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Because you have a smartphone and have probably participated in its app market.
excellent thread my man
actually, i don't have a smartphone. On top of this, thi simage is from FF15 switch version
They look like Adventure Time fan characters.
Oh look, it's the gay community
the true power of nintendo switch
Now that is just a bald-faced lie.
Look at this exiting 15 fps gameplay!!! Wow!
It still looks better than the off brand FFXV game of war rip off
you're top suckage
PC master race amiright?
What's the point of even making the game real time if it slows down to a crawl any time something important happens? Might as well just make it turn based.
What the fuck is this
They could have made it look like a SNES game for easy nostalgia money
a video game
I don't play cellphone games because I don't like touch screen. That actually looks good.
The combat looks the same. Hold attack to win.
Sorry user, next time I will make sure to rename all my files into something better
Did you make that yourself?
Renaming pictures of Pee Pooh Le Goblin will not save you now! Back to KEKistan kiddo!
I'm surprised it took this long for someone to do it
Pepe dindu nuffins.
He wuz a gud meme.
He be posted erry day till that muthafuckin limey Sargon hijacked him. Smh, tbh fam #justice4pepe.
If this was on 3DS (less powerful than modern phones btw) I bet most of you would be creaming yourselves.
No, then it would be censored by NoA, somehow. Besides SE can barely make a RPG these days.
But that would give everyone a moral excuse to pirate an uncensored version like with Bravely Default/Second
While true, why would anyone want to pirate this (assuming it played the same on the 3DS)? BD at least had things going for it like the music, costume switching, FFV job system, and interesting art style. Here we have a bare bones hack and slash. Not even on the same level as Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles.
Speaking of which, it would have been fantastic to get a new one of the Vita that isn't just a rail shooter.
Why do we have this coming before FFXI on phones?
It's mostly to milk a franchise (or even one particular game) for as long as possible. These (((companies))) have realized they can milk the normalfag goys using DLC, so the goyim must be stupid enough to buy remakes/remasters/rereleases/etc, right? Well, yes once again the normalfag goyim prove themselves to be as dumb as cattle. Look at Skyrim. What does it have? Like 10 seperate editions/remakes? However many there are, no matter which way you cut it, it's far too many. Now look at this particular case, we have a game that's not even a year or two old and it's already getting some chibi faggot whateverthefuck remake. This is the new DLC. It's no longer about making new content (which by the way is just portions of a game deliberately cut out then resold as "new content") and selling it for a measly 5 or 10 bucks a pop. It's about making one product and selling a slightly different version of it 10 times for full price ad nauseam. What makes it even worse still is that one company sees one do it, then it follows suit then another then another. The practice grows and spreads and contaminates the entire industry like a plague or tumor or communism. It's disgusting.
Because this game took more time and money to make than the fucking Apollo 11 and they have to squeeze every last cent they can out of it.
I made a thing
I want to fuck those eyebrows
I don't understand your issue
Kill yourself you autistic faggot
No need to change IDs
I'm an atheist because I know God is gone, he has abandoned us to this hell.
the bara's face looks like an owl
``You were in hell all along**
Theres no best one, only equal garbage, good thing the characters were already shit to begin with.
do you have any idea who much money was wasted on 15 by square enix
that is why
Chibi Cindy when?
I don't understand why everyone is getting their panties in a bunch, remember when handhelds used to get conversions/adaptations of major console releases? This is the exact same thing
She is in the gameplay footage video, has no mouth.
From the thumbnail, I thought the blonde kid was Cloud in his wheelchair.
Gotta entirely exhausted a single mediocre game as a 'universe' to recoup FFXIII's catastrophic production cost losses famigo.