Losing control?
Whats your favorite gun in any game?
Losing control?
Whats your favorite gun in any game?
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Evenin' folks.
I'm SURE we had this question before.
M4 assault rifle. Sexy as fuck.
One shift today. Watched SummerSlam on my own. It was meh. Emailed a few people about sharing a hotel room at PAX.
The turret gun from TF2. So many hours camping in the intel room.
Morning everyone, Ritsu here
Speaking of Ritsu, its her birthday today! Gotta do the eclipse stuff later for her. Plus maybe drink and watch k-on.
Remember kids, only eye-niggers don't use eye-protection.
It goes over my state. I only get a partial eclipse. What time is it happening anyway?
How goes user
What happens if you don't get a hotel?
Be careful and dont get possessed by a demon that is inevitably going to be summoned.
Hi guys.
So the store that was selling the PS2 fat the other day has sold it since the last time I went there, but the PS2 slim is still there. After Monday, I'm working the next six days. Do I say "fuck it" and buy the PS2 slim or do I be picky about it and keep searching for the PS2 fat? Yes I asked about this in the PS2 thread already.
Gonna sleep right through it. Ain't like anything can impress or amaze me anymore anyway.
You're overrating it.
I have a hotel, I'm just trying to find one last person to room with us to bring the price down.
Mah nigga.
Had to spend an hour testing xbox games to see if they read. Got a new xbox 360 controller and 3 bucks out of it.
wingman elite or the epg in titanfall 2
Classes start tomorrow so I need to get up early so I need to stay up all night so I can go to bed like a normalfag.
Gun wise is a clip fed SKS and not that mag bullshit.
Happy birthday Ritsu!
Keep searching for a fat. Its a much better looking console than the slim.
Then go to sleep nigger.
I'm hoping a wormhole opens up and takes me to 2D world user.
Whats the price on the slim?
Ohhhhh ok. Sleeping with strangers though.
Where and why?
That sucks user. How many classes a week you have?
The shotgun in the original halo because it was the closest shotgun to a irl one. All video game shotguns suck though.
Hopefully I'll pass out soon so I can wake up at a reasonable time and not be tired as shit. Spent all weekend stressing about school, and the more I think about it, the more I like having the schedule of going to school more than actually going to school itself. I don't know what the answer's going to be, but I think I'm gonna give the local electrician union a call. The work's gonna suck, but university sucks more, and maybe it'll even whip me into shape so I can stop being a fat fuck. Worst case scenario, they insinuate it's a dead end and I continue with college as scheduled.
I didn't get glasses, and in my neck of the woods, it's only going to be a partial eclipse. Driving halfway across the country would be a pain in the dick to do, even though I'd like to.
The Bearkiller from EYE. That shit is a gun amongst guns.
Hey Phil how's it hangin?
I really need to start watching New Japan more. Takeover the night before was breddy gud tho.
I need to get back into it. I know it's gone to shit, but I still find it fun.
Got a gay Asian dude and a woman so far. I've roomed with people at PAX before.
3 but I made sure they are ez. Problem is getting up at 7:10 AM like a fag.
My dad bought a ton of xbox games to sell on ebay and half were scratched but only slightly. My xbox survived the trip but i broke all 3 controllers playing MGRR and DMC. those games kill controllers
Thanks fam
How goes user
Why do you have to babysit them fam?
Why not add a nigger to the mix and get a jewish sitcom vibe going.
I'll agree with that. And yes watch New Japan you faggot.
How long have you been awake so far niggie?
There are no black people in Seattle Ritsu.
Take the union down from the inside. Bunch of criminal commie scum.
Nearly everyone in the US gets that. You'll probably sleep through it dumbass.
I've never had a single controller break in all my years of gaming honestly.
Nice. Now just get rid of the commies and it might be a good city.
Trips confirm i'll sleep through it. I got my sunglasses and everything.
sleep schedule is battered because i haven't had to work for about a week now, so i stay up way to late and sleep in a lot. i've visited 4am like 4 nights in a row now. but i'm not drunk and playing siege and doodling between posts
i have a strange affinity for the FAMAS even though i know its not great, and lately i've grown a love for Hibanas Type-89 in siege
same as the fat. $39.99 plus tax. The main reason I'm so fixed on the PS2 is that I'm bored with all the vidya I have, I finally have a source of income and money, and I wanted to buy something special for me.
It goes concerningly. I just got a picture that downloaded from here >>>Holla Forums10457336 that was backdoored. It became a different picture extension once I downloaded it.It had a phone home code for adobe studio within it. Glad I am paranoid before I open things or that could have spelt disaster behind my vpn.
Not sure if I trust 8ch anymore.
I have to force myself to go to bed at 10 and I wont do it naturally so if I make myself super tired I will do that and worse case if I need more I can go to bed at 8 or 9PM and actually be tired.
Since 12 so its been about 16 hours.
But I work the same day I go to class, I would rather get up at 7:10 and go to bed at like 12PM or something.
There is literally a fucking socialist as part of Seattle's city council.
Ive killed a gamecube controller, 3 xbox 360 controllers, a ps3 controller, a couple n64 controllers, like 4 ps2 controllers. I dont know why i destroy all the controllers i touch.
It's only shit if you pay attention to the shitty parts of it tbh fam. Just turn off voice chat and actively try to win and the annoying shit kinda just blurs into the background of the game and you stop noticing it after a while.
t. man with 6000+ hours.
You've asked that shit before. I still like Clive's Gungnir HAG35. Getting a critical with that feels especially satisfying, considering just how much damage that thing is able to do.
Only a partial eclipse where I live and it's cloudy out the next day or two.
Are there performance differences? Why would you want something that takes up more space? It's not really cooler or anything.
I said go to sleep not tell since when.
Post todays doodles. Did you do much with your week break?
Go with what the other user said and get the fat one online then.
So you getting hacked from someone or something? Good thing I ain't download shit. Most my weebpics are ancient too.
That sounds like hell user
This nigga gets it
Feels fucking good man.
Lucky bastard. Not only do I not get to see the full eclipse, my waifu also don't have a birthday to celebrate.
Grandma was bad even for a senile old lady, so she was rushed to the ER two days in a row. She's got an infection somewhere and also bacteria in her bloodstream. She's doing okay right now, but I had to be out there to make sure my grandfather didn't fall and kill himself. I don't mind doing it, I just like mid-day naps on their couch too much. Now I'm up at 4AM without feeling tired because I've already slept 5 hours earlier.
That's really my only fear. Conceptually, being in a union doesn't sound too bad. The obvious workers' rights protections and benefits sound good, and the idea of having an organization constantly rolling me in and out of jobs as they pop up sounds tantalizing compared to being stuck in the same cube for eons. But no matter what, there's no way that they can possibly be worse commies than the antifa freakshow fucks at a university right?
That pic in the post or a pic in the thread? I dont really download anything anyway. I dont even have adobe anything installed.
hey nerds
Keep looking for a fatty. Also, here's this thing since you asked about it a few days back.
Hey faggot
I'm Australian
You know what you have to do user
Are you one of those people who hulk smash shit when they lose?
How goes user
Fuck you dad I will do whatever I want.
Makes me feel like im doing something. I only work 2-3 days and I would rather have a full day off then half and half shit.
It's the pic in the post and no I didn't get hacked. Bit concerned though if it was targeted or if it is just the way that picture is. I'ma go redownload it.
That's not really early on a weekday, I wake up at 6:10 or 5:10 and it's still nothing
I really do wish that I could have gotten one of those SNES-to-Wii controller adaptors before they went out of print though.
No, i just kinda squeeze tightly when playing. Ive never thrown a controller.
This entire summer I stay up till 2-3 and get up at 12, readjusting is a bitch.
know what you mean
Whats good in the hood monica
Yeah its right over TN too so double lucky. Didn't plan shit for her bday this year because meme magic already did it for me.
I don't know how you can handle that shit fam. I'd probably just put them to sleep myself
Where do you work?
Thats gotta hamper your gameplay anyway. You gotta be all loose and shit for fast reactions.
You gonna die nigga.
nothing noteworthy today, just trying tp work on pencil control stuff, next time i visit i'll bring something more interestin'
jerked off a lot
Just fucking kill me.
.>Favorite gun?
Minigun in TF2. Or any shotgun.
What if it was a man in the middle and you were downloading a pozzed image when you werent supposed to?
I still have one of my gamecube controllers.
I play better when i grip tightly.
Stayed up late animating something a few different ways and slept all day. Doing alright.
Speaking of which, anyone got an opinion of if this seems too busy?
thanks for the chart.
Yes, it does. But when unions say "workers rights" they mean their rights to extort business owners for money. Unions are middlemen, plain and simple, and while they might raise the employee's net income a couple of bucks now and again, most of that ends up getting deducted and deposited to the union anyway, and the artificial wage is then subsidized by the consumer so cost of living goes up. It's basically a typical leftist pyramid scheme and we all lose in the end.
The fuck is up skank
Draw stu or something 4am related some time.
Whats wrong user?
Theres errors on it
It is possible to stay up 34 hours straight if you drink enough water and eat enough food. Not even energy foods/candy like any medium caloried foods/rice.
Retail. I worked today and I had a dumb nigger claim someone who was just stocking shelves claim that she checking for stealing because she was black. Its a bitch but the shift went by ez.
I ain't gonna die you mook, I got energy drinks and the will to survive.
It's been, what, three? Maybe four years now? And they're still mad.
>>>Holla Forums10457185
Thanks, I didn't even see that. How the fuck my selection method didn't pick up on that, I'm not sure. But that's why I'm running tests of it.
Do you like patching your own games and have a steady supply of DVDs to burn them to? If yes, a slim will do, as long as it's a slim model that can be CFW'd. Otherwise get a fatty. t. CFW'd slim owner.
Sometimes the universe just works out in your favor. Sometimes it doesn't. Gotta take the benefits and run while you still can. You figure these things out as you go along. Grandpa, in particular, is doing his best to make sure he can stay around for us as long as possible. He's not ready to die yet. Why should I deny him eking out a few more months to spend with us?
Same shit I've been complaining about the past week or so on here.
It sounds petulant, so fuck me I guess.
I always kept a close eye on niggers when I did retail jobs. Made sure they knew it too.
I guess thats true. Though when I get to that point I'd probably kill myself. Don't plan on making it that far anyway.
It is also possible to stay up for 160 hours, but doctors don't recommend that shit.
I don't have work tomorrow, and will probably call the Washing machine company tomorrow and maybe Nan so I can ask if I can stay for the weekend at the end of Sept for a Tabletop convention
I know what you mean I spend 3 days a week going to bed at 2 and then having to change to sleep at 10
why is it limited to 34 hours
I cant imagine staying up for more than 2 days. The most ive stayed up was like 40 hours before i passed out. It was when my leg was hurting so bad i couldnt sleep at all.
Nice hitler dubs
Basically I'm starting to organise me going to a tabletop con and I'm about to pop into the supermarket for some headache tablets
Ahhh. You get to spend any time with them yet?
I've stayed up over 50 hours but cheated for that one.
I do that as well but a fun game I have is guessing if someone is going to use EBT. I am at this point at a 65% percent chance of getting it right.
Its life my dude.
If you give up and get in your bed to "rest" your eyes than its just asking to go to bed.
Maybe the shelf stacker was stealing, she was black after all
Apparently you start hallucinating after 48 hours, shit wacky. But yeah, you can technically stay up for about a week but past that you'll fucking actually legit die.
You're welcome. Didn't want to post it in the actual thread you asked in because usually those just cause people to complain these days.
No. I just saw that image reposted a while back and thought it was begging for some motion to it.
18+16 = 34
65% is pretty good. Shoot for 90%.
It's hard to get a clear picture of it all because there's propoganda on both sides. I've tried my best to cut through the bullshit researching this since my mind won't turn off and let me sleep anyway, but the real big motivation is just the accessibility of it. If there were an obvious way to find good apprenticeships for open shops I'd be taking pause. The middleman thing I don't mind, if the union can find literal retards work, they can find me work too. We'll see what happens, though, it wouldn't be the first mistake I've ever made, nor would it be the worst. I hope. And I do always having university in my back pocket, I guess.
I'm not complaining. The more male role models in my life, the better. My family was an estrogen mafia as a kid, and I don't see it improving as time goes on.
I am so fucking glad my gas station wouldn't accept EBT. The one across the street did though so the poor would go there instead.
Its filesize is awful huge too. Could do for some scaling down.
I love sleep too much to abandon it.
Be sure to carry an explosive amount of emotional overreaction to every single minute thing that happens in your table top games to keep things interesting.
even when i have the energy to stay up and the time, i'll send myself to sleep at like 7am just cuz i hate those hours of the day and i always just feel greasy by that time
Yeah I'm going up as part of a team
Good thing my army is about to get more shit in the game I play too
And you better live it
No, not really. I work a ton my final 4 days I have at my store. It kind of sucks. Actually, it's the fucking worst. And school starts for all the students this week, meaning I have to get everything done and nobody is available. Even my one friend who isn't going to school works at 11 in the morning every day and essentially took double shifts because he's training for a promotion at his store.
I don't know fam, 45 minute naps have worked before.
I think the longest I've stayed up for is around 20-22 hours. Maybe someday once I have lots of free time again, I'll try beating my record.
Should I come looking disgusting as I play Nurgle
How many women are around you?
How many people are gonna be there?
That sucks fam. At least say bye to them in person at all costs
Quit your job if you gotta. Not like you are gonna be around anyway.
Blonde cunt stocked the shelf and wanted free college had to explain high taxes.
They always buy junkfood I only had one dude who bought normal shit and I gave him the discount for actually using it properly.
I will.
I cant nap, never really works for me and I oversleep.
I already quit, it's just I have to ride these final shifts out.
Have you considered that unions favor retards because retards don't question union leadership? Also, unions enforce the Enlightenmentâ„¢ ideology of equality so they favor the alleged oppressed minority groups over straight white males.
I hate taking naps. When i wake up i feel like im legit dying and my adreniline starts pumping. Its weird.
Staying up all night isnt as fun as you think. You start getting tired around 18 hours, then you buffer overflow so you arent tired, then you get really tired again, and it repeats.
Of course they do. Poor people are fucking dumb. EBT could buy them a ton of shit like rice and beans but no they need their twinkies. We need to just distribute shit like corn to them and be done with it.
Why? Unless its an important internship why bother
I was actually working with a big image file originally. I can scale it down. Also trying to see if the issue might have been the amount of color selection.
Another test, this time smaller. See if this has less artifacting, or whatever at 256 sample.
Because I like my coworkers and I may need to go back there next summer or sooner if school doesn't work out.
They would just sell the corn and buy twinkies.
i tend to take a 1-2 hour nap after work a lot, not as often these days since i work out more than before but beginning of the week i'll probably still need the nap to get my batteries running to do stuff in the evenin
today i'll try to wake up at noon no matter what time i go to bed and tough it out unless i find out i aint got work on tuesday either which is likely right now
Soda and Chips should be banned from EBT users unless they pay for it on their own. You give up your right to choose food when you take tax money.
I fucking swear.
The weird thing is that within the program itself, everything appears to animate fine, even using a colored background to test for artifacting, yet outputting it, even at 0% lossy, still produces errors that I can't figure out where they're coming from.
Im waking up at 10 to see the eclipse and going back to bed unless a happening starts.
I have zero blood-related uncles, all of my grandfather's children were girls. It's a rough 50/50 split on boys/girls for cousins, but all of the boys either live halfway across the country or have fucked off to do their own thing. All I have left after my granddad is an uncle (married in) and that's it. He's a nice guy, but I'm running out of men in my life, for whatever that's worth.
Suppose so. But all of these criticisms can be leveraged against the university I'm trying to get into as well. It's just trading an uncertain future for a certain one.
I will always remember you Mr. Lump
When the middle part spins is when the artifacting is noticable.
Shiiiiiiiiet. What kind of work is it at least?
Doubt they could sell it for all that much. Plus there would be a corn surplus.
Shit gets really fucking fun when you become so sleep deprived that you stop being tired at all.
Ice cream shop.
I thought you couldnt buy junk food with ebt.
Yes, exactly, and yell constantly. But not like angry yelling, just over-dramatic yelling, shit'll be hilarious.
Well people can buy candy, chips, soda, energy drinks, etc. I have seen it all.
Yeah, but you also lose attentiveness. When i get that tired i cant focus on shit.
Nice. Not far enough though.
What happened to your dad?
Ohhhhh right comfy
Same problem
Thats bullshit. You're on welfare, you shouldnt be getting luxuries.
Yeah, I really don't get why it's doing that. Within the program everything's just fine, so I'd assume that outputting as is it would render fine as well, but I guess not.
Reminds me, anyone know if it's possible to access Action Replay functionality with a DS flash cart? Heard there's a code you can input to Dragon Quest IV DS's JP version to switch it over to an English script without the accenting the official western release had, but I'm not sure if I can use it like this or not.
Do you think dollar stores would remotely stay in business if that was the case?
Gee, it's as if the entire establishment is rigged to reinforce ideology over adapting to reality. There is no escape from this soviet styled shit if you plan to work within the system.
I just jacked off to and nutted on one of the 4am Tripfags pis, guess who it was.
Shipping people corns is retarded, give a blacklist of shit you can't buy its way easier to implement.
I will just power through since I have more than enough shit.
I have worked this job for a year, on average EBT spending is chips and a soft/energy drink.
That's why you play fast music and fast bideo gams, that's when shit gets really really fun!
I also can't decide what to do with my life.
Remember when college classes had those waivers you had to sign that you were alright with being shown potentially offensive content? Kind of doubting those are still implemented in [CURRENT YEAR]. Not when the schools waste money on teaching professors how to deal with students coming out in class, or setting up safe spaces for triggered students.
But they got rid of tripfagging months ago
Yeah I got no clue with that kind of stuff. Maybe put a background to it or something.
Stores will just ignore it.
If you could do anything at all what would it be then?
i keep forgetting about the eclipse, i should be up for it to see if it gives me super powers or rapes casca in front of me ;__;
Dead. Been dead nearly 6 years. Testicular cancer. That wasn't a fun hole to dig myself out of, either, but I guess being exposed to death already makes the pain a little more dull.
Well I don't get to be a NEET, so I don't have many other options. Guess I'll have to make due with the cyka blyat cards I'm dealt.
Got no idea, I've never been to it
A blond nigger?
Hi guys. Just working on music for the 3rd attempt at Teagan's Quest at the moment.
Cerebral Bore has a special place in my heart.
I took one year of university and one of my teacher none ironically said "trigger warning" before showing a picture of a starving kid in a third world country. Guess I made the right choice in not going back.
How do these people live without giving themselves diabetes?
I'll try it one of these days when im home alone. Maybe i'll play some serious sam
I hope i get a stand or some shit. Would be fun to play around with.
Well enjoy your vidja marathon session then muchacho.
Checked but wrong. You have it a requirement to have EBT to follow the guidelines including blacklist. If they don't follow than they lose the business. Thats easy compared to finding farmers and good product line, let the business do that for you.
They don't and we pay for it later on.
I only went to college for 1 semester and it was in 2004 so no. The era of political correctness didn't begin until Obama guilt-tripped his way into the presidency. The madness should end soon. The Peopleâ„¢ voted for it.
And I despite my family's wishes never went to uni
Ahhh sorry fam.
At least that experience made you into a man yourself. I mean I couldn't deal with half the shit you are dealing with.
Teagans quest?
Vanquish and discord DND autistic.
Holla Forums is going to hate me for this but I guess I'd want to run/operate/manage a YouTube network like RoosterTeeth or GameGrumps. Chill out in an office, have work friends I spend all of my time with, fund projects I think look good.
my mother forced me into uni despite that I said that I had no interest. My mother was the one forcing it, and it wasn't until after I went that she realized that it was a bad idea, despite everyone else in the family telling her otherwise.
Be sure to bring caffeine nigga.
Then you'll have to cuck out to google or get your shit demonitized.
Remember those Uncommon Time streams? It is a game based on that even though it isn't as needed due to Uncommon Time DUET.
absolutely any powers would be nice. although personally i would really like ice powers
Government doesn't have the balls for that.
And corn is already being subsidized like crazy. Its why we have so much shitty ethanol. It'd be easy to divert some of that to the poor.
That'd be nice really. Whats stopping you? Alternative media is growing more and more every day. Get in on the ground floor monica
Post your music.
I was wanting to leave the background transparent to allow for more application of it. Part of the issue I suppose is that I'm not the guy that originally created the still PNG of it, thus I've been having to divide it up into layers from what is actually there.
Those indoctrination centers are a complete waste of money these days. I feel worried for my friend; he's just started a three year program in law.
Well, I went from 2011 to 2013 or so, and those waivers were present. I suppose they were meant to protect the professors from students suing them for getting triggered (IE: you have to say you're alright seeing this content to stay in the class), but if the bulk of people there these days are feels-before-reals triggershits, they might have deemed that a lost cause since they'd lose money if a lot of people didn't bother attending classes due to being warned in advance. Just my thought though.
White album would be an amazing stand to have. Freezing anything to the point where humans lose fingers by touching it and you get an impenitrable ice suit.
Sounds horrifying fam.
It takes years to get that shit going, and anybody I could get to do it likely won't.
That's the least of my issues. Plus Twitch exists.
Trigger everybody. It's protected by your first amendment.
You can do that if you grow your own food, pot your own water, make your own electronics, fend off (((governments))), and not be (((suicided))).
Not sure why anyone wouldn't support you other than (((them))). Competition is great.
If by "becoming a man" you being turning out to be a huge failure that can't stop fucking things up and disappointing everyone who believed in me, then yeah, I guess so. I'll say, though, that all this adult responsibility shit is for the birds. I wouldn't wish being responsible for someone else's well being on my worst enemy. Nobody should aspire to this.
Currently finished for now as I wanted to work on other songs and not spend a ton of time on one song.
Did you actually read the spoiler?
Its a simple graphic. Why not just trace it or something and start fresh
Who could you get to do it?
You are still hanging in there and doing it though. And you haven't eaten a lead bullet yet so.
Ain't clickin that shit monica
I think that depends on states but I don't have enough info to argue that only that having businesses handle shipping goods is easy.
The level of autism keeps me awake as we argue about really really fucking retard shit.
My friend who's going into the Navy soon. Like, soon enough as to we can't record enough to keep releasing stuff until he gets back.
Well if it is a right wing or Holla Forums tier channel. Otherwise you better have quality leftist content the way things are going on jewtube.
Yeah but, for how much longer? I'm sure some hooknose out there would like to make a law that "knowing triggering" would count under the first amendment.
That's just it. The original PNG is easy enough, it's just blacks, grays, and transparency, with no background to try to extract it from. But trying to properly select the parts to put on their own layers is apparently big issue. to get right.
I'd have places like post offices that they can pick them up at. It'd be cheaper in the end really than just handing out money. Even with shipping.
Is his stuff that good? How many views his vids get?
What kinda stuff you record?
Meant wouldn't count. I swear, half the time I'm trying to right a contraction the " n't " just doesn't register on my keyboard.
He doesn't get any. He is just into that stuff.
I don't know, he doesn't like podcasting. Games like Civ V or Democracy 3, maybe Rocket League.
Thanks Codemonkey for this lovely working piece of software.
Well, yeah, whether people want to admit it or not, the whole operation lives and dies with my involvement. Nobody in this family wants to take responsibility for anything, so someone's gotta pick up the slack. Besides, if I eat a bullet, then I don't get to experience that radical while-dying dream state where I get to be with my waifu I'm hearing so much about.
I'd be willing to give recording shit a try. Not like i have anything better to do, though i do have family coming in and out alot.
Ahhhh weird!
What else you do today user?
Oh well then you can find others. Or make your own vids to start out.
Yeah I can't post pics either.
And taking charge like that is pretty manly fam
Holy shit man, I started playing Nocturne from the first chapter at about 8:30PM. It's almost 5AM. Wtf am I doing with my life.
A big part of that is because modernity overburdens us with responsibilities we shouldn't have to concern ourselves with. Political correctness is basically one big blanket of responsibility, but also the modern job which is orginized around shifts. We work all day but are only productive for some of that time. Once again we have leftists to blame since before the hourly wage people were paid based on their productivity. Some would would hard and produce more trinkets and get paid more while others worked lazily and didn't earn as much. Leftists saw this as injustice so forced us all to get paid the same amount of money for the same amount of time. Jobs have become daycare for grown-ups, and productivity and quality has collapsed.
On the topic of making YouTube videos, I once had a co worker say that I had a voice that would be great for analysis videos on YouTube.
Having fun. Whats your party like?
Alright then. At least I posted my music.
All my family say i have a deep voice good for radio.
Not getting my info russia
Nothing like autism to ward off sleep, fambalam.
Until you are unwilling to fight for it.
Proximity is a big thing for me, to be honest.
Should probably do that second one.
Damn, that's pretty cool.
I didn't want to take responsibility for anything, but it just so happened that I was needed and was at the right place at the right time. Family comes first, after all.
Glad it's not just me. Looks like someone fucked the site over just in time for meme magick to happen.
Yeah, I don't mind working for a living, but I absolutely cannot stand working job where I do nothing all day. I've done that before, and without realizing I was being softballed, I was bitching up and down about being bored at work. The idea of having to go to an eight-hour-a-day babysitter doesn't sound appealing. But then, that's where I'm headed with a university degree. It's damned if you do, damned if you don't.
I really need a hobby.
Time zone wise or couch co-op wise?
welp, I'm going to bed. see you guys same time tomorrow.
Have you tried playing video games?
Couch co-op wise.
What kinds of vids would you make?
Nobody choices for that kind of thing to happen. Its what they do once the responsibility is on them that matters.
Cya user
My mother was the pretty much the only one who was one my side when I was looking for a job
Now I have a job in a pretty nice restaurant, which is better than being in a school to work under some accounting jew
Ah. What kind of couch co-op. There really isnt alot of those kinds of games now.
I don't want to sound like a Jew shill but have you tried tabletop gaming
Sleep tight pupper.
Fine, I guess I will just get back to making music then.
min maxing is a fucking bitch.
do just horns actually count as monstergirls? cuz i like horns but not other monster parts
but min maxing is fun!
Thread's fucked and I'm starting to have glazed-over eyes. Guess I'll hit the sack and try my best to catch some zs. Good night, friends.
Nocturne was a fun game that I never finished. Hope you're having fun with it! Sounds like you are, anyways.
Every day of my life.
All I can do is help where I can and hope that it's enough. All I ever wanted in life was to be a good person, y'know?
Tabletop is fun as fuck but it's ten million times more pozzed than vidya, and moreover, requires meatspace friends I don't have. It's just not the same online. I really meant more in the vein of a production hobby, your drawfagging, your writefagging.
Being a skillbot is gay.
Also for images I get Cannot Extract file/s:
where did 4am go
As long as it has a snout it needs to leave.
same on the files, nice dubs too
I feel like my insides are burning
Is it more then just me?
Night fam
And sounds like you already are a good person. Keep it up
Its 5am now
As cancerous as it is, let's plays. It's content that's way too easy to make to pass up on. That's a starting point, anyways.
Mainly tabletop games, probably Magic: the Gathering. Probably some shitty video games.
Meh, to each his own niggie
luckily i don't like snouts, just horns and unusual ears
Sure if you play, DnD or some other shit W40k isn't as pozzed as Vidya and isn't too hard to find a good hobby group
But you could also learn to cook too
Polt is the only grey area on this scale.
is meant for
Nice. I would like to get into tabletop but there isnt anyone around here who plays it.
What's wrong m8?
Well what games would you play then?
Cya next time user
Sleep snug, smug.
Have a nice night m9
thats the dog girl from monster mojito right? i hate that cuz she's dangerous furry zone but still very cute
Rocket League, Civ V, not too sure. Shitty ones, definitely.
Yea but her personality is 10 outta 10
Gotta find more of a niche fam
Because I said I would sing for you a few nights ago, and I don't want to go back on my word. It gets a little ear rapey in the second half since I use a cheap headset for voice stuff. picosong.com
i fucking know, i love sporty tomboys
Thing is, he would want to play MineCraft and shit like that.
Show him Sengoku Rance
Thats not nearly as bad as you made it out to be user
Whos he? Thought you were going to make the vids
He's a nobody, and we'd be making them together.
I'd just go solo then. Find something other people don't really do.
it's also not as good as it could be.
I'm actually being serious tbh
Maybe but that just means you gotta keep at it.
Did any of you guys post any pictures starting from this post ? If you did I don't see them.
Thanks for the (You)
And no 8ch is broken
Nope, shit's fucked yo
anything there that sounded particularly rough to you that you think I could focus on? Sometimes it's hard to find a particular thing I'm fucking up since I'm judging my own voice too much.
Alright, I'm way too tired to do anything besides an hero.
Yeah, I guess.
pls no
sleep hella fella
I don't really know singing vocab. Maybe like the bits at the end of lines? If that makes sense.
Cya next time user
You sound like you need to have more fun while singing, light you gotta lighten up and put some character into it or something. You sound sterile, and that might be a good thing if you had a natural singing voice, but you don't, tbh. You hit all the notes, and that's great, but you ain't no Pavorotti. t. musicfag and I'm just gunna give it to you. Vid related. Example of how to have fun with singing when you can't sing.
wait is that one for me? the other guy is doing an instrumental.
O, yeah, probably. Don't give up though. I want you to succeed. You just have to sing your way, and finding that voice, that's the real challenge. t. man who listens to vocals like vid related.
like the vibrato or something? yeah I can work on that.
Yeah Sengoku Rance is a great game and your brother being an Autist would probably like it
I almost never do
like always huh
thanks for the honesty then. I am a little bummed out I don't even have some natural singing ability, although I suspected it, so I'll have to decide if I want to keep doing it or decide to pursue something else instead.
I was talking about the 1999 PC Survival Horror game Nocturne. It was made by the guys that went on to make Bloodrayne, which is funny because there is a supporting character in one of the chapters that is a prototype of her right down to the outfit, voice, face and arm blades.
The game is self is pretty quirky, it's atmoshpere is more Alone in the Dark as opposed to Resident Evil, though is shares the same find a key to unlock this door puzzles of the latter. Overall the atmosphere is great, one mission you fight off werewolves and vampires, another you are fighting off zomibes and find a tomb where an elder god is breeding lots of giant bugs that attack you sometimes 10 at a time, to cleaning up the streets of 1920s Chicago of Capones "frankenstein" mobsters.
The main problem with the game is it's controls, you'll definitely want to use a gamepad while playing as the turning is sloppy and I mean sloppy tanks controls. There are a lot of graphical glitches, your companion AI is fucking garbage (there was one part where you have to save villages in a western mining town and they keep getting stuck in walls or running right into enemies), and let's not forget jumping in the wrong direction during puzzles.
I'll drop some pics later because this shit is acting up on me, but if you like Survival Horror you should definitely check this game out. I couldn't get it to run on anything but my old XP desktop though (others are Vista and Win7) so it might be a bitch to run.
Don't give up. Like I said, you hit the notes, which is in itself enough to get you into, well, I don't know what your aims are, but if you want to join a rock and roll band all you need to do is embrace your character or fabricate one. There are plenty of techniques and styles to vary or emphasize your natural tone. You ain't destined for the opera is all I'm sayin. But it'd be a waste to give up. Most people can't hold a note at all.
Holy shit someone here actually listens to music. If you haven't yet, check out Malignancy. Most of their older stuff is alright, but now, with the guitarist they have, they are insane. Ronney has to be the best tech death guitarist I have ever seen. They are pretty chill guys they usually hang out after they play and drink beers with everyone.
I'll sit on it then and think about it.
If you like doing it then have fun with it. And experiment.
Thread feels emptier without images tbh. Might as well fuck off now.
Hanako best grill
I miss when half-Holla Forums and /a/ could have fun without being shrouded by 7 layers of irony.
Oh shit i'm late
Anyone gonna catch the eclipse?