Has anyone tried Daggerfall Unity, the mod remaster/remake thing? Is it worth trying?
Has anyone tried Daggerfall Unity, the mod remaster/remake thing? Is it worth trying?
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No. Daggerfall isn't a good enough game to warrant playing more than once at most.
Daggerfall is enormous. Too big to even attempt with graphics even remotely approaching what we have now.
It's looking really good, people here seem to think that it's an actual full remake and the graphics have been updated, but that's just a mode that can be activated. It's fully playable as it was originally.
As far as I understand it the base functions aren't all there yet, you have most items and combat working fine, however there's no quests and you still can't talk to NPCs.
I'd come back to it in a year or so when it's more done.
It's not finished yet. It's feature incomplete. The mainquest isn't completable and things like swimming/levitating etc aren't added yet. Chargen afaik is also still unfinished
Daggerfall is easily the best game in the series and is the closest to being a pure crpg in the entire series. The biggest problem with it as a game is that it was held back by the DOS systems of the era. It was a highly ambitious game that they planned significantly more for than ended up being implemented due to technical limitations. (They originally planned the game to feature a full economy simulator. Which is only partially implemented in subtle ways like how there are banks in the world that give you loans and let you buy property, and how crime is only localized to different holds in the world and not global).
Daggerfall was originally going to be much more impressive graphically. Specifically in the final build of the game due to how small the draw distance is they shrank the size of the world in terms of scale. Like the largest "mountain" in the world is actually a hill.
However they were able to find a heightmap in the game's files which allows for much better world generation. There are also mods for Daggerfall Unity that allow for better graphics.
Hi XRazorfistx!
It's my 2nd favorite in the series but let's not pretend it's not LARPy as fuck.
There's a lot of aspects to Daggerfall I prefer to Morrowind
A good example is scale. I really like how towns are represented in an actual realistic scale with something like hundreds of people in a big city like the capital of Daggerfall.
Then there's other things like how spooky and tense the game's atmosphere is and how cool it is to cycle through a graphical menu to select which house you wanna own.
The biggest problems with Daggerfall mostly can be fixed via mods. Like fixing the dungeons (all of the dungeons in the game are massive when only a handful realistically should be), fixing chargen (most of the skills are useless. There's a couple that are broken and make the game drastically easier like "Critical Chance" basically just giving you more critical hits) and general streamlining like making combat less "spam moving the mouse left and right"
Daggerfall Unity is really cool to fuck around in but don't think it's like a finished game or anything. Still as an /agdg/fag I find it really inspiring to fuck around in. You can turn the gravity really low and your runspeed high and just fly through the massive world which is pretty fucking comfy. When it releases it will really be something to fuck with and lately they've been adding quests so that gets me hopeful that one day it will be like the Source ports of Doom; simply the best way to play the game.
Just the fact it removed the Silent Hill draw distance already did that. Just making it feature complete will make the DOS version obsolete
It's still not the best version until it's complete, and that's what I meant by one day. Once it's complete it will be.
but its basically Minecraft with remarkably shittier combat.
Those low poly models look beautiful. I Wish more game designers would go for a low poly ascetic and focus more on content and game play. And I don't mean lazy ugly low poly trash but utilitarian minimalism to save that computing horsepower for more interesting mechanics.
Get out of here you fucking casual.
You haven't played Daggerfall beyond the first hour. The RPG elements add a lot to the game and the tense feeling you get dragging the mouse when surrounded is like nothing else
I like the large labyrinthine dungeons some of the time
The problem is when like literally every single dungeon in the game can take a few hours to get through. It causes the game to feel really repetitive since you're just going through a maze over and over for every quest. It's why I'm excited for mods since they can fix each individual quest (and the rng) to make it so dungeons are smaller or the objective is found early on in the level and something more powerful is found if you get deeper in. Then I'd feel more incentive to explore and less like I'm forced to.
This is especially a problem since almost every quest has a time limit and you have other time sensitive elements like diseases.
Yeah that's nice, casual. If you want shorter dungeons go look some crypts. Fag.
I got the demo for free back 1996 and jerked off to the pixel tiddies. I also installed the free version with Dosbox when Bethesda released it for free. The game is literally randomly generated garbage. The fact that you would post a picture of Yume Nikki is just proof you have shit cuchchan tier taste in vidya. Katawa Shoujo is not a video game and is a garbage VN. You should feel ashamed of yourself.
I've beaten Daggerfall's mainquest at least 2 times and every single time it becomes a slog because of how long the dungeons are and just how poorly paced they are. Due to how enemies respawn it's really easy to get lost and because of how most of the dungeons are the same visually apart from what enemies are in them it makes the game more repetitive. Making the dungeons stand out visually is also something that can be fixed via mods.
I didn't say that. I said specifically "beyond the first hour"
I'm fairly certain you don't know what is actually randomly generated in Daggerfall. A lot of the environments were pregenerated. Meaning the developers back in 1996 used an algorithm to place certain things in a random way. But they aren't generated on the fly by the game like in Minecraft. You can actually view Daggerfall's levels in a level viewer and there was at one point a level editor in the works which was scrapped. The world is also at a fixed size and the placement of towns/witch covens/dungeons isn't random.
The only things that are truly randomly generated are sidequests, npcs, items, dialogue, and wildlife outside of dungeons. The placement of enemies in dungeons is also random (they also respawn after you rest).
Bethesda has been cool with these engine recreations. Apparently they reached out to the OpenMW team and the only thing they were against was an Android/iOS port of Morrowind. I'm fairly certain they wouldn't care about an Arena/Daggerfall engine recreation since they've already released both for free, and have stated they lost the source codes to both when they changed offices. So it's unlikely they'd put out their own port, they've probably done it by now if they were going to. So all these ports do is further give them free advertising.
I wish Razorkuck didn't like so many of the same things I like. He stains every fanbase he touches.
Don't use words you don't know the meaning of
if it that isn't Oblivion tgat is
There isn't a single good game in the series. It's either shitty action games or an RPG, in both cases, trash.
RPGs were never good
Ultima was trash and only 7 was decent
M&M and Wizadry were gimmicky and clunky as fuck.
Everything after 1998 is trash
Eat shjt faggot
RPGs were never good, how could they have been? There's no action, no meat, no visceral feeling, no skill, and definitely not a drop of excitement. It was the same with tabletop really, how can you have fun rolling dice and describing what some guy is doing?
usually, and this applies to vidya, if you dissect something, it will cease to be fun.
It's called having an imagination faggot, I'd tell you to try it but it's clear you're a lost cause.
well Table top gaming was always a nice way for gay men to meet in private discreet homosexual encounters.
the whole game is randomly generated aside form the first dungeon. It's literally copy past trash where every town and dungeon are the same. I think you might not have actually played the game kid.
Did you even play Arena and Battlespire?
Arena isn't even an open world game. You can't walk from one town to the other it just randomly generates infront of you. You can only fast travel.
The game's largest difficulty spike is in the opening dungeon, after you leave the opening dungeon the rest of the game is really easy
The game's plot is basically identical to tons of other games from the era. "There's an evil wizard. Assemble parts of a staff to defeat him". This was even done in the original Turok which released a few years later.
Arena is more like an alpha version of what would later become Daggerfall. I don't know anyone who has completed the game and enjoyed it
Battlespire's combat is really bad, the game is really buggy, it's in general a pretty terrible game overall that was designed around multiplayer first.
Oh and something else I forgot to mention about Arena, no mouselook. You must play it in the Ultima Underworld style of looking. Daggerfall did this by default but it at least gave you the option of mouselook.
user its an objective fact that the game and its quest, the dungeon layout, and Towns are all procedurally-generated. The game is literally Minecraft tier. The only non randomly generated element is the main quest but the main quest is boring as shit. There are only like 30 different creatures you can encounter. Are you by any chance projecting?
He is absolutely right, though.
But imagination doesn't make something a fucking game. Tabletop RPGs aren't fucking games.
How is that a bad thing? Procedural generation is bad and a crutch for lazy developers to offload all their work upon. I'd rather have a smaller, handcrafted world than a boring blob of procedurally generated trash.
No, the mechanics make it a game, the win and lose states make it a game. Just because you don't have enough friends to actually play tabletop and as such know nothing about it doesn't suddenly make it not a game, sperg.
He is absolutely wrong though. The other user gave plenty of arguments, go play the game and see it for yourself.
Oh so (you) are just pretending to be retarded. Reported
God damned that is so fucking stupid.
you realize LARP means live action role play and what you are talking about is role playing game?
I found rare footage form charlottesville va
It's interactive storytelling. It's not a fucking game. Chess is a game. Wargames are games. Dungeons and Downies is not a game.
He gave no arguments whatsoever, he just repeated what he thinks the game is like and used the same words erroneously again.
Randomly generated means things are generated in runtime completely at random. Procedurally generated means they are generated from a specific seed and algorithm that has a set of rules deciding how it generates to meet certain parameters.
If you revisit the same dungeon twice in Daggerfall, even in different playthroughts, you're gonna see it has the exact same shape, the same corridors, doors and floors. If it was randomly generated, every time you played the game it would be different.
Please, learn to make the distintion between these things and learn the meaning behind the words you use so we don't all devolve into buzzwords.
There's a lot of cool shit on why procedural generation is pretty cool, namely that you can "save" an entire dungeon just by saving the seed used and re-use it when you need to load it later, which is quite ingenious and something you'd never have with random generation.
Daggerfall is indeed quite shit with how bland and repetitive dungeons get and it could use some proper handcrafting of proper dungeons that actually look like the buildings and caves they were supposed to be, but that's still no reason to butcher the english language.
Then again, Oblivion had fixed dungeons too and nobody liked those anyway. :^)
You have reading comprehension problems. Go back to my post, look at the reply chain, delete this post.
By your own retarded definition, simple card games like Poker and Blackjack are not games. Not even Monopoly.
Or any turn-based game, or any strategy or city-builder or literally anything that's not a fast-paced shooter.
I get that you have your personal taste and it's important you know what you like, but you don't get to override the meaning of words just because of your personal opinion.
Games are activities you enjoy for leisure that have a set of rules you play around with.
That's it, that's the whole definition of what constitutes a game.
Joy and amusement comes from seeing what you can do while bound by those rules and striving for whatever objective the game says is the end goal, which might or might not include competition with other players.
Your preference for "action, meat, visceral feeling, skill, and excitement" are personal preferences and a reason for liking some games over others. But they aren't part of the definition at all. It would be like saying that "all sports require a ball" just because there's a lot of them that do, while sprinting, swimming and swordfighting don't.
Just accept that some people like calculating probabilities and see excitement in taking actions for which they know there's risk of failure that they can calculate and prepare for. Or that some people like telling stories but it's more fun when they are bound by rules that bind the stories of all players together and set consequences for their actions.
Just accept some people like different things than you do. :^)
By your own retarded definition, simple card games like Poker and Blackjack are not games. Not even Monopoly.
Or any turn-based game, or any strategy or city-builder or literally anything that's not a fast-paced shooter.
I get that you have your personal taste and it's important you know what you like, but you don't get to override the meaning of words just because of your personal opinion.
Games are activities you enjoy for leisure that have a set of rules you play around with.
That's it, that's the whole definition of what constitutes a game.
Joy and amusement comes from seeing what you can do while bound by those rules and striving for whatever objective the game says is the end goal, which might or might not include competition with other players.
Your preference for "action, meat, visceral feeling, skill, and excitement" are personal preferences and a reason for liking some games over others. But they aren't part of the definition at all. It would be like saying that "all sports require a ball" just because there's a lot of them that do, while sprinting, swimming and swordfighting don't.
Just accept that some people like calculating probabilities and see excitement in taking actions for which they know there's risk of failure that they can calculate and prepare for. Or that some people like telling stories but it's more fun when they are bound by rules that bind the stories of all players together and set consequences for their actions.
Just accept some people like different things than you do. :^)
Please go back to >>>/reddit/ where you belong.
I don't know user kinda sorta has a point. D&D is basically two or more drag queens or faggots jerking themselves off to charts and rolling for THAC0. THAC0 means: To Hump Aids-infested Colins 0h!. I won't really consider it a game. Do you consider sadomasochism a game?
Are you saying there are mods that do these things?
Honestly whatever you need to say faggot, I'm not going to validate you by responding further. Weak bait to be honest.
enjoy modding minecraft kid
Stop acting like a retarded nigger. Like honestly how sad is your life that this is what you do with your time? Pic related's fox is you and the grapes are the creativity you wish you had.
What games you do you like faggot?
What the fuck does Visceral even mean?
Next time you have a stroke, wait for it to pass before finishing typing. Thank you.
Now THIS is reddit spacing
People that hate DnD are knuckle-draggin sports-watching closet fags with trucket shirts and backward caps on their head that grope their male friends to "create bonds" while denying their latent homosexulaity. All while whipping each other with towels in the locker room.
If the best you can do is steryotypes and forced memes, you're a very sad individual. You could have just said "roll for anal circunference" and everyone would recognize the reference. Everyone but you, who knows nothing about the hobby you want to pass judgement on.
Lots of fixation with homosexuality there. You're on a board filled with degenerate faggots that like seeing girls with dicks fuck other girls with dicks. Through the nipples.
Do you actually think calling someone gay here is an insult?
I want the purist-fags that do nothing but fuck up the board culture even more to leave, especially the ones that use terms they don't know at all only to appear they actually have a point to make.
Nah, never. I've never had a bug with the gog version, so I don't really care. I'll get it when it's modable.
The game itself is fun, but the combat sucks ass, the level scaling sucks ass, and the dungeon exploration is sucks major ass when you're not a magician with recall spell.
There is a way to get around the recall spell issue. It had to do with saving the game and immediately reloading the file without moving if I remember. The best way to play is to get that one daggerfall download with all the unofficial fixes.
Not this decade too, I guess.
I always liked the idea of Daggerfall, it's like Minecraft without the mining and crafting. You are dumped into a world with a task and then you go off and find your way in the world. I would always make my way out of Privateer's Hold, get to the first town and then give up because everything looks the same and I get lost in the huge towns.
I'm playing the shit out of TES3MP
Can't wait until TES4MP
Why are Oblivion fans the worst
Honestly please fuck off, once openMW is ready we won't need Elder Scrolls post Morrowind, their lore can finally be ignored and the galaxy can be at peace once more. the Project Tamriel rendition of Cyrodiil is a trillion times more interesting than Oblivion ever could be, even Nibenaen and Colovian cultures are now distinct from eachother, a major fucking failure of Oblivion.
I'd honestly be more interested in bringing in Skyrim Lore over Oblivion Lore, except the Shivering Isles because Jyggalag is actually an interesting Daedric Prince.
I don't think that they have any legal precedent to shut it down, but they can put it's creators in court for longer than they will remain alive, such is the beauty of having a lawyer as your CEO.
Thank fuck you never heard of XLengine, that was an even better engine rework of Daggerfall, the engine also supported Build Engine and Dark Forces, I don't know how someone made such a deliciously extendable engine, but the ability to build spaces out of brushes in Daggerfall would have been great.
Just install Daggerfallsetup you pleb. You don't have to emulate shit and all the bugfixes and patches come preinstalled. Best way to play it honestly, it's worth playing. I will say that the game hasn't aged very well and the dungeons and map suck dick but if you enjoy a classic dungeon crawler you should be able to handle it.
Hate to break it to you, but whether the dungeons are big or not you will still feel repetition because you are playing a rather small variety of random quests. This game was made for people who like to map out dungeons and collect loot for hours. With tiny dungeons, it become a fetch game like Morrowind, only without the personal touch of hundreds of scripted guild quests and hand-placed secrets. You may think you want smaller dungeons in Daggerfall but you will be bored.
Oh, you were just funposting, i thought you were serious for a second, godspeed.
I'll never understand how this happens. I know some are prone to intentionally destroying their code after release but if that's not your intent how do you end up so careless? I'm prone to just call bullshit whenever I see this excuse.
It's similar to movies. A lot of old movies have been lost because people back then didn't give a shit about old stuff and movies were treated as if they were incremental, i.e. that a new movie was automatically better than an old one. The same goes for games, for the longest time publishers and developers only cared about a game when it was new,.
Daggerfall is shit no matter what,
I agree, but:
That's what shit people do in general, not just publishers. I would go as far as categorizing the people i met in my life who did this as "soulless".
Daggerfall is trash. Morrowind is the only good TES game, and I should know since I played it brand new on my the Xbox I got for Christmas
That does makes sense but you'd think hindsight about that sort of thing would kick in at a point.