

Other urls found in this thread:

Don't you know hedgehogs have blue semen? Dumbass

I don't get it

Why did Mario add two blotches of invisible ink that turns blue in sunlight to his letter?

He's crying, I think.
Since this is a LOL thread. Can someone give me an idea of just what the fuck is going on in the comments? Apparently a polygon writer got caught just following his nature given male role and SJWs freaked the fuck out.

What I can't understand is "Why?"

It's hedgehog blood, Mario killed the other Sonic.

Where's the joke?

He apologised and it blew out of proportions like it always does when you give in to crazies
It's his fault really, who gives a shit


I haven't been in the goymergayte threads. Have they talked about it there? I accidentally stumbled into it while watching super Mario modding videos out of all things.

Since when the fuck does Sanic cry blue paint?



Some polygon writer hit on women, but he hit on ugly feminazis and they came after him for making them feel wanted, but they like being bitter so they lashed out and screeched with the fury out a thousand rats. Dumbfuck cucked out and apologized and then they attacked him further for self gratification. Look at his apology tweet and you have a literal kike telling him "u white man. U shouldn't act that way!"

I don't follow gamergoys, I heard of this from completely unrelated sources

Writer hit on women awkwardly when he was away working because he's a beta fuck, someone talks about it, says he sexually assaulted them for flirting with them, he writes a big blog post about how he was wrong in doing so and admiting that he used his "privilege" to hit on women.

Funny thing is that they weren't even planning to fire him before he admitted it, but right after they canned him lol

..and Vox Media fired him.

That's fucking hilarious. Someone tell him to work at lewd gamer and full his fantasies.

Inaccurate then. Sonic bleed rings.

That's why it's funny, it's just wrong

going to need more of that

It's a hidden message.

Just look up Danny phantom porn and call it a day

the little splotch has four sides
the little splotch is loss

Reminder that SammyClassicSonicFan has grown up into a teen normalfag who voted for Trump.

he looks like a bottom twink

You say that like it's a bad thing.

I'm happy for the guy, because while people here made fun of him, he's already ahead of them. He'll be pumping iron within 5 years I bet.

Nah, he doesn't looks too chill. You have to look at his eyes, they don't look nearly as damaged, nor lustful.

I want to fuck myself with a dragon dildo now,

Show me please.

He's not a fag. He just needs to gain weight.

I didn't say that it's a bad thing to be a normal guy who votes for trump.


Well first I would have to buy it!

Upon reading that I believe it to be the typical outcome of listening to Trump's speeches instead of the media interpretations of them. Listening to opposition, in other words: blasphemy against the left.


god damn watching a girl be autistic is boner inducing as fuck
this webm literally makes me rock hard and there is a very short supply of it

Since we are talking about trump now, here is a fun fact. The names ending with -ez, come from Jews exiled from Spain during the Inquisition. They've been appropriated the same way suffixes ending the German "-berg", "-stein" and some russian "-ik"s have.

Facial features also tell you a lot of course, always look for Spaniards with hooked noses, or balding older men. If you go to Mexico City, you will see an insane amount of kikery there. It is the new York of beanerland, a fucking roaches nest.
Mexico was fucked to begin with.

This is also why kikes are so hellbent on helping spics, because they share the same blood and/or Talmudic beliefs. Though, the US is harder to completely subvert ala sweden, and the kike spics that come illegally are mainly Sephardic, not to say there aren't the smarter Ashkenazi variety, but those types would have already found a sneaky way to legalize themselves.

Pay attention to the "Hernandez". "Lopez" and other such names. The man who drew this very picture is a kike.

Look at Univision to see exactly what I mean btw.

Are you ok user? Every mexican I've meet is racist and hates jews

Do we really need another Tranny Phantom in this world ?

Forced emotion is the new dick jokes.

Now this is shitposting. Dude, they side with whomever gives the biggest profit for them, as simple as that. White, black, latin, mongoloid, british, german, obama, trump, it doesn't matter.


Which is why they let their country be subverted by them? Your confirmation bias may be an exception, but it is NOT the rule. Read the archive.

They do want gibs, but it still goes further than that. They have a sixth sense so to speak.

Is that a doll? I like dolls.

By that logic, whites are the most jewish race ever.

Take your meds.

Holy fuck wait.
Holy shit.

Nice non-arguments, faggot.
Come back when you add substance to your claims.

the Joke is an abortion

If it only worked.
How do I know that you aren't a jew agent trying to bring attention to other countries just so no one discovers your trickery in the US?

Pay attention to ALL, user. I don't want to make people fight against each other. There is only one truth.
Of course. That being said, it doesn't mean there can't be rebellious converts that go AGAINST Zionist interests.


As I've said before as well, they appropriated the names, but it doesn't mean every single person with those last names are Jewish.

Have you seen that autistic girl cover herself in peanut butter?

Toddlercon I believe 🤔

You first. Jesus, go back to Holla Forums or /x/ or whatever autistic forum you came from.

America and Europe have more Jewish population and more relevant history with the Jews. Jews are everywhere the whites landed their feet upon, stop being autistic.

What you just said could not be more wrong. Surnames with -ez are incredibly common, not just among Jews, but among Spanish-speaking populations. -ez in Spanish is comparable to -son in English. Fernández means "son of Fernando", just like how Johnson means "son of John".

oh so you are not just pretending to be a retarded faggot

What is so surprising about this? The Jewish religion is the oldest abrahamic religion in the world you dipshit, they have influences in every fucking country, even in places like China and Japan. Can't you even connect the dots between the rothschild bank and every war or drug war that involves opium?

No, what you need to look at is how his name is Ismael

I only lurk Holla Forums, so telling me to "Go back" is telling me to stay here. Suck my dick.
Yet it doesn't take away from what I've posted. Their history IS more relevant, but it doesn't mean it is solely exclusive to them.
This is not that hard.

You are correct, but It is not "More wrong", yet it is true that they are common. I've stated it before, just because they're been appropriated does not mean they've been taken completely.

That's pretty good.

Yes, 100%!
It's not that surprising. They're just nice little factoids.

Then why are you sperging so much about basic fucking history? Jesus, go back to lurking

What did you post again? Jews loving the spics? Still doesn't make sense since jews love everyone equally, especially in this globalization era where every goy will make them shekels.

Just ignore him user, his tism cannot be contained now

Guess Samuel Hyde is a jew too

A gift

I've always thought he and his manlet buddy weev are. Whatever, he sucks anyway.


Jews are opportunists. They uphold personal will, like nietzschean stuff.

I've seen worse

He might be, remember that jews always play both sides

Only real gamers ignore Colors and Generations.

Why is he crying?

Hot, i would so fucking much

Looks like you are the one that has never been in a L O L thread

Someone pressed her tits with iron?

Just fuckin weird as far as I know.

Wrong. That's exactly what they want you to believe, that they're so successful and powerful because they're just so smart, so brave, so daring, so willing to succeed at any cost.

The truth is while they cultivate an environment where the gentiles are encouraged to think of themselves as solitary human units going their own, they work together as a group. They network using the power they have over the banks and the legal system to work towards their collective benefit. They use their propaganda networks to dull people to the reality that an ethnic interest group has seized power over all the parts of the world that matter and when they decry the similarity of those in power, they engage in their time-honored tactic of projection. They say that it's white people that they're criticizing, white privilege that they want to demolish. But in truth, they're beneficiaries of being the wealthiest ethnic group and they routinely and openly act in their own ethnic interest.

Check out /cow/, we might have a new saga going down.

Good god, man. Those are some gloomy tits…

Meant for >>13274626
Also gonna add this one for good me

hmu and mayb we can hash out [spoiler] lolol hash xD epic [spoiler] a deal for 1 of them """dolls""" ((;

Oh, i've seen this shit. CWC is stalking this a member of planet dolan after he commissioned some MLP porn, then he called her girlfriend and she has been trying to shake him off

Here, have the other two images. I like deformities too, I get off on the rarity no matter how grotesque it is.

There are some movies that just shouldn't exist, just watched the trailer for something called American Guinea Pig. Don't Google it unless you want to throw up

Yeah, they work together as a group when it's necessary. They're slick opportunists, that's what I've been saying.

You gotta be like that to build a mafia empire as big as the jews' though.

somebody post that venture bros webm

Would you get mad if I told you that neogaf is blaming the alt-right for getting blinded by the eclipse?

They always work together as a group. If you look into any writing on the Jewish Question, even by Jewish intellectuals (such as Marx), you'll see that it used to be openly understood that Jews are insanely insular and clannish.

Not when the entire system is stacked in your favor, which it has been ever sense Jewish banks were allowed to practice usury in Christian lands (so the 1500s or earlier).

>I like deformities too, I get off on the rarity no matter how grotesque it is.
This nigga.
It's still 3DPD though.

Everyone knows that gamergate made the sun racist, with white light and shit


I'm not too much on deformities but the girl seems pretty cute

Chris commissioned porn?


post her face then

Of course he did, he has 3 different MLP OCs and 2 sockpuppet Twitter accounts to defend his main account


It just makes me angry because it reminds me that if I was born with a vagina, my autism would be accepted and even liked, and probably even help me get laid, rather than being a deterrent.

That's not rare or deformed, it's just a bitch who doesn't shave, or a bad tranny.

Oh shit CF is back.

What a beautiful face

fuck I feel bad, I remember when he made silly vine compilations but now hates an entire race because of it.


I thought he was bleeding blue blood.

I bet there are people here who think this is a good and funny show with quaint humor not for hyperactive children.

Sonic knows Mario only writes these types of letters if there's a chance he might not make it back to say it in person anymore. It took a minute for Sonic to remember E3 and what made him write in the first place.

Did she try to iron her nipples?

CF is not anti white, he was just making fun of TRSodomites like yourself for being a bunch of aids infested butt pirates. The LARPing (((alt-kike))) tried to tar and feather him as anti-white and Hispanic.

CF was right

still not cured


The paper was laced with plutonium, he's begun to melt

(((Common kike)))
This isn't /zoo/

Did you just draw that? That's bretty good.

I don't know man, the time he said "White People Inviting Grindr because they love to gay" in a tweet, but it ended up being created by an Israeli.
It's funny how he berates white for allowing themselves to be subverted by the lesser race though

fuck off Holla Forums

Even Holla Forums hates him.


glad he's back
not many return from the abyss

guess i haven't been on Holla Forums for a while then cause before the election they started shilling for him IIRC.


you know that nobody ever does.

wew you alt-kike faggots who shill for TRS are easy to spot

this is true

Here is a simple thought experiment:

If white people where committing suicide by jumping into an active volcano. Who is the anti-white, the person pointing and saying "stop jumping into the active volcano" or the TRSodomite who is saying "ignore the people jumping into a volcano"?


The problem with CF is that he's the type of person who goes on Holla Forums and tumblr for 8-10 hours a day and begins to believe that everything is black and white. He constantly brings up how much he hates gays, he even tweeted that it was ok for isis to execute gays and that American whites should be doing the same. The dude probably never goes out side to see that whites aren't all open to the degeneracy he looks at constantly on the internet, and that anyone that isn't a bible thumping autist like he is then they're obviously a degenerate "gay enabler" and should burn with everyone else. He can't discern the fact that the mentally ill people that he looks at are only being celebrated by more mentally ill people. If you showed normal people the same shit he sees, they will most likely be disgusted. His videos where entertaining for a while but he became an extreme fringe that there's already a bunch of /cow/ and kiwi farm threads about him. sage for off topic

TL;DR his head is so far tumblr's ass that he became so fringe even Holla Forums hates him

Not really. Depends on how broad your definition of mentally ill is.

really nigga

Fuck, 4cuck is more lost than I thought.

why is he melting?


And Holla Forums tells him to fucking die for being a non-white little spic. Tumblr probably tells him to die too, albeit for slightly different reasons. His life is suffering and he should just end it.


GUys everyone shut up
Maurice "Sonic" The Hedgehog is canon in Sonic Forces

Alright then

The other day, I went to cuck /tg/ to steal some cyoas and an user was bullied for telling newfags to lurk moar.

A young and impressionable relative of mine goes there. How bad is it?

I wanted to see a follow up to this comic that shows New Donk City as well received and Sonic's advice was completely unwarranted.

It's a place where people who the internet made mentally ill gather to make fun of higher-profile people who the internet made mentally ill. There have been marriages between people who met on kiwifarms.




Let`s say I am technology illiterate, what would mods and coders gain with SC source code? pic unrelated

you're not on halfchan anymore, user


That picture is really, REALLY nice. Mind if I save it, friend?

Is this suppose to be loss? There shouldn't be two tears in the first panel.

She's like a character created in an unlocked illusion character creator with nips width turned to the max.

Did he jack off onto it?



That was exactly what SA1 and bits of SA2 were doing. They had realistic environments like Station Square which was shown as a contrast to Sonic's environments like the Mystic Ruins.
Of course it's okay if Mario does it. Mario isn't taking himself seriously. This irks me so much because of the hypocrisy. It's not the concept, but because Mario is less ambitious and had to be surrounded by happy and kiddish visuals in order to have ideas that would be met with skepticism be met with endless praise. Look at Mario + Rabbids. It's like how American medias had to announce they're self aware because they're too scared to come across as cheesy, while anime like Jojo are cheesy but they're beloved because of how earnest they are doing it.

I hope anons don't take this as me criticizing Odyssey's atmosphere, whicb is much more broad and have multiple diversity in tone (especially with the city) but how Mario had to have the reputation of being the video game equivalent to Disney fluff when Mario had a lot more personality when the light heartedness was more similar to the manic tone of Super Mario Adventure, RPG, and the Mario and Luigi games.


One kike beat another but that's it.

Fuck yeah, Sammy, way to use your brain.

Can't wait for SJWs to protest Mario for being the Mascot of the Japanese Olympics.

And Chris-Chan voted for Shillary.

Nigga please, those are such a small part of his platform during the campaign, and he was a lot tougher on Israel than the past few Presidents/candidates, even including Obama. It was towards the end and after election that he started getting kikewashed.

I don't get it.
Is Sonic crying ink? Did he masturbate ink all over the paper? Is it like anime nosebleed except with blue blood?
Explain it to me.

It's supposed to be tears that are just water but surprise the artist fucking sucks and doesn't realize that tears don't stain paper blue.

Maybe Mario was using litmus paper?

No one cared about it in sonic adventure 1/2 though. It only got really bad with sonic 2k6 where a girl tries to get onto sonic's dick the entire game, and the clash of art styles and the general nonsense made it laughably horrible. Not to mention the game was garbage

Will this meme ever die?
Colours, generations and unleashed were great, kart racing games were 10/10, lost world and 3ds Boom games were mediocre and only the wiiu version was trash.
06 came out 11 years ago, get over it already.

Man. I wanted to post it.

Damn, he even sounds like a kike

Didn't this faggot download tons of gay porn for his "research"?

Totally DRM stripped Starcraft
Resolution increases that aren't hacks

I think it's just because he's blue.

Wow, CF really is fucked and useless.



can't you tell that its all ironic?

check the dates. Post in December, 2016, his cucked and gay show came out 3 months later and everyone shat on it.

All my posts on this thread got deleted because I replied to this one guy talking about politics, it was a single post. Bravo Mark

they have completely given up on the art haven't they?

Shmorky was the best drama I've seen since the early days of Chris Chan. SA and Lowtax did everything they could to make him seem relatively normal, even after everyone saw those diaper drawings. After he had attention from Jhonen Vasquez/Rebecca Sugar/Calarts creators he decided to weld his persona into 'little girl who makes trendy degenerate cartoons' and retcon his life. All was safe, until he brought a borderline timebomb of insanity into his life who exposed him. He got what he deserved, you can only keep that shit secret for so long.





This is the shittiest coloring book ever, I want my money back

They seem to be reverting to 1998 Penny Arcade. All things considered that's probably for the best.

This comic would actually have been funny if little rings hit the paper for the punchline.

Eh, I think they're just going to continue evolving their Calarts nightmare jizzum art style.

The art is going into babby's first devianTART territory.

What the fuck is the context behind this?



Oh boy.
Mickey Mouse sounding faggot is a goon, he convinced his legit schizophrenic gf to stop taking her medications for the lolz and that webm is the result.

Eat shit, kike. They’re supremacists.

Reported for political derailment

I just beat oil ocean without getting a single game over. Will watch this now, because I deliberately didn't want to spoil the game, just heard he died plenty of times on that level.

Does anyone have the screencap of Lowtax talking about how he had to bail Shmorky's girlfriend out of jail because Shmorky's voice was too high and squeaky for the cops to understand what he was saying?



जबरदस्त हंसी

It's been a while since I last saw this.
What has to happen to someone for them to have that turn into their "normal" voice? It really sounds like he's doing a bit as an audition for a VA spot in an animation.


It's like Mystique in mid-transformation.

Cry harder, you fucking little bitch! Holy shit, how autistic can you possibly be?

I think they've created their very own cow tools.

The same opinion is held here for the most part, but Mark just deletes the threads because they stir up too much controversy. It's not like it's wrong. Holla Forums is triggered a lot of the time and the game is far from advocating white genocide since it's actually a mixed fringe group. The only wrong opinion I see is how it says it looks fun.

No, anons here called that shit out for what it is: a marketing stunt.

[citation needed]
Everyone knows that it's shills who are flipping out over "white genocide", just like the /christ/fags who flipped out back when Dante's Inferno was released.
Painting criticism as something generally held unpleasant is pretty much standard marketing strategy these days.

oh look its another TRSodomite trying to push. Time to go back to endchan queermo.

trying to push degeneracy *

No thanks, I'm not interested in closet faggots.

Would people buy shit games just to spite Holla Forums though? I haven't spent any money on a game in at least a year and a half.

A significant amount of anons don't really think the game promotes white genocide because of previous installments. I don't have any polling for you as to the percentages.

How? The game looks like shit.

When everyone shitposts no one really does

I seriously don't get it.

then you might want to kill yourself, sodomite

This is so fucking stupid, if he actually wanted them to all die he could have just left them in the military.
Probably going back to what was originally the solution to trannies, putting them in a fucking psych ward because they're insane.



Don't you know, trans are not mentally ill ya bigot

I wonder what the replies were to the last user's question.


People were complaining about it big time even before '06. Not so much when the original games were released on Dreamcast, but once the Gamecube ports came out, Nintenyearolds started bitching about the games not being like the cartoons, since they never actually played the earlier games, but did probably see the cartoons on tv.

OY VEYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!

Next you'll tell me that being attracted to an incompatible sex is healthy, or that disliking eating food has zero negative impact on your well-being.

Who also has bitches showering him in Valentines.

Probably a linking to the tot board.


Whoa how the fuck did we go from controlling parents to full blown "THE QUESTION".

Thanks reddit.

I never noticed that before, but jesus christ that takes meta to a new level, since Larfleeze is from the greediest creature in the DC universe, combined with the TF2 soldier demanding Dawn's hat, and Larfleeze would definitely want to catch them all and collect all the badges because of his greed.

stop fucking dogs, user, and get your shit together





This is now an Arthur comic creator thread.

Even afterwards there were still many who tried to defend him on there or simply "his way of trying to teach transgenderism and whatnot" and even before he came out with his show, idiots like the kiwis were creating a cult of personality around a guy they barely knew who just did a mediocre kiddie show in the 90s.


So DW was full of red dildos?




That's pretty boring, considering how incredibly slow it is.

i don't get the second one

doing things the hard way

what happens next?


Wait what? This may seem too obscure but is it supposed to be the water level from the NES TMNT game?

Looks like Oregon Trail to me.


You mean that time those bastards at EA paid some people to act like /christ/ian protestors to raise "controversy" for the game that literally no group had a problem with or didn't care much about it because it felt like a GoW ripoff which was then followed by confusing ads and "controversies" with even more insulting and cringeworthy acts like sending "bribes" and "weapons" to reviewers while EA acted like the literal demons that they are?


You've been a good user this year, so I'll continue.


Ah the good old days when they only kept the virtue signalling crap in one-page service announcements rather than forcing it into the stories.

Not sure where this one goes.

Ah fuck it, I need sleep.



Now I want to ironically get a schizo gf just to have her ask that question only to banepost with "IT DOESN'T MATTER WHO I AM, WHAT MATTERS IS MY PLAN"

Man you guys sound low-t as fuck. I'm sorry I don't worship your internet bf as much as you do.

She will be once I'm through with her.

Fun fact, Superman never actually went to war in continuity. He of course tried to enlist, but had a hilarious mixup where he was so eager that he accidentally used his X-ray vision during the vision test and read the test sign in the next room, making them think he was blind as a bat and unfit for duty. All the covers with him fighting overseas are completely unrelated to what happens in their respective issues.

Seigel and Shuster were indeed jewish, but that never really showed with Superman. When they still worked on the comic, it was simply about a guy, who was never even referenced as an alien for years after the origin story in the first issue, who used his strength to beat up gangsters. Occasionally there was an evil businessman or warlord, but almost always gangsters. And of course sometimes mad scientist gangsters.

Also, in the original comics, Lex Luthor caused World War II in his first appearance. Or at least, his first appearance involved getting two unnamed european nations to fight each other in order to start a world war, and the issue just so happened to come out the same month WWII actually started. WWII was then of course referenced in the comics after that. But Superman never actually fought in it. Most of the major characters didn't. They later retconned it that they couldn't interfere because Hitler had acquired the Spear of Destiny and somehow used its reality warping powers to keep the superheroes at bay.

This is very much opposed to Marvel, who had heroes fighting in WWII long before the US even entered the war. As soon as the war started, every major character was immediately fighting nazis primarily. Later, The Human Torch, the first Marvel hero, would say that Thor, who was introduced later but is of course immortal, actually fought on the Nazi side. This works out pretty well, because about 20 years before his first appearance, in the 1960s, Thor did something horrible that caused Odin to punish him by stripping him of his memories and putting him in a mortal body, to learn the value of humanity and humility. The timeframe just so happens to line up with when he was a Nazi. So Thor being a Nazi is what caused Odin to turn him into Donald Blake.


Feels complicated.

Ok, I guess.

I remember this being hilarious when I was 14, a decade ago. ::Now I actually am bald. God has cursed me, gonna go kill myself.::


his post is obviously about you, personally. he knows you and is attacking you over the intarwebz. YOUR MOVE!

How did it get to the Jews

The JQ is always looming.
How do you people still not understand that?
Holla Forums may be a retarded pit of bias but they are right most of the time.
It isn't every jew but it is a high number of them with evil intentions.


I want suck

Fair enough, I just wasn't expecting a crazy bitch to know

Ah yes, Asian women.

What's wrong with wearing polos? those thing are pretty much a t-shirt with a collar and 2 buttons
and cargo shorts are comfy, that's all there is to it.
glasses are best, contact lenses are just a meme
Is it bad when you wear them both at the same time? since i wear those the most before i went to high-school
wew lad i'm a mudasian and i have a normal chin, what kind of poor soul could live without a fucking chin
I like at how self-aware the comics are, the women all look the same

Seigel and Shuster both admit that Superman was based on the Prophet Moses. Moses being Orphaned by his mother and sent down the Jordan River is where they got the idea for Krypton. The symbolism of Superman being masonic, which Christians mistaken for being an allegory of Jesus was intentional.

Holy shit. I didn't know I had this fetish. Have some more of her by any chance, user?

Dont forget the video companies sells (((biblical studies))) to lazy pastors, to make shekels based in movie characters, while enforcing this misconceptions.

Got to know Superman, Harry Potter or [insert character] to know christ, amrite ? Its 2017 after all, hehe.

lets not forget Billy Graham, Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson have Neoconservative and Freemason ties. These shabbos goys where large responsible for pushing the bullshit "America was founded on (((Judeo Christian))) Values" meme. Christianity was historically antisemitic. In fact the modern term Jew was originally a Christian term referring to the Tribe of Judah who Killed Christ (synagogue of satan).

but we are on Holla Forums of course I am preaching to the choir.

Wtf polos and cargo shorts are awesome you faggot

So are those numbers.

Reminder that the only reason Shmorky never got a show on CN is his inability to not display his digusting fetishes everywhere.



Yeah, I agree, I love my Polo

Mark should apply for a job at Polygon.

What was masonic about Superman? I'll admit I know next to nothing about him.


holy fuck it looks so sad and miserable
why is it so beat up, did you drive in in drunken rage?
are you alabama man?

I will play the shit out of Mario+Rabbids if I can make my team the original Mario characters and just go on a Rabbid-slaying rampage. I will gleefully commit Rabbid genocide.

Love as in love, or love?

Is there anything more petty and insecure than a single Asian American? I say Asian American because I've never met anyone from an Asian country (I live in the US) with these issues.

Some idiot that couldn't into parallel parking touched that side, and I don't have money to waste on the front bumper for now, and the thing I care about is the 1.8 turbo inside.

I'm not a dragon, user.


You are raping your car

but figures, probably your parents bought it for you so you don't appreciate it.

also, should've bought the Golf git tbh fam

Nah, paid from my pocket, and I prefer the Polo, the Golf has grown too fat it's also not worth 35k€, for that money I'd be getting a used Porsche tbh.

Did he ever fuck that dog?


I thought it was because of recognition after all these years.

Is that webcomic worth reading?

i have a feeling so complicated

Please don't post these things ever again.


In the original? Nah.

Go back to Holla Forums


I'm not sure I get it? What's Mario implying with that last line?

He's applauding Sonic for surviving his awful game streak mainly 06 while preparing for the biggest shitfest that Mario may face, the new Mario x Rabbids game. Toad thinks Mario doesn't have a chance after this game comes out, but Mario is confident if that he can. this included a really forced pun making fun of the old sega slogan that kind of ruins the flow.

Ended 11 years ago, aside from wiiu Boom which was objectively a bad game all of his games ranged from excellent to mediocre.
I wonder if this meme will ever end, as i don't see people bringing up mario hotel or Zelda Philips games when talking about those franchises in 2017.

That's because Hotel mario wasn't even made by nintendo.

Like i remember when sonic boom came out, people were shitting on the "ex-naughty dog devs" and not SEGA.

That was an awful time.

I remember before I saw that image, I thought that dubs we're untouchable.

They say that, but if you read the stories you can see they were bullshitting. Krypton isn't mentioned outside the first issue, and even then, only the beginning of it, to explain his powers. It isn't mentioned again for decades. Siegel and Shuster were teenagers writing and largely ripping off generic sci-fi and other pulp stories. Superman is now openly acknowledged by DC to be a ripoff of protagonist Hugo Danner from Philip Wylie's novel, Gladiator.

Siegel and Shuster may have claimed grander allegorical meanings behind the stories, but reading the material shows they're bullshitting and appropriating ideas that later creators put upon their character, but were not there at the beginning. Stan Lee does the same thing when he claims the X-Men were always based on the Civil Rights Movement, when the original comics didn't do that at all, and it is very much a concept that was added in the '70s when writer Chris Claremont helped to relaunch an old Stan Lee series that had been cancelled years earlier.

Even John K. got a cartoon.
Does anyone knows the chiptune playing in video related


John K rules, nerd.

Their Yt channel is abandoned, I wonder why…

He gladly sucked off Matt Groening's circumcised cock.

John K. is the best. He sold out by working on The Simpsons after trash talking it back in the day when it was actually good, but the man's gotta eat.



You don't have to go on your boogeyman board to dislike Holla Forumsfags being politics into everything. You just have to be an oldfag who wants things to be like they were before 2011.

S-shut up commie kike shitskin jew or i'll gas you!!!


only this mongoloid could take self care and make it look weird

Fenceshitters like you are just as bad as the lefties. You aren't doing anything to stop the cancer.

Honestly this is pretty low key, cancer prevention isn't degenerate in anyway that the furry piss comic was.

Yeah, because the best way to make them go away is to bump the thread with bait responding to a 11 hour old post.

It still is an awful time. They keep increasing Deadpool and Marvel's faggotry and cheap maymay action every day. And all these bastards around me always eating chimichangas at lunch time and wearing Deadpool t-shirts while making shitty references and jokes is driving me up the wall.





Those are some big areolas. Why the fuck are they so dark though?


Yes, nice dubs

I get it, men can get breast cancer too although rare but that doesn't warrant a shelf check for them. They're so delusional that on a subconscious level they wish for higher chance of breast cancer like a real women.

Wait does chemical imbalance of hormones they take increase the chance of cancer?


Yes, funnily enough, growing breasts puts you at higher chance of breast cancer, who knew?

Yes, among other problems that tranny-lovers seem to ignore. I just don't get why MtF doesn't take more testosterone and FtM more estrogen to feel more comfortable as their actual sex instead of what they assume themselves to be.

Commit suicide.

Don't reply if you don't haven an argument.

posting some old ones.




She sounds like my mother in the speech style

In the beginning he was good, but now he's shit

I understandu now




improved version

Sonic Forces will be back to the 06 tier autism I promise. Just look at all the fucking charcter spouting COD lines into a headset in all the gameplay videos and the return of classic sonic. Expect some 06 tier writing and a mess of mechanics.