#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: I lived Edition



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Should be RAGE edition

first for benis

re-recording btw

Would you fuck a Gondola?


Guys, they seem to regret fucking with video games. Maybe they've learned their lesson and it's time to close the gate?


gondolas are not for sexual

Okay, let's try using that "slang" in the sentence provided.

Wow, that sentence makes no actual sense. It's almost like that wasn't intended use of the word.



Nominating investigations for building the case for a Sherman Act case against google/facebook/twatter/journos

The hysteria is real and twitter poisons the mind.


I assume this is just wishful thinking, right? I don't think I'm lucky enough for it to actually be happening.


The story until now, #TorrentialDownpour news related and not.

> NISA is trying to fuck with Ys. NISA has fucked Ys
- archive.is/X1omT
- archive.is/wiJV9
Our Holla Forums and cuckchan /g/ made a replace for nyaa after it was taken down, make sure to use it… Now Approved by Japs.


As a troll move they put the fakku doujins you have to pay for in download state.

Fakku 0001-1000: files.catbox.moe/129di9.torrent
Fakku 1001-1100: files.catbox.moe/h3l457.torrent
Fakku 1101-1200: files.catbox.moe/47batv.torrent
Fakku 1201-1300: files.catbox.moe/c9ntlr.torrent
Fakku 1301-1400: files.catbox.moe/rkuheo.txt
Fakku 1401-1500: files.catbox.moe/ce8oor.txt
Fakku 1501-1600: files.catbox.moe/nmqh3d.txt
Fakku 1601-1700: files.catbox.moe/60v3p6.txt
Fakku 1701-1800: files.catbox.moe/3ii6j8.txt

Abolishing slavery was a mistake.



It won't happen unless you make it happen
I am inexperienced with the actual legal implications and necessary prerequisites but donadaru seems willing to on some level attempt to look into using it for amazon.
Imagine what it would be if there was a valid case for FAKE NEWS

They are slang synonyms.


Who knew, right?

Fucking hell, blacks are dipshits.


We sharing music now?

>>>Holla Forums10450580

Next redpill: Gradation of words.

Shades of meaning die when terms that share core similarities, but also contain functional differences, are conflated under an umbrella term.The death of gradation leads to the death of complexity and ambiguity between words, boiling everything down into a dichotomy, thus neutering the range of expression. This kind of dichotomy is why people are eager to justify violence against their fellow citizens if they're seen as Nazis. Everyone rallying against Nazis are Not Nazis or Not Racists.

Orwell foresaw a situation like this when he described how the party erased complex, gradating words from the official lexicon, leaving Good/Ungood. Same kind of dichotomy. Will expand on this later.

Maybe they should take a trip there if they love it so much

See also: "Uncle Tom", "house nigger", "not keeping it real", and "acting white". Compare: "crab mentality", "tall poppy syndrome", and "law of jante".

Interesting, also, I like this mini chart

I don't know why anyone has faith in these cunts at this point aside from sheer willfull ignorance

yep, they are, and they get worse as we move on.
Got this from a 2pac song, instead of understanding that they kill each other like total niggers they continue to blame everything on white people.

Importing Africans at all was a (((mistake))). Slavery only delayed mechanization of agriculture which could have occurred sooner to far greater benefit than the endless centuries of welfare, reparations and anti-meritocracy quotas we get instead.

Why are mp4s from twitter videos always blank when viewed in my browser? I have to download them.

user, we'd need a Peter Thiel-like ally to make it happen. Actually, I'm kind of disappointed how he just stopped after Gawker. I guess once he felt he settled his personal score he was done.

They can't shut up about whataboutism, shut it down, the goyim know.
Even thought the antifa are at the same fucking events, its not like people are bringing them up from nowhere as a defense, they are just saying "X happened directly because of Y"..

Have we even been doing anything in Venezuela? Is this just a case of commies blaming whitey when not real communism fails?

Is this a wordfilter because I am not getting it

Actually, the mechanization of agriculture is also bad because it's being used as a substitute for low skill uneducated workers rather than a small group of high skill highly specialized workers, but the only specific boon is the Quantity of product that can be produced.
It's why people hated slavery all over again
Only now there's robots

Gab's trying to crowd fund a thing if you'd look into that

depends on what you mean by "we." Because in this thread Venezuela is a topic occasionally, there's some Twitter GG supporters in Venezuela, and it's great to through in the face of socialist/commie aGG who try to push shit elsewhere/offtopic



The theory is that the CIA created the conditions there, but I don't see how instating a communist dictator who seizes all commerce helps the United States.


fucking wikipedia again holy shit

Maybe they were just talking about the sanctions put in place? Venezuela is being fash-shamed by the world right now. Got kicked out of Mercosur due to violating human rights, etc…

Ah, got it. Thanks

Yeah, I was reading the entry. Very interesting, full of pseudo-intelectual propaganda. Almost like they are gas-lighting/mind-killing themselves with it.

Sssssh, don't wake her up, she's sleeping!

An important thing to bear in mind, whataboutism is explicitly used to excuse actions, actual 1:1 comparisons are not whataboutism.

old bread: archive.is/Sg8or

They obviously made Chavez retarded so instead of diversifying Venezuela's economy he bought everyone a microwave.Then they manipulated oil prices to fall,all too make communism look bad.

have a look at alt right some time


What do you goys think of this?

Unsurprising. Sadly.


Haven't there already been convictions related to this? On the Democrat side, naturally.


That's not fun(px) at all.

When was this article made? I also dont have a slowpoke big enough for this shit

In my country (brbr) the socialists did a similar dumbfuckery. They planned the whole economy around the future profits of a new oil source from deep ocean drilling (called pré-sal) in our state-run oil drilling company (petrobrás), planned pretty great expensive social programs around it, and even a fair amount of investment in industrial infra-structure (ports, railways, etc..) and financing for new enterprises, etc…
Then the opposition simply reported all the corruption going on at petrobrás (involving themselves along with the socialists) and crashed it with no survivors. The whole plan went to shit, and they impeached the socialist president for being financially irresponsible.
I guess they are indeed retarded.


It's right there in the article, they compared US Census data to registered voter databaes

Of coursh!

With the Not Nazi/Not Racist thing maybe respond with a question - 'What type of Not Nazi are you? Communist? Socialist? Authoritarian?' It puts them on the spot - I'm guessing they won't answer, but resort to deflection - which can also be pointed out.
dmm just thinking aloud here

All I see is time of day on top of the article and talk about data reaching up to 2015.

Trump is really not waiting to get all the details. He always jumps the gun and makes himself look like a fool. Everything that's happened in Boston is terrible. Fuck that whole thing.

we're living in a fucking Chris Farley movie

for some reason I read the post as "what is the source for the article"

Also it's likely 2015 was the latest they could get reliable data on. Why get 2016 data if it's going to be from the end of the year after the election?

I need more data. I want to know how many ghost voters were in every single state.

Let the games begin, the board war is starting again.

Articles like these are made pretty frequently, just wanted to know if it wasnt some months old article that never had a followup or reaction.

Wew, I fucked that up hard >>>/sudo/46465


By we I actually meant the US government, as Syria is clearly the US government intervening and Norks is posturing back and forth.


I wonder if Trump congratulating the counter-protester is just him trolling them.
Also Dilbert man talks about it: pscp.tv/w/1MnGnmXNXZEKO

no first for benis, therefore sage


At least he is restarting now

Election fraud is impossible and anyone who says otherwise is racist, however Russia clearly hacked the election to allow Trump to win.

It is not 3.5M more registered voters than are alive and eligible in the US. Some of the wording is very misleading. It is 3.5M more registered voters than are alive and eligible in the 462 counties which had overflow, from the 38 states for which statistics were gathered. Not all counties in those states had overflow, and not necessarily all states have overflow. The US has 3,007 counties, 64 parishes, 18 organized boroughs, 11 census areas, 41 independent cities, and the District of Columbia for a total of 3,142 counties and county-equivalents. I'm not making any specific point with this other than to read carefully, just clarifying.


I fucking miss chris farley

The original article this one was referring to was made a week ago.

LeoPirate made a few videos about GG in the early days, he just deleted all of his accounts with one anti meat and anti gay video on his channel. What the fuck happened and is there an archive of his videos.

forgot picture

It really is a shame that all the funny ones die young.

Welp, what happened here? I worry for frontliners.


it begins

Are you sure that he deleted them and that Google didn't do it?


LeoPirate was really funny, I hope he has a mirror up somewhere.
Here's your (you)




What I want to know is why are fags still linking wikipedia?

It's the file type - not all the mp4s are hosted on twatter - the file extension for some of those vids is .m3u8 - a video/audio playlist text file - the vid is streamed from somewhere else to twatter.

pic sauce?

God dammit.



Er, I meant:

what's it about

(reposting from previous thread:)

Don't forget, mayoral & city council elections are happening in a ton of major cities THIS NOVEMBER.


>Elections are being held in 59 of the 100 largest cities by population in 2017. This includes elections for 36 mayoral contests, 31 municipal officers other than mayor, 367 city council seats, and 50 special district officials. This represents an increase from 25 mayoral races and 133 city council elections in 33 of the 100 largest cities in 2016.
(not all municipal elections are in Nov mind you)

Boston election (includes mayor):

Even if a major protest hasn't happened in your city, still consider voting against the Dems here. Every Democratic mayor right now that I've found is sympathetic to 'the resistance', pro-sanctuary city, no first amendment for thee, no arresting Antifa, etc. Most mayors are the like the "chief executive" when it comes to their police departments, they have control over the entire personnel and can give standing orders.

This is all I have, there's no archive of his post yet.




Zennosuke is a true master painter. :3


It doesn't help that the life of a comedian is an utterly depressing one too. If you look at how Patrice O'Neal never wanted to be rich or famous, he kept going outside of his usual target audience and he kept trying out new material shows just how dedicated he was to his work and how bad it stung when he died.



Better luck next time, Marche.
Or not

too unfair


2 for the price of 1. :^)

Why are we posting about the attention Hungary gaems here instead of /sudo/?

Because the world is depressing right now and I need some levity.


Speaking of regrets, you know who has no regrets in all of this?

People who constantly post unarchive screencaps from clickbaity Holla Forums threads should be a bannable offense, been happening way too frequently lately.

He deleted ALL of his older videos, not just GG

No political mongering here, nosiree.

#GG generals been for site stuff, too. It's fun.
I want to advertise /8lounge/ on other, similar boards, but whenever I try to post I don't know what to say without sounding like a faggot so I close it.

I wish the normalfags would catch on to infogalactic.

As long as you aren't a fag about it, not that many people will mind advertising. I myself advertise /polarchive/ once in a while to remind Anons that it exists.

these are the white supremacists being protested

I love that a bunch of cucks are being surrounded by commies, they deserve every bit of this as its the natural conclusion of their voting practices.

So are all those dozens of other people antifa just for whatever reason spread out far away from the speaker?


Tens of thousands, allegedly. They are separated by the police to keep the Free Speech rally goers safe.

What's that word below sorrowful? I can't read it.

Holy shit, are they actually doing their jobs? I want better shots though. I want a camera man to walk around a much larger area and do more full 360 rotations.

Oh so they wanna attack the people that aren't actually against their beliefs? More cannibalization of the left? Just so fucking shocked right now.

I think it's forlorn.

So what the fuck is this again?


Some people probably didn't really show up.
But most of the action is trump supporters walking around with the protesters

Cuckservatives learning that they will never be able to cuck hard enough.

Were they misled about what the free speech rally was really about, or have the commies really won?

These people are delusional because they aren't even listening to them.
Isn't it ironic the free speech rally is, in practice, being denied a platform.

You heard it here folks, free speech is hate speech.

This is all just one laughably long shit show full of people that don't know what they're doing or what they're even there for beyond being loud in their echochamber.

Its hilarious, you have the cuckservatives having black lives matter signs to try to show how not racist they are and its still not enough.




Literally a poo in the loo senator.

We all know that a gay kike who prefers nigger dick is a nazi too somehow


Seriously Codemonkey needs to get some drawfags to draw some of these scenes.

Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai is running as a Republican for Senate. According to wikipedia:
The free speech rally is/was part of his campaign, apparently.

Tell that to the woman who was beaten down by the antifa for waving an american flag.

I'm not even american and I'm blackpilled.

He may not poo in loo but he sounds alright.


So what I gather from this latest protest is this
>A bunch all? of them are Trump supporters
>A bunch of them are left wingers too who bring Black Lives DO Matter signs
Anything I got wrong here?

The guy in that third image is outright lying about what the Boston police are saying.




Add the media fanning the flames by labeling the rally as far right. That's the reason why so many people showed up to counter protest.

But that one libshits show said there is no such thing as Alpha, so vice is a liar and fake news. :^) Also, one can infer that Vice believes That confident women are vile women who deserve to be alone.

He did not bring them, the leftists who are not alt left psychotics that do still believe in free speech did. it was a Free Speech rally, which does include even speech that you do not like.

add in


I'd like some sauce.

You mean during rally people leaving, or after? I thought they were attacking officers as the officers were escorting people out?

Sometimes there's just no stopping someone from being a fucking idiot. archive.is/8Qi9i

Kain's a hypocrite then and now. archive.is/xmerx those idiots shouting Nazis are just looking for a boogeyman.

Kain sometimes flips the coin and lands on retarded. This is one of those cases.

I'll never understand the mental gymnastics used to rationlize in these people's minds how Trump and the right are nothing but facists.

Hope she got out of there before the antifags showed up.

Literally, apparently cops reported getting rocks and piss bottles thrown at them.

inb4 broken face, and she could have just wrote "I may disagree with [insert symbols once] but I support their rights to free speech

maybe some stragglers, but the ones from the main area finished a long while ago before the heavy chimping.

Hes a dumbass, and anyone who thinks the definition of fascism is "nazi" is a moron. its actual definition if I recall pretty much encompasses most of socialism usually.

She was never seen again

As people said, they're salvaging the multiplayer and using what's left of their story DLC plans to be sold as comics and novels. archive.is/WABMH

I'll worry about the people antifas are mimicking when they actually show up, Erik.

Great. More stock that'll never be sold for the bookstores. They'll make for good kindling in the winter.

Wrong. How did you miss the #Shiva4Senate on those signs?

Rest in pieces

How do you guys keep fucking this up? The people holding black lives do matter signs were republicans thinking that'd be enough to save them from the "nazi" accusations.

I'll stop posting on Boston after this.
Source is from Breaking911 twitter

Attack the moderate left, that's a good redpill.

Pantifa just attack cops instead - not a great idea either.




She's okay, the person taking the picture should've blotted out her face though cause she's sure as shit an antifag target now.

Do we have any sources showing, without a doubt that these were normal people at the Free Speech rally? Just a collection of normalfags who support the first amendment?

>Do we have (((sources)))?
Why isn't the video good enough for you?

Why is it that anonymous fuckers on an imageboard can write up better stories and characters than these hacks?

It always bothered me.

Well I did say to correct me. I assumed any BLM shit was coming from the left, and I was wrong.

More evidence is not a bad thing user.




Fair enough.
Still, I'd like to see what would happen if people from the moderate left did hold a free speech rally.
No media coverage I guess

That "retarded" reason is that jews control every mainstream media source. You have video footage, video footage is the only semi-reliable thing, you can't trust any articles whatsoever.

Part of me almost wishes a truck of peach could've came rolling in during this crap.

Antifa would just claim it was an evil racist nazi, one hour before the incident identified as "L. Hitler."

Game companies are actually not operating at a loss, like one might think. In addition to the tax evasion over in Europe (Embed related), there's also the government incentives being handed out by the Canadian government (Which we found out a number of breads ago).

Speaking of which, does anyone have an image compiling that info about the Canadian government incentives?

Run a search for "Walsh Boston does not want you here" you'll find plenty of examples archive.is/NszD9.

good riddance

ME was a doomed franchise the moment EA took over

…meanwhile in Boston


Love you user

Get that man some Tums


Oh god, Rich is me in that clip.

Let me guess… the riots started?

>all those people scream "YEAH, WE SHOWED THOSE FUCKING RACISTS" in response to 20k Antifa and BLM people rioting over 20 white people holding "Black Lives Do Matter" signs
A reminder for anyone who hasn't read it.

Just remember to warn people about Adam's comment sections, shills, idiots, and retards keep flooding it.



Don't forget they were led by a poo in the loo. I also heard there were 100 people in the rally, but didn't see that many and don't think there were more than 40 max. 20k protesters is a large over estimate. Seemed like a few thousand at most.

I think it falls into two different categories as to why they're so shit at storytelling: a). these people think that because they work for a major company they're hot shit despite being mediocre and plot holes just open up for more plot devices in the sequel or b). the director/editor/manager doesn't want there to be anything resembling a very complex or good story, they want Good Guys vs Bad Guys so the lowest common denominator doesn't have to think too hard about it.

But what are the juggalo's doing in the top picture?

Numbers are 300 protesters because that was the limit of what they got from the City, and the counter-protesters managed to be allowed to get 30,000 idiots to chimp out and hurt each other.

This wouldn't be half as bad if the lugenpresse weren't praising the rioters for literally shutting down free speech like it was a huge heroic feat, these people are really fishing for a war.

Reminds me of Japanese.

I'd need some better camera shots of the crowds than, because from all the videos I've seen, these look like large over estimates.

Um, there can be complex stories revolving around a "Good Guy VS. Bad Guy" narrative.

If it keeps on getting more and more exaggerated we'll soon hear tales of the brave 300 Republicans who repelled the barbaric Antifa Empire's army in the Boston cliffs.

On the Holla Forums threads, there were aerial shots on the rioters, anons estimated about 1-3 hundred of free speech rallies and ten thousand or more thugs

Breitbart got the 300 estimate because they talked to the organizers and that was the amount allowed while the other side, well, more tax money and property damage made by the commies. archive.is/92RSR

What are they chanting?

Sounds like "Atlanta, Antifascista".

Which means they represent "Atlanta Antifacists"?

Supposedly there was a few carrying signs like "If you don't believe in freedom for your enemies, you don't believe in freedom at all".


I think it's Alerta Alerta Anti-Fascista


That normalfags are npc theory might not be that far off really. Oh well, i've got to go to DC next week and then I'm going back to the northern wastes, I can't stand normalfags anymore.

The Left's problem with fascists isn't that they're against freedom, it's that they have poor branding.

Okay? There's about 20 different "Atlanta"s around the country. Which one are they referring to? If they're from Atlanta GA, the most well known one, what are they doing in a city 1000 miles away? Or, are they saying "Atalanta", which is also the name of a wild-child tomboy from Greek mythology.

Respect for differing viewpoints and peaceful, reasoned discourse is a well-known hallmark of fascism.

That's a common theme with them, they bring people in from all over the country to make their crowd bigger. On the subject of Atlanta, you actually hear someone scream "I DROVE ALL THE WAY FROM ATLANTA FOR THIS, TAKE US SERIOUSLY" at that Dallas Antifa rally when a guy in a carrot suit making fun of them got warm reception from the crowd.

It was a question, not a statement about what they were saying.

Tell me more about this greek tomboy.

She ran races with guys who wanted to fuck her. When she beat them, she had them killed. She was finally defeated when some guy distracted her with a shiny golden apple.

And this being greek myth, I think they both died tragically or something.


Every time! doesn't help that a bunch of Jews were with Antifa wearing Holocaust memorabilia, really put the Bolshevik Jewish origins or Communism and Anti-fascists into the spotlight


Greeks weren't big on optimism.

In the Theogony it mentioned that the gods draw from two jars when creating newborns, one containing a mixture of fortune and misfortune and the other containing only misfortune.

Buzzwords are all they have, and they think they have something infallible if they scream it loud enough.


And that's how she became a 4-star Archer in Fate/Grand Order or the Archer of Red in Apocrypha.

Got anymore like that webm?

I guess we're on another slow spell tonight then?

Is the boston free speech rally giving anyone else serious remember the alamo vibes with how horribly outnumbered those dudes are and surrounded on all sides?

How unsurprising.

And to think, the left, black supremecists and commies are doing all this because one commie chick died because they attacked some jew who came to protest the insane commies while he was in his car, and he panicked and ran over one of them when they blockaded a road with people and cars they had no legal right to be at, and was nowhere near the parks they reserved for their protest.

No wonder the fucking mirror chose snow white instead.

Freedom had to die or be fought for someday. We've been heading towards it for a long time now with the decline of the western world to communism and marxism.

Cool shit.

I just spent $50 on the 8 good capcom games since they're like 80% off. Part of me want to refund that money since modern capcom while another part of me likes lost planet 1 2 is out of steam keys and dragons dogma


I hear alright things about Lost Planet

Well, I'm currently watching Panda lay the smackdown on a commie while cleaning out boxes of Wonder Trade trash in Pokemon Moon.


Give it time.

It kills me to see my webm spread so far and wide because I was terrible when I made it and that musical note at the start STILL bothers me. I'd remake it, but it seems pointless this late.

now we need it translated

what artist btw? there were a couple galko ones

I think it's fine the way it is.

Hold It, I am downvoting that LWND guy who is posting his doujins in the night so there are less people downvoting him.

that's a boy

Are you implying we should post something to manage that?

Time to downboat

Yes, and?

I love that all the people defending Anti-Fa use
as positive argument.

Alright, I'll try to relax.



Naturally. Though I don't think there's much else to post in terms of happenings beyond really disecting the retardedness of the left. We could always go into other subjects of philosophy and improving ourselves in a world gone mad.



Alerta = alert in spanish.

this kills the snek

I love how one of the chucklefucks spewing that shit keeps unblocking Panda to do a "and another thing" rant that's just the same bullshit he's been spewing despite everyone calling him a fucking retard.

I don't like those. Do you have any pic with girls?




Spoiler that shit you faggots.

They are already adopted. I mean she chooses one of them to hold hands with.


I do have some, what's your poison?

Redditors need to go and stay go.

Mine doesn't show any genitals though :^)

You'd know if I was a plebbitor if I had never fucking heard of her which none of them have.


Wait fuck. I thought that said "cheeky".


You ever look at actual women? Half of them look like jay leno.

You know, letting a kid all alone to grow with no parents makes you as bad as leftists, antifa and SJWs.


Pick one and only one.

Just a coincidence I assure you.

Not at all, builds character. Did you know Griffith grew up an orphan? Dude made his own kingdom.

Gilda needs protection, she wouldn't even know what to do, you fucking Antigi

Gilda is a REDDITOR. Are you seriously implying you would take a REDDITOR into your home? Do you want to deal with all their smarmy facts and normalfag trivia? And their obsession with black slang? And how they always talk about trump? Do you want to hear puns all the time!?

Oh crap I didn't noticed we were at the beginning of the thread, back to on topic stuff

The Daily Stormer found itself a new CDN and the tech press obviously didn't liked it at all. It's from a Seattle startup that probably won't live too long


Fucking gildafags are beyond reproach. Like berncucks adopting their girlfriends children.

Oh god you reminded me about the puns that would appear constantly.

I can hardly believe reddit has a bot to tell people who "the girl next to Vivian" is supposed to be.





I don't know why everyone is arguing when Danielle a best anyway

At least you didn't say Freya.

Serious question, why do people like puns?
I can't remember a single funny pun. Their quality to quantity ratio has to be the worst of any jokes seeing as I can think of a couple amusing knock knock jokes.

>He doesn't know Griffith is now the Idea of Evil's bitch
>Doesn't know chances are the Idea of Evil will force Griffith to sacrifice his kingdom

just report the gildafag

Cheap and easy 'humor' that they dont have to put any effort into. Ive noticed that reddit doesnt like putting effort into anything.

Let's hear it!

Formally recognize AntiFa as a terrorist organization



Offtopic, local Tallahassee police released files on the Finders cult.

Fuck if I know. I hate puns.

I already got an ouya, i'm not tolerating a gilda.

Im disappointed in you.

Well, simba became a badass and he was an orphan too.


Of course they don't, the entire site is based around aggregating what others have made or done.

The one I always liked as a kid was

That's pretty good.

Fuck it, let's share knock knock jokes:


Get out profligate.

>He doesn't know about The Idea of Evil.

Did…did you actually pay for it?


Yeah, that's what I thought!

She needed a good home.

I don't like griffith, he's just a good example of what an orphan can rise to. Besides, he's not as bad as people make him out to be.

So Antifa vs BLM, Holla Forums is enjoying this.

I don't know how anyone can say that sentence out loud.


user, you are the reddit.

fuck you pewter

Someone make a script, others should not have to suffer this fight.


Wasn't this made non-canon when the reprints cut this part out (not that it may or may not be true but that it apparently spoiled the entire story)?

Why are normalfags and MSM so fucking hypocritical. I knew they were bad but this whole Charlottevilles bullshit really showed just how fucked people's basic morality is. I hate talking about this shit on kikebook, so sometimes I'll talk to people about it, and they'll agree, but then they go back to spewing that bullshit online again.I agree the people at the rally were retards,but they have a RIGHT to be retards. Really sucks that Trump is the only one with a mature outlook on this and eveyone is shitting on him. Should we just not wait our breathe arguing about this because MUH NAZIS? How can we make people wake up to the MSM bullshit. But more importantly, how do we stop normalfags from being hypocrites, but ultimately that's enabling the MSM to continue to do this.

Soros is the cause of all this. If he is gone most of the problem is solved.

Because no one calls them out on their bullshit, and those who do are unpersoned out of existence.

The creator hasn't revisited it but I don't think it's been directly taken out of canon. Not like it matters in a story that'll never end.

If Soros is supposedly the big ebil kike behind all this, why do we know his name? I'd think that the real one at the top would probably be kept far away from public view.

That's not canon.

There is nothing worse than Gilda. If you were not a redditor you would know that.

Fucking Gilda.


I have a hard time believing most of this will be solved with the death of one person. Someone like him definitely has followers and cronies that would have to be dealt with too.

Scott Adams said, the MSM and Dems fed the narrative to their supporters and useful idiots, that one event in Charlottesville was the thing they needed to unleash mass hysteria and go on a censorship spree.

He'll be gone his ideas will still be there, don't think for a moment that we that asshole dead things will automatically be better.

I don't think "I took it out because it's too early in the story to reveal this part" suddenly makes it non-canon. He would have to state he intends to change it, or get to the part where he decides it's time to reveal it and do it differently.

Bag was see through you homosexual.

ur not canon

Can anyone tell me if this is a good home defense bat? All these riots are getting me paranoid. I'd feel safer knowing I have something to back me up should shit head south. Ultimately will get a handgun at the very least but not for a while.

Get one now, faggot.

Not getting one till I get some experience at a range.

Getting one first and then going to the range will save you the rental fees.


"This loss of life is a horrifying tragedy… but we need to address this as a mental health issue. America needs to have this discussion. We must do better."



Liberals blamed guns,
Gun owners blamed mental illness or something else.

If it helps at all, see about dropping by the pawn shops. They have loads of weapons there. A couple in my town even have shit dating back to WWII. Even swords!

That's media narratives for ya. Though the former is actually more like "WE NEED TO GET RID OF ALL THE GUNS NOW!" on top of that.

There's a military store right next to where I live that I've been meaning to check out. Maybe I should go browse there first.

"Mental illness" is a hoax. It doesn't exist. It never has.
Don't watch the embed if your an user who has to go to bed soon. This will make you furious.

Gilda is free, you spent real money to buy a shit console. You're double cancer.

I also bought an ouya.
it deserves the bullying

Of course she's free, she's a fucking redditor. Who would willingly pay for that? You're all pathetic enough wanting her for free at that.

Feel so bad for Ouya-tan. She got it worse than Gilda.

Not gonna act like the medical industry isn't a huge money scam in tons of ways. But mental illness exists no matter how corrupt the system is. Take the (you) and shut it.

Please do not actually buy an ouya.

I feel sorry for her. Doesn't mean I'm going to let some disease infested hobo into my home. No matter how good her head game is

What was the ouya's head game again? The Amazing Frog?

And that's on Steam now.

Why is it not recognized as one already?

Depends on what it's made out of. A good old hickory bat would be good. If you have access to a lathe I would personally go with Osage orange. What ever you do don't modify it with spikes or lead or anything unless we've reached full Mad Max 1 level of social collapse or your local prosecutor will come and personally fuck you in the ass even if you are caught in a legitimate self defense situation.

Are you fucking stupid?
Simply linking a video arguing that the DSM is flimsy doesn't mean mental illnesses don't exist. Psychiatry has a lot of issues like over-diagnosis and such. Yet schizophrenia, Alzheimers, dementia, tourettes and so on are all undeniable illnesses.


And yet here you are admitting to paying for the digital equivalent of herpes. Murder thyself redditor.

Autism, retardation, homosexuality, yes, but not in the way that they're currently classified as, which is the problem. And, a lot of it is more psychological than anything biological (Which people cannot seem to grasp no matter how much it's proven).

Those two are a brain diseases.

You first reddit. And take your retard daughter with you.

This is actually making me feel kinda bad for Ouya-chan.

Not enough to buy an Ouya, though



And schizophrenia isn't?

It's caused by (among other things) excessive dopamine levels in the brain, but it's still classified as a mental illness.

Take it from someone who bought her, she only deserves bullying and rape.

Didn't know that. So, it should be classified as a brain disease then.

Your first and only other post in this thread was about antifa.


Speaking of which, is there a way to tell if you have that? Just curious, because I'm hearing strange sounds and seem to remember things that no one else around me remembers.

That was a couple days ago. The most that's happened since then is that Laura K is now trying to get back into SocJus's good graces by virtue signaling >her ass off. Fucking cultists, man. Oh, and some Twitter chucklefuck trying to take heat off Anita by declaring it a GamerGate false flag and using my post about >her throwing TB under the bus and falsely accusing him of suing >her personally for libel as "evidence."

It's kind of hard to wiggle through grey areas when you don't legally use your name, George Soros isn't just some no named guy doing things in the background, he is really rich and can basically use proxies to do his job.

That bullshit, the only thing she can blow is a dick.
The only thing getting shot into her head is seamen.
I ran out of jokes, something about double barrel dick

And it was making that post that made me realize I was being swept up in it too.

That's the problem. I realized I just DIDN'T CARE THAT MUCH about what Kotaku or ther rest was doing right now; there were bigger things to focus on: Antifa, Trump, Bannon, Boston…

And I stopped and said… "wtf am I doing?"

Our opponents were all unified in their "Hillary's presidency is America saying NO to gamerge!" narrative, so I understood our allying with Trump. I danced and laughed with evertyone else here when he won, and posted screencaps of them wailing and crying.

But right now, I just don't care that much about the trump administration. I really don't. And I asked myself: Would I be okay with Kotaku shutting down if it meant trump got impeached?" And I thought… yes. Yes, I'd be okay with that. Because I just don't care about him that much.

And I realized I'm only aligned and supporting and cheerleading for him because our opponents are so virulantly against him. And I think that's a problem with me.

I want to dig into anti-GG again, not waste time digging into anti-Trumpers. And I honestly don't believe we can do both.

Doesn't TB hate him now too, since he convinced TB to do an interview which vilified him and he outright refuses to talk to the tranny anymore and is threatening defamation on the journalist?

We've already talked about it for several threads and decided it was best to let them eat their own while we laugh at them.

Hearing things is a part of schizophrenia, but memory issues can be any number of things.

It wasn't Dale's article that did it, some other Kotaku UK dipshit made an article about how he's a serial harasser and that they didn't need to present evidence because "that's all his timeline is." So now he's threatening to sue Kotaku UK for libel and just casually ignoring that his former friend did the same to him for "betraying" >her.


The problem is that once you start classifying all mental disease under "brain disease", the logic you use for claiming that mental illness is a hoax falls apart because the fact of biological distinction means that it is provably not a hoax.

In other words, it turns into hair-splitting over the term used instead of any meaningful objection to qualities of the disease.

Maybe extremely mild schizophrenia, but full-blown schizophrenia would usually mean you need meds to be independent. Just based off strange sounds and memories I'd guess that you're just extra susceptible to shit that's natural in the brain, like memory fabrication and amygdala fuckery.

Well, why don't you just do that then?
If you find anything cool then great and if you don't, cares? Probably about as many people as actually did anything about tree house OP.

Oh, speaking of that dipshit, someone on Twitter seems to have dug this up.
So they know she's full of shit, but they'll still throw anyone they can under the bus if she starts screeching autistically at them. Yeah, really proving your worth as journalists, guys.

The enemy of my enemy is not always my friend. I don't like real Nazis, but I'm not going to side with Antifa because Antifa is virulently against them. I'm generally neutral about Trump.
It probably is. See above.

Digging into anti-GG is digging into anti-Trump, but digging into anti-Trump is not necessarily digging into anti-GG, and also consists of a much wider pool of people.

I'm pretty sure that Trump isn't going to be impeached anyway, at least not for anything that has happened so far. The Russia thing is a joke. If they had anything they would have pounced months ago. And the "failing to denounce Nazis hard enough" thing is incredibly retarded and not impeachable anyway.

There's also the theory that it's yet another false flag to bait GG supporters so they can have more "proof" GG is the source of all evil in the games industry or something that they can use to bilk the easily fooled for patreon monies.

Let me guess, you're going to argue any mental illness that has a physical, hormonal, or neurological cause can't be classified as mental illness.
Neurological and mental disorders overlap, they're not mutually exclusive.

GG didn't do that. She was untouchable since 2012.

Yea, I figured it's possible. Not Terry A Davis levels but I don't want to be fucked up on meds for the rest of my life.

I haven't heard this theory and see nothing to support it. They've already tried to blame GG for targeted harassment because we pointed out the COIs regarding they're latest fuckup. They even used caps from this very thread, which is the millionth confirmation in a long line of them that goons sit and monitor these threads despite saying we're harmless basement dwellers and that GG is dead.

They seem to be under the impression that GamerGate existed since then.

I dont see how they are using this "failed to denounce" shit as grounds to remove a President. King Monkey didn't denounce BLM after some of their members killed those cops in Dallas, so how is this going to work? Or did they forget that already?

Because it wasn't posted here.

BLM weren't Nazis you silly misogynist goober. :^)

Yea because being a "Nazi" is so much worse, than having your members target police to be killed. Wait, I forget we are talking about leftest commie faggots, of course this make sense, somehow.

It's got to be the GG time machines again. Or careless meme magick usage to the point that it's rewriting past history.
I can't wait until Gamergate gets blamed for Atari's bankruptcy and the video game crash of the 80s, using Frogger as proof GG brought Pepe to the past.

her videos were around long before gg, and they were untouchable then.

If we dudebro nerds weren't such entitled whiny manbabies we would have bought and enjoyed E.T. for Atari and appreciated it for its deep narrative and connection to the film lore, and the crash would never have happened!

And if only us dudebro nerds rejected Doom and played more Myst, then such masterpieces like Gone Home wouldn't be panned by the community! Is that moron still on that months-long rant full of outright falsehoods about the history of gaming?

Of course he is. Mic hired him because of it. Or was it IO9?

See, this is what gets me, that guy implied that if gamers didn't "attack" Anita, then they wouldn't have taken her seriously and actually pointed our how she was full of shit. Yet dumbasses like that guy keep getting paid by them for being an "expert," even when he's proven to be a complete fraud.
But please, game journos, continue to insist that you're not a bunch of hipsters trying to take over and redefine something just because it's popular.

Should be said that the first "that guy" is referring to the Kotaku dude. But I've got another example of someone full of shit that they uplifted, even when the community pointed out how full of shit he was: Connor Kramer. Yeah, don't come to me claiming with a straight face that Anita's "harassment" is why you take her lies seriously, when that guy has been thoroughly blown the fuck out repeatedly, yet still gets a platform on your sites.

That image can easily be applied to Holla Forums.

Yet it somehow fits every single pretentious fuck who thought things like Sunset were a good idea, and blamed "capitalism" for those games chore simulators failing.

Ok, just woke up this morning and once again I'm upset.

Why is Trump following their narrative once again?

Gamergate wasn't called gamergate back then. It was simply "gamers have zero respect for and mock gaming journalism."

But all those targets were male, so literally no one cared. Once a "Proud Voice of Feminism" became a target for jeers, that's when shit hit the fan. because HOW DARE YOU?!

Good afternoon fags.

Got no internet for 2 days because of the retarded competitor of our ISP cut down our line. Now I'm back!


Please don't make me feel bad for a a smartphone console

Him AND the Rothchilds.


Good morning.

You just missed enragement over and over.

Seriously, I need some good news to cheer up.

The eclipse could be the harbinger of the apocalypse so that's something to look forward too.

That's made of Plastic, I'd pass.
A cheap aluminum bat should suffice. Don't spend more than you need. They're all going to be around the "optimal" 32oz weight. Distribution varies a bit, though.

What else would you expect from them?
Hell, Sarkeesian was a thing before gamergate. Why wasn't he calling her out then?

The market is wrong about many, many things depending on how you look at it.
On most issues issues, you can cherrypick to make Holla Forums be right (or wrong) just because there's a diverse cast of characters here, many of which make damn good arguments, because when you're an user, that's all you have. Your identity means nothing.
But that's the key difference. On Holla Forums, you have arguments and actual discussion about perceived issues issues. With these people, there is the right opinion, and there's the block button. If you don't share their thoughts, no matter how ridiculous or extreme, you are wholly irrelevant to them, and they live forever closed minded.

What the fuck does this even mean? A denial of service attack is a means of preventing others from using a service by occupying said service. Are you really going to claim they are dominating the discussion by having a perfectly legitimate opinion people actually agree with?
No. Bigotry isn't violence. Bigotry, by definition, is the refusal to accept differing opinion. A bigot may be closed minded, but he does not do harm, if he is even a bigot at all. Most, I think, just don't share your beliefs.
I have met a few bigots in my life, I think we all have. I don't think they come from the far right. Because the right will talk about their perspective, and they'll ask for yours. You ask the left, and they get offended as if you should already know. If your opinion doesn't align with their worldview, they flip their shit. It makes discourse impossible.
Just take a look. These people protest free speech rallies. How can you even do that? You are exercising your legal right to demonstrate by protesting those people who are expressing support for that right.
It makes no sense, but you have to do it, because one of those people might have the wrong opinion, and if they spread their hate, there's a chance they convince you that they are right. So you have to call them names, chase them off, scare them from speaking by getting them fired - anything but hear them out.
I don't think this behavior is new, but I think I missed when it happened.
When exactly did bigot become synonymous with "conservative," rather than "somebody who is unwilling to entertain different opinions?"
The terms clearly have different connotations, and it's disingenuous to substitute one for the other. Why do we let actual bigots get away with calling others out for wrongthink?

The eclipse is tomorrow, right?

She'd love you forever, if you just helped her and cared about her, when no one else would

why are fujoshis so sneaky
always trying to get me to kiss other boys

Because they want you to fuck traps.

no I dont

Then you are the trap and they want you to get fucked.





Well "feminist frequency" does start with the word "feminist." when you think about it.

That is really indeed odd. I'm the blockbot list, then why she would unblock me all of a sudden? That's really very sneaky.

Fuck off clam
You that same Scientologist loser that keeps posting CCHR propaganda vids

*(You) are

How do they let you out of your cell to post on the Internet anyway?
I HOPE you're just a paid shill


Never heard of this site. Why they tried to tie Agents of Mayhem to the gay is beyond me.

Because gays are agents of hell

I remember this site and the writer Steve Wright, he did some good articles on reporting on GG, he's also gay and pretty much predictable he would chimp on Agents of Mayhem even for the wrong reasons.


Be warned though, he's a liberal faggot twitter.com/SWrightAU

Here they are in OpenCritic opencritic.com/outlet/424/stevivor

Connor "local Cuck" Kramer.

They don't seem to be big but these are apparently some of the upcoming Panels for Crunchyroll Expo. Of course the person who posted this provided no archives, so I would appreciate a source if someone has them.

Well fuck, those articles aren't that bad. I know it's just a throwaway line but it's weird that he let that name blindside him like that.

He's gay, and Australia did some same-sex plebiscite and the humor and some of the names in the game triggered him hard, he's still an Australian liberal, so be wary.

Bears are silly animals



Only gays have pride, shitlord!

…i-i'll stop.

CNN just committed a Freudian slip. These people are terrorist sympathizers. They should be tried for treason and have people work for CNN and their families to be exiled.

Here you go.
I think it will be bad as this year PAX east.

Pick one.

The news told me so.
Checkmate homosogynerd!

Welp. I didn't notice it had days on separate pages.
archive.is/b8Pwj - Friday
archive.is/gjty5 - Saturday
archive.is/kt7BR - Sunday>Anonymous

Is it gay to take pride in liking aras?


Jesus H Christ. So if two people say "Antifa, which is a leaderless, memberless movement, didn't cause the violence" that's enough evidence for you?

Remember how a few people saying "Gamergate, which is a leaderless, memberless movement, caused violence" was enough for all the MSM.

CNN, been looking at their past reporting at people they condemned, Tea Party were treated harshly while praising the GOP for calling them out, wonderful neutral reporting by a partisan network.


I think the worst is that they say they have "undeniable evidence" gamergate is evil but the moment you ask for those, "evidence is oppression, listen and believe".

Do they honestly read what they put out?

It was from long ago, somewhere at the first year of gg I think. Some cunt who said "facts are oppression" when presented the cold hard truth.


I'm surprised the phrase "false false equivalence" hasn't shown up more. And I'm just disappointed (but not that surprised) that the media and the Boston Mayor are not being accused for falsely equating a "free speech rally" with Nazis/KKK.


Reminds me of an article I read yesterday about how the violence of the Left is supported by Leftist institutions.

tl;dr: In order to get away with domestic terrorism you need institutional support. Leftist groups like Antifa have it in the form of the media, lawyers, and the education system. The media drums up public support and sympathy, the lawyers keep them out of jail, and the education system quietly memory holes it.

They aren't really sympathisers because sympathiser would imply that they themselves don't do anything, just passively express that they like them. What we have here is not just sympathy but support, since they are actively covering up for them by erasing information. People that haven't seen the previous version will think that the editor's note is simply a last-second comment indicating information they forgot to add to reaffirm that antifa are good guys, not that they are changing the story to erase any mention of them being bad.

The H part is shit said by Jews, don't spread that cancerous meme.

No wonder the left is a joke.

It's how they behave, they say they win, but the moment you ask why, they either cry for oppression, call you names or just block you and say "I won!!".
It's basically "I won because I said so". We're dealing with kids, and sadly, I don't have the patience of an ara to deal with this shit. Not even aras do, for that matter.


Since we are slow.

This really has be pissed. Some random dude got stabbed by an antifa agitator while getting out of his car. Had nothing to do with anything, just in the wrong place at the wrong time. Rioting violent nutjob stabs him for "looking like a nazi." People reply that they would've shot him, or fought back. Self defense, a god given right.

As if the people proclaiming self defense are the violent agitators! Are you fucking kidding me?? Yeah what a bunch of assholes, they should know to just check their fucking privilege and let themselves get killed. Also I've been seeing the last cap as an "argument" a lot on facebook lately. Anytime somebody criticize the left someone makes a comment like

Or something to that effect, or they'll try and phrase it as if the left is really just a rightwing boogeyman and they don't exist. I don't get their game. I think they might be trying to act like antifa and these rioters aren't "the left" but rather "everybody." It pisses me off either way


They lie and "Context" is just a point of view, their point of view and subjective fact, not objective fact. It's been going on for years and it took gamergate to escalate into world affairs to finally open our minds to the societal corruption, how heroes and people we look up to are cowards, and how accurate 1984, Fahrenheit 451, and Brave New World was.


Do we know why Harmful Opinions got suspended on twitter.

Me too. I really bothered me last night.

Basically said it best. There is a perception that people won't speak up and the soon police won't be there to stop them.

Hate speech for making jokes about white genocide and Islam, it's probably the latter that got him banned.

This is a parody account like the Beverly Hills Antifa, right?


He made a joke similar to the "kill all [whatever]", can't really remember what it was, and twitter treated it as a direct statement.
He's been doing that a few times in the past, and so that was enough.

yes. I think.

Err you just did.

Being a big meany

Like what the fuck even is this?? Am I taking crazy pills? Is this really happening?

war is peace, user


Someone take this, which declares supporters of the US constitution to be their enemy, and take another image which declares their intention to use violence, and show that to members of the military.



Antifa had them change it. Which speaks volumes.

I just can't believe how untouchable antifa is. This is legit terrifying to me.

That was your first mistake.

Even that anarcho-commie asshole Chomsky is calling Antifa counterproductive even though he omits Antifa's Soviet origins.

I wonder if this will become the 25,000+ deleted comments moment that mass redpills people eventually. Because as it escalates they'll be forced to crack down on their censorship much harder, and it'll definitely wake up normalfags as a result.

They fixed it.
Look at

Are there archives for both?

Give it to me straight. Can/will antifa either fuck off or be defeated? Will people become de-radicalised? Or will political extremsim become the new norm?

By having that character, who frequently believes in ridiculous crackpot conspiracy theories, act like that when she hears about Government mandated healthcare, the writers are equating people who are against Government mandated healthcare, with insane idiots.

Don't forget to vote in a few months:

Part of me wants to make a youtube video for every municipal election. Not videos designed to build an audience or be shared, just videos designed to turn up in searches that voters will be making near election day. It'd take a massive amount of time though, and I'm not sure how what kind of angle to go for.

A lot of the reason they've been able to get away with this sort of thing is support from the media and colleges. Trust in the mainstream media is circling the drain and the campuses they rampage across see applications plummet.

Leddit's normals treat /politics/ and /worldnews/ as the butt of jokes. It's well known there that they're ban-happy shitholes.

They will be defeated and the likes of them would not be roaming the streets anymore. The Founding Fathers wrote the 2nd Amendment for a reason: It's their dead-man's switch in case of rebellion like these happens.

Left is tripling down on their slogan of #Resistance and muh Racism after the Russia investigation is fuzzing out, if 2018 and 2020 elections are coming, it's gonna be crazy because they are radicalizing real hard with no message other than punch the Nazis and fuhrer Trump.

Your country's going to shit.
Soon enough, antifa will actually murder someone. Maybe several people.
The media will refuse to condemn them and even accuse innocent people of the crime gamergate will obviously be mentionned
In retaliation, actual nazis, engorged by the violence and present situation, will seek revenge and kill several people, gruesomely even
Trump, too unbalanced after losing many of his advisors, will be incapable of finding the proper words especially by using twitter to say anything, and so even more antifas will see it as another reason to be angry; and to that, add black supremacists and other organizations

People will drown in blood by 2018

How else do you think European antifa can destroy entire cities and even get paid for doing it? They are effectively a second military for the government in places like Germany

I, for one, welcome this outcome

The only way all of it is going away is if an overwhelming slice of the population starts getting really enraged and want Antifa's head. Because imagine what will happen if a 10-30k Antifa event get swarmed by 500k pissed off citizens.

I just wish that would happen.

For fuck's sake, I think I'm sick because I feel actually depressed no antifa had their teeth kicked or dead like it should be, just a landwhale who got herself on the wrong side of a car.

Yeah it's starting to worry me too. They can set cities on fire and assault people in the streets, and the cops are told to stand down and let them be while the media creates lies to make the normalfags cheer for them.

Doesn't even need to be 500k, considering the fact that burgers have guns.

Numbers are still important because as they say, the more the merrier. Seeing massive crowds going against them would inspire others to do the same. If the crowds are too small, media spins it as a fringe element and defuses any further tension.

I don't think the landwhale was antifa, user.

Reason why some of the Far Left idiots like Chomsky and those Socialists Alliance are pissed at Antifa because they might really do something stupid to piss off the side who are "Organized Military Violence" as they call it to flush them out, because they aren't Black Panthers or Weather Underground from the 70s who did thousands of bombings, kidnappings, and attempted assassinations.

Why was she on the antifa protest then?

She was likely what Yuri called a 'useful idiot'.

Wasn't the protest just people on the left demonstrating against what they thought were nazis and white supremacists ? Doesn't make them actual antifas to be fair. Antifas are the type to burn and punch; she didn't seem to be armed or even masked, did she ?

that sounds similar to the rose of Versailles plot

Paypal banned Jihad Watch

He's partly buying into the narrative that everyone at the rally was a nazi or racist. Hell, the guy that was arrested for driving the Challenger through the crowd was a literal fucking kike, Everything about the event reads like a set up.

The lead up to it, the governor, the mayor, one of whom worked for Obama's state dept, the revoked assembly permit which had to be re-instated by a federal judge, the stand down orders, the state of emergency being declared early on with order to disperse, shoving people into crowds of rabid communists, the ZERO mainstream coverage of the weapon-wielding communists, the persistent narrative that everyone who went there right of full blown communist is a NADZEE RACISS just because that jew killed one fat commie and injured others. Hell, on that note, the picture of the driver doesn't even look like him. The whole thing reeks of an excuse to crack down on any pro-white assembly as pro-white equates to a long list of hyperbolic pejoratives.


There's also all of the right-leaning people that did next to every single open carry protest since the dawn of time, who always act reactively rather than proactively. But if antifa provoke them enough then the "Molon Labe" crowd find a suitable enough reason to act. This fact is the reason why leftists tried to impose all kinds of restrictions to effectively ban gun ownership, which is an effort that antifa are just flushing down the drain by provoking war when gun ownership is at an all-time high. Extremist groups within the right were already active BEFORE antifa were doing this, provoking moderate ones is bound to create a domino effect considering the fact that a significant proportion of that peaceful crowd will only use force when the rest of the crowd does.

Considering all the abruptly increased censorship prior to the event, I saw that as a dead giveaway something was imminent and sure enough. That was an effort to try and disrupt coverage of all the events to come, and it will intensify in the coming weeks. Mediastream media is trying to regain dominance of the narrative and is likely colluding with tech companies to achieve this. (((They're))) getting so desperate that they don't care if it's blanently obvious anymore.


They can't be focused on patches. Bioware needs those resources for their next abortion.

They're really milking that fat bitch's Initial D.eath and turning her into a martyr, won't be surprising if this wasn't intended or they really took advantage with this censorship and delegitimization campaign.

The Left is getting more radical and they are cheering for removing their moderates so they can "win" against "Fascism"

>(((They're))) getting so desperate that they don't care if it's blatantly obvious anymore.
Ya don't say?

Not really more radical, just open about it now. With Trump winning they have started realising that they are losing their grip and so they are going with the way all Communist groups do when they see that they can't take over through political means. It was always the exact same people and they have always held those same views. In fact most of the antifa in question (and in this case I mean the individuals, not the organisation as a whole) have been doing the same shit long before the election, the only thing being radicalised is the orbiters around them and what the media is doing is trying to get more of them in the hopes that it gives enough support for a violent revolution.

When I saw that, I was wondering if they were trying to troll Holla Forums directly with it. Because I just don't see how else that would have been a good idea.

Attacking people for peace is like fucking for virginity :^)

I think they're trying to adapt Si vis pacem, para bellum, but don't actually understand what it's supposed to mean.

if you want peace prepare for war, it can be boiled down to strike first and you win

You quoted it wrong, it's Si vis pacem, tu fascist.

What I mean by "why do we know his name" is, why do we know he exists? Are we sure he's not just the fall guy for the bigger kikes?

Looks like people are becoming aware of Antifa. There's a lot of media apologia on the first page when you search it, but there are also articles and videos of their violence.


Good one. Also, as Tim Pool had uncovered this is coming from somewhere higher up, and the press and Hollywood are just goons.

No matter how Dobson "diversify animu" character design, he's NOTHING to the likes of Soejima nor Amano. He can eat a dick.


I don't know why everyone on tumblr draws noses the same way


Why is she saying opression is wrong instead of kill all white babies like they do irl?

Probably just a coincidence.

Akko is just stupid

Here's your (you)
tumbler nose disease. Not. Even. once.

Unrelated(?), but I found a neat webm to keep handy if a SJW wants to pulls "muh gender is a social construct"-card

There's really something going on when most liberal political comics are just smug condensation just like their pundits and comedians with no substantial solution other than the same talking points.


Akko is truly /ourcomrade/

Is the upside down american like…a thing?


Who the heck is that suppose to be?



Is this what feminists have to offer in counter to the "sexist" Japanese "animu" character design? God, I have more respect to Sonic recolors than ever before. And I say that unironically.

Yeah, those are some huge promotions

Dutch anons! Remember Power Unlimited's Nino de Vries? During the first months of GamerGate he registered gamergate.nl and put his summary of GamerGate on it. He's part of the Rami Ismail clique and acts as a gatekeeper for the media narative on gaming.
Today he has made headlines on GeenStijl after celebrating the attack on a white man because he was mistaken for a "nazi". He has immediately locked his twitter account of course.


Nice ban

Have you got that pajeet's tweets archived before he went full pussy?

I used to read that magazine a long time ago, they were politically incorrect but I guess they have become kool aid guzzlers over the years too. Sad

This raises my salary.

It's fucking hilarious just how rapidly the left is now attacking the center. Like they don't realise MOST PEOPLE are centrist and don't care for wingnut politics. The side that attacks the center is the side that will lose. See, the problem is that little issue lefties always have, being out right incapable of considering the possibility that they are wrong. As they see it, they are in the right, they are glorious heroes fighting oppression, and everyone is on their side by default. So the centrist, according to their worldview, are a small gaggle of retards that just don't know any better and don't matter. And making fun of them is cathartic for lefties, so they keep pushing this shit. They see no downside to it.

That mistake will cost them. Dearly.

Another mistake they make constantly is never acknowledging their faults. Their little comics are always framed as "I'm against hate and oppression :)" which are inherently good things, and they always frame the right as evil bugged eyed murders that want to genocide the poor poor brown people. Thing is, the centrist see their crooked bullshit too.

>muh UGH

The average person sees this shit. The average person hates this shit. If they were a majority their resist groups would be massive. Antifa would have massive marches numbering in the millions. SJWs on twitter wouldn't have almost no twitter interaction at all, outside of the handful of queen bees that whole community revolves around. They pretend their issues don't exist, block anyone that points it out, and then attack the center to make them feel better.

How fucking stupid.

No, I haven't been following him or GamerGate for a year.
I've contacted GeenStijl a couple of times before about archiving evidenve but they don't give a shit. They also didn't give a shit about GamerGate, refused to cover it and called me a basement dwelling misogynist virgin when I contacted them about in the 4chan days. The last couple of months they have had articles on Jordan Peterson and SJW-faggotry. One of their writers (Spartacus) was a heavy 4pol lurker during the elections when 4pol made all the Baudet-memes.

I read Power Unlimited from 1993-1997, they were the Jackass of the video game magazine world.

Relax, the government already knows they're the source of political violence. Sooner or later the alt left is going to cross a hard line and leave too much evidence for the media to sweep away their transgressions, and law enforcement and public opinion are going to crack down on them hard.

I think what's most terrifying about it is that they actually go and destroy lives without thinking there is consequences. They got to the point where they stab people for LOOKING LIKE nazis. Do they realize they just ask for a violent retaliation at this point? Some day, they're gonna push this shit too far, and the day after, one of them is gonna get Asanagi'd by a bunch of people they ruined. The violence is just going to get worse.

Probably a major sign that it's hitting home nowadays.


so does Holla Forums

"Have you now, or have ever been part of the Nazi Party?"

An upside down flag a sign of extreme distress. So when people like that use it in protest they're essentially saying that the country (or themselves) are in extreme distress due to the political climate. They're saying that things are incredibly fucked and they need help. AKA "Because my political worldview isn't followed 100% that means the country is on the brink of destruction"

The Germans among us must be purged for their Nazi ancestry.

Probably because they're allergic to criticism.

We did have a president that used drone strikes on US citizens. :^)

Oh damn, new art, fukken saved

Anything new from the last weeks btw?

Added triva: it's also used as a signal that's you are in need of dire help/assistance. Ships use this sort of signal to convey to other ships that something's amiss and be concerned. This can be anything from engine trouble to hostile takeover.

It helps that the US flag is asymetrical so it's more blatant when it's flown wrong.

Excuse me if I sound a little rude, but why haven't you posted an archive for either of these two links? You've done a great job with every other link you've posted, but why not these two?

So, they have "World opinion" on their side.

Could you archive that, please?

Should I also add that there are three sides to every conflict? Where there are a third of the people for it, a third of the people against it, and a third of the people neutral to it?

I'm waiting for the day where someone finally sues the news organizations for destroying their life when we're in a country were everyone is INNOCENT UNTIL PROVEN GUILTY. Also, the D'n'D histeria seems like something relevant to bring up

I'd like to know at what point this is going to end. Think we can convince these people to commit sudoku since a lot of them are white males, and that society would be for the better if they…"Demonstrated what practices white males have to go through if they want to 'wipe the slate clean'." Sort of like how the instinctual reaction to people saying "The world is overpopulated." is to tell the person to kill themselves then and be an example to the problem's solution.

Then, are these people aware they're flying a "distress signal" (Which is really ironic when you think about it)?



Well that's the point, it's a distress signal. They're saying they're in distress because of the politics. As I said

All this communist propaganda on facebook is so obvious and retarded I could almost believe it was handcrafted to make reasonable people into Nazi zealots. And the more stupid a comment is, the more it reinforces that only the complete opposite side can do anything about it.
Don't be tricked into doing anything stupid guys. Remember that the best way to get people to smell the bullshit is to show them the hypocrisies and lies of the left, preferably with side by side comparisons and shit. Don't let them derail or distract from the conversation with MUH NAZIS and shit. And if someone is too dumb to not fail for their shallow tricks, then just leave. They'll get theirs when the Left cannibalizes itself for not being progressive enough, that's the way it always goes.

McCarthy was right though. It was later found that a lot of the people that were thought to be falsely accused were actually guilty of the things he accused them of. In fact, there was a very heavy narrative within the media to criticise everything he did to even the slightest detail so that they could ruin his reputation without having to address any of the points he made.

I don't believe they will willingly fuck off and also I don't believe they can be defeated without a full blown civil war, they have too many useful idiots helping them thinking they are protecting the country from nazi death squads. I DO believe though that it will soon implode from inside out due to their disposition to attack each other and their intolerance of non radical voices.

that drop near the end is Google's algorithms kicking in

delet this

Unfortunately he was unable to catch them all.

Didn't other marxists try and get him after non-commies by making false reports?

Probably, since a lot of the prosecutions he made were based on what other Communist Party members (both whistleblowers and people that were on trial) had given him, which included not only testimony but in some cases also documentation.

Barcelona peace truck driver still at large, possibly in France.

What did Tim Pool uncover?

There are signs that Charlottesville could be a false flag.

He could've fixed that so easy its fucking pathetic.

Get a Louisville Slugger, or at least something made out of wood.

Guess who's back
>>>Holla Forums781913

He more of figured out that the censorship going on right now might be higher up the chain.

Holla Forums and the alt right hate it too.

Emperor Palpatine is behind it all

he speculated that the real reason companies are distancing themselves from questionable content is that they themselves are beholden to payment processors. you know, the same reason we dont got western porn games. most of the payment processors start denying their services if you do anything they dont like.

The sluggers seem to get really expensive. Dunno the average price of a wood bat.

So… I guess I won't see the eclipse on my country?

If any of you guys are looking for Antifa rioting footage, I RT'd a ton on my timeline:


I'll repost it in the next bread, but bare in mind this evening I'll be RTing some weeb and normalfag stuff to keep mods off my ass.

You will feel it

Don't direct link Twitter unless you want your account to get nuked. They monitor referral links



Pretty sure you'll only be able to see it in the US.

Praise Kek

And never say it is your own account, always say that it is someone else's. Unless, of course, you want goons to know what your account is so they can filter/report you.

Just remove the https:// in the start or you make that shit annoying.

yes break them but make it easier like this


Looks like Josh is desperate for shekels after socjus and some lolcows targeted kiwifarms payment processors, his family and even started a campaign to report the forum to domain registrar and cloudflare.

Anyone who trust that faggot Josh deserves to get jewed and their info released in the eventual fuckup.

I never did buy into the idea that Soros is the boogeyman responsible for everything going on, but now I'm starting to wonder.

The alternative is that they're making fun of the conjecture around Soros, but surely even antifa couldn't be stupid enough to assume a chant like that wouldn't be taken at face value.

They sure as hell are. Anything you wouldn't normally believe a rational person would think, Antifa will think.

I think a lot of Holla Forums thinks Soros has been disavowed by the (((Jewish cabal))) because he became too visible and they're basically cutting him lose.

If it at least brings some chaos I'm happy enouth.

Now excuse me if I make a question in taco.

Alguien me puede confirmar si los moros terroristas recibían una pensión o no? Porque las noticias dicen que es falso pero no me fío.

I just looked at Mr. Towel's Disqus post, and found that this could be useful.

Jerry Lewis has died


also check the comments, people are tearing the writers a new asshole for writing a mean spirited obituary

This person does know that the moment the Left abandoned the radio frequencies for television, the Right immediately came in and took over the airwaves (And, are still going strong, last I knew). While the Left does get more "publicity" from the world, the Right has more credibility with the people.


Funny how the mainstream press won't show what's in there only the hordes of brainwashed zombies they've programmed to show up and be violent.

Ok, I deleted my posts- sorry about that.

But how does saying it's someone else help?

It's still "problematic" content. Anyone GG supports must be evil.
Point is- anyone watching this thread with bad intent will probably be shitty to ANY Twitter account we post.
How do we avoid that?

Am I better off posting each tweet individually rather than my own account?
Because I'm happy to do that.

At first I was against this, but with the "they'll over-react and hit normal fags" approach- it might have a point.
Especially the Divide & Conquer mass flag (sure a human can override it, but that's time they waste and tempts them into thinking "shit, there is a lot of them, we need to cast our net wider"- I.e. make them over-react).

Please repost this in next bread. I think we need to live-up to our reputation and become annoying again.
GG and Trump have both unveiled the ugly face of these people by irritating them. So let's keep at it and push harder on the big companies into making a monumental fuck-up.

The name of Soros has been found in many of the shit we've seen during Gamergate. When something fucky happens, we sometimes find him among the (((generous philanthropes))).



Why did they put that one up in the first place? Was there a specific reason for that?

Whats with the destroying random statues lately?

Is Iconoclasm on the rise in America?

He wouldn't have the balls.

He would be a faggot anyway but at least a little less faggot than other cuck mayors.

Both wood and aluminum bats have their drawbacks:
◯wood bats can crack or shatter of it hits something harder than itself, like steel or concrete, along the wood grain.
◯aluminum bats are tougher …until you overswing and hit something harder like concrete or steel, it'll get a dent, and then the next time hit something hard, they'll fold over
◯a bouktou (sometime wrongly called a bokken by weebs and pleb martial artists) is a good alternate choice, but don't buy ones made of red oak because they shatter very easily
◯I prefer a tonfa/nightstick, as they give you more striking force than a standard bat via centrifugal force as well as more defense options, but they require more practice, and not be legal for civilian ownership in all jurisdictions (vid related)

Yeah, don't do this, because if you nail anything into the wood creates a weakpoint that makes it easier to shatter if it hits something hard …and prosecutors see this as "intent to do harm" in cases of self-defense …which is bad

Its the american version of mao's cultural revolution.

Forgot to post pic related

Antifa just wants to remove anything that goes against their backwards nonsense doctrine. Including but not limited to statues commemorating the confederacy.

How's polyurethane?

commies/free masons. You can see the sign for the masonic lodge in the background of the picture

Isn't the ouya dead yet? Next time one of you draws her, draw her dead.

Some Trump supporters were ironically (at least the ones interviewed) protesting and calling it to be taken down, in response to the charlottesville bullshit. The mayor took it seriously.

There are actually a bunch of Lenin statues and other commie stuff. This one in particular was taken as a war trophy and they were trying to make cash from it, or so they claim.

Yeah, though how much momentum it has is up in the air.

I really hope that the right doesn't just start pulling down statues too in retaliation, because that will just legitimize the practice.

The only ones I've seen are whiffle-ball bats or swing practice bats, both of which are wholey unsuitable as weapons.


we need to retake the mememagic
Memeteor optional

Could I make the prediction that WWIII won't be a nuclear war like everyone thought? Instead, it's going to be a war with sticks. Everyone has a stick. Very big sticks. And, the size of the stick won't matter because we're all beating each other with the sticks. And, the reason that we're beating each other with the sticks is because we're trying to figure out who has the best action figure.

One thing that the embedded video didn't mention is the timing when they organised the Spartacist uprising. It was less than one week after she lost the election. Kind of reminds me of a certain election where people claimed that everyone should respect the result regardless of who wins and then started flipping their shit when they lost.

Random comment I saw at Breitbart

It would be funny to watch antifa fight against Iconoclasm.It should be taken down though.

Why is there a free mason banner in the background?

It'll be funny watching these petition numbers spike over the next few weeks as antifa keeps chimping out.


I used to think the argument that nazis were socialists was fucking stupid, but the more I research it, the more it makes sense. Socialism itself used to be a macho thing, not the feel-good-lefty tumblr thing it is today. It spawned both Fascism and Nazism. The disagreements Socialists have with Nazis are pretty much down to 'who' and not 'what' or how.

She's a dragon, not your waifu.

But Hitler didn't create poverty and he removed the debt.
Of course a (((breitbart))) commentator sees natsoc as a greater evil than regular socialism.



One thing I don't understand is why eliminating religion if a good thing for control. Whole thing about religion is control over a person's life with guidelines for them to follow. Is it just because they wanna make people stupider by eliminating morals and higher thinking? Or is it something more sinister with dragging people away from God and closer to whatever demonic presence (((they))) worship?

Puts a slight smile on my face seeing the signatures rise.

I can't believe I gave $3000 to him to try and help Holla Forums.


Because most people need something like a religion in their lives or they fill that hole with feminism or some other bullshit and go to the extreme with it.

He is breaking the link on purpose, although he does use a fucking annoying way to do it petitions.whitehouse.gov/petition/formally-recognize-antifa-terrorist-organization-0

I think that the main problem commies have with religion is that it's basically an outside agency not tied to the government telling people how to live their lives. It's not exactly something they can control.

Guys, we are at war here and I think we are about to lose it. Thanks to meme magic we got Trump elected but we lost control over the normalfags. In this war normalfags are basically resources and lefties take over them. Antifa is criminal as fuck but people still side with them. Even faggots like pdp dropped us because the heat was to much. I think we need to do something or we will seriously lose this fight. Youtube already started banning right wing content for no reason and soon others will follow.


I dont think they know the difference, they hear socialism once and instantly REEE.


And that makes them bad. Religion will censor games, movies and music once they are in charge again.


No one likes a defeatist.

Makes sense. Basically boils down to them not being able to manipulate people with it without taking full control of other things first. Then they could change the whole religious climate or eliminate it altogether. Cunts.


Could be worse I've had a dream about Matt Myers breaking into my house to steal ten bucks

And literally saying "side with us, or we'll use you for target practice." Talk about having a shit PR game.

And they are winning the neutrals over when they should side with us. We reached the point where even neutrals are saying that free speech is bad.

They are the ones supporting their whole movement in fiction and no fiction like this has ever lasted. Watch Styx's latest video, he does some good comparisons for this end.

(((They)))'re eliminating religion with the intent of replacing it with the state. Worship of the state and/or leader is the actual state religion in NK, the USSR, or the PRC, rather than muh true Atheism, per se.

Go read the dystopia trilogy (Fahrenheit 451, A Brave new World, and 1984 + Animal Farm) that everyone quotes

I wish we still had olimpian gods.

So now raising your arm is literally nazism.
I have started thinking about when greeting people from a distance, I should raise my arm in a semi-roman salute.
If only I had people to greet.

That's pretty much it. They're eliminating religion so that they can have the people worship the state.

So wait, are you talking to actual people in person, or are you talking about Kikebook comments?


God, I enjoyed that movie.


Bread Title: Release Edition


How stopping making Nazi jokes is related to GG ?


that's some cringy ass shit

Anyone have a bar of soap? I think someone needs their mouth washed (And, their brain too). Honestly, I cannot take anything anyone has to say serious when they talk about "Taking a shit on X". It sounds so immature that it extremely puzzles me how people willingly follow these idiots. Follow somone who can talk shit and deliver punch, not a cowardly monkey who screams victory even when he misses a target.

Pewds only followed pic related, which I can't say is not wise and shouldn't have done by a lot of other communities.

polite sage for offtopic, even if we're at the end of the bread


Welp. Feel free to billy.

Off topic, but does anyone have
hide cerulean posts, ignore cerulean posts, do not reply to cerulean posters

Your face when you are not as cucked as Joss Whedon.

HAHA finally! The louder these motherfuckers are the more they have to hide

Sure cuck.

I like Sargon.

Please don't bully me.

I wish her well and him blacklisting and a shallow grave.

Remember that your mom might be browsing Holla Forums. Post responsibly.

Don't forget to watch his fluff face on bitchute and not youcuck.

You mean how every single major internet outlet and eceleb mysteriously starts taking down bad wrong think en masse under the justification they're Nazis? Why absolutely nothing user, you are totally not a Nazi you are Un-Nazi.

My mother is 73 years old and is watching TV right now in front of me.

And she doesn't know english.

And doesn't know how the fuck a computer works.

Nice trips, and I asume its supposed to be read as bit chute and not bitch ute.

Is this an edit or joke? Or it is serious?


Is she? For all we know, she might be a Kanameposter.




Oh, another SJW was a piece of shit, who would have guessed?

How many years do College Humor have? they founders shouldn't be in college by now if they weren't just useless cunts.

I guess they don't have comments.

I don't think so. It is already hard for her accept that my brother is gay.

A fucking Bara lover no less.

Well gee my mistake, who knew having wrong opinions could wipe out 4 years of relation like that, my mistake, I'll be a good little house nigger next time and tow the line.


>of course Joss is claiming the article is full of lies

I am so sick of these anti centrist comics. Do they seriously think no one notices the far left beating people with pipes?

Just another
level comic I guess.

What a goddamn cuck.

Have no fear. For I am here.


Post screencaps. We need memes.

What game? so I can evade it.

Is this man retarded?

I love how random artists could come up with better hairstyle options than the ones programmed into the second game? The character customization was supposed to be better, but it looks terrible.

If your house is on fire or you got attacked by a bear, you probably did do something very wrong. Bears are largely timid and a fire isn't going to start out of nowhere.

Sorry, but once they found out they had to as they aren't allowed to have friends with different opinions if they want to consider themselves true progressives.

The cerulean battle theme is great.

Happy to help.

Yes and he's also dead broke. He needs a quick way to get money or risk having to rent his boypucci so he can afford food

This is fucking retarded.

Why is gossip the ONE REASON all of these people are ruining stuff for everyone?

Great edit, needs a bankers sillouhette above the niggers.

He must be, if he thinks people who found out that he made it so every single link to posts was done through a plain text file that never deleted old and invalid links would give him more shekels to spend on Coke Zero and Xanax.

Completely serious, one thing in 1984 is that one of the things the government did to control everyone is the degradation of language. Reducing everything to merely two things "Thing" and "Not Thing" with no in between, in this case in real life it is that you're either a Nazi or you're Not Nazi or I guess White Supremacist which basically means anything that is not siding completely with no exceptions on anything with Social Justice. If you so much as advocate for free speech you're automatically labeled a White Supremacist and therefore a Nazi. By labeling everything conveniently as Nazi and the taking down of anything Nazi and a sudden change of everything from Google to Twitter having a "no hate speech allowed, no Nazis allowed" policy is 1984 style censorship.

So she's a cease-your-faggotry poster, got it. Tell her we said hi.

I should have known trusting a canadian was bad.

I like this. I'm saving it.


So, you're a cuck or you're a nazi, and if you are white or just expressed wrong opinions no matter how much you cuck yourself, you are a Nazi.

This is not going to bite them in the ass, of course not.


What mmo?

lol everybody is disavowing him right now


I'm having déjà-vu.

Guild wars 2.


But what's the main difference, user? What's the one thing we've been pointing out since day one?

So, nothing of value

I hope it gets worse for him.

Hate to break it to you, but that game was pretty pozzed.

I am aware, I bought it at a low point in my life and it helped me a lo so I have a soft spot for it.

So, can we assume Felicia Day fugged him?

Broteam's going crazy about the whedon article
I love this man

New bread when?



His laughter is probably the brightest beacon in this world right now.


It will, don't worry but we should use this opportunity to show femfreq association with him. I need you niggers to find aggros praising him back then and throwing him under the bus now (presumably)

No, thats will wheaton, semen on her face. Joss was probably turned down by scarlet though.

I'm not going to listen and believe, but it would not be surprising if Joss is super creepy.

She has the craziest eyes I've ever seen
