Why is vulkan so good? It literally took my PC from having 60 fps average on doom to 140.
Vulkan Thread
Talos Principle is a good game that supports Vulkan. Also had an xboxhueg performance boost
Feels good that DirectX is getting cucked to death by Vulkan.
There are no brakes on the rape train.
That's literally all there is to it.
It's OpenGL with all the error handling removed. Turns out nobody bothers checking that shit anyway.
Vulkan is magical and should be mandated. On max settings I can run Ultra Talos Principle and MOOM beyond 144 with a 1070.
vulkan, how does it work??
Vulcan got me 60+ fps in a few areas when I pirated D44M and played it on my 7770. Though everything was next to bare minimum settings.
Vulkan isn't magic, it takes a lot of stuff video drivers traditionally took care of and says to the developer "fuck it, do it yourself if you're so smart." Depending on how retarded the developer is, that's either horrifying or the best news he's heard in decades unless he's using someone else's engine, where it's basically just a free performance boost.
The best thing about Vulkan is it actually will spread the load across cpu cores.
Where's Serious Sam 4
I played it as well, finished it twice
Its shit and takes around 2 hours to master.
AMD should push to have React OS to have windows 7 parity. That way Linux would be able to run DX 11 games for backward compatibility for older titles, and then push for all new games to use Vulcan.
What would be fucking killer is a Native performance with x86 emulation.
That way we could get back door proof CPUs.
This is thread about Vulkan, so it's more about games that are impressive on a technical level. Games that use Vulkan and use it well.
This is what I mostly expect to happen. Which is a good thing, because it means that incompetent devs can just use a third-party engine (like most people do these days) and get the benefits of Vulkan, while still allowing very competent devs to fuck around with Vulkan directly.
>just bought nuDOOM off CDKeys a few hours ago since I liked the demo and it was less than 10 bones
…If I'm gonna be capping my framerate at 60FPS anyway, any reason for me to use Vulkan for this?
Beginning your slow, inevitable transformation into a free software neckbeard like me.
Already have a Linux partition, thanks. I've actually been using it less lately since I need access to video editing software for work.
Best NTR stories so far.
Its because you have a shitty AMD card that had no drivers to begin with
There are no video editors on Linux that fit the job? I like Avidemux.
Fug I can't wait!
You're not welcome here Nvidiacuck. Fuck off back to ruining the game industry and being anti-consumer jews
Nah, it doesn't work. I have a pirated copy of Sony Vegas I use.
WOAH SHIT. Did the text suddenly become bold for anyone else here?
Not for me.
There are Linux video editors, I was just asking if any of them were a good fit for him.
Refresh the page.
wew, simply wew
Just did. Still nothing. Something's fucked with your browser.
AMD doesn't have the leverage to push anything. The only way they get anything done with software is to open source their shit and wait for someone with more clout to pick it up.
Nope, other anons have it too.
May as well go "black people being shot is really bad" if you're emulating a good libcuck.
Get a new monitor. Going from 60 to 120 fps is like going from 30 to 60 all over again. No exaggeration.
Is there any roadblocks in the way of Vulkan taking over DirectX and OGL? Please say there are none
None except for MS shilling the fuck out of DirectX.
it works by putting more responsibility on the developer and assuming they're competent enough and care enough to make the most out of it. it'll never be widely used for this reason.
I implied no such thing
Not really, Vulkan is solid and has good support from everyone except Intel and Apple most the big engine come with support for it so Khronos just needs to not fuck up massively which seems to be what's happening.
Oh and another thing, the emulation scene seems to have almost completely ditched DX12, all the DX12 renderer are in disrepair, incomplete or scrapped
wrong use of \>implying kiddo
Hey why don't you bite a curb, you fucking retard.
How does Yooka Laylee do? This piece of shit run BAAAAAAAAD.
Where can I find this magical Vulkan
All other things being equal, it'll lower your fan noise
its not that Vulkan is good, its that DirectX and OpenGL are so bad. Vulkan is an update to OpenGL because OpenGL had been stagnate for over a decade and so its finally getting the love it deserves. But ultimately its not as good as most people are making it out to be at least for consumers, for developers its amazing.
The one thing I'm most pleased about is that its pushing more developers to support 64bit. Too many bastard devs still release 32bit games rendering most of the expensive hardware we have useless. This is especially true for Linux.
OpenMW is stand alone, if you want to make a total conversion and sell it Bethesda can't do shit to stop you because the engines GPL.
No shit, it's wasted effort when Vulkan exists and benefits more people for the same amount of work.
>Doom 3
>Dota 2
>Scam Citizen
>Ashes of the Singularity
>Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus
Still a better lineup than Direct3D 12.
Vulkan isn't an update to OpenGL, it's a very different API that's closer to low-overhead console rendering APIs than Direct3D or OpenGL. It makes shit like multithreaded rendering much easier and there's less driver clutter to fuck with your fancy optimizations.
Nigger, OpenGL 4.6 came out 3 weeks ago. They fucked up by waiting until 3.3 to adopt some of DX10's useful shit and 4.3 to add compute shaders, but it's still a decent API and the Linux drivers are competitive with Windows' D3D11 drivers.
All of this. There is still plenty of reasons to use OpenGL for certain applications. Probably not the best API for games though.
There's also WebGL for fags who use web browsers as the new JVM.
Its a replacement I know, but its requires OpenGL hardware in order to work and its made by the same people.
Bout fucking time.
So Vulkan is the best for games now? Will directx finally go away?
Don't you fucking dare talk shit about my favorite game Doom. Bethesda are gods and they've struck gold once again with their new game Doom. I won't have you insulting instant classics like Doom, released in 2016 to record sales.
Yeah nah, as much as i'd love for directx to get some real competition i don't really see this working on bigger scale. Maybe devs like cdprojekt will use this since they actually give a fuck about making their games good.
If vulkan will get as much support as it's getting right now it will fall flat on it's face
You forgot pic related, no need to thank me.
How do I activate Vulkan in your PC?
You turn off your computer entirely, fill the pc case with baking soda, prepare a bucket of vinegar and the simultaneously turn on the computer and pour that bucket of vinegar inside.
As you wish!….nah but really, I want to test Vulkan, but cant see how/where to install/activate it.
Vulkan isn't supposed to replace OpenGL, and new versions of OpenGL are still being released (OpenGL 4.6 just released last month).
Vulkan is a low-level API over the driver providing as little abstraction over the hardware as possible so that you can write very fast and very low-level code if you are a very good programmer. It's primarily meant for very large projects that need massive optimizations and for game engines while being cross-platform. It's a godsend for mobile platforms where battery and performance are prime concerns. OpenGL still exists, and still targets most of its old area. It's a high-level API that's easier to do more complex things, doesn't allow useful threading, and only allows compiled shaders as of 3 weeks ago. It's fine for most simple rendering areas, like CAD applications and things like Blender, which absolutely do not need the control, threaded rendering, or performance of Vulkan. It's easier to set up, it's easier to use, but it's not as fast and has 20 years of deprecated cruft (which can be turned off with a core profile) and some design inconsistencies from being slowly designed over decades.
Vulkan and OpenGL were always intended to exist side-by-side. Pretty much, you use Vulkan if OpenGL won't do what you need it to do, or if you really need to squeeze those last drops of performance. You'll be paying for Vulkan with having to write a lot more boilerplate and other low-level API code.
DirectX is doing something actually similar. DirectX 11 is higher-level, similar to OpenGL, and DirectX 12 is low-level and fast, similar to Vulkan, and gets similar performance. The issue with DirectX 12 is that nobody is clear whether it is supposed to be cross-platform to any capacity at all, whether it could possibly be used for mobile, and whether it's supposed to fully replace DirectX 11. Why the fuck didn't they give the completely new API that isn't anything like the old one a different name? Will the older high-level API still be developed and maintained? What will new versions of that be called? DirectX 11.1? Why the fuck would anybody even use DirectX 12 when it's a bad clone of Vulkan without good portability or community support (DirectX < 12 actually had small edges over OpenGL, DX 12 doesn't have the same over Vulkan)?
I don't think DirectX will "die". It's going to live as long as Microsoft wants to dump money into it and refuse to accept that it's dead. It's only lived this long by MS bribing developers to use it (and it was legitimately the superior choice for a good while before OpenGL 3 launched, because OpenGL didn't have proper vertex buffer management or useful shaders). The only way for DirectX to die is for Microsoft to be willing to accept that it's dead.
Vulkan will not replace OpenGL ever. If OpenGL dies, it will be replaced by some other high-level API (possibly wrapped over Vulkan) that will do the same thing, as OpenGL and Vulkan have different intended users.
Hey tod, does fallout 4 work with vulkan? I want to pirate it and play it with lewd mods.
vulkan lets me play console ports at 120fps compared to 60 fps, it's truly saving pc gaming.
The new direction in graphics APIs is making the graphics API go away. Vulkan 2.0 would entail treating the GPU as a generic co-processor.
Also, they rip out a lot of "legacy code". which basically means less lines of codes being processed that would normally be stupid shit like
"(if videoCardHardWare == geforce2) {Rendertrinagle = someOldAssfunction() } "
Normally a few random stupid if statement checks is nothing, but OpenGL hard apparently accumulated years worth of code that no new video card will ever actually use again, but still has to be there incase someone plugs in a voodoo 2 are some shit. So on the most basic level, it has to do checks like that. I miss 3dfx. At least thats what I read from some tech note that I skimed over a while back. Correct me if I'm wrong.
Thats just one of the major "fixes" though, and the most non-technical one I remembered.
I'm also always confused with DirectX being compared with Vulkin and OpenGL, since I know DirectX has numerous games works WITH OpenGL for a bunch of games I've played, if the crash messages are to be believed anyway, and not to mention DirectX is more of a "suit" then video card library, since it also suppose to do shit like audio and network functions too. Although I know some devs just used what ever library they can get shit to work in and wrap them all in the game and just say fuck it. Even if other libraries they already used could already do it.
You know what's sad? I thought your post was serious the first time I read it.
Framerate autists are the worst people on Earth.
Wait what is happening? I stay out of vidya for a year, and now there's a DirectX replacement that thatmight be doing literal magic to FPS?
DX12 and Vulkan are broadly similar, in that they're low-level APIs that reduce reliance on drivers.
The performance gains are very, very real.
Vulkan seems marginally better in performance so far, and has a lot of support. (It's basically a modified Mantle, which AMD donated to the Khronos, the group that maintains OpenGL and now Vulkan.)
It's called OpenMW, retard
It's because DirectX is that bad.
Oh I remember that Mantle thing. Good to know it ended up somewhere.
I think he means another game done in the style of The Elder Scrolls–open world, lots of clutter items, branching quests, factions, etc.
That space has been woefully underserved, especially in the AAA market. I know OpenMW is a big deal, and I hope that it allows teams to make Elder Scrolls clones (that are hopefully better than Bethesda's games), but it still seems a long way off, and those games might never materialize anyway–they need a colossal amount of time and manpower.
Vulkan is just really well made and designed it will bring video games into a new era.
Whether we appreciate it or not is up to us.
You're mostly right, but the biggest part of "legacy code" is that there are 20 functions that do the same thing, because the way to do that thing has changed over the decades. You have immediate mode, you have vertex buffer objects, you have fixed functions, you have the shader pipeline, you have uniform buffer objects, you have globally shared buffers, you have geometry shaders and tesselation shaders, etc. It's natural progression, but it leaves behind a bunch of crap, so newcomers don't know otherwise which functions are the new hotness and which ones are sins to touch. Since OpenGL 3.2, tons of the old ones were deprecated, so if you use a proper core profile, those functions are actually removed from the API anyway, so for OpenGL it's less of an issue.
The big thing that Vulkan fixes is that the entire paradigm that OpenGL and DirectX targeted is no longer sustainable. It's based on old hardware and old programming methods. OpenGL is a giant state machine. You change things and it changes global state. This implies
1. You can not do multithreading that touches OpenGL from more than one thread. Vulkan fixes this by not maintaining global state, but by working with state through state objects (or handles to state objects). You can not do things to a state (I think it's a command queue in Vulkan) from multiple threads at the same time, but you can work with state across multiple threads with proper locking, and you can work with multiple states simultaneously.
2. OpenGL is very difficult to debug, because any part of it can be changed from essentially anywhere. When you debug it, you have a massive amount of information to sift through to find what you want. Vulkan is more conservative, only giving you what you've asked for, and not trying to worry about other state of operations you don't need, so debugging is much easier to focus.
3. OpenGL has to make tons of assumptions. A single call might have to mutate state in tons of other places to remain consistent, even if you don't need that functionality. Vulkan's API is designed to minimize this.
You're right about DirectX being a "suit". DirectX tries to do a bunch of shit in-house, and then exposes its lower-level API for driver developers to implement against. With OpenGL and Vulkan, driver writers directly implement their OpenGL and Vulkan API. This means that OpenGL and Vulkan drivers are more likely to be faster, but also more likely to have bugs (as proper conformance to the spec is up to the driver writers, who tend to fuck things up. As an example, Intel fucked up storing Element Buffer Objects into a VAO for fucking years on their Linux drivers). DirectX makes sure that the spec is followed strictly, but at the expense of performance (as a middle layer that communicates with the drivers is yet another layer of indirection). You're not so right about it being a "suit" because it also does audio and networking, as those are for all intents and purposes just different libraries that are packaged in DirectX, and don't affect performance at all (Direct3D is the graphics layer).
It's more confusing because portability libraries will frequently use whatever the platform has available. SDL, SFML, portaudio, and a bunch of others will use DirectX's audio subsystems, so if you make an OpenGL game using SDL as a windowing and audio layer, you'll end up using OpenGL with DirectX's audio. If you use the same game in Linux, you'll probably use OpenGL with PulseAudio (or even just ALSA directly). It's shit that you'll never have to deal with if you aren't a programmer.
Quality posts.
Feel free to ask any questions. I should mention that I'm not an expert at graphics APIs, but I am a professional programmer with about a decade of experience who has spent a lot of time using OpenGL, Vulkan, and DirectX for fun (not much gamedevving, though. Game development is mostly boring asset work and painful testing and bugfixing. Vidya development is not very much fun for programmers who really just love programming unless you have a team to do the art, assets, and testing for you. For your typical non-pixelshit game, less than 5% of the development is actually spent writing code).
Vulkan is for communists.
kill self
there is literally nothing wrong with internet communism
the difference between 60 and 120 fps is obvious even with a 60hz monitor, unless you're some weak-gened untermensch
Unfortunately, Bethesda is really the only developer that's done anything with that particular style of RPG. The only other game like that not published by Bethesda I now of is Dragon's Dogma, and that's more in the vein of Dark Souls or your traditional ARPG.
How do you do fellow go-gamers? I too love AMD and Vulcan and think it is way better than those kikes at NVIDIA. AMD are saving the video games industry right now and we can totally trust them as they are clearly the superior choice.
Vulkan is an open standard, you retard. There's nothing about it that favors one vendor over another. Kill yourself.
Apparently Vulkan can run on Windows XP if you're still holding onto that. I highly doubt the drivers exist though.
Then why won't Vulkan work with Nvidia GPUs?
Checkmate AMD jew!
if your frame timings are wrong where you are getting split frame data you where you think this is making the experience "smoother" are a weak-gened untermensch and perfectly represent Holla Forums-core PC gaymers.
Two games are assraping all the other games? Fake and gay.
Useful, thank you.