#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Liberation Edition



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GamerGate BTFO forever?

Archive of old bread: archive.is/uLCGX




I really don't see the fun in it. All I see is a jackass making fun of unrealistic armor. Everyone knows that it wouldn't work in real life, there is no fun in it, it's just plain retarded.

There have been faggots getting lazy with the archives lately.








here you go buddy archive.is/TNuXB#selection-2269.0-2277.34

You Can't Learn Japanese



Kingdom Come: Deliverance wins Best PC Game at GamesCom 2017





And let's face it, just about every who would bitch about Chainmail Bikinis is the type of person who'd subscribe to Anita videos. "Realism" is just a pretext they use to bitch about sexualization, like always.

This is huge. This is FTC Guidelines huge, we should spread this shit

I wasn't trying to make a rebuttal, I simply wanted to post the webm.

This girl likes Crash Bandicoot a lot

We need to report this to the FTC, this is an unambiguous violation, and we know they'll get around to it eventually if people keep bringing it up.

Do you really not know the old meme, or are you just shitposting?


Also, isn't it hypocritical to talk about how the chainmail bikini as sexist when every single movie staring barbarians has male characters wearing even less clothing.

But, then again, you have events such as the First War of Scottish Independence (The story Braveheart is based off of) where the Scotts literally fought the final battle in the nude, so that throughs the defense about "realism" out the window.

Also, is anybody else having difficulty posting?

Yep, it hangs forever

It's a bit slow right now, it's not just you.



I want to play an equipment making game where you are the smithy and one of the late game abilities you can get is equipment enchantment that allows you to do exactly that.

I don't understand this new Crash Bandicoot meme with the fucked up 3D model and the whole woah thing. It looks like a fabricated corporate meme, I noticed that a lot of YT channels were suddenly making CB videos and animations around the time of the remakes release

Wew lad, you've got a lot to learn.


Also Milo wasn't relevant until he started writing articles about GG and even then it took some time for him ever to become a role model for anything. His "dangerous faggot" act came long after #NotYourShield had started and so he had no way of being its figurehead, only a cheerleader on the sidelines.

Didn't we had at some point a guide to report stuff to the FTC? Their standard complain form has too much shit and confuses people



If anybody wants to help then go here [[poly gon.com/hardware/archives]] and archive all the links that have "go.redirectingat" on their addresses and also the ones linking to Amazon

Boy that's some revisionism right there buddy

I thought Holla Forums was into traps, not bara.

I think the issue is that the people that complain about the design of fictional characters actually have problems separating reality and fiction in their consciousness. See also pic related. These people are fucking schizophrenic.


If there was, I haven't saved it onto my drive. Either way, that link is a good addition to Current Tasks.

shit mang, that was…i never evaluated it in such depth.

'SmugWanko' means something else in Britain.


they didnt mention the femenine benis

Watch out for GamerGate
The public enemy of the world #1
It is the main hashtag responsible for…
☑ Forcing a historian to prioritize shitposts over reporting their dad's corpse
☑ Vandilizing private property with "Strategic Designation #2"
☑ Causing chaos in Hollywood with an acid rainstorm
☑ Ruined the very concept of anime for everyone
☑ Firing a promising staff member from Platinum Games
☑ Making Colin Moriarty say a misogynistic joke and firing him
☑ Giving a white Iranian a date with DMCAstiny
☑ Creating bait that surpassed Metal Benis
☑ Stole Bioware's checkbook
☑ Making YouTube proud to support the [ERROR: Login to view this content] community
☑ Became Linkedredchannitin
☑ Adorning unrelated posts with images of anime boobs
☑ Overwrote reality with a Tropico save-file
☑ Teaching the Russians how it's done
☑ Spent 4 days legally dead for tax reasons
☑ Manipulated reviews to make Yooka-Laylee look as 64-bit as possible
☑ Revealed international culinary secrets
☑ Convinced an user into becoming a trap
☑ Funded by Russia to cause chaos in the USA
☑ Plotting to invade and take over the fashion world with a new puppet as mascot
☑ Successfully summoned the memeteor, then promptly dispelled it because it wasn't exciting enough
☑ Moved gaming acceptance back decades in the public consciousness
☑ Got seened in an Oakland drive-by
☑ Has trademarked "hikikomori ginger girls with names based on imageboards"
☑ Employed Russia's help in hacking the ESRB
☑ Bestowed upon a penguin a penguin-waifu
☑ Caught a glimpse of the evil that is the Korean Education system
☑ Likes their iced cream 'pure aryan'
☑ Hacked a character into ARMS, then leaked it
☑ Having a girl fetish
☑ Killed people at an Ariana Grande concert with a bomb
☑ Discriminating fantasy from reality
☑ Undoing all the hard work into promoting Far Cry 5
☑ Turned Ren Hoek into a terrorist
☑ Created Gamergate America
☑ Became starmen
☑ Brought misogyny into E3
☑ Turned Mario Mexican
☑ Prevented beloved VAs from reprising their popular roles
☑ Brought back unpopular video games like Metroid
☑ Blowing everything up

Yeah, comeplete amateur analysis.

then.. they didnt mention the boypussy


Having nasty unprotected sex with randoms and getting all the diseases is not a fucking culture.
I really hate the fags that think they are part of some kind of queer club for fuckboys just because they like cock.

Oh baby I'm gonna need both hands for filling out reports


Love that image.

Cant wait for the flavour of the month cartoon to get replaced

Polygon has been getting shit up hard lately. Feels good man.

Pokeys are not for sexual

Fuck that gets me all hot and bothered. Makes me wanna bend over my keyboard and send reports to the FTC so much so that my hands start to hurt from writing reports so fast

For once there is trap posting in the GG thread I approve of.

So uhh, what goes on in these threads? I always see one up but they all just seem to be filled with shitposting and lewd stuff. Sometimes the occasional Holla Forums happenings.

It means you need to lurk moar faggot.


Good Evening Gentlemen, and Ladies if present
I say, but if there are any fellow Englishmen aboard, a most pressing matter is upon us.
Whilst engagement of a passing frown towards our American brethren for their plight of monument preservation is a necessary endeavour, it would appear that the condition of historical erasure has traversed the waters of the Atlantic and descended upon our fair Isle.

IOW some fuckwit thinks that Nelson's Column should be pulled down.
If this was in previous bread fair enough - well here it is again anyway.

Aside from it's historical significance, it is an iconic landmark. It's also more than just some one-armed dude standing atop a column. There's finely detailed sculpted reliefs round the base and of course the 4 'guarding' bronze lions - quality craftsmanship all around.
Realistically, I doubt this call to pull it down will gain much traction - not least they'll draw ire from far greater spheres than themselves - Nelson is Admiral Nelson - they've got to get this one past The Royal Navy.
Still, Britbongs - stay attentive! The enemy lurks within - fighting them on the beaches may well yet become a reality, just not in the way it was originally inferred.

Tally Ho Chaps!

So why are you ok with straight characters in media being portrayed just as slutty?


That was a fucking gas grenade Christ are reporters blind or something?

I think I have a new fetish now.

Don't let em take away your statues, teabags. Don't make the mistakes we did.

rubber bullet fuels the narrative of cops violently opening fire on innocent protesters as opposed to clearing the area.


God bless whoever keeps making these Ace Combat themed. I've been away for a long time, but did GG become less profitable for Milo? I feel like he's dropped off the radar and most threads seem just fine without him now.

It was a pepper ball.


most of what was talked about with milo for the past year or so was his college talks that often spurred protests and later riots. He still brought up gg in his speeches so he hasn't forgotten us. We just don't talk about him much now because he's not doing any college talks at the moment

A lot of us lost touch with him after he got banned off Twitter, but he teamed up with Archon (the guy who used to run The Escapist) and started his own company, MILO Inc.

A lot of us miss him, and he still mentions us fairly regularly, but he was never a required part of the thread.


Trump trips 2020.

The general consensus is that Milo used GG to further his own profile, and GG used Milo to inject itself into the broader public sphere. Both used each other for their own gains

Milo dropped off radar after the smear campaign calling him a pedophile. Also I think he got scared of doing his University tours after trannies and commies started attacking students and also because of that riot that happened last time he tried speaking

I would say we had a common goal instead.


Shameful, posting best girl.


Warhorse Studios seem to be doing well for themselves. Game's coming along well and at least gamescom isn't afraid to admit that.

Wow, I've been out of the newsloop for a long ass time.

Yeah, I vaguely remember the college talks getting protesters but I've been gone for like 4 months. I'm still depressed he was in my area and I had to work that day. I'd like to meet him some day if only to shoot the breeze and thank him for being a massive media troll.

he mentioned recently that he will be starting up his college talks again, but I imagine no college will want him after the berkley riot


The story until now, #TorrentialDownpour news related and not.

> NISA is trying to fuck with Ys.NISA has fucked Ys
- archive.is/hAeYA

Our Holla Forums and cuckchan /g/ made a replace for nyaa after it was taken down, make sure to use it… Now Approved by Japs.


As a troll move they put the fakku doujins you have to pay for in download state.

Fakku 0001-1000: files.catbox.moe/129di9.torrent
Fakku 1001-1100: files.catbox.moe/h3l457.torrent
Fakku 1101-1200: files.catbox.moe/47batv.torrent
Fakku 1201-1300: files.catbox.moe/c9ntlr.torrent
Fakku 1301-1400: files.catbox.moe/rkuheo.txt
Fakku 1401-1500: files.catbox.moe/ce8oor.txt
Fakku 1501-1600: files.catbox.moe/nmqh3d.txt
Fakku 1601-1700: files.catbox.moe/60v3p6.txt
Fakku 1701-1800: files.catbox.moe/3ii6j8.txt

Oh neat. Didn't know that.

Vaguely remember that happening, still shocked (I know I shouldn't be) that the mentally ill were violently lashing out against something they didn't like. That's fucking retarded.



Always liked this one.


Literally the sluttiest character in her sluttiest doujin in the history of entertainment has only possibly barely reached the level of promiscuity that occurs in the gay community.

That gave me a giggle.

I thought that was just hyperbole, did he actually do that? Sauce me, now. I need a hearty laugh.

this is a joke right? this cant possibly be real.

I can't begin to wonder why they take photos after being operated on. I got one to remove my excess skin and I sure as fuck wasn't up for a photo.

Nah, the whole post was just fiction of mine.

That one is real AFAIK.

What the actual fuck, who has a problem with recognizing a game is fictional

I'm so mad I'm about to pass out, what the fuck

She would be fine if she took advantage of a shield and a polearm or a longer sword. That little dagger is going to end with getting you ass stabbed regardless of how much armor you have. Sometimes all you need is a slightly longer reach than you opponent.

SJWs don't, they're the ones acting like wanting to bang a 3d model of a woman in a game is just as bad as raping a woman in real life.

Listen to them talk about this stuff, they can never tell. They use fictional media to argue about things in real life. They honestly can't discern between the two, it's amazing.




Whoa user, I am impressed

kill urself


I have failed. It hurts more knowing that the get was probably wasted as well.


Is This The End of Gamergate?


Apparently there's more to come.

Today just isn't the day for dubs.

Hey, famurai, you tried your best and that's what matter in this world

Its time to #closethegate2017

every time i think I'm getting used to all this fucked up nonsense someone manages to open their dumb fucking mouth and say something so dumb it cannot possibly exist in the real world.


If you can't harness mememagic you shouldn't play with it.

Antifa is a common fixture in college protests, and now that people are dying whenever riots happen, even the "dangerous faggot" Milo would rather dial down so as not to agitate the SJWs now that it's abundantly clear they're willing to kill.

I follow him on FB, and he's dropped hints on plans on doing something with the scholarship grant, but between a hostile academia and dissatisfied anons unwilling to hear him out, it probably won't materialize for some time. He still hasn't forgotten Gamergate.

Also, apparently it's implied he knew about Bannon's plans in advance, which was why he kept distance form the WH unlike other known provocateurs lumped in with the alt-right faction.

Boo! No [spoiler]shaggy ginger pubes except for that last one! If you're going to lewd the vivian; lewd her right![/spoiler]



You lack mememagic user, try again when you have the power many want but few get

How did you manage to fuck up spoilers in this particular way? ?

Now I don't understand I how I managed to fuck up fucking up spoilers intentionally in the same way as f0ac8c. I guess it's time for /test/ing.



Take your own advice, faggot.


What a fucking cuck.

Use this

Spotted the faggot.



I did joke last thread how we should satirize how statues need to be regulated and banned like other threats to kids and society like DnD, video games, and rap music have gone through, but I'm sure many of the alt-left would agree with it.

I left one "/" out of the [/spoiler] closing tag

Sauce please?

While he is plebbit spacing, you're not making your case any better you homo.

Do it for the ~Ara


Me neither. Where the fuck did it come from?

God, these games are really bad.

I'll never understand why did they make Microsoft the ara-like character?

People were reminded of the old games and someone ripped a funny pose from the PS1 titles.

The whole joke came up when Oney did a playthrough of the original crash games and the remake. He made a little animation video of him saying woah with a crash face he was animating with. Later on someone else animated the most well known video using Chris' voice as a joke.

Was getting caught part of your master plan? You have to go back.

yes I know how formatting works here. I know that both work, but why would you keep doing it that way when the Holla Forums way is so much faster?

Xbox huge.


Wonder how much they're getting paid to shill for this.

Not enough if they're trying to deal with our particular brand of autism.

I figured out what you did wrong, and now understand that you just fucked up explaining how you fucked up.

What do you faggots think about pic related?

Waifu age soon?

Okay. I wish you well with your autism.

And I wish you weren't a faggot.

He should also have asked the Relic guys about their former co-devs being fucked by Randy with Homeworld Remaster which was shit and Homeworld Deserts of Kharak which was forgotten as easily as Duke Nukem Forever.

bless Mark's glazed heart


Extreme damage control

I am not a homosexual, and even if I was I wouldn't touch halfcuck scum.

How bout this?

If I get dubs, we get to marry QT3.14 tomboys

I'll check to that

Remember to check if Sterling discloses he backed the kickstarter when he review this game

See… this guy right here is getting the necessary steps to get his own mememagic.

plz user no. I fear commitment

Thank you user.

But she will play-wrestle you and won't be a bitch when you are affectionate.

don't fap to pr0n and that'll go away of its own accord

Bless your heart.


>Make yourself desperate for sexual release as well as increase your chance of prostate cancer and you'll be more willing to settle for desperate measures to get
Gee user. This post is even more insightful than that study that shows drugs and peer pressure make people more accepting of cultural enrichment.

Also, Xbox was floundering until more VNs were ported over. Otome VNs are the most popular, and ara fujoshi housewives and adult women were the main consumers.

>Not Gilda-likes qts

What? Why? It has to be better than a free product by default, except this time it likely isn't because they aren't respecting the IP at all with loadouts and the like.


Why user? Past experience?

lel, enjoy never getting laid then.

Thank you user, my dream will come true

You talk as if that's an insult.


I just realized I read that wrong.
I'm sorry ;_;

Because Microsoft used to have a lot of Japanese titles like Idolmasters.

But tomboys have been ruined forever, user.

As curious detail, Namco and Microsoft get surprisingly well despite being japanese and american industry, Xbone getting their titles while other Japanese company don't get close to them.

If only

Sauce? It looks like Dr. P

Are these fan comics or official?

the writing holy shit
you can tell no artistic supervision took place in the making of that pile of shit

I'm a step ahead of all of you I just need to marry her


Probably because Japanese companies these days are fishing for the mobile & handheld audience hoping to have the same amount of success as Granblue or Kancercolle while not paying as much attention to consoles as they used to.

Your lore roll is successful and may I add that you are a man of culture and taste

Why can't real tomboys have shark teeth?

Kek. I swear one of the writers must be /ourguy/

I'm jealous user.

Envyous, user. You're and i am feeling envyous. Jealousy is wanting to protect what you have. Dont let language get ruined.


Namco's early days in the gaming industry is through PC, so it would come as no surprise that both companies have a more amicable relationship.

All of you anons deserve to to marry QT3.14 tomboys and have a happy life

Can she sooth the ever oppressing darkness that keeps me awake at night?



I'd rather a long haired, full breasted woman who embraces her femininity, but to each their own

turn a light on if you have trouble sleeping in the dark.

I thought they were literally paying to have artists make doujins to boost popularity?

Fuck. Is there an i in there somewhere?


user please… it hurts so bad





Yes. Spelling it with a y is against the rurus for changing the suffix to 'ous'. You learn this in middle school if not earlier.


RIP japan.

But the jews fearing the samurai!

Olympics 2020 are emerging.


Thank God.


Has someone told TB to quit being a faggot for defending buzzfeed when they steal a ton of their content?
They steal photos, lists, recipes, etc. Virtually nothing is original. They're the lowest of the low, and they get away with it because it's too hard to beat them in court, so nobody tries.

Who the hell gets angry over a tourism ad?
If it's a good ad, it should adequately portrays the area, in which case pulling the ad to replace it implies the initial campaign was dishonest. There's no reason to cave, it just makes you look bad.

There is no escape from the liberal globalist agenda.



They've finally done it, those bastards.

We are witnessing impossible oxymoron, SJW's newest class to join their ranks.

Samurai Jew Warriors.




I really have no idea how this is percieved as sexist.

i'm only moderately confused and slightly aroused at it.


Killed my boner.

so where's the sexist part? Is it the fact that the turtle's head looks like a dick?
Or is it just antifa being triggered that there is a statue in it?



Brothers and sisters of life and hometown, remember what the forsaken and suffering man of metal God of Destruction, Zero himself said in the face of endless struggle and turbulent time far beyond anything we will ever be unfortunate enough to know.



Mombot has mentioned they have their own brand of SJWs there

But they are mostly ignored I heard

You haven't learned that anything that arouses straight males is sexist yet? Hownew.ru?

Funny thing, that actually arouses Japs more.


You know what the creator of Victim Girls did when he depicted one of those worthless unsympathetic evil, miserable insults to humanity and caused inevitable bitching? He made a meme out of sexualizing and sexually harassing a manifestation of it.

They are. I mean exposure-wise where you're more likely to hear about Kancerkolle than something like Professor Layton.


If it isn't black or brown, Antifa will shut it down.

If it isn't black or brown
Antifa shuts it down

Sounds like a protest chant or something.


Never forget.

Time to beat the disgusting worthless femishits harder than ever.

That's Chang, not Tanaka

Has he not done the next one where she's lost more clothes?


Was there salt?

Now let's fan more of this. Until it burns, it's not rising.


Insult after injury.

Hope the charges stick for that little bearded fucker. archive.is/dv4FM


Only if you're reading a ton of doujins. Outside of them and this thread, I've never even heard of Kancolle.

Hitting the jackpot there user. Lucky and holy 7s. Beautiful.


They really should worry about the terrible balance before anything else. Not to mention how the monster generation is still awful.

It's like defending ebaumsworld, just baffling. Does he have friends at Buzzfeed? It might be worth looking into.

In Japan, blood shooting out of the nose means arousal. I guess the implication is that she gave the character a BJ, but I don't know any Japanese.


I've never played D&D, can't you just say you're character is a cute trap?

They should focus less on making their content gay as fuck and they should instead focus on making good content.

But being a bunch of faggots takes no skill or designing chops.

In case you can't see why this isn't fucked up on multiple levels, consider this:

What sexual orientation and gender identities are players most likely going to create without external prodding? Ones that represent themselves. So across all D&D sessions going on in the world, the number of queer D&D characters is going to roughly track the number of queer people in real life. SJWs are now indirectly claiming this isn't good enough.

The doujins aren't even that good.

The hipster invaders don't realize that it literally doesn't matter that much in DnD and never did, and that urging it to be an important issue is actually a step back from players not really giving a shit about that stuff.

Have a rare white power on the house

Depends on the artist. I have eleven Kancolle doujins in my panda favorites.

I mean it's not like the format of D&D doesn't encourage house gaming, you're supposed to make your own shit, change the modules to your liking because they're templetes. You can literally make everyone gay with no skill involved, you just say they are.

There's literally no reason to shove shit in there when sex was never the focus of D&D. It's adventure. And i've had games where sexual attraction is randomized by dice, and it usually involved a shopkeep wanting a player's dick, and him getting a discount for it, and that actually was a plot point since shit happened while he was fucking and doing that actually got a party member killed since my warrior wasn't able to fight a thief when the party was split up.

He then reincarnated as a squirrel, then we killed his ass and tried for a dragon for 3 in game months, and then proceeded to fuck the game in half because the player dragon ate the local king, and basically we just went full evil overlord horde and became the BBEGs.


But you forget user. To them, any content that is gay cannot possibly be ungood. It's at least doubleplusgood.


[citation needed]
It's going to track the number of fags playing, which proportionally, can be greater or less than the number in real life. This is what SJWs don't get about women not playing games, or more factually, what they intentionally try force to conform to real life's proportions.

Do SJWs and faggots even play DND? Like how they play video games.

These sjws are useless. There's nothing wrong with this ad.
There's point of note here too - in that Miyagi Prefecture was one of those affected by the earthquake/tsunami disaster in 2011. All of the prefectures that were affected have since been in recovery mode, trying to rebuild themselves. The recovery effort is ongoing and there are still people living in 'temporary' housing - over 6 years later. A major part of this is rebuilding their tourism - coastal prefectures rely on tourists for income - especially during the summer season. It's like coastal places anywhere that don't have year-round tourists - a good summer season can be a huge boost - but this boost is vital for places trying to rebuild after such a huge disaster.
Sjws: you are really not helping anyone.

How the fuck do you force diversity in table top games?
The fucking DM can just disregard any official fagshit and run whatever they want


Shit like this inspires me to commit atrocities, I fucking swear.

Well Satan, you should carry your wishes

You have no idea how badly I want to.

You started it Satan.

And you keep getting dubs, when you do it please put the blame on 4chan.

I still can't believe that's a real name.

Before anyone asks, I'm not the Ren Hoek poster.

Found this on twatter when browsing Gamescom stuff, Matt Lees talking about "Cultural Complicity" and generally being a hipster piece of shit.
Someone mirror or webm this video youtube.com/watch?v=eY90symFHaY
And Jesus fuck, pretentiousness and bullshit on his slideshow and channel youtube.com/user/MattLees/videos


So you're a consumer brand whore?

Look closer


Oh shit.

Language adjusters at work -
'the broader culture's expectations of' = 'our socjus lefty-view expectations of'


Works on my machine :^)

Can someone explain these images I see of Angela merkel surrounded by vydia cosplayers?

The hell does that soulless ghoul have to do with games.

DnD and Wizards of the Coast is infected to the core.

Yeh it works - it just hangs after pressing post.
and hangs . . . and hangs . . .and

How the fuck do I save homosexuals from the stigma and literally edgy retarded cancer that won't fuck off?


what was his corruption about?



You can't because they will never be accepted even if the supreme court ruled the case in their favor. People at most will tolerate them.

Bribery to Park.

Try me faggot. I have been studying for over a year.

Boy, what a dark time that was. I'm still unsure whether or not these fags are a problem that should be actively taken care of or if they're a problem that takes care of themselves, given how disease ridden they get.

I'm talking about removing the worst shit at the root. My brother solemnly told me I can't do anything because I'm not gay and I don't fucking care and I'm not going to listen.


Business as usual then.


Hehehehe. If only they were just your political beliefs and not your active credo to assault my trash cans.

Speaking of which, you'll never guess which group of exceptional individuals support antifa.



Wow who'da thunk it


The people calling for antifa to be jailed and killed are Holla Forums and co. Everyday people probably just want antifa that have committed crimes jailed and tried.




Maybe you have shit internet.

Can you send him to our glorious american prisons so he can get serially raped in the ass?

I heard Korean prison is kinda eh.

lol that won't fucking backfire at all, what the fuck could go wrong

I guess opposites really do attract.

oh my god.

I don't know. Works for Jared Fogle.

Oh and the people calling for antifa's execution probably don't care about being called nazis


I woke up only to see this travesty. Now I'm beginning to lose hope.




Am I finally gonna able to watch porns and play vidya without VPN?

☑Forcing Angela Merkel to play racist games at GamesCom

So, did the ceo of samsung go to jail? Who is the richest?

You just gotta be patient, Jackie Chan. This is only the beginning.

The president of korea is in jail?
Wait if that's the case how do courts still work overthere?

Well, she is now former president, I meant Park. Her case will be judged around Christmas this year and probably live broadcasted.

Lee is officially richest person in Korea and also mail heir, chairman of Samsung. He was charged by the Choi Shadow Government Special Investigation Prosecutors for helping, bribing Choi and Park.

So who's the presidumb now?

I heard she refused her cell because she didn't like it and they put her in a guard's office. If she can simply request whatever she wants, that's hardly jail.

How is he richer than the CEO gook? Was it the illegal shit?

Moon Jae-In.

Similar, they modified meeting room specially for Park.

I was confused CEO and chairman. Lee is the only one prosecuted in Samsung. He's the actual owner of Samsung. He is the son of Samsung's founder.
You don't say.


Archive you nigger.

I'm a masochist who gets off when people post without archives. Post more.

So, SJWs and Japanese Commies are in bed with each other, right?


why would you need an archive for hat?



For the record, it sounds like the plot to episode 3 rather than HL3. It's too short to be a full game and ends on another cliffhanger. So my guess is that's the original plot they were going to go with oh so long ago.

How can you smear something covered in shit?

I guess BBC means Big Black Cocks indeed.

The perfect crime.

See or archive.is/uLCGX#selection-55415.0-55415.1

All this lazy flaseflag psyop did was give them ammo. Anyone else notice it was being called a psyop? Why are falseflags called psyops when Holla Forums does them?

Depends if using your ID card to do this isn't mandatory anymore.

Make degeneracy illegal.
Only Cute Wholesome relationships will be allowed, anything else will be punished by catapult.



(Lucky checked)
Is she trying to fucking sell it to me or something?

Traps aren't gay though. Can you tell if this is Kanna-chan or Kanna-kun? Depending on the doujin, it could be either. Does it really matter?
If your dick already likes what you see and you're attracted because it looks like a girl, then it can't be a homosexual attraction.

It's not a smear when actually harass women

Skip to 4:50 mark

Hey I got a funny idea
You wanna see if we can fool people into thinking Trap means "Trans-Racial African Person" and that Trans-Racial African People are gay?

If lolicon is not pedophilia, then 2D traps that are essentially drawn with the skeletal structure of girls and have a dick slapped on them, the only real traps, are not gay.

They're already trying to subvert the word into being about trannies. Fuck outta here with that shit.


But it could be funny

This is a much better idea.

Are you really trying to imply that ANYONE would treat the concept of a Transracial person with any legitimacy?

Jesus Christ user. Did you just get here yesterday?

Actually, hang on, I just remembered Rachel Dolezal and Shaun King exist, nevermind that

Oh wait, I thought you said transgender.

SJWs already do nigger.

And Michael Jackson

Wait that was the same person?
There wasn't two michael jacksons?

I call bullshit.


Whoops on my previous post


Interesting. The writer changed names and genders for legal reasons I assume. What would happen if someone were to take all the assets from Half Life and implement this script, but using the real names and genders? Would Valve C&D?

I thought Michael Jackson became white because of a disease.

He did.

That's what I thought.

Some bacteria infected him, eating his skin, melanoma or some shit.

Poor Michael Jackson have been shit on all his life.

Good evening. Wanna see some shit?!





And the resist fag lying through his teeth's tweet archive archive.is/cg47e

Because when you lie as small as video games, you can really trust their political motivations.


(Nice trips)

Pair that up to the screencap together with the archive, so we can spread this easier.


I thought the Lara Croft tweet was a ruse, or maybe it actually is and I'm dumb, but holy shit, people believe this?

truly a good journalist

Nowadays journalists rely more on google search than their own investigations.

Well, she really trusts that unknown person for some reason.

It's a "good journalist" because it trusts the "good opinion".

Goddamn Lügenpresse

You guys know this Z Reviews guy? He reviews audio products on youtube. He wears anime wallpapers with pride.

It is the reason why leftists have used the term "violent speech" for quite some time so that they could do this comparison by conflating speech with action. By replacing the existing definition of speech with their own they would be able to do whatever they want without consequences, all they would need to do is make that definition into law and they could use that they could have protection for their violence and they could use it to prosecute others for their speech. For example, Germany has its own free speech provision within its constitution and the way leftists got around it is by arguing that wrongthink causes disruption by triggering them, which is why Germany now has no free speech whatsoever.

What the fuck does the portrayal of fictional straight people have to do with the actions of real gay people?

Your reward for fighting reality to be sure.


Dungeon Seeker, chapter 5.

I got this from Twitter in which Mombot replied to someone. Who's this man and should I get to know him?!




Will Mombot comment on
Anyway, I hope the Leftist takeover of Japan doesn't happen. The Japanese Communist Party in in bed with SJWs and there's a lot of pressure for when the 2020 Olympics arrives.

Do you wanna get cancer?


b-but Holla Forums told me SJWs were right-wing


What fresh hell is this?

Look at those connections! Ah-ha! Deliver this to Mombot quick!

Chelsea Van Valkenburg thinks she's a comedian now, apparently.
I guess this is a obvious sign of corruption 'cause a lot of these people aren't involved in Videogames.

If you don thought tay bar fo journalism was low jus watch tay BBC don show you how low it go.

I don't get it.
Context behind posting screencaps of an African Pidgin BBC?


nice archive, user

Send this to Usher, it's gonna be a funny weekend

I am conferring with other moon people about the Miyagi PR Tourism video.

The feminist who started the uproar about the video later suggested that the Miyagi government learn from another prefecture's PR video.


The PR video she recommended depicts a fat loser guy who gets rejected by a girl and goes to the sea. There, he learns how to surf and becomes "handsome" in the process.

Needless to say, didn't sit well with the otakus, who pointed out that the feminists would be absolutely losing their shit if the PR video featured a fat loser girl who learned to surf who became "attractive" in the process.

They are correct in saying that the feminists are hypocrites.

On the other hand, there aren't many positive stories in Japanese media about ugly men becoming handsome in order to "get back" at women. That sort of story is almost always about ugly duck women who become beautiful and show up the people who rejected them.

If a story is about an ugly man who gets rejected, it's a negative story about them resorting to violence, trickery or harassment to "get revenge".

So, you can draw your own conclusion.

What the fuck is shit?

Who is this faggot called Mike Drucker?

I am mombot.

IA here holy shit

She's not that
She's not that
I guess that's the only category she can fit into. Surely there will be shit for them not mentioning in big bold letters that she is the very best game developer ever to grace the earth

hello burger kawaii desu desu ^_^

God's chosen certainly have a tendency to help teach the poor ignorant goyim the error of their ways

ara ara



You mean a cure?

Yes. You just figured this out now?

Is this actually interesting?



thanks for eating my pic CM

DM me.


Roll 1d20 for faggotry.


Those connections to Comedy Central. That can't be good.

she's had connections for years, even before gamergate. Thankfully no one cares about her enough to push for anything big. Remember how she was convinced she'd get a movie about her because she had connections, then nothing came of it.

Jesus Christ, I've been reading Huckleberry Finn and Nigger Jim' dialogue is easier to read than this shit.


I wonder how many movie producers Joss'd her.


u wot



a "comedian" that writes for the Bill Nyes's show and also IGN (not sure if still there)

I think Masamune-kun no Revenge is the only such story.


Anybody have the "Never pay more than X dollar for a computer game" adjusted for current inflation?


LW fits right in. She made a bad game and people fell for her acting when she complained about misogyny in vidya.

Who are these retards


wtf man I like older women.




nice try faggot

Didn't take them long to chimp out of Trump's tweet about that eclipse meme archive.is/2Lm2T

>Biggest commie board on plebbit does a data mining survey
I wonder if Holla Forums would show the same results.


Remember when Brits were stereotyped as fancy well spoken tea sipping gentlemen with bowler hats and cane swords while getting hired usually as narrators for education documentaries?



Holla Forums is all brick trannies and fucking literal fedora wearing greasy jews

Well, they didn't listen to Enoch Powell, that's what happened.

Im 26 soon unemployed and living in my own home that is next door to my parents 😆👌

Jews, and the Labour party, happened.

Chin up soldier, you're not a loser.


Oh damn, mombot was here.
I'm surprised she still cares about us.

You're not the only one, brother. You're not the only one.




Paul Tassi / Forbes - "YouTube Is Making It Almost Impossible To Monetize Video Game Content Involving Guns"


Lead Half-Life writer Marc Laidlaw has released the story for the next episode in the series.



That's a pretty american thing tbh famalam.

Nice find user!



Someone post his smug "exposé" about video game marketing


Here is Drucker celebrating a United Talent Agency (UTA) boycott of the Oscars because Trump or something
laist.com/2017/02/08/uta_oscars.php archive.is/IjAdU

Doesn't Mombot dig .jp game companies and not Hollywood, or am I missing something?
How do we contact Mombot if we don't Twitter?



There's Gab, and she's on the GNUsocial fediverse as @[email protected]

She's on Sealion.club as mombot. You can follow her is you're anywhere on the fediverse.


She had dug into NoA when she saw that a IGN employee who reviewed Breath of the Wild positively got a job at NoA.

Is that a legit account or another parody one? at this point it's impossible to tell.

Even Soros' ilk are attacking one another. Awesome.

I was hoping that one of you could tell because I have no idea if it's true or not.

Doesn't matter, as they keep fighting amongst themselves regardless. Even the Charlottesville incident was supposed to help stave the in-fighting of the right, and it worked as they got a united enemy to focus on. Antifa could have let the protesters to themselves to bicker with each other if they wanted them to dissolve. ("Never stop your enemies when they're making a mistake", and all.)







They might have a point, gay men are having a lot of sex without women.

I hope you realize how fucking useless that shit is but this time its just laughing at some dumb shit so ill let you live


isn't that a vagina?


Heard about this months ago, instead of teaching them proper English, they can just use this bastardization instead. Your tax money at work britbongs.

So the American civil war is going to be even more of a clusterfuck than the Russian one because we will also have racial and Islamic groups thrown in with the two major sides and whatever "get off my lawn" factions that form.

Supposedly women have a hard time getting off with just genital stimulation, and women don't always orgasm during sex. Of course, staying with a single partner who will learn your quirks might help with that, but eh.


lel, imagine feminists attacking them for not needing woman to have sex.


The Jew has nothing to fear from the samurai any longer.
inb4 our government runs with this idea and makes ice cream rifles


I don't know what even to say about that nigger speak.



Amazing how they manage to fuck up the simplest things, its like they are actually physically unable to write anything without being wrong.


But then again, its clickbait and they probably did it on purpose otherwise noone would have heard or read an article about icescream


I don't know how halfchan formatting works at all, but you already admitted that you do, quit projecting my insecure halfchan newfriend.

Germany just declared the biggest violent leftists website as illegal. Translated this using google translate so it will probably not make a lot of sense. But that place was basically doxxing right wing people like AfD voters and other people they suspected of being nazis.


the owners of that website also owned various weapons


wew lad

Oy vey! shut down the golem before the elections!



It's CUCKCHAN and they are full cucks

The website is shut down right now and the owners got visited by the police. How do you think the police got their weapons.

So close, user



So the Government is fighting extremists from both sides this time? even after that clusterfuck of a "peaceful protest" during the G20 summit? wow color me impressed, but too little too late, Merkel went to gather votes during Gamescom with "Hello there fellow Gamers" speech and catering to the other demographic with this stunt, we'll see.


What's even the point? Most people just make up their own setting. It's like trying to make lego more diverse, no one gave a fuck what orange transparent chainsaw setting was about, we just wanted orange transparent chainsaws to build cool shit.



Why blacks can't be as intelligent as Charles Barkley or Thomas Sowell and instead choose the thug life and live like they're some classy gangsters ala Capone or Luciano?! They're a bunch of scallawags.

To Repost in Next Bread

Start DiNod on Polygon to FTC.

Japs got their taste of SJWs taking something away. Based on reactions from Japs- they're pissed.

Mombot has some decent RTs on the whole thing. She's also working/looking at the translated doc we sent her (Treehouse, OP Timber).

S.Korea can celebrate taking down an honorary member of one of (((them))). Spread the news to shake the cage of similar people world-wide.

Let Britfags know someone wants to fuck over Nelson (remember the US during the Obama years? They're going through that. Government and people are not the same thing).

To make it even better, have an exerpt from Urban Law 101

It's comforting to know Charles Barkley has discovered the power of waifus.

Ghetto community ostracizes any blacks that even make the attempt to better themselves. It works via tribalism, yeah that person may look black too but as soon as they try to read any sort of philosophical literature or get a sustainable career they are met with bile, hatred and sometimes violence. The only real thing keeping the black community down are other blacks.



Crab mentality, they all try to bring each other down to their level while envying and despising people who are more successful then they are, it's a mentality around the world, especially turd world countries where marxism/socialism/communism manipulators can attract useful idiots to their failed ideology.

Don't let the jew meme get to you, there is nothing wrong with living with your parents. You should get a job though, even if its shitty.

So telling blacks to start focusing on their own education and responsibilities rather than blaming others for their failures is to be a black white supremacist.
Really activates your almonds.

As long as you're helping out, that's fine.
Me personally, I want to be successful enough that my parents can live with me so I can support them.

Reminder that while the movies might have been bad, Angelina Jolie padded her bra just to satisfy fans thinking her boobs wouldn't be big enough.

Because black community despises each other more than they despise whitey. Blacks are also taught that living the thug life is the best thing ever & if someone doesn't want to walk on that path because they would rather improve themselves, then the community disowns that person because he is no longer acting black in their eyes.

Thats completely reasonable. All thats left is benis in bagina and you are set.

It's generally to do with the fact that you have "sold out" to the white man if you're not doing the same as they are. That is really the only underlying reason other than envy why they would be doing that.

Pepperballs did an AMA on reddit and was swiftly found and charged.



well, he looks Argentinian

doesn't look like a shitshow to me

Actually, it's more of a "Government is too lazy to break up monopolies and instead opts for laws that don't actually fix the problem" issue.

Shit show means bad information for court.
Archive it.

Finally a language I can eat.




Smug liberal retardation and the lack self-awareness, wew.


Yo that'd actually be a good idea.
Icecream Katakana


Damn right I want to eat Japanese

Shove a big, long ノ down her throat

Too much wrongthink in the thread. Most pro Trump stuff on reddit is either shutdown by hotpockets/admins or downvoted into oblivion by bots/useful idiots.


Honorary Aryans.

Ichinose Shiki is definitely the less Japanese looking character of all the Japanese characters in Idolmaster


But would eat Chinese, Italian, Thai or Jamaican?

I know that the joke is "its a katana dumbass sjweebs" but technically isn't it short enough to be a tanto with a guard rather than a katana?

It's a super deformed katana :^)

Its probably advertised as a katana, but it looks more like a tanto to me.



I swear one of the requirements to get a twitter verification mark is to be borderline mentally retarded.

Those are friggin earplugs, holy gravy. That's a potato nigger and not a kike, so he should have worked with those at least once in his life.

Or sociopathic/psychotic enough that 305 years ago a white room or gray cell would be your home.

35 sorry

Adders are a no step on snek, that picture is silly.

I'd eat this smug cunt so deep and thoroughly that she'd experience pure mindbreak that causes her to forget Japanese. Then she'll be forced to re-learn the language where I would promptly tell her that she can't learn Japanese thus giving me all her former meme based powers

Reminds me of the Iraqi woman who showed two unfired rounds and claimed they "hit her house". Pic related.

Twitter as a concept is kinda retarded tbh.


wait do memes work like that? Meme Highlander?

someone better print that shit and fuck it.


They will go to any lengths to declare their opponents white supremacists because in their world it is literally impossible to disagree with them without being a nazi.

And the article itself is insanity: it insists that "white-people" solutions (i.e. practices too close to what whites would do) should never be used because they naturally entail acceptance of white supremacy. This mindset is literally the specific thing that Charles Barkley criticizes.

fug my shit up

Well, I could see some smartass throwing bullets at the house in a "kill yourself" sort of gesture.

You think professional baseball players would be able to throw bullets hard enough to kill people?
And if that's the case, would they now be classified as guns?

No, I meant in the sense of they just threw them at the window or something to get their attention that they aren't wanted.

Yeah well I wanna know if baseball players can throw bullets through people.

Probably not.
However I saw video of monk throwing needle through glass.


I'm pretty sure they can't, unless the shock discharges the bullet or some shit.

That said, I do know that in some states registered martial artists are never considered legally unarmed. A martial artist who fights with and injures a person in say, a street brawl could still be charged with assault with a deadly weapon, under the right circumstances. That's why some choose to stop short of formally completing their training so they don't have to deal with that sort of bullshit.

Apparently, the guy who wrote that Rick and Morty issue is the same one who wrote Firewatch.

>here at Aperture, we fire the whole bullet

That is more to do with the fact that glas has a brittle crystalline structure and a needle point has a very small surface, meaning it can apply immense pressure in a singular point. It's still impressive but you also need to understand why the threw a needle instead of a ball of cotton. What it means is that he was capable of throwing it very accurately so that it would land at a very favourable angle and would have very little spin.

In places like Germany you are legally required to announce that you have done fighting sports whenever in a self-defence situation if you have done martial arts for a certain period of time. I really can't imagine how much cringe it would be for a scrawny fuck to say "s-stay back, I know k-karate" on the street after having studied it for only two years.

Does anyone understand what user said?

Besides the general silliness of this idea, Danny Glover is half-white.


So basically you're required to announce to attackers that you're unarmed.

Jesus fuck.

To be fair, isn't it a criminal offense to lie that you have a weapon?

It's laws like that that really let you know the Fuhrer and his lads scared commies in general into hysterics.
Really makes the user ponder as to why their slogan is 'bash the fash.'

There was once a time I thought I was stupid. Then I went on twitter.


Kek I would read this version but I can't understand a word of this gibberish

I hoped and knew the Japanese would get pissed because they're not cucked fucking retards even if the most beta life hating office workers inspire NTRshit.


My peopo very wise peopo
Dey pud mud on der eads
Keep cool
Very wise peopo

What are you going on about user? Skimmed through the thread and all I see was gookanon getting slowly unfucked by his homeland.




It sounds like Nanalan trying to speak.




Did the sonic the hedgehog twitter account tell him to do that?

dem sketches tho

someone with friends at Google

Even I can draw better.

That's better actually.

How did they get Llewelyn Moss for this shlock

It's really the only way those stains can make sense.

Want to know how to make money with Youtube? Easy, just get a brand to notice you and get you sponsored

The titles of his books make me laugh, I'll give him that, but LW's involvement makes me want to avoid purchasing one of his books.

I guess money and connections.
Also perhaps sex for favors, I don't know.

Google Issuing Refunds to Advertisers Over Fake Traffic, Plans New Safeguard
Some advertisers question level of refunds, want more details about fraudulent traffic


If you can find any more proof of fake traffic, be sure to send it to their advertisers.

Mombot says they're not taking this shit and already pointed out the pathetic hypocrisy of femishits.

Chuck Tingle's books don't sound or look interesting to read to me. Not only it's weird gay shit, but it kinda reached a meme status where everyone talks about the titles, and not what's inside. If anything, these books might actually be shit.

Slammed by My Handsome Fidget Spinner is The Man Who Was Thursday of our time.

I read a few for a laugh and they are shit, the only funny thing about them is the title.

Figured as much.



I expected this. He's just a meme.

Have I missed anything good in the last week? I've been completely cut off from the world because Cogeco fucked me. No phone, no internet, nothing.

who the fuck is this akilah hughes?

SJW have entered nipland and got a tourist
promotion video taken down and demanded it be replaced with one that shames men, I wonder if this moonbranch of SJW have any ties with meglian.

That's the thing that gets me, her name is so toxic that anything she touches sells like garbage, she's been proven to be an emotional abuser, harasser, and internet troll, but people just keep latching onto her thinking people hate her just because she's "just trendy and cutting-edge."

New Gamescom demo video for Xenoblade 2 came out. Glancing through it, doesn't seem like the demo is text heavy so it's impossible to know if Memehouse got a hold of it when NoE wasn't looking, and I don't think they changed Pyra's outfit (though it's really hard to tell since I haven't seen any good close-up of it). Will post a link here in a bit if any of you want to pour through it (will take a while since the file is 521MB, mainly since I'm uploading the whole thing).

I wouldnt be surprised.


Some youtube nigress at least according to google.


It's probably happening, though they might gonna be shot down the moment they're found out. I don't think they're gonna get into Japan so easily.

someone that's using her liver treatment money to sue Sargon

Jewtube feminist

You have no idea how much I want to suicide. Evil people like her keep getting away with this while good people get sued and doxed thanks to vague copyright laws. Why even bother anymore?

Fair use doesn't matter if he's a misogynist :^)
Why do I think someone said, or is going to say this unironically on Twitter?

Japan's cultural love of titties and distrust and hate of gaijin that do nothing but bitch and shit on them about it for ugly or pretentious asshurt is all we need to help them hold the line.

Now just imagine if GamerGate helps fire them up and strike back full force 2 straight years before the Olympics.

its hard to get excited after what they did to the last one.

Someone pretty much said as much in the comments on the stream. As well as "Sarcuck of Acuck had it coming"

Actually he got doxxed years ago.


Nevermind found some close-ups.

I'm honestly surprised the outfit isn't toned down all that much, especially with Treehouse confirmed to be working alongside the devs themselves in Japan itself. That or Kimishima's keeping a tighter leash on them. I wouldn't be surprised if he was able to tell them that himself, since I assume he knows burger from being NoA's President for a while.

I've been asking myself the same thing for like 2 weeks now. Though from a more "why are we here" and "what's the point of anything" sort of position than just evil people getting free reign to do whatever they want. I've had some really bad existentialism that's kind of made me numb to most of this stuff. At least numb enough to not be as angry as I usually would be.

The thing is, literally the only reason she gets away with it is that she fucks off from a place the moment she crosses someone with enough of a rep to convince people "hey, she's pretty fucking bad."

I didn't know colleges taught how to dox people over memes and call everyone else fake. THe times sure are changing.

Maybe you shouldn't suicide because that's exactly what they want?
If there's something I know, it's that karma exists. I experienced it, and I saw people experience it. And if there's something I also know, it's that the later it comes, the harder it bites.
And I tell you, if karma takes her sweet fucking time right now, we're gonna have some serious schadenfreude.
So don't kill yourself, experience schadenfreude.

If it means anything to hear this from some anonymous faggot like me, just never believe you are worthless. The people who come here are from a variety of backgrounds and opinions, but we are mostly good people.

I'm thinking alot about Sisyphus, how he just rolls that rock up a mountain time and time again, only for it to fall every time.

Karma won't bring back a dead kid from the grave. Or, directly speaking, it won't right a wrong committed.

I'm trying to stay positive and just live, user. I really am. In my own way of trying to overcome my depression and anxiety. But it's really hard. I just can't stop thinking about what it all means, if it means anything, what's the point, where do we eventually all go, is it better or worse if our lives matter, and just other dark overwhelming thoughts like that. I've had this sense I was a kid but it's gotten really bad at this point in my life. I don't know how to get over it.

Oy vey, I won't stop calling you goy, goys!

it's goon tier shit that relies on the lowest common denominator of lolsorandumb scatological humour that they've limited themselves to because anything else is oppressive

LW attaching herself to it is only natural because like most attention hungry parasites, she is obsessed with trying to stay in the spotlight no matter how much she pretends otherwise. In this case she's chosen a meme that is A) stale and B) unknown to the vast majority of normalfags and C) is most likely vapourware for the foreseeable future

Made Joss whedon cheat his wife.

Isn't it six months behind schedule?

Look at this shlomo.

I thought the Goy Bye thing was a Holla Forums meme

I have had feelings like that too, especially after a lot of people close to me died. But at the end of the day, even if you don't know what happens after all this, you are a human being. You matter to the people on this board here, and you matter to the people around you. Just always try to live a fulfilling life with all the time you have. Maybe try doing some volunteer work. That always helps me out.

Hence why this OP is so important:

And talking to/supporting good english speaking Jap devs.
Hell, at this rate maybe even drop a line to ANY English speaking Japs whose work you like (artists, musicians, etc)

Thoughts like that make me temporarily feel better but the bad ones always manage to creep back. I just wanna live. I just wanna have a full life I can be happy with. If I can have that, then maybe these worries can be silenced. I hope so. All I can really do is work more towards that.

Want to know the best part about that article? It copied that argument from a verified account's tweets, they didn't actually think of any of this themselves, they simply stole it from a Jew's tweets commenting on the HuffPo image.

We could meme it.

This offends me, #GoyLivesMatter
Nothing pisses off the Jew more than revealing their nature.
We act like it's a massive insult.
Normalfags see it as us parodying the SJW knee-jerk to anything offensive.
(((They))) get mad and actually try to stop goys using the word (but not themselves).
And normalfags get a little redpilled by their overreaction.

Did anything at all happen between the 18th and today? Please help I feel so cut off.

First grader sent to office for 'misgendering' fellow student



Anyone who feels like getting banned/shadowbanned on Twitter, feel free to RT the article but with that picture.

Basically Sargon copied a video where she's with the Hillary campaign team at the time she lost but Sargon didn't edited or added anything to the video (which would be fair use), he simply reuploaded it on his channel. He might get the full shaft of the law in this one


I don't have any purpose or ambition nor physical or mental strengths to fulfill it. I'm a meaningless and inherently flawed existence with unstable thoughts and emotions that chooses to continue it for those who inexplicably care about me and fellow man and woman I see and feel reason to help live as they deserve. I want them to be happy. Free to enjoy their natural desires and charming, intriguing and understandable sentimentality along with myself I have also adapted and internalized without indefensible harassment and oppression that goes as far as ruining entire lives and even causing them to end over sickening pathetic arrogant insecurities about physical and psychological unattractiveness or desperate delusions of superiority that refuse to accept being wrong.

Think of who you care about and believe in and what enjoyable things you want to spread. What you enjoy about every day. That's the only any answer I can give you.

Found your problem.

I hope reincarnation doesn't exist, i can't imagine a worse fate suffering time and time again

Did he monetize the video?
Even if he didn't- can he argue it was uploaded to spread awareness or some shit?

I assume the original video incriminates the woman suing him?

It's something at least. Thank you.

That's why the concept of infinity scares me. If it's reincarnation forever then it's just endless pointless suffering as we're caught in an endless cosmic loop of a cold uncaring universe. It'd make everything absolutely completely pointless. I don't wanna believe in something so cruel.

That's the beauty of the afterlife, you're getting it whether you like it or not. I always find it hilarious when people try to argue God doesn't exist because he is a meanie, since that would simply mean that you're fucked and not that he vanishes out of existance.

Heaven and Hell, reincarnation, simply nothing at all, something like discworld where it's up to whatever your belief is, the only question is what is it that happens?

Seems like the original youtube video had all the commentary/critique in the title and description, it really takes the fair use defense to the edge of current case law.

Looks like Sargon is fucked if she doesn't want to settle out of court.

Come on, reincarnation ain't so bad, there's not only bad life to witness.

But to be caught in a loop you can do nothing about, not knowing whatever you'll be next, or even if you're aware of what's happening is all terrifying.

I'm just glad it meant something.

If everything was infinite, you realize science and technology could only advance inexorably over ages until we could perfectly shape our existences to how we'd enjoy them. Extending life while retaining our prime, enjoying the delights of eating, enjoying our sexuality and ideal tropes, continuously creating new experiences. If you grew that tired of it, fuck with your memory if you had to and forget you even had those thoughts or discontent.

got anymore details or archives to back up on that juicy story.

That's what it makes it so rad, you can be anything. You could be an adventurer, you could be a brilliant scientist, you could be an alien, hell, you could even be an ara. This shit is rad.

Without question he is.


I wish I could as positive as you are, user.

You can also be a depressed alcoholic, a morbidly obese lady, a kid horibly disfigured thanks to a tragic accident, and you can be Chris Chan.

I think him being able to get sued over it is pretty retarded but for fuck's sake he's an idiot.

You want that because you're gay.

See >>13291759


And here's the video in question. It's roughly 49-50 minutes long, hence why it took a long-ass time to upload.


Disregard this post, I suck dicks.

Where am I? This weird dream again, déjà vu!

It's kind of dumb but I think the whole "profession" would immediately break down if you could just go around stealing other people's content. Especially when you're the more popular channel.

I'm not positive, I just see so much negativity in this world, I feel like I must think happy, and make people think happy. The sadness outside makes those fuzzy thoughts mean a lot.

This is a price I'm willing to pay.

But if I'm a woman who has a family, wouldn't that be straight?

You are a good person user, better than I am tbh. May your next life be an ara you want to be or whatever.

I've just been in this space before!

You're a man who enjoys the prospect of being reborn as a 100% natural woman to enjoy dicks and being cummed inside.

You're gay.

Thanks man, and holy fuck, I'm pissed by looking at that. I hope that a good majority of moonlanders are pissed about that.

Your logic is flawed.


Ah yes, thx for reminding me.


If we just endlessly restart, then are feelings really important? Are they meaningful in the long never ending run? Sorry, I just can't wrap my head around this stuff and find a way to feel completely positive about it. Though being an ara would be fun for a while.

If I were gay, I wouldn't want to have a wife, and perhaps one or two kids. Being a family man is one of my goals for this current life.


Then by that same logic I can hit the reset button whenever I feel like it.

I honestly don't watch Sargon vids, well except for the few that got posted here in this thread. What kind of videos does he make? He re uploads the entire clip and then talks over it?


If we don't have such a privilege or ability now then it's likely we wouldn't have such a thing in a new incarnation. We'd likely completely forget everything that's happened to us thus far. All with the same worries and problems or perhaps even worse ones. Doesn't that terrify you?

Joy, sadness, fear, determination, anger, peace, pain, relief, lust, all those things, be it good or bad, make the life you're living, and the others you had and will have, mean something.
If you take one of those feelings, be it good or bad, don't you think that life would be bland? Hell, even feelings live with one another. You don't know what happiness feels like if you don't have sadness to make it mean anything.
You felt in the past, you're feeling in the present, you will feel in the future. Feelings mean in the long run because you will feel in the long never ending run.
Embrace what you feel, user. Feelings are the spice of life. But don't get carried away and fuck it all up, I don't want you censoring someone because of your feelings.

Nice sentiment at least. I just want an answer to this life that I can't possibly get without experiencing it myself. It fills me with endless dread. No amount of faith in something can for sure give me an accurate answer that I strive for. I want this pain in my chest to stop already. I want this existence to mean something in the end. If there's an end. Just something.



I heard of that shit too, what a waste of money. They are basically throwing their money away to save this dying platform.

So there are bronies and retards that come up with cartoon villain plans who work at the CIA. Incredible


tl;dr future is going to turn into Demolition Man


He usually talks over clips of different videos, I don't know why he decided it was a smart idea to simply reupload other people's stuff

Flexible funding is the key point here. Also If she doesn't reach the campaign goal she doesn't have to return money to her backers.


The max she could seek for each infringement is $30,000 and with current DCMA law, all of her legal fees too. Depending on the lawyer she has, could easily total to $100,000. Sargon would get royally fucked if he defaults.

If she wins, I believe she would have to get a UK lawyer and try to get a court in his country to enforce the judgement.
And she looks fucking crazy enough to do it.

This is relatively old news, but it's still entertaining nonetheless. Not only will this probably fail to meet funds, but if it actually succeeds and Jack sells twitter to Valerie, it will almost certainly drive a significant number of twitter's normalfag userbase and stockholders away from the platform (unless you mean to tell me banning the goddamn president from your service isn't horrible for business). It also presents the unique opportunity to redpill the president on twitter and potentially drive him to competitors such as Gab.

For reference, Twitter's stock is at $16.65 as of closing today.

Look at literally everything that's common knowledge and a norm now that wasn't in the past like fast food and internet. Or all the new characters and series that exist today that have already cemented themselves in their medium and peoples' hearts.

Everyone else not retarded as a whole will be "replaced" over time and naturally continue what ideas and knowledge we have now along with new ones.

Yeah I get that. That's the natural progress of time. That's not what scares me though. Death and what could possibly come after does.

Also, they probably knew each other before this partnership. After the puppies got him nominated for a hugo he went straight out and said he'd send her instead to spite us, even though gamergate has little to nothing to do with either group of puppies.

If you didn't have a meaning, you wouldn't exist in the first place, and yet you're here.

Time to start spreading the word on alternatives to YouTube toward the gaming channels.

This is obviously not going to work, and since it's possible to take funds from a GoFundMe at any time, it's probably fraud.

Seems like you have a fear of the unknown if anything.

That too.


Personally I wouldn't think about it too much because it's one of those type of questions where you get different answers depending on who you're asking to & it'll drive your mind insane on finding out what you think is correct.

f5 pls

Yeah… yeah. It's definitely not something that can be answered for sure and no matter what answer you get, you'll be unsatisfied. I wish I could just stop thinking about it already.

What? I was right and I constantly refresh this thread anyway because the memory leak makes my tabs crash

Have you cleaned your room?


He largely talks over footage or screencaps then cuts to a screen of a still image when he goes into a long monologue, usually some art of him.

They are all moving to Twitch due to how profitable it is over there. Shilling places like Dailymotion or Vidme won't really do much, since those sites would require gradual transition to attract any major content creators. The vast majority of channels are pissed at Youtube for cutting their source of money and no matter how huge of a sum both of those places offer per view, they still wouldn't be able to outcompete the opportunities Twitch provides unless normalfags start accepting those sites.


I just read Sanhedrin 59a and never saw anything resembling that passage.

The funniest part is that every successful black man in history says something along those lines. Fucking BOOKER T WASHINGTON said the same thing.

All right I'll do it.
Title: Mean Bean Machine Edition



George Washington Carver even said something to the effect of "almost all failures are people who just make excuses for themselves."

Are you new to the internet?

Of course he knows her, he's an SA goon.


Also, triggering your crippling autism is fun…