So recently my girlfriend bought me Just Cause 3… needless to say it's pretty terrible as far as modern games go, in fact Mercenary's 2 is 9 years old and plays better than this game.
There are good games out there Which is becoming more rare because of EA, Ubisoft, etc. but for every good one there's literally 50-100 bad ones made.
Post the worst games you know, i mean the ones that are just straight up bad and you'd never touch it again. Inb4 Ride to hell: Retribution
Webm&MP4's welcome. Enjoy
Aaron Powell
Get out and play Just Cause 2 instead. Just Cause 3 is a travesty in comparison.
Ryder Watson
Honesty I wish Holla Forums could allow to recalibrate itself to only label a game shit when they are true shovelware like Limbo of the Lost. But so much of the community here is about gaining street creed from hating mediocre AAA it's sadly a lost cause.
Adam Rivera
Half of the things wrong with JC3 are it's technical problems on consoles and PC
Nathan Ward
I picked up this "gem" at a yardsale for the PS3 and it quickly became one of my favorite "so bad its good" games. It's easily one of the worst FPS games I have ever played in my life.
Adrian Wood
that released 10 years ago user.
Kayden Wilson
Except all those tedious challenges, JC3 was pretty alright.
Until it deleted my almost-done save…
Jace Sullivan
Benjamin Rivera
My younger bro bought this game on release because he saw it listed as a "split-screen co-op shooter" and wanted something to play with me. After 2 hours of play time I gave him the money he spent on the game and threw it away. He learned a really important lesson that day about waiting for the internet to tell him how shit a game is first.
Liam Nelson
bethesda haters BTFO
Grayson Morgan
Even remembering those fucking failures brings me to an uncontrollable rage at their mere existence.
Evan Russell
Ayden Green
you are not even trying
William Sullivan
Thomas Hughes
>>>/facebook/ >>>/reddit/
Carter Robinson
Tyler Perez
I agree, there is no mediocre on Holla Forums, only dogshit. Not to say either of these games are good, they're definitely not. But to say they're the worst is just wrong.
Cooper Rogers
Landon Adams
She doesn't like you. JC3 wasn't made by the team who made the previous JC games, they were too busy making Mad Max (pretty good game btw).
Too bad the progression system was linked to those shitty challenges.
Luis Gonzalez
Same problems as JC3.
Why do I need to clear X area to upgrade my harpoon?
Gavin Martin
I don't think you have a girlfriend. Enjoy your shitty games.
Ethan Perry
your hand bought you just cause 3?
James Lee
I know some mediocre games but how most people seem to use mediocre as "It is shit but it is popular.". I'm certainly not lowering my fucking standards. I don't care if there is never another new videogame that I enjoy. I don't need to play videogames that bad. Not eating shit isn't elitism.
Cooper Lopez
Fuck off back to Facebook, nigger.
Julian Long
Why is it shit? Asking for my loli girlfriend.
Mason King
I'm proud of you son
David Thompson
Fuck you man, this game its very good and enjoyable despite of being extremely shitty.
Gavin Myers
Cooper Smith
I think he meant the multiplayer was fun dispite the single player being trash.
Bentley Gutierrez
Luke Mitchell
Robert Perez
But triple A trash is bad.
Adam Richardson
I played Mad Max and if I didn't have the autism for cars I did, I'd have probably dropped it before finishing it. Granted I may have just tried to get a bit too much out of everything. (And fuck the free scrap thing needing online to work. If that wasn't a subtle fuck you to pirates I don't know what else would be).
Adam Nelson
She's still waiting for an answer, dad.
Parker Bell
This. Just because Skyrim is bland doesn't mean I forgive it for ruining my favorite series, and just because Borderlands is shallow doesn't mean I forgive it for being way too popular for what it is. No other industry has actual critics that forgive media that's making way, way too much money despite a lack of quality.
If anything, we're picking up slack from people who think shit like Crash is hard, we have a serious issue with the necessary replacement of critics in vidya overall.
Jordan Jones
In other words, "I'm a Pete Hines-tier illiterate retard."
That much at least is true. A traditional dice roll-based system is perfectly fine, as can be a player-controlled system. But it is poor game design to give the player partial control only for RNG to take it away arbitrarily, and to introduce a disconnect between what the player does and sees (swinging accurately and seeing it make contact) versus what the result spit out by the game is (missing and dealing no damage).
John Ramirez
Alexander Gomez
Then don't play RPGs
Anthony Ortiz
This. I read every book I find in morrowind, although I'm the kind of autist that reads books more than he plays video games.
Bentley Smith
Hi. This is your girlfriend telling you to stop hanging out with these basement dwelling autists.
Elijah Cooper
everybody saying girlfriend this and girlfriend that, jesus grow a pair Holla Forums HaHa
Sebastian Howard
Never did play that, but the second I saw Michael Rooker and not Norman Reedus shilling it in commercials I knew it would be lukewarm garbage made of desperation and self loathing.
Glad he got two paychecks out of Disney before they killed his character off. Rooker is a goddamn treasure and too good for this world.
Hudson Price
I concur
Brody Butler
I was expecting a "HOLD THEM OFF WHILE I HACK THIS DOOR OPEN" because of how generic this is