Losing control?
Whats your favorite game on the original gameboy? No pokemon allowed
Losing control?
Whats your favorite game on the original gameboy? No pokemon allowed
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Evenin' folks.
Double shift. Luckily no one was there. Getting really close to getting a hotel for PAX.
Super Mario Land. And Mole Mania.
hello everyone
fis of de norf star
Morning everyone, Ritsu here
I'm getting pretty nervous about nippon trip. I've planned everything out but its getting so fucking close and I'm sure I've forgotten something important.
Played a lot of NES games today but never really got into any of them.
I couldn't possibly choose a favorite but pic related is surprisingly great
I want to jack off but my sister already went to sleep.
wait you can afford an entire hotel
My favorite game for the game boy is the one where you tear down the Alamo to make it more politically correct. archive.is
Links awakening
I'm making custom Magic cards at 3 AM, of course.
Kirby's Dream Land is fun. Or whatever the Game Boy game was.
You aren't the real smoke.
What else you do today user?
How goes user
fotns got a gameboy game?
Whats good in the hood montana
You'll be fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiine
das not real
das nice monica
Checking these dubs
FOTNS got alot of games
don't u git anxiety monica? i hope dat don't fuk all yo plans up
hey friends, magazine user here
What NES games did you play?
Final Fantasy Adventure like a motherfucker
The fuck are the libtards doing now?
Thats some damn good taste user. How goes
Post your magic cards
das rite das rite das rite das rite das rite das rite das rite das rite das rite das rite
Huh what? Me? Never.
Basically nothing else. Was working all day.
You're right I should be shot for this crime.
All right other than the washing machine being unable to be used thanks to my fat cunt now ex roomate
So how long until your convention
I finshed sonic mania today. Im gonna have to do another playthrough to get all the chaos emeralds though. Gonna be hell cause those 3d levels are BS.
Leaving on the 31st.
das ryt
If Mark could do it, you can too
Hello again.
So I have the next two days off work and I'm already worried I'm going to waste them again. Also I'm still thinking of buying a that PS2 for $39.99 if it's still there, but I don't remember there being any PS2 games there that I was interested in. Should I buy the PS2 from one store and buy vidya in another store?
Little samson, Link 2, that one simpsons one with the aliens, gun smoke and startropics
What'd you do today user?
Work is hell
Do it yourself
The fuck did they do to it
How is that? Been hearing a lot about it and I don't even follow modern games or sonic shit
Didnt mark also get 12 game overs in a row?
You guys started publishing, right? Will you be taking funny fan mail and publishing it?
Cool, are you going just generally or is there some gaming/tabletop you're going for
I'm going to a tabletop con at the end of Sep
How do you fix your sleeping habits? I have to get serious about school by monday or I'll fall behind. What do I do? I cant post on any chans, and its just wake up early, study all day and go to sleep, repate until the semster is over.
Work until you fucking die. Then you can sleep.
yo can i cop one of yo shiz direct or wut
Looks terrible tbh imo fam tbh
Order the games online. Or see if you can figure out how to set up a ps2 to play burned dvds
Its contender for GOTY. There are so many good games this year but sonic mania might be my favorite. Its been such a good fucking year.
das nice monica
Wanna play Mario Odyssey. And meet Swery.
I'm starting my first one right now. I'm doing Commander tribal, but how I'd do it. I'm doing 5 decks with 10 tribes, 2 for each deck. Humans and Zombies, Goblins and Elves, Angels and Demons, Birds and Treefolk, and Wizards and Soldiers.
So shit is really heating up in america and online. From kotaku getting attacked in all directions, Totalbiscuit turning on his tranny best friend, Bannon getting fired, trump under constant fire, the boston riot, everything has been going nuts. And year of the fire cock is just starting.
Fuck you, it's pokemon.
Smoke never left
Kek really agrees, you forgot something incredibly important. Better figure that out pronto.
This might help. Your best bet is to try and stay up until tonight and get a long night's sleep.
Order them on ebay. They generally go for 5-15 each. Some games can be a little expensive though. rule of rose is like 500 dollars and i want it
Stop drinking caffeine. Only sleep 3 hours a night so by the time you are done with school you want to pass out. Thats how I got through work at least.
Thats why I quit and don't work for several years between jobs.
What else has there been?
Next road trip make a pit stop here and I'll do it for you.
When the fat cunt was moving Without telling the landlord she took her dryer and when putting it down it smacked on the washing machine and fucked the handle
I'm going to have to call the washing machine company on Monday
So you work in a magazine, cool, I used to work in a Community Newspaper so I know the sort of struggle but it was pretty fin too
Im waiting for the eclipse. I really hope a major happening happens.
What is a Swery
Of course, he still beat the final boss
I'd just do 10 decks honestly. What if I want to mix and match shit
Does the handle really matter that much
I need money tho. Was a NEET for 10 months once. It sucked.
Guy who did Deadly Premonition and D4.
I dont drink caffeine.. not even soda like coke or pepsi
I used to have my sleep routine working all summer but it broke after I left my internship for the summer to start this semester. It was alwauys like 10-11pm to 6pm
'sup niggers
Tetris tbh. Shit's lit
You poor fuck
You poor, stupid fuck
zelda BOTW my least favorite but still ok
Persona 5
Sonic mania
Neir automata havent personally played it yet but when i get the money im getting it
EO5 comes out after christmas
New metroid in september
Grimoire this is the big one
Good year
Like, secret final boss or normal final boss?
Wew, Pretty sure it's not too late if you have a day just cook up some rice and get at it
Yeah it's a front loader, handle being fucked means we can't open the machine
Thing is, they usually only do 5 but they did 4 this year, and this is supposed to "innovate" tribes by allowing two to synergize with each other.
It takes a long time to git gud at being NEET and accepting a life without any money.
What you going to school for anyway?
How goes user
I guess im gonna have to get gud at those 3d levels.
ye dat is a solid list, but dat new metroid dun look like nuffin special tbh fam
talkin bout jews?
Pretty sure you have to a couple to enter Japan, they stopped letting single males into the country to prevent more Eliot Rodgers from being born.
What's gucci, Minnesota?
I meant am, oops.
Im going to school to get a degree. None of your business.
New metroid is new metroid. fuck nintendo for locking hard mode behind an amiibo
Only one of those I'd even want to play is zelda. Maybe metroid if it looks ok.
Yeah but that means I gotta go buy some
Whats the use in not making them the same tribe at that point
I'll bring a daki with me then
Of course its my business.
Oh well that's much better. What's your sleep schedule like right now?
Come on Ritsu
Also Rice is like what a couple dollars
Yes, it's not even pre unlocking it
It's a straight up amiibo lock
Well, the deck is designed with one main commander to have both tribes operate as the same one and the other two are Commanders for the tribes on their own.
New metroid has actual aiming, so it might be ok. Im mainly hoping that prime 4 is good.
Yes, its true. I dont know what they were thinking.
5am to 4pm.
What airlines are you flying with?
I love Startropics! Never played 2 but I want to at some point. Might be my favorite lesser known game on NES. It reminds me a little of earthbound with its funky setting and the alien stuff
today was cool. My publisher is back in town after being gone for two months so we had our first in person meeting about actual sales. shits good. tomorrow I'm going to do a shitload of acid with a friend of mine
for sure. our next digital issue has a ton of submissions. most of our fanmail is kind of crazed tho
Yeah we're not really officially for sale online yet (still getting copies to contributors and stores that ordered months ago) but you can order here:
No, worse than that. You're forgetting something big. BIG.
I think that's just gonna be a big nothing tbh. It seems too easy for it all to happen on a prophecied moment. It'll be pretty, and ominous, and there might even be a riot during it, which would be pretty fucking metal, watching police and communists/black supremacists clash under a black sun, but I don't think it's gonna be the big event that kicks off the race war or some shit.
finally i can return to shitposting and playing video games, my roommate came home with some friends and some chick he wanted to smash, but the guys were too drunk and too cringey for him to seal the deal. had a drink with him and shot the shit till he ran out of steam, decided to go smoke a cigar cuz i still have a few leftover from a stash i found. It was nice to sit on my stoop again and smoke something even if I can't let myself have ciggies anymore
didn't have the original brickboy, i don't think i had anything portable until around gameboy color
420 don't blaze it faggots, weed has ruined my life mostly because I can't pass a drug test for any jobs I want to do
I've always had a big soft spot for zelda games. Don't care about sonic even the tiniest bit considering I've never played the old ones. And you know grimoire ain't my type of game monica
Your deck or wizards?
That'll be nice. I need to go back and play more of the gamecube one some day really.
You're gonna have to try your best to stay up until 4pm fam.
Wizards' decks just had 4 tribes.
So you get along with your roomates, that's pretty good
Mine broke a washing machine when leaving
How long does it stay in your system
Get on it now
Oh boy, do go on.
I dunno. Its all escalating quickly. Maybe they might try to pull somthing on rushmore.
I still have my prime 1 disk. I played the entire game through all the way to the very last area before metroid prime in a single day when i was in the hospital. It was super fun.
Some smaller US one, united, then some chink one. I really shouldn't have gotten a united flight looking back on it.
2 has far better gameplay. Go do that some time user
Whats your publisher think of your sales so far?
Told you bout them cigars fam. I feel the same way every time I get to smoke one after quitting cigarettes.
So quit for a month?
lol dis nigga gay?
Jobs take longer than a year to get for anyone whos not you Ritsu
Inb4 ritsu gets kicked off because they need his seat
i get along with my roommates but they all do shit that drives me insane a lot, i've complained about them a lot in 4ams
unfortunately it was a little dry cuz i didn't store them well, i don't own a humidifier but since they were still in their capsules it was good enough
Mah nigga, do you remember the brand?
depends but I smoke and play video games as my favorite past time. I would say you need to quit for at least a month before you take a drug test tho monica
All the decks or just 1 of them?
What were you in the hospital for?
I forget how great I am sometimes
Is there a way for me to feel fine after only a few hours of sleep? I realized that I feel like shit if I have less than nine hours of sleep, and I wanna know if I can cut down on time I spend sleeping so I can shitpost do fun stuff when I'm awake.
Wizards of the Coast did 4 decks that each had 1 tribe.
I'm doing 5 decks with 2 tribes a piece.
I hate 4am, its pretty gay.
Do you have a fear for plane crashes? I have a tendency for saything things that come true, you'll probably get a ton of turbulence.
Hey DM-dude, did the jews really kill tupac for talking about how they fucked him over?
It was the 2nd time when i needed stronger meds to control my butt problems. I had nothing better to do and i was stuck in bed all day and they had a gamecube.
Quads confirm, nigga
it was a portofino, best cigar i ever had was Partagas but those were cuban so i got them when i lived outside of of the US
be all up in der high jackin dat shit monica strate up
The whole humidification meme is overblown anyway. As long as the thing ain't cracking its fine. Next time just toss it in a box with a wet paper towel for a couple hours before smoking if you want.
Just do it for long enough and your body adjusts. I spent 6 months this year running on 3-4 hours a night. You'll crash and burn once or twice a week though and sleep 12 hours.
Oooooooohhhhhhhhhh gotcha. I'll play it with you some time if you get something cool going user
Well, i've been wrong before. I'll admit, this shit is starting to feel like an mgs plotline with how it's heating up everywhere and going full crazy. I'm honestly surprised there haven't been more assassination attempts on trump or his cabinet with how insane the left has been lately.
Going through full sleep cycles rather than cutting them halfway through definitely helps. You want to sleep in 90 minute increments, so if you can't sleep for 9 hours, try shooting for 7 and a half hours. Also might help you out fam. You could also try caffeine, if you need to.
you have good taste in anime girls
I wouldnt be surprised if the la li lu le lo turned out to be real.
I'm pretty much just going to make the commanders and maybe some custom cards, then just make decklists with old reprints in them. Should be a hoot.
But the gay war is over.
Fair enough, just seems like getting along with roomates isn't easy
I also got told to help find a new roomate
Do you have a phone or a psp
Well you have to lay off the smoke My job didn't ask for a Drug test though, neither did the government when I worked for the Census
Zelda: Link's awakening probably
Pokemon Crystal's source code was fun to play with, can't really speak for the game itself though
Not really. Planes seem pretty safe all things considered.
Ahhhh RIP
I played it some back in the day but never beat it.
Better make one of these decks full of fun gimmicks and combos user. Better fucking do it.
But theres a chance.
Prime 1 is the only metroid game ive 100%. Tbh im not too much of a fan of the side scrollers.
heh i have this image saved under a different file name, cozy as it seems i would hate getting ash in my bed
also since i quit the darts i'd be pretty annoyed if even a cute anime girl smoked in my bed
i wouldn't know where to start if i had to look. I don't hate these guys and despite some drama its not that bad at all but i'm starting to wonder how i can live fully alone. My fear with that is it would make me 100% antisocial and that would just be the end of me
like on top of the paper towel or near it?
The only question is "which one?".
eh we're not really launched yet so it was more about the sales strategy. I found out he had a guy who want to do distribution for us in hawaii but turned him down because he wanted to add in like 30 pages of ads. I don't know what kind of company would want to advertise in a magazine that features a short story about a heroic old west klansman
one guy wrote like 3 pages about Yukio Mishima and committing suicide to protest "emasculated society." I invited him to come to our office for a beer (I like Mishima) but he never did
Mostly it's that kind of thing. political screeds occasional pizzagate "breakthroughs" that the guy presents like he's woodward and bernstein but really its just standard stuff like 3 days old from 8pol dig threads.
I love most of it and sometimes people just send really good stories
I think what's happening now is we're dividing into a real cyberpunk society. the normalfag left is stomping around and acting tough but ultimately they will support any social system that maintains their access to super hero movies, fatty foods, craft beer and midsize sedans with "cool" shapes. they'll kill dudes like baked alaska's bodygaurd but not trump
Links awakening was great.
How goes user
Yes both. Why?
Theres a chance aliens land on earth tomorrow too but its probably not going to happen.
Me either really. Though I should play the first one some time.
Near it. Don't get it wet.
Thanks user-kun. Fire emblem always has a great amount to choose from so I can't take much of the credit.
I figured it was Kojimas take on the deep state, or the illuminati.
Leave your trump hat at home tho just in case. Don't want to be kicked off the plane or something.
I know how you mean, I was pretty social in the last year of school and then basically went hermit for a year looking for a job
Never tried it but I think I've seen a box of them at my shop, really sticks out among all the brown cigar boxes. How was it?
What the fuck
what did he mean by this, If a pack of ciggies is $30 a good cigar probably won't be $14 Being the price of a goonbag
Breddy good. Despite the theme of the threads, I rather enjoy being awake during the night, it's a cheap way to avoid the lack of aircon during the summer
Statistically less likely to die in a plane than most things, that usually makes me feel better
Im not touching metroid 1. Ive played like an hour of it and it is miserable. No duck shooting, passwords. It has not aged well. Zero mission is much better.
Probably, but we can still physically say their names.
Goblins and elves. Tricky races there
Should have seem interested just to see what kind of ads he'd put in.
I'm wearing my "I
Should wear a cowboy hat.
yeah I was a little pissed the publisher turned him down outright. maybe nike wants to launch a line of sneakers with swastikas on the soles
I don't know fam, the smell is pretty welcome once you get used to being off cigarettes long enough.
Night time is so fucking comfy. Its so quiet and still. I haven't heard a car drive by in hours. I usually go to bed when the suns fully up.
That shits max comfy. I still have a few scraps with codes from when I was a kid even.
Thought about it
Whys your guy making these decisions without asking you?
Download an emulator and play sonic on your flight
Do you know how long it takes to enter those codes?
Sounds fucking wild, and a good source of laughs. Good to hear that the magazine's well off enough to be attracting lunatics to send in fanmail
Aren't a pack of Marlboro Reds like $20
Eeeeh. . . .don't nippons hate foreigners who come over and act too big into anime? You should probably wear a more "normal" hat, or go full cowboy hat to woo the westaboos who'll see you and go nuts. Maybe get spurs and a good pair of boots too, with a nice beltbuckle. You could be to westaboos what a japanese schoolgirl is to weaboos.
How can we be sure we even know the right name?
My mother smoked the entire time I was growing up. Since she stopped, the very smell of cigarettes gives me headaches without fail. I can't stand to be near smokers. I had an ex who smoked all the fucking time, it sucked. Especially kissing. Tasting ash on someones tongue is disgusting.
He's the publisher I'm the editor. He pays for the printing and handles most of the distro stuff while I write and edit stories. he also does more art for it than I do
Yeah, it gets hot around 11am here, so I try to get asleep before then.
Being asleep during the day also keeps conflict with family to a minimum, which is nice
Bubble bobble, always bubble bobble
God I fucking LOVE that game
i stopped going to bars and stuff as frequently when i quit smoking darts and that combined with how i don't meet new people in my jobs and hobbies has got me messed up, i assume most people don't really wanna meet new people at this point anyway
So what's your magazine or do you not want to dox yourself
We already went over this he'd look like a poser and would be immediately shunned by the japano-spag community upon his arrival.
Do I gotta do anything to my psp for that?
I mostly use savestates in those cases on emulators honestly
I'm just playing user. Going to wear one of my plane grey ones. My clothing is really muted despite my personality. Grey tees, jeans, grey hats.
How'd you get him to do the art?
Is there any name you cant physically say?
Oh man, bubble bobble is my jam.
U gay or somthin?
I guess, but i would rather just play somthing that isnt painful to play.
Wearing a cowboy hat without cowboy boots is grounds for being called a poser faggot.
t. Texan
If you want to wear the hat, you gotta have the boots too.
Fair enough, the only thing that kept me from being a complete hermit was Hobby and the occasional Job Interveiw
But even for the Interviews those also kinda didn't help as it was mainly me spending hours driving to said interveiw and getting asked questions for 15 minutes or working for 8 hours and that's it
Was fun as hell going place to place, and am pretty excited to go to this city for a convention and I've planned my self a really big drive once Christmas Holidays come They last a couple weeks at my work
I don't fight with my family too often but yeah its nice not dealing with them during the night.
Whats your conflicts about?
Theres nothing more fulfilling than beating an old NES game when it comes to gaming in my opinion.
Fucking dorals. My grandpa smoked those.
Started gaining control. Stupided hard and lost control all over again. Just fuck my shit up.
Donkey Kong.
When you may have to hack it if you can't find an unsigned genesis emulator
I know of a good unsigned GB emulator at the very least
But really you should of hacked it a long time ago and doing so is easy and safe
daggermag.com if you're interested
His day job is doing gallery art so he does it wether I need it or not
my first highschool gf smoked american spirits in the yellow pack and like her hair and clothes just stank so now when I smell those spirits I get a really sad boner
also don't be gay and tuck pants into boots. you only do that if you want somewhere to stick a goat's back legs while you fuck it
Gotta get me some boots, then.
It has to play well though. Bubble bobble and arcade games in general are good on the nes. Platformers are iffy.
How bad was it fam?
Tell us the tales of how you gained and lost control user
Does it cost money to do it?
That's most guys tbh, i'm the same way. Black would be my favorite color if it weren't a gradient. Or grey. You should consider the cowboy hat. Get those westaboo girls
I dunno. Maybe i've never seen the word? If I knew of the word I couldn't say i'd already know I couldn't say it, but since I don't know of any words I cannot say, I can only guess that there might be a word I cannot say.
That's stupid. I get nostalgic of moments between family members and memories of fun times or meals. Not cigarettes of all things. I'm probably off on that though. I'm the only person i've ever met who gets headaches from smelling the damn things.
I made the Angel/Demon card.
Please no bully.
Finally got a job. Got caught drinking at work. Have a job no longer.
Cigarettes are some of the grossest things you could smoke. Stoner girls are usually better kept and smell nicer than tobacco smokers, which says something to me
Once I get some converter cables for my NES I will be a very happy girl
Conflicts usually happen with my mother, she's a very rude and abusive person when she's even mildly angry, and literally the drop of a hat or other object will send her into a cunty spiral.
Come on user
Sounds to me like hes taking control of your project. Watch out user
The website is kinda sparse tbh
Fuck no unless if you count the money for bandwith
The whole "tucking your pants into boots thing" gets a pass if you actually work with animals or in the mud or some shit like that. Same with spurs, you have to actually ride horses otherwise you'll look like a lil bitch.
Going to bed.
Thats like 10-15 games out of the entire library of platformers.
They cost quite a bit fam.
I used to wear black shirts when I was a teen but grey is more comfy especially in the sun.
Whats convoke and delve do?
Did you like the job? Are you just NEET again?
God I hated living with my ex and her mom who was like that. I can see why you day sleep.
Not even sure if I have to way to plug my card into my computer now.
Cya user, I'll bully you more about it tomorrow
It's like smelling a home cooked meal you had as a kid, or a freshly cut lawn on a summer day. Takes a nigga back, nawmsaiyan?
Your card?
No you just plug your psp in, if you have a PS3 remote Charger than you can do this
What kind of job was it? Hopefully not an ambulance driver or some shit.
Convoke (Your creatures can help cast this spell. Each creature you tap while casting this spell pays for {1} or one mana of that creature's color.)
Delve (Each card you exile from your graveyard while casting this spell pays for {1}.)
what was the job, user?
I'll keep my eyes out, ritsu
the website is done in issues like the print book. new digital issue is much bigger since it's not just two guys writing it
what's your hobby that allows you to meet folks? I like games and working out so everything i do is at home now. even new stuff i'm working in like gunpla and drawing doesn't put new people around me
Sleep fluid, druid.
I don't see why you would want to be intoxicated on the job
I enjoy abusing drugs and alcohol, but I also enjoy being good at my job
I just have to keep my shit together until next September and I'll be off to uni and staying in the dorms
Shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiet. What else?
So is angel/demon going to be about summoning out big shit or something?
Did you ever get more scans yet?
Thats a really long way off.
What you going to uni for?
Yeah they are. Cigarette girls are usually the types with daddy issues as well in my experience. If she's a smoker and has tats, she's probably got serious daddy issues and pretty messy in my experience.
So fucking OP. Entire decks would be made around it alone.
No. Freshly cut lawns smell gross, home cooked meal is nice, but cigarettes just smell disgusting. I'm afraid I can't agree with you on the cigarettes, though I can meet you halfway on the grass, as plenty of people love the smell of grass.
So were the first two editions made in Jan and March or something and this is no 3
Angels and Demons are the archetype creatures of their colors, and the issue with these tribes is the fact that they cost too much mana. This is pretty much a direct way to address that issue.
That's the point.
If all 5 of his decks are equal levels of OP then its kinda fun at least.
I'd put some kind of big monster that they could help summon using the whole mana aspect of them. Plus I just love really huge expensive hard to summon shit.
Had I not fucked up bad in high school it would have been sooner.
I'm looking at either major in compsci w/ minor in mathematics, or comp engineering. Both are interesting in their own rights, but I'm leaning more towards the compsci option, but I really don't want to end up writing C# as a career, I fucking hate C#
Drinking girls are great, stoner girls are fine as long as they aren't dirty
Stoner boys are a different story though
It's subjective nigga, if you associate cigarettes with positive childhood memories then you're going to feel nostalgic about it. A childhood rape victim isn't going to feel oh so great when they smell the reek of cum, fambalamadingdongdoodilydoodingdongdoodilydoodilydoo.
all girls i "dated" (never official) smoked. unfortunately i have a slight fetish for it that i'm trying to batter out of my system. The girl with excessive tattoos and smoker was indeed the most insane of the bunch, literally told her to never speak to me again
last girl i tried to be romantic with was the worst though, smoked but no tats (i don't mind a little bit of tat mind you) but despite never wronging me or anything just fucking vanished one day and never spoke to me or anyone in my social circle again
girls in suits are C U T E
I'll do some soon I'm just in bed and don't wanna waddle to the scanner
yeah 3 is upcoming and is like 3x the size. when it goes online the print will be officially "out." you can see the layouts (no final text) here:
the print ones have their own numbering which is kinda gay tbh
if that was true wouldn't gay men hate cum?
Download the shit needed to hack it and then put the emulators in the GAME folder in your PSP with ROMs
There are guides on the internet that are easy to follow
At least with computer shit you could have some neat hobbies and even make a game
I know how it feels for the smoking girl fetish fam
So many good memories of fucking highschool girls who smelled like cigarettes and perfume to cover it up.
Go on a diet!
Looks like the shit is already up
And theres 0 risk of exploding my psp right?
How well do the emulators run? Especially NES
If it can't be played in modern decks then it needs to go and stay go.
Except they'd all then be banned with how ban happy they've been nowadays.
Drinking girls are shit. Most are literal skanks. Worst i've met actually fucked a guy rather than pay the 20 dollars cab fare. Some immigrant taxi driver.
. . . . . .are you implying I don't like the smell of cigarettes because I was raped while smelling one? Because I grew up with cigarettes too, but I still hate em, even though they were always around since all my family smoked. They just smell gross
Why'd she just vanish? Were you close? And that was the smart decision on the insane one. I still have a crazy ex who messages me now and again trying to start up conversations.
Shame I don't have much
It's not rape if you like it.
No, but it payed money.
Nah, I'm not that dumb.
I was a cook at a kinda secure-ish government place.
Yeah, but a small amount improves performance for me.
I currently make shitty games, and try to take part with /agdg/, but I'm not a great programmer.
CompEngi is cool because you get to do electrical physics and breadboarding with stuff, and program things with a few of the standardized scripting languages
My only fear is that I'll be too stupid to ever get a job doing stuff like that though, and my heart lies closer to vidya gaems
You sorta have a point I guess, I think more of some girls I've known before who were drinkers. I think you're just thinking of shit women though, usually shitty women also drink
Thats kinda silly considering these are fan made decks for fun.
Here's another.
I'm saying you don't get nostalgic because you don't like the smell of cigarettes. If you did, you'd get nostalgic about it every now and then if you smell the same brand. Otherwise you'd just get grossed out if you didn't like the smell of cigarettes.
Well now you are NEET with some money in the bank right? Thats always the best. Plus you can find a better job you like a little more.
What kind of games you make?
What the hell is breadboarding?
What's the point of making a deck if you're not planning to actually use it?
Also they're made for Commander.
I'm just happy there are other Magic faggots on Holla Forums.
Well not quite 0 but it's like a 0.000001% chance of going wrong if you don't mess up which you only will if you go out of your way to fuck shit up, and emulators run great as does NES
Well the worst that's happened is that now you can't use that place as a reference, not too big of a deal tbh.
its the act of smoking that allured(s) me so much, there were many brands i disliked the smell of even when i still smoked, but something about sharing a last cigarette and drink with some one at the end of the night was always pleasant
never found out, wouldn't answer any messages or calls and i gave up after awhile. we were becoming close and she had said she loved me too. honestly its been like 3 years but for some one i was on such good terms with to vanish cut me deep. we never fought or any of that shit and time spent together was usually really nice
So do you smoke cigarettes because they remind you of your childhood?
that sounds like an interesting job, but shit like this happens when you work for uptight people.
any good stories?
whaddya mean?
I'd play it with him. Plus if he has any other magic buds I'm sure they'd love to too.
I'm not huge on magic actually. But I fucking love card games so I'll talk about any of them.
Can it do ps1? Does psp even have enough buttons
Not smoking though so I can't shitpost with that
Did you say I love you back?
Do you actually know how to play Magic:The Gathering?
Why must there always be a cigarette?
I always liked at work getting to smoke on break with other coworkers. Felt like you learned more in those 10 mins about them than you did of weeks of work.
lol nigga I can't remember shit
Magic is so fucking simple that its hard not to know how. I haven't played in almost a decade but I'm sure after a single game I'd remember all of it.
Fuck if I know tbh
I don't smoke, but I'm pretty sure more than half my coworkers are smokers. Some of them aren't even 30 years old and already have kids.
But then how can you be nostalgic if you can't remember? I don't understand.
What's the upkeep phase?
Maybe you just love them a lot?
course, part of me still does because she never did me wrong up till that point. Every once and awhile i look her up on facebook and last time i did her profile picture was with some fat cunt so i try not to dwell on it
I try to make comfy games, or things reminiscent of SNES era games since 2D and pixel art is all I'm good at. I grew up playing a lot of games on N64 and Gamecube, so I try to think back to the games I'm most nostalgic to for guidance in how I want my games to be. I know others who take a similar approach there as well, it's probably most of /agdg/s inspiration really.
It's setting up electrical circuits to stuff. Breadboards are soderless, meaning you can freely insert and remove resistors to work with multiple different projects. Arduino's and raspberry Pis are common in breadboarding projects, but ardiuno's are shit for being locked off
Don't ever start smoking user
Where you untap everything probably
Neither do I honestly. I never bother questioning these kinds of things
Smoking is pretty great ngl
Do you work in a restaurant?
Post your pixel art!
I've always wished I could arduino kinda shit. Would love to make little gadgets
nope. call center. It's basically tech support for a phone company.
Who knows then, I sure as hell don't understand women. Maybe she just likes fat dudes or had low self esteem.
close enough. You're sorta ready. You go teach him whos the champ.
Have you tried meditating to help remember your childhood? Just to take 15 minutes a day to relax and meditate on your life to jog your memories? Maybe try lucid dreaming?
No wonder they all smoke, they must always be high strung from dealing with so many assholes over the phone.
Why on Earth would I want to remember my childhood?
Eh, I've got a little bit of money that I was saving up to unfuck my shit but it's not as much as I wanted because "lolbills" and "lolmaterialvices". Hopefully it'll be enough.
Yeah, being in referee hell is a pain in the ass though.
Nah. I wasn't there long and not much interesting happened.
Dude, what if she was murdered? Did you or the cops investigate?
Just lie about your references, seems to work for everyone else.
The cream will rise to the top, ooh yeah. Ritsu Madness, yeah has got more to offer than that user thinks that I got yeah and let me tell you something right now, cards stacked against the Ritsu yeah, let me say it out loud and let me point to the 4AM thread, Ritsu is not happy with your decision, yeah. I am the cream in the thread and there is no doubt about it, yeah, you user you know that I'm the cream of the crop!
This was a walk cycle from one of my more recent games. It was for a ludum dare attempt that didn't get completed, because my idea was to similar to another game that involved being a NEET and dreams n shit.
After finishing it I saw the sprite looked similar to araragi.
The thing around the head was a background I was using with palette colours I neglected to erase.
Works for me, usually they only go for references if they're having a tough time between you and another person
Yes but requires eBoots to do so, which you can download or convert, doesn't require separate software at all
when you're in japan you should bring this fierce spirit to bear on poor jap yu-gi-oh players.
she's still alive, i mentioned i'd look at her facebook sometimes. I'd probably be over it if i knew whether or not it was something i did wrong. I tried to ask if that was the case but again no reply was ever given
meant to reply to
Sorry you didn't get your (You)
You must understand the past, to navigate the future to the best of your abilities. You can't win in life if you don't understand yourself or your roots. Probably
When can I expect to be able to buy your platinum album?
So you don't have a high school teacher to be your referee
What do you need to unfuck user?
Make a waifu sim and I'll buy 20
Whats an eboot?
Shiiiiiiiet I'll dig out my old deck
Thanks user
I've been doing fine so far.
An eBoot is format that the PSP uses to play PS1 games
lol ur gay
I'm going to bed. Maybe I'll try out and see if anything changes.
I never played yu-gi-oh? What's it like in comparison to magic?
shiiiiiet monica workin on it
Ohhh weird.
Cya user
No u
Don't know if my art is up to snuff for something like that
Furthermore I want to stay focused on my current project. I'm quick to jump ship when things get hard and go to something else, and I want to stop doing that
Sleep cozy, bro-zy
you wouldn't so happen to have found a .zip called "SMOKAN" a long time ago would you? i have that same image with that same filename from a zip of that name i got from oldchan yers ago
Modern yugioh is about 100x faster than magic. Is focused a whole lot more on the effects of cards. And is a whole lot of bullshit. Avoid the meta game at all costs.
Its really fun if you get some buddies to play using gimmicky pet decks and stuff though.
I mostly like it because I love combos and coming up with unique card interacts. And yugioh has an insane amount of room for that with how complex the effects can be.
Whats the current project?
What if an imposter got her? Or maybe even a skinwalker.
I've been out of HS for a long time and most of the teachers I was on good terms with have left.
A vehicle. That's what was good about the last job: Unlike most places they didn't demand either a vehicle or a mountain of diplomas for non-adolescents.
I believe in you ritsu-sempai. Your rap skills will be world known!
In what areas though?
What's your current project?
that would be more exciting than what's more likely to be the case regarding her, probably just went back to an ex or found a new guy and jumped ship
'fraid not, I just saw it posted somewhere, probably this thread some time ago, and saved it.
You can get cheapy motorcycles for less than a grand that run just fine user
Don't tell dmx
Why didn't you ask teachers to be your refs when in HS
have a good sleep user! good luck
that makes sense. sounds fun. I liked the show it was so weird man with like the gay anime man with a magic egypt eye
Everything I guess
I wont!
Then why do you sound so sad?
It can be pretty damn fun with the right people.
The show is comfy as fuck but the first big chunk of it doesn't follow the rules at all.
What kinds of deck do you play in magic usually?
Are you that old furry kiwi from last year?
funny coincidence then
Fuck if I know
It might've just been you a few months ago and you just forgot about it. Or maybe it was from just somewhere else on the site.
I don't play magic much but I have a few friends who do and sometimes we play on cockatrice etc. I like tricky decks with rare win conditions but I'm not good enough to pull them off usually
i still have the folder funny enough, it was just a bunch of smoking images from pixiv and stuff, never fully organized it
I don't blame you, organizing folders and shit is a pain in the ass.
Naw. We were really good friends though, until he drank the socjus. Or maybe it was advanced aus shitposting. I dunno.
Are you sad?
man i i've really messed up my sleep schedule this time
Ahhh yeah thats the kind of decks I'd do in magic too. I had this fun red/blue deck in vintage that would try to summon out big stuff using weird gimmicks the whole time.
Then who are you?
You've lost control user
In for a penny, in for a pound. Might as well stay up the rest of the day to fix your sleep cycle. Or just turn your computer off right now and go to bed and wake up at a sensible time, even if you end up undersleeping.
I dunno, it still sounds like a pretty weird thing to do to a lover.
Yeah, if I'm lucky enough and clever enough it should work out.
I didn't think to.
A simRPG akin to the candy store girl from non non biyori
It's been 3 years and I've still been unable to come up with a suitable mechanic for how you sell candy though…
Most everything else has been designed, though of, and detailed in the design document though, so thats good
Lucky and clever for what?
Post the cute girl
And isn't that almost just recettear
Right I forgot to mention 2 things
I'm anonymous. It's nice to meet you!
That's good! I guess i was wrong. I just got sad vibes from you.
Nice! It sounds like it could be pretty cool. There aren't enough nippon simrpg games, especially of schoolgirls anymore.
Is vintage a term for the early decks? I was a fiend for ice age through like tempest but unglued was my real jam I had almost a complete set
might just try going all day but knowing me i'll try to take a "nap' at a silly time and ruin it
i don't wanna go to sleep when i'm in a half decent mood and playing games ya know
guess she never meant it?
I'm fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiine, but thanks for the concern user. I really appreciate it.
I meant to ask the guy posting apple eating wolf anyway
IIRC vintage is no restrictions based on sets
Try taking a 90 minute nap if you absolutely have to, that should be enough to help with the sleep deprivation. Helps if you have some coffee or something like that ready for you when you wake up.
I imagined it less story based, more of an animal crossing scenario:
Move to town, take over your grandparents candy shop, grow it over time and also talk to townsfolk and help them with stuff
Never played recettear to be honest, not really as interested in it as I used to be.
Not sure exactly what you mean by this
Lucky to find a second hand one at a good price, clever enough to jew the price down without getting jewed.
I'd say that's the only non-spooky explanation besides you spooking her.
That's good, I was a bit worried.
It's a foxgirl. A kemonomimi.
okay been fun but time for sleep.
I'll post scans of some comics from the magazine one of these days
Try it out. Its another "girl forced to maintain a store" game. Plus its really good.
Post the pixel art of the shopkeep
Ahhh yeah. Just get a beat up start 250cc ones. People buy em, ride em for a year, sell em. They always cheap
I don't know furry shit montana
Cya user
Gonna clock out myself, see you guys around. Everybody take care.
What did you mean to ask?
I'm not paying great attention
I'm good. I'd like to keep as much as I can about it under wraps until I have an actual playable build of the game. I want to avoid gaining social gratification for something before it's done, that's another trap I fall into very often. I promise to post here when it's ready though
I might as well dip and make some coffee. Have a nice sunday fags.
Nite user.
Well, now you know something new!
Bye smoker-dude.
Goodnight, niggers.
saying "i love you' to some one even though you don't mean it is kinda horrifying in its own right
Are you the kiwi guy from last year?
Ahhh hope so user, don't forget us when you are famous
Cya too user
Nope, first time consistently posting in one of these threads. Definitely not a furry, and from what I understand, Horo does NOT constitute furry, nor does mild anthro.
I'm also a leaf
I have a lot of things to say about that
I'm not really up to upset people though
Oh well you seem nice user, hope you stick around.
We get a lot of canadians in 4am for whatever reason. Guess it makes sense for most of the to be out of control though considering well, you know canada and all.
I just wanted more diverse answers. Whats your second favorite one?
I wonder why…
It's not technically 4am for me since I'm west coast, so maybe you get a lot of leafs from hongcouver
a little less hard, OP was probably a meme
They are kinda all over really. Didn't know you guys even lived in the west side of your country honestly.
Most of our population lives really close to the boarder, because cold n shiet
BC is well populated, everything in-between it and Ontario can be considered empty. Despite lower numbers BC is the best province because west coast best coast
I'll take my comfy mountains here over either coast.
Gonna bounce and play games. Cya next time user
My ex roomate is a degenerate race mixer who probably cheated on her bf and I only work 3 days next week
I though it was only better than Quebec
Have fun
Two of those things is degenerate, the other isn't….
Also objectively better than every province and territory (conditionally excluding Ontario) because every other province is empty, small, or a shithole. Reason I say BC is better than Ontario is because it's touching an ocean, and isn't vast majority catholic
In BC you don't do 20 years for getting caught with weed
Nothing wrong with that especially seeing as Vancouver is under Chinese Occupation
Once the housing market crashes the homes they're buying up will become worthless and they will have lost a lot of money
It's not like they'll ever actually move here to live in those homes anyways.
Doesn't change that the country is always better than the city especially in the age of the internet
This post didn't make sense to me.
If you're saying hongcouver sucks though, I agree. That's why you move to some smol town with
That's just picking on semantics, you get my point
When are you going back