What does Todd think of Breath of the Wild? Nintendo basically made a Japanese Skyrim with mountain climbing, so I'm sure he has strong feelings about it.
What does Todd think of Breath of the Wild? Nintendo basically made a Japanese Skyrim with mountain climbing...
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Needs more Diversity. Don't they know, game sells when it is very SJW friendly.
He loves it. He added zelda amiibo support to skyrim on switch, you forgot?
I I as a fellow anonymous, feel that Nintendo could never make a game sith the same unique charm and thrills of a genuine Bethesda video game, let alone a Skyrim clone! It couldn't be further than the truth fellow user that this Nintendo game is even a stone's throw from the remastered already-masterpiece game that is Skyrim.
Indeed everyone knows this, and only the Japanese and silly young men think that this Nintendo game can even compare!
Thanks for your input Rodd!
It's really more like Dragon's Dogma than Skyrim tbh. Skyrim comparisons are like saying "the Dark Souls of _" or other such meaningless nonsense.
I'm going to buy Skyrim on the eShop and a physical cartridge so I can experience twice the Skyrim goodness, my friend
Some dumb exec at beth softworks more like.
There's some interview out there with him where they bring it up. The interviewer asks him about Skyrim's influence on BotW. Todd says he can see the influence, and that it's humbling, since he's a big Zelda fan. Typical nice guy Todd stuff.
Todd confirmed for anally annihilated
Todd is too much of a nice guy to make a perfect video game.
How did anyone consider this game impressive?
Japanese master race. American cannot compete.
Everyone who played it was blazed off their ass on dank weed.
>tfw skyrim is almost 6 years old
It's pretty funny when you start making comparisons between both games.
Zelda actually had not just mountain climbing but "everything" climbing, even other people's houses while Skyrim, a game that happens in a mountainous region, had no climbing whatsoever.
Skyrim removed weapon and armor durability entirely from previous games and the result is that every piece of gear you encounter is either a direct upgrade to your equipment or loot fodder.
And considering how short the tier list is for equipment, it's often more about the enchantment that you want, until you actually get some artifact to use instead.
By comparison, BOTW had weapons breaking all the time, which made weaker ones valuable to dispatch weaker foes and the rarer ones saved for important fights.
Even the artifacts are done better, with weapons that can freeze, set people on fire or shoot out flame projectiles.
Armor in Skyrim serves only the purpose of increasing your armor and slotting 4 enchantments with a very tiny progression that you never use in favor of faction\guild\artifact armor instead unless you're an Enchanter.
Armor in BOTW is mostly utility that you switch on the fly for different situations and has its own progression to make it stronger\better.
Both games have quest markers but while Skyrim has an actual quest arrow for everything, BOTW still has some quests where you're only given hints about what to do or where to go.
And they never ask you to travel to the other side of the world to handle some trivial quest.
Dungeons are short in BOTW which is both good and bad since it's less content but at least it doesn't take you too long to go through them, making you get bored of that tileset as fast as Skyrim does with its dungeons, and they are all open to you without requiring quest-specific keys to open certain doors.
The 4 main dungeons are also somewhat short but at least they do vary quite a lot from standard dungeons, while Skyrim is mostly the same all the time.
Enemy variety was a valid complaint about BOTW and yet it still manages to have better enemies than Skyrim, who mostly only use a single tactic each and can be easily fooled.
Shouts in Skyrim compared to the blessings in BOTW are shit. An over-hyped mechanic that is barely worth the effort placed in it, saved for the mandatory dragon killing shout, while the Blessings are unique game changing mechanics that tie beautifully with the story and your companions, not just reskinned spells.
And let's not forget the myriad of shit you can do with the game's rules in BOTW, from setting a field on fire and using the updraft to fly over enemies (or just burn them with said fire), dropping\throwing metal weapons on to your foes during a storm, stealing\disarming weapons from your enemies, the Statis Power and its uses, how Magnetism is a limited version of Telekinesis that actually works for combat, etc.
There's a lot of stuff you don't really need but you can have fun using, while Skyrim's the exact opposite. There's almost nothing but the standard default gameplay to use and the game stagnates immidatly because of that.
never hurt my enjoyment of dungeons in the previous zelda games, or other games. eventually the visual appeal might cease to grab my attention but i still want to explore and figure stuff out. i got a bit tired of the dungeon music in link to the past though.
Dungeons in previous titles had different tilesets for each one and all used a different gimmick or had their own enemies. They were like entirely different zones.
BOTW on the other hand has the same tileset for everyone of those small dungeons, with similar enemies and traps. It can indeed get a bit boring after a while, which is likely why they are that small but numerous instead.
Fallout 4 is the Skyrim of the Fallout series.
Fitting, since Fallout 3 is Oblivion.
I am sure he would be honored they are imitating his great works in a fresh new minimalist way.
I think the ghost shader was impressive, although I'm unaware if one as good existed at the time, art direction in the game is absolutely excellent, better than most games, application is about standard though, things like the architecture is excellent.
It's a texture with some transparency and glow, how can it be impressive? It's pretty, does a fine job and certainly looks better than Oblivion's ghosts, but it's pretty standard in terms of shaders.
youre right, i just kinda prefer the old formula for dungeons.
shrines are usually small because theyre numerous, but numerous because they want to tempt you to explore.
You're simplifying it a bit much, it also has this really nice transparency gradient from top to bottom as well as a faked fresnel that just makes them pop, I'm not impressed technically just visually, it looks good, and I hadn't seen better ghosts in a game beforehand to my memory.
It was pretty bad, speaking as someone who actually enjoyed it somewhat
The weapons are big foam paddles and the armor looks Forgotten Realms inspired. Insane high fantasy works great for somewhere like Morrowind but Europe inspired provinces like Skyrim should veer in a more historical direction. And the vanilla graphics are just awful for their day and age
I misspoke for a second, when I said art direction I meant designs, for the most part, their lead concept artist was easily one of the industries best, better than the turds at CDP, not a single place in Witcher 3 is as dreamy or as atmospheric as most places in Skyrim, even with it's low quality graphics.
Witcher 3 is probably one of the few games more overrated than Skyrim, it's execution is good but it is not an ambitious RPG, or even a particularly ambitious world, only thing it does better than ES is world scale and technical graphics, also writing and story, unless you know ES lore in which case speculation makes the Skyrim story intersting, you effectively play as the good guy trying to do something noble and condemning multiple realities to a permanent death, but also the possibility that the dragonborn slowly realizes their true power and solidifes Talos' divinity absolutely.
Kys retard
I just called it one of the most overrated games, you're the retard, I don't even think it's a good game.
Concept art should have no bearing on the game itself. Those pics look better than anything in the world. And it's not surprising that it's more "dreamy" or "atmospheric" than Witcher, it's an high fantasy setting vs "realistic fantasy". Witcher's ambient isn't supposed to wow and amaze you, it's supposed to look believable as a medieval fantasy setting.
I like both types of styles depending on the game, but I don't believe Skyrim did high fantasy that amazing to begin with, there are several games that look far better for that kind of thing (Guild Wars, both 1 and 2 for instance) while Wither 3 actually did quite an amazing world for that.
And gameplay too. It's basically better in everything that an RPG has to be good at than Skyrim. I'd even argue that the very first Witcher is already a better game and RPG than Skyrim.
That's not exactly clear. Sure, the current timeline is now missing the element that ends it. Maybe.
Maybe it's inside the Dragonborn (since he devours dragon souls) and he will eventually finish the job since he inherited it.
Or maybe the Dragonborn will go to consume every Dragon soul and once he has them all, Akatosh is complete and reincarnates. Wether he ends that kalpa or not is up to speculation.
It's also pretty easy to imagine that kalpas don't last forever anyway, they degenerate with time, Alduin just ends them before or while that's happening.
Or maybe there's something else out there that can destroy kalpas. Or maybe there are multiple realities at the same time, starting and ending in a multiverse. This one won't end but maybe it's not the only one in that situation and it's inhabitants will inevitably start traveling outside of it unto other kalpas.
That's basically what the Hist Tree did anyway, proving you can either survive outside of a kalpa or that the next one exists before the previous one expires.
ITT:Todd butthurt af
Why do people always bring up Skyrim when talking about BoTW? Do people really believe that Skyrim actually pioneered anything?
And to add to it I think a good combination is to have mundane areas that look like the witcher, and then dreamy/fantastical locations that are meant to wow you. IMO when high fantasy makes every corner of it's world too fantastical, then it loses its impact
SexLab mods are pretty innovative. That's about it
If skyrim's locations at least were made by dark souls designers, it would actually look like on those pictures. Its just bethesda designers are incompetent and lazy.
Castlevania 2 is 2D Skyrim, and if you never upgrade the whip, it becomes a souls game.
Wow, this really humanizes him. Not saying I suddenly have no criticisms about the Elder Scrolls, just that Todd seems like an okay person I guess, but there was never a reason to blame the entirety of recent games on him alone anyways. People get butthurt over his marketing, but it's his job to sell you his game.
i was talking mostly about costume design when I criticize it's artstyle. There's no reason the graphics and costumes shouldn't have resembled pic related in 2011
Hello fellow user, as a proud consumer of Fallout 4 goty edition and Skyrim Switch definitive edition. I can say they are good games and all of these people around this obscure imageboard are just trying to confuse Switcg buyers into not playing any games.
Damn user that armor has my dick turning to diamonds. What's the mod?
Barabans steel plate for the body armor, cloaks of skyrim for the cape, and the witcher gothic armor for the helmet. The shield is a witcher shield pack with an alternate texture. Basically, it's all witcher shit
You see that miserable pile of secrets?
You can lie to it.
Would you believe me if I said I haven't played Skyrim yet and Fallout 3 was such gutter trash I'll never buy a Fallout game again? When I finally play Skyrim, I'm going to pirate it. Exploring is like opium for me even though everything else sucks. I just thought Todd seems like a nice guy. No idea if he's any good at making games when he's on a huge team.
Oblivion created that market
first episode of AVGN was made 13 years ago
bethesda should sue nintendo for blatant plagiarism.
A real human being
A Real Human Bean
Why is it that in damn near every screenshot or video of BOTW people are always wearing that faggy blue shirt?
Why would you wear something so dumb when there is sweet as fuck knight armor to wear?
Im sure that its definitely shills, i never wore that shitty blue shirt when i played the game, but I did wear that baller ass armor early on.
My nigger. I got that shit ASAP and wore it throughout the entire game.
Even dyed the helmet and chestpiece green and the pants tan to give it that classic Link look.
I'm ready for this forced meme to die.
I don't know anyone who wore that blue shit, or even the "hero" armor at all because the ancient armor is not only great looking, but defense padded as fuck and allows you to shrek guardians like tissue paper.
That looks like shit
You should apply for a job at IGN user
I wish they'd halved the number of shrines in the game and instead put large ass temples on top of mountains or given us huge, expansive caves.
And I actually kinda like the Shrines because despite being visually repetitive, the challenges in all of them appear to be unique and well crafted (but often too short to be memorable). I'm actually kind of hoping that the next Zelda game doesn't change things TOO much, because I think I would rather see Nintendo perfect Breath of the Wild as opposed to simply making a completely different game.
I was a fag that wore the Sheikah set for most of the game because dat night movespeed
user, do you hug your body pillow when you cry yourself to sleep?
The body pillow rejected him.
That's why he cries.
Everything is shit in the shit game that is breath of the wild, bad graphics as wind waker looked better than this piece of kiddy shit, bad sound because where's the dundundandun duddodoudhdaha fuckin sounds, it only happens at the big boss, like what the fuck is this shit, 0 F U C K I N G gameplay because all i do is fucking hop back and get free damage, wow nice fuckin game retard, it's story is full of GAY because holy shit what kind of idiot decided to tie every zelda game so they can have thier stupid fucking merchanidise sold to stupid fucking kids (you) and stupid fucking retards (you) and stupid fucking niggers (you), oh wow physical dlc up the wazoo, wow fucking epic storytelling, and 0 hardcores because holy shit nintendo is 100% PRETENDO. everyone knows that sega does what nintendon't, which is a FUCKING GOOD GAME. breath of the wild is the most ass out the ass game you'll ever play 0 out of a biLLION of a fuCKING SHIT GAME.
But the ancient armor's defense was nothing special unless you were going up against guardians.
On top of that, guardians are ez pz once you have some decent weapons or the stasis upgrade that lets you freeze them. No special armor required.
Well done user, you've convinced me.
wtf i hate nintendo now
I'm going right to my room and throw my nintendo into the trash.
Fuck off with that shit
Also SKYRIM PORTABLE youtube.com
But user, that other nintendo you had with the pad was much better, I could do aerobics with it and play tennis and there was that quiz game about twilight too.
Why did you bought this new nintendo? Why can't you be happy with a single playstation?
its shit when you cant even repair weapons and craft armor.
but even legendary weapons break, The fucking master sword. The master sword even breaks.
Well it does but you get it back after a few minutes. Breaking weapons is an intended game mechanic.
"B-But it doesn't break, user! It just needs to recharge!"
It doesn't break, it loses energy. Different things, not to mention it regenerates.
It's also a weapon made for fighting Ganon and Guardians (by lore) and when fighting them, it loses much, much less durability with every swing.
If it didn't had that mechanic, as soon as you got it you'd use nothing but the Master Sword for everything and everyone.
Its a fucking sword it's not a goddamn dick that it goes limp after using up its energy!
That is fucking retarded
I don't even like Zelda and I think that's retarded.
It does matter, because it makes all weapons throw-away. It's a lot less meaningful to find a cool weapon when you know it's gonna break after a few uses and there's nothing you can do about it.
That just makes the game less fun since it encourages you to hoard, BotW is only fun in the Great Plains and Eventide Island unless you do the following limits on yourself:
1. No increasing hearts (and therefore no master sword). Bonus heart dishes are fine though (and encouraged)
2. No increasing weapon slots
3. No fast traveling
4. No upgrading armor past tier 1
5. Master Mode (obviously)
DS3's dull colors piss me off
That doesn't make the game more fun, it makes it more tedious.
Not really, the thing only does about 36 damage (double that against Ganon and Guardians) but once you're fighting against things like Silver Lynels, 36 damage will feel like you're hitting it with a stick compared to every other weapon in the game by the time you get the master sword. Hell since ++ ancient weapons are so easy to farm up that you can have inventories full of them and they're significantly more damaging than the Master Sword even without Ancient Armor let alone Savage Lynel weapons
You'd have a point in every other Zelda game since that's the only sword you get besides the starting one. But with the large array of different weapons you get in the game, it'd feel pointless to use any of them (save for Guardian Weapons) instead of the Master Sword. If it was infinite, it'd invalidate the rest of the content and the entire mechanic. And for a game this large, it'd be pretty boring.
Also remenber that, in previous games combat was mostly secondary, solving puzzles with the items you were given happened far more often and for longer time. Using mostly the same weapon wouldn't be an issue there, but once you shift to a more combat-centric game, it does become a problem.
In-game: The sword gets most of its damage-dealing properties by channeling Hylia's divine magic. Without that magic, it's just a metal stick with a 'blade' of which the edge is shaped like a two inch equilateral prism. Maybe it could do 5 damage or something in a pinch.
It channels magic in the exact same way that the elemental weapons do. After expending its charge, it takes a while for the magic to fill up to a point where the effect works. If you try to cause the effect before that point, the magic is expended while trying to cause it, but the effect fails.
Out-of-game: They don't want to obsolete all other weapons or the interesting/fun gameplay mechanic where you have to emergency problem solve because your weapon became non-functional at an unexpected time.
Link should be using the Master Sword over every other weapon.
It's, like, his thing. What if we had a Metroid game where Samus was in the Zero Suit 95% of the time and only got her armor for 2-3 minute bursts before it had to recharge?
Its unique feature could've been it's unbreakable/infinite use because everything else at that point scales past it in terms of damage. Up til the DLC which has you awaken it, it has shit damage. It's one bonus could've been "It won't break" and sure, casuals would grip it like the Drakesword in DS1 but most people would still only use it when everything else has broken (Or as a mining tool, literally not much would change really)
That shouldn't have been DLC either. That shit was already done in WW, and having it be optional here would have been fine.
You're arguing out of tradition, that's mistake number one.
Mistake number 2 is not knowing what the Master Sword is, specifically in this game. It's a weapon made specifically to slay Ganon and the Guardians. It works amazingly well against them because of that. Outside of that purpose, it's not that special at all. It's the "sword that cuts the darkness and brings the light", it's effect is more magical than physical.
Stop that. You're talking about a Metroidvania, where progression in the game comes out of collectin upgrades that unlock new areas to explore. Save very rare and purposefull exceptions, your gear is never removed from you because you need it to reach areas in the game.
BOTW is not a Metroidvania, it does not see the same progression in terms of upgrades at all, neither are they mandatory at all to finish the game, unlike Metroid where you'd need every kind of weapon and upgrade to pass it.
If you wanted a better comparison, it'd be like Samus having a Beam Cannon Mode that can only fire for a while before needing to cooldown, doing awesome damage against everyone and double to Ridley. But that doesn't exist because for the purpose of a Metroidvania it doesn't make much sense nor serve much purpose, much like a weapon that trumps almost all others in terms of damage doesn't make any sense in a game about switching between weapons on the fly.
So you're saying that this is a Zelda game just in the name.
Yeah I agree with you, it's fucking shit that they decided to sell us that as DLC instead of the base game or a free update
No. That's what you understood from that, not necessarily what I said.
I'm saying you're expecting the game to be a carbon copy of the predecessors in terms of gameplay, which the previous games have already been and apparently that wasn't very popular considering the whole "Nintendo is nothing but rehashes!" spiel.
A new game shows up that plays differently from previous iterations and now the critique is that "it's different so it's bad"? Sakamoto was right, you don't know what you rike at all.
It's so different that you shouldn't call it the same to cash in on the name is what I'm saying.
You still control Link, you steal travel Hyrule, meet Gorons and Zoras, save Princess Zelda, retrieve the Master Sword, fight and defeat Ganon, have a desert, ice, forest, volcano section, roam several different dungeons with a key component to end the final fight, use bombs and a bow, get more heart containers from defeating bosses and exploring the world, use rupees as currency, etc.
You talk about the Master Sword like it was outright removed from the game, as well as everything known about it, instead of just changed to something new, on top of every new piece of content added to the game or the much larger world and how better horse riding is.
It plays differently, but it's still zelda, and while it could have been better, it's still pretty good and improved compared to previous iteractions.
People arguing that BotW isn't a "true" Zelda game when it's more true to the roots of the series than the last five main games are retarded.
Fags, the lot of you.
Honestly? It's a step up from Twilight Princess and Skyward sword (Especially Skyward Sword). Is it the best Zelda? Not by a long shot, but I am happy that they finally did the thing I've been harping on for years and that's give us an over world that's actually worth a damn.
Now give us one with a good over world and good dungeons and you got a 10/10 game guaranteed
That's pretty much where I'm at. It's a hard reset on the increasing linearity they've added game after game and I welcome it with open arms, and I'm glad to see it so well reviewed as a result.
Gee thanks Rodd. I should really trust Todd and Bethesda more.
Probably some stupid shit "that's what he wore in the flashbacks! We have to keep the character consistency in check!". Seriously fuck that shitty blue T-Shirt.
Not with that OST.
I like the rubber armor with the fish hat and lightening immunity so I don't have to unequip metal gear during storms.
I have a 360 view of that actually.
Horizon was so disappointing. I knew it would be awful, but it was more bland than I thought it could ever be. I wish we actually got a real hunting game.
Thanks for the advice rodd, have we met before?
Okay well what if we had a Mario game where Bowser fucks Peach every few minutes?
Too bad nothing in Skyrim actually looks as good or as realistically sized as its concept art.
anyone else realize that "open world" RPGs feel totally dead, like playing an OFFLINE MMO or an MMO on a dead server where you're the only guy logged on?
Unless it's very linear and story-driven I get that "dead game" + "No one is On" feeling, I want to talk to other people, argue with newbs, scheme with my guild but there's no one there, the world is empty; I want to duel or pk real people but all I can fight are retarded AI….I want to shit talk, but all I get are a couple pre-determined responses to choose from. I want to show off my cool loot or achievements or new combos/attacks to my friends but theres no one on except me and a bunch of mindless AI.
MMORPGs killed non-linear "open world" RPGs.
DogitalFoundry confirmed this halvens your load times and doublins the frames per moment.
Dunno, I find walking through the desert and listening to 1950s cowboy music pretty fun.
That's basically what I felt with Breath of the Wild. It was empty and void of life, with wildlife being scarce aside from the smaller lizards and birds, and I expected a few small settlements here and there or more camp sites but I hardly saw much of that. Not to mention the odds of running into other NPCs was scarce as fuck and the enemy camps were simplistic and devoid of any real sense of realism and detail. I'm still hoping the final DLC actually does improve the activity in the world or at least adds more towns and villages, or makes the current ones feel bigger since they just feel as small as the shit you see in Skyrim (except Zora's domain, but that shit is mostly just aesthetic pillars that serve no real purpose other than to look pretty). My other complain was the jungles in the faron region where you can hear all manner of animals and monsters in the jungles like monkeys, wildcats and exotic birds but there's literally nothing there aside from a handful of bokoblin/moblin camps and the occasional bug spawn.
No, but I don't play shitty open world games.
And if I do, I mod them like a little retard with a dozen new Lego kits.
This. To truly get the best out of empty open worlds is to be able to fill up all of that empty land yourself. Which is why I genuinely enjoyed that Tarrey Town bullshit sidequest more than the rest of the quests the game had to offer.
I just want worlds to feel like they exist independently of me.
My problem with so many open world games now is there's so little going on that isn't marked by a ! so it becomes a matter of going to the marker, doing the thing, and then going to the next marker. I want a reason to play in the world, and I don't get that anymore
What station?
You are absolutely right
the blue shirt is the strongest chest armor in the game nig
I am not going to buy a switch, but the giant brown women seemed alright
It still looks like crap and its stats are just Nintendo's way of making you wear the damn thing whether you like it or not. At least give us the option of changing the color of that damn thing. Fucking green damn you.
They're not that giant. Link is just a huge manlet now for some reason.
Chances are he's just bullshitting us.
No the Gerudo are 8 feet or larger, exacerbated by Link being a twinky manlet. There's one crying in a bar because she was rejected for being 8 feet tall.
Fucking clags.
Gerudo women must be the easiest fuck in all of Hyrule
You have no idea. What they're taught in mating school proves that they're an easy catch. Only problem is the ones who take advice from their mothers/grandmothers. Bitch at the entrance rejects any and all advances because her granny told her not to trust sleazy men.