Is this style of fighting game still made? eg. Streets of Rage, Double Dragon, Final Fight
Walk around exotic locales and beat everything up.
Is this style of fighting game still made? eg. Streets of Rage, Double Dragon, Final Fight
Walk around exotic locales and beat everything up.
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Mother Russia Bleeds is the most recent beat 'em up I can think of, but it wasn't very good.
Paprium, formerly known as Project Y is due for release in a few weeks for the Sega Genesis. It looks pricy on Watermelon Games' site, though.
I doubt it's worth anything. There are very few games that I've regret actually buying when on sale for cheap, but that is definitely the one I regret the most. It doesn't even run full speed. The battles are slow. It's chock full of memes. If they can't do an RPG, I'm not surprised if they can't do a beat em up either. The $70 is also nuts but it is on a cart for Genesis, so I'm not surprised they charged that much. Unholy Knight was like $50 on release, though now it's $35 on Amazon.
It wasn't? Are there any other recent beat-'em-ups I can try?
Vanillaware seems to be one of the only AA companies who still make 2D Beat Em Ups. They're making a mecha game at the moment. There was that Millia Wars DX eroge which was a beat em up. Though it was a shoot em up if you played as the Metal Slug character. Though it is a vore game just to warn you.
I guess Dragon's Crown counts as a beat'em up…
If you've played one you've played them all, the only difference is the graphical style and music.
Fuck Anamanaguchi
Aztez deserves some more recognition.
That precise style of game has pretty much faded over in favor of the general action platformer genre. I think of it as a natural evolution more than a disappearance.
I still play this shit
part 2
What about 3D beat em ups?
Like Mario?
Shank 2 was okay
Yakuza is good
This is still alive.
Barely. The people in charge seem to have lost their minds too.
Well, there's River City Ransom Underground, and the two new games for the series on the 3DS (Tokyo Rumble, and the Medieval themed one)
Also, you can check the OpenBOR engine forums, there's some crazy shit there, embed related
This looks nice and fun to play, gonna look into it. Thanks user.
There was a godawful "Double Dragon 4" that Arc System Works shat out a year or so back. 2D brawlers are pretty dead though. They either turned into character action, Souls clones, or Metroidvania games. I know they're basically a relic of the arcade age, but I still enjoy replaying Double Dragon or Streets of Rage once in a while.
Fei Long in a Final Fight movie? Cool
Hope beat'em ups make a return
God Hand is the only worthwhile one.
He shows it off at 0:24 but you can use the Knife in a lot of tricky ways to move around during aerial combos, and launch enemies while you're in the air. Don't know why it hasn't caught on more, it's one of the better action games I've played in the last three or four years.
Night Slashers.
It's like Streets of Rage + JoJo Part 1.
River City Randsome got remade. I haven't played it so I can't say if it's any good or not, but it's out there and might be worth a look. Came out in February, was a KikeStarter.
That's actually a sequel (sorta) to River City Ransom. They polished up the combat a bit, added some bosses that weren't just "really tough normal enemy," and gave you a lot more special moves.
Streets of Rage Remake is still the best beat em up that has been released in many years.
I wish it had online.
If you want online, try Fightcade it has quite a few good beat em ups such as Battlecircuit, Alien Vs Predator, Cadillacs and Dinosaurs…
If you want one of the best beat em ups with online and 4 players, get D&D on steam. If you're really thirsty, the newest Gauntlet may fill you in that gap but it's by no means a beat em up although close to those classics.
How is it nobody brought up Double Dragon Neon in this thread?
Is it any good?
Does Holla Forums not like Streets of Fury EX? To me it's the best beat'em up released in years yet I never see it mentioned even in fighting or beat'em up threads.
Guardians 2 is an awesome beat 'em up with combos and multiple characters
Demolish Fist is a noteworthy 3D beat 'em up
why is abigail 20 feet tall. was final fight just coping the giant goons from fist of the north star?
Looks like pure shit.
This thread can still be salvaged. Let's talk about Dragon's Crown. I made the mistake of playing Dwarf while my sister was in the room and now she's teen pregnant, so I'm trying to learn how to play literally any other character. Any anons in here know how the Fighter works, or either of the spellcasters? I generally play offline, so I'd like to avoid support-focused builds unless they're the kind that work with AI allies.
Sorceress is more support than Wizard, but her food conjuring spell is useful. Gamefaqs has a good breakdown of the skills. Are you on PS3?
I'm on PS3, though I'm not sure how current the old skill guides are–the last time I played, Elf and Amazon could stomp everything in the game without a problem, but there have been a few balance patches since then and I've heard that there were some shakeups. I'm used to spamming throws, flexes, and power smashes to get through most fights, so suddenly worrying about mana management and a lack of reliable hitstun are a jump for me.
That's intentional. The art style is a throwback to those 1990s arcade games with digitized sprites.
With default settings the game does go a bit overboard with chromatic aberration effects that I suppose try to mimic shitty arcade monitors, but these effects can be disabled in the options menu.
I love the gameplay and it has a great synth soundtrack.
Because it's not good, it's just ok with a really horrible netcode that makes it impossible to playcoop unless it's local.
It's been over a year since I played it, but here's my level 79 Sorceress:
Mental Absorb 3
Concentrate 5
Spirit Up 5
Protection 5
Gravity 3
Rock Press 7
Blizzard 5
Animate Skellington 5
Levitation 3
Create Food 5
Vitality Boost 3
Nutritionist 1
Adroit Hands 4
Evasion 1
Deep Pockets 3
This guide was outdated when I used it, but it helped me understand the skills:
Am i the only one that thinks that capcom should stop trying to make Fighting games with the Street Fighter cast and just make Beat'em ups with the cast with a more in-depth combat?
I would love to play a Beat'em up where Sakura and Karin go through the streets of some random city beating the crap out of gangsters or some shit, all the while using their signature specials, cancels and supers.
I dunno, maybe i'm a idiot, but i think it would be a cool idea.
It's alright. I'd say it's a solid sequel to RCR. My main gripes with it are the character designs for the playable characters kinda suck except for some alt-costumes and the special move list kinda goes overboard. The focus on specials doesn't detract from the classic RCR formula, and there's online co-op. Worth a pirate, or see if you can snag it on sale.
Sweet. Thanks user!
No problem! Some 'chase this person' sections can be made easier with special moves that dash forwards, like the boxer's charge. You hit those guys once and you're gold.
and remeber to clench your anus when a certain NPC mention milk bottles.
I tried to get this openbor shit to run in my PC but i couldn't and it's killing me inside
just look at vid related
this shit is THE wet dream for Beatemup player
Hot Blooded Family on the Sega Saturn/PS1. normalfags never mention it because they don't know it exists.
You are the blackest of nigs
Not many throws though. But otherwise SWEET!
I was really disappointed by Mother Russia Bleeds. It was a broken mess. Early on in the game, you need to escort an NPC to unlock a door for you. If he gets the shit kicked out of him, and you refuse to revive him, you can walk through the wall that the door is on that he has to unlock, but it doesn't move you forward. You see a little bit outside of the level as a result. A few levels on, there's a part where a guy has an AK behind a barrier and is shooting at you. If you die at this segment and continue, your character can't heal properly, and is stuck in the animation. If you die again after trying that heal animation, your character completely disappears next retry. I couldn't get passed this part because of this. Absolutely broken.
what are some beat em ups more geared towards singleplayer?
Didn't that game get delisted cause the music creator hated Gamergate?
Yes. They didn't delete the demo from my PS3.
Apparently another indie team released one for the NES called "Almost Hero".
I just replayed Golden Axe. What a great game.
It's too basic for me, even for an 80s beat-em-up.
I enjoyed Golden Axe. That music is incredible.
IIRC it was inspired by the soundtrack to Conan the Barbarian
I still have the full game on my PS3s hard drive.
When will Haggar and Zangief be in the same game?
The God of War games were sort of beat 'em ups.
more qte than i can stomach but very mindless on top of it.
Dragon's crown would be a good beat em up but the rpg shit on top of is kind of gay, lest not forget that Little Witch Academia's tie-in game is a beat em up.
It's hardly basic. The enemies are a lot more reactive than Capcoms AIs and they have interesting skills like the bullrush.
fug meant for
That looks fucking great, it's like like a 2D DMC.
That combat looks good too bad the game looks ugly as fuck.
AvP is one of my all time favorites.
I really wish I grabbed a copy of that game back in the day.
You can emulate that on your PC now through RPCS3
I played it and its shit.
Dragons Crown is defiantly a beat'em up. The only drawback is the find loot/open chest/Rune gimmick with Right joystick pointer. It just feels award and slows down the otherwise great game.
I doubt my old GTX 750 can run RPCS3 very well. I have trouble emulating many PS2 games let alone a PS3 emulator.
Actually RPCS3 isn't that heavy on GPUs for now, as long as it supports vulkan and your CPU isn't too shit (recent desktop i5) it should run acceptably and likely even fullspeed.
It's also probably one of the lighter games you can play on it.
Honestly give it a try, it's probably the only way you'll ever get to play that game again without a CFW PS3.
the GTX 750 has very lousy vulkan support unfortunately. Most games actually performs worse with Vulkan enabled. I'm afk so off the top of my head if I'm not mistaken my CPU is a AMD FX-6300 which I got for dirt cheep. I'm basically in PC limbo atm where its not so bad that I feel like dropping the money to upgrade but its not fast enough to confidently run demanding games. I am thinking about getting a GTX 1070 and just hopping my CPU doesn't cause too much bottle necking but I also sorta think I could hold out a few more years (playing some games on console if necessary) and just build a better machine from scratch. Its not that I can't afford upgrading, I'm just a cheapskate and have so many games that investing in an upgrade seems unnecessary. That said, I guess it couldn't hurt to give RPCS3 a try.
make a backup pls
I agree about the rpg cruft in Dragon's Crown. My autism meant spending 30 minutes in menus between dungeon runs. I agree with Nahil from
I'm tired of exp, level, customization, skill trees, perks, stats, loot, lore, collectables, quests, etc. I just want to shoot, slash, and dash my way to victory.
If not for the right joy stick crap, could Dragon's Crown work on an arcade stick?
Well it uses the D-pad as a item shorcut and the left and right Triggers. So I guess if it was a Arcade stick with 12 buttons. The Right Joystick crap seemed more like something that would have worked as a wii mote gimmick .
^that is off the top of my head. I can't remember all the buttons. But generally its a Classic beatem up with a few bells an whistles. Similar to Dungeons & Dragons: Shadow over Mystara.
Sengoku 3 is a great example of a game that's too fucking long for its own good. If you take your time it's like 3 hours.
This game is pretty fucking awesome, if I could manage to take it off my PS3 with the DLC and send it to you guys, I'd definitely do it just to try the multi shit.
lmao the creator of Scott Pilgay is actually even more of a pussy, wish I knew before I got really into the series. Thebestgamers managed to make him shut down his dA page because of "hateful bigot comments" and he's still butthurt no one is reading his comics anymore.
Would giving any character a full-screen attack (like a fireball) be overpowered?
I like to pick the character with superior air moves
Omae wa mo shinderu.