That really grinds my gears



not nearly as bad as


Every time.



That's the beauty of ASCII. You imagine it user.





>"git gud" as a response to criticism of a game




Not when theres dragons in the game and they aren't @.


You have to have some kind of autism to like FTL.




Where exactly have you been for the past decade? It's actually worse than idiocracy.

It can be retarded but don't assume it is always. Often it is an oversimplification to reply git gud but is representative of a greater argument. I don't use it myself but agree with it occasionally, i.e when someone criticizes aspects of a game that are either skill based and appear random or are random but can be directed with skill. It is easy to hide behind the concept that the response isn't warranted to then not look at your own failings. Despite that however I am doing a lot of generalizing here and very frequently good points are dismissed unfairly

Scatter cannon is some serious fucking bullshit and I shouldn't be able to walk all over the flagship with it.

git gud XD!




I like how in Killing Floor they start to gather around your corpse and eat it


what game?

the arkane studios Prey reboot

This just leads to me getting more peeved and playing worse, leading to more deaths and more anger.

It's not a reboot and it's not related to the "original" Prey in any way shape or form and fuck you and everyone that keeps spreading this bullshit.

I don't even like the game. I wanted the bounty hunter sequel they were making. It has nothing to do with the previous game whatsoever so it's a reboot.


user I don't know what to tell you but I'm sorry. It isn't.

yes it is






Play RTT if you want realism, not RTS.


Shit like this pisses me off to no end in platformers. It's like if, for example, you give the character the ability to jump around on a pogo stick. And instead of letting the player bounce around freely on it and jump really high, make it so you can't do anything on the pogo stick except crawl slowly from A to B, and it's only good for crossing hazardous floors or something. I just hate when devs don't care about making things fun and instead just make your abilities act like glorified keys.




Arkane Studios went out of their way to make it clear that nuPrey had absolutely nothing to do with the previous game. It's not a reboot, it's a new IP that has the name of an old IP to gain unearned recognition.

This reminds me. I've been meaning to play Red Alert 2 but I really can't be fucked sifting through god knows how many limewire tier torrents for something functional. I don't have any friends to play it with so is the campaign at least good?





Anyone that's played king's field 4 knows this feel user

What is WoW from Vanilla to modern.

There are no fucking goid RTT you can get as a civvie though. All the good ones are owned by militaries.

I don't know why any dev would let this happen. It's a glaring problem right there at the beginning, impossible to miss. It's like the shittiest first impression you could make.

Nothing pisses off Fromsoft more than knowing someone had fun playing their game so they probably did it on purpose.


Welcome to literally every single game with customizable gear ever.

Considering that this also applies to the other three King's field games now that i think about it probably was intentional.

What's wrong with that? It lets you make a unique build instead of always ending up the same at the end.


That's shit too.

I want an rpg where the MC never changes because he's a fucking human bean. He should get better weapons and armor and his enemies should get better tactics and equipment. Literally no reason for perks/skills/levels other than a gimmick. The enemies should always be legitimately difficult because of superior numbers and gear, but you should feel like you barely defeated them every time.

Really hate this shit.

kys nigger




Real humans change. We practice skills, work out, learn new techniques, get better at the things we do and worse at the things we don't do. A game that doesn't simulate that in some way isn't an RPG.

Why would anyone put up with RPG mechanics in a game where your character never improves?

Because you are the character. 2deep4u?

Actually here's a good explanation. Those mechanics give you a dopamine rush and think you've gained sonething but you don't gain anything. Make the character an avatar of the player. Focus the experience of the game on improving the person creating actual change in them. That's a real game.

My second dark souls character was just a nigger deprived and I tried to use the most ooga booga gear as possible, was pretty fun. You just need to play rpgs that are more open-ended have more customization options available to you while at the same time utilizing your own creativity to facilitate the game play experience you want. Like being a smooth talking pistol totin cowboy in new vegas.

idk lol

Harvest Moon is a farming game.

Let me guess it's Fire Emblem on Lunatic+?
That's just pure sadism at that point the game drops skill for 100% luck base that even the most pathetic enemy is as strong as a boss.

The worst part is when your teammates are so idiotic that when you warned them of that player they refused to listen. And when they get picked on by the same guy that killed you they complain as to why nobody told them they where getting flanked and blame it all on you because of their idiocy to listen and pay attention.

because its impossible to focus your playstyle after you mastered everything right?
fucking retard

You're dumber than a retard.

It was a reboot as well.

To be fair originally WoW intentionally made the priest's healing talents a bit shitty so that players wouldn't feel forced into specing into them for group content. The thing where shadow priests could heal almost as well as a holy priests was by design. Then the EverQuest fags ruined it with their extreme min/max philosophy that considered a tiny boost to healing was totally worth trading 90% of your damage and utility abilities, so then the cocksucker priests that would let their guilds bully them into healing specs whined to blizzard for holy buffs which then made them start adjusting content for the stronger healing priests which fucked over the pvp and shadow spec priests because they suddenly had to spec for it if they wanted to heal in raids. Then it was like two years before they finally added dual specs so priests could have at least a little fun again without having to blow thousands on constant respecs

Then shit kept just snowballing until cata gave us the fucking locked talents trees and crippled classes' base healing abilities so bad that warriors and rogues had actually better self healing than hybrid classes, then MoP just shit on what little spec flexibility there was left.

C&C Generals or RotR?



MegaTen had the perfect solution to this. Other games ought to be taking notes from it. RIP

it was called Prey 2.
weird name for a reboot.

Jap dress up simulators are fun tbh

I like playing the sex games and dressing the cute girls up in clothes

I think the japanese understand what makes a game fun better than the (((american))) game makers


Of course. Most American mainstream titles these days are casual quicktime events full of lefty politics.

In real life tank cannons are mostly for dealing with other armored vehicles. That's why basically all tanks not specifically built for destroying tanks also have multiple machine guns.

>You cannot waifu the ara

Persona 3, Doom 3 and Postal 2 were weird names for a reboot too.
Point is Prey 2 had fucking nothing to do with Prey and had no more reason to have the name than Arkane Prey.


Nah they were connected. Tommy was going to show up.

also the main character was going to be a pilot from the plane in the first game

You aren't the horse though, you're the rider. The horse isn't going to run into a tree or rock.

Thankfully Fallout 4 lets you level up to your heart's content and make you the wasteland's badass no matter what you pick, fellow game consumer !

I bet you don't even have a cousin unironically named billy bob joe.

Horsefuckers, get out.

Wew thank god all those cowboys had befriended horses who just happened to go their same way. Did they pay a cab fare too?


This. I hate when people do that.

The only game that's done this pretty well, with the pate/creighton fight
Its kept pretty ambiguous as to who is in the right, so you can go either way and not feel bad. The real reward for the quest line you get no matter who you kill though.


I love me a good dress-up game but good fucking luck finding one that surpasses image related.

The Zenimax Media Inc. brand restructuring, you mean.

that makes me think this sort of choice is a no-win scenario for most. Although the game I was thinking of will probably end up with a NG+ allowing me to go back and side with those I want, or get stuff I missed, I would prefer having the weighty decision making of making the rewards for your choices exclusive and not something like
On one hand, you don't like the choices you'll have to make, and on the other hand, it's not really a choice. Want to walk home starting with your left foot, or your right foot?

The only time I indulged in dress-up was Mabinogi and Pokemon Y. I'm not opposed to playing a dedicated dress-up game, but I have to know why it's worth having a faggoty game in my library. though really, I just want to play the main game mechanics while dressed sharply/flashily/elegantly/sexily/etc.



>if you fail the game unninstalls itself, de-registers from your steam library and modifies your hosts file to redirect all pages related to it to a generic 404
>A small plugin installs into your browser that redirects any searchs of the game into another generic 404
>Comunity of fans pretends to never have heard about said game when someone comes asking
>a small daemon program is kept running in your computer
>7 days, 7 hours, 7 minutes and 7 seconds later after you finished the game, a single EXE is put in your desktop.
>the icon is a hand reaching up and the name is "HELP US.exe"
>The game resumes into a boss_rush mode where the main character is pissed as fuck and proceeds to rip and tear the asshole of everything that looks at him funny.

One day I'll finish it.

Often they hide loading screens, also you shouldn't be able to skip the intro to a game (unless you're talking pre-title screen) niggers who skip story make me gag.

I want to be her onii-chan

Ruin the fun every time.

I still binge Call of Chernobyl once in a while though.

Thanks a lot Capcom


I want this game.

>transmogrify the shit out of it

God I love MHXX

Are you seriously talking about radioactive slavland? The guns in that game are worse than pea shooters, if you get anything other than a headshot (shooting with an absurdly hueg cone of fire mind you) you might as well be shooting farts, enemies don't even react to getting shot, they're either at 100% or dead, with no middle ground.

Any game that makes you watch the same cut scene over and over again if you die. And you can't skip it. And it's boring. JUST START OVER GOD DAMN IT.

It's not others fault you're shit at the game.

Journalists would spoil the secret.

How can one man be so ass hurt by a some ok slav game?

Have you never heard of replaying a game?

your character does improve though, he gets more stamina through POWER NUTS

I really hate that this is a thing in RPGs.

Stay away from the games the devs who made dead island make. If there's anything that tends to make leveling pointless, is its the first fucking areas enemies are the same level as you after shitloads of grinding. Fuck that.

Don't they get to upgrade their farm tools also?



Yeah PoE is super fucking bad about that shit.

Fucking gook games should be banned from getting localized in the west if they have this shit. It's not my fault your lemmings killed themselves by playing some shit game seven days straight, doing nothing but farming gold.

why did the n64 harvest moon look so much worse than the playstation harvest moon?

playstation didnt even really take advantage of the larger filesize. this always bothered me.

why does harvest moon a wonderful life look so much uglier than save the homeland?

Humans also generally don't walk into rocks or walls. Should control be taken away from players to ensure that they don't do such unrealistic things?

You are retarded, a horse doesn't choose the path but he will take controll if he sees he's going to run head-first into a wall.

I hate when RPGs do this. Is a transmog system really so hard to implement? Or maybe slots for armor and costumes?


Looks like the graphics are pre-rendered which always looked like shit on the n64 due being compressed to the cartridge size limit.

Resident evil 2 64 backgrounds also looked pretty blurry compared to the ps1.

Serves you right for playing a shit game like Lords of the Fallen.

Anyone who pronounces melee as "me-lee" instead of "may-lay"


This is an american imageboard. No penal colony residents allowed.

Post vocaroo of how I'm supposed to say it. Google lists it as a pronounciation.

You mean filipino right?


but "may-lay" is the proper way to say it, it's not some regional thing like saying "Aunt" and "ant". Or some national thing like "erb" in the US and "Herb" in the UK. "May-Lay" is only that, anything else is ignorance


ES got nerfed hard, now it's all about layers of defense between fortify, armor, evasion, dodge, and then lots and lots of life. Fucking I just want to wear shitloads of armor and beat the shit out of things so hard they explode with my cool fire dude.

Sometimes I forget that being a slav grants me the privlige of reading the literal letters and it makes sense because they were directly adapted from latin. Feels good man.

I'd dispute that the [eɪ] is required for both syllables.
[mɛli] and [mili] are certainly wrong, but I tend to pronounce it [mɛleɪ]. The original French was apparently [mɛle], so I consider my way to be the most reasonable anglicisation.

You also get both sets of gear. Or at least you can. Locking people out of cosplaying as the character they like because they sided with that character truly is the most retarded thing a dev can do to handle a situation like that.

That's what you anglos get for not fixing your shitty historical spelling for so long and keeping your writing phonetic.


How is this not about video games?



I'm not talking about this thread? I mean in general.

Actually, in math Z is usually depth and not height.

This is to punish you for your faggotry, for making the game into a spreadsheet simulator.

+x points out of the page/screen, +y points to the viewer's right, and +z points up. That is the standard.

No? The fuck are you talking about?
X is to the right, Y is to the up and Z is to the away from viewer.
What does "out of the page/screen" even mean?

The standard in graphics (now with OpenGL and DirectX at least) is +y points upward, +x points right, +z points backward. This is because your screen is already the XY plane for 2D shit. Why do you think Z-buffering is called Z-buffering?
If you have a different coordinate system in your game, you'll have to convert coordinates during rendering, which not everyone wants to do.
As for math, we use the same shit in my country as OpenGL uses, I don't know why the fuck your math books do that shit.


It is not hard to hit a soldier with a tank cannon shell, nor will he possibly survive getting pulverized to bits. It's just wasteful to do. There are however anti-personnel shells, and they rip fucking ass.

That's completely fucking relative. Depth is entirely dependant on the point of view. Coordinate systems have ALWAYS been top-down view throughout history. Maps of the world, building plans, etc. The horizontal axes are the MOST important axes in relation to describing the world. There is a reason there is a single word for "horizontal" and a unique word for "vertical". If I have a 2D joystick vector on X,Y why in the unholy FUCK should that apply to 3D X,Z?

so path of life nodes again. Good to know we somehow went backwards from path of ES/life

In diablo games there's an option to spend obscene amounts of cash for a mystery item that could be fucking amazing and put to shame anything that you can find in the next few levels.

In a mathematical 3d plot, the screen or page the plot is drawn on is the yz plane, and x increases towards the viewer. Therefore, z is height, and in transferring this to games it only makes sense for the xy-plane to be the ground. Just like how for games like Dwarf Fortress people talk about "z levels".

That's not just a matter of convention, that's completely backwards. The right hand rule doesn't even work in that system. If you do make the screen the xy plane with +x to the right, z would have to increase towards the viewer.

These mechanics are just patch-overs for broken game balancing. If money can be acquired through little to no effort (killing weak monsters, cutting bushes, selling easily acquired "vendor junk") then naturally the money will become worthless to the player.

There's a very simple solution to this issue: build value regression. If the value of a build (points spent vs. effect achieved) is increasing, then you get minimaxing circlejerk galore because there's exactly one way to get best value and that's to spend all points in that one branch. Regression makes the value of a build drop as you level up, making diverse builds be of higher value than up the ass minimaxed builds.

Isn't there a "Show helmet" box you can tick in the options menu?

It's meh-lay you twat.

It's always been like this you dumb fuck. X is right, Y is up, Z is inward. Some people fucking up this simple basic convention does not makes it any different. Not that it even matters because you'd be using transformation matrix for rendering and changing axis direction is a matter of swapping some row-column diagonals in the identity view matrix.

Now think of this: X axis goes to the right. That's a basic most universal convention. Y axis shall be orthogonal to it, so you compute its coordinates as its matrix cross product terms, which yields Y axis that points upwards. You compute the third axis as matrix cross product terms of X and Y vectors, which yields Z axis pointing inward.

Fam, the universe was the same, you were supposed to play as a character technically present in the first game, and the role that the player took on went from prey to hunter. You couldn't be more wrong if you tried.


"Upwards" being a completely arbitrary choice rather than "forwards" which makes infinitely more sense.

Head over to a whiteboard. Draw a 2D grid. Which way is Y pointing? It's upwards, not forwards.

We're talking about 3d coordinates, not 2d. When you draw 3d axes, y points right.

You already drew X axis to the right and Y axis to the up, the only remaining direction is inwards.


Holy shit you really don't get it. Go take a piece of paper and put it on your desk and do the same. Which way is Y pointing now?

So you arbitrarily applied a transformation to get a different result, and now argue that it's the correct result?

What? I'm not talking about taking an already existing set of 2d axes and extending them to 3d. I'm talking about drawing a set of 3d axes. When you do that, you draw y right, z up, and x out.

Like do you honestly fucking believe that "humans generally look forward, not down" is somehow relevant to the logical and efficient description of 3D space?

Last time I played Diablo 2 I wanted to buy a wand with +2 mister skeltal and +1 skeltal skill but it cost 15'000 gold.
I had 1600, enemies were dropping 4-5 gold at a time, the rare items and amulets I was finding were selling for 150, I did eventually get 20'000 gold but by then the only wands were wands for other higher level skills I didn't give shit about, and they cost 50'000 gold now.

>arguing efficienty of a totally arbitrary variant of a pre-existing convention
Have some fucking dignity you fucking assburger, jesus christ.

You are pants on head retarded.

Z-Up is not completely arbitrary you dumbass. 3D data in terms of describing the world takes place almost EXCLUSIVELY on the horizontal axes. It therefore makes perfect sense to have the horizontal axes as X,Y because they are the first, prioritized coordinates without a needless 0 sitting between them 99% of the time.


do you honestly want to make a game that is known for being confusing and obtuse to become more retarded?


Piece of dogshit.



your escorts don't do that. why would your horse? you can lead a horse to a wall but you can't make it walk into it


why does that matter if you're playing alone? Have fun, you mongoloid.

do you mean "ah-kah-ree-nah"?



I know which game you're talking about, but fuck man if Korean devs can't just make simple ass fixes to shit. I swear they're all in one big competition to see who can put the most rube goldbergy mechanic to simple shit in their games.

Yes, but you can walk into walls because you're controlling the protagonist. You shouldn't see riding a horse as controlling it, but merely suggesting where it should go. It's not like fucking Avatar where you mindmeld with each other.

And even when there's a cap to it and it's not "that" high it's usually better to just dump several points into it first forgoing all others just so you dont miss anything and even worse when there's no extra choices at all for having it capped like in VTMB where the cap is 10 and you need 9 on seduction or diplomacy to get all their options and if i remember right intimidation only required 8 points so yeah…

Should Yoshi also make his own decisions while you're riding him? Would it be fun to have him not let you jump over a pit or get near enemies?

The PS1 can slice up its framebuffer memory however it wants which works really well for 2D games, but the N64 is bottlenecked by a 4KB texture buffer, so it has to use the 3D hardware to stitch a lot of tiny sprites together to render a scene like that.
It also blurs textures in hardware to give them the "antialiased" look, and there's the video rescaler on top of that which almost always uses a weird internal resolution, so it gets resized multiple times and then fed through a low-bandwidth analog encoder. The result invariably looks like shit.
For this reason the "smart" N64 developers avoided using textures for fine detail or large 2D scenes like this. First-party titles overuse the hell out of gradient fills on character models. If you look at the likes of Goldeneye/PD, nearly everything in them is polygons. The entire HUD is polygons. The text is polygons. You can recognize the menu parts that don't, because they look like shit.

I don't know what the fuck went wrong between those PS2 games



Wrong answer. Please remember you're talking about video games and not real life, mister autismus.

I'll merely suggest you suck my dick.

Fucking Final Fantasy 12. Nabreus Deadlands and the Necrohol would be so much easier if I didn't have to rely on Float or turning off my allies to navigate around traps because they're all dumbasses.

Dragon Quest 8 is a fantastic game but this is one thing that annoys the shit out of me. You can't even level grind past it, because once you hit level 50 you start getting 2 skill points per level instead of the usual 4-10.

Yeah, I meant to say no. That was a mistake. My bad.

A horse isn't a fucking bike. How braindead do you have to be to not be able to maneuver it away from walls?


Dragon Quest 8 probably has the worst skill system I've ever seen in a game.

It's a very strange thing. Your eyes widen in horror and you can't continue participating in the conversation.



we're either talking about the same korean shitshow of a game or there's too many ass awful devs out there making these MMOs


Considering there's a ton of Korean MMOs that are classed based, It could be either.
I'm talking about TERA, how about you?


interesting shit. i always assumed it was all about disc/cart space but apparently the n64 was just a complete mess for developers.
explains the extremely limited library.

cmon, its like you dont even know what synergy is.

I was actually thinking of the whole CNC series. I mean I love the games but it still infuriates me.
It's a shame RA2 and Tiberian Sun were the last games, but it's probably for the best.

I thought of Blade and Soul and Shaiyya.

Jesus fucking christ tell me there is a doujin to go with this

Really interesting. The "gradient fills" you mention are actually vertex paints, which are used a hell of a lot in N64 games. Each vertex can have its own defined color; the gradient is just caused by the renderer blending between the colors of two vertices. It's incredibly cheap and saves a lot of texture memory for parts of the model that don't require detail.

Anton & Coolpecker's 3D art uses a lot of vertex paint for coloring the character models in the same way. I don't have a picture handy to illustrate though.

Be careful what you wish for. That artist only does corruption/human fleshlight shit

Nigger would I know who Asanagi is if I didn't fap to his god tier shit

nuPrey is a reboot, learn the meaning of a word before using it you illiterate niggers.

A reboot doesn't make it a different IP. It makes it a reboot.

>the devs respond "git gud xd"

Fuck X-COM.

Fucking hell user, just get it from KAT. RA2 won't need much love to make it work on W10. It works on W7 and 8.1 out of the box. There's as well for multiplayer, even today.



I'm looking at you, System Shock II.

Since I'm on a roll with RPG rants:

the reboot was in 2 dumbass

I don't fucking get it. The multiplayer interaction is on EXACTLY the same level as Dark Souls. You'll occasionally see someone run past you but it's of absolutely no consequence and that's the most you'll get until you hit level 50 when you can be anal raped at any given moment outside of a city by some overgeared semen-chugging nolife.

Party EXP is bullshit, party drops are handled in a bullshit way, there is no cooperative questing, there are no dungeons or raids or anything of the sort and if you intend to do non-combat oriented shit in a group you're just going to impede each other because of the fickle nature of world resources.

Sounds Korean to me.


That last one reminds me of shamans in WoW. Sadly they went from being the best class I've played in an MMO to being the worst choice in the game through the removal of totems, shocks, and 2H weapons.

Here's some more:

Funny how paladins and shamen in WoW completely swapped places in terms of usefulness by the time Wrath came out.

That's exactly the problem retard, he's talking about games where not running a meta build means getting shit on so hard that you might as well delete your save.

I assumed PSO2. Yeah, MMOs are trash because slant-eyes are physically incapable of not assraping their games to death.

it's not the game's fault that it had shitty developers

nuPrey was originally going to be called Typhoon but it was later changed to Prey so they could keep the license


Im fucking sick of soft pudgy human faces made with weak tender flesh. I can't stand them anymore. What do Jrpgs have against full faced helmets?! It's almost a selling point for me with some games.

Forgot to post pic



that reminds me of what happened with hoi 3 and hoi 4 where instead of keeping all the good shit hoi 3 had and just adding the good shit they put in hoi 4 on top of it, they just wiped the whole game and made a shitty casual "click to win" heap of trash from scratch that doesn't even resamble a grand strat game

i dont have enough rage or images to convey this anger

Graphics APIs have been like that forever. 2D screen coordinates have always been (x, y). When going to 3D, you add depth and have (x, y, z). When you have the depth buffer called the 'z-buffer', it tends to solidify that. In 2d, (0, 0) is often at the top-left of the screen, but sometimes APIs put it at the bottom-left. In 3d, APIs follow the left-hand or right-hand rule, which has the z coordinate positive inward or outward.

I know someone else played the game. Come out with it.


I don't give a fuck. Just because it's more logical doesn't mean it will improve the game.

I've got a few people into STALKER over the years and on multiple occasions they started playing the Complete 2009 mod. I assume they googled for 'best STALKER mods' and it was #1 on a list compiled by some numale journo who has never played the game. On one hand the mod is absolute shit, but on the other hand it might have actually done some good for the fanbase. Those dumb enough to play Complete will think the game is a lot worse than it is and just move on rather than sticking around and shitting everything up.




this but only the shield and weapon change
kinda like brandish




Remind me of an ancedote

I was playing Halo 3 with my friend on legendary beating it the first night it came out so we could get the ending after the credits

We finish the fucking fight I run off the restroom well he's scoping the credits

This nigger yells "hey Anton get in here it's starting!" So I sort of zip my penis into my cargo shorts and run, still sort of pissing myself trying to see the legendary ending

Some bleeding and pissing all over this man's living room, and he looks at me and just says "damn I was just kidding bro"

My dick still has a scar from the zipper, if you're reading this Tony fuck you

Paradox is funny


I understand it's based on the d20 system, but seriously this always pissed me off. If you have 150% chance to hit, it should negate all avoidance.

Every fucking jap game I swear to god

>the (((legendary))) armor, that took a hundred hours of grindan to unlock

Guess the game.

You get at least 1 respec per difficulty in Diablo II.

Although, I have to agree I really don't get the point of limiting respecs in arpgs. If I fuck something up I don't want to have to start a whole other character, nor do I want to create another character and level him up high enough just to see if a build is worth doing.

Weird, I don't recall getting another respec on other difficulties if I ever used the one they give you


Yeah, you get 1 respec after doing Den of Evil, and you get an additional one on each difficulty. I remember when playing nightmare with a friend, respeccing into a daggermancer just for shits, and then speccing back. You don't need the DLC for this either, it was part of patch 1.13.

You DO need the expansion to make the token of absolution, but AFAIK you can make as many of those as you please.

Second one sounds like either Guild Wars 2 or Allods.

There is no level scaling in Dying Light, though. None at all.

But they do advertise themselves in subtle ways. Shitter detected.

Ding ding ding ding.
Both are Guild wars 2.


it thinks it can ride a horse off a cliff, and the horse will jump off willingly to be fair you probably could if you put blinders on the horse, but you didn't know that so you're still a fucktarded underage b&
One week left, summerfag. ONE WEEK.

Also in LoD you can farm bosses for essences and cube them for respecs.

*Hell mode bosses obviously

It really is a big piece of shit isn't it?