.

once we went to italy. i remember not liking the food but the past 10 years or so my tastes are gravitating more towards it.

got to close to some magnets and fucked my hard drive up

Boy I would love that, plan of buying a collapsible baton just for the intimidation factor

Yeah, I dont wanna marry, I'll get a dog or something

most fabricators make car parts or mechanical parts of some kind. I want to make cool decorative and artistic shit.



no wonder he went for it. he's probably starving for pussy. what do you think about it?

Wish I could have seen europe before the shitskins ruined all the major cities

Are you allowed weapons? Get a tazer and shit too

Nice pic though satan

No problem user. You got a real natural talent with drawing. Keep it up

as a short person, I find this offensive. I demand you get down on your knees and look me in the eyes when you apologize to me.

free weekend players should be put in quarantine servers


plus i shaved my pubis

Think about him fucking her?

It's Canada, course not, even a collapsible baton is pushing it

I figured some of the new posters we've gotten lately wouldn't get the joke

it's funny how I'm only now starting to realize how fleeting external things are. getting validation from other people feels hollow because when I get it it only lasts for a few moments. I still seek validation from people, but I'm catching myself doing it and making it happen less and less.

Ack, Satan. Make some swords or erotic statues.

Shaved, with a razor?

inb4 you get arrested for stopping a thief and not helping the poor dindu nuffin fuel his drug habit instead

Boy they sure are missing out on some prim-o banter.

i wish 3d women weren't such bitches, man

are you calling me new? I've been here since first exodus, biatch.

is ritsu a manlet then?

at least we got to see the internet in its heyday. it might not seem like much but the earth might not see something like that again for a while.

got em

In Trudeaus world? probably

I meant 4am in general. Its well known that I'm an almost manlet fam

Yeah its pretty sad. One day the internet is going to be so sterile. And its coming fast.

Is papi your waifu?

yee das rite

It's not like I won't be able to do that.


That's the type of shit I want to make.

I need to do my part to save the white race and pass on the fire that has been handed to me that has burned in my blood for thousands of years.

post miia or rachnera pls

Depends, what's the cut off for manlet status to you?

it's mostly first world ones. I've heard so many stories of guys going overseas and coming back totally jaded to american women. in eastern europe women will kick men out of the kitchen because they say men don't belong there, and they will cook for you HAPPILY. women's rights really were a mistake.

yes buddy

I'd say 5' 10 since you could fudge it and say you're 6' to a girl and she'd probably believe it. I'm at around 5' 7 myself. what about you?

Make me a damn sword. I want that meteorite one

The Official Manlet Guide says I'm not one!


I dont have much

How do you deal with the lack of feet? Thats one of the best parts of a girl

Do you ever wonder what's like for normal people who love and who are loved in return. Are they they happy? Is happy supposed to be the default sensation in the developed world?

After you suffer the itch and prickling sensation you might want to try hair removal cream.

Honestly i'm not concerned with that, I doubt the world will stop spinning if i decide not to have kids and kids are too damn expensive. I'm sorta find with being a lonely guy at this rate

its not even about the genders roles thing, i don't care if a woman can't cook if she at least has other passions or hobbies in her life, most girls i meet just have nothing going on up there, its all passive with them and i just don't like that


5'10 is above the average height for a white american male. The general cut off itt is about 5'7 tbh. Any shorter and you are a manlet.
t. 6'2" Superior Alpha Manmore

and more SLAW


what the hell do they do all day then? I remember asking girls what they did for fun and most said "netflix" or "I don't know."




More of a leg/butt guy, and I've always liked harpies

Dont much care now

just wash it off and moisturize. git gud at dick shaving fam come on now

Get me some meteoric iron then


Are you white?

I always thought papi was cute but couldn't get over the no feet and hands thing. She was best girl in monster musume though

Its surprisingly cheap for ugly slag ones.

I guess I gotta work out a bit more and get broader shoulders. My height + my body types makes me look younger than I am plus I got a young lookin' face. 6' 2''? nice genetics dude. probably helps out with the ladies.

i gotta replay witcher 1 tbh

how tall?


Not nice enough though.
Why fucking live?

Get jacked and grow a beard and shave your head, that ought to do it.


Hey man, Harpy a cute, only problem is stockings, and the scales dont bother me at all

jay peg related user

the rat movie told me anyone can cook and i enjoy learning how to get the results i want. she can yell at me and tell me how to cook but im not leaving the damn kitchen just because thats the only thing she can pride herself on.

im so glad monster girls are a thing these days. and i dont have to jack off to low res sprites from video games. its right at the sweet spot, not super popular but enough that you wont be hurting for cutes or lewds and you know mores always on the way.

yeah, lemme guess i should feel an obligation to reproduce because of that? I understand the sentiment but I don't feel it. Seems like i'd just be bringing kids into an increasingly doomed world

no because I know how people operate for the most part. they're completely used to it by now, so they take it for granted and don't even notice it's there, so even though they have everything they need they still continue to look to external things for pleasure, happiness, etc. "normal" people are more socially adept at hiding their dirty laundry, but all the baggage is still there.

meteoric iron is cheap?

Go to church. Learn a martial art.

I can do the beard part, getting jacked will take some time. I'm doing calisthenic workouts right now, so I'll have to see if I can get big doing those.

Me in a few years tbh

Dunno bout that

My shitposting will be known world wide one of these days user.

I saw it at like 20-30$ an ounce? I think. Figured for 1000$ you could get a decent chunk to work with.

I ordered "The Prince" and it should be getting here next week. I'll probably look into Muay Thai next summer. fighting people looks pretty fun.

I know a guy.

objectively wrong

I agree, need more MonMusu though, I want a season 2, I want more of my waifu

Just little things man, if you love your waifu, those things dont matter

fam the guy is dead you're literally paying a jew for ink and oil and papyrus

I'm late.

Yeah I know how that goes. How long you been with her?

Or are you just early for tomorrows thread?

Getting swol usually takes a while, don't give up though, if you stick to it you'll make it.

If you're talking about Papi, 3 years,my ex 1 1/2

no thanks,
this is something i would like to do but there really aren't any options in my area, theres on BJJ place but i dunno if it wants beginners

yeah I like holding a book instead of reading everything from the electric jew.

Damn long time! I've been with Ritsu for about a year and a half now. Time flies by.
ay yo
hol up
You weren't with papi and your 3dpd at the same time were you user?

For sure. I'm just now getting into cooking, so I'll be able to adjust my diet in the future. Leg workouts are fucking hard, but I feel better after doing them.

Course not, but I did just get to the part in demolition man where he "fucks" that women, and I lost my shit over that scene

if they charge they want everybody, but I'd be wary of bjj just because I've heard some places aren't that legit as institutions but that's the case for just about every sort of dojo.

i'll give you something to hold

not bad

Why, faggot?
And martial artists are all cool people. They want beginners. Check it out. See what they have to offer.

I'm sad now that I just beat a game.

I'm not religious. I have nothing against religion but it is definitely not for me

VR mind fuck tech when

Yeah. I'd want a damascus with some kind of nice steal anyway so even cheaper

What game?

Artists rendition of 4am in 10 years.

You wouldn't like it.

I dont even know how I'd feel about that, I mean it be cool because waifu, but like, physical sex would be better

That definitely helps. Dieting is easier when the food tastes good, and food tastes good when you yourself make it.

What kind of churches have you gone to?

The technique to make damascus steel has been lost. We can't make damascus steel with our modern metallurgical techniques.

When you growing the mustache fam?

Why not?

Probably the closest we will get in our life time

i can do it

I mean like the modern version

Probably in my 30's. People with moustaches in their 20's look like douchebags, usually.

Yeah but, what if we're like 80 when it happens?

Just a guess.

Can't grow a full beard then bud?

Not with my habits

Fucking metal gear solid 2

night ya'll

Nah it's an JRPG.

Can, but beards aren't my style, most I'll ever have is a stubble.

Have a nice night, fam.

Yeah, if you're anything like me, 50-60 is where we die

i don't believe you

that's p cool

Oooooh, look at Mr. Health nut over here.

Final fantasy 9?

I gotta fucking trim mine before I go to nippon because I look like a bum right now. Shaving a mustache seems so much easier.
Oh yeah my fucking mustache is fucking 7 inches long. No kidding.

40 would be a miracle with me

Christ, the fuck do you guys do?
I'm lazy af but Doctors tell me im fine

Grooming moustaches is a bitch. Shaving it's easy though.

I'm an asthmatic smoker and plus pessimists don't live as long, thankfully.

Actually found some meteorite damascus ones too. Look at that contrast. Want so bad

Smoking. Eating like shit. Being a NEET for almost a decade. Probable suicide

Nah just set a trimmer to that shit monica

Go out with a bang. Fuck a whole of bunch of whores and snort coke. Be hated by everyone.

well now youre feeling optimistic about something. uh oh youre already looking healthier

christ dude, quit that shit

Same but the NEET has only been for a few months

or shoot up a school

Tell that to me pa, had a whole little kit for it and everything, combs, scissors, tweezers, shit like that.

Nah knowing my luck I'll probably live to 100, just while being hooked up to a machine and with a hole in my throat.


You going to stay NEET?

lol why would I want to do that?

Nah don't worry, he's retired and doesn't give a fuck about that shit anymore, he just gets a pair of scissors when it gets too long and does one big horizontal cut

Thats how I trim my mouth hole tbh

Na dude, Security Guard remember?

Dunno, living I guess?


Shiiiiiiiiiiiiet. I'm tired so
Yeah I love being NEET but glad you are getting out. Its hard to escape once you are in its warm embrace.

Na dude, its canada, Id probably just get a few million because Trudeau compensates terrorists

I have never been so blueballed in my entire life. I guess I'm un-hypnotizable.

I'm probably gonna put more effort into it since I won't be having these glorious long flowing locks to tidy up anymore by then.


I wouldn't expect that to work on anyone besides those who have been on nofap for a month or more.

I worked near this old guy who had this amazing trimmed beard back before I quit. You could tell he spent tons of time on it. Bald as fuck too

Well when your showers only last 3 minutes it gives you plenty of free time for maintaining facial hair.

I take hour long showers because that shit is comfy as fuck. Get the water hot as shit so theres steam everywhere too. This makes your hair fall out faster though

Just be careful someone doesn't call you a Nazi for having a short haircut & decent clothes. someone was supposedly stabbed over that recently. the Race war's a comin. Pretty soon just being white without a samurai topnot will be enough for you to get attacked.

I remember reading that people who take long, hot showers use the physical heat of the shower to emulate emotional warmth because they're very lonely.

Can't fucking wait.

i have that painting as a poster on my wall

I usually take short cold showers, my long hot showers are only like 10 minutes though.

Long showers = ots of fluoride exposure. Well, unless you filter the water I guess.

I got long hair, that's my excuse.

I heard that too, I take pretty short showers because I hate being wet

And its The Ritsu guy is still here, I finished Demolition man, its a good fucking movie

Cant wait to die for something important, removing the red menace.

Been meaning to watch that. It's an anti SJW movie made in the 90's. I love how the entire plot was that a black man was unleashed on the future.

n-no you.

I'm never lonely. Except when I'm alone

Told you fam

Well you can at least shitpost with us, that's something right?

I never thought of it that way.

So, always?

Its pretty good, I generally hate movies but this got my attention pretty fast

Might start taking movie recommendations from Holla Forums from now on, 2 for 2 so far

I'm talking to people constantly online. Plus the waifu and all

Know any good ones yourself?

Don't you spend most of your day in your room?

Well he was a Black Criminal. they had to unfreeze a white cop to bring him in.

Mad Max, Platoon, Full Metal Jacket, I dont watch many movies tbh

racist :^)

I'm trying to get some of my friends to watch mad max movies with me since I've never seen them before actually

Made my point fam. That might explain the long showers.

Beyond The Thunderdome
Fury Road
Those are my favorite ones
All of them are good, even the Mad max game is decent


This could either go really well for me, or really badly.


Thunderdome is the one my best bud keeps telling me to watch.
Didn't know there was a game though tbh

Heres some suggestions, some of these are super artsy, so if you dont like slow thoughtfull shit stick to toxie.
Watch the seventh seal, tarkovsky's stalker, seven samurai,ran ,sacrifice, toxic avenger, tire.
Anime movies: jin roh the wolf brigade, tokyo godfathers, garden of words, any really cheap old anime movie or long ass ova is great if your fucking blasted.

Online friends and waifu's didn't count, the thing was about emotional warmth from physical interaction. You know, face to face shit. It was related to physical social isolation from other people.

Sounds sketch as fuck

I just need to get a daki

Still waiting on you to tell your parents.

Yeah, its on steam for I think 40$ I took this screenshot while playing, I was using the steam in game FPS counter and it was fucking stuck on 57 or whatever for the entire time I played, even though I had it off

Ive been planning to watch Jin Roh for awhile, might watch it today

Soon probably. Or never

Spoopy! Gonna bounce and play games. Cya next time you drop by user

I was about to do the same, I should be here tomorrow, cya user

Can't wait to hear all about it.


Cant upload shit fuck you telstra i pay you $120 and the Internet is barely usable.

I'd pay a $1000 a month for good internet, but it's not even an option. Money cant buy good internet in rural Australia. Kill me. Kill me. Kill me. Kill me. Kill me. Kill me. Kill me. Kill me. Kill me. Kill me. Kill me. Kill me. Kill me. Kill me. Kill me. Kill me. Kill me. Kill me. Kill me. Kill me. Kill me.

Time for me to bail, see you guys around. Everybody take care.