THQ Nordic

Whats up with THQ Nordic on buying all the cheap IP?

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They might be trying to get money from digital sales.

Sounds like they're trying to get back into the AA publishing business and/or competing with Devolver. I'm okay with this either way

Economics 101

They also get the rights to Bubsy in the process.

I know it's early but so far I am liking this publisher. They seem to want to make games they know people miss and they haven't been kikes yet.

They buy every IP they can, rerelease them/port them, then make easy money.
Anything that makes a lot of money gets sequels, and the devs that ported the games now know how to make the sequel good.

Exactly what they're doing with Darksiders and DAH at the moment.

i wish they could make a sequel of nexus: jupiter incident or a preequel

They seem like a AA publisher ala Paradox, but with much less kikery or going after the autism market

That studio is in my hometown. They suck.
They made Gothic 4 before they went bankrupt and reformed.

I mean, other than the shitload of games based off of gameshows, THQ were never huge kikes. They didn't deserve to go out the way they did, and I'm glad they're back.




THQ Nordic is okay in my book, hope they don't get fucked over from inside by SJWs and their anti-money ideas.

I'm not sure how to feel about them, on one hand thy're buying up a fuckton of IPs, on the the other hand they aren't sitting on them and are actually supporting them through ports, re-releases, and patches.

The Red Faction Guerrilla patch that allowed you to join mid match was nice. Originally you had to wait in the lobby for the match to end before you can join. Supposedly Volition couldn't figure out how to sync up the destruction mid match.

Maybe nice things can happen.
Have they actually published anything yet?


They seem to be focusing on buying up and re-releasing smaller titles that had loyal followings, and seeing what sticks.


They haven't really published anything noteworthy that wasnt a port or a re-release yet.

Nothing new yet, well thats alright. I hope they stay AA, even if they start to bring in the AAA money,. A "we make money to make videogames" approach. It would be nice to see because honestly I feel like we are in a drought right now.

i dont think they are the same guys, they are mostly nordic guys, right?

Swedish Yeah the original THQ is dead Nordic bought up all the rights to the games nobody else wanted during the bankruptcy sale plus the THQ name itself & they eventually changed their name to THQ Nordic most likely due to the already established recognition of THQ.

The first few new releases are coming this in the next few months.

That's some good music, fam.

literally who?

Correct. They used to sell second-hand comics, then second-hand games, then went into game development/publishing.
Once they bought up something like 60% of THQ's IPs, they rebranded to get recognition.

Remember, just like Devolver, these guys are only publishers. They don't actually develop shit.
They do, however, own 5 studios.

They also have almost total control over Gunfire Studios, who are independent but working on Nordic's IPs.
They are making Darksiders 3 and the majority of their team are from Vigil.

It reassures me that they did the Darksiders 2 remaster. It had many, many issues with it, but they ironed out most of them and it proved they could handle making a new game.

They made Gothic 4 and the latest Bubsy game.
In short, they deserve a nuclear holocaust.

They're made up of Spellbound employees, but that's not much better.



What. Why? Did they really thing fucking BUBSY was so much hot shit that they had to get in on that shit?

Christ, posts like these and
Are are so bad, they're like Reddit upboats.

Pisses me off even more that I watch this guys videos.

Rebellion does something similar, but they don't usually publish new games unless they themselves have developed it.

Of course
I just want more Novalogic tier shit inthe current year

but that game saved E3 and videogames!

Like the rest of Darksiders 2, the remaster was garbage. Runs like total shit for no reason, loading times for no good reason, looks worse than the remaster of the first game, lacks a lot of options you would expect in a PC game (some of which actually are in the DS1 remaster). Hell, it doesn't even display buttons from controllers. If you play with one, every instance of where a button would be is a large black square. You have to guess what every single input is. The DS1 remaster was actually good, aside from keeping the game breaking bug.

nordic needs to buy the rights to mercenaries or make red faction guerrilla 2 already. FUCK

Well DS1 "warmastered" came out AFTER the DS2 remaster, so…

Yes, but the DS2 remaster was a disaster while the DS1 one was actually good. I'd be genuinely surprised if they were handled by the same people.


They are.

Pipe down, bud. I was just posting an ebin meme image with my post.

Either way, new publishers are probably a good thing for the industry since the established ones are turbocancer. These guys might not be the old THQ but their practices so far are pretty okay.

That sounds about right. I got a tour of the studio once because I was curious and because I applied for an internship at the time and it was pretty baffling how decently sized and well set up their studio is, considering their games seem to range from mediocre to bad. The things that stood out were the big tube slide you can take from the upper floor to go to the lower one, a game room and a table of one of the devs that was covered in at least 50 empty red bull cans. Pretty gnarly.
They also never responded. I never got my application binder back.

Looks like they are publishing a new game

Who the fuck cares?
Germans can't make games anymore.

t. a German


So speaking of Darksiders 3, what's the news on that? Last I recall they had that shitty alpha footage where the whip looked like it played exactly like War's giant mess of a sword.

Release next year supposedly.

They've been doing this for a while, just hoarding IPs. I don't know if they even plan on doing anything with most of them though.

That said, I really want them to do something with the Delta Force titles since they bought NovaLogic.

They gave a July interview in Xbox magazine, dead silence after that. Relevant quotes here
Also gave an interview to Segmentnext at the end of June, which is a bit more detailed.

They're publishing a Battlechasers game that I'm hoping to be good.
Mostly because I read the comics that got cancelled, and this will be my fix and hopefully closure for that.

I wonder if they're going to go "we're trying to make something even deeper than Bayo or DMC in terms of combat" again.

I couldn't play warmastered on my computer. It wouldn't go into full screen so I had to play the original


was geht bernd XD

Actually no, they brought back a lot of functionality with old IP's such as bringing back servers or getting rid of shit that makes the game unplayable. You wouldn't do that unless you want to do something with the IP.

And they just revamped Titan Quest as well.

They better not ruin black forest ham

Desperados 3 when?

I'm hoping that they'll revitalize the middle-market. As it stands right now, we're sandwiched between bloated AAA and faggot-infested indie markets.


Might be cool

That mechanihand was pretty rad.


exactly what original THQ didn't do and this is why original THQ is DEAD. Its a good strategy.

Well, that property isn't getting off to a good start.

you should neck yourself just in case

Did I slide into an alternate reality where THQ is alive?

Better, traveler. You've slid into the alternate universe where some Austrians dug up its corpse for their Swedish overlord and are all wearing hats made from its skin.
There's still a few scraps of hope left here. Savor them before they're gone and you're forced to hop dimensions again.