Watchya playin right now Holla Forums?
Watchya playin right now Holla Forums?
Zone of the Enders
I really wish the Orbital Frames from the show and movie were in the games.
Hey maybe they'll be in the next game
oh wait
ZOE1? I feel bad for you. Shit game, it's like a demo for 2. LED's The Earth Light isn't a ZOE track, it's from DDR and is features in City zones and in ZOE2's arena so ZOE1 has no value.
I went back and finally beat MGS for the first time, and I finally got started on Bravely Default. Been in a vidya rut for way too long, ever since Heart of the Swarm ruined Starcraft 2.
I'm on the second game right now.
The first was alright, I'm blown away by how much better the second is so far.
Outlast 2, In the hopes it can actually scare me
I thought it was really bad compared to the first game. Half the time you're expected to just run past everything, and it completely ruins the spookiness.
nothing. im just lying here depressed.
Shit, good idea
Never played the first one, I just wanna play a spooky game
I liked the first one. It's a walking simulator like the rest of them, but it's got a neat story and good pacing.
Not really in it for the story, I just wanna be spook'd
We full 4cuck now.
Take it to Holla Forums
Go masturbate then
I think Megaman Legends is the same way. 2 is a ridiculous improvement over 1.
Take op to Holla Forums
atelier sophie
Playing SPOT THE AUTIST. I think I just won big time.
are you lookin in a mirror hurr hurr
I'm not playing vidya currently, I'm messing around with Shadowrun 4th edition. Might play a Shadowrun game later on, never know, I never did finished Dragonfall or Hung Kong.
or *Hong Kong
Really? A vanilla "no u" response? Is that all you got?
I'm not the op just flirting with you is all
Please suck me off, I've got a big fat load I need to blow.
What a way to save a shit thread
Currently playing YGOPRO, trying to make a deck out of Chthonian monsters like pic related for a YouTube channel. Pretty tough, I'm in between using a pure high level gemini+warrior engine with claw of hermos or a more red-eyes oriented engine which would probably work better but would probably overshadow the chthonian cards.
Nigga you are crazy